


      發(fā)布時(shí)間: 2016-01-27 13:35:56??|??來(lái)源: 中國網(wǎng)??|??作者:??|??責任編輯: 李瀟

      三、核應急“一案三制”建設 III. All-round Promotion of Nuclear Emergency Preparedness
      中國高度重視核應急的預案和法制、體制、機制(簡(jiǎn)稱(chēng)“一案三制”)建設,通過(guò)法律制度保障、體制機制保障,建立健全國家核應急組織管理體系。 China lays great store by the planning, and legislative/institutional/regulatory systems (known in Chinese as "One Planning plus Three Systems") associated with nuclear emergency preparedness, and ensures the establishment and full functioning of a national nuclear emergency management system through the safeguards of legislation, institution and regulations.
      加強全國核應急預案體系建設。《國家核應急預案》是中央政府應對處置核事故預先制定的工作方案。《國家核應急預案》對核應急準備與響應的組織體系、核應急指揮與協(xié)調機制、核事故應急響應分級、核事故后恢復行動(dòng)、應急準備與保障措施等作了全面規定。按照《國家核應急預案》要求,各級政府部門(mén)和核設施營(yíng)運單位制定核應急預案,形成相互配套銜接的全國核應急預案體系。 Strengthening national nuclear emergency planning system building. The National Nuclear Emergency Plan is an action program pre-set by the central government to cope with nuclear accident scenarios. The National Nuclear Emergency Plan lays down a whole set of regulations on the organizational system, command and coordination mechanism, emergency response classification, post-accident restoration actions, and emergency preparation and safeguard measures related to nuclear emergency preparation and response actions. In line with the requirements of the National Nuclear Emergency Plan, governments at all levels and nuclear installation operators must draw up nuclear emergency plans fully in keeping with the National Nuclear Emergency Plan, so as to form a nationwide system of nuclear emergency planning.
      加強核應急法制建設。中國基本形成國家法律、行政法規、部門(mén)規章、國家和行業(yè)標準、管理導則于一體的核應急法律法規標準體系。早在1993年8月就頒布實(shí)施《核電廠(chǎng)核事故應急管理條例》。進(jìn)入本世紀以來(lái),又先后頒布實(shí)施《中華人民共和國放射性污染防治法》《中華人民共和國突發(fā)事件應對法》,從法律層面對核應急作出規定和要求。2015年7月,新修訂的《中華人民共和國國家安全法》開(kāi)始實(shí)施,進(jìn)一步強調加強核事故應急體系和應急能力建設,防止、控制和消除核事故對公眾生命健康和生態(tài)環(huán)境的危害。與這些法律法規相配套,政府相關(guān)部門(mén)制定相應的部門(mén)規章和管理導則,相關(guān)機構和涉核行業(yè)制定技術(shù)標準。軍隊制定參加核電廠(chǎng)核事故應急救援條例等相關(guān)法規和規章制度。目前,正積極推進(jìn)原子能法、核安全法立法進(jìn)程。 Strengthening nuclear emergency legislative system building. China has put in place its own nuclear emergency legal framework, comprising state laws, administrative regulations, departmental rules, national and industrial standards, and management guidelines. As early as August 1993 China put into effect the Regulations on Emergency Management of Nuclear Accidents at Nuclear Power Plants. Since the beginning of this century China has, in succession, enacted the Law of the People's Republic of China on Prevention and Control of Radioactive Pollution and Emergency Response Law of the People's Republic of China, providing regulations and requirements from the legal perspective on nuclear emergency preparedness. In July 2015 the newly revised State Security Law of the People's Republic of China was promulgated, further reinforcing the nuclear accident emergency system and emergency response capacity building to prevent, control and eliminate damage to the life and health of the general public and ecological environment. In keeping with the foregoing laws and regulations, relevant departments of the government have worked out and put into effect their respective regulations and management guidelines, and relevant institutions and nuclear-related industries have drawn up applicable technical standards. The military also has drawn up relevant regulations, and established systems governing emergency rescue actions associated with nuclear emergency preparedness. Currently efforts are being made to push forward the legislative process associated with the Atomic Energy Law and Nuclear Safety Law.
      加強核應急管理體制建設。中國核應急實(shí)行國家統一領(lǐng)導、綜合協(xié)調、分級負責、屬地管理為主的管理體制。全國核應急管理工作由中央政府指定部門(mén)牽頭負責。核設施所在地的省(區、市)人民政府指定部門(mén)負責本行政區域內的核應急管理工作。核設施營(yíng)運單位及其上級主管部門(mén)(單位)負責場(chǎng)內核應急管理工作。必要時(shí),由中央政府領(lǐng)導、組織、協(xié)調全國的核事故應急管理工作。 Strengthening nuclear emergency management system building. China implements a nuclear emergency management system featuring unified leadership at the national level, overall coordination, assignment of responsibilities to different levels and emphasis on localized administration. The nuclear emergency management is led and placed under the responsibility of the department designated by the central government. The governments of the province (autonomous region or centrally administered municipality) wherein nuclear installations are located are responsible for nuclear emergency management within their respective jurisdictions. The operator of the relevant nuclear installation and its senior competent authority (unit) shall be responsible for on-site emergency management. Wherever necessary, the central government will lead, organize and coordinate nuclear emergency management at the national level.
      加強核應急機制建設。中國實(shí)行由一個(gè)部門(mén)牽頭、多個(gè)部門(mén)參與的核應急組織協(xié)調機制。在國家層面,設立國家核事故應急協(xié)調委員會(huì ),由政府和軍隊相關(guān)部門(mén)組成,主要職責是:貫徹國家核應急工作方針,擬定國家核應急工作政策,統一協(xié)調全國核事故應急,決策、組織、指揮應急支援響應行動(dòng)。同時(shí)設立國家核事故應急辦公室,承擔國家核事故應急協(xié)調委員會(huì )日常工作。在省(區、市)層面,設立核應急協(xié)調機構。核設施營(yíng)運單位設立核應急組織。國家和各相關(guān)省(區、市)以及核設施營(yíng)運單位建立專(zhuān)家委員會(huì )或支撐機構,為核應急準備與響應提供決策咨詢(xún)和建議。 Strengthening nuclear emergency mechanism building. China implements a nuclear emergency organization and coordination mechanism featuring leadership by one department and participation by multiple departments. At the national level, a National Nuclear Accident Emergency Coordination Committee has been set up comprising relevant governmental and military departments with the following main responsibilities: implementing state nuclear emergency work guidelines, drawing up national policies for nuclear emergency management, uniformly coordinating emergency activities at the national level, and deciding, organizing and commanding emergency assistance response actions. A National Nuclear Emergency Office has also been set up to undertake the routine work of the National Nuclear Accident Emergency Coordination Committee. At the provincial (regional and municipal) levels, nuclear emergency coordination bodies have been established, and operators of nuclear installations have set up their respective nuclear emergency bodies. At the national and provincial (regional and municipal) levels and within the operators of the nuclear installations, committees of experts or the support organizations thereof have been established to provide advice and suggestions on nuclear emergency preparedness and response.
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