


      發(fā)布時(shí)間: 2016-01-27 13:35:56??|??來(lái)源: 中國網(wǎng)??|??作者:??|??責任編輯: 李瀟

      四、核應急能力建設與保持 IV. Building and Maintenance of Nuclear Emergency Capabilities
      中國堅持積極兼容、資源整合、專(zhuān)業(yè)配套、軍民融合的思路,建設并保持與核能事業(yè)安全高效發(fā)展相適應的國家核應急能力,形成有效應對核事故的國家核應急能力體系。 Sticking to the guidelines of versatile compatibility, resource integration, interdisciplinary support, and integration of military and civilian capabilities, China builds and maintains national nuclear emergency capabilities commensurate with the safe and efficient development of nuclear energy, and forms a fully-fledged national system of nuclear emergency response capabilities.
      國家建立全國統一的核應急能力體系,部署軍隊和地方兩個(gè)工作系統,區分國家級、省級、核設施營(yíng)運單位級三個(gè)能力層次,推進(jìn)核應急領(lǐng)域的各種力量建設。 At the national level, a unified nuclear emergency response capabilities system is in place to coordinate military and local systems whereby three distinct tiers of capabilities are maintained, viz. national, provincial and nuclear installation operator levels, with a view to pushing forward with the building of various capabilities related to nuclear emergency response.
      建設國家核應急專(zhuān)業(yè)技術(shù)支持中心。建設輻射監測、輻射防護、航空監測、醫學(xué)救援、海洋輻射監測、氣象監測預報、輔助決策、響應行動(dòng)等8類(lèi)國家級核應急專(zhuān)業(yè)技術(shù)支持中心以及3個(gè)國家級核應急培訓基地,基本形成專(zhuān)業(yè)齊全、功能完備、支撐有效的核應急技術(shù)支持和培訓體系。 Building national nuclear emergency response professional technical support centers. China has built eight types of national-level nuclear emergency technical support centers, i.e., radiation monitoring, radiation prevention, aviation monitoring, medical rescue, marine radiation monitoring, meteorological monitoring and forecasting, decision-making aid, and response action, along with three national-level nuclear emergency response training bases, thereby essentially forming an integrated emergency technical support and training system featuring a full array of disciplines and functions, and effective support.
      建設國家級核應急救援力量。經(jīng)過(guò)多年努力,中國形成了規模適度、功能銜接、布局合理的核應急救援專(zhuān)業(yè)力量體系。適應核電站建設布局需要,按照區域部署、模塊設置、專(zhuān)業(yè)配套原則,組建30余支國家級專(zhuān)業(yè)救援分隊,承擔核事故應急處置各類(lèi)專(zhuān)業(yè)救援任務(wù)。軍隊是國家級核應急救援力量的重要組成部分,擔負支援地方核事故應急的職責使命,近年來(lái)核應急力量建設成效顯著(zhù)。為應對可能發(fā)生的嚴重核事故,依托現有能力基礎,中國將組建一支300余人的國家核應急救援隊,主要承擔復雜條件下重特大核事故突擊搶險和緊急處置任務(wù),并參與國際核應急救援行動(dòng)。 Building national-level nuclear emergency rescue forces. Through efforts over many years, China has already built a specialized nuclear emergency rescue capability system that is of a proper scale, well-coordinated and of a rational layout. To cater to the needs of layout for the construction of nuclear power stations, on the principle of regional deployment, modular set-up and disciplinary integration, over 30 national-level professional rescue teams have been formed to specifically take charge of various kinds of specialized rescue missions. The military constitutes an important part of the national-level nuclear emergency rescue force, and fulfills the mission of aiding local nuclear accident emergency response actions, and, as such, has scored brilliant achievements in building up its nuclear emergency response capabilities. To cope with possible severe nuclear accidents and on the basis of the available capabilities, China is to form a national nuclear emergency rescue team composed of over 300 people to be mainly responsible for undertaking unexpected rescue missions in serious nuclear accident scenarios and emergency treatment tasks, and stand ready to take part in international nuclear emergency rescue operations.
      建設省級核應急力量。中國設立核電站的省(區、市)均建立了相應的核應急力量,包括核應急指揮中心、應急輻射監測網(wǎng)、醫學(xué)救治網(wǎng)、氣象監測網(wǎng)、洗消點(diǎn)、撤離道路、撤離人員安置點(diǎn)等,以及專(zhuān)業(yè)技術(shù)支持能力和救援分隊,基本滿(mǎn)足本區域核應急準備與響應需要。省(區、市)核應急指揮中心與本級行政區域內核設施實(shí)現互聯(lián)互通。 Building provincial-level nuclear emergency rescue forces. Nuclear emergency response forces have been established at the provincial (regional and municipal) levels in areas where nuclear power stations are sited, including nuclear emergency command centers, emergency radiation monitoring networks, medical treatment networks, meteorological monitoring networks, decontamination points, evacuation roads and shelters for evacuees, along with specialized technical support and rescue task forces, thereby basically meeting the nuclear emergency preparedness and response needs of the involved regions. Each provincial (regional and municipal) nuclear emergency command center is connected with the nuclear installation(s) within its jurisdiction.
      建設核設施營(yíng)運單位核應急力量。按照國家要求,參照國際標準,中國各核設施營(yíng)運單位均建立相關(guān)的核應急設施及力量,包括應急指揮中心、應急通訊設施、應急監測和后果評價(jià)設施;配備應對處置緊急情況的應急電源等急需裝備、設備和儀器;組建輻射監測、事故控制、去污洗消等場(chǎng)內核應急救援隊伍。核設施營(yíng)運單位所屬涉核集團之間建立核應急相互支援合作機制,形成核應急資源儲備和調配等支援能力,實(shí)現優(yōu)勢互補、相互協(xié)調。 Building a nuclear emergency response force on the part of the operators of nuclear installations. In accordance with national requirements and following international standards, operators of nuclear installations in China have set up their own nuclear emergency response facilities and forces, including emergency command centers, emergency communication facilities, and emergency monitoring and consequence evaluation facilities. In addition, emergency facilities, equipment and instrumentation, such as emergency power supply, are in place. On-site rescue teams specializing in radiation monitoring, accident control, decontamination and cleansing have been established. Corporations controlling operators of the respective nuclear installations have set up a mutual support collaborative mechanism to form nuclear emergency response resource reserve and deployment assistance capabilities, thereby ensuring mutually complementary support and coordination.
      按照積極兼容原則,圍繞各自職責,中國各級政府有關(guān)部門(mén)依據《國家核應急預案》明確的任務(wù),分別建立并加強可服務(wù)保障核應急的能力體系。 In accordance with the principle of versatile compatibility and based on their respective duties and responsibilities, government departments at different levels in China have established and reinforced their respective capability systems to serve and safeguard nuclear emergency response activities commensurate with the tasks established under the National Nuclear Emergency Plan.
      按照國家、相關(guān)省(區、市)和各核設施營(yíng)運單位制定的核應急預案,在國家核應急體制機制框架下,各級各類(lèi)核應急力量統一調配、聯(lián)動(dòng)使用,共同承擔核事故應急處置任務(wù)。 In accordance with the nuclear emergency response plans worked out by the national and provincial (regional and municipal) authorities and the operators of nuclear installations and within the institutional framework of the national nuclear emergency response system, various levels and categories of nuclear emergency response forces ensure unified deployment and interactive mobilization to jointly undertake tasks associated with nuclear accident emergency situations.
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