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      【中英文對照】全國人大常委會(huì )工作報告(全文)

      發(fā)布時(shí)間:2016-03-22 11:01:44  | 來(lái)源:中國網(wǎng)  | 作者:  | 責任編輯:李瀟

      五、推動(dòng)地方人大工作完善發(fā)展5. We facilitated improvements in the work of local people's congresses.
      地方人大工作是做好新形勢下人大工作的重要組成部分。常委會(huì )著(zhù)眼于堅持和完善人民代表大會(huì )制度、形成人大工作整體合力、增強人大工作整體實(shí)效,注重加強同地方人大的工作聯(lián)系,加強工作指導與支持,拓展工作協(xié)同與交流,共同推動(dòng)人大制度和人大工作與時(shí)俱進(jìn)、完善發(fā)展。The work of local people's congresses is vital to the effective performance of people's congresses under new circumstances. With a view to upholding and improving the system of people's congresses and forming synergy in the work of people's congresses so as to deliver more effective performance, the Standing Committee laid stress on developing closer working relations with local people's congresses, enhanced guidance and support for their work, expanded the scope of cooperation and exchanges with them, and worked with them to ensure that the system of people's congresses and its performance can keep up, improve, and develop with the times.
      (一)加強縣鄉人大工作和建設。縣鄉人大是基層國家權力機關(guān),是我國地方國家政權的重要基礎,在推進(jìn)國家治理體系和治理能力現代化中具有重要基礎性地位。2015年6月,中共中央轉發(fā)了《中共全國人大常委會(huì )黨組關(guān)于加強縣鄉人大工作和建設的若干意見(jiàn)》,這是新形勢下黨中央加強人大工作特別是縣鄉人大工作、推進(jìn)社會(huì )主義民主法治建設的重要舉措。常委會(huì )及時(shí)修改地方組織法、選舉法、代表法,重點(diǎn)對縣鄉人大組織制度和工作制度、代表選舉和代表工作等方面的相關(guān)規定作出修改完善,為加強縣鄉人大工作和建設提供法律依據和保障。9月,全國人大常委會(huì )辦公廳召開(kāi)加強縣鄉人大工作和建設座談會(huì ),推動(dòng)地方各級人大認真學(xué)習、全面貫徹落實(shí)中央精神和有關(guān)法律規定。各地結合實(shí)際研究制定具體措施,及時(shí)完善相關(guān)法規和工作規則,努力把各項任務(wù)要求落到實(shí)處。

      1) We took steps to strengthen the work and development of people's congresses at the county and township levels.

      As the community-level bodies of state power in China and an important foundation of the local political power, people's congresses at the county and township levels assume a fundamental position in the modernization of our country's governance system and capacity for governance. In June 2015, the CPC Central Committee forwarded the guidelines of the Leading Party Members' Group of the NPC Standing Committee on strengthening the work and development of people's congresses at the county and township levels. This represented a major measure taken by the Party Central Committee under new conditions to strengthen the work of people's congresses, especially those at the county and township levels, and promote socialist democracy and rule of law. In response to the guidelines, the Standing Committee promptly revised the Organic Law of the Local People's Congresses and Local People's Governments, the Electoral Law for the National People's Congress and Local People's Congresses, and the Law on Deputies to the National People's Congress and Deputies to Local People's Congresses, with the focus on revising and improving provisions concerning organizational and working systems, the election of deputies, and the work of deputies in people's congresses at the county and township levels, thereby providing a legal basis and guarantee for strengthening the work and development of people's congresses at the two levels. In September 2015, the General Office of the Standing Committee held a conference on strengthening the work and development of people's congresses at the county and township levels, urging local people's congresses at all levels to study and implement the guidelines of the Party Central Committee as well as the revised legal provisions. Local people's congresses, in view of their own circumstances, took prompt measures to improve the relevant regulations and working rules and ensure implementation of all tasks and requirements.

      (二)以立法法修改為契機積極推動(dòng)地方立法工作完善發(fā)展。修改后的立法法賦予了設區的市地方立法權,對加強立法工作、提高立法質(zhì)量提出了許多新要求。這是健全立法體制、推動(dòng)地方人大工作完善發(fā)展的重要舉措。為了全面貫徹實(shí)施立法法,全國人大常委會(huì )法工委召開(kāi)全國地方立法研討會(huì ),31個(gè)省(區、市)和80多個(gè)有地方立法權的設區的市人大相關(guān)負責同志參加會(huì )議,重點(diǎn)就發(fā)揮人大在立法工作中的主導作用、扎實(shí)推進(jìn)賦予設區的市地方立法權工作進(jìn)行交流研討,進(jìn)一步明確了工作方向。我們還加強調研、總結經(jīng)驗,積極推動(dòng)省、自治區人大常委會(huì )做好設區的市依法行使地方立法權的確定工作。舉辦3期立法法培訓班,對各省(區、市)和178個(gè)設區的市、自治州的873名立法工作者進(jìn)行培訓,支持地方人大加強立法工作隊伍和能力建設。

      2) We drew on the revised Legislation Law to improve local legislative work.

      The newly revised Legislation Law accords local legislative powers to all cities which have subsidiary districts, and thus sets out new requirements on strengthening legislative work and improving the quality of legislation. This represented an important measure to improve the legislative system and the work of local people's congresses. In order to ensure full implementation of the revised Legislation Law, the Legislative Affairs Commission of the Standing Committee held a national symposium on local legislation with the participation of leading members from the people's congresses of 31 provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the central government as well as of more than 80 cities which have been granted local legislative powers. The participants engaged in focused discussions and exchanged views with regard to performing the dominant role of people's congresses in legislative work and steadily advancing the work of granting local legislative powers to cities having subsidiary districts, thus further clarifying the direction of future initiatives.

      By strengthening fact-finding investigations and reviewing past experience, we also provided active assistance to the standing committees of people's congresses of provinces and autonomous regions, helping them to establish processes and timetables for the cities, to which they have granted local legislative powers, to follow in formulating local legislation. We held three training sessions on the revised Legislation Law for 873 legislators from provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the central government as well as 178 autonomous prefectures and cities divided into districts, thereby supporting the efforts of local people's congresses to strengthen their legislative workforce and improve their legislative competence.

      (三)做好縣鄉人大換屆選舉調研工作。從2016年開(kāi)始,全國新一輪縣鄉兩級人大換屆選舉陸續展開(kāi),有9億多選民將參加選舉,直接選舉產(chǎn)生250多萬(wàn)名縣鄉兩級人大代表。這是全國人民政治生活中的一件大事,是社會(huì )主義民主政治建設的一次重要實(shí)踐。我們組成專(zhuān)題調研組,總結實(shí)踐經(jīng)驗,廣泛聽(tīng)取意見(jiàn),針對人大代表選舉工作面臨的新形勢新問(wèn)題,研究提出了關(guān)于做好全國縣鄉兩級人民代表大會(huì )換屆選舉工作的指導性文件。

      3) We conducted research in preparation for the election of new people's congresses at the county and township levels.

      Beginning in 2016, elections will be held for new people's congresses at the county and township levels across the country, during which more than 900 million voters are expected to directly elect over 2.5 million deputies. This will be a major political event in China, and an important step in the development of socialist democracy. Bearing this in mind, we established a research task force which, based on a review of past experience and opinions from a wide range of sources and an analysis of new developments and problems in elections, has prepared a guiding document for the elections.

      (四)密切與地方人大的聯(lián)系。繼續邀請各省(區、市)人大常委會(huì )負責同志列席全國人大常委會(huì )會(huì )議;定期召開(kāi)情況通報會(huì ),及時(shí)向地方通報全國人大常委會(huì )有關(guān)工作情況;健全向地方人大征詢(xún)立法意見(jiàn)機制。常委會(huì )部署開(kāi)展執法檢查時(shí),請有關(guān)省(區、市)協(xié)同開(kāi)展相關(guān)檢查。有關(guān)專(zhuān)門(mén)委員會(huì )、常委會(huì )工作機構通過(guò)座談會(huì )、通報會(huì )、學(xué)習班等形式,開(kāi)展經(jīng)驗交流、專(zhuān)題研討,加強同地方人大相關(guān)機構的工作聯(lián)系和協(xié)同。積極推進(jìn)地方人大信息化建設。經(jīng)過(guò)連續3年的努力,完成了對全國2850多個(gè)縣級人大常委會(huì )主任或副主任的集中培訓。地方人大積極支持全國人大常委會(huì )的工作,在協(xié)助開(kāi)展執法檢查、專(zhuān)題調研、代表服務(wù)保障、對外交往等方面做了大量工作。

      4) We strengthened ties with local people's congresses.

      We continued to invite leading members of the standing committees of provincial-level people's congresses to observe meetings of the Standing Committee; held briefings at regular intervals to keep local people's congresses updated on the work of the Standing Committee; and improved mechanisms through which we solicit legislative opinions from local people's congresses.

      When carrying out inspections of compliance with laws, the Standing Committee requested the assistance of the people's congresses of the relevant provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the central government. The special committees of the NPC and working bodies of the Standing Committee strengthened their contact and coordination with the relevant bodies of local people's congresses through symposiums, briefings, and training sessions that served to facilitate the sharing of experience and discussion of particular issues. The Standing Committee actively promoted the application of information technology in local people's congresses. Over the past three years, we have provided training for the chairperson or vice chairpersons of the standing committees of more than 2,850 county-level people's congresses across the country. Local people's congresses provided full support for the work of the Standing Committee, doing a great deal to assist us in inspecting compliance with laws, conducting research on special issues, ensuring services for deputies, and carrying out foreign relations work.

      六、深化和拓展代表工作6. We deepened and expanded work related to deputies to the NPC.
      常委會(huì )堅持尊重代表主體地位,把充分發(fā)揮代表作用作為密切聯(lián)系群眾的主要渠道、作為提高常委會(huì )工作質(zhì)量的重要基礎,完善代表工作機制,不斷提高代表工作水平。The Standing Committee has continued to respect the principal position of deputies, believing that exerting their role is vital to strengthening our contact with the public and raising the quality of our work. We have improved our work mechanisms related to deputies in a constant effort to raise the standard of our deputy-related work.
      (一)進(jìn)一步加強同全國人大代表的聯(lián)系。落實(shí)委員長(cháng)會(huì )議組成人員、常委會(huì )委員直接聯(lián)系代表工作意見(jiàn),通過(guò)多種方式聽(tīng)取代表對常委會(huì )工作的意見(jiàn)建議。繼續擴大代表列席常委會(huì )會(huì )議和參與立法、監督、調研等活動(dòng)。一年來(lái),有370多名代表列席常委會(huì )會(huì )議,300多名代表參加常委會(huì )執法檢查活動(dòng),600多名代表分別參加最高人民法院、最高人民檢察院組織的視察調研活動(dòng)。

      1) We strengthened our ties with NPC deputies.

      We implemented the system whereby members of the Chairperson's Council and members of the Standing Committee maintain direct contact with NPC deputies, and heard deputies' comments and suggestions on the work of the Standing Committee in a variety of ways. We invited more deputies to observe meetings of the Standing Committee and increased their participation in the Standing Committee's legislation, oversight, and research activities. Last year, more than 370 deputies observed meetings of the Standing Committee, over 300 participated in the Standing Committee's inspections of compliance with laws, and more than 600 took part in fact-finding investigations organized by the Supreme People's Court and the Supreme People's Procuratorate.

      (二)認真審議代表議案、辦理代表建議。去年大會(huì )主席團交付有關(guān)專(zhuān)門(mén)委員會(huì )審議的521件代表議案,已全部審議完畢。其中,91件議案涉及的17個(gè)立法項目、5個(gè)執法檢查項目已經(jīng)常委會(huì )審議通過(guò)或組織實(shí)施,22件議案涉及的8個(gè)立法項目正在審議,159件議案涉及的49個(gè)立法項目已列入常委會(huì )立法規劃計劃。有關(guān)專(zhuān)門(mén)委員會(huì )在審議過(guò)程中,認真研究采納代表意見(jiàn),及時(shí)提出了議案審議結果報告。

      2) We carefully examined deputies' proposals and handled their suggestions.

      The relevant special committees completed their examination of all 521 proposals referred to them by the Presidium of the Third Session of the 12th NPC last year. Pursuant to this, the Standing Committee has, after deliberations, adopted 17 legislative items and launched five law compliance inspection tasks cited in 91 of the proposals; is currently deliberating eight legislative items cited in 22 proposals; and has included 49 legislative items discussed in 159 proposals into the legislative plan. During the examination process, the special committees made earnest efforts to study and adopt the opinions of deputies and promptly prepared reports on the outcome of their examination.

      去年大會(huì )期間代表提出的8239件建議、批評和意見(jiàn),有關(guān)部門(mén)已經(jīng)辦理完畢并答復了代表。“一府兩院”和有關(guān)方面高度重視代表建議辦理工作。國務(wù)院常務(wù)會(huì )議專(zhuān)門(mén)聽(tīng)取國務(wù)院部門(mén)辦理代表建議工作情況匯報,提出明確要求。各承辦單位加強與代表的直接溝通,注重改進(jìn)自身工作,推動(dòng)有關(guān)問(wèn)題解決。據統計,建議所提問(wèn)題得到解決或者計劃逐步解決的占建議總數的80.1%。我們將13個(gè)代表團、2638人次代表聯(lián)名提出的185件建議歸類(lèi)合并,確定為20項重點(diǎn)督辦建議,交由43家承辦單位辦理,并由全國人大7個(gè)專(zhuān)門(mén)委員會(huì )督辦。經(jīng)過(guò)多方面努力,辦理工作取得明顯成效。結合關(guān)于推進(jìn)長(cháng)江經(jīng)濟帶建設、實(shí)施制造強國戰略等一批建議的辦理,有關(guān)部門(mén)制定出臺了多項規劃方案和政策措施,有力推動(dòng)了相關(guān)工作開(kāi)展。All 8,239 suggestions, criticisms, and comments submitted by deputies during last year's session of the NPC have been handled, and feedback has been given to deputies by the departments handling them. The State Council, the Supreme People's Court, and the Supreme People's Procuratorate, as well as relevant government departments attached great significance to the handling of deputies' suggestions. The State Council convened an executive meeting exclusively to hear its departments' reports on the handling of deputies' suggestions, and set out clear requirements. The departments charged with the handling of suggestions strengthened their direct communication with deputies concerned and made dedicated efforts to improve the relevant aspects of their work and address the problems in question. According to statistics, 80.1% of the problems raised by deputies last year have been resolved or slated for gradual resolution. We grouped and condensed 185 suggestions jointly proposed by 2,638 deputies belonging to 13 delegations, ending up with 20 key suggestions to be addressed under our supervision. These suggestions were referred to 43 departments for implementation under the oversight of seven special committees of the NPC. Thanks to the efforts of all sides, notable progress has been made in the handling of these suggestions. In response to suggestions on, among other things, promoting the development of the Yangtze Economic Belt and turning China into a manufacturer of quality, the relevant departments formulated and introduced a number of plans, policies, and measures which have proven highly effective in advancing the relevant initiatives.
      (三)支持和保證全國人大代表依法履職。組織1700多名代表參加專(zhuān)題調研,為代表參會(huì )履職打下了良好基礎,也促進(jìn)了代表深入基層、深入群眾,了解社情民意。舉辦4期代表專(zhuān)題學(xué)習班、研討班和1期少數民族代表學(xué)習班,最高人民法院、最高人民檢察院、監察部、財政部的主要負責同志在學(xué)習班上作專(zhuān)題報告,1100多名代表參加,圍繞主題開(kāi)展學(xué)習研討和交流,取得良好效果。

      3) We supported and ensured deputies' law-based performance of their duties.

      We organized for more than 1,700 deputies to participate in dedicated research activities. This not only prepared them for attending this session of the NPC and performing their duties, but also helped them to enter communities, interact with the general public, and gain a better understanding of social conditions and popular feelings. We successfully organized four study sessions and seminars on special topics for deputies, as well as one study session for ethnic minority deputies. At the sessions, the principal leaders of the Supreme People's Court, the Supreme People's Procuratorate, the Ministry of Supervision, and the Ministry of Finance delivered specialized reports, following which more than 1,100 attending deputies discussed and exchanged views on the relevant topics.

      七、積極開(kāi)展對外交往工作7. We actively carried out foreign relations work.
      貫徹黨和國家外交工作總體部署,充分發(fā)揮人大對外交往的特點(diǎn)和優(yōu)勢,積極開(kāi)展同外國議會(huì )和多邊議會(huì )組織的交流合作。In accordance with the overall arrangements of the Party and state on diplomatic work, we have actively engaged in exchanges and cooperation with foreign parliaments and multilateral parliamentary organizations, making full use of the NPC's unique strengths in developing foreign relations.
      (一)鞏固拓展議會(huì )機制交流。中國全國人大與俄羅斯聯(lián)邦委員會(huì )、國家杜馬共同建立新的中俄議會(huì )合作委員會(huì )并召開(kāi)第一次會(huì )議,兩國立法機關(guān)領(lǐng)導人共同主持,保持了中俄議會(huì )合作高水平運行。安排美國眾議院高級別代表團訪(fǎng)華并首次訪(fǎng)問(wèn)西藏,與歐洲議會(huì )舉行2次機制交流會(huì )議,重啟中斷多年的中日議會(huì )交流機制。正式啟動(dòng)與蒙古國家大呼拉爾機制交流,與秘魯、阿根廷議會(huì )建立政治對話(huà)機制。加強與主要大國的議會(huì )外交,提升互信水平,促進(jìn)互利合作。

      1) We consolidated and expanded the NPC's mechanism-based exchanges with foreign parliaments.

      The NPC, the Russian Federation Council, and the State Duma of Russia jointly established the new China-Russia Parliamentary Cooperation Committee. The committee held its first meeting, which was co-chaired by the leaders of the legislative bodies of the two countries. This initiative has helped to maintain a high level of parliamentary cooperation between China and Russia. We arranged for a high-level delegation of the United States House of Representatives to visit China, which included the first ever visit to Tibet. We held two meetings with the European Parliament under the mechanism of regular exchanges and resumed our parliamentary exchanges with Japan, which had been suspended for years. We officially implemented the mechanism of regular exchanges with the State Great Hural of Mongolia and established mechanisms for political dialogue with Peruvian and Argentine congresses. We strengthened diplomacy with the parliaments of other major countries of the world in a bid to enhance mutual trust and mutually beneficial cooperation.

      (二)扎實(shí)推進(jìn)議會(huì )多邊外交。2015年是世界反法西斯戰爭勝利和聯(lián)合國成立70周年,委員長(cháng)率團出席在美國紐約聯(lián)合國總部召開(kāi)的第四次世界議長(cháng)大會(huì ),提出將“和平與發(fā)展”列入大會(huì )主題、把消除貧困和促進(jìn)經(jīng)濟社會(huì )發(fā)展作為2030年可持續發(fā)展議程的核心目標等主張;出席在俄羅斯舉行的首次金磚國家議會(huì )論壇,豐富了金磚國家合作內容,增強了信心和凝聚力。積極參與各國議會(huì )聯(lián)盟、亞太議會(huì )論壇、亞洲議會(huì )大會(huì )等多邊組織活動(dòng),主動(dòng)提出中國倡議,提升發(fā)展中國家的國際影響力,維護發(fā)展中國家共同利益。

      2) We steadily promoted multilateral diplomatic activities among parliaments.

      The year 2015 marked the 70th anniversary of the end of the Global War against Fascism and the founding of the United Nations. As Chairman of the Standing Committee of the NPC, I led a delegation to the Fourth World Conference of Speakers of Parliament at the United Nations Headquarters in New York. At the conference, I proposed that peace and development be made a theme of the meeting and that eradicating poverty and promoting economic and social development be made core objectives of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. I also attended the first BRICS Parliamentary Forum in Russia, which further enriched cooperation among BRICS countries and enhanced their confidence and cohesion.

      We actively participated in the activities of multilateral organizations such as the Inter Parliamentary Union, the Asia-Pacific Parliamentary Forum, and the Asian Parliamentary Assembly. During these activities, we projected China's voice and worked to expand the international influence of developing countries and safeguard their common interests.

      (三)密切各層次友好往來(lái)。積極開(kāi)展與俄羅斯、韓國、印度、法國、匈牙利等國家議會(huì )的高層交往,接待巴基斯坦、意大利、南非、孟加拉、越南等49個(gè)議會(huì )代表團和其他來(lái)訪(fǎng)團。發(fā)揮外事委員會(huì )交流窗口作用,推進(jìn)有關(guān)專(zhuān)門(mén)委員會(huì )、工作委員會(huì )與外國議會(huì )的對口交流。圍繞深化務(wù)實(shí)合作、推動(dòng)“一帶一路”建設與有關(guān)國家發(fā)展戰略對接,加強政策協(xié)調和法律保障,不斷完善有利于合作的政策和法律環(huán)境。結合重點(diǎn)立法項目,積極開(kāi)展立法經(jīng)驗互學(xué)互鑒。

      3) We conducted friendly international exchanges at all levels.

      We actively engaged in high-level exchanges with the parliaments of Russia, the Republic of Korea, India, France, and Hungary and received 49 parliamentary or other delegations from countries including Pakistan, Italy, South Africa, Bangladesh, and Vietnam. We gave play to the role of the NPC's Foreign Affairs Committee as a window for international exchanges, and encouraged the relevant special committees and working committees to engage in exchanges with their counterparts in foreign parliaments. With a view to deepening pragmatic cooperation and promoting the alignment of the Silk Road Economic Belt and 21st Century Maritime Silk Road Initiative (the Belt and Road Initiative) with the development strategies of the relevant countries, we engaged in a continued effort to foster policy and legal environments that are more conducive to cooperation by stepping up policy coordination and providing stronger legal guarantees. We also encouraged mutual learning, drawing on the experience of other countries with reference to our key legislative items.

      我們在對外交往中,堅決維護國家主權、安全、發(fā)展利益。利用各種場(chǎng)合、采取多種形式,廣泛宣傳中國特色社會(huì )主義道路、理論、制度,廣泛宣傳中國發(fā)展的巨大成就,深入闡釋中國夢(mèng)的豐富內涵和重大意義,講好中國人大故事,增進(jìn)國際社會(huì )對中國的了解、信任和支持。During our international exchanges, we resolutely safeguarded China's sovereignty, security, and development interests. On numerous occasions and in a variety of ways, we publicized the path, theory, and system of socialism with Chinese characteristics, informed the outside world of China's achievements in development, explained the meaning and significance of the Chinese Dream, and shared the story of the NPC, thereby winning China more understanding, trust, and support from the international community.
      八、大力加強自身建設8. We redoubled self-improvement efforts.
      始終把思想政治建設放在首位,堅持用鄧小平理論、“三個(gè)代表”重要思想、科學(xué)發(fā)展觀(guān)和習近平總書(shū)記系列重要講話(huà)精神武裝頭腦、指導實(shí)踐、推動(dòng)工作,堅定中國特色社會(huì )主義道路自信、理論自信、制度自信。深入開(kāi)展“三嚴三實(shí)”專(zhuān)題教育,堅定理想信念,切實(shí)增強思想自覺(jué)和行動(dòng)自覺(jué),始終以嚴和實(shí)的精神做好人大工作。堅持不懈抓作風(fēng)建設,繼續改進(jìn)會(huì )風(fēng)文風(fēng),積極開(kāi)展調查研究。深入推進(jìn)黨風(fēng)廉政建設和反腐敗斗爭,努力營(yíng)造風(fēng)清氣正、干凈干事的良好氛圍。堅持常委會(huì )黨組集體學(xué)習制度,認真辦好常委會(huì )專(zhuān)題講座,全面提升運用法治思維和法治方式開(kāi)展工作、解決問(wèn)題的能力。全國人大機關(guān)切實(shí)貫徹“三嚴三實(shí)”要求,全面加強思想、組織、作風(fēng)和制度建設,在全國人大工作中充分發(fā)揮了參謀助手和服務(wù)保障作用。Attaching primary importance to enhancing theoretical competence and fostering political integrity, we armed ourselves with Deng Xiaoping Theory, the Theory of Three Represents, the Scientific Outlook on Development, and the guiding principles from General Secretary Xi Jinping's major policy addresses, and used them to guide our practice and work. As a result, we have further strengthened our confidence in the path, theory, and system of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and fortified our shared ideals and convictions. Following in-depth study of the Three Stricts and Three Honests, we have become more purposeful in acting in line with them when carrying out the work of the NPC. In a persistent effort to improve our style of work, we continued to improve our meeting culture and style of writing, and actively carried out investigations and studies. We also advanced our effort to improve Party conduct, uphold integrity, and fight corruption, striving to foster a positive, upright, and clean working atmosphere. We continued to implement the system of collective study among members of the Leading Party Members' Group of the Standing Committee, and made good use of Standing Committee seminars to comprehensively raise our capacity to think and act in accordance with the rule of law as we carry out our work and strive to resolve problems. The bodies of the NPC, by earnestly following the requirements of the Three Stricts and Three Honests, made comprehensive improvements with regard to their political integrity, organization, work style, and institutions, thereby being able to give full play to their role as an advisor, assistant, and service-provider in the work of the NPC.
      常委會(huì )加強對各專(zhuān)門(mén)委員會(huì )的領(lǐng)導,注重發(fā)揮專(zhuān)門(mén)委員會(huì )的重要作用。各專(zhuān)門(mén)委員會(huì )結合實(shí)際認真履行法定職責,做了大量富有成效的工作。一是貫徹落實(shí)常委會(huì )立法規劃,牽頭起草種子法(修訂)、證券法(修訂)、野生動(dòng)物保護法(修訂)等法律草案,依法提請審議;對其他國家機關(guān)負責起草的法律案,提前介入起草工作,認真審議并提出報告;法律委員會(huì )加強法律案統一審議工作,積極采納吸收各方面意見(jiàn)建議,廣泛凝聚立法共識。二是圍繞常委會(huì )確定的監督議題,具體組織實(shí)施執法檢查,深入開(kāi)展專(zhuān)題調研,提出務(wù)實(shí)中肯的改進(jìn)意見(jiàn)建議,跟蹤監督常委會(huì )審議意見(jiàn)研究處理情況;財政經(jīng)濟委員會(huì )加強經(jīng)濟運行情況分析,依法做好計劃規劃草案、預算決算草案的審查工作。三是認真審議代表議案,積極督促有關(guān)方面加大重點(diǎn)督辦建議辦理工作力度,努力做好對外交往、條約審議等工作,為提高全國人大及其常委會(huì )工作質(zhì)量和水平作出了積極貢獻。The Standing Committee strengthened leadership over the work of special committees while emphasizing the need to maximize their role. The special committees earnestly performed their legally mandated duties and functions in light of the actual conditions and carried out a large number of highly effective initiatives. First, they ensured the implementation of the legislative plan formulated by the Standing Committee. They led the efforts to draft legislation such as revisions to the Seed Law, the Securities Law, and the Wildlife Protection Law, and submitted the drafts for deliberation as prescribed by law. They were also involved in the drafting of laws by other state organs at an early stage, and produced reports after careful deliberation. The Law Committee, in particular,enhanced its unified deliberation of drafts of legislation, adopted comments and suggestions from all sectors of society, and built up broad consensus on legislation. Second, with a focus on oversight topics selected by the Standing Committee, the special committees organized and conducted inspections of compliance with laws, carried out in-depth research on selected topics, made pragmatic and pertinent comments and suggestions, and conducted follow-up oversight over the adoption of comments issued by the Standing Committee. The Financial and Economic Affairs Committee, by strengthening analysis of economic performance, did a good job examining the government's 2015 draft plan for national economic and social development as well as draft budgets and final accounts in accordance with the law. Third, they conscientiously examined deputies' proposals, urged the relevant government departments to redouble their efforts in the handling of deputies' key suggestions, and strived to deliver a sound performance in international exchanges and the deliberation of treaties, thereby making a positive contribution to improving the work of the NPC and its Standing Committee.
      各位代表!Fellow Deputies,
      全國人大常委會(huì )工作取得的成績(jì),是在以習近平同志為總書(shū)記的黨中央正確領(lǐng)導下,全國人大代表、常委會(huì )組成人員、各專(zhuān)門(mén)委員會(huì )組成人員和全國人大機關(guān)工作人員兢兢業(yè)業(yè)、履職盡責、扎實(shí)工作的結果,是國務(wù)院、最高人民法院、最高人民檢察院和地方各級人大及其常委會(huì )密切配合、團結協(xié)作的結果,是全國各族人民充分信任、大力支持的結果。在此,我代表全國人大常委會(huì )表示崇高的敬意和衷心的感謝!The achievements made by the Standing Committee last year came under the correct leadership of the CPC Central Committee headed by General Secretary Xi Jinping. They were the result of the hard work of NPC deputies, members of the NPC Standing Committee and special committees, and the staff of all NPC bodies; the close cooperation of the State Council, the Supreme People's Court, the Supreme People's Procuratorate, and local people's congresses at all levels and their standing committees; and the full trust and great support of all of China's people. On behalf of the Standing Committee, I would like to express our highest respect for and sincere gratitude to them all.
      回顧過(guò)去一年的工作,我們清醒地認識到,同協(xié)調推進(jìn)“四個(gè)全面”戰略布局的新要求相比,同人大代表和人民群眾的新期盼相比,我們的工作還存在一些差距和不足。在立法工作中的主導作用有待充分發(fā)揮,監督工作實(shí)效需要著(zhù)力增強,發(fā)揮人大代表作用、密切聯(lián)系群眾的相關(guān)制度需要健全并更好落實(shí),深入基層調研、回應社會(huì )關(guān)切尚有不足,人大理論研究有待加強,人大新聞宣傳工作需要改進(jìn)。我們要高度重視這些問(wèn)題,虛心聽(tīng)取代表和各方面的意見(jiàn)建議,自覺(jué)接受監督,不斷加強和改進(jìn)各項工作。Looking back on our work over the past year, we realize that there are still some deficiencies that have caused us to fall short of the new requirements for advancing the Four-Pronged Comprehensive Strategy in a coordinated manner, as well as the new expectations of deputies and the general public. We need to ensure that the NPC better plays its dominant role in the legislative process; devote major efforts to making our oversight more effective; improve and better implement systems enabling deputies to play their roles and maintain close ties with the people; address our inadequacies in carrying out research at the community level and responding to the concerns of the public; strengthen theoretical research on the system of people's congresses; and achieve new progress in the NPC's information and publicity work. Taking these problems seriously, we must listen to comments and suggestions from deputies and all sectors of society with an open mind, willingly subject ourselves to oversight, and consistently improve our work.

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