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      【中英文對照】李克強在博鰲亞洲論壇2016年年會(huì )開(kāi)幕式上的演講(全文)

      發(fā)布時(shí)間:2016-03-27 16:25:52  | 來(lái)源:中國網(wǎng)  | 作者:  | 責任編輯:李瀟


      Chinese Premier Li Keqiang delivers a speech at the opening ceremony of the Boao Forum for Asia (BFA) annual conference in Boao, south China's Hainan Province, March 24, 2016. [Photo/Xinhua]

      ——在博鰲亞洲論壇2016年年會(huì )開(kāi)幕式上的演講
      中華人民共和國國務(wù)院總理 李克強

      A New Vision for A Dynamic Asia Through Joint Efforts
      Speech by Chinese Premier Li Keqiang
      At the Opening Plenary of the Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2016
      Boao, 24 March 2016

      尊敬的各位嘉賓,Distinguished Guests,
      女士們,先生們,朋友們:Ladies and Gentlemen,
      Dear Friends,
      很高興同新老朋友再次相聚博鰲亞洲論壇年會(huì )。我謹代表中國政府,對本次年會(huì )召開(kāi)表示熱烈祝賀!對遠道而來(lái)的嘉賓表示誠摯歡迎!I am delighted to be back for the Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference and to meet with so many friends, both old and new. On behalf of the Chinese government, let me extend warm congratulations on the opening of this year's annual conference and give my hearty welcome to all participants coming from afar.
      就在兩天前,比利時(shí)發(fā)生了嚴重恐怖襲擊事件。米歇爾首相原本計劃出席今天的論壇并致辭。我們對遇難者家屬表示深切哀悼。中國堅決反對一切形式的恐怖主義。Just two days ago, Belgium was hit by serious terrorist attacks, and Prime Minister Charles Michel had to cancel his scheduled attendance and address today. Here, we give our deep condolences to the families of the victims. China stands firmly opposed to terrorism of all forms.
      今天的博鰲春和景明、波瀾不驚,但放眼全球經(jīng)濟,卻是乍暖還寒、暗流涌動(dòng)。各位政府首腦、商界領(lǐng)袖、智庫和媒體精英云集博鰲,期待大家發(fā)表真知灼見(jiàn),共繪充滿(mǎn)活力的亞洲新愿景。We gather here in Boao at the beginning of the spring season, on an enchanting and peaceful day. But looking at the global economy, we see difficulties lingering and undercurrents lurking. Boao brings together heads of government and leaders from businesses, think tanks and the media. I look forward to hearing your wisdom and insights about how we could together open up a new vision for a dynamic Asia.
      時(shí)至今日,距離國際金融危機爆發(fā)已近8年,但其深層次影響尚未消除,世界經(jīng)濟仍處在深度調整之中,發(fā)達經(jīng)濟體復蘇低迷,新興經(jīng)濟體走勢分化;全球貿易繼續顯現下降態(tài)勢,國際大宗商品價(jià)格和金融市場(chǎng)波動(dòng)不定,地緣政治風(fēng)險上升,不穩定不確定因素有增無(wú)減。亞洲發(fā)展不足、不平衡的問(wèn)題依然突出,不少?lài)夷壳坝置媾R出口下滑、債務(wù)規模擴大、經(jīng)濟下行等問(wèn)題,甚至一度出現貨幣大幅貶值和資本加速外流等現象。有人認為,亞洲經(jīng)濟正處于近年來(lái)比較困難的時(shí)期。Today, almost eight years after the international financial crisis struck, the ripples of its implication are still being felt around the world. The world economy is going through profound adjustments. Developed economies are experiencing slow recovery and emerging economies are performing unevenly. Global trade continues to contract, and both global commodities prices and financial markets are fluctuating. Geopolitical risks are growing, and uncertainties and destabilizing factors are on the rise. In Asia, the problems of underdevelopment and imbalances remain acute. Many Asian countries are faced with export decline, growing debts, and economic slowdown. Some have even witnessed sharp depreciation of their currencies coupled with faster capital flight. No wonder some say that the Asian economy is facing one of the toughest times in recent years.
      盡管形勢不容樂(lè )觀(guān),但信心不可動(dòng)搖。歷經(jīng)兩次金融危機洗禮的亞洲已今非昔比。大多數國家在壯大實(shí)體經(jīng)濟、抵御金融風(fēng)險方面積累了成功經(jīng)驗,地區合作也取得豐碩成果。去年亞洲經(jīng)濟增長(cháng)仍然快于全球,總量占世界的比重還有提升,貿易規模占世界貿易的1/3左右,仍是全球最具發(fā)展活力的地區。While things may not look good, we must not lose confidence. The truth is, Asia has emerged only stronger from the two previous financial crises. Quite many Asian countries have become much more experienced as to how to beef up the real economy and fend off financial risks. Regional cooperation in Asia has also delivered fruitful results. Last year, growth in Asia was still faster than the global average. Asia's share in the global economy further increased, and Asia contributed to about one third of global trade. This part of the world has remained one of the most dynamic globally.
      去年,中國國家主席習近平在博鰲亞洲論壇年會(huì )上提出了邁向命運共同體、開(kāi)創(chuàng )亞洲新未來(lái)的重要倡議。本屆論壇年會(huì )主題是“亞洲新未來(lái):新活力與新愿景”,我們就是要打造發(fā)展和合作的共同體。亞洲是世界和平發(fā)展的重要力量,是世界經(jīng)濟增長(cháng)的重要引擎,也是世界文明進(jìn)步的重要推動(dòng)者。亞洲各國堅定信心,團結協(xié)作,就一定能克服困難,迎來(lái)光明的前景。在此,我愿提出幾點(diǎn)看法,與在座各位交流。At last year's annual conference, President Xi Jinping put forward the major initiative to build a community of shared destiny and open up a new future for Asia. The theme of this year's annual conference is "Asia's New Future: New Dynamics, New Vision". The community that we are committed to build is one of development and cooperation. Asia is a major force for world peace and development, as well as a major engine driving world economic growth. It is also an important factor promoting progress of world civilizations. As long as Asian countries work together with firm commitment and unity, we will be able to get over difficulties and embrace an even brighter future. Along that line, I wish to share the following thoughts with you:
      一是共同維護和平穩定。飲水思源。亞洲能夠在近幾十年里實(shí)現快速增長(cháng),一個(gè)重要原因在于保持了總體和平穩定。正如有諺語(yǔ)所說(shuō),哪里有相互間和睦,哪里就有生活的富裕。飽經(jīng)滄桑的亞洲人民深知和平之可貴。戰后亞洲發(fā)展歷程和經(jīng)驗啟示我們,不管處于什么樣的發(fā)展階段,我們都應該堅持睦鄰友好,不為一些小的摩擦和矛盾所干擾。對話(huà)合作才是“金鑰匙”。各國始終堅持平等相待、和平共處,努力求同存異、聚同化異,就可以夯實(shí)地區和平穩定的基石。First, we need to jointly uphold peace and stability. When we drink water, we should not forget its source. Asia owes the past decades of rapid growth to an environment of overall peace and stability in the region. As the saying goes, good neighbors mean good life. The past sufferings of war and turmoil have taught the Asian people the value of peace. Asia's post-war development shows that at all development stages, we must stay committed to good-neighborliness and must never let the minor differences or disagreements between us stand in our way. It is through dialogue and cooperation that we could find the "golden key" to development. We need to continue to treat each other as equals and live with each other in peace, and we need to work together to increase common ground, reduce differences, and build a solid foundation for peace and stability in the region.
      二是共同推動(dòng)經(jīng)濟增長(cháng)。新興經(jīng)濟體和發(fā)展中國家經(jīng)濟總量占世界40%,過(guò)去一度貢獻全球2/3以上的經(jīng)濟增量,在應對2008年國際金融危機中發(fā)揮了中堅作用,但這兩年遇到較大困難,一些國家經(jīng)濟增速大幅回落甚至出現負增長(cháng)。亞洲作為新興經(jīng)濟體最集中的地區,總體仍保持了增長(cháng)勢頭。去年亞洲發(fā)展中國家經(jīng)濟增速達到6.5%,對世界經(jīng)濟增長(cháng)貢獻率為44%。因此亞洲各國要增強發(fā)展信心,激發(fā)內生動(dòng)力和活力,為亞洲、也為世界經(jīng)濟復蘇發(fā)揮更大作用。希望世界各國深化合作、同舟共濟,加強宏觀(guān)政策協(xié)調,共同反對各種形式的貿易保護主義,采取更多的增長(cháng)友好型政策,避免一些國家政策調整產(chǎn)生外溢效應。中方積極倡議籌建亞洲金融合作協(xié)會(huì ),愿與各方合作完善亞洲金融市場(chǎng)建設,避免再次發(fā)生大規模地區金融動(dòng)蕩。Second, we need to jointly promote economic growth. Emerging economies and developing countries now account for 40% of the global economy. They once contributed up to two thirds of the growth of the world economy, and played a major role in the global efforts to tackle the 2008 financial crisis. But things have been tough over the past two years, as some of them have experienced significant economic slowdown and even negative growth. Asia, which is home to the largest number of emerging economies, has on the whole maintained a strong growth momentum. Last year, the growth of developing economies in Asia reached 6.5% and accounted for 44% of global growth. Therefore, Asian nations should enhance confidence, foster new impetus of growth from within, and stimulate vitality to play a bigger role for economic recovery not only in this part of the world but also globally. It is our hope that countries in the world will join hands to deepen cooperation, form synergy, strengthen macro-policy coordination, oppose trade protectionism of all forms, adopt more growth-friendly policies, and try to avoid the spillover effect of the policy adjustments in certain countries. China proposes establishment of an Asian Financial Cooperation Association, and China stands ready to work with all parties to improve Asia's financial market and prevent massive regional financial turbulence from happening again.
      三是共同深化融合發(fā)展。亞洲的振興,不能有人掉隊。中方愿將“一帶一路”倡議與地區國家及區域組織發(fā)展戰略對接,打造規劃銜接、生產(chǎn)融合、協(xié)同跟進(jìn)的地區發(fā)展新格局。中國愿結合地區國家的實(shí)際需求,提供性?xún)r(jià)比高的優(yōu)質(zhì)裝備和生產(chǎn)線(xiàn),在基礎設施、工業(yè)設備等廣泛領(lǐng)域開(kāi)展產(chǎn)能合作。區域全面經(jīng)濟伙伴關(guān)系協(xié)定(RCEP)是亞洲參與成員最多、規模最大的區域貿易安排,應力爭在2016年完成談判。亞洲基礎設施投資銀行、絲路基金首先應服務(wù)亞洲發(fā)展中國家,優(yōu)先支持地區互聯(lián)互通、產(chǎn)能合作等項目,讓地區人民共享融合發(fā)展的紅利。Third, we need to jointly deepen integrated development. To achieve development and prosperity in Asia, we must make sure that no one is left behind. China hopes to align its initiative of building the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road with the development strategies of other countries in the region and regional organizations. Together, we could foster a new pattern of regional development through integrated planning and production and coordinated actions. China is ready to provide high quality and cost-effective equipment and production-lines that could tailor to the needs of Asian countries. We may carry out production capacity cooperation in infrastructure building and industrial equipment making. The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) is the biggest regional trade arrangement in Asia that attracts the largest number of participating members, and we hope that negotiations under the RCEP could be concluded by 2016. For the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank and the Silk Road Fund, their priority should be placed on serving developing countries of Asia first, and on connectivity and production capacity cooperation projects, so that people in the region could share in the benefits of such integrated development.
      四是共同促進(jìn)開(kāi)放包容。開(kāi)放包容是亞洲文化的根脈。亞洲歷史悠久,自古以來(lái)不同民族、宗教、文化多樣并存、交流互鑒,為人類(lèi)文明進(jìn)步作出了重要貢獻。幾乎所有的世界性宗教都誕生在亞洲。亞洲人民向往和平、和睦、和諧,正是在這片土地上,誕生了和平共處五項原則,培育了相互尊重、協(xié)商一致、照顧各方舒適度的亞洲方式。亞洲國家間人員往來(lái)密切,僅每年相互旅游人數就達到數億人次。要用好各類(lèi)交流對話(huà)平臺,拓展和深化人文交流,不斷增強亞洲的凝聚力。中方倡議舉辦亞洲文明對話(huà)大會(huì ),歡迎各國和地區組織積極參與。越是在地區發(fā)展面臨困難的時(shí)刻,各國越需要在友好傳統中汲取經(jīng)驗,從共同追求中凝聚智慧,讓亞洲共識發(fā)揚光大。Fourth, we need to jointly uphold openness and inclusiveness. Being open and inclusive is the fine tradition and very basis of Asia's culture. In Asia, over the millennia, different nations, religions and cultures have coexisted with and learned from each other and all have contributed their major share to the progress of human civilization. Almost all religions with world-wide influence originated from Asia. The people in Asia crave for peace, good-neighborliness and harmony. It is this piece of land that has given birth to the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, and brought into being the Asian way, highlighting mutual respect, consensus building and accommodating the comfort level of all parties concerned. Asian countries are linked by close people-to-people exchanges. Each year, several hundred million tourists travel among Asian countries. We need to make good use of all dialogue platforms in Asia to deepen people-to-people exchanges and enhance the unity of Asia. China proposes that an Asia Civilization Dialogue Conference be held and we welcome all countries and regional organizations to take an active part in the conference. The more challenging the task of development is in the region, the more imperative it is for us to join hands, build on our traditional friendship and pool our collective wisdom, so as to carry forward the Asian Consensus and achieve our common pursuit for development.
      五是共同激發(fā)創(chuàng )新活力。這是發(fā)展的關(guān)鍵所在。亞洲有48個(gè)國家,40多億人口,過(guò)去依靠亞洲人民的勤勞智慧,創(chuàng )造了“亞洲奇跡”。今天亞洲要保持繁榮發(fā)展勢頭,從根本上還是要發(fā)揮充足的人力資源這個(gè)最突出的優(yōu)勢,激發(fā)人的潛力和創(chuàng )造力。有創(chuàng )新、有人才,亞洲才有新未來(lái)。我們不僅要通過(guò)加強教育和培訓,打造高素質(zhì)勞動(dòng)力大軍和人才隊伍,提高勞動(dòng)生產(chǎn)率,還要加大科技研發(fā)投入,利用“互聯(lián)網(wǎng)+”等新模式,搭建創(chuàng )新合作平臺,發(fā)展新經(jīng)濟、分享經(jīng)濟,共享創(chuàng )新經(jīng)驗,形成億萬(wàn)人的創(chuàng )新大軍、創(chuàng )造大軍,特別是使年輕人的豐富創(chuàng )造力和創(chuàng )意得以充分釋放,讓地區各國盡快走上創(chuàng )新發(fā)展、升級發(fā)展的增長(cháng)之路。Fifth, we need to work jointly to trigger innovation. Innovation holds the key to development. Asia is home to 48 countries and over four billion population, and the "Asian miracle" was created by the talented and hard-working Asian people. To keep up the momentum of prosperity and development in Asia, we need to give full play to Asia's unique advantage of abundant human resources, and bring out the potential and creativity of all its people. Asia's new future relies on innovation and talented personnel. We need to improve education and training in Asia to build a high-quality labor force, strengthen the talent pool and increase productivity. We need to step up R&D investment, adopt new models of development, including the "Internet Plus" model, and build cooperation platforms for innovation to develop the new economy and a shared economy. We may also conduct due exchange of experience. This way, the hundreds of millions of our people, especially the young people, will have the chance to engage in innovation and entrepreneurship, and have their ingenuity and creativity fully unleashed. This also allows countries in the region to quickly embark on a path of innovation-driven development and upgrade the level of growth.
      女士們,先生們!Ladies and Gentlemen,
      中國與亞洲的發(fā)展休戚與共。各位朋友十分關(guān)心當前中國的經(jīng)濟形勢,借此機會(huì ),我愿意從怎么看和怎么干兩方面作簡(jiǎn)要闡述。China's development is closely linked with that of Asia, and I know that many friends are interested in the economic situation in China. So I wish to take this opportunity to say something about how we should look at the Chinese economy and what we intend to do in China to ensure continued growth.
      首先是對中國經(jīng)濟怎么看?去年中國經(jīng)濟總量為67.7萬(wàn)億元人民幣,超過(guò)10萬(wàn)億美元,一舉一動(dòng)舉世矚目。同時(shí),中國又處在結構調整優(yōu)化的過(guò)程中,地區之間、行業(yè)之間走勢出現分化,所謂“橫看成嶺側成峰,遠近高低各不同”。特別是在世界經(jīng)濟復蘇乏力、去年增速為6年來(lái)最低的情況下,中國又處在經(jīng)濟轉型升級過(guò)程中,各方看法有些差異是難免的??粗袊?jīng)濟,一是看整體。去年中國GDP增長(cháng)6.9%,增速比過(guò)去有所放緩,但仍居于世界主要經(jīng)濟體前列,這不僅是在高基數基礎上的增長(cháng),而且是在轉型升級過(guò)程中實(shí)現的。今年以來(lái),中國經(jīng)濟運行開(kāi)局總體平穩,并出現新的積極變化。我們推出的一系列穩增長(cháng)、調結構、促改革措施的政策效應正在不斷累積。二是看走勢。根據國家統計局數據,去年全國城鎮新增就業(yè)1300多萬(wàn)人,居民收入增長(cháng)超過(guò)GDP增速。今年1-2月就業(yè)形勢基本穩定,31個(gè)大城市調查失業(yè)率保持在5.1%左右,和去年基本持平。產(chǎn)業(yè)升級步伐加快,服務(wù)業(yè)、高技術(shù)產(chǎn)業(yè)和裝備制造業(yè)均保持較快增長(cháng)。內需持續擴大,消費實(shí)現了兩位數增長(cháng)。消費和服務(wù)業(yè)成為拉動(dòng)經(jīng)濟的主要力量,能耗強度和主要污染物排放持續下降,這標志著(zhù)增長(cháng)質(zhì)量在改善。三是看長(cháng)遠。中國雖然已經(jīng)成為世界第二大經(jīng)濟體,但人均收入仍處于世界的中等水平,這本身是差距,也是潛力,尤其在中國的中西部還有巨大的空間和回旋余地。中國正處在工業(yè)化、城鎮化推進(jìn)過(guò)程中,改革動(dòng)力強,內需有空間,發(fā)展有韌性,創(chuàng )新有手段,中國經(jīng)濟長(cháng)期向好的基本面沒(méi)有也不會(huì )改變。

      First, how should we look at the Chinese economy? China's total GDP last year was RMB67.7 trillion yuan, or over US$10 trillion. Every move of this economy attracts world attention. Meanwhile, China is in the process of structural readjustment, and there is divergence among different regions and sectors. This is like what a Chinese poem says, one gets different impressions of a mountain when viewing it from the front, sideways, at a close range or from afar. Given the sluggish growth of the world economy, the lowest ever in six years, and with the Chinese economy undergoing transformation and upgrading, it is simply natural that different people may see the Chinese economy differently.

      In my view, when we look at the Chinese economy, we should first of all look at its overall performance. Last year, China grew by 6.9%, a bit slower than in the past, but still one of the fastest among the major economies. It was achieved on the basis of the huge size of the economy which was in the process of transformation. Since the beginning of this year, the Chinese economy has on the whole enjoyed steady performance and seen new, positive changes. The number of measures we introduced to promote steady growth, restructuring and reform are being paid off.

      Second, we need to look at the overall trend of the economy. According to the National Bureau of Statistics, over 13 million new jobs were created in China's urban areas last year, and the growth of people's income was faster than that of the GDP. The employment situation in the first two months of the year has stayed basically stable, with surveyed unemployment rate standing at around 5.1% in 31 major cities, roughly the same as last year. As industrial upgrading picked up speed, the service sector, high-tech industries and equipment manufacturing industries all maintained fast growth. Domestic demand continued to rise, and consumption growth stayed at double digit. Consumption and services have now become the main drivers of growth. Both energy intensity and the discharge of main pollutants went down, an indication that the quality of growth is getting better.

      Third, we need to look at the prospect of the economy for the long run. China has become the world's second largest economy, but its per capita GDP is still at the middle level in the world. There is both a gap to fill and a potential to tap, especially in China's central and western regions, where we see huge space and room for development. China is now in the process of industrialization and urbanization. There is strong impetus for reform and much space for expanding domestic demand. Development is resilient, and the tools are many to boost innovation. The fundamentals of the Chinese economy have stayed unchanged and will remain sound in the long run.

      當然,我們也充分認識到,中國經(jīng)濟已深度融入全球經(jīng)濟,一些國際機構紛紛下調今年世界經(jīng)濟增長(cháng)預期目標,世界經(jīng)濟不穩定、不確定因素增多,必然會(huì )對中國經(jīng)濟帶來(lái)影響甚至沖擊。同時(shí),國內深層次結構性矛盾凸顯,經(jīng)濟下行壓力較大,轉型升級過(guò)程中必然伴隨陣痛,尤其是一些行業(yè)的企業(yè)生產(chǎn)經(jīng)營(yíng)困難。我們不回避困難,這說(shuō)明有信心,我們也知道問(wèn)題癥結所在,因此,要在適度擴大總需求的同時(shí),注重推動(dòng)結構性改革尤其是供給側結構性改革??偟目?,中國經(jīng)濟希望大于困難。Of course, we are fully aware that the Chinese economy is now deeply integrated with the world economy. Some international agencies have lowered the growth forecast for this year and destabilizing factors and uncertainties are on the rise. The impact will be felt in the Chinese economy. At the same time, in China, the deep-seated structural problems have become more prominent, and the economy still faces growing downward pressure. As the economy goes through transformation and upgrading, temporary problems have occurred, and companies in certain industries are facing a hard time with their operation. We will not dodge these problems. In fact, knowing where problems are have made us all the more confident. We will expand aggregate demand as appropriate, and at the same time press ahead with structural reform, supply-side structural reform in particular. On the whole, for the Chinese economy, we believe there are more hopes than difficulties.
      關(guān)于中國經(jīng)濟下一步怎么干?人代會(huì )通過(guò)的《政府工作報告》已經(jīng)做了詳細闡述。昨天我們從三亞乘動(dòng)車(chē)組來(lái)博鰲。動(dòng)車(chē)組不單靠車(chē)頭拉動(dòng),車(chē)廂也有動(dòng)力,如果拿動(dòng)車(chē)組比喻中國經(jīng)濟,就是要使中國經(jīng)濟運行平穩,保持合理的速度。在我國資源環(huán)境約束加大的背景下,高速運行不僅不經(jīng)濟,也不利于節能環(huán)保,難以持續。因此,保持中高速增長(cháng)是我們的目標,我們將按照創(chuàng )新、協(xié)調、綠色、開(kāi)放、共享的新發(fā)展理念,堅持發(fā)展是第一要務(wù),打造動(dòng)能充足的保持中高速增長(cháng)、邁向中高端水平的經(jīng)濟發(fā)展動(dòng)車(chē)組。Next, what do we intend to do to ensure continued growth? The Government Work Report adopted by the NPC has laid that out in great detail. Yesterday evening, we took the bullet train to travel from Sanya to Boao. A bullet train is powered not just by its locomotive, but also the facilities installed in between carriages. If we are to compare the Chinese economy to a bullet train, what we need to do is to keep it steady and move at a reasonable speed. With growing environmental and resources constraints, high-speed is not economical; nor is it environment friendly or sustainable. Our goal is to maintain medium-high speed of growth. China's development will be guided by the new vision of innovative, coordinated, green, open and shared development. We will continue to give priority to development, and work to build dynamic engines to propel the economy, making sure that it maintains medium-high speed growth and moves towards the medium-to-high end of development.
      如同動(dòng)車(chē)組一樣,經(jīng)濟發(fā)展首先要保持平穩運行、安全運行。幾年來(lái),我們不斷創(chuàng )新宏觀(guān)調控思路,提出區間調控的新方式,把穩物價(jià)作為上限,把保就業(yè)作為下限。這一區間有效穩定了市場(chǎng)預期。今年,我們提出經(jīng)濟增長(cháng)的預期目標為6.5%-7%,這是一個(gè)新的區間,可以使增長(cháng)目標富有一定彈性。經(jīng)濟運行短期小幅波動(dòng)是難以避免的,我們不會(huì )因一時(shí)的小幅波動(dòng)而違背市場(chǎng)運行規律辦事。但一旦經(jīng)濟運行滑出合理區間,我們也會(huì )遵循經(jīng)濟規律采取綜合性措施。目前,中國政府負債率不足40%,中央政府負債率只有17%,居民儲蓄率高,發(fā)展多層次資本市場(chǎng)有空間,創(chuàng )新金融調控手段也有很大余地,我們不僅有能力防范住系統性區域性風(fēng)險,而且有足夠的政策工具穩定經(jīng)濟運行。比如,去年有關(guān)部門(mén)和金融機構協(xié)作,用市場(chǎng)化的辦法發(fā)行和使用專(zhuān)項建設基金,促進(jìn)了有效投資的擴大,有力地支持了調結構、穩增長(cháng),今年要繼續以市場(chǎng)化方式籌集專(zhuān)項建設基金。Like running a bullet train, to develop the economy, the first thing is stability and safety. In the past few years, we have adopted innovative approaches to macro-control, including a new range-based approach. We have set it our upper limit to keep price rises in control and our minimum target to ensure sufficient employment. This range-based approach has effectively stabilized market expectations. This year, we expect the economy to grow by 6.5%-7%, a new range designed to allow certain flexibility with the growth target. Short-term and minor fluctuations in the economy can hardly be avoidable. We will not try to redress these minor fluctuations with moves that are against market rules. But once the economy slips out of the reasonable range, we will definitely take overarching measures in line with the laws of the economy. Currently, the debt-to-GDP ratio of the Chinese government is less than 40%, and for the central government, it is only 17%. We also have a high savings rate. The space is ample to develop a multi-tiered capital market, and new tools are available to introduce innovative regulatory measures to the financial sector. We are not only well positioned to prevent systemic, regional financial risks, but also supported by enough policy tools to keep the economy steady. Last year, for instance, with collaboration among relevant agencies and financial institutions, special funds for specific projects were raised and used based on market-based approaches to expand effective investment. Such an approach strongly facilitated economic restructuring and ensured steady growth. This year, we will continue this practice.
      中國經(jīng)濟要行穩致遠,必須激發(fā)自動(dòng)力,培育新動(dòng)能。For the Chinese economy to move steadily forward for the long run, we need to stimulate internal forces and develop new engines.
      動(dòng)力首先來(lái)自改革開(kāi)放。30多年來(lái)中國快速發(fā)展的歷程證明,只要改革不斷推進(jìn),中國經(jīng)濟就會(huì )持續前行。今年我們將繼續深化簡(jiǎn)政放權、放管結合、優(yōu)化服務(wù)等改革,進(jìn)一步放寬市場(chǎng)準入,政府可以集中更多精力加強事中事后監管,強化知識產(chǎn)權保護,打擊假冒偽劣,營(yíng)造公平競爭環(huán)境,激發(fā)市場(chǎng)活力和社會(huì )創(chuàng )造力。The growth momentum comes, first and foremost, from reform and opening-up. The rapid development of the Chinese economy over the past three decades proves that as long as reform continues, the economy will keep going forward. This year, we will continue to deepen such reforms as streamlining administration, delegating powers, and improving oversight and services. We will provide easier market access. The government can focus more on ongoing and ex-post supervision, step up protection of intellectual property rights, fight against fake and substandard products, create a level-playing field for competition, and boost market vitality and social creativity.
      我們要積極推進(jìn)財稅金融體制改革。比如,全面推開(kāi)營(yíng)改增,這是結構性改革的重大舉措,將為企業(yè)減輕稅負5000多億元,不僅有利于統一稅制、消除重復征稅,更重要的是會(huì )有力促進(jìn)服務(wù)業(yè)特別是研發(fā)等高端服務(wù)業(yè)的發(fā)展和制造業(yè)轉型升級。絕大部分企業(yè)會(huì )有不同程度的減稅,其中小微企業(yè)的稅收負擔將明顯減輕。在當前財政困難的情況下,政府這么做是為了放水養魚(yú),用短期財政收入的“減”,換取持續發(fā)展勢能的“增”,這本身也說(shuō)明我們財政政策還有一定的空間。又比如,金融領(lǐng)域的改革,可以推出按市場(chǎng)化方式的債轉股,這有利于降低企業(yè)杠桿率。We will actively promote reforms of the fiscal and financial systems. For example, business tax will be replaced with VAT in all sectors, a major step of structural reform that will save businesses more than RMB500 billion in tax. This will not only help us form a consistent tax system and eliminate double taxation. More importantly, it will strongly boost the development of the service industry, especially high-end services, such as R&D, and support the transformation and upgrading of the manufacturing sector. Most enterprises will benefit from the tax reduction to varying degrees, and small and micro businesses will see their tax burden significantly lightened. In times of fiscal difficulties, the government is doing this to release more water to nourish the fish in the pond, i.e. to generate continued momentum of growth with a short-term drop in fiscal revenue. It is also indicative of the room for fiscal flexibility left at our disposal. Let me give you another example. For reforms in the financial sector, we can explore market-based approaches for debt-for-equity swap to help lower corporate leverage ratio.
      開(kāi)放也是改革。我們將著(zhù)力提高對外開(kāi)放水平,包括有序擴大服務(wù)業(yè)、金融等領(lǐng)域的開(kāi)放,把中國進(jìn)一步打造成范圍更廣、環(huán)境更優(yōu)的外商投資最佳目的地。前年我們啟動(dòng)了“滬港通”,這是我國資本市場(chǎng)對外開(kāi)放的重大舉措?!吧罡弁ā苯衲陜纫矊駲C推出。人民幣將繼續在合理均衡基礎上保持穩定,中國經(jīng)濟的基本面決定人民幣不存在長(cháng)期貶值的基礎。中國是負責任大國,將按照主動(dòng)性、漸進(jìn)性、可控性原則推動(dòng)人民幣匯率形成機制市場(chǎng)化改革,不打貨幣戰,絕不會(huì )用貨幣貶值來(lái)刺激出口。Greater openness is also a way of reform. We will open the country wider to the outside world, including orderly opening of the services, financial and other sectors, and make China a most preferred destination for foreign investment with more opportunities and better environment. The year before last, we launched the Shanghai-Hongkong Stock Connect. This was a major step in opening up China's capital market. At an appropriate time this year, the Shenzhen-Hongkong Stock Connect will also be launched. We will continue to maintain the basic stability of the RMB exchange rate at an adaptive and equilibrium level. The economic fundamentals are such that allows for no basis for continued depreciation of the RMB exchange rate. China is a responsible major country. We will continue to make the RMB exchange rate more market-oriented by acting on the principles of voluntarism, gradualism and controllability. We will not fight a currency war, and will never stimulate export by depreciating the currency.
      動(dòng)力來(lái)自調整結構。這是經(jīng)濟轉型升級的關(guān)鍵。我們要積極發(fā)展新經(jīng)濟,大力培育新動(dòng)能、改造提升傳統動(dòng)能,形成促進(jìn)發(fā)展的“雙引擎”。在推進(jìn)過(guò)程中,既做減法,重點(diǎn)抓好鋼鐵、煤炭等困難行業(yè)去產(chǎn)能;更做加法,培育新的增長(cháng)點(diǎn),實(shí)施創(chuàng )新驅動(dòng)發(fā)展戰略,推動(dòng)大眾創(chuàng )業(yè)、萬(wàn)眾創(chuàng )新,進(jìn)一步發(fā)展服務(wù)業(yè)、高新技術(shù)產(chǎn)業(yè)、中小微企業(yè),大力實(shí)施《中國制造2025》,提高實(shí)體經(jīng)濟競爭力。減法當中確實(shí)有一些職工需要轉崗安置,但加法當中發(fā)展新經(jīng)濟、培育新動(dòng)能,帶動(dòng)新產(chǎn)業(yè)、新業(yè)態(tài)等的成長(cháng),可以提供大量新的就業(yè),這也會(huì )為傳統動(dòng)能改造提升創(chuàng )造條件。各級政府要利用市場(chǎng)倒逼機制,引導和扶持職工再就業(yè),暫時(shí)有困難的,要保障他們的基本生活。中央和地方政府都要切實(shí)擔起責任,同時(shí),我們將積極推進(jìn)新型城鎮化,這是最大的內需潛力所在。要擴大基礎設施建設等有效投資,為消費升級和民生改善排除障礙、優(yōu)化環(huán)境、創(chuàng )造條件。這也將促進(jìn)農業(yè)農村發(fā)展,帶動(dòng)農業(yè)現代化和農民持續增收。The growth momentum comes from restructuring. Restructuring holds the key to economic transformation. We will actively develop the new economy, foster new engines of growth while upgrading traditional engines, and build the "twin engines" for development. In this process, we will reduce overcapacity, particularly in the coal, iron, steel and other industries that are experiencing difficulties. We will also foster new growth areas, follow an innovation-driven strategy, encourage mass entrepreneurship and innovation, further develop the service sector, high-tech industries, SMEs and micro companies, carry out the strategy of Made in China 2025, and increase the competitiveness of the real economy. In the process of reducing overcapacity, we may need to resettle and rearrange for some employees. However, thanks to the development of the new economy and new drivers of growth, a host of new businesses and industries have emerged, bringing along many new job opportunities and providing the conditions for upgrading traditional industries. Governments at all levels should, acting under the pressure of market forces, help employees get new jobs, and arrange for basic living necessities for those who face temporary difficulties. Both the central and local governments should bear these responsibilities. At the same time, we will actively advance urbanization, and that is the biggest source of potential domestic demand. We will expand effective investment, such as those in infrastructure, to remove obstacles, improve the environment and create better conditions to upgrade the consumption level and improve people's lives. This will also promote the development of agriculture and the rural areas, propel agricultural modernization, and continuously increase farmers' income.
      動(dòng)力來(lái)自改善民生。發(fā)展的成果最終要體現在民生改善上。反之,民生改善帶來(lái)的就業(yè)增加也會(huì )促進(jìn)消費,有效拉動(dòng)經(jīng)濟發(fā)展。正所謂民生倒逼發(fā)展,發(fā)展檢驗改革。前天,我到三亞游客中心考察,見(jiàn)到一批大學(xué)生圍繞旅游業(yè)搞雙創(chuàng ),他們把一些農產(chǎn)品加工成工藝品和旅游紀念品,還適應群眾生活需要開(kāi)發(fā)了特色工具。旅游業(yè)形成了融合一二三產(chǎn)業(yè)的綜合產(chǎn)業(yè),已不同于傳統旅游業(yè)。從全國來(lái)看,過(guò)去5年國內旅游總收入年均增長(cháng)19%,去年國內旅游人數達到40億人次,這有力地帶動(dòng)了居民消費的擴大和升級,尤其是大量增加就業(yè)崗位,這只是新經(jīng)濟發(fā)展與民生改善的一方面例證。今年保障和改善民生的重點(diǎn)是,織密織牢就業(yè)、教育、醫療、養老、住房五大民生保障“安全網(wǎng)”。讓廣大群眾有事干、有錢(qián)掙,讓適齡人員都有受教育的公平機會(huì ),使看病難、看病貴問(wèn)題逐步得到解決,還要發(fā)揮好養老保險的?;?、兜底線(xiàn)作用。今年將繼續加大棚戶(hù)區和城市危舊住房改造力度,要把房地產(chǎn)去庫存和棚改貨幣化安置結合起來(lái),更好滿(mǎn)足居民住房的剛性需求,按照因地制宜、分城施策原則,促進(jìn)房地產(chǎn)市場(chǎng)平穩健康發(fā)展。尤其要高度重視扶貧問(wèn)題,大力發(fā)展減貧事業(yè),縮小貧富差距,實(shí)現包容發(fā)展。The growth momentum comes from efforts to improve people's livelihood. Development should result in better livelihood. The new jobs created as a result of improved livelihood will in turn help boost consumption and economic development. In other words, to improve people's lives, development is something imperative, and development is also a litmus test to the success of reform. The day before yesterday, I visited a tourist center in Sanya where I found a group of university graduates who were enthusiastic participants in the mass entrepreneurship and innovation program in tourism. They turned agricultural produce into handicrafts and travel souvenirs, and developed special tools to meet people's daily need. There, tourism becomes an integrated business covering the first, second and tertiary sectors, which makes it different from traditional tourism. Over the past five years, tourism revenue in China grew by 19% on average. Last year, four billion domestic travels were made. This gave a strong boost to the expansion and upgrading of household spending, and in particular, created many job opportunities. This is only one example of the development of new economy and better life of the people. This year, to ensure and improve people's livelihood, we will continue to focus on fostering a "safety net" covering the five major areas of employment, education, medical care, pension benefits and housing. We will ensure that the people are employed and paid for their work, and people of the right age enjoy equal opportunities of education. We will gradually resolve the problem of access to and affordability of medical services, and make sure that pension funds play the role of ensuring basic and subsistence needs for the old-aged. This year, we will continue to renovate rundown areas and dilapidated old urban houses. We will combine the measures of reducing housing inventory with cash subsidies to relocate people from rundown areas, and better meet the justified housing need of our people. In addition, we will adopt differentiated measures, based on local conditions in different cities, to promote the stable and healthy development of the housing market. We will pay particular attention to poverty relief and make tremendous efforts to reduce poverty, so as to narrow the gap between the rich and the poor and achieve inclusive development.
      動(dòng)力最終來(lái)自?xún)|萬(wàn)人民的活力和創(chuàng )造力。中國是擁有13億多人口的最大發(fā)展中國家,有上億受過(guò)高等教育和具有專(zhuān)業(yè)技能的人才,未來(lái)五年又會(huì )有三四千萬(wàn)大學(xué)生畢業(yè)。發(fā)揮好人力人才資源優(yōu)勢是我們發(fā)展的極大潛力和后勁。要健全激勵機制,鼓勵科技人員投身創(chuàng )新,讓他們通過(guò)自身成果獲得社會(huì )的尊重和合理回報。要完善績(jì)效考核辦法,促進(jìn)廣大干部競相干事、主動(dòng)作為,要搭建平臺、創(chuàng )造條件,支持大中小企業(yè)擁抱新經(jīng)濟、融入新經(jīng)濟,同時(shí)改造和提升傳統動(dòng)能,讓有志創(chuàng )業(yè)創(chuàng )新者卸下包袱,插上翅膀,在創(chuàng )造社會(huì )財富中實(shí)現自身價(jià)值,把億萬(wàn)人的智慧和創(chuàng )造力匯聚成無(wú)可比擬的發(fā)展力量,助推中國經(jīng)濟闖過(guò)各種難關(guān),躍上新的臺階。Eventually, the growth momentum comes from the vigor and creativity of the Chinese people. China is the largest developing country, with over 1.3 billion population. Hundreds of millions of them are skilled professionals with higher education background. In the next five years, 30 to 40 million more will graduate from college. To leverage our strength in labor supply and human resources will unleash the greatest potential and momentum for development. We will improve incentive mechanisms to encourage science professionals to devote themselves to innovation, and in return, they will be held in high respect and receive reasonable returns for their achievements. We will develop better methods for performance evaluation to mobilize the enthusiasm of officials in doing their job and showing initiative. We will build platforms and create conditions to support SMEs while they embrace and become part of the new economy. At the same time, we will transform and upgrade traditional engines for the economy. This way, those interested in starting their own businesses or introducing innovations will be able to put aside any burden they may carry, feel free to act, and make their life worthwhile in the process of creating social wealth. The wisdom and creativity of hundreds of millions of people will be pooled together into an incomparable force for development, taking the Chinese economy over various hurdles and onto new levels.
      中國經(jīng)濟升級發(fā)展,是自身提高的過(guò)程,也是世界的機遇。亞洲許多國家是中國的近鄰,中國的發(fā)展首先將惠及亞洲國家。幾天前,中國發(fā)布了《國民經(jīng)濟和社會(huì )發(fā)展第十三個(gè)五年規劃綱要》,中國將朝著(zhù)全面建成小康社會(huì )的宏偉目標邁進(jìn)。未來(lái)5年中國經(jīng)濟將保持6.5%以上的增速,進(jìn)口商品超過(guò)10萬(wàn)億美元,對外投資將超過(guò)6000億美元。同時(shí),我們還將實(shí)施數百項重大工程和重大項目,這個(gè)過(guò)程將是開(kāi)放的、共享的。希望在座企業(yè)家搶抓機遇,大展身手。An upgraded Chinese economy means not only self-improvement for China but also opportunities for the world. Many countries in Asia are China's close neighbors and they will naturally be the first to benefit from China's development. A few days ago, China released the 13th Five-Year Plan for Economic and Social Development, which will take China towards the ambitious goal of finishing building a moderately prosperous society in all respects. In the next five years, China's economy will grow at an average annual rate of above 6.5%, import over US$10 trillion of goods, and make US$600 billion of outbound investment. Several hundred big projects and programs will be launched and put into operation. This will be an open process to be shared by all. I hope that the business communities present here will seize the good opportunity and achieve big success.
      女士們,先生們!Ladies and Gentlemen,
      博鰲亞洲論壇已走過(guò)了整整15個(gè)年頭。15年來(lái),論壇見(jiàn)證了亞洲發(fā)展的卓越成就,這是亞洲歷史上發(fā)展最快最好的時(shí)期?!胺e其小者必至于大,積其微者必至于顯”。只要我們攜手合作,加快培育各國經(jīng)濟新動(dòng)能,共同打造地區發(fā)展新愿景,就一定會(huì )迎來(lái)更加充滿(mǎn)活力的亞洲新未來(lái)!It has been 15 years since the Boao Forum for Asia came into being. These 15 years have witnessed Asia's remarkable development achievements, which is in fact the best and fastest growing period in Asia's history. As the saying goes, "small things add up to become something really big." As long as we work together to foster new dynamics for our economies, we will surely open up a new vision for regional development and embrace a more invigorated new future for Asia.
      最后,預祝本屆年會(huì )取得圓滿(mǎn)成功!To conclude, I wish this annual conference a complete success.
      謝謝大家!Thank you.