


      發(fā)布時(shí)間:2016-06-02 15:16:56??|??來(lái)源:中國網(wǎng)??|??作者:??|??責任編輯:李瀟

      三、滿(mǎn)足信教公民正常宗教需求III. Satisfying Believers' Normal Religious Requirements
      新疆堅持管理與服務(wù)并重的理念,在依法管理宗教事務(wù)的同時(shí),努力滿(mǎn)足信教公民的正常宗教需求。The Xinjiang government attaches equal importance to administration and services. While legally administrating religious affairs, it endeavors to satisfy believers' normal religious requirements.
      新疆現有清真寺、教堂、寺院、道觀(guān)等宗教活動(dòng)場(chǎng)所2.48萬(wàn)座,宗教教職人員2.93萬(wàn)人。其中,清真寺2.44萬(wàn)座,教職人員2.9萬(wàn)名;佛教寺院59座,教職人員280名;道教宮觀(guān)1座,教職人員1名;基督教教堂(聚會(huì )點(diǎn))227個(gè),教職人員26名;天主教教堂(聚會(huì )點(diǎn))26個(gè),教職人員27名;東正教教堂(聚會(huì )點(diǎn))3座,教職人員1名。有新疆伊斯蘭教經(jīng)學(xué)院、新疆伊斯蘭教經(jīng)文學(xué)校等宗教院校8所。宗教團體112個(gè),其中自治區級宗教團體2個(gè),即自治區伊斯蘭教協(xié)會(huì )、佛教協(xié)會(huì ),自治區伊斯蘭教協(xié)會(huì )還設有教務(wù)指導委員會(huì );地、州、市伊斯蘭教協(xié)會(huì )14個(gè),佛教協(xié)會(huì )3個(gè),基督教三自愛(ài)國運動(dòng)委員會(huì )1個(gè);縣、市伊斯蘭教協(xié)會(huì )88個(gè),佛教協(xié)會(huì )2個(gè),基督教三自愛(ài)國運動(dòng)委員會(huì )2個(gè)。Xinjiang now has 24,800 venues for religious activities, including mosques, churches, lamaseries and temples, with 29,300 clerical personnel. Among these, 24,400 mosques have 29,000 clerical personnel; 59 Buddhist temples have 280 clerical personnel; one Taoist temple has one cleric; 227 Protestant churches (meeting grounds) have 26 clerical personnel; 26 Catholic churches (meeting grounds) have 27 clerical personnel; and three Orthodox churches (meeting grounds) have one cleric. There are eight religious colleges, including the Xinjiang Islamic Institute and Xinjiang Islamic School. There are also 112 religious organizations, among which, at the autonomous region level, there are two organizations, namely, an Islamic association with a committee for Islamic affairs, and a Buddhist association; at the level of prefectures and prefecture-level cities there are 14 Islamic associations, three Buddhist associations and one Protestant Three-self Patriotic Movement committee; and at the level of county and county-level cities there are 88 Islamic associations, two Buddhist associations and two Protestant Three-self Patriotic Movement committees.
      加強教職人員培養培訓。通過(guò)教職人員帶培、經(jīng)文學(xué)校(班、點(diǎn))學(xué)習、經(jīng)學(xué)院學(xué)習等途徑,培養后備教職人員。建立和完善培訓體系,對在職教職人員進(jìn)行系統培訓。開(kāi)設教職人員解經(jīng)骨干培訓班、宗教活動(dòng)場(chǎng)所民主管理組織負責人培訓班等,提升宗教團體自我管理水平。自2001年始,國家宗教事務(wù)局已舉辦12期伊斯蘭教解經(jīng)骨干培訓班,為新疆培訓教職人員500多人次。新疆佛教協(xié)會(huì )定期舉辦教職人員佛學(xué)知識培訓班。政府經(jīng)常組織教職人員赴內地學(xué)習交流,開(kāi)闊視野,提升素養。中央政府支持新疆伊斯蘭教經(jīng)學(xué)院擴建校舍,改善教學(xué)環(huán)境,擴大招生規模。The training of clerical personnel has been strengthened. Trainee clerical personnel study under clerical personnel, at scripture schools (classes or workshops), at colleges, and by other means. A training system has been established and improved to provide systematic training programs for in-service clerical personnel. Training courses on scripture interpretation or for people in charge of management and organization of venues for religious activities are run to enhance the level of self-management of religions organizations. Since 2001 the State Administration for Religious Affairs has held 12 training classes on Islamic scripture interpretation, training more than 500 clerical personnel for Xinjiang. The Xinjiang Buddhist Association holds regular training classes on Buddhist knowledge for clerical personnel. The government of Xinjiang regularly organizes clerical personnel to go to inland provinces for study and exchanges, so as to broaden their horizon and enhance their capabilities. The central government helps the Xinjiang Islamic Institute to extend buildings, improve the teaching conditions and expand enrollment.
      不斷拓寬獲得宗教知識的途徑。已翻譯出版發(fā)行維吾爾、漢、哈薩克、柯?tīng)柨俗蔚榷喾N文字版的《古蘭經(jīng)》《布哈里圣訓實(shí)錄精華》等宗教經(jīng)典書(shū)籍,編輯發(fā)行《新編臥爾茲演講集》系列及《中國穆斯林》雜志,總量達176萬(wàn)余冊。出版發(fā)行佛教、基督教等宗教經(jīng)典。僅2014年至2015年,新疆發(fā)行的民族文字版的伊斯蘭教類(lèi)出版物43種100萬(wàn)余冊,其中新版維吾爾文《古蘭經(jīng)》23萬(wàn)余冊、《伊斯蘭教基礎知識讀本》2.9萬(wàn)余冊。中國伊斯蘭教協(xié)會(huì )網(wǎng)站專(zhuān)門(mén)開(kāi)設維吾爾語(yǔ)網(wǎng)頁(yè)。新疆伊斯蘭教協(xié)會(huì )成立《新疆穆斯林》雜志社,創(chuàng )辦維吾爾、漢、哈薩克三種文字版雜志,免費發(fā)放給清真寺和教職人員;開(kāi)辦維吾爾、漢兩種文字版的“新疆穆斯林網(wǎng)”網(wǎng)站。宗教團體舉辦信教公民宗教知識、禮儀培訓班。Channels for believers to gain religious knowledge have been expanded. Religious classics and books have been translated and published, including the Koran and Selections from Al-Sahih Muhammad Ibn-Ismail al-Bukhari, in the Uygur, Han Chinese, Kazak and Kirgiz languages. The New Collection of Waez's Speeches series and the magazine China's Muslims are compiled and published, with a total circulation of over 1.76 million. Religious classics on Buddhism and Christianity are published and distributed. From 2014 to 2015, Xinjiang has distributed 43 Islamic publications in different languages of minority ethnic groups, totaling over one million copies, including over 230,000 copies of new Koran and over 29,000 copies of Basic Knowledge of Islam, both in the Uygur language. The China Islamic Association provides a Uygur-language version of its website. The Xinjiang Islamic Association publishes the magazine Xinjiang Muslims in the Uygur, Han Chinese and Kazak languages, providing free copies to mosques and clerical personnel. It has also opened the "Xinjiang Muslims" website in the Uygur and Han Chinese languages. Religious organizations hold training classes on religious knowledge and etiquette for believers.
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