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      【中英文對照】李克強在會(huì )見(jiàn)亞洲新聞聯(lián)盟媒體負責人并座談時(shí)的談話(huà)(全文)

      發(fā)布時(shí)間:2016-06-02 14:41:20  | 來(lái)源:中國網(wǎng)  | 作者:  | 責任編輯:李瀟

      5月31日,國務(wù)院總理李克強在北京人民大會(huì )堂會(huì )見(jiàn)來(lái)華出席亞洲新聞聯(lián)盟年會(huì )的各國媒體負責人并同他們座談。[新華社]

      5月31日,國務(wù)院總理李克強在北京人民大會(huì )堂會(huì )見(jiàn)來(lái)華出席亞洲新聞聯(lián)盟年會(huì )的各國媒體負責人并同他們座談。[新華社]
      Chinese Premier Li Keqiang meets and has dialogue with senior editors from Asia attending the annual meeting of the Asia News Network (ANN) in China at the Great Hall of the People on May 31. [Xinhua]
      2016年5月31日下午,國務(wù)院總理李克強在人民大會(huì )堂會(huì )見(jiàn)來(lái)華出席亞洲新聞聯(lián)盟年會(huì )的亞洲國家和地區媒體負責人,并同他們座談。實(shí)錄如下:Premier Li Keqiang met and had dialogue with senior editors from Asia attending the annual meeting of the Asia News Network (ANN) in China at the Great Hall of the People on Tuesday afternoon. The following is the transcript of their dialogue:?
      李克強:很高興和大家見(jiàn)面。我代表中國政府,對亞洲新聞聯(lián)盟在中國北京舉行總編輯年會(huì )表示歡迎,對年會(huì )圓滿(mǎn)成功表示祝賀。參加亞洲新聞聯(lián)盟的媒體都是不僅在本地區,而且在世界上有一定影響力的媒體。希望各媒體加強溝通,搭建一個(gè)亞洲發(fā)聲的平臺,而且越做越強。我也愿意回答你們的問(wèn)題。Li Keqiang: It's very good to meet you all. Let me extend, on behalf of the Chinese government, warm welcome to you for coming to Beijing to attend the annual editors' meeting and congratulations on the success of the meeting. The ANN members are media of influence not only in Asia but also around the world. I hope the members will strengthen communication and build a platform for Asia to make its voice better heard, and I wish you greater success. I am happy to answer your questions.
      亞洲新聞聯(lián)盟秘書(shū)長(cháng)簡(jiǎn)沃熱:亞洲新聞聯(lián)盟是世界上類(lèi)似新聞聯(lián)盟中規模最大的之一,現在有來(lái)自19個(gè)亞洲國家的21家成員。我們更加了解亞洲。很榮幸您今天下午和我們見(jiàn)面。我下面請幾位媒體負責人向您提問(wèn)。ANN Executive Director Pana Janviroj: The ANN is one of the biggest of its kind in the world, with 21 members from 19 Asian countries. Our motto is: we know Asia better. It is a privilege to have this meeting with you this afternoon. Allow me to invite a few colleagues to speak.
      泰國《民族報》多媒體集團創(chuàng )始人蘇提猜:中國發(fā)展非常迅速,世界影響力不斷提升,東南亞國家作為朋友和伙伴密切關(guān)注中國發(fā)展變化。中國是一個(gè)大國,甚至可以說(shuō)是超級大國,體量巨大。相比之下,一些小國在談判中難免擔心中國是否會(huì )以“老大哥”自居,利用政治經(jīng)濟等方面的優(yōu)勢地位推動(dòng)實(shí)現自身目標。如何讓有關(guān)國家感到放心,中國不是“壞大哥”,而是“好大哥”?Suthichai Saeyoon, founder of The Nation of Thailand: China has been developing very fast and its influence in the world has been rising. Southeast Asian countries have followed China's development closely as friends and partners. Meantime, China is a big country, or a superpower. Some small countries may feel that China may act as a "big brother" to use its political and economic muscle to advance its own purposes in negotiations. How can you make them reassured that China is not a bad "big brother" but a good "big brother"?
      李克強:首先我想說(shuō)明兩點(diǎn)。第一,中國不是什么“超級大國”,而是一個(gè)發(fā)展中國家。雖然我們是世界最大的發(fā)展中國家,經(jīng)濟總量居世界前列,但是人均國內生產(chǎn)總值(GDP)還排在世界80位以后,談不上有超級大國的基礎,更不要說(shuō)我們根本沒(méi)有作所謂超級大國的想法。Li Keqiang: Let me first make two points. First, China is no "superpower" , but a developing country. Though being the biggest developing country with one of the largest economies in the world, China still ranks behind some 80 countries in terms of per capita GDP. We don't have the basis to be a superpower, still less do we intend to be one.
      第二,在同鄰國相處當中,中國從來(lái)沒(méi)有以“老大哥”自居。中國奉行的是獨立自主的和平外交政策,秉持親誠惠容的周邊外交理念,主張國家不論大小一律平等。如果我們之間都有誠摯的愿望,就能成為好兄弟、好朋友,不存在誰(shuí)是大哥的問(wèn)題。Second, in developing relations with its neighbors, China has never posed itself as a "big brother". China follows an independent foreign policy of peace, a neighborhood policy featuring amity, sincerity, mutual benefit and inclusiveness, and believes that all countries, big or small, are equals. We could all be good brothers and good friends when we share such sincere wish. There is no such thing as one being the "big brother".
      中國有領(lǐng)土接壤的鄰國,也有隔海相望的鄰國,加起來(lái)有20個(gè),可以說(shuō)是世界上鄰國最多的國家之一。我們和鄰國是命運共同體。中國要實(shí)現現代化還有很長(cháng)的路要走,而且必須要有一個(gè)穩定的地區環(huán)境與和平的國際環(huán)境,所以中國致力于維護地區穩定。我們和周邊國家之間多多少少會(huì )有這樣那樣的分歧,但是這并不代表我們關(guān)系的主流,我們的共同利益遠遠大于分歧。中方在處理分歧時(shí)始終主張,國家之間以平等相待、相互尊重的原則,以和平的手段協(xié)商解決問(wèn)題。China has 20 neighbors, sharing land border with some and facing some across the sea. China has more neighboring countries than any other country in the world. We and our neighbors are entwined in a community of shared future. China still has a long way to go before it can achieve modernization, and we need a stable regional environment and peaceful international environment to reach this goal. Hence, China is committed to upholding regional stability. In the meantime, we do have certain disagreements with some neighbors, but these differences are not the mainstream of China's relations with those countries, and our common interests far outweigh those differences. In addressing differences, China believes that countries should seek peaceful solutions through consultation on the basis of equality and mutual respect.
      基于這樣的原則,我相信,我們和鄰國之間本著(zhù)誠意都可以成為好朋友、好鄰居,甚至是好兄弟。In keeping with such principles, I believe, China and all neighbors, in good faith, can be good friends, good neighbors and even good brothers.
      印尼《雅加達郵報》總編輯拜云尼:今天上午,我們同亞洲基礎設施投資銀行負責人就“一帶一路”倡議進(jìn)行了對話(huà)探討。我了解到“一帶一路”的一個(gè)重要組成部分,就是同有關(guān)國家建設海上絲綢之路。我來(lái)自印尼,印尼政府對這一倡議持支持態(tài)度,認為其有助于加強各國合作與和平。同時(shí),我也看到中國正在大力發(fā)展藍水海軍。我認為這兩者關(guān)于中國的意圖似乎發(fā)出相互矛盾的信號,您能否解釋兩者存在的差異?Endy Mouzardi Bayuni, Editor-in-Chief of The Jakarta Post: This morning, we had a dialogue with head of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) about the Belt and Road Initiative. One important part is to build with relevant countries the maritime silk road. I am from Indonesia. My government has expressed support to this initiative, as it will help strengthen peace and cooperation between relevant countries. Meanwhile, China is making great efforts to build a blue water navy. They seem to send conflicting messages about China's intentions. How would you explain such discrepancies?
      李克強:中國倡導建設海上絲綢之路,而且海上絲綢之路同有關(guān)國家自身的戰略,包括印尼的海洋強國戰略,都是可以相對接的。絲綢之路概念的內涵就是和平、合作、發(fā)展。Li Keqiang: China has proposed to build the maritime silk road, which can be aligned with the development strategies of relevant countries, including Indonesia's maritime power strategy. Peace, cooperation and development have been the underlying spirit of the Silk Road.
      中國奉行防御性的國防政策。我們發(fā)展海軍,同推進(jìn)海上絲綢之路建設并不矛盾,因為中國歷來(lái)主張在南海和其他相關(guān)海域,維護各國依法享有的航行自由和安全。有了航行自由和安全,我們的貿易和交往就會(huì )進(jìn)一步擴大,還可以在更廣泛領(lǐng)域進(jìn)行合作,保證海域的和平安全。China follows a defense policy that is defensive in nature. The development of our navy and the building of the maritime silk road do not conflict with each other. China has all along called for upholding the freedom and safety of navigation in the South China Sea and other maritime areas, a right enjoyed by all countries under the law. Freedom and safety of navigation provides enabling conditions for us to expand trade and exchanges, and engage in cooperation in wider fields for peace and security on the sea.
      請各位記住一點(diǎn),中國的傳統是“己所不欲,勿施于人”。歷史上我們曾經(jīng)遭受過(guò)侵略、壓迫,因此不愿看到其他國家再有類(lèi)似經(jīng)歷。我們同各國和平共處,發(fā)展本國的國防力量,既是維護國家主權和領(lǐng)土完整,也是維護這個(gè)地區的和平和安全。One should bear in mind that the Chinese believe in "not doing to others what one does not like oneself." The Chinese people suffered aggression and oppression in modern times, and we do not want to see similar things happen to other countries. By living in peace with other countries and developing its defense capability, China is upholding its own sovereignty and territorial integrity and contributing its part to regional peace and security.
      韓國《韓國先驅導報》總編輯鐘世勇:朝鮮進(jìn)行核武器和導彈挑釁,使安理會(huì )通過(guò)有關(guān)制裁決議,現在國際社會(huì )包括中國都在執行。您認為制裁是否足夠強有力,能讓朝鮮放棄核、導計劃?如果朝鮮繼續堅持核、導計劃,中國是否會(huì )增加制裁力度?中國在緩和半島局勢緊張方面還會(huì )做哪些努力?Chon Shi-yong, Editor-in-Chief of The Korean Herald: The international community has put sanctions on the DPRK for its nuclear and missile provocations. Do you think the sanctions are strong enough for the DPRK to give up its nuclear and missile programs? If the DPRK is still defiant, will China put more pressure on North Korea? What more will China do to ease the tension on the Peninsula?
      李克強:中國對朝核問(wèn)題的立場(chǎng)是一貫、明確的。我們堅持維護半島和平穩定,堅持半島無(wú)核化目標,堅持通過(guò)對話(huà)協(xié)商和平解決。對朝鮮進(jìn)行核試和發(fā)射衛星,聯(lián)合國安理會(huì )已經(jīng)通過(guò)了有關(guān)決議,中國作為聯(lián)合國成員和負責任大國,將認真全面執行安理會(huì )相關(guān)決議,維護國際核不擴散體系。Li Keqiang: China's position on the Korean nuclear issue is consistent and clear-cut. We are committed to upholding peace and stability on the Peninsula, achieving the denuclearization of the Peninsula and settling relevant issues peacefully through dialogue and consultation. The UN Security Council has adopted relevant resolutions in response to the DPRK's nuclear test and satellite launch. As a member of the UN and a responsible major country, China will earnestly and fully implement the relevant resolutions and uphold the international nuclear non-proliferation regime.
      制裁并不是解決問(wèn)題的唯一方法。很多問(wèn)題從根本上得到解決,最終還是通過(guò)和平談判的外交手段。我們一直主張相關(guān)各方進(jìn)行包括六方會(huì )談在內的談判,也希望有關(guān)國家同朝方直接接觸,推動(dòng)半島實(shí)現無(wú)核化。中方將遵守所作諾言,也會(huì )盡自己應盡的努力。To impose sanctions is not the only means to resolve the issue. The fundamental solution to many problems ultimately lies in the diplomatic means of peaceful negotiation. We always call upon relevant parties to carry out negotiations, including the Six Party Talks, and hope that relevant countries will talk to the DPRK directly to push for the denuclearization of the Peninsula. China will honor its commitment and make its due efforts.
      老撾《萬(wàn)象時(shí)報》副總編輯沃拉克琿:您對中國東盟關(guān)系發(fā)展前景怎么看?有何期待?Phonekeo Volakhoun, Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the Vientiane Times: How do you view the prospects of China-ASEAN relations?
      李克強:中國和東盟一直保持著(zhù)良好關(guān)系。我們從一開(kāi)始就支持東盟一體化進(jìn)程,支持東盟共同體建設。中國和東盟有著(zhù)相互依存、互補性很強的關(guān)系。今年9月,我將赴老撾出席東亞合作領(lǐng)導人系列會(huì )議,包括中國和東盟領(lǐng)導人的10+1會(huì )議。希望通過(guò)這次會(huì )議推動(dòng)中國和東盟關(guān)系發(fā)展。Li Keqiang: China and ASEAN have maintained sound relations. From day one, China has supported the ASEAN integration process and its community-building. China and ASEAN are interdependent and highly complementary. This September, I will go to the Lao PDR to attend the ASEAN-related Summits, including the 10+1 Summit. I hope that this meeting will further boost China-ASEAN relations.
      今年也是中國和東盟建立對話(huà)關(guān)系25周年,我們希望通過(guò)舉行紀念活動(dòng),使中國和東盟之間增進(jìn)政治互信,對接發(fā)展戰略,擴大務(wù)實(shí)交流,增進(jìn)人文往來(lái)。中國與東盟的關(guān)系總體是向好的,我們的共同利益遠遠大于中國和東盟哪個(gè)國家之間存在的分歧。應該把共同利益進(jìn)一步擴大,持續釋放共同維護地區穩定、促進(jìn)地區發(fā)展的信號,讓人們了解到,這個(gè)地區是可以保持和平穩定的。關(guān)于有關(guān)國家之間的分歧,雙方是有能力有智慧去解決的。中國-東盟合作是這個(gè)地區的穩定力量,也會(huì )使亞洲作為世界最有活力的增長(cháng)地區進(jìn)一步發(fā)揮潛力。This year marks the 25th anniversary of the dialogue relationship between China and ASEAN. We hope that by holding a series of commemorative activities, China and ASEAN will further enhance political trust, synergize development strategies, and expand practical exchanges and people-to-people contacts. China-ASEAN relations are generally moving in a positive direction. Our shared interests are far greater than the differences between China and certain ASEAN member states. We should further expand common interests and continue to send the message of jointly upholding regional stability and promoting regional development to let people see that this region can maintain peace and stability. As for the differences between certain countries, the two sides have the ability and wisdom to resolve them. China-ASEAN cooperation is a force for stability in this region and will further unleash the potential of Asia as the most dynamic region for growth in the world.
      巴基斯坦《黎明報》總編輯阿巴斯:我想提一個(gè)有關(guān)南亞地區發(fā)展的問(wèn)題。中國提出“一帶一路”愿景,并且在巴基斯坦啟動(dòng)雙方合作的中巴經(jīng)濟走廊有關(guān)項目。我們都認為,這一項目會(huì )為巴基斯坦社會(huì )發(fā)展和經(jīng)濟繁榮帶來(lái)巨大轉變。近期,我們還看到伊朗、阿富汗的一些地區在印度資金支持下,將啟動(dòng)一系列港口、公路等基礎設施建設。中方怎么看待這些項目?是把他們看作干擾因素?還是認為他們是有助于促進(jìn)地區經(jīng)濟發(fā)展的良性競爭?Zaffar Abbas, Editor of Dawn of Pakistan: I wish to raise a question on South Asia. China has proposed the Belt and Road Initiative and launched in Pakistan cooperation projects under the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor. We believe that this will bring economic development and prosperity to Pakistan. But recently, Iran and Afghanistan are also rolling out infrastructure projects including sea ports and road, financed by India. Does China view this as an irritant to its own initiative or welcome it as healthy competition that will boost economic development in the region?
      李克強:當前世界經(jīng)濟復蘇乏力。根據世界貿易組織(WTO)預計,今年可能是全球貿易若干年來(lái)最低迷的一年。世界各國的共同任務(wù)是推動(dòng)經(jīng)濟增長(cháng),擴大貿易總量。換句話(huà)說(shuō),要把蛋糕做大。Li Keqiang: The world economic recovery remains sluggish. The WTO forecast that we may have a weaker performance of global trade this year than any of the previous several years. Hence, it is the common task of all countries to bolster growth and expand trade, in other words, to make the pie bigger.
      中國始終主張,解決世界經(jīng)濟金融危機的良方之一,就是促進(jìn)貿易和投資的自由化、便利化,所以說(shuō)無(wú)論在哪個(gè)國家出現新的經(jīng)濟增長(cháng)點(diǎn),對中國來(lái)說(shuō)都是個(gè)好消息,也都可能會(huì )給中國企業(yè)提供更多的機遇。市場(chǎng)經(jīng)濟發(fā)展必然有競爭,我們愿意看到競爭,如果沒(méi)有競爭,那就會(huì )使劣幣驅逐良幣,好的企業(yè)就發(fā)展不起來(lái)。我們不會(huì )也不愿保護落后,希望在世界大市場(chǎng)中平等競爭,愿意看到南亞地區各國都能夠和平發(fā)展。亞洲如果能夠成為推動(dòng)世界經(jīng)濟增長(cháng)的新引擎,一定要靠包括東亞、南亞、中亞等在內的各地區來(lái)共同打造。China all along holds that one important way to emerge from the world economic and financial crisis is to promote trade and investment liberalization and facilitation. Hence, it is good news to China to see a new growth point in any country, as it may bring more opportunities to Chinese companies too. Competition is only natural in a market economy and we welcome it. Without competition, bad currency may drive good currency out of circulation and there will be no chance for good companies. We have no wish to protect the backward. What we hope to see is a level playing field on the big world market, and we also wish to see peace and development in all South Asian countries. For Asia to truly become the new engine driving world economic growth, there must be inputs from all parts and directions of the region, be it the east, south or central.
      中國改革開(kāi)放30多年來(lái),經(jīng)濟社會(huì )發(fā)展取得顯著(zhù)成就,其中很重要的一點(diǎn)是開(kāi)放。應對國際金融危機,也還是要靠全球化條件下的開(kāi)放發(fā)展。打貿易戰、貨幣戰,是不能解決危機帶來(lái)的問(wèn)題的。Opening-up has been essential for China's achievements in economic and social development over the past three decades. To tackle the global financial crisis, one needs to stay open in this globalized era. To fight a trade war or currency war delivers no solution to the crisis.
      新加坡《海峽時(shí)報》總編輯費爾南德斯:我上次來(lái)中國采訪(fǎng)還是上世紀90年代。過(guò)去20多年中,我們很高興看到中國乃至整個(gè)亞洲取得的發(fā)展成就,很大程度上確實(shí)得益于您剛才提到的和平穩定環(huán)境。同時(shí),在南海地區我們還是存在不安和擔憂(yōu)。我想問(wèn),中國是否愿意在解決相關(guān)問(wèn)題上扮演或者發(fā)揮新興大國,或者說(shuō)超級大國的領(lǐng)導作用,真正把這些事情擱置起來(lái),比如與有關(guān)國家達成《南海行為準則》,或者通過(guò)中立的國際途徑來(lái)解決?Warren Fernandez, Editor-in-Chief of The Straits Times: My last visit to China was in the 1990s as a correspondent. It is great to see the development achievements of China and Asia in the past two decades, which is largely attributable to the peaceful and stable environment you just referred to. Meanwhile, we still have anxiety about the South China Sea. My question is: will China take the lead in a new form of superpower to put the issues behind us by reaching the COC with relevant countries, or seeking a neutral international solution?
      李克強:你問(wèn)的問(wèn)題表明你是個(gè)資深記者,但看你的面孔還很年輕(眾人笑),這是好事,可以把你的健身之道和同仁們分享。Li Keqiang: Your question shows you are a senior journalist, though you look so young. (laughter) This is a good thing. You may care to share your secret with your colleagues.
      我還是要說(shuō),中國不是、也不愿意成為超級大國。我們始終主張國與國之間,不論大小,都要相互尊重、平等相待開(kāi)展合作。所以談不上你提到的“領(lǐng)導者”,或是你的泰國同仁說(shuō)的“老大哥”。I wish to emphasize that China is not, and has no intention to be a superpower. We believe that all countries, big or small, should work with each other on the basis of mutual respect and equality. So there is no such thing as China being a "leader", or a "big brother" as mentioned by your Thai colleague.
      關(guān)于南海問(wèn)題,中國一直采取建設性態(tài)度,在尊重歷史、尊重國際法的基礎上,主張地區國家形成一個(gè)認識一致的解決方案。因此才有了《南海各方行為宣言》,在10多年的時(shí)間里維護了南海地區的和平穩定。最近兩年,我們也聽(tīng)到有關(guān)方面的建議和呼聲,同有關(guān)國家推進(jìn)南海行為準則的商談,也可以說(shuō)是《南海各方行為宣言》的一個(gè)延續。中國采取積極態(tài)度參與并推進(jìn)這一進(jìn)程。我相信,地區國家完全有能力維護地區的和平穩定,也有智慧解決地區存在的問(wèn)題。就像《南海各方行為宣言》中所說(shuō)的,由直接有關(guān)的主權國家通過(guò)友好磋商和談判,以和平方式解決領(lǐng)土和管轄權爭議。我們還提出擱置爭議、共同開(kāi)發(fā)的倡議。中方一直堅定奉行這些原則。On the South China Sea issue, China has taken a constructive approach, and calls on regional countries to find solutions through consensus building on the basis of respecting history and the international law. This led us to concluding the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea (DOC), an anchor for peace and stability in the South China Sea for over ten years. In the past couple of years, there has been suggestion and call from relevant countries for advancing the consultation of a COC, which can be viewed as continuation of the DOC. China has taken a positive approach to this process. I believe that regional countries have the capability to maintain peace and stability in the region and the wisdom to address the existing issues. Just as provided in the DOC, it should be the sovereign states directly concerned to peacefully resolve their territorial and jurisdictional disputes through friendly consultation and negotiation. We have also put forward the idea of shelving disputes and pursuing joint development. These are the principles that China has all along followed.
      印度《政治家報》總編輯庫馬爾:最近印度總統對中國進(jìn)行了國事訪(fǎng)問(wèn),在我看來(lái),印中雙邊交往非常頻繁。但為什么所有這些都沒(méi)有使印中解決邊界問(wèn)題呢?Ravindra Kumar, Editor-in-Chief of The Statesman of India: President of India recently paid a state visit to China. There seems to be much high-level interactions between the two countries. But why hasn't the boundary question been settled?
      李克強:我們首先要看,印中雙方的邊界問(wèn)題,形成的時(shí)間有多長(cháng)。這是一個(gè)長(cháng)期遺留的歷史問(wèn)題,不能苛求在很短時(shí)間內把一個(gè)很長(cháng)時(shí)間形成的復雜歷史問(wèn)題解決掉,總是要有一個(gè)過(guò)程,就像吃飯一樣,要一口一口吃。第二,我們要看,邊界問(wèn)題在中印關(guān)系中究竟占多大分量?,F在中印雙方有共同意愿維護邊境地區的穩定和安全,通過(guò)談判逐步解決問(wèn)題,對可能發(fā)生的分歧也有不斷增加的溝通渠道。中印雙方完全有能力來(lái)管控分歧。那么中印關(guān)系的主要方面,就應該是如何進(jìn)一步增強我們的政治互信,擴大務(wù)實(shí)往來(lái),增加人員交流,這是中印雙方特別是政治家應該著(zhù)力推動(dòng)的共贏(yíng)關(guān)系。Li Keqiang: We should first be mindful of the long history of the boundary question. This is a long-standing issue left from the past. Such a complex issue that has existed for a long time couldn't be resolved in a short span of time. That would be too much to ask. This will take time, just as when one has his meal, he should eat one mouthful at a time. Second, the boundary question should be put in a proper place in China-India relations. Now both countries have the wish to maintain stability and security in the border areas and to seek settlement step by step through negotiations. There are also an increasing number of channels for communication in managing differences. China and India are fully able to properly manage their differences. China and India should stay focused on enhancing political mutual trust, expanding practical cooperation and increasing people-to-people interaction. This is the win-win relationship that both sides, especially political leaders from the two countries, should work to advance.
      歷史正在給中印兩國一個(gè)很大的機遇。在世界經(jīng)濟復蘇乏力的情況下,亞洲需要展現活力,而中印兩國的人口加起來(lái)有25億,超過(guò)世界人口的1/3,這是多么大的市場(chǎng)!如果中印雙方形成合作的合力,我想造福的不僅是中印雙方人民,而是亞洲乃至整個(gè)世界。This era is presenting China and India a great opportunity. At a time when the world economic recovery remains sluggish, the dynamism of Asia is needed more than ever. With a combined population of 2.5 billion that accounts for 1/3 of the world total, China and India represent an enormous market. If China and India work together and forge synergy, it will deliver benefits not only to the Chinese and Indian people, but also to Asia and beyond.
      簡(jiǎn)沃熱:非常感謝總理先生。Kumar: Thank you, Mr. Premier.
      李克強:今天后排還有不少媒體代表,時(shí)間關(guān)系,不能一一回答大家的問(wèn)題,請你們諒解。我最后想講幾句:Li Keqiang: There are still more delegates sitting in the back row. Due to time constraint, we couldn't have each and every one to ask his/her questions, and I hope to have your understanding. In conclusion, let me say:
      首先,中國還是一個(gè)發(fā)展中國家,要實(shí)現現代化還有很長(cháng)的路要走。即便中國今后實(shí)現了現代化,也絕不會(huì )尋求霸權,更不會(huì )去欺負他國。根據中國的文化傳統和我們的歷史遭遇,大家應該能夠作出這樣的判斷。First, China is still a developing country and there is a long way to go before it can achieve modernization. Even if it becomes a modern country, China will not seek hegemony or bully others. I believe this is only a fair conclusion that one draws when he takes into account China's cultural tradition and historical experiences.
      第二,正是因為中國的目標是要實(shí)現現代化,我們需要和平的國際環(huán)境和穩定的周邊環(huán)境,需要我們同鄰國以及世界其他國家,不論大小,都平等相待,相互尊重,這樣才能實(shí)現和諧,提供有利于發(fā)展的必要條件。Second, to modernize our country, we need a peaceful international environment and a stable neighborhood. And China, its neighbors, and all other countries need to treat each other as equals and respect each other irrespective of the size of our country. Only in this way can there be harmony and the necessary conditions for development.
      第三,一個(gè)人自己還有牙齒咬嘴唇的時(shí)候,鄰居相處不可能沒(méi)有分歧、沒(méi)有磕磕碰碰,問(wèn)題在于要以平和的心態(tài),用外交的手段和協(xié)商的辦法來(lái)解決問(wèn)題和分歧。更重要的是,要擺正分歧的位置。如果把它無(wú)限擴大,就可能損害我們的共同利益。當今是一個(gè)需要和平合作的時(shí)代,我們之間可以不斷擴大共同利益,分歧和問(wèn)題一定會(huì )得到逐步的解決,未來(lái)會(huì )是美好的。Third, as one's own teeth may accidentally bite one's lip, it's only natural that neighbors may have differences or disagreements. The key is to keep the peace of mind and handle differences, through diplomatic means in a calm way. What's more important is to put differences in a proper place. To blow them out of proportion would only hurt our common interests. The call of our time is peace and cooperation. We should keep expanding common interests, and in this process, differences and issues will be gradually resolved. I have faith in a bright future.
      歡迎你們經(jīng)常到中國來(lái),也希望你們不斷對中國作出更多客觀(guān)真實(shí)報道。You are welcome to visit China often and I look forward to more objective and truthful coverage of China from you.