


      發(fā)布時(shí)間:2016-06-02 15:16:56??|??來(lái)源:中國網(wǎng)??|??作者:??|??責任編輯:李瀟

      七、發(fā)揮宗教界的積極作用VII. Active Role of Religious Circles
      新中國成立后,宗教信仰自由政策在新疆得到全面貫徹落實(shí),極大激發(fā)了宗教界積極投身經(jīng)濟社會(huì )建設的熱情。改革開(kāi)放以來(lái),特別是近些年來(lái),新疆各項事業(yè)得到全面發(fā)展,綜合實(shí)力顯著(zhù)提升,法治建設穩步推進(jìn),民生建設不斷加強,天山南北發(fā)生了翻天覆地的變化。宗教界在維護新疆社會(huì )穩定和長(cháng)治久安、促進(jìn)新疆經(jīng)濟社會(huì )全面發(fā)展中發(fā)揮了積極作用。Since the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949 the policy of freedom of religious belief has been comprehensively implemented in Xinjiang, arousing the enthusiasm of religious circles in participating in economic and social construction. Since the initiation of the reform and opening-up era in 1978, and especially in recent years, progress has been made in all social undertakings in Xinjiang, and the autonomous region's comprehensive strength, rule of law and people's well-being. Great changes have taken place on both sides of the Tianshan Mountains. Religious circles have played an active role in maintaining Xinjiang's social stability and lasting peace, and promoting the comprehensive development of Xinjiang's economy and society.
      維護國家統一和民族團結。在中國,維護國家統一和民族團結的核心是做好反分裂工作。長(cháng)期以來(lái),新疆宗教界不斷增強法治觀(guān)念,遵守國家法律法規,樹(shù)立國家意識、公民意識、中華民族共同體意識,帶頭做維護民族團結的表率,帶頭制止影響民族團結的言行,帶頭宣傳身邊民族團結的典型,爭做民族團結模范,引領(lǐng)信教公民為實(shí)現中華民族偉大復興的中國夢(mèng)貢獻力量。Uphold national unity and ethnic solidarity. In China, the core of maintaining national unity and ethnic solidarity lies in anti-secessionist work. For a long time, Xinjiang religious circles have been enhancing the concept of the rule of law, abiding by laws and regulations, and fostering the national consciousness, civic awareness and sense of community of the Chinese nation. They have taken the lead in setting an example in the maintenance of national unity, in stopping words and deeds undermining national unity, and in publicizing local role models of national unity. They have striven to become fine examples of national unity, and have led religious believers in contributing to the Chinese Dream of rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.
      反對宗教極端,維護社會(huì )穩定。新疆宗教界立足本土、扎根本土,積極深化中國化經(jīng)學(xué)思想建設,傳承和弘揚愛(ài)國、和平、團結、中道、寬容、善行的優(yōu)良傳統,堅持反暴力、講法治、講秩序。在宗教極端勢力宣揚歪理邪說(shuō)時(shí),用正信戳穿其謊言。在發(fā)生暴恐事件時(shí),主動(dòng)發(fā)聲,亮明觀(guān)點(diǎn),揭露真相。在烏魯木齊“7·5”嚴重暴力犯罪事件,烏魯木齊“5·22”、莎車(chē)“7·28”等嚴重暴力恐怖事件發(fā)生后,新疆宗教界迅速表態(tài),嚴厲譴責暴力犯罪和恐怖罪行。在宗教極端勢力利用宗教干預群眾生活時(shí),依據教義批駁,積極引導信教公民堅持正信正行。Oppose religious extremism and safeguard social stability. Xinjiang religious circles, taking root in the local soil and culture, have furthered scripture study with Chinese characteristics, inherited and carried forward the fine traditions of patriotism, peace, unity, moderation, tolerance and benevolence, opposed violence and advocated the rule of law and order. When facing fallacies propagated by religious extremist forces, they have exposed their lies with proper faith. When violent or terrorist events take place, they always express their opinions and uncover the truth. After the July 5, 2009 riot in Urumqi, the May 22 bombing in Urumqi and the attacks on July 28 in Shache in 2014, Xinjiang religious circles immediately stated their stand, and condemned the violent criminal and terrorist offenses. When religious extremist forces take advantage of religion to interfere with people's life, they criticize such acts according to their doctrines and actively guide religious believers to maintain proper faith and conduct honest deeds.
      積極參與經(jīng)濟建設。新疆宗教界發(fā)揚博施眾利、利益眾生等優(yōu)良傳統,引導信教公民掌握先進(jìn)技術(shù),積極投身經(jīng)濟建設,改善生活。通過(guò)承包土地、興辦實(shí)體、種植、養殖、運輸、食品加工等走上富裕之路,并引領(lǐng)廣大信教公民勤勞致富。召開(kāi)宗教界勤勞致富現場(chǎng)觀(guān)摩會(huì )、樹(shù)立典型示范戶(hù)等,在宗教界營(yíng)造勞動(dòng)光榮、致富光榮、崇尚科技光榮的良好風(fēng)尚。Participate in economic construction. Carrying forward the fine tradition of reaching out and benefiting all beings, Xinjiang religious circles guide religious believers to master advanced technologies, participate in economic construction and improve living conditions. They encourage religious believers to become better off through diligent work, for instance, contract of land, setting up businesses, planting, animal breeding, transportation and food processing. They hold demonstrations to introduce experiences of achieving prosperity through hard work and hold up model households as examples. They also try to foster in religious circles a good atmosphere of honoring labor, prosperity through hard work, and advocating science and technology.
      服務(wù)社會(huì )熱心公益。新疆宗教界積極開(kāi)展公益慈善活動(dòng),慈悲濟世。每年定期舉辦“慈愛(ài)人間、五教同行”慈善周活動(dòng),推動(dòng)宗教公益慈善事業(yè)發(fā)展。積極為四川汶川、青海玉樹(shù)、新疆皮山等地震災區救難賑災、消災祈福,為烏魯木齊“5·22”等暴恐事件受害民眾誦經(jīng)祈禱、捐款捐物。此外,在公益捐贈、安老助學(xué)、扶貧濟困、心靈慰藉、環(huán)境保護、公共設施建設等方面也發(fā)揮了積極作用。Be enthusiastic about social service and public welfare. Xinjiang religious circles actively conduct public welfare and charity activities. They hold annual charity week jointly launched by five major religions to promote public welfare and charity undertakings in Xinjiang. They have participated in disaster relief, with both donation and prayers, for the earthquake victims in Wenchuan, Yushu and Pishan, and said prayers for and donated money and materials to victims of the May 22 terrorist bombing in Urumqi and other violent and terrorist events. Besides, they also play a positive role in charitable donations, support for the elderly and schoolchildren, poverty alleviation, spiritual consolation, environmental protection and construction of public facilities.
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