


      發(fā)布時(shí)間:2016-01-19 14:12:07??|??來(lái)源:中國網(wǎng)??|??作者:??|??責任編輯:李瀟

      當地時(shí)間1月19日,國家主席習近平在利雅得同沙特阿拉伯國王薩勒曼舉行會(huì )談。會(huì )談前,習近平出席薩勒曼國王在王宮辦公廳廣場(chǎng)舉行的隆重歡迎儀式。[新華社 鞠鵬 攝]
      Chinese President Xi Jinping (L, front) attends the welcoming ceremony held by Saudi King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud (R, front) before their talks in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, Jan. 19, 2016. [Ju Peng/Xinhua]
      1月18日,在對沙特阿拉伯王國進(jìn)行國事訪(fǎng)問(wèn)之際,國家主席習近平在沙特《利雅得報》發(fā)表題為《做共同發(fā)展的好伙伴》的署名文章。文章如下:Chinese President Xi Jinping published a signed article titled "Be Good Partners for Common Development" on Saudi newspaper Alriyadh on Monday ahead of his state visit to the country. The following is the English version of the article:


      Be Good Partners for Common Development
      By H. E. Xi Jinping
      President of the People's Republic of China
      Published on Alriyadh of Saudi Arabia

      沙特是我今年首次出訪(fǎng)的第一站,也是我擔任中國國家主席后訪(fǎng)問(wèn)的第一個(gè)阿拉伯國家。Saudi Arabia is the first stop of my first overseas visit this year and also the first Arab country I will visit as President of the People's Republic of China.
      沙特是中國的兄弟?chē)摇R惶岬缴程兀藗兿氲降氖恰笆屯鯂钡锰飒毢竦挠蜌鈱毑兀了固m教發(fā)源地的悠久歷史,大漠落日的壯美遼闊。China sees Saudi Arabia as a brotherly state. An oil kingdom with huge oil and gas reserves, a country with time-honored history which is the birthplace of Islam, and the magnificent setting sun against the vast expanse of the desert: these are the images that Saudi Arabia brings to our mind.
      2008年,我以中國國家副主席身份訪(fǎng)問(wèn)沙特,沙特國家建設欣欣向榮,人民熱情好客,給我留下美好印象。In 2008, I visited Saudi Arabia as Vice Chinese President, and I was greatly impressed by its prosperity and the hospitality of its people.
      時(shí)隔8年,我將應薩勒曼國王邀請,帶著(zhù)中國人民對沙特人民的情誼和對發(fā)展中沙友好關(guān)系的期盼,再次踏上這片美麗富饒的土地。Eight years on, at the invitation of His Majesty Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, King of Saudi Arabia, I will once again set foot on this beautiful and rich land, and I will bring with me the Chinese people's friendship towards the Saudi Arabian people and their keen desire to grow friendly ties between our two countries.
      中國人說(shuō),患難見(jiàn)真情。沙特有句俗語(yǔ):“向急于求助的人伸出援手是最大的善行。” 2008年中國四川汶川特大地震發(fā)生后,沙特第一時(shí)間向中國提供6000多萬(wàn)美元的現金和物資援助,這是中國政府收到的最大一筆海外單項援助。沙特政府和人民的援助是中沙友誼的生動(dòng)體現。中國人民深受感動(dòng),將永遠銘記于心。We Chinese often say that true friendship stands out in time of adversity. And people in Saudi Arabia also believe that "there is no greater virtue than extending a helping hand to those in need". In the aftermath of the devastating earthquake that hit Wenchuan of China's Sichuan Province in 2008, Saudi Arabia immediately provided over US$60 million of both cash and material assistance to China, the largest item of overseas assistance ever received by the Chinese government. This assistance provided by the Saudi Arabian government people, a vivid symbol of the China-Saudi Arabia friendship, deeply moved the Chinese people and will always be remembered by us.
      中沙兩國人民友好交往源遠流長(cháng)。2000多年前,古絲綢之路上,往來(lái)于雙方的駝隊絡(luò )繹不絕。中國唐代時(shí)期,大食國遣使來(lái)華。中國明代穆斯林航海家鄭和遠航吉達、麥加、麥地那等地,盛贊所到之處“民風(fēng)和美”,“誠為極樂(lè )世界”。中華文明和伊斯蘭文明交流互鑒,在人類(lèi)文明交流史上留下了深刻印記。The peoples of China and Saudi Arabia have enjoyed friendly exchanges for centuries. Over 2000 years ago, numerous camel caravans from the two sides travelled along the ancient Silk Road. Diplomatic envoys from the Seljuk Empire visited China during the Tang Dynasty. Zheng He, China's Muslim navigator in the Ming Dynasty, travelled to Jeddah, Mecca and Medina, and he described them as paradises where people enjoyed peace and harmony. The interactions and mutual learning between the Chinese and Islamic civilizations are an important part in the history of inter-civilization exchanges.
      1990年中沙建交,開(kāi)啟了兩國關(guān)系新篇章。特別是2008年建立戰略性友好關(guān)系以來(lái),中沙關(guān)系實(shí)現跨越式發(fā)展,各領(lǐng)域務(wù)實(shí)合作達到前所未有的廣度和深度。沙特連續多年是中國在全球第一大原油供應國和在西亞非洲地區第一大貿易伙伴。2013年,中國首次成為沙特第一大貿易伙伴。2014年,中沙雙邊貿易額比建交時(shí)增長(cháng)230多倍,達到691億美元。如今,中國每進(jìn)口6桶原油就有1桶來(lái)自沙特,沙特出口每收入7里亞爾就有1里亞爾來(lái)自中國。The establishment of diplomatic ties between China and Saudi Arabia in 1990 opened a new chapter in their relations. In particular, since the establishment of the strategic and friendly relationship between the two countries in 2008, China-Saudi Arabia relations have progressed by leaps and bounds, with enormous growth made in all-round corporation. For years, Saudi Arabia has been China's biggest global supplier of crude oil and its biggest trading partner in West Asia and Africa. In 2013, China became the biggest trading partner of Saudi Arabia for the first time. Two-way trade reached US$69.1 billion in 2014, growing by 230 times over that at the time of the establishment of diplomatic ties. Today, one in six barrels of crude oil China imports comes from Saudi Arabia, and one out of every seven Riyal Saudi Arabia earns from its exports comes from China.
      中沙基礎設施建設、投資、勞務(wù)、農業(yè)等領(lǐng)域合作項目不勝枚舉,合作規模不斷擴大。中國公司在圣城麥加鋪設的輕軌項目為來(lái)自全球的穆斯林朝覲者提供了便捷服務(wù)。中國公司開(kāi)發(fā)朝覲通信保障方案,連續多年確保了朝覲期間通信暢通。中沙兩國科研機構成功繪制了椰棗基因組圖譜,對椰棗產(chǎn)量、品種改良、病蟲(chóng)害防治等產(chǎn)生重要影響。China and Saudi Arabia are also expanding the cooperation, with numerous cooperation projects being undertaken in infrastructure, investment, labor and agriculture. The light rail line constructed by a Chinese company in the sacred city of Mecca provides convenient travel services to Muslim pilgrims from around the world. Chinese companies have provided good telecommunication services for the pilgrimage for many years. Our scientific and research institutes successfully completed the genetic map for date palms, leading to increased yields, better strains and stronger capacity of pest resistance.
      中沙人文交流日益密切。2010年上海世博會(huì ),沙特精心打造的“絲路寶船”是最具人氣的場(chǎng)館之一,參觀(guān)的游人至今仍然絡(luò )繹不絕。2013年,中國作為主賓國參加沙特杰納第利亞遺產(chǎn)文化節,向沙特民眾近距離展示既有傳統文化傳承又具現代發(fā)展創(chuàng )新的活力中國。China and Saudi Arabia enjoy increasingly close people-to-people exchanges. The Silk Road Treasure Boat Pavilion built by Saudi Arabia for the 2010 World Expo in Shanghai was one of its most popular pavilions, and it still attracts numerous visitors today. In 2013, China attended the Jenadrivah Heritage and Culture Festival in Saudi Arabia as the country of honor, enabling Saudi visitors to intimately learn about a dynamic and innovative China that enjoys both a traditional cultural heritage and success of modern development.
      “海內存知己,天涯若比鄰。”日益密切的友好合作讓兩國人民的心更緊地貼在一起。As a Chinese saying goes, "devoted friends afar are not kept apart by distance". The growing friendship and cooperation are bringing our two peoples closer than ever before.
      中沙關(guān)系精彩紛呈,給我們許多有益經(jīng)驗和啟迪。我認為,互尊互信、平等相待是中沙關(guān)系健康穩定發(fā)展的牢固基礎;優(yōu)勢互補、互利共贏(yíng)是中沙關(guān)系長(cháng)期造福兩國人民的強大動(dòng)力;坦誠相見(jiàn)、民心相親是中沙友誼歷久彌新的不竭源泉。There is so much inspiration we can draw from the flourishing ties between China and Saudi Arabia: Mutual respect, mutual trust and equality are the solid foundation of the sound and steady growth of the bilateral relationship; tapping our respective strength for mutual benefit provides powerful impetus for our relationship to deliver long-term benefits to our two peoples; and openness and amity between our peoples are the inexhaustible source of strength for sustaining China-Saudi Arabia friendship
      縱觀(guān)中沙各自的經(jīng)濟社會(huì )發(fā)展進(jìn)程,我們發(fā)現,兩國都立足國情,走適合自身的發(fā)展道路;都著(zhù)眼長(cháng)遠,推進(jìn)經(jīng)濟可持續和多元化發(fā)展;都以人為本,不斷提高人民生活水平。高度契合的發(fā)展理念為雙方關(guān)系發(fā)展開(kāi)辟了廣闊空間。A review of our respective progress in economic and social development shows that China and Saudi Arabia have so much in common: Both countries have followed development paths suited to their national conditions; both of us have achieved future-oriented sustainable economic development in diverse ways; and both countries have endeavored to improve our people's lives. Our highly compatible visions on development will greatly boost the growth of China-Saudi Arabia relations.
      當前,中國人民正在為實(shí)現“兩個(gè)一百年”奮斗目標、實(shí)現中華民族偉大復興的中國夢(mèng)而不懈努力。沙特也開(kāi)始實(shí)施新的五年計劃,致力于促進(jìn)經(jīng)濟多元化發(fā)展戰略,實(shí)現國家全面、平衡、協(xié)調發(fā)展。The Chinese people are making tireless efforts to realize the two "centenary goals", namely, to finish the building of a country of initial prosperity in all respects when the Communist Party of China celebrates its centenary in 2021 and turn China into a modern socialist country that is prosperous, strong, democratic, culturally advanced and harmonious when the People's Republic celebrates its centenary in 2049. We are also endeavoring to achieve the Chinese dream of great national renewal. Saudi Arabia has started the implementation of a new five-year plan and vigorously pursued a strategy of diversified economic development to achieve all-round, balanced and coordinated development.
      相近的發(fā)展訴求、相同的發(fā)展使命、相融的發(fā)展利益為中沙關(guān)系向縱深發(fā)展提供了持久動(dòng)力。Similar development aspirations, same development missions and converged development interests provide enduring impetus to the in-depth growth of China-Saudi Arabia relations.
      中沙是有重要影響力的國家,面臨著(zhù)推動(dòng)雙邊關(guān)系發(fā)展的重要歷史機遇。我期待通過(guò)這次訪(fǎng)問(wèn),同沙特領(lǐng)導人一道,提高雙邊關(guān)系水平,推動(dòng)兩國互利合作向更深層次、更高水平跨越,更好造福兩國人民。China and Saudi Arabia, both countries with important influence, will embrace a great historic opportunity of advancing their bilateral relations. By making this visit, I look forward to working together with the leaders of Saudi Arabia to elevate the bilateral relations, upgrade mutually beneficial cooperation and deliver more benefits to our two peoples.
      ——我們要做相互支持、真誠互信的戰略伙伴。雙方應該從戰略高度和長(cháng)遠角度把握兩國關(guān)系大方向,加強國家發(fā)展戰略對接,在涉及彼此核心利益和重大關(guān)切問(wèn)題上相互理解和支持,鞏固政治互信。-- Let us forge a strategic partnership of mutual support, sincerity and mutual trust. We should bear in mind the strategic nature of China-Saudi Arabia relations and ensure their long-term and sound growth, form synergy between our respective development strategies, increase mutual understanding to and support each other on issues relating to our respective core interests and major concerns, and cement political mutual trust.
      ——我們要做合作共贏(yíng)、共同發(fā)展的互惠伙伴。雙方應該擴大雙邊貿易規模,打造長(cháng)期穩定的中沙能源合作共同體,加強基礎設施建設、投資領(lǐng)域合作,并以航天、和平利用核能、可再生能源三大高技術(shù)領(lǐng)域為突破口,豐富中沙務(wù)實(shí)合作內容。中方贊賞沙特以意向創(chuàng )始成員國身份加入亞洲基礎設施投資銀行,也愿同沙方一道加快推動(dòng)中國-海灣合作委員會(huì )自由貿易區建設,使雙邊合作和多邊合作形成良好互動(dòng)局面,不斷提高兩國互利合作水平。-- Let us forge a win-win partnership of mutual benefit and common development. We should expand trade, build a long-term, stable China-Saudi Arabia community of energy corporation, enhance cooperation in infrastructure and investment, and prioritize three hi-tech sectors, namely, aerospace, peaceful use of nuclear energy and renewable energy, in our efforts to enrich practical cooperation. China welcomes Saudi Arabia's joining the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank as a prospective founding member; and we will work with Saudi Arabia to accelerate efforts to build the China-Gulf Cooperation Council Free Trade Area. All those efforts will reinforce both our bilateral and multilateral cooperation and yield greater benefits to both countries.
      ——我們要做同舟共濟、攜手同行的合作伙伴。中方愿同沙方加強多邊領(lǐng)域合作,維護地區和平穩定、促進(jìn)共同發(fā)展。為促進(jìn)區域互聯(lián)互通和共同發(fā)展,中方提出了共建絲綢之路經(jīng)濟帶和21世紀海上絲綢之路的構想。我們希望并相信地處“一帶一路”西端交匯地帶的沙特將成為“一帶一路”的重要參與者、建設者、受益者。-- Let us forge a partnership of expanding cooperation and solitary. China will enhance cooperation with Saudi Arabia multilaterally to maintain regional peace and stability and promote common development. To advance regional connectivity and common development, China has launched the initiative of jointly building the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road (the Belt and Road Initiative). We hope and trust that Saudi Arabia, located at the west crossroads of the Belt and Road, will become an important participant of, contributor to and beneficiary of this initiative.
      ——我們要做往來(lái)密切、交流互鑒的友好伙伴。朋友越交越深。中方愿同沙方擴大教育、新聞、智庫、青年等領(lǐng)域交流合作,加強各層次人文交流。歡迎更多沙特朋友到中國走一走、看一看,你們每一個(gè)人都可以成為傳播中沙友好的使者。-- Let us forge a friendly partnership of frequent exchanges and mutual learning. Frequent exchanges will deepen friendship. China will step up exchange and cooperation with Saudi Arabia in areas such as education, media, think tanks and the youth and enhance people-to-people and cultural exchanges and at various levels. I welcome more Saudi Arabians to visit China, and I am sure there is much you can do personally to contribute to China-Saudi Arabia friendship through these visits.
      讓我們攜手努力,共同創(chuàng )造中沙關(guān)系更加美好的明天。Let us join hands to deliver an even brighter future for China-Saudi Arabia relations!