


      發(fā)布時(shí)間:2016-01-27 13:35:56??|??來(lái)源:中國網(wǎng)??|??作者:??|??責任編輯:李瀟

      國務(wù)院新聞辦公室27日發(fā)表了《中國的核應急》白皮書(shū)。全文如下:Following is the full text of China's Nuclear Emergency Preparedness published by the State Council Information Office of the People's Republic of China in January 2016.


      China's Nuclear Emergency Preparedness
      The State Council Information Office of the People's Republic of China
      January 2016 First Edition 2016



      一、核能發(fā)展與核應急基本形勢I. Current Situation of Nuclear Energy Development and Nuclear Emergency Preparedness
      二、核應急方針政策II. Guidelines and Policies for Nuclear Emergency Preparedness
      三、核應急“一案三制”建設III. All-round Promotion of Nuclear Emergency Preparedness
      四、核應急能力建設與保持IV. Building and Maintenance of Nuclear Emergency Capabilities
      五、核事故應對處置主要措施V. Main Measures to Cope with Nuclear Accidents
      六、核應急演習演練、培訓與公眾溝通VI. Nuclear Emergency Preparedness Exercises, Drills, Training and Public Communication
      七、核應急科技創(chuàng )新VII. Scientific and Technological Innovations in Nuclear Emergency Preparedness
      八、核應急國際合作與交流VIII. International Cooperation and Exchanges in the Field of Nuclear Emergency Preparedness

      原子的發(fā)現和核能的開(kāi)發(fā)利用給人類(lèi)社會(huì )發(fā)展帶來(lái)新的動(dòng)力,極大增強人類(lèi)認識世界和改造世界的能力。核能發(fā)展伴隨著(zhù)核安全風(fēng)險和挑戰。人類(lèi)要更好利用核能、實(shí)現更大發(fā)展,必須創(chuàng )新核技術(shù)、確保核安全、做好核應急。核安全是核能事業(yè)持續健康發(fā)展的生命線(xiàn),核應急是核能事業(yè)持續健康發(fā)展的重要保障。The discovery of the atom and the subsequent development and utilization of nuclear energy gave a new impetus to the progress of humanity and greatly enhanced mankind's ability to understand and shape the world. Yet, the development of nuclear energy has associated risks and challenges. For mankind to better utilize nuclear energy and achieve even greater progress, it is necessary to make innovations in nuclear technologies, ensure nuclear safety and do well in nuclear emergency preparedness. While nuclear safety constitutes a lifeline for the sustained and healthy development of nuclear energy, nuclear emergency preparedness serves as an important safeguard for its sustained and healthy development.
      核應急是為了控制核事故、緩解核事故、減輕核事故后果而采取的不同于正常秩序和正常工作程序的緊急行為,是政府主導、企業(yè)配合、各方協(xié)同、統一開(kāi)展的應急行動(dòng)。核應急事關(guān)重大、涉及全局,對于保護公眾、保護環(huán)境、保障社會(huì )穩定、維護國家安全具有重要意義。Nuclear emergency preparedness denotes the emergency actions taken to control, contain and mitigate a nuclear accident, and to minimize the consequences of such accidents, which are different from the normal order and working procedure. They are emergency response actions guided by the government, assisted by the relevant enterprises, coordinated among all the involved parties and implemented in a unified manner. Nuclear emergency preparedness is of paramount importance and bears on the overall situation, and is therefore of critical significance to the protection of the general public, the environment and social stability as well as safeguarding national security.
      中國始終把核安全放在和平利用核能事業(yè)首要位置,堅持總體國家安全觀(guān),倡導理性、協(xié)調、并進(jìn)的核安全觀(guān),秉持為發(fā)展求安全、以安全促發(fā)展的理念,始終追求發(fā)展和安全兩個(gè)目標有機融合。半個(gè)多世紀以來(lái),中國人民奮發(fā)圖強、歷盡艱辛,創(chuàng )建發(fā)展核能事業(yè)并取得輝煌成就。同時(shí),不斷改進(jìn)核安全技術(shù),實(shí)施嚴格的核安全監管,加強核應急管理,核能事業(yè)始終保持良好安全記錄。China has consistently given top priority to nuclear safety in its peaceful use of nuclear energy, and has persisted in an overall national security concept by advocating a rational, coordinated and balanced nuclear safety outlook. China has followed the approach of enhancing safety for the sake of development and promoting development by upholding safety in an unrelenting effort to bring the dual goals of development and safety in alignment with each other. In the past six decades or so, the Chinese people have been working with stamina and diligence in the pursuit of nuclear energy utilization, with splendid achievements. At the same time, the Chinese people have been sparing no effort to improve nuclear safety techniques, enforce rigorous nuclear safety supervision, strengthen nuclear emergency management and ensure that nuclear energy has always maintained a sound safety record.
      核事故影響無(wú)國界,核應急管理無(wú)小事。總結三哩島核事故、切爾諾貝利核事故、福島核事故的教訓,中國更加深刻認識到核應急的極端重要性,持續加強和改進(jìn)核應急準備與響應工作,不斷提升中國核安全保障水平。中國在核應急法律法規標準建設、體制機制建設、基礎能力建設、專(zhuān)業(yè)人才培養、演習演練、公眾溝通、國際合作與交流等方面取得巨大進(jìn)步,既為自身核能事業(yè)發(fā)展提供堅強保障,也為推動(dòng)建立公平、開(kāi)放、合作、共贏(yíng)的國際核安全應急體系,促進(jìn)人類(lèi)共享核能發(fā)展成果作出積極貢獻。Nuclear accidents know no national boundaries, and everything related to nuclear emergency management is too important to be taken lightly. Drawing on the lessons learned from the Three Mile Island, Chernobyl and Fukushima nuclear accidents, China has come to a profound understanding of the utmost importance of nuclear emergencies, and the need to continuously strengthen and improve nuclear emergency preparedness and responses with a view to constantly enhancing the nuclear safety safeguard level. China has made great strides in a full range of nuclear emergency-related activities, including the enactment of regulations, codes and standards, the establishment of institutional and regulatory regimes, the building-up of basic capabilities, the fostering of professional personnel, related exercises and drills, public communication, and international cooperation and exchanges. This has not only provided a robust safeguard for China's own nuclear energy development, but also contributed actively to the promotion of a fair, open, collaborative and mutually beneficial international nuclear safety emergency framework and mankind's sharing of nuclear energy development achievements.
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      一、核能發(fā)展與核應急基本形勢I. Current Situation of Nuclear Energy Development and Nuclear Emergency Preparedness
      20世紀50年代中期,中國創(chuàng )建核工業(yè)。60多年來(lái),中國致力于和平利用核能事業(yè),發(fā)展推動(dòng)核技術(shù)在工業(yè)、農業(yè)、醫學(xué)、環(huán)境、能源等領(lǐng)域廣泛應用。特別是改革開(kāi)放以來(lái),中國核能事業(yè)得到更大發(fā)展。It was in the mid-1950s that China embarked on its nuclear industry. Over the past more than six decades China has made constant endeavors in the peaceful use of nuclear energy by promoting the extensive application of nuclear technologies to such areas as industry, agriculture, medicine, the environment and energy. In particular, since the introduction of the reform and opening-up policies in late 1978 China's nuclear energy sector has seen particularly rapid development.
      發(fā)展核電是中國核能事業(yè)的重要組成部分。核電是一種清潔、高效、優(yōu)質(zhì)的現代能源。中國堅持發(fā)展與安全并重原則,執行安全高效發(fā)展核電政策,采用最先進(jìn)的技術(shù)、最嚴格的標準發(fā)展核電。1985年3月,中國大陸第一座核電站——秦山核電站破土動(dòng)工。截至2015年10月底,中國大陸運行核電機組27臺,總裝機容量2550萬(wàn)千瓦;在建核電機組25臺,總裝機容量2751萬(wàn)千瓦。中國開(kāi)發(fā)出具有自主知識產(chǎn)權的大型先進(jìn)壓水堆、高溫氣冷堆核電技術(shù)。“華龍一號”核電技術(shù)示范工程投入建設。中國實(shí)驗快堆實(shí)現滿(mǎn)功率穩定運行72小時(shí),標志著(zhù)已經(jīng)掌握快堆關(guān)鍵技術(shù)。The development of nuclear power constitutes an important component of China's nuclear energy sector. Nuclear power is a clean, efficient and quality modern energy source. China has consistently adhered to the principle of placing equal emphasis on development and safety, and implemented the policy of developing nuclear power in a safe and efficient manner by adopting the most advanced technology and most stringent standards. In March 1985 construction started on the Qinshan Nuclear Power Station, the first of its kind in the mainland of China. As of the end of October 2015, in the mainland of China 27 nuclear generating units had been in operation, with a total installed capacity of 25.50 GWe, and another 25 nuclear generating units with a total installed capacity of 27.51 GWe had been under construction. China has already developed its large-sized advanced Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) and High Temperature Gas-cooled Reactor (HTGR) technologies with proprietary intellectual property rights. Construction of the HPR1000 technology pilot project has already commenced. The China Experimental Fast Reactor (CEFR) has achieved full power operation over 72 hours, signifying that China has already mastered the core technology associated with fast reactors.
      伴隨著(zhù)核能事業(yè)的發(fā)展,核安全與核應急同步得到加強。中國的核設施、核活動(dòng)始終保持安全穩定狀態(tài),特別是核電安全水平不斷提高。中國大陸所有運行核電機組未發(fā)生過(guò)國際核與輻射事件分級表二級以上事件和事故,氣態(tài)和液態(tài)流出物排放遠低于國家標準限值。在建核電機組質(zhì)量保證、安全監管、應急準備體系完整。With the development of the nuclear energy sector, nuclear safety and nuclear emergency work have seen steady synchronous reinforcement. China's nuclear facilities and nuclear activities have all along been in safe and stable state and, in particular, the safety level of nuclear power stations has witnessed constant improvement. None of the nuclear power generating units in China's mainland has suffered events or accidents rated above Level 2 under the International Nuclear and Radiological Event Scale (INES), with the release of gaseous and liquid effluents kept far below the national regulatory limits. All of the under-construction nuclear power generating units have intact quality assurance, safety supervision and emergency preparedness systems.
      中國高度重視核應急,始終以對人民安全和社會(huì )安全高度負責的態(tài)度強化核應急管理。早在作出發(fā)展核電決策之時(shí)就同步部署安排核應急工作。切爾諾貝利核事故發(fā)生后,中國明確表示發(fā)展核電方針不變,強調必須做好核應急準備,1986年即開(kāi)展國家核應急工作。1991年,成立國家核事故應急委員會(huì ),統籌協(xié)調全國核事故應急準備和救援工作。1993年,發(fā)布《核電廠(chǎng)核事故應急管理條例》,對核應急作出基本規范。1997年,發(fā)布第一部《國家核應急計劃(預案)》,對核應急準備與響應作出部署,之后,為適應核能發(fā)展需要,多次進(jìn)行修訂形成《國家核應急預案》。目前,中國核應急管理與準備工作的體系化、專(zhuān)業(yè)化、規范化、科學(xué)化水平全面提升。China has always attached great importance to nuclear emergency work by taking a highly responsible attitude toward the safety of the people and society as a whole in enforcing nuclear emergency management. Arrangements have been made for nuclear emergency work in tandem with the decision taken to proceed with nuclear power development. In the wake of the Chernobyl accident, China made it clear that there would be no change in its nuclear power development policy, while stressing that a good job would be done on nuclear emergency preparedness - with the result that national nuclear emergency work got off the ground in 1986. In 1991 the National Nuclear Accident Emergency Committee was inaugurated and commissioned to make overall planning and coordinate nuclear accident emergency preparations and rescue work nationwide. In 1993 China promulgated the Regulations on Emergency Measures for Nuclear Accidents at Nuclear Power Plants to formalize nuclear emergency by regulatory means. In 1997 the first National Nuclear Emergency Plan (Scenario) was issued to lay out arrangements for nuclear emergency preparations and response in the form of a governmental decision. To cater to the needs of nuclear power development, multiple revisions have since been made to the original Plan and the latest version of National Nuclear Emergency Plan has been enacted. At present, China's nuclear emergency management and preparations have seen comprehensive upgrades in terms of system, specialization, standards and scientific rigor.
      按照中國核電中長(cháng)期發(fā)展規劃目標,到2020年,中國大陸運行核電裝機容量將達到5800萬(wàn)千瓦,在建3000萬(wàn)千瓦左右;到2030年,力爭形成能夠體現世界核電發(fā)展方向的科技研發(fā)體系和配套工業(yè)體系,核電技術(shù)裝備在國際市場(chǎng)占據相當份額,全面實(shí)現建設核電強國目標。面對核能事業(yè)發(fā)展新形勢新挑戰,中國核應急在技術(shù)、裝備、人才、能力、標準等方面還存在一定不足,這也是其他國家在開(kāi)發(fā)利用核能進(jìn)程中面臨的共同課題。中國將通過(guò)理念創(chuàng )新、科技創(chuàng )新、管理創(chuàng )新,不斷強化國家核應急管理,把核應急提高到新水平。Under China's medium- and long-term development objectives, by 2020 the in-operation nuclear power installed capacity will reach 58 GWe in the mainland of China plus an additional 30 GWe approximately under construction. By 2030 endeavors will have been made to put into place science and technology R&D systems along with their associated industrial systems representing the global development trends of nuclear power, and to ensure that nuclear power technologies and equipment will take up a substantial share in the international market, thereby meeting the target of building a strong nuclear power country. Faced with the new situation, new challenges and new requirements, China is still confronted with shortfalls in nuclear emergency work in terms of technology, equipment, needed professionals, capacity and standards, which are the same problems encountered by other countries in developing nuclear energy. China will seek to reinforce national nuclear emergency management and raise its nuclear emergency work to a new level through idea innovation, scientific and technological innovation, and management innovation.
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      二、核應急方針政策II. Guidelines and Policies for Nuclear Emergency Preparedness
      中國是發(fā)展中大國,在發(fā)展核能進(jìn)程中,通過(guò)制定法律、行政法規和發(fā)布政令等方式,確定核應急基本方針政策。As a large developing country, China has laid down basic guidelines and policies applicable to nuclear emergency preparedness through enactment of laws, administrative regulations and issuance of government decrees in the course of nuclear energy development.
      中國核應急基本目標是:依法科學(xué)統一、及時(shí)有效應對處置核事故,最大程度控制、緩解或消除事故,減輕事故造成的人員傷亡和財產(chǎn)損失,保護公眾,保護環(huán)境,維護社會(huì )秩序,保障人民安全和國家安全。The basic objectives of nuclear emergency preparedness in China are: scientific coordination according to law, timely and effectively coping with nuclear accidents, maximally controlling/mitigating or eliminating accidents, minimizing human casualties/fatalities and property damages, protecting the public and the environment, maintaining social order and safeguarding the people's safety and national security.
      中國核應急基本方針是:常備不懈、積極兼容,統一指揮、大力協(xié)同,保護公眾、保護環(huán)境。The basic policy of nuclear emergency management in China is: constant vigilance, versatile compatibility, unified command, active coordination, public safeguard and environmental protection.
      ——常備不懈、積極兼容。各級核應急組織以“養兵千日,用兵一時(shí)”的態(tài)度,充分準備,隨時(shí)應對可能發(fā)生的核事故。建立健全專(zhuān)兼配合、資源整合、平戰結合、軍民融合的核應急準備與響應體系。核應急與其他工作統籌規劃、統籌部署、兼容實(shí)施。-- Constant vigilance, versatile compatibility. Nuclear emergency organizations at all levels should stay alert and vigilant at all times in readiness to respond to possible nuclear accidents at any time. A nuclear emergency preparation and response system featuring coordination of dedicated and standby systems, rational deployment of resources, combination of routine exercises and actual emergency response, and integration of civilian and military resources is to be established and perfected. Nuclear emergency work must be planned and deployed in an overall manner together with other activities and implemented compatibly with them.
      ——統一指揮、大力協(xié)同。核設施營(yíng)運單位統一協(xié)調指揮場(chǎng)內核事故應急響應行動(dòng),各級政府統一協(xié)調指揮本級管轄區域內核事故應急響應行動(dòng)。在政府統一組織指揮下,核應急組織、相關(guān)部門(mén)、相關(guān)企業(yè)、專(zhuān)業(yè)力量、社會(huì )組織以及軍隊救援力量等協(xié)同配合,共同完成核事故應急響應行動(dòng)。-- Unified command, active coordination. Operators of nuclear installations shall coordinate and direct on-site nuclear accident emergency response actions in a unified manner, and governments at all levels shall coordinate and direct nuclear accident emergency response actions within their respective jurisdictions in a unified manner. Under the unified organization and direction of the government, nuclear emergency organizations, relevant departments, relevant enterprises, professional teams, social organizations and military rescue units shall work in coordination with one another in a joint effort to complete nuclear accident emergency response actions.
      ——保護公眾、保護環(huán)境。把保護公眾作為核應急的根本宗旨,以一切為了人民的態(tài)度和行動(dòng)應對處置核事故。把保護環(huán)境作為核應急的根本要求,盡可能把核事故造成的放射性物質(zhì)釋放降到最小,最大程度控制、減輕或消除對環(huán)境的危害。-- Public safeguard and environmental protection. Public safeguard constitutes the fundamental objective of nuclear emergency preparedness, and it is incumbent upon us to take the attitude and actions that everything is for the people in coping with nuclear accidents. Environmental protection should be viewed as the fundamental requirement of nuclear emergency preparedness in such a way that every effort is made to minimize the release of radioactive substances and do our best to control, mitigate and eliminate damages to the environment.
      中國核應急基本原則是:統一領(lǐng)導、分級負責,條塊結合、軍地協(xié)同,快速反應、科學(xué)處置。The basic principles underlying nuclear emergency preparedness in China are: unified leadership, different levels of responsibility, tiered arrangements, coordination between the locality and the military, quick response, and scientific handling.
      ——統一領(lǐng)導、分級負責。在中央政府統一領(lǐng)導下,中國建立分級負責的核應急管理體系。核設施營(yíng)運單位是核事故場(chǎng)內應急工作責任主體。省級人民政府是本行政區域核事故場(chǎng)外應急工作責任主體。-- Unified leadership, different levels of responsibility. Under the unified leadership of the central government, China has established a nuclear emergency management system featuring assignment of responsibility to different levels. The operator of the relevant nuclear installation is the major body of accountability for on-site emergency work. The people's government at the provincial level is the major body of accountability for off-site emergency activities in its jurisdiction.
      ——條塊結合、軍地協(xié)同。核應急涉及中央與地方、軍隊與政府、場(chǎng)內與場(chǎng)外、專(zhuān)業(yè)技術(shù)與社會(huì )管理等方面,必須堅持統籌兼顧、相互配合、大力協(xié)同、綜合施救。-- Tiered arrangements, coordination between the locality and the military. Nuclear emergency involves the central and the local, the military and the government, on-site and off-site, specialized techniques and social administration. Therefore, it is necessary to uphold the principles of uniform deployment and centralized planning, mutual support, mutual coordination, and comprehensive rescue at all times.
      ——快速反應、科學(xué)處置。核事故發(fā)生后,各級核應急組織及早介入,迅速控制緩解事故,減輕對公眾和環(huán)境的影響。遵循應對處置核事故特點(diǎn)規律,組織開(kāi)展分析研判,科學(xué)決策,有效實(shí)施輻射監測、工程搶險、去污洗消、輻射防護、醫學(xué)救援等響應行動(dòng)。-- Quick response, scientific handling. When a nuclear accident occurs, all levels of nuclear emergency organizations shall be mobilized at the earliest possible time to rapidly control and mitigate the accident to minimize any impact on the public and the environment. Every effort shall be made to take into account the characteristics and rules applicable to nuclear accidents as the basis for organizing studies and evaluations to enable scientific decision-making, and enforce a full range of response actions in an effective manner, including radiation monitoring, worksite rescue, decontamination and cleansing, radiation protection and medical treatment, and so forth.
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      三、核應急“一案三制”建設III. All-round Promotion of Nuclear Emergency Preparedness
      中國高度重視核應急的預案和法制、體制、機制(簡(jiǎn)稱(chēng)“一案三制”)建設,通過(guò)法律制度保障、體制機制保障,建立健全國家核應急組織管理體系。China lays great store by the planning, and legislative/institutional/regulatory systems (known in Chinese as "One Planning plus Three Systems") associated with nuclear emergency preparedness, and ensures the establishment and full functioning of a national nuclear emergency management system through the safeguards of legislation, institution and regulations.
      加強全國核應急預案體系建設。《國家核應急預案》是中央政府應對處置核事故預先制定的工作方案。《國家核應急預案》對核應急準備與響應的組織體系、核應急指揮與協(xié)調機制、核事故應急響應分級、核事故后恢復行動(dòng)、應急準備與保障措施等作了全面規定。按照《國家核應急預案》要求,各級政府部門(mén)和核設施營(yíng)運單位制定核應急預案,形成相互配套銜接的全國核應急預案體系。Strengthening national nuclear emergency planning system building. The National Nuclear Emergency Plan is an action program pre-set by the central government to cope with nuclear accident scenarios. The National Nuclear Emergency Plan lays down a whole set of regulations on the organizational system, command and coordination mechanism, emergency response classification, post-accident restoration actions, and emergency preparation and safeguard measures related to nuclear emergency preparation and response actions. In line with the requirements of the National Nuclear Emergency Plan, governments at all levels and nuclear installation operators must draw up nuclear emergency plans fully in keeping with the National Nuclear Emergency Plan, so as to form a nationwide system of nuclear emergency planning.
      加強核應急法制建設。中國基本形成國家法律、行政法規、部門(mén)規章、國家和行業(yè)標準、管理導則于一體的核應急法律法規標準體系。早在1993年8月就頒布實(shí)施《核電廠(chǎng)核事故應急管理條例》。進(jìn)入本世紀以來(lái),又先后頒布實(shí)施《中華人民共和國放射性污染防治法》《中華人民共和國突發(fā)事件應對法》,從法律層面對核應急作出規定和要求。2015年7月,新修訂的《中華人民共和國國家安全法》開(kāi)始實(shí)施,進(jìn)一步強調加強核事故應急體系和應急能力建設,防止、控制和消除核事故對公眾生命健康和生態(tài)環(huán)境的危害。與這些法律法規相配套,政府相關(guān)部門(mén)制定相應的部門(mén)規章和管理導則,相關(guān)機構和涉核行業(yè)制定技術(shù)標準。軍隊制定參加核電廠(chǎng)核事故應急救援條例等相關(guān)法規和規章制度。目前,正積極推進(jìn)原子能法、核安全法立法進(jìn)程。Strengthening nuclear emergency legislative system building. China has put in place its own nuclear emergency legal framework, comprising state laws, administrative regulations, departmental rules, national and industrial standards, and management guidelines. As early as August 1993 China put into effect the Regulations on Emergency Management of Nuclear Accidents at Nuclear Power Plants. Since the beginning of this century China has, in succession, enacted the Law of the People's Republic of China on Prevention and Control of Radioactive Pollution and Emergency Response Law of the People's Republic of China, providing regulations and requirements from the legal perspective on nuclear emergency preparedness. In July 2015 the newly revised State Security Law of the People's Republic of China was promulgated, further reinforcing the nuclear accident emergency system and emergency response capacity building to prevent, control and eliminate damage to the life and health of the general public and ecological environment. In keeping with the foregoing laws and regulations, relevant departments of the government have worked out and put into effect their respective regulations and management guidelines, and relevant institutions and nuclear-related industries have drawn up applicable technical standards. The military also has drawn up relevant regulations, and established systems governing emergency rescue actions associated with nuclear emergency preparedness. Currently efforts are being made to push forward the legislative process associated with the Atomic Energy Law and Nuclear Safety Law.
      加強核應急管理體制建設。中國核應急實(shí)行國家統一領(lǐng)導、綜合協(xié)調、分級負責、屬地管理為主的管理體制。全國核應急管理工作由中央政府指定部門(mén)牽頭負責。核設施所在地的省(區、市)人民政府指定部門(mén)負責本行政區域內的核應急管理工作。核設施營(yíng)運單位及其上級主管部門(mén)(單位)負責場(chǎng)內核應急管理工作。必要時(shí),由中央政府領(lǐng)導、組織、協(xié)調全國的核事故應急管理工作。Strengthening nuclear emergency management system building. China implements a nuclear emergency management system featuring unified leadership at the national level, overall coordination, assignment of responsibilities to different levels and emphasis on localized administration. The nuclear emergency management is led and placed under the responsibility of the department designated by the central government. The governments of the province (autonomous region or centrally administered municipality) wherein nuclear installations are located are responsible for nuclear emergency management within their respective jurisdictions. The operator of the relevant nuclear installation and its senior competent authority (unit) shall be responsible for on-site emergency management. Wherever necessary, the central government will lead, organize and coordinate nuclear emergency management at the national level.
      加強核應急機制建設。中國實(shí)行由一個(gè)部門(mén)牽頭、多個(gè)部門(mén)參與的核應急組織協(xié)調機制。在國家層面,設立國家核事故應急協(xié)調委員會(huì ),由政府和軍隊相關(guān)部門(mén)組成,主要職責是:貫徹國家核應急工作方針,擬定國家核應急工作政策,統一協(xié)調全國核事故應急,決策、組織、指揮應急支援響應行動(dòng)。同時(shí)設立國家核事故應急辦公室,承擔國家核事故應急協(xié)調委員會(huì )日常工作。在省(區、市)層面,設立核應急協(xié)調機構。核設施營(yíng)運單位設立核應急組織。國家和各相關(guān)省(區、市)以及核設施營(yíng)運單位建立專(zhuān)家委員會(huì )或支撐機構,為核應急準備與響應提供決策咨詢(xún)和建議。Strengthening nuclear emergency mechanism building. China implements a nuclear emergency organization and coordination mechanism featuring leadership by one department and participation by multiple departments. At the national level, a National Nuclear Accident Emergency Coordination Committee has been set up comprising relevant governmental and military departments with the following main responsibilities: implementing state nuclear emergency work guidelines, drawing up national policies for nuclear emergency management, uniformly coordinating emergency activities at the national level, and deciding, organizing and commanding emergency assistance response actions. A National Nuclear Emergency Office has also been set up to undertake the routine work of the National Nuclear Accident Emergency Coordination Committee. At the provincial (regional and municipal) levels, nuclear emergency coordination bodies have been established, and operators of nuclear installations have set up their respective nuclear emergency bodies. At the national and provincial (regional and municipal) levels and within the operators of the nuclear installations, committees of experts or the support organizations thereof have been established to provide advice and suggestions on nuclear emergency preparedness and response.
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      四、核應急能力建設與保持IV. Building and Maintenance of Nuclear Emergency Capabilities
      中國堅持積極兼容、資源整合、專(zhuān)業(yè)配套、軍民融合的思路,建設并保持與核能事業(yè)安全高效發(fā)展相適應的國家核應急能力,形成有效應對核事故的國家核應急能力體系。Sticking to the guidelines of versatile compatibility, resource integration, interdisciplinary support, and integration of military and civilian capabilities, China builds and maintains national nuclear emergency capabilities commensurate with the safe and efficient development of nuclear energy, and forms a fully-fledged national system of nuclear emergency response capabilities.
      國家建立全國統一的核應急能力體系,部署軍隊和地方兩個(gè)工作系統,區分國家級、省級、核設施營(yíng)運單位級三個(gè)能力層次,推進(jìn)核應急領(lǐng)域的各種力量建設。At the national level, a unified nuclear emergency response capabilities system is in place to coordinate military and local systems whereby three distinct tiers of capabilities are maintained, viz. national, provincial and nuclear installation operator levels, with a view to pushing forward with the building of various capabilities related to nuclear emergency response.
      建設國家核應急專(zhuān)業(yè)技術(shù)支持中心。建設輻射監測、輻射防護、航空監測、醫學(xué)救援、海洋輻射監測、氣象監測預報、輔助決策、響應行動(dòng)等8類(lèi)國家級核應急專(zhuān)業(yè)技術(shù)支持中心以及3個(gè)國家級核應急培訓基地,基本形成專(zhuān)業(yè)齊全、功能完備、支撐有效的核應急技術(shù)支持和培訓體系。Building national nuclear emergency response professional technical support centers. China has built eight types of national-level nuclear emergency technical support centers, i.e., radiation monitoring, radiation prevention, aviation monitoring, medical rescue, marine radiation monitoring, meteorological monitoring and forecasting, decision-making aid, and response action, along with three national-level nuclear emergency response training bases, thereby essentially forming an integrated emergency technical support and training system featuring a full array of disciplines and functions, and effective support.
      建設國家級核應急救援力量。經(jīng)過(guò)多年努力,中國形成了規模適度、功能銜接、布局合理的核應急救援專(zhuān)業(yè)力量體系。適應核電站建設布局需要,按照區域部署、模塊設置、專(zhuān)業(yè)配套原則,組建30余支國家級專(zhuān)業(yè)救援分隊,承擔核事故應急處置各類(lèi)專(zhuān)業(yè)救援任務(wù)。軍隊是國家級核應急救援力量的重要組成部分,擔負支援地方核事故應急的職責使命,近年來(lái)核應急力量建設成效顯著(zhù)。為應對可能發(fā)生的嚴重核事故,依托現有能力基礎,中國將組建一支300余人的國家核應急救援隊,主要承擔復雜條件下重特大核事故突擊搶險和緊急處置任務(wù),并參與國際核應急救援行動(dòng)。Building national-level nuclear emergency rescue forces. Through efforts over many years, China has already built a specialized nuclear emergency rescue capability system that is of a proper scale, well-coordinated and of a rational layout. To cater to the needs of layout for the construction of nuclear power stations, on the principle of regional deployment, modular set-up and disciplinary integration, over 30 national-level professional rescue teams have been formed to specifically take charge of various kinds of specialized rescue missions. The military constitutes an important part of the national-level nuclear emergency rescue force, and fulfills the mission of aiding local nuclear accident emergency response actions, and, as such, has scored brilliant achievements in building up its nuclear emergency response capabilities. To cope with possible severe nuclear accidents and on the basis of the available capabilities, China is to form a national nuclear emergency rescue team composed of over 300 people to be mainly responsible for undertaking unexpected rescue missions in serious nuclear accident scenarios and emergency treatment tasks, and stand ready to take part in international nuclear emergency rescue operations.
      建設省級核應急力量。中國設立核電站的省(區、市)均建立了相應的核應急力量,包括核應急指揮中心、應急輻射監測網(wǎng)、醫學(xué)救治網(wǎng)、氣象監測網(wǎng)、洗消點(diǎn)、撤離道路、撤離人員安置點(diǎn)等,以及專(zhuān)業(yè)技術(shù)支持能力和救援分隊,基本滿(mǎn)足本區域核應急準備與響應需要。省(區、市)核應急指揮中心與本級行政區域內核設施實(shí)現互聯(lián)互通。Building provincial-level nuclear emergency rescue forces. Nuclear emergency response forces have been established at the provincial (regional and municipal) levels in areas where nuclear power stations are sited, including nuclear emergency command centers, emergency radiation monitoring networks, medical treatment networks, meteorological monitoring networks, decontamination points, evacuation roads and shelters for evacuees, along with specialized technical support and rescue task forces, thereby basically meeting the nuclear emergency preparedness and response needs of the involved regions. Each provincial (regional and municipal) nuclear emergency command center is connected with the nuclear installation(s) within its jurisdiction.
      建設核設施營(yíng)運單位核應急力量。按照國家要求,參照國際標準,中國各核設施營(yíng)運單位均建立相關(guān)的核應急設施及力量,包括應急指揮中心、應急通訊設施、應急監測和后果評價(jià)設施;配備應對處置緊急情況的應急電源等急需裝備、設備和儀器;組建輻射監測、事故控制、去污洗消等場(chǎng)內核應急救援隊伍。核設施營(yíng)運單位所屬涉核集團之間建立核應急相互支援合作機制,形成核應急資源儲備和調配等支援能力,實(shí)現優(yōu)勢互補、相互協(xié)調。Building a nuclear emergency response force on the part of the operators of nuclear installations. In accordance with national requirements and following international standards, operators of nuclear installations in China have set up their own nuclear emergency response facilities and forces, including emergency command centers, emergency communication facilities, and emergency monitoring and consequence evaluation facilities. In addition, emergency facilities, equipment and instrumentation, such as emergency power supply, are in place. On-site rescue teams specializing in radiation monitoring, accident control, decontamination and cleansing have been established. Corporations controlling operators of the respective nuclear installations have set up a mutual support collaborative mechanism to form nuclear emergency response resource reserve and deployment assistance capabilities, thereby ensuring mutually complementary support and coordination.
      按照積極兼容原則,圍繞各自職責,中國各級政府有關(guān)部門(mén)依據《國家核應急預案》明確的任務(wù),分別建立并加強可服務(wù)保障核應急的能力體系。In accordance with the principle of versatile compatibility and based on their respective duties and responsibilities, government departments at different levels in China have established and reinforced their respective capability systems to serve and safeguard nuclear emergency response activities commensurate with the tasks established under the National Nuclear Emergency Plan.
      按照國家、相關(guān)省(區、市)和各核設施營(yíng)運單位制定的核應急預案,在國家核應急體制機制框架下,各級各類(lèi)核應急力量統一調配、聯(lián)動(dòng)使用,共同承擔核事故應急處置任務(wù)。In accordance with the nuclear emergency response plans worked out by the national and provincial (regional and municipal) authorities and the operators of nuclear installations and within the institutional framework of the national nuclear emergency response system, various levels and categories of nuclear emergency response forces ensure unified deployment and interactive mobilization to jointly undertake tasks associated with nuclear accident emergency situations.
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      五、核事故應對處置主要措施V. Main Measures to Cope with Nuclear Accidents
      中國參照國際先進(jìn)標準,汲取國際成熟經(jīng)驗,結合國情和核能發(fā)展實(shí)際,制定了控制、緩解、應對核事故的工作措施。By referring the advanced international standards and drawing on worldwide mature experience, China has defined working measures to control, mitigate and cope with nuclear accidents commensurate with its national conditions and actual situation of nuclear energy development.
      實(shí)施縱深防御。設置五道防線(xiàn),前移核應急關(guān)口,多重屏障強化核電安全,防止事故與減輕事故后果。一是保證設計、制造、建造、運行等質(zhì)量,預防偏離正常運行。二是嚴格執行運行規程,遵守運行技術(shù)規范,使機組運行在限定的安全區間以?xún)龋皶r(shí)檢測和糾正偏差,對非正常運行加以控制,防止演變?yōu)槭鹿省H侨绻钗茨芗皶r(shí)糾正,發(fā)生設計基準事故時(shí),自動(dòng)啟用電廠(chǎng)安全系統和保護系統,組織應急運行,防止事故惡化。四是如果事故未能得到有效控制,啟動(dòng)事故處理規程,實(shí)施事故管理策略,保證安全殼不被破壞,防止放射性物質(zhì)外泄。五是在極端情況下,如果以上各道防線(xiàn)均告失效,立即進(jìn)行場(chǎng)外應急響應行動(dòng),努力減輕事故對公眾和環(huán)境的影響。同時(shí),設置多道實(shí)體屏障,確保層層設防,防止和控制放射性物質(zhì)釋入環(huán)境。Implementing the defense-in-depth concept. Five lines of defense have been set up under which the nuclear emergency preparedness threshold is moved ahead and multiple barriers are installed to strengthen nuclear safety, prevent accidents and mitigate the consequences of an accident. The five lines of defense are: First, the quality of design, manufacturing, construction and operation shall be assured to prevent deviation from normal operation; second, operation procedures and operation technical specifications shall be rigorously followed and observed to ensure that each nuclear generating unit is operated within the defined safety range, any deviations therefrom are detected and corrected in a timely manner, and any abnormal operation is controlled to prevent it from evolving into an accident; third, in case a deviation fails to be corrected in a timely manner, plant safety and protection systems shall be automatically activated upon occurrence of an accident within the design datum, and emergency operations shall be organized to prevent the situation deteriorating; fourth, in case an accident fails to be controlled effectively, accident handling procedures shall be activated with the accident management strategy enforced to ensure that the containment shall remain intact and no radioactive substances are released into the environment; and fifth, in the event of failure of the above-mentioned lines of defense, off-site emergency actions shall be immediately activated in an effort to minimize any impact from the accident on the public or the environment. Meanwhile, multiple physical barriers shall be set up to ensure that multiple lines of defense are in place to prevent and control release of radioactive substances into the environment.
      實(shí)行分級響應。參照國際原子能機構核事故事件分級表,根據核事故性質(zhì)、嚴重程度及輻射后果影響范圍,確定核事故級別。核應急狀態(tài)分為應急待命、廠(chǎng)房應急、場(chǎng)區應急、場(chǎng)外應急,分別對應Ⅳ級響應、Ⅲ級響應、Ⅱ級響應、Ⅰ級響應。前三級響應,主要針對場(chǎng)區范圍內的應急需要組織實(shí)施。當出現或可能出現向環(huán)境釋放大量放射性物質(zhì),事故后果超越場(chǎng)區邊界并可能?chē)乐匚<肮娊】岛铜h(huán)境安全時(shí),進(jìn)入場(chǎng)外應急,啟動(dòng)Ⅰ級響應。Exercising a tiered response scheme. The level of a nuclear accident shall be determined in accordance with the nature and seriousness of the accident and scope of effect from radiation, based on the International Nuclear and Radiological Event Scale (INES) guidelines of the International Atomic Energy Agency. The nuclear emergency preparedness condition is divided into Emergency Standby, Building Emergency, On-Site Emergency and Off-Site Emergency, which respectively correspond to Level IV response, Level III response, Level II response and Level I response. The first three levels of response mainly focus on the organization and implementation of emergency actions within the site. Off-Site Emergency shall be announced with its corresponding Level I response activated upon occurrence of release or possible release of a large quantity of radioactive substances into the environment in which accident consequences have crossed boundaries of the site, with the possibility of seriously jeopardizing public health and environmental safety.
      部署響應行動(dòng)。核事故發(fā)生后,各級核應急組織根據事故性質(zhì)和嚴重程度,實(shí)施以下全部或部分響應行動(dòng)。Deploying actions of response. Every level of nuclear emergency organization shall implement the following response actions in whole or in part depending upon the nature and seriousness of the accident:
      ——迅速緩解控制事故。立即組織專(zhuān)業(yè)力量、裝備和物資等開(kāi)展工程搶險,緩解并控制事故,努力使核設施恢復到安全狀態(tài),防止或減少放射性物質(zhì)向環(huán)境釋放。-- Mitigating and controlling the accident in a timely manner. A professional force, equipment and supplies shall be thrown into immediate engineering emergency measures to mitigate and control any accident in an attempt to bring the relevant nuclear installation back to a safe condition while preventing or minimizing the release of radioactive substances into the environment.
      ——開(kāi)展輻射監測和后果評價(jià)。在事故現場(chǎng)和受影響地區開(kāi)展放射性監測以及人員受照劑量監測等。實(shí)時(shí)開(kāi)展氣象、水文、地質(zhì)、地震等觀(guān)(監)測預報。開(kāi)展事故工況診斷和釋放源項分析,研判事故發(fā)展趨勢,評價(jià)輻射后果,判定受影響區域范圍。-- Conducting radiation monitoring and consequence assessment. Radiation monitoring shall be conducted at the site of the accident and areas affected and doses possibly absorbed by personnel shall be measured. Observation/surveillance and forecast on meteorological, hydrological, geological and seismic impacts shall be provided on a real-time basis. The accident conditions shall be diagnosed and substances released shall be analyzed to determine the accident evolution trend, evaluate radiation consequences and define the areas affected.
      ——組織人員實(shí)施應急防護行動(dòng)。當事故已經(jīng)或可能導致碘放射性同位素釋放,由專(zhuān)業(yè)組織及時(shí)安排一定區域內公眾服用穩定碘,以減少甲狀腺的受照劑量。適時(shí)組織受輻射影響地區人員采取隱蔽、撤離、臨時(shí)避遷或永久遷出等應急防護措施,避免或減少受到輻射損傷。及時(shí)開(kāi)展心理援助,撫慰社會(huì )公眾情緒,減輕社會(huì )恐慌。-- Organizing personnel to implement emergency protection actions. If radioactive isotope of iodine has already been released or may be released arising from an accident, a professional team shall organize the public within a given area to take stable iodine pills to minimize radiation exposure to the thyroid gland. The people in the affected area shall be duly organized to take emergency protection measures deemed necessary, including hiding, evacuating, seeking temporary shelter or permanently moving out in order to prevent or minimize injuries from radiation exposure. Psychological assistance shall be provided in a timely manner to minimize social anxiety and panic.
      ——實(shí)施去污洗消和醫療救治。由專(zhuān)業(yè)人員去除或降低人員、設備、場(chǎng)所、環(huán)境等放射性污染。組織核應急醫學(xué)救援力量實(shí)施醫學(xué)診斷、分類(lèi),開(kāi)展醫療救治,包括現場(chǎng)緊急救治、地方醫院救治和后方專(zhuān)業(yè)救治等。-- Arranging decontamination and medical treatment. Professionals shall be dispatched to remove or minimize radioactive pollution affecting people, equipment, premises and the environment. A nuclear emergency preparedness medical rescue force shall be organized to perform medical diagnoses, case identification and medical treatment, including on-site first-aid treatment, local hospital treatment and backup professional treatment.
      ——控制出入通道和口岸。根據受事故影響區域具體情況,劃定警戒區,設定出入通道,嚴格控制各類(lèi)人員、車(chē)輛、設備和物資出入。對出入境人員、交通工具、集裝箱、貨物、行李物品、郵包快件等實(shí)施放射性污染檢測與控制。-- Controlling access passages and ports. Zones shall be demarcated according to the areas affected and strict control shall be enforced over the passage of people, vehicles, equipment and supplies in and out of the designated passages. People, vehicles, cargo containers, goods, travelers' belongings and parcels moving in or out of the border checkpoints shall be screened for radiation detection and control.
      ——加強市場(chǎng)監管與調控。針對受事故影響地區市場(chǎng)供應及公眾心理狀況,及時(shí)進(jìn)行重要生活必需品的市場(chǎng)監管和調控。禁止或限制受污染食品和飲用水的生產(chǎn)、加工、流通和食用,避免或減少放射性物質(zhì)攝入。-- Strengthening market supervision and regulation. Necessities shall be subject to market supervision and regulation in a timely manner in line with the supply of market and the public psych in the areas affected. Manufacturing, processing, circulation and consumption of contaminated food and drinking water shall be banned or limited, so as to prevent or minimize the intake of radioactive substances.
      ——維護社會(huì )治安。嚴厲打擊借機傳播謠言、制造恐慌等違法犯罪行為。在群眾安置點(diǎn)、搶險救援物資存放點(diǎn)等重點(diǎn)地區,增設臨時(shí)警務(wù)站,加強治安巡邏。強化核事故現場(chǎng)等重要場(chǎng)所警戒保衛,根據需要做好周邊地區交通管制等工作。-- Maintaining social order. Illegal or criminal acts, such as spreading rumors to create panic, shall be dealt with rigorously. Additional makeshift police posts shall be established to reinforce security patrols in important locations such as settlement sites and storage places for rescue supplies. Security for important premises such as the site of the nuclear accident shall be enhanced, and traffic control in the surrounding areas shall be properly coordinated according to actual needs.
      ——發(fā)布權威準確信息。參照國際原子能機構做法,根據中國法律法規,由國家、省(區、市)和核設施營(yíng)運單位適時(shí)向社會(huì )發(fā)布準確、權威信息,及時(shí)將核事故狀態(tài)、影響和社會(huì )公眾應注意的事項、需要個(gè)人進(jìn)行防護的措施告知公眾,確保信息公開(kāi)、透明。-- Releasing accurate official information. Accurate and official information shall be duly published to the public by the central, provincial (regional or municipal) governments and operators of nuclear installations in accordance with International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) practice, and the laws and regulations of China to ensure that information with respect to nuclear accident status, effects on the public and individual protection measures shall be disclosed to the public in an open, transparent and timely manner.
      ——做好國際通報與申請援助。按照國際原子能機構《及早通報核事故公約》要求,做好向國際社會(huì )的通報。按照國際原子能機構《核事故或輻射緊急情況援助公約》要求,視情向國際原子能機構和國際社會(huì )申請核應急救援。-- Doing well in notifying the international community and requesting for help. Notification shall be given to the international community in accordance with the Convention on Early Notification of a Nuclear Accident of the IAEA. Request for assistance shall be made to the IAEA and the world community in accordance with the Convention on Assistance in the Case of a Nuclear Accident or Radiological Emergency of the IAEA, depending upon the actual situation.
      建立健全國家核應急技術(shù)標準體系。建立包括設置核電廠(chǎng)應急計劃區、核事故分級、應急狀態(tài)分級、開(kāi)展應急防護行動(dòng)、實(shí)施應急干預原則與干預水平等完整系統的國家核應急技術(shù)標準體系,為組織實(shí)施核應急準備與響應提供基本技術(shù)指南。Establishing a robust system of technical standards for national nuclear emergency preparedness. A complete system of technical standards for national nuclear emergency preparedness shall be established, and it covers the standards for classification of nuclear power plant emergency planning zones, nuclear accidents and emergency status, implementation of emergency protection actions, and definition of emergency intervention principles and levels of intervention, so as to provide a primary technical guideline for the implementation of nuclear emergency preparedness and response.
      加強應急值班。建立核應急值班體系,各級核應急組織保持24小時(shí)值班備勤。在國家核事故應急辦公室設立核應急國家聯(lián)絡(luò )點(diǎn),負責核應急值班,及時(shí)掌握國內核設施情況,保持與國際原子能機構信息暢通。Strengthening emergency on-duty system. An emergency on-duty system shall be established to ensure that each level of nuclear emergency organization stays on-duty 24 hours a day. National contact points for nuclear emergency preparedness under the national nuclear accident emergency office shall be on duty for nuclear emergency preparedness to collect information about domestic nuclear installations and keep the IAEA updated.
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      六、核應急演習演練、培訓與公眾溝通VI. Nuclear Emergency Preparedness Exercises, Drills, Training and Public Communication
      中國高度重視核應急演習演練,切實(shí)加強專(zhuān)業(yè)培訓,注重公眾溝通,不斷提高各級核應急組織應對處置嚴重核事故的能力水平,普及社會(huì )公眾核安全應急知識,營(yíng)造促進(jìn)核能發(fā)展良好環(huán)境,樹(shù)立全社會(huì )對發(fā)展核能事業(yè)信心。China attaches great importance to nuclear emergency preparedness exercises, drills, training and public communication, and continuous efforts have been made to enhance the capabilities of nuclear emergency preparedness organizations at various levels to cope with nuclear accidents, popularize knowledge of nuclear safety and emergency preparedness, create an environment conducive to facilitating nuclear energy development and build society-wide confidence in the country's nuclear energy sector.
      組織實(shí)施核應急演習。發(fā)布《核電廠(chǎng)核事故應急管理條例》《突發(fā)事件應急預案管理辦法》《突發(fā)事件應急演練指南》《核應急演習管理規定》等規章,明確規定國家核應急演習方針原則、組織機構、內容形式、分類(lèi)頻次、保障準備、實(shí)施程序等。適應核能發(fā)展需要,定期舉行全國性核應急聯(lián)合演習;相關(guān)省(區、市)每2年至4年舉行一次本級場(chǎng)內場(chǎng)外核應急聯(lián)合演習;核設施營(yíng)運單位每2年組織一次綜合演習,每年組織多種專(zhuān)項演習,擁有3臺以上運行機組的演習頻度適當增加;核電站首次裝投料前,所在地省級核應急管理機構組織場(chǎng)內場(chǎng)外聯(lián)合演習。近年來(lái),先后組織代號為“神盾—2009”“神盾—2015”的國家核應急聯(lián)合演習,參演規模近6000人,日本、韓國、法國、巴基斯坦、國際原子能機構等派出官員、專(zhuān)家觀(guān)摩。Organizing nuclear emergency preparedness exercises. The policies and principles, organization, formats, classifications, frequency, safeguard preparation and implementation procedures for China's nuclear emergency preparedness have been clearly defined in such documents as Regulations on Emergency Measures for Nuclear Accidents at Nuclear Power Plants, Contingency Measures for Unexpected Events, Guideline on Emergency Exercises for Unexpected Events and Regulations on Nuclear Emergency Preparedness Exercises. To cater to the needs of nuclear energy development, national-level nuclear emergency preparedness joint exercises shall be conducted on a regular basis; provincial-level on-site and off-site joint exercises for nuclear emergency preparedness shall be conducted once every two to four years by the relevant provinces (autonomous regions or centrally administered municipalities); operators of nuclear installations shall conduct comprehensive exercises once every two years and special exercises for different purposes every year, with higher frequency for those which have three or more generating units. Prior to the initial fuel loading, an on-site and off-site joint exercise shall be organized by the provincial-level nuclear emergency management organization where the relevant nuclear power plant is located. National-level nuclear emergency joint exercises with the code names "Shendun-2009" and "Shendun-2015" have been conducted and observed by officials and experts fromJapan, ROK,France,Pakistanand theIAEA, involving the participation of about 6,000 persons on the two occasions.
      建立三級核應急培訓制度。國家核應急管理機構負責全國核應急管理人員培訓,省(區、市)核應急管理機構負責本行政區域內核應急人員培訓,核設施營(yíng)運單位負責本單位核應急工作人員專(zhuān)業(yè)技術(shù)培訓。福島核事故以來(lái),中國各級舉辦培訓班110多期,培訓近萬(wàn)人次。目前,中國核應急管理人員、專(zhuān)業(yè)技術(shù)人員均參加過(guò)不同級別、專(zhuān)業(yè)的培訓。Establishing a three-level nuclear emergency preparedness training system. The state nuclear emergency preparedness management organization shall be in charge of training for nation-wide nuclear emergency preparedness management personnel; nuclear emergency preparedness management organizations at the provincial (regional and municipal) level shall be in charge of training for nuclear emergency preparedness personnel within their respective jurisdictions; operators of nuclear installations shall be in charge of providing professional skills training for their own staff in the field of nuclear emergency preparedness. Since the Fukushima accident, China has organized more than 110 training sessions for different levels of nuclear emergency preparedness organizations, attended by a total of 10,000 people. China's nuclear emergency preparedness management personnel and technical professionals have all attended nuclear emergency preparedness trainings of different levels and disciplines.
      加強核應急公眾溝通與信息發(fā)布。中國高度重視核應急公眾溝通和信息發(fā)布,制定相關(guān)規定,明確公開(kāi)透明、客觀(guān)真實(shí)、權威可信、科學(xué)通俗的工作原則。各級核應急組織建立專(zhuān)門(mén)的核應急宣傳隊伍,適時(shí)向全社會(huì )宣傳國家核能政策、核安全政策、核應急政策,增加核能發(fā)展透明度,確保公眾享有核安全監督權、核應急準備與響應知情權。2013年以來(lái),以“共筑核應急核安全防線(xiàn)、共促核能事業(yè)科學(xué)發(fā)展”為主題,多次組織全國范圍核應急宣傳活動(dòng),國內外受眾面達到10億人次。2015年1月,利用中國核工業(yè)創(chuàng )建60周年契機,開(kāi)展一系列面向國內外的宣傳活動(dòng)。2015年12月,組織媒體走進(jìn)中國核電企業(yè),開(kāi)展“助推核能發(fā)展、助力‘一帶一路’”采訪(fǎng)活動(dòng),向國內外集中展示中國核電技術(shù)先進(jìn)性、核電安全可靠性、核電管理規范性、核應急準備充分性,產(chǎn)生了積極社會(huì )反響。各涉核企業(yè)、大專(zhuān)院校和有關(guān)團體還以各種形式開(kāi)展涉核科普宣傳活動(dòng),努力營(yíng)造安全高效發(fā)展核能的良好氛圍。Reinforcing public communication and information disclosure about nuclear emergency preparedness. China attaches great importance to public communication and information disclosure regarding nuclear emergency preparedness by developing relevant regulations on the principles of transparency, objectivity, trustworthiness and scientific accuracy. Each level of nuclear emergency preparedness organization has established a special nuclear emergency preparedness publicity team to publicize national policies on nuclear energy, nuclear safety and nuclear emergency preparedness to the public and to enhance transparency of nuclear energy development to ensure the public's right to supervise nuclear safety and access to information on nuclear emergency preparedness and response. Since 2013 a number of nationwide nuclear emergency preparedness publicity activities with the theme "Joining Efforts to Establish Defense on Nuclear Emergency and for Nuclear Safety, and to Foster the Scientific Development of Nuclear Energy Sector" have been held, arousing extensive attention both at home and abroad. In January 2015 publicity activities targeting domestic and foreign audiences were successively conducted by nuclear-related organizations to mark the 60th anniversary of the launch of China's nuclear industry. In December 2015 the domestic and foreign media were invited to visit Chinese nuclear power enterprises for the well-received campaign "Boosting Nuclear Energy Development for the One Belt and One Road Initiative," showcasing to Chinese audience the advanced nature of China's nuclear power technology, the safety and reliability of nuclear power, standardization of nuclear power management and adequacy of nuclear emergency preparedness, producing positive social repercussions. Nuclear-related enterprises, universities and colleges, and relevant organizations have conducted a variety of publicity activities in relation to the popularization of nuclear-related scientific knowledge in a bid to foster an atmosphere conducive to the safe and efficient development of nuclear energy.
      香港特別行政區、澳門(mén)特別行政區毗鄰廣東省,特區公眾和輿論關(guān)注內地核能發(fā)展。1992年以來(lái),粵港雙方針對廣東大亞灣和嶺澳核電站核應急事宜達成多項共識。國家核應急管理機構多次與廣東省、香港特別行政區政府組織宣介會(huì ),不斷充實(shí)粵港核應急合作機制內容,完善粵港核應急交流平臺,及時(shí)回應公眾關(guān)切,消除疑慮。中央政府有關(guān)部門(mén)還有針對性地與港澳地區相關(guān)部門(mén)聯(lián)合開(kāi)展各領(lǐng)域專(zhuān)業(yè)培訓,提高當地人員專(zhuān)業(yè)水平,為保持香港、澳門(mén)繁榮穩定作出積極貢獻。As the Hong Kong and Macao special administrative regions (SAR) are adjacent to Guangdong Province, the public in Hong Kong and Macao pay close attention to the nuclear energy development in China's mainland. Since 1992 Guangdong Province and the Hong Kong SAR have reached consensus on a number of issues in relation to nuclear emergency preparedness associated with the Daya Bay and Ling Ao nuclear power plants in Guangdong. The state nuclear emergency management organ has, on more than one occasion, organized promotional activities in conjunction with Guangdong Province and the Hong Kong SAR to further enrich the contents of their collaborative mechanism on nuclear emergency preparedness, refine the communication platform for nuclear emergency preparedness between Guangdong and Hong Kong, and respond to public concerns in a timely manner to allay any misgivings. The relevant departments of the central government have held special training sessions focusing on various disciplines in conjunction with the departments concerned of Hong Kong and Macao SAR governments with a view to raising the professional level of the local public, therefore contributing positively to maintaining the prosperity and stability of both Hong Kong and Macao.
      核能安全利用是關(guān)系臺灣海峽兩岸人民生命財產(chǎn)安全的大事,兩岸雙方對此高度重視。2011年10月,海協(xié)會(huì )與臺灣海基會(huì )簽署《海峽兩岸核電安全合作協(xié)議》。在該協(xié)議框架下,兩岸建立核應急事務(wù)聯(lián)系機制,在核電安全法規與標準、核電廠(chǎng)事故緊急通報、核電廠(chǎng)環(huán)境輻射監測、核電廠(chǎng)事故緊急應變及準備等領(lǐng)域不斷拓展交流與合作,取得積極成效。As the safe use of nuclear energy is a major issue bearing on the safety of both life and property of people across the Taiwan Straits, both sides of the Straits lay great store by it. In October 2011 the Association for Relations across the Taiwan Straits and Straits Exchange Foundation signed the Cross-straits Nuclear Power Safety Cooperation Agreement. Under the framework of this agreement, a communication mechanism has been put in place between the two sides across the Straits on nuclear emergency matters, and positive achievements have reaped in expanded exchange and cooperation in such areas as regulations and standards concerning nuclear power safety, emergency reporting on nuclear power plant accidents, environmental radiation monitoring for nuclear power plants, and emergency response and preparations for nuclear power plant accidents.
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      七、核應急科技創(chuàng )新VII. Scientific and Technological Innovations in Nuclear Emergency Preparedness
      中國制定國家核應急工作規劃,明確核應急領(lǐng)域科技創(chuàng )新目標要求、體制機制、人才建設、主要任務(wù)、保障措施等,取得一批科技創(chuàng )新成果,部分成果達到國際先進(jìn)水平。China has worked out a national plan for nuclear emergency preparedness work, which has clearly defined the targets, mechanism, training of professionals, main tasks and safeguard measures for scientific and technological innovation in the field of nuclear emergency preparedness. New achievements have been made, and some of them have even reached the international advanced level.
      核事故后果評價(jià)與決策支持系統開(kāi)發(fā)。堅持技術(shù)引進(jìn)與自主創(chuàng )新相結合,中國有關(guān)院校和科研院所,在事故源項估算、風(fēng)場(chǎng)診斷與預報、氣載放射性擴散、水體放射性擴散、核輻射醫學(xué)應急分類(lèi)及救援、放射性劑量估算等技術(shù)領(lǐng)域取得成果,為國家核應急決策提供了技術(shù)支持。Development of nuclear accident consequence evaluation and decision-making support system. By insisting on the combination of technology introduction and self-reliant innovations, China's relevant universities and R&D institutes have made achievements in such technological areas as accident source term estimation, wind field diagnosis and forecast, airborne radioactive material dispersion, radioactive material dispersion in water bodies, nuclear radiation medicine emergency classification and treatment, radioactive dose estimation, etc., which have provided technical support for the state in decision making related to national nuclear emergency preparedness.
      核應急基礎技術(shù)研究。開(kāi)展“華龍一號”反應堆、AP1000反應堆(美國先進(jìn)壓水堆)、EPR反應堆(歐洲壓水堆)、高溫氣冷堆、快堆等三代、四代核電技術(shù)反應堆核應急技術(shù)與管理研究。針對多機組同時(shí)出現共模事故、內陸核電站嚴重事故源項分析、跨地區核應急準備、核燃料循環(huán)設施應急準備、核與輻射恐怖襲擊事件應急處置等重大課題,持續開(kāi)展研究,取得一批成果,促進(jìn)了中國核應急基礎技術(shù)水平的整體增強。Basic research in nuclear emergency preparedness. Research in nuclear emergency preparedness technologies and management for third and fourth generation of nuclear power technologies, such as HPR1000, AP1000 (US Advanced Pressurized Water Reactor), EPR (European Pressurized Water Reactor), High Temperature Gas-cooled Reactors and fast reactors has been carried out. Studies are continuing on important subjects such as simultaneous common-mode failure for multiple units, severe accident source term analysis for inland nuclear power plants, inter-regional nuclear emergency preparedness, nuclear fuel cycle facility emergency preparedness and emergency response to nuclear and radiological terrorist attacks, and some achievements have been made, uplifting as a whole the level of China's basic technologies concerning nuclear emergency preparedness.
      核應急專(zhuān)用裝備研發(fā)。重點(diǎn)推進(jìn)核應急輻射監測、輻射防護、醫學(xué)救援、去污洗消等裝備研發(fā)和系統集成。自主研制車(chē)(船)載巡測設備、航空輻射監測系統、輻射監測與事故響應機器人等裝備設備,以及車(chē)(船)載核應急指揮系統、核應急醫學(xué)分類(lèi)及監測平臺、醫療支援系統等,并已裝備各級核應急救援隊。中國海關(guān)使用的門(mén)戶(hù)式輻射探測設備全部由國內企業(yè)自主研發(fā)制造。Research and development of nuclear emergency special equipment. Priority is given to the R&D (research and development) and SI (system integration) of equipment for nuclear emergency radiation monitoring, radiation protection, medical treatment and decontamination. Independently developed equipment includes vehicle (vessel)-mounted detection equipment, aviation radiation monitoring system, radiation monitoring and accident response robots and vehicle (vessel)-mounted nuclear emergency command system, and nuclear emergency medical assorting and monitoring platform and medical support system. Each level of nuclear emergency rescue team is equipped with such equipment and systems. All gate-frame walk-through radiation detectors used by China Customs are developed by domestic enterprises.
      核應急信息化技術(shù)研究。開(kāi)展核應急數據采集和傳輸標準化研究,建立健全全國核應急資源管理系統。研發(fā)核應急指揮信息化系統,創(chuàng )新核應急預案模塊化、響應流程智能化、組織指揮可視化、輔助決策科學(xué)化等技術(shù),實(shí)現日常管理與應急響應一體化,提高了核應急響應能力和組織指揮效率。Research in nuclear emergency preparedness information technology. Studies on the standardization of nuclear emergency preparedness data collection and transfer have been conducted, and a nationwide nuclear emergency preparedness resources management system has been established and efforts are constantly made to improve it. Development of a nuclear emergency preparedness information system, innovative modularization of nuclear emergency preparedness plan, automation of response process, visualization of organization and command and auxiliary scientific decision-making have led to the integration of routine management with emergency response, which has also helped enhance nuclear emergency preparedness response capabilities and organizational efficiency.
      核應急醫療救治技術(shù)研究。開(kāi)展急性放射損傷診治等技術(shù)研究,制定急性放射損傷診斷與治療方案和救治指南。開(kāi)展核輻射突發(fā)事件醫學(xué)應急關(guān)鍵技術(shù)研究及其推廣應用研究,研制適用于廣大人群的核輻射事故生物劑量快速估算方法,優(yōu)化重度、極重度急性骨髓型放射病患者的非清髓造血干細胞、間充質(zhì)干細胞(MSC)聯(lián)合移植救治模式,在放射病治療中實(shí)現多項突破,以最大程度減少核輻射事故引起的人員傷亡。持續開(kāi)展系統的間充質(zhì)干細胞治療核輻射損傷的基礎與臨床研究,創(chuàng )建了MSC聯(lián)合造血干細胞治療重度放射病的治療新方案,其研究成果“成體干細胞救治放射損傷新技術(shù)的建立與應用”項目獲得該領(lǐng)域首個(gè)國家科技進(jìn)步一等獎。軍隊醫療機構研究創(chuàng )建了“三級處置、四級救治”體系化核應急醫學(xué)應急救援能力建設模式。Research in nuclear emergency preparedness medical treatment technology. Research on the technology of diagnosis and treatment for acute radiation injuries has been carried out, and guidelines for diagnosis, treatment and rescue for acute radiation injuries have been developed. Key technical and promotional application research in unexpected nuclear radiation events has resulted in the development of methods for rapid biological dose assessment for nuclear radiation accidents applicable for the general public, which has helped optimize non-myeloablative stem cells and mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) combined transplantation treatment for severe and extremely severe bone marrow acute radiation patients. A number of breakthroughs in the treatment of radiation diseases have been achieved, leading to a reduction of casualties of nuclear radiation accidents to the maximum extent. With primary and clinical research on the treatment of radiation injuries by use of mesenchymal stem cells, a new therapy using transplantation of combined MSC and hematopoietic stem cells for severe radiation sickness has been created. The research achievement "Establishment and Application to Treat Radiation Diseases by Using Somatic Stem Cells" won a first prize for national science and technology improvement. A "three-level handling and four-level treatment" systemized nuclear emergency medical rescue capabilities development model has been developed by China's military medical research organizations.
      公眾風(fēng)險溝通和心理援助研究。開(kāi)展核突發(fā)事件(事故)情況下大范圍公眾群體危機心理援助技術(shù)研究,構建相關(guān)心理干預模型,提出應對預案、標準和實(shí)施指南。針對核輻射特點(diǎn),研究編制核事故公眾防護問(wèn)與答、核與輻射事故醫學(xué)應急等面向社會(huì )公眾的應用叢書(shū)。Research in public risk communication and psychological assistance. Research in mass psychological assistance techniques under circumstances of unexpected event (accident) has been conducted, and relevant psychological intervention models have been established, and countermeasures, criteria and implementation guidelines have been proposed. In view of the characteristics of nuclear radiation, Q&A publications in relation to nuclear accident protection and applied books on medical countermeasures in case of nuclear and radiological accidents geared toward the public have been compiled.
      核應急環(huán)境氣象創(chuàng )新性研究。持續研發(fā)并建設完善中國氣象環(huán)境應急響應數值預報業(yè)務(wù)系統。通過(guò)技術(shù)引進(jìn)和自主研發(fā),改進(jìn)升級核及危險化學(xué)品泄漏氣象服務(wù)系統,完成大氣擴散模式的精細化改進(jìn),全球模式分辨率由原來(lái)的85千米左右提高到30千米,中尺度區域模式分辨率由15千米提高到10千米,實(shí)現了對污染物擴散更加精細化模擬和預報。Innovative research in nuclear emergency environmental meteorology. A numerical prediction system of China's meteorological environmental emergency response is being developed and improved. Following the upgrading of the meteorological service system for nuclear and hazardous chemicals leakage and improvement of atmospheric dispersion modeling by way of technology import and self-reliant R&D, the global mode resolution has been enhanced to 30km from about 85km, and medium-scale model resolution has been enhanced to 10km from 15km, realizing a more detailed and precise simulation and prediction of pollutant dispersion.
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      八、核應急國際合作與交流VIII. International Cooperation and Exchanges in the Field of Nuclear Emergency Preparedness
      中國是國際原子能機構成員國,始終致力于同各國一道推動(dòng)建立國際核安全應急體系,促進(jìn)各國共享和平利用核能事業(yè)成果,堅定不移支持和推進(jìn)核應急領(lǐng)域國際合作與交流。中國與國際原子能機構等國際組織在核應急領(lǐng)域開(kāi)展多層次、全方位合作,與世界有關(guān)國家核應急領(lǐng)域合作與交流不斷拓展。As a member state of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), China has always been, along with the other members, dedicated to promoting the development of an international nuclear safety emergency system and the sharing of achievements resulting from the peaceful use of nuclear energy, and unswervingly supports and facilitates international cooperation and exchange in the field of nuclear emergency preparedness. China has launched multi-level and all-round cooperation in respect of nuclear emergency preparedness with international organizations, including the IAEA, and is stepping up collaboration and exchange in the field of nuclear emergencies with relevant countries.
      積極加入相關(guān)國際公約。中國作為聯(lián)合國常任理事國、國際原子能機構理事國,高度重視融入國際核安全應急體系。自1984年加入國際原子能機構以來(lái),先后加入《核事故或輻射緊急情況援助公約》《及早通報核事故公約》《核材料實(shí)物保護公約》《不擴散核武器條約》《核安全公約》《制止核恐怖主義行為國際公約》等國際公約。在這些公約機制內,中國始終致力于同各國一道推動(dòng)建立和平、合作、共贏(yíng)的國際核安全應急體系,充分發(fā)揮建設性作用。Actively acceding to relevant international conventions. As a permanent member of the UN Security Council and a member of the Board of Governors of the IAEA, China lays great store by integrating itself into the international nuclear safety emergency system. Since joining the IAEA in 1984, China has acceded to a number of international conventions, including the Convention on Assistance in the Case of a Nuclear Accident or Radiological Emergency, Convention on Early Notification of a Nuclear Accident, Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material, Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, Convention on Nuclear Safety, and International Convention for the Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism. Under these conventions, China has always been committed to playing a constructive role in promoting the establishment of a peaceful, cooperative and mutually beneficial international nuclear safety emergency system in tandem with other countries.
      積極履行核應急國際義務(wù)。中國支持國際原子能機構在促進(jìn)核能與核技術(shù)應用、加強核安全、加強核應急、實(shí)施保障監督等領(lǐng)域發(fā)揮主導作用。中國積極履行有關(guān)國際公約規定的國際義務(wù),響應國際原子能機構理事會(huì )、大會(huì )提出的各項倡議。中國代表團出席了歷次國際原子能機構組織的核應急主管當局會(huì )議和核安全公約履約大會(huì ),負責任地提交核應急、核安全履約國家報告。多次參加國際原子能機構組織的公約演習活動(dòng)。推薦中國核應急領(lǐng)域的專(zhuān)家學(xué)者數百人次參加國際原子能機構開(kāi)展的工作,為全球核應急領(lǐng)域合作獻計獻策。2014年5月,中國加入“國際核應急響應與援助網(wǎng)絡(luò )”,為國際社會(huì )核應急體系建設提供支持。Actively fulfilling international obligations regarding nuclear emergency preparedness. China supports the IAEA's leading role in the fields of promoting nuclear energy and nuclear technology applications, strengthening nuclear safety and nuclear emergency preparedness, and implementing safeguard supervision. China actively undertakes the international obligations set out in the relevant international conventions, and responds to each initiative put forward by the Board of Governors and General Conference of the IAEA. Chinese delegations have attended all conferences on nuclear emergency preparedness and nuclear safety convention obligation compliance organized by the IAEA, and submitted national reports on nuclear emergency preparedness and compliance with nuclear safety obligations, taking a responsible attitude. China has also, on numerous occasions, participated in exercises sponsored by the IAEA within the framework of the conventions. In addition, China has made contributions in the field of nuclear emergency preparedness to the whole world by recommending hundreds of Chinese experts and scholars in this field to participate in the work of the IAEA. In May 2014 China joined the International Nuclear Emergency Response and Assistance Network - an act of support for the construction of the international nuclear emergency preparedness network.
      積極開(kāi)展雙邊交流。1984年以來(lái),中國先后與巴西、阿根廷、英國、美國、韓國、俄羅斯、法國等30個(gè)國家簽訂雙邊核能合作協(xié)定,開(kāi)展包括核應急在內的合作與交流。中國同美國合作在華建設核安保示范中心,為地區乃至國際核安保技術(shù)交流合作提供平臺。在中美和平利用核能協(xié)定框架下,中國國家原子能機構與美國能源部聯(lián)合舉辦核應急醫學(xué)救援培訓班、核應急后果評價(jià)研討班等多種培訓活動(dòng)。在中俄總理定期會(huì )晤框架內設立中俄核問(wèn)題分委會(huì )機制,定期研討交流核應急領(lǐng)域合作與交流事宜。中國與法國建立中法核能合作協(xié)調委員會(huì )機制,與韓國建立中韓核能合作聯(lián)委會(huì )機制,定期開(kāi)展相關(guān)活動(dòng)。中國援助巴基斯坦建設核電站,在核應急領(lǐng)域開(kāi)展廣泛深入的合作交流。Actively conducting bilateral exchanges. Since 1984, China has successively entered into bilateral agreements on nuclear energy cooperation with 30 countries, including Brazil, Argentina, the UK, the US, ROK,RussiaandFrance, and conducted cooperation and exchange which include nuclear emergency preparedness. China and the US have cooperated on the construction of the Center of Nuclear Security Excellence in China as a forum for technical exchange on nuclear security within the region and the rest of the world. Under the framework of the Sino-US agreement on the peaceful use of nuclear energy, the China Atomic Energy Authority (CAEA) and the US Department of Energy have jointly upheld a number of training activities, including a nuclear emergency medical rescue training program and a nuclear emergency consequence evaluation workshop. The Sino-Russian Sub-commission for Nuclear Issues was established within the framework of the Sino-Russian Prime Ministerial Regular Meeting, by which both sides conduct exchanges and cooperation in the field of nuclear emergency preparedness on a regular basis. Furthermore, China has been involved in relevant activities on a regular basis with France and ROK, establishing the Sino-French Commission on Nuclear Energy Cooperation and Coordination with France and Sino-Korean Joint Commission on Nuclear Energy Cooperation with ROK, respectively. In addition to assistingPakistanin building nuclear power stations, China has conducted extensive cooperation and exchanges with that country in the field of nuclear emergency preparedness.
      積極拓展多邊合作。中國堅持合作共贏(yíng)原則,與各國開(kāi)展核應急領(lǐng)域合作與交流。中國國家領(lǐng)導人先后出席2010年華盛頓核安全峰會(huì )、2012年首爾核安全峰會(huì )、2014年海牙核安全峰會(huì ),呼吁國際社會(huì )加強核安全應急管理、提升核安全應急能力、增強各國人民對實(shí)現持久核安全、對核能事業(yè)造福人類(lèi)的信心。中國國家原子能機構以各種形式與國際原子能機構開(kāi)展交流與合作,2014年7月,在福建舉辦“嚴重核事故下核應急準備與響應”亞太地區培訓班,為11個(gè)國家和地區的專(zhuān)家提供交流平臺;2015年10月,在首次全球核應急準備與響應大會(huì )上,中國與90多個(gè)與會(huì )國家和10多個(gè)國際組織共同分享核應急準備與響應的成就,介紹中國核應急方針政策。中國通過(guò)亞洲核安全網(wǎng)絡(luò )、亞洲核合作論壇、亞太地區核技術(shù)合作協(xié)定等機制,在地區合作交流中積極發(fā)揮作用。中國于2004年1月正式加入世界衛生組織輻射應急醫學(xué)準備與救援網(wǎng)絡(luò )。中國持續舉辦核應急領(lǐng)域國際學(xué)術(shù)交流活動(dòng)。中日韓建立核事故及早通報框架和專(zhuān)家交流機制,定期開(kāi)展相關(guān)領(lǐng)域合作與交流。Actively expanding multilateral cooperation. China conducts cooperation and exchange with other countries in the field of nuclear emergency preparedness, pursuing results that are beneficial to all involved. Chinese heads of state have appealed to the world community to strengthen nuclear safety and nuclear emergency preparedness management, enhance nuclear safety and nuclear emergency preparedness capabilities and boost the confidence of all peoples in achieving permanent nuclear security and the goal of nuclear energy benefiting mankind, at the 2010 Washington Nuclear Security Summit, 2012 Seoul Nuclear Security Summit and 2014 Hague Nuclear Security Summit. The CAEA andIAEAhave organized various forms of exchanges and cooperation, including "Nuclear Emergency Preparedness and Response under Circumstances of Severe Nuclear Accidents" training sessions for the Asia-Pacific Region held in July 2014 in China's Fujian, which served as a platform for exchanges among experts from 11 countries and regions. In October 2015, China shared its achievements in nuclear emergency preparedness and response with around 90 participating countries and a dozen international organizations, and briefed them China's policies concerning nuclear emergency preparedness at the First International Conference on Global Nuclear Emergency Preparation and Response. China plays an active role in regional exchange and cooperation through such mechanisms as the Asian Nuclear Safety Network (ANSN), Forum for Nuclear Cooperation in Asia and Cooperation Agreement on Nuclear Technology in the Asia-Pacific Region. In January 2004, China officially joined the Radiation Emergency Medical Preparedness and Assistance Network of the World Health Organization (REMPAN). China itself has successively upheld international academic exchange activities in the field of nuclear emergency preparedness. China,Japanand ROK have established a framework of early notification of nuclear accidents and a mechanism of expert exchange for cooperation and exchange in the relevant fields on a regular basis.
      積極開(kāi)展應對福島核事故合作交流。中國是日本的近鄰,對福島核事故尤為關(guān)切。在第一時(shí)間啟動(dòng)核應急響應機制、開(kāi)展本國應對工作的同時(shí),積極履行《核事故或輻射緊急情況援助公約》國際義務(wù),向日本政府表明提供輻射監測、醫療救護等援助的意愿。2011年5月,應日本政府邀請,中國組織專(zhuān)家代表團赴日本,就福島核事故進(jìn)行交流,提出處置意見(jiàn)建議。中國還選派權威專(zhuān)家參加國際原子能機構福島核事故評估團,開(kāi)展福島核事故影響評估。福島核事故發(fā)生后四年多來(lái),中國政府機關(guān)、企事業(yè)單位、大專(zhuān)院校、科研院所,以各種形式與國際組織合作,總結探討后福島時(shí)代核應急領(lǐng)域重大問(wèn)題。這些合作交流活動(dòng),既促進(jìn)了中國核應急的改進(jìn)提高,也促進(jìn)了國際社會(huì )對福島核事故的經(jīng)驗反饋。Actively carrying out cooperation and exchange in response to the Fukushima nuclear accident. As a close neighbor of Japan, China was especially concerned about the Fukushima nuclear accident. It immediately activated its nuclear emergency preparedness and response mechanism and countermeasures, while expressing willingness to the Japanese government to offer radiation monitoring and medical aid by fulfilling its international obligations under the Convention on Assistance in the Case of a Nuclear Accident or Radiological Emergency. In May 2011, at the invitation of the Japanese government, China organized a delegation of experts to visit Japan to conduct focused exchanges with their Japanese counterparts on the Fukushima nuclear accident, and put forward suggestions for the handling of it. Furthermore, China dispatched senior experts to join the IAEA's Fukushima Nuclear Accident Assessment Team to evaluate the impact from the Fukushima accident. In the past four years or so since the Fukushima nuclear accident, Chinese government organs, enterprises and institutions, colleges and universities and R&D institutes have conducted various forms of collaboration with international organizations in summing up and discussing important issues in relation to post-Fukushima nuclear emergency preparedness. These activities not only have helped China improve its nuclear emergency work, but also have helped the international community in accessing experience feedback from the Fukushima nuclear accident.
      積極響應國際原子能機構核安全行動(dòng)計劃。福島核事故后,國際原子能機構發(fā)布《核安全行動(dòng)計劃》,為國際社會(huì )改進(jìn)核應急工作提供借鑒。中國參考新的標準和理念,全面改進(jìn)國家核應急準備與響應工作;充實(shí)增加國家核安全核應急監管力量和技術(shù)支持力量;全面檢查所有核設施營(yíng)運單位核應急工作,按照新的標準完善應急措施;加強頂層設計,進(jìn)行統籌規劃,建立健全核應急能力體系。中國堅持采用最先進(jìn)的技術(shù)、執行最嚴格的標準,全面提升核應急管理,努力把核應急提高到新水平。Actively responding to the IAEA's Action Plan on Nuclear Safety. The IAEA published the Action Plan on Nuclear Safety in the wake of the Fukushima nuclear accident to serve as reference for all countries in improving their respective nuclear emergency work. Consulting the new criteria and concepts, China has comprehensively improved its nuclear emergency preparation and response mechanism by enhancing supervision and technical support for national nuclear safety and nuclear emergency preparedness, conducting inspections on nuclear emergency work of all operators of nuclear installations, perfecting emergency measures in accordance with the new criteria and strengthening top-tier design and planning to establish a robust nuclear emergency preparedness capabilities system. China is endeavoring to upgrade its nuclear emergency work to a new level by persisting in using state-of-the-art technology, upholding the most rigorous criteria and enforcing nuclear emergency management in a comprehensive manner.
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      貫徹創(chuàng )新、協(xié)調、綠色、開(kāi)放、共享發(fā)展理念,堅定不移推進(jìn)核能事業(yè)發(fā)展,是中國的重要戰略選擇。發(fā)展核能事業(yè)的步伐不停止,加強核應急的步伐就不會(huì )停止。中國將不斷加強和改進(jìn)核應急工作,為核能事業(yè)安全高效、持續健康發(fā)展提供堅強保障。China will continue to press forward with the development of nuclear energy as an important strategic choice for promoting economic and social development in line with the ideas of innovation, coordination, greening, openness and shared development. As long as China continues to develop nuclear energy, it will never relent in its efforts to further strengthen its nuclear emergency preparedness. China will spare no effort to improve this work on a continuing basis to provide a robust bulwark in support of the safe, efficient, sustainable and healthy development of the nuclear energy sector.
      在未來(lái),中國將堅持總體國家安全觀(guān)和理性、協(xié)調、并進(jìn)的核安全觀(guān),多措并舉,綜合施策,不斷增強核安全應急能力,扎實(shí)做好核應急工作。堅持發(fā)展與安全并重,以安全為前提發(fā)展核能事業(yè),使核應急與核能發(fā)展協(xié)調并進(jìn);堅持能力與需求匹配,適應核能事業(yè)發(fā)展要求,不斷提升核應急能力,確保核應急響應及時(shí)有效;堅持國內與國際交流,繼續深化核應急領(lǐng)域國際合作,推進(jìn)建立面向未來(lái)的國際核安全應急體系,國際社會(huì )共享和平利用核能事業(yè)成果;堅持當前與長(cháng)遠兼顧,著(zhù)眼中國和世界核能事業(yè)發(fā)展大勢,前瞻謀劃核應急工作,確保籌劃在先、準備在先、預防在先,增強主動(dòng)性、掌握主動(dòng)權。In future, while adhering to the concept of overall national security and the nuclear safety concept of rational, coordinated and tandem development, China will take multiple and comprehensive measures to enhance its nuclear safety emergency capabilities and ensure its nuclear emergency preparedness at all times. China will continue to place equal emphasis on development and safety, and develop nuclear energy on the premise of safety, strengthen coordinated improvement in nuclear emergency preparedness and nuclear energy development to ensure that each and every action item of nuclear emergency preparedness is fully implemented. China will persist in matching capacity to demand, meet the requirements of nuclear energy development in terms of situation and tasks, continuously enhance its national nuclear emergency capabilities, and ensure that its nuclear emergency response is timely and effective. Meanwhile, China will persist in domestic and international exchange by continuing to deepen international cooperation in respect of nuclear emergency preparedness to promote the establishment of an international nuclear safety emergency preparedness system with an eye to the future, and share with the international community its achievements in the peaceful use of nuclear energy. China will persist in giving equal attention to present and long-term development, keep in perspective the megatrends of nuclear energy development at home and abroad, plan nuclear emergency preparedness in a forward-looking manner, and ensure that efforts in respect of planning, preparation and prevention are made in advance so that we can always take the initiative in case of any emergencies.
      中國的發(fā)展離不開(kāi)世界,世界的發(fā)展也離不開(kāi)中國。中國將積極參與構建國際核安全應急體系,與國際社會(huì )一道,共同解決核應急領(lǐng)域面臨的重大課題。中國有信心、有能力不斷提升核應急準備與響應水平,為實(shí)現持久核安全、實(shí)現核能事業(yè)造福人類(lèi)作出貢獻。China cannot develop in isolation from the rest of the world, nor can the world enjoy prosperity without China. China will take an active part in constructing an international nuclear safety emergency system, and join hands with the nations of the rest of the world to tackle the important issues facing nuclear emergency preparedness. China has the confidence and ability to enhance its nuclear emergency preparedness and responses to realize permanent nuclear safety and achieve the goal of nuclear energy benefiting mankind.
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