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      【中英文對照】習近平在伊朗媒體發(fā)表署名文章《共創(chuàng )中伊關(guān)系美好明天》

      發(fā)布時(shí)間:2016-01-25 09:18:53  | 來(lái)源:中國網(wǎng)  | 作者:  | 責任編輯:李瀟

      1月22日,國家主席習近平乘專(zhuān)機抵達伊朗首都德黑蘭,開(kāi)始對伊朗進(jìn)行國事訪(fǎng)問(wèn)。這是在梅赫拉巴德機場(chǎng),習近平受到伊朗外交部長(cháng)扎里夫等熱情迎接。[新華社 饒愛(ài)民 攝]
      Chinese President Xi Jinping (front, L) is welcomed by Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif (front, R) in Tehran, Iran, Jan. 22, 2016. Xi Jinping arrived in Tehran Friday night for a state visit to Iran. [Rao Aimin/Xinhua]
      1月21日,在對伊朗進(jìn)行國事訪(fǎng)問(wèn)之際,國家主席習近平在伊朗《伊朗報》發(fā)表題為《共創(chuàng )中伊關(guān)系美好明天》的署名文章。文章如下:Chinese President Xi Jinping published a signed article titled "Work Together for a Bright Future of China-Iran Relations" on Iranian newspaper Iran on Thursday, ahead of his state visit to the country. The following is the English version of the article:

      共創(chuàng )中伊關(guān)系美好明天

      Work Together for a Bright Future of China-Iran Relations
      By H.E. Xi Jinping
      President of the People's Republic of China

      我將應魯哈尼總統邀請對伊朗進(jìn)行國事訪(fǎng)問(wèn),就新形勢下深化中伊關(guān)系及重大國際和地區問(wèn)題深入交換意見(jiàn),共同推動(dòng)中伊關(guān)系邁上新臺階。As I am about to embark on my state visit to Iran at the invitation of President Rouhani, I am looking forward to in-depth exchange of views on deepening China-Iran relations in the new era as well as on major international and regional issues and working together with my Iranian hosts to bring the relationship to a new stage.
      這是我第一次訪(fǎng)問(wèn)伊朗,但同很多中國人一樣,我對你們古老而美麗的國度并不陌生,因為絲綢之路早就把我們兩個(gè)偉大民族聯(lián)結在一起。史書(shū)記載下一個(gè)又一個(gè)精彩故事。This will be my first trip to Iran, yet like many other Chinese, I do not feel like a stranger in your ancient and beautiful country, thanks to the Silk Road that linked our two great nations for centuries and to the many legendary stories recorded in history books of our friendly exchanges.
      早在2000多年前的中國西漢時(shí)期,中國使者張騫的副使就來(lái)到伊朗,受到隆重接待。7世紀后的中國唐宋時(shí)期,許多伊朗人前往中國求學(xué)行醫經(jīng)商,足跡遍及西安、廣州等地。13世紀,伊朗著(zhù)名詩(shī)人薩迪記錄下到中國新疆喀什的難忘游歷。15世紀,中國明代鄭和7次率領(lǐng)龐大船隊遠洋航海,其中3次到達伊朗南部的霍爾木茲地區。Over 2,000 years ago during the West Han Dynasty in China, the Chinese envoy Zhang Qian's deputy came to Iran and received warm welcome. Seven centuries later during the Tang and Song dynasties, many Iranians came to China's Xi'an and Guangzhou to study, practice medicine and do business. In the 13th century, the famous Iranian poet Saadi wrote about his unforgettable travel to Kashgar, Xinjiang. In the 15th century, a renowned Chinese navigator Zheng He from the Ming Dynasty led seven maritime expeditions, which took him to Hormuz in southern Iran three times.
      來(lái)自中國的絲綢和伊朗的高超工藝結合,成就了波斯絲毯的高貴;來(lái)自伊朗的蘇麻離青和中國的高超工藝結合,成就了青花瓷器的雅致。中國的漆器、陶器以及造紙、冶金、印刷、火藥等技術(shù)經(jīng)伊朗傳向亞洲最西端乃至歐洲等更遠的地方,石榴、葡萄、橄欖以及玻璃、金銀器皿等又從伊朗和歐洲等地傳入中國。The much-prized Persian carpet is weaved out of a fusion of China's silk and Iran's sophisticated techniques. And the exquisite blue and white porcelain is produced thanks to a mixture of Iran's "smaltum" (a type of material containing cobalt, unique to Iran) and China's advanced skills. Via Iran, China's lacquerware, pottery, as well as papermaking, metallurgical, printing and gunpowder making skills were spread to the west end of Asia, and further on to Europe. And from Iran and Europe, pomegranate, grape, olive, as well as glass, gold and silver ware were introduced into China.
      駝鈴相聞,舟楫相望。沿著(zhù)綿延萬(wàn)千公里的陸上和海上絲綢之路,兩大文明遠行并擁抱,兩國人民遠行并交好。正如薩迪在詩(shī)中寫(xiě)道,“久遠,方值得留戀”。It almost seemed that our two countries were just a camel-ride or a boat trip away from each other. Indeed, the thousand-mile-long land and maritime silk roads made it possible for two ancient civilizations and peoples to embrace and befriend each other. As Saadi wrote, those that are far away and are of times long past deserve to be cherished more.
      如果說(shuō)歷史上中伊兩國為建設絲綢之路、促進(jìn)東西方文明雙向交融作出過(guò)重要貢獻,那么兩國建交45年來(lái)的友好交往正是對“和平合作、開(kāi)放包容、互學(xué)互鑒、互利共贏(yíng)”的絲綢之路精神的繼承和詮釋。In history, China and Iran made important contribution to opening the Silk Road and promoting exchanges between Eastern and Western civilizations. The China-Iran friendly exchanges in the 45 years of our diplomatic relations have continued to embody the Silk Road spirit of peace, cooperation, openness, inclusiveness, mutual learning and mutual benefit.
      1971年建交以來(lái),中伊關(guān)系經(jīng)受住國際風(fēng)云變幻考驗,保持健康穩定的發(fā)展勢頭。雙方相互理解,相互信任,患難與共。在伊朗核問(wèn)題全面協(xié)議談判中,中方贊賞伊朗無(wú)意發(fā)展核武的承諾,支持伊朗維護自身正當權益,充分肯定伊朗為推動(dòng)協(xié)議達成作出的積極貢獻。下一階段,我們愿與伊方密切合作,確保協(xié)議順利實(shí)施。經(jīng)貿上,中伊雙邊貿易額從上世紀70年代的幾千萬(wàn)美元增長(cháng)到2014年的518億美元,中國連續6年保持伊朗第一大貿易伙伴國地位。兩國人文交流十分密切,“相知無(wú)遠近,萬(wàn)里尚為鄰”,兩國人民友誼已經(jīng)成為中伊友好關(guān)系發(fā)展的重要動(dòng)力。Since the inception of our diplomatic ties in 1971, the China-Iran relationship has stood the test of international changes and maintained a momentum of sound and steady development. We have given each other mutual understanding and mutual trust in good times and bad. On the nuclear issue, China appreciates Iran's assurance of not intending to develop nuclear weapons, supports Iran in upholding its legitimate rights and interests, and fully recognizes Iran's contribution to the conclusion of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA). In the next stage, we will work closely with Iran to ensure the smooth implementation of the JCPOA. Economically, our bilateral trade jumped from tens of millions of U.S. dollars in 1970s to 51.8 billion dollars in 2014, and China has stayed Iran's biggest trading partner for six years in a row. Our two countries have also enjoyed very close people-to-people and cultural ties. As a Chinese saying goes, good friends feel close even when they are thousands of miles apart. The friendship between our peoples has become a significant driver of the friendly relations between our two countries.
      兩國領(lǐng)導人保持經(jīng)常性接觸和往來(lái),對雙邊關(guān)系發(fā)展具有重要引領(lǐng)作用。近年來(lái),我同魯哈尼總統多次會(huì )面,特別是在去年9月聯(lián)合國成立70周年系列峰會(huì )期間,我們就全面發(fā)展新時(shí)期中伊關(guān)系達成重要共識。Frequent contacts and exchanges between leaders of our two countries play a major role in guiding the growth of our bilateral relations. In the past few years, President Rouhani and I have met many times. In particular, our meeting held on the sidelines of the summits commemorating the 70th anniversary of the UN last September yielded important agreement on growing China-Iran relations in an all-round way in the new era.
      2013年,我提出共建絲綢之路經(jīng)濟帶和21世紀海上絲綢之路倡議,得到伊朗積極回應。作為古絲綢之路上的重要兩站,中國和伊朗都對振興這一和平之路、友誼之路、合作之路寄予很高期望。當前,中國正在制定和實(shí)施國民經(jīng)濟和社會(huì )發(fā)展第十三個(gè)五年規劃,伊朗也即將推進(jìn)經(jīng)濟發(fā)展第六個(gè)五年計劃,雙方發(fā)展戰略契合,合作潛力巨大。In 2013, I put forward the proposal of jointly building the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road, which received positive response from Iran. As two important stops on the ancient Silk Road, both China and Iran have high expectations for reviving this road of peace, friendship and cooperation. China is soon to implement the 13th Five-Year Plan for Economic and Social Development. Iran will also carry out the sixth five-year plan for economic development. Our development strategies are highly compatible, which creates huge potential for cooperation.
      我認為,中伊在“一帶一路”框架內的合作可以集中在以下方面。Cooperation between China and Iran under the framework of the Belt and Road Initiative may focus on the following areas:
      ——增強政治互信,筑牢合作之基?!靶艅t立,不信則廢?!比伺c人、國與國的交往概莫能外。古絲綢之路沿線(xiàn)國家在2000多年交往中積累了信任,深化了友誼,促進(jìn)了合作。建交45年來(lái),中伊兩國克服困難和阻力,傳統友誼歷久彌堅,務(wù)實(shí)合作成果豐碩。今天,我們更要堅持上述精神,加強政策溝通,照顧彼此關(guān)切,凝聚更多共識,為合作奠定更加堅實(shí)的基礎。我們將建立全面戰略伙伴關(guān)系,密切政黨、立法機構、地方等方面交往,深化雙方在上海合作組織、亞信、聯(lián)合國等多邊框架內合作,不斷增進(jìn)政治互信,豐富戰略關(guān)系內涵。-- Enhancing political mutual trust to cement the foundation for cooperation. Mutual trust ensures success while distrust spells failure. This is true for state-to-state relations as well as interpersonal relationship. Countries along the ancient Silk Road have built trust, deepened friendship and enhanced cooperation through their exchanges stretching over 2,000 years. Over the past 45 years of diplomatic relations, China and Iran have enhanced traditional friendship and achieved fruitful results in practical cooperation despite difficulties and obstacles. Today, we need all the more to build on this positive spirit to step up policy communication, accommodate each other's concerns, build more consensus and lay a more solid foundation for our cooperation. We will establish a comprehensive strategic partnership and increase exchanges between political parties, legislatures and at the sub-national levels. We will deepen our cooperation under multilateral frameworks such as the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the Conference on Interaction and Confidence-Building Measures in Asia (CICA) and the UN, to steadily increase political mutual trust and substantiate our strategic relationship.
      ——堅持互利共贏(yíng),共享繁榮發(fā)展。經(jīng)過(guò)30多年改革開(kāi)放,中國經(jīng)濟得到歷史性發(fā)展,經(jīng)濟總量居世界第二。中國在資金、技術(shù)、裝備等方面已經(jīng)形成較大優(yōu)勢。伊朗資源豐富,勞動(dòng)力充足,市場(chǎng)潛力大,處于推進(jìn)工業(yè)化、現代化進(jìn)程的關(guān)鍵階段。中伊資源稟賦和合作優(yōu)勢互補性強。隨著(zhù)伊朗核問(wèn)題全面協(xié)議的達成和執行,中伊關(guān)系將迎來(lái)新的發(fā)展契機。中方將秉持合作共贏(yíng)理念,加強中伊發(fā)展戰略對接,深化互利合作,各施所長(cháng),各盡所能,更多惠及民眾,實(shí)現共同繁榮。-- Pursuing win-win outcomes and common prosperity. After more than 30 years of reform and opening up, the Chinese economy has undergone a historic transformation, now ranking the second in the world. China has considerable strength in capital, technologies, equipment and other areas. Iran has rich resources, ample labor force and huge market potential, and it is in the crucial stage of industrialization and modernization. The resource endowments and comparative advantages of China and Iran are highly complementary. The implementation of the JCPOA will bring new opportunities for the growth of China-Iran relations. China will work to synergize its development strategy with that of Iran and deepen win-win cooperation to fully exert respective strengths for the benefit of our peoples and to achieve greater common prosperity.
      ——促進(jìn)互聯(lián)互通,擴大務(wù)實(shí)合作?;ヂ?lián)互通是貫穿“一帶一路”的血脈。實(shí)現互聯(lián)互通,要以亞洲國家為重點(diǎn)方向,以交通基礎設施為突破口。中方在鐵路、電力、通信、工程機械、冶金、建材等領(lǐng)域優(yōu)勢明顯、競爭力強,并于2014年出資400億美元成立絲路基金,以支持“一帶一路”沿線(xiàn)國家有關(guān)合作項目。伊朗位于亞洲東西交通要沖,區位優(yōu)勢明顯。中方愿同伊方在公路、鐵路、海路、網(wǎng)路領(lǐng)域深化合作,推進(jìn)亞洲東西通道建設,并以此帶動(dòng)沿線(xiàn)國家貿易和投資便利化,降低人員、商品、資金跨境流動(dòng)成本,鞏固擴大能源資源和產(chǎn)業(yè)合作。-- Promoting connectivity and expanding practical cooperation. Connectivity is the artery of the Belt and Road Initiative. In building connectivity, we should give priority to Asian countries and start with transportation infrastructure. China has a strong competitive edge in areas such as railway, electricity, telecommunications, mechanical engineering, metallurgy and construction materials. We committed 40 billion dollars to the establishment of a Silk Road Fund in 2014 to support relevant cooperation projects in countries along the Belt and Road. Iran is strategically located and has distinctive geographical advantages. China is ready to deepen cooperation with Iran on building roads, railway, sea routes and the Internet, and facilitating East-West connectivity in Asia and on this basis better promote trade and investment liberalization among countries along the Belt and Road, lower the cost of the cross-border movement of people, goods and capital and expand energy, resources and industrial cooperation.
      ——秉持開(kāi)放包容,鼓勵文明交流。中國人說(shuō):“人之相知,貴在知心?!辈ㄋ怪V語(yǔ)說(shuō):“人心之間,有路相通?!辈煌瑖?、不同民族、不同文明之間,應該堅持交流互鑒、和諧共存。中伊文化各有所長(cháng)。中伊人民在長(cháng)期友好交往中相互學(xué)習,取長(cháng)補短。我們要加強文化、教育、新聞、出版、旅游等領(lǐng)域交流,鼓勵青年和學(xué)生交往,讓絲綢之路精神薪火相傳,讓兩國人民心與心相通、手和手相連。-- Upholding openness and inclusiveness and encouraging inter-civilization exchange. The Chinese people often say, the value of friendship lies in heart-to-heart communication. A Persian proverb also goes, there is telepathy between hearts. Different countries, nations and civilizations should carry out exchanges and mutual learning and live in harmony with each other. Both the Chinese and Iranian cultures have unique strengths and the two peoples have benefited from mutual learning for centuries. We need to step up exchanges in culture, education, information, publishing, tourism and other fields and encourage more exchanges between the youth and students, so that the spirit of the Silk Road will be passed on from generation to generation and our peoples will develop enduring bonds.
      丹葩結秀,華實(shí)并麗。石榴早已從伊朗到中國落戶(hù),又因果實(shí)累累在中國被賦予新的寓意,象征興旺繁榮。它見(jiàn)證了中伊兩國人民沿著(zhù)絲綢之路開(kāi)展友好交往的歷史,預示著(zhù)兩國合作還將收獲更多碩果。Pomegranate is well-liked in China for its crimson flower and bountiful seeds, for which it came to symbolize plentifulness and prosperity. Introduced from Iran to China centuries ago, the fruit bears witness to the history of friendly exchanges between the Chinese and Iranians along the Silk Road and augurs even more fruitful cooperation between our two countries.
      北京和德黑蘭相距萬(wàn)里,但再遠的距離也不能阻擋中伊相互走近、增進(jìn)合作,不能阻擋兩國人民友好交往、深化友誼。我們愿同伊方攜手努力,傳承絲綢之路精神,共創(chuàng )中伊關(guān)系美好明天。The long distance between Beijing and Tehran is no obstacle to the interaction or cooperation between China and Iran, nor to the friendship and exchanges between our peoples. China is ready to join hands with Iran to renew the Silk Road spirit and create an ever better future for China-Iran relations.