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      習近平重要講話(huà)雙語(yǔ)實(shí)錄:在二十國集團領(lǐng)導人第十次峰會(huì )第一階段會(huì )議上的講話(huà)

      發(fā)布時(shí)間:2015-11-19 10:50:27  | 來(lái)源:中國網(wǎng)  | 作者:  | 責任編輯:李瀟

      2015年11月15日,二十國集團領(lǐng)導人第十次峰會(huì )在土耳其安塔利亞舉行。國家主席習近平出席并發(fā)表題為《創(chuàng )新增長(cháng)路徑共享發(fā)展成果》的重要講話(huà)。這是習近平出席第一階段會(huì )議。[新華社 李學(xué)仁 攝]
      國家主席習近平2015年11月15日出席在土耳其安塔利亞舉行的二十國集團領(lǐng)導人第十次峰會(huì ),并發(fā)表題為《創(chuàng )新增長(cháng)路徑共享發(fā)展成果》的重要講話(huà)。全文如下:Chinese President Xi Jinping delivered a speech at the first session of the 10th summit of the Group of Twenty (G20) major economies in Antalya, Turkey, on Nov. 15, 2015. Following is the full text:

      創(chuàng )新增長(cháng)路徑 共享發(fā)展成果
      ——在二十國集團領(lǐng)導人第十次峰會(huì )第一階段會(huì )議上
      中華人民共和國主席 習近平

      Innovative Growth That Benefits All
      -- Remarks on the World Economy
      By H.E. Xi Jinping
      President of the People's Republic of China
      At Session I of the 10th G20 Summit
      Antalya, 15 November 2015

      President Erdogan,
      Dear Colleagues,
      很高興在安塔利亞再次同大家見(jiàn)面。首先,我謹對埃爾多安總統和土方的熱情周到接待,表示衷心的感謝。It gives me great pleasure to meet you again in Antalya. First of all, I would like to thank President Erdogan and the Turkish side for the warm hospitality.
      土耳其是古代東西方文明交匯之地。今天二十國集團領(lǐng)導人在這里齊聚一堂,共商世界經(jīng)濟發(fā)展合作大計,很有意義。二十國集團的任務(wù)是促進(jìn)世界經(jīng)濟增長(cháng)。當前形勢下,亟需我們回答兩個(gè)問(wèn)題。一是“怎么看”,要精準把脈世界經(jīng)濟形勢。二是“怎么辦”,要為促進(jìn)全球經(jīng)濟增長(cháng)和就業(yè)開(kāi)出良方。Turkey is the meeting place of the ancient Eastern and Western civilizations. Today, leaders of the G20 are gathering here to discuss important issues concerning world economic development and cooperation. Such discussion cannot be more relevant. The G20 is tasked to promote global growth. Under the current circumstances, we must answer two questions. The first is how to make an accurate assessment of the health of world economy. The second is what are the right prescriptions for boosting global growth and employment.
      一個(gè)基本判斷是,國際金融危機深層次影響還在繼續,世界經(jīng)濟仍然處在深度調整期?;仡櫳鲜兰o幾次大的全球性經(jīng)濟危機,各國應對手段的失誤通常使經(jīng)濟難以復蘇。這次國際金融危機發(fā)生以來(lái),各國分別采取一些財政貨幣措施,一定程度上起到了穩定市場(chǎng)和扭轉頹勢的作用?,F在看來(lái),這次國際金融危機復雜程度遠超以往,解決起來(lái)需要綜合施策,絕非一日之功。這就是為什么國際金融危機發(fā)生已經(jīng)7年,世界經(jīng)濟恢復仍然緩慢、增長(cháng)仍然脆弱的原因。Our basic observation is that the profound impacts of the international financial crisis are lingering, and the world economy is still in a period of deep adjustment. A review of the major global economic crises in the 20th century shows that flawed responses from countries would often make economic recovery more difficult. During the crisis this time, the countries concerned have adopted various fiscal and monetary measures, which have, to a certain extent, stabilized the market and reversed the downward trend. However, as things stand now, the current crisis is far more complex than any of the previous crises, and it cannot be fixed overnight. A multi-pronged approach is therefore required to overcome the crisis. This explains why seven years into the crisis, the world economy is still slow in recovery and weak in growth.
      中國古代先賢說(shuō):“善治病者,必醫其受病之處;善救弊者,必塞其起弊之原?!本科涓?,世界經(jīng)濟發(fā)展到今天,上一輪科技和產(chǎn)業(yè)革命所提供的動(dòng)能已經(jīng)接近尾聲,傳統經(jīng)濟體制和發(fā)展模式的潛能趨于消退。同時(shí),發(fā)展不平衡問(wèn)題遠未解決,現有經(jīng)濟治理機制和架構的缺陷逐漸顯現。這些因素導致世界經(jīng)濟整體動(dòng)力不足,有效需求不振。其表象是增長(cháng)乏力、失業(yè)率上升、債務(wù)高企、貿易和投資低迷、實(shí)體經(jīng)濟失速、金融杠桿率居高不下、國際金融和大宗商品市場(chǎng)波動(dòng)等一系列問(wèn)題。這就像一個(gè)人生了病,看起來(lái)是感冒發(fā)燒,但根子在身體機理出了問(wèn)題。As an old Chinese saying goes, "To cure a disease, one should treat its root causes; to fix a problem, one should target its source." Taking a closer look at today's world economy, we can see that the momentum generated by the last round of scientific and industrial revolution is waning and the potential for growth under the traditional economic system and model of development is diminishing. At the same time, the problem of uneven development is far from being resolved, and the inadequacies of the existing economic governance mechanism and structure have become more evident. These factors have weakened the momentum of global growth and dampened effective demand, which are manifested in sluggish growth, rising unemployment, soaring debt level, slump in trade and investment, deceleration of the real economy, excess leverage in the financial sector and turbulence in the international financial and commodities markets. Like a person who falls ill, running a fever may just be the symptoms, the root cause, however, lies with problems in the body system.
      找準了病灶,就要對癥下藥。作為國際經(jīng)濟合作主要論壇,二十國集團要確定目標、指明方向、發(fā)揮領(lǐng)導力。我們既要治標以求眼下穩增長(cháng),又要治本以謀長(cháng)遠添動(dòng)力;既要落實(shí)好以往成果,又要凝聚新的共識;既要采取國內措施、做好自己的事,又要精誠合作、共同應對挑戰。為此,我愿提出以下建議。Once the root cause is located, targeted medicine must be prescribed. As the premier forum for international economic cooperation, the G20 should identify its goal, set the direction and exercise leadership. We should not only address the immediate challenge by stabilizing growth, but also tackle the root cause by gathering momentum for long-term development. We should implement the outcomes of previous summits and strive to forge new consensus. We should manage our own affairs well by taking effective measures at home, and respond to the challenges together through closer cooperation. In this connection, I wish to make the following proposals.
      第一,加強宏觀(guān)經(jīng)濟政策溝通和協(xié)調,形成政策和行動(dòng)合力?!肮屡e者難起,眾行者易趨?!苯陙?lái)世界經(jīng)濟增長(cháng)的歷程一再表明,在經(jīng)濟全球化時(shí)代,沒(méi)有哪一個(gè)國家可以獨善其身,協(xié)調合作是我們的必然選擇。二十國集團成員塊頭大,占全球經(jīng)濟總量80%以上,對世界經(jīng)濟增長(cháng)的責任也就更大,理應也能夠有所作為。First, strengthen macroeconomic policy communication and coordination, and form synergy between our policies and actions. We have an old Chinese saying, "The going is difficult when doing it alone; the going becomes easier when doing it with many others." The trend of the world economy in recent years shows that in the age of economic globalization, no country can prosper in isolation. Coordination and cooperation is the only viable choice. Members of the G20 are all major economies. Together, we represent over 80% of the global economy, and naturally carry greater responsibilities for global growth. Therefore, we must and, in fact, can be more proactive in our actions.
      我們應該根據各自國情采取必要的財政和貨幣政策,促進(jìn)全球經(jīng)濟增長(cháng),維護國際市場(chǎng)穩定。主要發(fā)達經(jīng)濟體要努力鞏固和擴大復蘇勢頭。新興市場(chǎng)國家和發(fā)展中國家則要努力克服下行風(fēng)險和壓力,保持和恢復增長(cháng)。在這一過(guò)程中,各方應該特別注意加強彼此政策的溝通和協(xié)調,防止負面外溢效應。在世界經(jīng)濟中舉足輕重的大國,則更需要在制定宏觀(guān)經(jīng)濟政策時(shí)充分考慮對他國的影響,提高透明度。中國將繼續作出自己的努力。We should take necessary fiscal and monetary policies in line with our respective national conditions to drive global growth and maintain market stability in the world. Major developed economies should consolidate and strengthen the momentum of recovery, while emerging markets and developing countries should overcome downward risks and pressure to keep growth on track. In this process, the parties should pay particular attention to the communication and coordination of their respective policies in order to avoid negative spillovers. For major countries who carry significant weight in the world economy, it is all the more necessary for them to take into full consideration the impact of their macroeconomic policies on others and increase the transparency of their policy-making process. China will continue to make its own efforts toward this end.
      第二,推動(dòng)改革創(chuàng )新,增強世界經(jīng)濟中長(cháng)期增長(cháng)潛力。世界經(jīng)濟長(cháng)遠發(fā)展的動(dòng)力源自創(chuàng )新??偨Y歷史經(jīng)驗,我們會(huì )發(fā)現,體制機制變革釋放出的活力和創(chuàng )造力,科技進(jìn)步造就的新產(chǎn)業(yè)和新產(chǎn)品,是歷次重大危機后世界經(jīng)濟走出困境、實(shí)現復蘇的根本。Second, promote reform and innovation, and boost the medium- and long-term growth potential of the world economy. Innovation provides the driving force for long-term global growth. A review of historical experience shows that the dynamism and creativity unleashed through institutional reform and the new industries and products enabled by the advances in science and technology have been essential for the world economy to turn the corner and recover from previous major crises.
      無(wú)論是在國內同中國企業(yè)家交流,還是訪(fǎng)問(wèn)不同國家,我都有一個(gè)強烈感受,那就是新一輪科技和產(chǎn)業(yè)革命正在創(chuàng )造歷史性機遇,催生互聯(lián)網(wǎng)+、分享經(jīng)濟、3D打印、智能制造等新理念、新業(yè)態(tài),其中蘊含著(zhù)巨大商機,正在創(chuàng )造巨大需求,用新技術(shù)改造傳統產(chǎn)業(yè)的潛力也是巨大的。我們應該抓住機遇,把推動(dòng)創(chuàng )新驅動(dòng)和打造新增長(cháng)源作為二十國集團新的合作重點(diǎn),重視供給端和需求端協(xié)同發(fā)力,加快新舊增長(cháng)動(dòng)力轉換,共同創(chuàng )造新的有效和可持續的全球需求,引領(lǐng)世界經(jīng)濟發(fā)展方向。One strong impression I have got from meetings with Chinese entrepreneurs back at home and during my visits to foreign countries is that the new round of scientific and industrial revolution is creating historic opportunities. New ideas and new business forms such as Internet+, sharing economy, 3D printing and smart manufacturing are generating enormous business opportunities and demand. There is also huge potential in upgrading traditional industries with new technologies. We should seize the opportunities, and make innovation-driven development and cultivation of new growth points the new priorities of G20 cooperation. We should make greater efforts on both supply and demand sides, accelerate the transition from old to new drivers of growth, work together to create new, effective and sustainable global demand, and set the direction for world economic growth.
      第三,構建開(kāi)放型世界經(jīng)濟,激發(fā)國際貿易和投資活力。國際貿易增速連續3年低于世界經(jīng)濟增速,2014年全球外國直接投資下降8%。這值得我們高度關(guān)注。我們把世界經(jīng)濟比作人的肌體,那么貿易和投資就是血液。如果氣滯血瘀,難暢其流,世界經(jīng)濟就無(wú)法健康發(fā)展。Third, build an open world economy and reinvigorate international trade and investment. Growth in international trade has been slower than that of the world economy for three consecutive years. In 2014, foreign direct investment around the world dropped by 8%. This is something that deserves close attention. If the world economy could be compared to a human body, trade and investment is like its blood. If the blood vessels are blocked, the health of the world economy would be at risk.
      因此,重振貿易和投資,讓世界經(jīng)濟這兩大引擎重新高速轉動(dòng)起來(lái),是二十國集團工作的另一個(gè)重點(diǎn)。要反對保護主義,維護和加強多邊貿易體制,為不同國家發(fā)展提供充足空間。我們應該確保區域自由貿易安排對多邊貿易體制形成有益補充,而不是造成新的障礙或藩籬。我們應該推動(dòng)世界貿易組織第十屆部長(cháng)級會(huì )議取得平衡、有意義、符合發(fā)展內涵的成果,早日實(shí)現發(fā)展回合目標。Therefore, revitalizing trade and investment and restoring these two engines of the world economy to high-speed operation is another priority for the G20. We should reject protectionism and uphold and strengthen the multilateral trading regime in order to provide sufficient space for the development of different countries. We should ensure that regional free trade arrangements serve as a useful complement to multilateral trading regime, rather than create new obstacles or barriers. We should work for balanced, meaningful and development-oriented outcomes of the 10th WTO Ministerial Conference and endeavor to realize the goal of the development round as early as possible.
      第四,落實(shí)2030年可持續發(fā)展議程,為公平包容發(fā)展注入強勁動(dòng)力。消除貧困和饑餓,實(shí)現公平、開(kāi)放、全面、創(chuàng )新發(fā)展,不僅是共同的道義責任,而且能釋放出不可估量的有效需求。今年9月,我同在座的許多同事一道在聯(lián)合國發(fā)展峰會(huì )上核準了2030年可持續發(fā)展議程。二十國集團集中了當今世界大部分主要經(jīng)濟體,完全應該也有能力在落實(shí)方面先行一步,作出表率。Fourth, implement the 2030 sustainable development agenda and lend strong impetus to equitable and inclusive development. To eliminate poverty and hunger and achieve equitable, open, all-round and innovation-driven development, this is not only our shared moral responsibility, but will also unlock immeasurable effective demand. At the UN Sustainable Development Summit last September, together with many of the leaders in this room, we adopted the 2030 sustainable development agenda. As most of the world's major economies are represented in the G20, it has every reason and ability to set a good example by being the first to implement the agenda.
      中國將致力于在未來(lái)5年使中國7000多萬(wàn)農村貧困人口全部脫貧,將設立“南南合作援助基金”,并將繼續增加對最不發(fā)達國家投資,支持發(fā)展中國家落實(shí)2030年可持續發(fā)展議程。中國將把落實(shí)2030年可持續發(fā)展議程納入“十三五”規劃,我倡議二十國集團成員都制定落實(shí)這一議程的國別方案,匯總形成二十國集團整體行動(dòng)計劃,助推世界經(jīng)濟強勁、可持續、平衡增長(cháng)。China is committed to lifting over 70 million people in rural areas out of poverty in the next five years. We will set up a fund for South-South cooperation and increase investment in the least developed countries and support developing countries in their efforts to implement the 2030 agenda. China will make implementation of the 2030 agenda part of its 13th Five-Year Plan. I suggest all the G20 members come up with their own national plans of implementation which will be combined to form a G20 plan of action to boost strong, sustainable and balanced global growth.
      各位同事!Dear Colleagues,
      近段時(shí)間,大家都很關(guān)心中國經(jīng)濟。這完全可以理解,因為中國已經(jīng)成為全球第二大經(jīng)濟體,同各國經(jīng)濟緊密相連。在這里,我想強調的是,中國有信心、有能力保持經(jīng)濟中高速增長(cháng),繼續為各國發(fā)展創(chuàng )造機遇。中國在世界經(jīng)濟最困難的時(shí)刻,承擔了拉動(dòng)增長(cháng)的重任。2009年到2011年間,中國對世界經(jīng)濟增長(cháng)的貢獻率達到50%以上。目前,中國經(jīng)濟增速雖有所放緩,對世界經(jīng)濟增長(cháng)的貢獻率仍在30%以上,仍是世界經(jīng)濟重要動(dòng)力源。I know that you have been following China's economy closely in recent period. This is fully understandable, for China is already the second largest economy and closely interconnected with other economies. Here I want to make it clear that we have the confidence and ability to sustain a medium high growth rate and continue to create development opportunities for other countries. At the most difficult time for the world economy, China undertook the task to drive growth. Between 2009 and 2011, China's contribution to the global economic growth stayed above 50%. Today, the Chinese economy, though slowing down to some extent, still contributes to over 30% of the global growth and remains a major driving force for the global economy.
      ——我們的信心,來(lái)自于全面深化改革、建立開(kāi)放型經(jīng)濟新體制的決心和行動(dòng)。經(jīng)過(guò)30多年快速發(fā)展,中國經(jīng)濟已經(jīng)到了轉方式、調結構的關(guān)鍵階段。在全球經(jīng)濟疲弱的背景下,中國也難免受到影響。面對下行壓力,我們可以出臺大規模刺激措施,短期內完全能夠實(shí)現更高速度的增長(cháng),我們有這個(gè)能力。之所以沒(méi)有這樣做,是因為高消耗、高投入的模式對中國而言難以持續,也會(huì )給世界經(jīng)濟帶來(lái)風(fēng)險。因此,我們強調堅持進(jìn)行結構性改革,著(zhù)力解決經(jīng)濟中的深層次和中長(cháng)期問(wèn)題,讓中國經(jīng)濟走得更好更穩更遠。轉方式、調結構不會(huì )一帆風(fēng)順,不可能一蹴而就,必然會(huì )遇到困難和阻力,但中國推進(jìn)結構性改革的決心是堅定的,擴大開(kāi)放的方針是明確的,不會(huì )有絲毫動(dòng)搖。-- Such confidence is underpinned by our resolve and action to deepen reform in a comprehensive way and develop an open economy. After 30-plus years of fast growth, we have come to a critical point when we must adjust the growth pattern and structure of the Chinese economy. We are not immune from the impacts of the sluggish global economy. In the face of the downward pressure, we could have resorted to massive stimulus measures that would spur faster growth in the short term. We do have the ability to do so, but we have chosen not to do so, because the growth fueled by huge input of resources and investment will be unsustainable for China and put the world economy at risk. That is why we underscore the need for structural reform to tackle the deep-seated and medium- to long-term problems in the economy to secure more efficient, solid and sustained growth. This endeavor won't be a smooth sailing. It won't happen overnight. It will inevitably encounter difficulties and resistance. But our resolve to push forward structural reform is rock-firm and our policy to open up further is clear. There will be no change in our commitment.
      ——我們的信心,來(lái)自于中國經(jīng)濟強勁內生動(dòng)力和中國政府堅強有力的政策引導。今年前三季度,在中國經(jīng)濟發(fā)展中,消費對經(jīng)濟增長(cháng)的貢獻率近60%,服務(wù)業(yè)比重超過(guò)50%,高技術(shù)產(chǎn)業(yè)增速明顯快于整體工業(yè),新的增長(cháng)動(dòng)力正在加快形成。今年中國經(jīng)濟預計實(shí)現7%左右增長(cháng),其增量相當于一個(gè)中等國家全年的國內生產(chǎn)總值,比前幾年兩位數增長(cháng)時(shí)還要多。我們已經(jīng)出臺“十三五”規劃建議,致力于到2020年全面建成小康社會(huì ),國內生產(chǎn)總值和城鄉居民人均收入比2010年翻一番。未來(lái)5年,中國將按照創(chuàng )新、協(xié)調、綠色、開(kāi)放、共享的發(fā)展理念,著(zhù)力實(shí)施創(chuàng )新驅動(dòng)發(fā)展戰略,增強經(jīng)濟發(fā)展新動(dòng)力,堅持新型工業(yè)化、信息化、城鎮化、農業(yè)現代化同步發(fā)展;加快制造大國向制造強國轉變,推動(dòng)移動(dòng)互聯(lián)網(wǎng)、云計算、大數據等技術(shù)創(chuàng )新和應用;堅持綠色低碳發(fā)展,改善環(huán)境質(zhì)量,建設天藍、地綠、水清的美麗中國;堅持深度融入全球經(jīng)濟,落實(shí)“一帶一路”倡議,以服務(wù)業(yè)為重點(diǎn)放寬外資準入領(lǐng)域,探索推行準入前國民待遇加負面清單的外資管理模式,營(yíng)造高標準國際營(yíng)商環(huán)境,打造利益共同體;堅持全面保障和改善民生,構建公平公正、共建共享的包容性發(fā)展新機制,使發(fā)展成果更多更公平惠及全體人民。所有這些,將為中國經(jīng)濟增長(cháng)提供強大動(dòng)力,也為世界經(jīng)濟釋放出巨大需求,成為新的增長(cháng)源。

      -- Such confidence is supported by the strong dynamism within China's economy and the effective policy guidance from the Chinese government. In the first three quarters of this year, consumption and services contributed to almost 60% and over 50% of China's economic growth respectively. Hi-tech sector is growing notably faster than industrial growth in general. And new drivers of growth are quickly emerging. For the year of 2015, China's economy is expected to grow at around 7%, with an increment equivalent to the GDP of a medium-sized country and larger than the increment created by the double-digit growth several years ago.

      We have adopted the proposal on the 13th Five-Year Plan, committing to the attainment of a society of initial prosperity in all respects and the doubling of the 2010 GDP and per capita urban and rural income by 2020.

      In the coming five years, we will pursue innovative, coordinated, green, open and shared development, focus on implementing the strategy of innovation-driven growth, create new driving force and ensure balanced progress in promoting a new type of industrialization, IT application, urbanization and agricultural modernization.

      We will move from being a big manufacturer to a strong manufacturer and boost technological innovations and their application including mobile internet, cloud computing and big data.

      We will pursue green and low-carbon development to improve the environment and ensure that our people live in a beautiful China with clean air, green eco-system and clear water.

      We will integrate the Chinese economy more closely with the global economy, implement the "Belt and Road" Initiative, give foreign investment greater market access, particularly in the service sector, explore a model of foreign investment regulation based on pre-establishment national treatment plus negative list, foster a high-standard international business environment and build a community of shared interests.

      We will also ensure people's well-being and improve their living standards across the board, put in place new institutions for equitable, fair and inclusive development made possible and shared by the people, so that more fruits of development will be shared by all in a more equitable fashion.

      All these efforts, as they unfold, will give strong momentum to the Chinese economy while generating enormous demand and becoming a new source of growth for the world economy.

      各位同事!Dear Colleagues,
      與其坐而論道,不如起而行之。讓我們繼續發(fā)揚同舟共濟的伙伴精神,通過(guò)我們的行動(dòng),努力形成各國增長(cháng)相互促進(jìn)、相得益彰的合作共贏(yíng)格局,開(kāi)創(chuàng )世界經(jīng)濟更加美好的未來(lái)!Instead of talking the talk, we must walk the walk. As passengers of the same boat, let us continue to forge ahead in the spirit of partnership, make concerted efforts to secure win-win cooperation with mutually reinforcing growth of our economies, and open up a bright future of the world economy.
      謝謝大家。Thank you.