


      發(fā)布時(shí)間: 2016-01-27 13:35:56??|??來(lái)源: 中國網(wǎng)??|??作者:??|??責任編輯: 李瀟
      八、核應急國際合作與交流 VIII. International Cooperation and Exchanges in the Field of Nuclear Emergency Preparedness
      中國是國際原子能機構成員國,始終致力于同各國一道推動(dòng)建立國際核安全應急體系,促進(jìn)各國共享和平利用核能事業(yè)成果,堅定不移支持和推進(jìn)核應急領(lǐng)域國際合作與交流。中國與國際原子能機構等國際組織在核應急領(lǐng)域開(kāi)展多層次、全方位合作,與世界有關(guān)國家核應急領(lǐng)域合作與交流不斷拓展。 As a member state of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), China has always been, along with the other members, dedicated to promoting the development of an international nuclear safety emergency system and the sharing of achievements resulting from the peaceful use of nuclear energy, and unswervingly supports and facilitates international cooperation and exchange in the field of nuclear emergency preparedness. China has launched multi-level and all-round cooperation in respect of nuclear emergency preparedness with international organizations, including the IAEA, and is stepping up collaboration and exchange in the field of nuclear emergencies with relevant countries.
      積極加入相關(guān)國際公約。中國作為聯(lián)合國常任理事國、國際原子能機構理事國,高度重視融入國際核安全應急體系。自1984年加入國際原子能機構以來(lái),先后加入《核事故或輻射緊急情況援助公約》《及早通報核事故公約》《核材料實(shí)物保護公約》《不擴散核武器條約》《核安全公約》《制止核恐怖主義行為國際公約》等國際公約。在這些公約機制內,中國始終致力于同各國一道推動(dòng)建立和平、合作、共贏(yíng)的國際核安全應急體系,充分發(fā)揮建設性作用。 Actively acceding to relevant international conventions. As a permanent member of the UN Security Council and a member of the Board of Governors of the IAEA, China lays great store by integrating itself into the international nuclear safety emergency system. Since joining the IAEA in 1984, China has acceded to a number of international conventions, including the Convention on Assistance in the Case of a Nuclear Accident or Radiological Emergency, Convention on Early Notification of a Nuclear Accident, Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material, Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, Convention on Nuclear Safety, and International Convention for the Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism. Under these conventions, China has always been committed to playing a constructive role in promoting the establishment of a peaceful, cooperative and mutually beneficial international nuclear safety emergency system in tandem with other countries.
      積極履行核應急國際義務(wù)。中國支持國際原子能機構在促進(jìn)核能與核技術(shù)應用、加強核安全、加強核應急、實(shí)施保障監督等領(lǐng)域發(fā)揮主導作用。中國積極履行有關(guān)國際公約規定的國際義務(wù),響應國際原子能機構理事會(huì )、大會(huì )提出的各項倡議。中國代表團出席了歷次國際原子能機構組織的核應急主管當局會(huì )議和核安全公約履約大會(huì ),負責任地提交核應急、核安全履約國家報告。多次參加國際原子能機構組織的公約演習活動(dòng)。推薦中國核應急領(lǐng)域的專(zhuān)家學(xué)者數百人次參加國際原子能機構開(kāi)展的工作,為全球核應急領(lǐng)域合作獻計獻策。2014年5月,中國加入“國際核應急響應與援助網(wǎng)絡(luò )”,為國際社會(huì )核應急體系建設提供支持。 Actively fulfilling international obligations regarding nuclear emergency preparedness. China supports the IAEA's leading role in the fields of promoting nuclear energy and nuclear technology applications, strengthening nuclear safety and nuclear emergency preparedness, and implementing safeguard supervision. China actively undertakes the international obligations set out in the relevant international conventions, and responds to each initiative put forward by the Board of Governors and General Conference of the IAEA. Chinese delegations have attended all conferences on nuclear emergency preparedness and nuclear safety convention obligation compliance organized by the IAEA, and submitted national reports on nuclear emergency preparedness and compliance with nuclear safety obligations, taking a responsible attitude. China has also, on numerous occasions, participated in exercises sponsored by the IAEA within the framework of the conventions. In addition, China has made contributions in the field of nuclear emergency preparedness to the whole world by recommending hundreds of Chinese experts and scholars in this field to participate in the work of the IAEA. In May 2014 China joined the International Nuclear Emergency Response and Assistance Network - an act of support for the construction of the international nuclear emergency preparedness network.
      積極開(kāi)展雙邊交流。1984年以來(lái),中國先后與巴西、阿根廷、英國、美國、韓國、俄羅斯、法國等30個(gè)國家簽訂雙邊核能合作協(xié)定,開(kāi)展包括核應急在內的合作與交流。中國同美國合作在華建設核安保示范中心,為地區乃至國際核安保技術(shù)交流合作提供平臺。在中美和平利用核能協(xié)定框架下,中國國家原子能機構與美國能源部聯(lián)合舉辦核應急醫學(xué)救援培訓班、核應急后果評價(jià)研討班等多種培訓活動(dòng)。在中俄總理定期會(huì )晤框架內設立中俄核問(wèn)題分委會(huì )機制,定期研討交流核應急領(lǐng)域合作與交流事宜。中國與法國建立中法核能合作協(xié)調委員會(huì )機制,與韓國建立中韓核能合作聯(lián)委會(huì )機制,定期開(kāi)展相關(guān)活動(dòng)。中國援助巴基斯坦建設核電站,在核應急領(lǐng)域開(kāi)展廣泛深入的合作交流。 Actively conducting bilateral exchanges. Since 1984, China has successively entered into bilateral agreements on nuclear energy cooperation with 30 countries, including Brazil, Argentina, the UK, the US, ROK,RussiaandFrance, and conducted cooperation and exchange which include nuclear emergency preparedness. China and the US have cooperated on the construction of the Center of Nuclear Security Excellence in China as a forum for technical exchange on nuclear security within the region and the rest of the world. Under the framework of the Sino-US agreement on the peaceful use of nuclear energy, the China Atomic Energy Authority (CAEA) and the US Department of Energy have jointly upheld a number of training activities, including a nuclear emergency medical rescue training program and a nuclear emergency consequence evaluation workshop. The Sino-Russian Sub-commission for Nuclear Issues was established within the framework of the Sino-Russian Prime Ministerial Regular Meeting, by which both sides conduct exchanges and cooperation in the field of nuclear emergency preparedness on a regular basis. Furthermore, China has been involved in relevant activities on a regular basis with France and ROK, establishing the Sino-French Commission on Nuclear Energy Cooperation and Coordination with France and Sino-Korean Joint Commission on Nuclear Energy Cooperation with ROK, respectively. In addition to assistingPakistanin building nuclear power stations, China has conducted extensive cooperation and exchanges with that country in the field of nuclear emergency preparedness.
      積極拓展多邊合作。中國堅持合作共贏(yíng)原則,與各國開(kāi)展核應急領(lǐng)域合作與交流。中國國家領(lǐng)導人先后出席2010年華盛頓核安全峰會(huì )、2012年首爾核安全峰會(huì )、2014年海牙核安全峰會(huì ),呼吁國際社會(huì )加強核安全應急管理、提升核安全應急能力、增強各國人民對實(shí)現持久核安全、對核能事業(yè)造福人類(lèi)的信心。中國國家原子能機構以各種形式與國際原子能機構開(kāi)展交流與合作,2014年7月,在福建舉辦“嚴重核事故下核應急準備與響應”亞太地區培訓班,為11個(gè)國家和地區的專(zhuān)家提供交流平臺;2015年10月,在首次全球核應急準備與響應大會(huì )上,中國與90多個(gè)與會(huì )國家和10多個(gè)國際組織共同分享核應急準備與響應的成就,介紹中國核應急方針政策。中國通過(guò)亞洲核安全網(wǎng)絡(luò )、亞洲核合作論壇、亞太地區核技術(shù)合作協(xié)定等機制,在地區合作交流中積極發(fā)揮作用。中國于2004年1月正式加入世界衛生組織輻射應急醫學(xué)準備與救援網(wǎng)絡(luò )。中國持續舉辦核應急領(lǐng)域國際學(xué)術(shù)交流活動(dòng)。中日韓建立核事故及早通報框架和專(zhuān)家交流機制,定期開(kāi)展相關(guān)領(lǐng)域合作與交流。 Actively expanding multilateral cooperation. China conducts cooperation and exchange with other countries in the field of nuclear emergency preparedness, pursuing results that are beneficial to all involved. Chinese heads of state have appealed to the world community to strengthen nuclear safety and nuclear emergency preparedness management, enhance nuclear safety and nuclear emergency preparedness capabilities and boost the confidence of all peoples in achieving permanent nuclear security and the goal of nuclear energy benefiting mankind, at the 2010 Washington Nuclear Security Summit, 2012 Seoul Nuclear Security Summit and 2014 Hague Nuclear Security Summit. The CAEA andIAEAhave organized various forms of exchanges and cooperation, including "Nuclear Emergency Preparedness and Response under Circumstances of Severe Nuclear Accidents" training sessions for the Asia-Pacific Region held in July 2014 in China's Fujian, which served as a platform for exchanges among experts from 11 countries and regions. In October 2015, China shared its achievements in nuclear emergency preparedness and response with around 90 participating countries and a dozen international organizations, and briefed them China's policies concerning nuclear emergency preparedness at the First International Conference on Global Nuclear Emergency Preparation and Response. China plays an active role in regional exchange and cooperation through such mechanisms as the Asian Nuclear Safety Network (ANSN), Forum for Nuclear Cooperation in Asia and Cooperation Agreement on Nuclear Technology in the Asia-Pacific Region. In January 2004, China officially joined the Radiation Emergency Medical Preparedness and Assistance Network of the World Health Organization (REMPAN). China itself has successively upheld international academic exchange activities in the field of nuclear emergency preparedness. China,Japanand ROK have established a framework of early notification of nuclear accidents and a mechanism of expert exchange for cooperation and exchange in the relevant fields on a regular basis.
      積極開(kāi)展應對福島核事故合作交流。中國是日本的近鄰,對福島核事故尤為關(guān)切。在第一時(shí)間啟動(dòng)核應急響應機制、開(kāi)展本國應對工作的同時(shí),積極履行《核事故或輻射緊急情況援助公約》國際義務(wù),向日本政府表明提供輻射監測、醫療救護等援助的意愿。2011年5月,應日本政府邀請,中國組織專(zhuān)家代表團赴日本,就福島核事故進(jìn)行交流,提出處置意見(jiàn)建議。中國還選派權威專(zhuān)家參加國際原子能機構福島核事故評估團,開(kāi)展福島核事故影響評估。福島核事故發(fā)生后四年多來(lái),中國政府機關(guān)、企事業(yè)單位、大專(zhuān)院校、科研院所,以各種形式與國際組織合作,總結探討后福島時(shí)代核應急領(lǐng)域重大問(wèn)題。這些合作交流活動(dòng),既促進(jìn)了中國核應急的改進(jìn)提高,也促進(jìn)了國際社會(huì )對福島核事故的經(jīng)驗反饋。 Actively carrying out cooperation and exchange in response to the Fukushima nuclear accident. As a close neighbor of Japan, China was especially concerned about the Fukushima nuclear accident. It immediately activated its nuclear emergency preparedness and response mechanism and countermeasures, while expressing willingness to the Japanese government to offer radiation monitoring and medical aid by fulfilling its international obligations under the Convention on Assistance in the Case of a Nuclear Accident or Radiological Emergency. In May 2011, at the invitation of the Japanese government, China organized a delegation of experts to visit Japan to conduct focused exchanges with their Japanese counterparts on the Fukushima nuclear accident, and put forward suggestions for the handling of it. Furthermore, China dispatched senior experts to join the IAEA's Fukushima Nuclear Accident Assessment Team to evaluate the impact from the Fukushima accident. In the past four years or so since the Fukushima nuclear accident, Chinese government organs, enterprises and institutions, colleges and universities and R&D institutes have conducted various forms of collaboration with international organizations in summing up and discussing important issues in relation to post-Fukushima nuclear emergency preparedness. These activities not only have helped China improve its nuclear emergency work, but also have helped the international community in accessing experience feedback from the Fukushima nuclear accident.
      積極響應國際原子能機構核安全行動(dòng)計劃。福島核事故后,國際原子能機構發(fā)布《核安全行動(dòng)計劃》,為國際社會(huì )改進(jìn)核應急工作提供借鑒。中國參考新的標準和理念,全面改進(jìn)國家核應急準備與響應工作;充實(shí)增加國家核安全核應急監管力量和技術(shù)支持力量;全面檢查所有核設施營(yíng)運單位核應急工作,按照新的標準完善應急措施;加強頂層設計,進(jìn)行統籌規劃,建立健全核應急能力體系。中國堅持采用最先進(jìn)的技術(shù)、執行最嚴格的標準,全面提升核應急管理,努力把核應急提高到新水平。 Actively responding to the IAEA's Action Plan on Nuclear Safety. The IAEA published the Action Plan on Nuclear Safety in the wake of the Fukushima nuclear accident to serve as reference for all countries in improving their respective nuclear emergency work. Consulting the new criteria and concepts, China has comprehensively improved its nuclear emergency preparation and response mechanism by enhancing supervision and technical support for national nuclear safety and nuclear emergency preparedness, conducting inspections on nuclear emergency work of all operators of nuclear installations, perfecting emergency measures in accordance with the new criteria and strengthening top-tier design and planning to establish a robust nuclear emergency preparedness capabilities system. China is endeavoring to upgrade its nuclear emergency work to a new level by persisting in using state-of-the-art technology, upholding the most rigorous criteria and enforcing nuclear emergency management in a comprehensive manner.
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