


      發(fā)布時(shí)間:2016-06-14 16:33:43??|??來(lái)源:中國網(wǎng)??|??作者:??|??責任編輯:李瀟

      二、經(jīng)濟、社會(huì )和文化權利II. Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
      2012-2015年,國家不斷深化改革,采取一系列既利發(fā)展又惠民生的重大措施,人民的經(jīng)濟、社會(huì )和文化權利保障得到全面加強,《行動(dòng)計劃》規定的主要目標任務(wù)如期完成。From 2012 to 2015, China continued to deepen reform and adopted a series of important measures to promote development and improve people's livelihoods, comprehensively strengthening the guarantee of people's economic, social and cultural rights. Major targets set by the Action Plan were fulfilled on schedule.
      (一)工作權利(1) Right to work

      Figure 1: New urban jobs 2012-2015 (Unit: Ten thousand)
      平等就業(yè)權利得到保障。2012年、2013年、2014年、2015年,城鎮新增就業(yè)人數分別為1266萬(wàn)人、1310萬(wàn)人、1322萬(wàn)人、1312萬(wàn)人,超過(guò)年均新增就業(yè)900萬(wàn)人的計劃預期目標。城鎮登記失業(yè)率保持在4.1%以?xún)龋陀谟媱?%的控制目標。Equal rights to employment have been guaranteed. In 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015, 12.66 million, 13.1 million, 13.22 million and 13.12 million new urban jobs were created respectively, surpassing the target of 9 million new jobs every year. The registered urban unemployment rate was kept within 4.1 percent, lower than the 5 percent target.

      Figure 2: Number of regions that increased minimum wages and average rate of increase (2012-2015)
      獲得勞動(dòng)報酬和休息休假的權利得到進(jìn)一步保障。2012-2015年,分別有25個(gè)、27個(gè)、19個(gè)、27個(gè)地區調整了最低工資標準,平均增幅分別為20.1%、17.0%、14.1%、14.9%。2012年,全國人大常委會(huì )修改勞動(dòng)合同法,繼續強調同工同酬。2015年,全國各類(lèi)企業(yè)勞動(dòng)合同簽訂率90%以上。2015年11月開(kāi)展的部分城市(60個(gè)城市)人力資源社會(huì )保障基本情況調查顯示,已有超過(guò)50%的職工當年享受了帶薪年休假。The right to get work remuneration as well as rest and leave has been further guaranteed. In 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015, minimum wages were raised in 25, 27, 19 and 27 regions respectively by 20.1 percent, 17 percent, 14.1 percent and 14.9 percent. In 2012, the Standing Committee of the National People' s Congress amended the Labor Contract Law, again stressing equal pay for equal work. In 2015, more than 90 percent of employees working in various enterprises signed labor contracts. More than 50 percent of workers enjoyed annual leave with pay in 2015, according to a survey on human resources and social security conducted in 60 cities in November 2015.
      安全生產(chǎn)條件不斷改善。國家安全生產(chǎn)監督管理總局發(fā)布《關(guān)于進(jìn)一步加強國家安全生產(chǎn)應急平臺體系建設的意見(jiàn)》,國家和20個(gè)省(區、市)、部分市、重點(diǎn)縣及高危行業(yè)大型企業(yè)分別建立安全生產(chǎn)應急平臺,實(shí)現國家平臺與13個(gè)省級應急平臺、7支國家礦山應急救援隊應急平臺的互聯(lián)互通。與2011年相比,2015年全國各類(lèi)事故起數和死亡人數分別下降19%和12.4%,重特大事故起數和死亡人數分別下降47.2%和31%。2013年,全國人大常委會(huì )審議通過(guò)特種設備安全法。2011-2015年,在特種設備數量增長(cháng)70%的情況下,特種設備死亡人數連續5年控制在300人以?xún)龋f(wàn)臺特種設備死亡率從2010年的0.67下降到2015年的0.36,特種設備安全狀況達到中等發(fā)達國家水平。有關(guān)部門(mén)修改《職業(yè)病診斷與鑒定管理辦法》《職業(yè)病危害因素分類(lèi)目錄》,制定《工作場(chǎng)所職業(yè)衛生監督管理規定》等5部規章、《職業(yè)健康檢查管理辦法》和新增職業(yè)病診斷標準,發(fā)布《石材加工工藝防塵技術(shù)規范》等70余項職業(yè)衛生技術(shù)標準。在金礦開(kāi)采、水泥制造、石材加工、木制家具制造等職業(yè)病危害嚴重領(lǐng)域開(kāi)展粉塵及毒物專(zhuān)項治理行動(dòng)。Work safety conditions have continued to improve. The State Administration of Work Safety issued Opinions on Further Enhancing the Construction of the System of National Work Safety Emergency Platforms. The central government, 20 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government), some cities, major counties and large enterprises in high-risk industries set up separate work safety platforms. Communication and connectivity were established among the platforms of the central government, 13 provincial regions and 7 national mine emergency rescue teams. Compared with 2011, the number of all types of industrial accidents and the number of deaths decreased by 19 percent and 12.4 percent respectively and the number of major industrial accidents and the number of deaths decreased by 47.2 percent and 31 percent respectively. In 2013, the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress deliberated and passed the Law on Special Equipment Safety. From 2011 to 2015, while the total number of special equipment increased by 70 percent, the number of deaths related to special equipment was kept within 300 each year for five consecutive years and the death rate for every 10,000 pieces of special equipment decreased to 0.36 in 2015 from 0.67 in 2010, matching the level of special equipment safety in medium developed countries. Relevant government departments revised the Administrative Measures for Diagnosis and Identification of Occupational Diseases and the Classified List of Hazardous Factors of Occupational Diseases, formulated five regulations including the Provisions on the Supervision and Administration of Occupational Health at Work Sites, the Measures for the Administration of Occupational Health Examination and criteria for diagnosing new occupational diseases. They also issued over 70 occupational health technical standards including the Technical Code for Dust Control in Stone Material Processing. Special campaigns were launched to control dust and hazardous materials in industries prone to occupational diseases including gold mining, cement production, stone material processing and wood furniture making.
      勞動(dòng)者技能得到提升。積極開(kāi)展面向城鄉勞動(dòng)者的職業(yè)培訓,截至2015年年底,全國技能勞動(dòng)者總量達1.67億人,提前并超額完成1.25億人的計劃預期目標,其中高技能人才4501萬(wàn)人,占技能勞動(dòng)者的27.28%。The skills of workers have been upgraded. Rural and urban workers received extensive vocational training. By the end of 2015, the total number of skilled workers had reached 167 million, exceeding the planned target of 125 million ahead of schedule. 45.01 million of them were highly-skilled workers, accounting for 27.28 percent of the total.
      (二)基本生活水準權利(2) Right to basic living standards

      Figure 3: Percentage of increase of GDP, urban residents' per capita disposable income and rural residents' per capita net income (2012-2015)
      2012-2015年,居民人均可支配收入增長(cháng)速度總體上高于同期國內生產(chǎn)總值增長(cháng)速度,城鎮居民人均可支配收入和農村居民人均純收入年均增長(cháng)率分別為7.5%和9.2%,超過(guò)7%的計劃預期目標。From 2012 to 2015, the increase of residents' per capita disposable income surpassed the growth rate of GDP of the same period. The annual growth rate of the per-capita disposal income of urban residents and per-capita net income of rural residents were 7.5 percent and 9.2 percent respectively, exceeding the planned target growth of 7 percent.
      扶貧開(kāi)發(fā)成效顯著(zhù)。2012年,有關(guān)部門(mén)制定《扶貧開(kāi)發(fā)整村推進(jìn)“十二五”規劃》。截至2015年年底,3萬(wàn)個(gè)規劃整村推進(jìn)村全面啟動(dòng)實(shí)施,超出2.4萬(wàn)個(gè)村的計劃預期目標;投入資金1445.69億元,村均投入480萬(wàn)元。2012-2015年,國家發(fā)展改革委安排易地扶貧搬遷中央預算內投資210億元,帶動(dòng)地方財政投入和各類(lèi)投資2000多億元,累計搬遷貧困人口約800萬(wàn)人。針對留守務(wù)工貧困群眾,重點(diǎn)開(kāi)展以種植業(yè)、養殖業(yè)為主要內容的農村實(shí)用技術(shù)培訓,共培訓930萬(wàn)人次。國家向17個(gè)邊境貧困縣(市)投入各類(lèi)扶貧資金255.3億元,安排邊境扶貧項目3807個(gè),30.6萬(wàn)戶(hù)邊境居民直接受益。截至2015年,全國農村基層已有超過(guò)72.9萬(wàn)名科技特派員,覆蓋全國90%的縣(市、區),輻射帶動(dòng)6000萬(wàn)人。Tangible results have been achieved in poverty reduction. In 2012, relevant government departments formulated the 12th Five-year Plan for Poverty Reduction Village By Village. By 2015, poverty alleviation projects covering 30,000 villages had been implemented, exceeding the target of 24,000 villages. Investment totaled 144.569 billion yuan, an average of 4.8 million yuan for each village. From 2012 to 2015, the State Development and Reform Commission appropriated 21 billion yuan from the central budget for relocation of impoverished residents, which brought about an additional more than 200 billion yuan in local government input and various other investments. About 8 million people in poverty were relocated. Training programs in practical skills focusing on planting and breeding were conducted for 9.3 million impoverished laborers who chose to stay. The government allocated various poverty reduction funds totaling 25.53 billion yuan for 17 impoverished border counties (cities) and launched 3,807 poverty reduction projects in border areas, directly benefiting 306,000 households. By the end of 2015, over 729,000 technicians had been sent to grassroots levels in rural areas, covering 90 percent of all counties (cities, districts) and helping 60 million people directly or indirectly.

      Figure 4: Rural population in poverty 2012-2015(Unit: ten thousand)
      貧困人口大幅減少。2012-2015年,農村貧困人口減少6663萬(wàn)人。2015年,國家扶貧標準按2010年價(jià)格的2300元動(dòng)態(tài)調整為2855元,部分省的扶貧標準高于國家標準。The number of people living in poverty has been greatly reduced. From 2012 to 2015, the number of people living in poverty in rural areas was reduced by 66.63 million. In 2015, the state raised the national poverty alleviation standard from the 2010 level of 2,300 yuan to 2,855 yuan following a dynamic adjustment mechanism. The standards set by some provincial regions were higher than the national standard.

      Figure 5: Number of housing units starting construction in various dilapidated areas 2012-2015 (Unit: ten thousand units)
      居住條件得到改善。2012年,住房城鄉建設部頒布《公共租賃住房管理辦法》。2014年,公共租賃住房和廉租住房并軌運行。2012-2015年,國家安排7700多億元支持城鎮保障性安居工程,新開(kāi)工2970萬(wàn)套,基本建成2428萬(wàn)套。中央安排全國農村危房改造補助資金1271億元,支持改造農村危房1524萬(wàn)戶(hù),超過(guò)計劃預期目標2倍以上。Housing conditions have been improved. In 2012, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development issued the Measures for the Administration of Public Rental Housing. In 2014, the public rental housing system and the low-cost rental housing system merged into one. From 2012 to 2015, the state allocated 770 billion yuan to support affordable housing projects, with 29.7 million housing units starting construction and with 24.28 million units basically completed. The central government provided a subsidy of 127.1 billion yuan for redevelopment of dilapidated buildings in rural areas nationwide, with 15.24 million housing units redeveloped, exceeding the planned target by more than 200 percent.
      (三)社會(huì )保障權利(3) Right to social security
      社會(huì )保險制度體系進(jìn)一步健全。人力資源社會(huì )保障部發(fā)布《社會(huì )保險費申報繳納管理規定》《工傷職工勞動(dòng)能力鑒定管理辦法》等規章。2014年,城鎮居民社會(huì )養老保險制度與新型農村社會(huì )養老保險制度合并實(shí)施,建立起全國統一的城鄉居民基本養老保險制度。截至2015年年底,全國養老保險參保人數達8.58億人,其中城鄉居民基本養老保險參保人數達5.05億人,職工基本養老保險參保人數達3.53億人,超額完成計劃預期目標。全國31個(gè)省(區、市)建立了職工基本養老保險省級統籌制度。企業(yè)退休人員基本養老金連續5年按10%左右的比例上調,月人均基本養老金水平自2010年的1362元提高到2015年的2240多元。The social security system has been further improved. The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security issued regulations including the Provisions on the Administration of Declaration and Payment of Social Insurance Premiums and the Administrative Measure for Assessing the Work Capacity of Employees Sustaining Work-Related Injuries. In 2014, the old-age insurance system for urban residents and the new rural old-age insurance system were unified and implemented, creating a unified national basic old-age insurance system for both urban and rural residents. By the end of 2015, the number of people underwriting the old-age insurance had reached 858 million, including 505 million for the basic old-age insurance and 353 million for the urban employees' basic pension insurance, exceeding the planned target. 31 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government) established unified planning for employees' basic pension insurance system. Enterprise retirees' basic pensions increased by about 10 percent annually for 5 consecutive years and the per capita monthly basic pension increased to more than 2,240 yuan in 2015 from 1,362 yuan in 2010.
      基本醫療保險制度覆蓋全民,參保率95%以上。截至2014年年底,新型農村合作醫療參合人數達到7.36億人,參合率保持在99%,提前并超額完成計劃預期目標。截至2014年年底,職工基本醫療保險、城鎮居民基本醫療保險和新型農村合作醫療參保人數超過(guò)13.3億人,比2010年新增6000多萬(wàn)人,提前完成計劃預期目標。居民醫療保險籌資水平由2010年的人均164元提高到2015年的515元,各級財政補助標準由2010年的人均120元提高到2015年的380元,超額完成計劃預期目標。職工基本醫療保險、城鎮居民基本醫療保險、新型農村合作醫療政策范圍內報銷(xiāo)比例分別達到80%、70%、75%。新型農村合作醫療普遍建立門(mén)診統籌制度,支付比例50%以上。The basic medical insurance coverage has been extended to all citizens, with the rate of participation surpassing 95 percent. By the end of 2014, the number of people subscribing to new rural cooperative medical insurance policies reached 736 million, with the rate of participation staying at 99 percent, exceeding the planned target ahead of schedule. By the end of 2014, the number of people subscribing to medical insurance for urban employees, medical insurance for urban residents and new rural cooperative medical insurance policies had exceeded 1.33 billion, an increase of over 60 million compared with that of 2010, fulfilling the planned target ahead of schedule. Per capita funding for medical insurance increased to 515 yuan in 2015, from 164 yuan in 2010, with the government grant increasing to 380 yuan for each person in 2015 from 120 yuan in 2010, exceeding the planned target. 80 percent, 70 percent and 75 percent of patients' medical treatment costs covered by urban employees' medical insurance, urban residents' medical insurance and new rural cooperative medical insurance respectively will be reimbursed. The new rural cooperative medical insurance system has generally established unified planning for outpatients to cover over 50 percent of their expenses.
      失業(yè)保險、工傷保險和生育保險的覆蓋面不斷擴大。截至2015年年底,失業(yè)保險參保人數達到1.73億人,超額完成計劃預期目標。7個(gè)省實(shí)現失業(yè)保險省級統籌,21個(gè)省和新疆生產(chǎn)建設兵團的全部或部分地市實(shí)現市級統籌。工傷保險參保人數達到2.14億人。工傷保險市級統籌基本實(shí)現,10個(gè)省(區、市)出臺省級統籌辦法。生育保險參保人數達到1.78億人,超額完成計劃預期目標。Coverage of unemployment insurance, work-related injury insurance and maternity insurance continued to expand. By the end of 2015, the number of subscribers to unemployment insurance had reached 173 million, exceeding the planned target ahead of schedule. 7 provinces realized unified planning for unemployment insurance at the provincial level while all or some of the cities in 21 provinces and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps achieved unified planning at the city level. By the end of 2015, the number of subscribers to work-related injury insurance had reached 214 million. Unified planning for work-related injury insurance at the city level was basically in place while 10 provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the central government) issued measures for unified planning at the provincial level. By the end of 2015, the number of people subscribing to maternity insurance had reached 178 million, exceeding the planned target.
      社會(huì )救助水平逐步提高。截至2015年年底,城鄉最低生活保障標準分別達到每月人均451元和264.8元,年均增幅達到10%。農村“五保”集中和分散供養年人均標準分別達到6026元和4490元,比2012年同期分別增長(cháng)48.4%和49.3%。全國共實(shí)施醫療救助8406萬(wàn)人次,支出資金274億元。全國92%的地區實(shí)現醫療救助 “一站式”結算。The level of social assistance has steadily improved. By the end of 2015, per capita monthly subsidies for subsistence in urban and rural areas had reached 451 yuan and 264.8 yuan respectively, an average annual increase of 10 percent. The per capita annual subsistence allowance for rural residents enjoying the "Five Guarantees" (food, clothing, medical care, housing and burial expenses) under collective care reached 6,026 yuan while the figure for those under individual care stood at 4,490 yuan, an increase of 48.4 percent and 49.3 percent respectively compared with 2012. 84.06 million people received medical assistance nationwide, with a total expenditure of 27.4 billion yuan. The one-stop settlement model was in place for medical assistance expenses in 92 percent of all areas around the country.
      (四)健康權利(4) Right to health
      醫療衛生保障條件進(jìn)一步改善。截至2015年年底,通過(guò)轉崗培訓、在崗培訓和規范化培訓等方式培養17.3萬(wàn)名全科醫生,超額完成計劃預期目標。人均期望壽命達到76.34歲,高于計劃預期標準。The conditions for health care and medical security have further improved. By the end of 2015, China had trained 173,000 general practitioners through job-transfer training, on-the-job training and standardized training, more than achieving its planned goal. The average life expectancy reached 76.34 years - higher than the planned standard.
      公共衛生服務(wù)得到更全面保障。通過(guò)并實(shí)施精神衛生法。組織實(shí)施《全國精神衛生工作體系發(fā)展指導綱要(2008年-2015年)》,全面加強精神衛生服務(wù)體系建設。在全國開(kāi)展嚴重精神障礙患者篩查診斷、登記管理和隨訪(fǎng)服務(wù)等工作。截至2015年年底,全國在冊患者492.2萬(wàn)例,患者管理率達到85.5%。人均公共衛生服務(wù)經(jīng)費由2011年的25元提高到2015年的40元。城鄉居民免費獲得建立健康檔案、健康教育、預防接種等多項服務(wù)。已建成全球規模最大的傳染病疫情和突發(fā)公共衛生事件網(wǎng)絡(luò )直報系統。建成慢性病綜合防控示范區265個(gè),管理高血壓患者8600多萬(wàn)人、糖尿病患者2400多萬(wàn)人。構建風(fēng)險評估、現場(chǎng)檢疫查驗、實(shí)驗室檢測、信息通報、聯(lián)防聯(lián)控為一體的口岸傳染病防控體系。截至2014年6月,全國259個(gè)運營(yíng)中的口岸全部驗收達標,口岸疾病防控和應急處置能力大幅提升。Public health services are guaranteed in a more comprehensive way. A law on mental health has been adopted and enforced. Efforts have been made to carry out the Development Guidelines for the National Mental Health Work System (2008-2015) and strengthen the construction of a mental health service system. A nationwide program has been implemented to screen, diagnose, register and visit those who suffer from severe mental problems. By the end of 2015, 4.922 million mentally ill people had been registered around the country, accounting for 85.5 percent of all such patients. The per-capita spending for public health services was raised to 40 yuan by 2015 from 25 yuan in 2011. Urban and rural residents were entitled to such free services as establishing health records, and receiving health education and vaccination. The world's biggest direct Internet reporting system has been set up for infectious diseases and public health emergencies. A total of 265 demonstration areas have been established for the comprehensive prevention and treatment of chronic diseases, managing over 86 million people suffering from high blood pressure and over 24 million diabetics. A border prevention and control system was established that integrates risk assessment, on-site quarantines, laboratory testing, information disclosure and joint prevention and control. By June 2014, a total of 259 ports of entry in operation had been evaluated and accepted, greatly raising the abilities for disease prevention and control and the handling of emergencies at ports of entry.
      地方病防治力度加大。實(shí)現消除碘缺乏病的目標。燃煤污染型地方性氟中毒病區改爐改灶率達到99.4%。基本完成飲水型地方性氟中毒、砷中毒病區飲水安全工程建設,完成地方性砷中毒病區分布調查,基本落實(shí)病區改爐改灶或改水降砷措施。針對大骨節病和克山病,實(shí)施移民搬遷、食用非病區糧食等綜合防控措施,截至2014年年底,全國90%以上的病區村控制了大骨節病,96.4%的病區縣控制了克山病,提前完成計劃預期目標。The prevention of endemic diseases has been enhanced. The goal of eliminating iodine deficiency diseases has been realized. In areas with a high incidence of endemic fluorosis caused by coal burning, preventive measures have been adopted with 99.4 percent of the coal-burning furnaces and stoves modified. China has basically completed projects to provide safe drinking water and improve water quality in areas afflicted by endemic fluorosis and arseniasis which are caused mainly by unsafe drinking water. An investigation into the regional distribution of endemic arseniasis has been completed, and measures aimed at modifying furnaces and stoves or improving water quality by reducing arsenic have been basically implemented. Comprehensive prevention and control measures have been taken including the relocation of residents from areas afflicted by Kaschin-Beck and Keshan diseases and the consumption of foodstuffs from non-endemic areas. By the end of 2014, over 90 percent of the villages afflicted by Kaschin-Beck disease had brought the disease under control, and 96.4 percent of the counties where Keshan disease remained an endemic had also brought it under control, achieving the planned goals in advance.
      飲用水安全得到進(jìn)一步保障。截至2015年年底,飲用水衛生監測覆蓋范圍擴大至所有城區和60%的鄉鎮。2011-2015年,全面解決2.98億農村居民和4133萬(wàn)農村學(xué)校師生飲水安全問(wèn)題,同步解決青海、四川、甘肅、云南四省藏區等特殊困難地區566萬(wàn)農村人口的飲水安全問(wèn)題,農村集中式供水人口比例由2010年的58%提高到2015年的82%,農村自來(lái)水普及率達到76%,均超額完成計劃預期目標。The safety of drinking water has been further ensured. By the end of 2015, China had expanded a monitoring network for the safety of drinking water, and extended its coverage to all urban districts and over 60 percent of townships. Between 2011 and 2015, as many as 298 million rural residents and 41.33 million rural teachers and students had access to safe drinking water, and meanwhile, efforts were made to make safe drinking water accessible to 5.66 million rural people in particularly difficult areas including ethnic Tibetan areas in the provinces of Qinghai, Sichuan, Gansu and Yunnan. The proportion of the rural population with access to centralized water supply was raised from 58 percent in 2010 to 82 percent in 2015, with tap water available to 76 percent of rural areas. All the progress made exceeded the planned goals.
      食品藥品安全的保障措施得到加強。2013年組建國家食品藥品監督管理總局。2015年,全國人大常委會(huì )修改食品安全法,有關(guān)部門(mén)配套制定《食品經(jīng)營(yíng)許可管理辦法》《食用農產(chǎn)品市場(chǎng)銷(xiāo)售質(zhì)量安全監督管理辦法》《食品召回管理辦法》等多項部門(mén)規章。最高人民法院、最高人民檢察院發(fā)布《關(guān)于辦理危害食品安全刑事案件適用法律若干問(wèn)題的解釋》《關(guān)于審理食品藥品糾紛案件適用法律若干問(wèn)題的規定》。清理近5000項各類(lèi)食品標準,發(fā)布683項食品安全國家標準。Food and drug safety measures have been enhanced. The China Food and Drug Administration was established in 2013. In 2015, the NPC Standing Committee amended the country's food safety law, and the departments concerned laid down a series of departmental regulations including the Provisions for the Administration of Food Business Licensing, the Provisions for the Administration of Quality and Safety Monitoring for the Sale of Edible Agricultural Products and the Administrative Procedures for Food Recalls. The Supreme People's Court and the Supreme People's Procuratorate promulgated the Explanations on a Certain Number of Issues Relating to the Application of Laws to Criminal Cases Harming Food Safety and the Provisions on a Certain Number of Issues Relating to the Application of Laws on Cases of Disputes over Food and Drugs. Nearly 5,000 criteria for various kinds of foodstuffs were reviewed and 683 state criteria for food safety were promulgated.
      全國人大常委會(huì )授權國務(wù)院在部分地方開(kāi)展藥品上市許可持有人制度試點(diǎn)。國務(wù)院修改《醫療器械監督管理條例》,國家食品藥品監督管理總局審核發(fā)布《醫療器械生產(chǎn)監督管理辦法》《醫療器械經(jīng)營(yíng)監督管理辦法》《藥品經(jīng)營(yíng)質(zhì)量管理規范》《藥品醫療器械飛行檢查管理辦法》等一系列規章。實(shí)施國家藥品醫療器械標準提高行動(dòng)計劃,共完成藥品標準4368個(gè)、醫療器械標準562項。2011-2015年,共查處藥品違法案件72萬(wàn)余件,偵破藥品犯罪案件3.6萬(wàn)起。The NPC Standing Committee authorized the State Council to launch pilot schemes in certain regions aiming to establish a system of permit-holders for the sale of pharmaceuticals. The State Council also revised the Regulations for the Supervision and Administration of Medical Devices. The China Food and Drug Administration has reviewed and issued a series of regulations including the Provisions for the Supervision and Management of Medical Device Production, the Provisions for the Supervision and Management of Medical Device Operation, the Regulations on the Quality of Operation of Pharmaceutical Products and the Provisions for the Flight Check of Pharmaceutical Products and Medical Devices. An action plan was carried out to raise the national standards for drugs and medical devices, which led to the formulation of 4,368 criteria for pharmaceuticals and 562 criteria for medical devices. From 2011 to 2015, more than 720,000 cases in violation of drug administration provisions were handled. About 36,000 criminal cases involving pharmaceuticals were resolved.
      全民健身公共體育設施得到改善。《全民健身計劃(2011-2015年)》全面推進(jìn)落實(shí),全國各類(lèi)體育場(chǎng)地達到169萬(wàn)余個(gè),人均體育場(chǎng)地面積達到1.57平方米,均超額完成計劃預期目標。截至2014年年底,50%以上的市(地)、縣(區)有全民健身活動(dòng)中心,50%以上的街道(鄉鎮)、城市社區、農村行政村有體育健身設施,均提前完成計劃預期目標。Public sports facilities for national fitness have been improved. The National Fitness Program (2011-2015) has been carried out in full. The number of sports venues of various kinds exceeded 1.69 million, with a per-capita sports area reaching 1.57 square meters, which is bigger than the target size. By the end of 2014, national fitness centers had been built in over 50 percent of the country's cities and counties (districts); practical fitness equipment had been installed in over 50 percent of neighborhoods (townships), urban communities and rural administrative villages. Both goals were achieved ahead of schedule.
      (五)受教育權利(5) Right to education

      Figure 6: The Growth of Enrollment Rate at the Various Stages of Basic Education between 2012 and 2015
      《國家中長(cháng)期教育改革和發(fā)展規劃綱要(2010-2020年)》穩步落實(shí)。2015年,全國人大常委會(huì )修改并發(fā)布教育法和高等教育法。2015年,小學(xué)學(xué)齡兒童凈入學(xué)率為99.88%,初中毛入學(xué)率為104%,九年義務(wù)教育鞏固率為93%。The Outline of the State Medium- and Long-term Program on Education Reform and Development (2010-2020) has been steadily implemented. In 2015, the NPC Standing Committee amended and promulgated the Education Law and the Higher Education Law. During the year, the net enrollment rate in primary schools was 99.88 percent, gross enrollment rate in junior high schools reached 104 percent, and 93 percent of the students enrolled eventually completed their nine-year compulsory education.
      學(xué)前教育進(jìn)一步發(fā)展。實(shí)施第一期、第二期學(xué)前教育三年行動(dòng)計劃。2012-2015年,中央財政共安排學(xué)前教育發(fā)展專(zhuān)項資金621億元,重點(diǎn)支持中西部農村地區加快構建縣、鄉、村學(xué)前教育服務(wù)網(wǎng)絡(luò ),并對各地資助家庭經(jīng)濟困難幼兒、孤兒和殘疾兒童入園進(jìn)行獎補。2015年,全國共有幼兒園22.37萬(wàn)所,在園幼兒4264.83萬(wàn)人,學(xué)前三年毛入園率達75%,提前實(shí)現65%的計劃預期目標。Pre-school education has been further developed. A 3-year action plan was implemented for the first and second stage pre-school education. Between 2012 and 2015, the central government appropriated 62.1 billion yuan for pre-school education development mainly in rural areas of central and western China to accelerate the construction of pre-school education networks in counties, townships and villages, and award and subsidize local governments in helping preschoolers, orphans and disabled children of poverty-stricken families enroll in kindergartens. In 2015, there were 223,700 kindergartens throughout the country serving 42.6483 million children. As a result, 75 percent of the children who would be starting school in three years were enrolled in kindergartens. The planned goal of having 65 percent of such children enrolled in kindergartens was achieved ahead of schedule.
      進(jìn)城務(wù)工人員隨遷子女平等受教育權得到保障。2012-2015年,中央財政累計投入資金346億元,近90%的進(jìn)城務(wù)工人員隨遷子女得到政府財政保障。對符合當地政府規定接收條件的進(jìn)城務(wù)工人員隨遷子女,在公辦學(xué)校就讀的,免除學(xué)雜費,不收借讀費。2015年,全國義務(wù)教育階段在校生中進(jìn)城務(wù)工人員隨遷子女為1367.10萬(wàn)人,80%在公辦學(xué)校就讀,各地還通過(guò)政府購買(mǎi)服務(wù)等形式積極安排進(jìn)城務(wù)工人員隨遷子女在普惠性民辦學(xué)校就讀。截至2015年年底,已有29個(gè)省(區、市)開(kāi)始解決隨遷子女在當地高考問(wèn)題,共有近8萬(wàn)名符合條件的進(jìn)城務(wù)工人員隨遷子女在當地參加高考。An equal right to education for relocated children of migrant workers has been safeguarded. Between 2012 and 2015, the central government appropriated 34.6 billion yuan cumulatively to enable nearly 90 percent of relocated children of migrant workers in cities to obtain government financial support. For children of those migrant workers who meet the conditions of the local governments receiving them, tuition fees for public schools in cities they migrate to and additional charges for transient schooling were abolished. In 2015, there were 13.671 million children eligible for compulsory education who had relocated with their migrant worker parents to cities. 80 percent of them studied at public schools. Various local governments also actively arranged for these children to study at inclusive non-government funded schools through service purchase and other means. By the end of 2015, 29 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government) had begun to make their college entrance exams open to the children of migrant workers from other regions. Altogether, nearly 80,000 children of migrant workers took the college entrance exams in cities they had migrated to.
      貧困地區的辦學(xué)條件得到改善。2012-2015年,中央財政累計投入資金1020億元改造義務(wù)教育薄弱學(xué)校。2014年11月,有關(guān)部門(mén)聯(lián)合印發(fā)《關(guān)于統一城鄉中小學(xué)教職工編制標準的通知》,將縣鎮、農村中小學(xué)教職工編制標準統一到城市標準,并向農村邊遠貧困地區傾斜。2012-2015年,中央投資140.4億元,建設邊遠艱苦地區農村學(xué)校教師周轉宿舍24.4萬(wàn)套,可入住教師30萬(wàn)人。2013-2015年,中央財政累計投入資金43.92億元(包括新疆生產(chǎn)建設兵團),支持連片特困地區對鄉村教師發(fā)放生活補助,受益教師100多萬(wàn)人。The conditions for running schools in poverty-stricken regions have improved. Between 2012 and 2015, the central government appropriated 102 billion yuan cumulatively to support schools deficient in compulsory education. In November 2014, the government departments concerned jointly issued a circular on unifying the standards of staffing in urban and rural primary and secondary schools, which made the standards of staffing for primary and secondary schools in rural counties and townships accord with those of their counterparts in cities, with a preferential treatment given to remote and poor regions. Between 2012 and 2015, the central government invested 14.04 billion yuan in constructing 244,000 dormitory rooms for rural teachers, which could accommodate 300,000 teachers. Between 2013 and 2015, the central government (as well as Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps) appropriated 4.392 billion yuan cumulatively for living subsidies for rural teachers in contiguous areas of extreme poverty, benefiting more than 1 million people.
      中西部地區教育快速發(fā)展。中央安排100億元支持24個(gè)中西部省區(包括新疆生產(chǎn)建設兵團)100所左右地方高校基礎能力建設。安排56億元支持沒(méi)有教育部所屬高校的13個(gè)省(區)和新疆生產(chǎn)建設兵團各建設1所地方高水平大學(xué)。實(shí)施“對口支援中西部地區招生協(xié)作計劃”,教育資源充裕的地區將部分招生指標投向中西部錄取率較低地區和人口大省;2012-2015年,協(xié)作計劃共落實(shí)招生指標75.5萬(wàn)人,高考錄取率的省際差距逐年縮小。The development of education in central and western regions has accelerated. The central government allocated 10 billion yuan to support the enhancement of basic capabilities for about 100 local colleges in 24 provinces and autonomous regions of central and western China (including the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps). Another 5.6 billion yuan was set aside to support the establishment of one local institution of higher learning in each of the 13 provinces and autonomous regions and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps where there was not a single college affiliated to the Ministry of Education. Efforts were made to implement a collaborative plan to pair-up support for college enrollment in central and western regions. In this way, regions with rich education resources shifted part of their enrollment quota to central and western regions where the enrollment rate was low, and also to densely populated provinces. Between 2012 and 2015, a total of 755,000 students were enrolled into colleges through quota reallocation under the collaborative plan. The provincial gap in college enrollment has narrowed year on year.
      高中和職業(yè)教育條件不斷改善。2012-2015年,中央財政共安排中西部地區普通高中改善辦學(xué)條件補助資金120億元,支持中西部集中連片特困地區1542所學(xué)校改善辦學(xué)條件,共惠及600多萬(wàn)名在校學(xué)生。中央與地方共同安排資金設立普通高中國家助學(xué)金,年生均1500元,自2015年春季學(xué)期起提高到2000元。The education conditions in senior high schools and vocational schools have improved steadily. Between 2012 and 2015, the central government appropriated 12 billion yuan as subsidies for standard senior high schools in central and western China and 1,542 schools in contiguous areas of extreme poverty to improve the conditions for running schools, benefiting more than 6 million students at school. The central and local governments have jointly allocated funds to establish state grants for standard senior high schools, which averaged 1,500 yuan for each recipient annually and increased to 2,000 yuan at the start of the spring term in 2015.
      2012年和2013年,中央財政每年安排專(zhuān)項資金14億元,支持建設1500個(gè)職業(yè)教育實(shí)訓基地。2012-2015年,國家發(fā)展改革委共安排專(zhuān)項資金170多億元,支持1814所中職學(xué)校基礎能力建設。國家投入23億元,深入實(shí)施“職業(yè)院校教師素質(zhì)提高計劃”。截至2015年年底,共組織34萬(wàn)多名職業(yè)院校教師參加系統化培訓,推動(dòng)580家大中型企業(yè)參與教師培訓,完成300個(gè)職業(yè)教育師資培養培訓優(yōu)勢特色專(zhuān)業(yè)點(diǎn)建設。2012-2015年,中央財政共下達中職免學(xué)費補助資金417億元,免除中等職業(yè)學(xué)校全日制在校生中所有農村學(xué)生和城市涉農專(zhuān)業(yè)、家庭經(jīng)濟困難學(xué)生學(xué)費。對全日制一、二年級在校涉農專(zhuān)業(yè)學(xué)生和非涉農專(zhuān)業(yè)家庭經(jīng)濟困難學(xué)生發(fā)放國家助學(xué)金,2013年標準為每生每年1500元,2015年起提高到每生每年2000元,覆蓋近40%的學(xué)生。Between 2012 and 2013, the central government appropriated 1.4 billion yuan in special funds annually to support the building of 1,500 training bases for vocational education. During the 2012-2015 period, the National Development and Reform Commission arranged more than 17 billion yuan in special funds to support the enhancement of basic capabilities in 1,814 secondary vocational schools. The state also invested 2.3 billion yuan in carrying out a plan aimed at raising the quality of teachers in vocational colleges and schools. By the end of 2015, the state had arranged for more than 340,000 teachers in vocational colleges and schools to attend systematic training; succeeded in having 580 large and medium-sized enterprises participate in the training of teachers; and completed the construction of 300 sites providing specially-designed courses to train vocational teachers. Between 2012 and 2015, the central government appropriated 41.7 billion yuan as subsidies for the implementation of a tuition fee waiver program in secondary vocational schools, under which the tuition fees for all rural students, urban students who major in agriculture and those poverty-stricken students at full-time secondary vocational schools were abolished. State grant scholarships were also given to first and second-year students of full-time colleges majoring in agriculture and those not majoring in agriculture, but who come from poverty-stricken families. The annual subsidy for each recipient was 1,500 yuan in 2013, which was raised to 2,000 yuan in 2015, covering nearly 40 percent of the students.
      普通高校家庭經(jīng)濟困難學(xué)生資助政策體系進(jìn)一步健全。自2014年7月起,國家助學(xué)貸款標準調整為全日制本專(zhuān)科學(xué)生每人每年最高8000元,全日制研究生每人每年最高12000元。自2015年7月起,學(xué)生在讀期間貸款利息全部由財政補貼,最長(cháng)期限延長(cháng)至20年。自2014年秋季學(xué)期開(kāi)始執行新的全日制研究生國家助學(xué)金政策,資助標準為博士生不低于每生每年10000元,碩士生不低于每生每年6000元。The financial support policies in general institutions of higher learning for students from poor families have been strengthened. Since July 2014, student loans offered by the state have been adjusted to a maximum of 8,000 yuan annually for each full-time undergraduate or college student and up to 12,000 yuan annually for each full-time graduate student. Since July 2015, all interest on loans for students has been paid through financial subsidies with a maximum term extended to 20 years. Since the autumn term of 2014, a new state grant policy for full-time graduate students has been implemented, with no less than 10,000 yuan for each doctor degree candidate annually and no less than 6,000 yuan for each master degree candidate.
      (六)文化權利(6) Cultural rights

      Figure 7: The number of public cultural facilities in parts of China between 2012 and 2015
      公共文化設施進(jìn)一步改善。截至2015年年底,全國共建成公共圖書(shū)館3139個(gè)、文化館3315個(gè)、文化站40976個(gè)、博物館4692家、科技館409個(gè)。2012-2015年,中央財政累計投入203億元支持公共文化設施免費開(kāi)放。截至2015年年底,免費開(kāi)放的博物館已達4013家。中央投資92.23億元,基本完成對20戶(hù)以下已通電自然村廣播電視覆蓋。文化共享工程已建成3.55萬(wàn)個(gè)分中心、支中心和鄉鎮(街道)基層服務(wù)點(diǎn),以及70萬(wàn)個(gè)村(社區)基層服務(wù)點(diǎn),資源總量達到532TB,超額完成計劃預期目標。全國建成農家書(shū)屋60.0449萬(wàn)家,累計向農村配送圖書(shū)超過(guò)10億冊,衛星數字農家書(shū)屋2.4萬(wàn)家。全國已建成農村數字電影院線(xiàn)252條,放映隊5萬(wàn)余支,衛星電影基本覆蓋全國64萬(wàn)個(gè)行政村,全年完成影片訂購900余萬(wàn)場(chǎng)。Public cultural facilities have been further improved. By the end of 2015, China had built 3,139 public libraries, 3,315 cultural centers, 40,976 cultural stations, 4,692 museums and 409 science and technology museums. Between 2012 and 2015, the central government invested 20.3 billion yuan cumulatively to support the free admission to public cultural facilities. By the end of 2015, the number of museums open to the public free of charge had reached 4,013. The central government has invested 9.223 billion yuan to make sure that radio and TV broadcasts basically cover all villages with no more than 20 households each and where electricity is available. As part of a cultural information resource sharing project, China has built 35,500 service centers and sub-centers in cities and townships and service stations at the grassroots level covering 700,000 villages and communities, which are able to share digital resources amounting to 532 TB, surpassing the planned goal. China has established 600,449 farmers' libraries, and sent more than 1 billion books and periodicals to rural areas. The country has also built 24,000 satellite digital farmers' libraries and 252 rural digital movie lines, and organized more than 50,000 movie projection teams. Satellite digital movies basically covered 640,000 administrative villages with over 9 million movie screenings purchased annually.

      Figure 8: Internet construction between 2012 and 2015
      互聯(lián)網(wǎng)建設為公民享受文化權利提供了更便捷的條件。截至2015年年底,互聯(lián)網(wǎng)網(wǎng)民達到6.88億,互聯(lián)網(wǎng)人口普及率達到50.3%,超額完成45%的計劃預期目標。固定寬帶用戶(hù)達到2.1億戶(hù),互聯(lián)網(wǎng)寬帶接入端口達到4.7億個(gè),超額完成3.7億個(gè)的計劃預期目標,光纖到戶(hù)覆蓋家庭達到4.46億戶(hù),超過(guò)計劃預期目標一倍以上。Internet construction has provided more convenient conditions for citizens to enjoy cultural rights. At the end of 2015, 688 million people had access to the Internet, covering 50.3 percent of China's population, surpassing the planned goal of 45 percent. The fixed broadband users and households reached 210 million. The internet broadband ports reached 470 million, exceeding the planned goal of 370 million. Fiber optic Internet connection covered 446 million households, surpassing the planned goal by more than 100 percent.
      (七)環(huán)境權利(7) Environmental rights
      國家修改環(huán)境保護法,專(zhuān)章規定“信息公開(kāi)和公眾參與”,加強對公民環(huán)境保護的知情權、參與權、監督權的保障,完善公益訴訟制度,賦予相關(guān)社會(huì )組織提起環(huán)境公益訴訟的權利,強化責任追究制度。China has amended the Law on Environmental Protection, with special provisions on information transparency and public participation to guarantee the public's right to be informed, participate and supervise and provisions for improving the public interest litigation system to provide related social groups with the right to launch public interest litigations and strengthen the system of accountability.
      重金屬污染得到有效治理。2010-2015年,中央財政撥付172億元資金支持重金屬污染治理。2014年,全國鉛、汞、鎘、鉻和類(lèi)金屬砷五種重點(diǎn)重金屬污染物排放總量比2007年下降20%,重金屬污染事件自2010-2011年的平均每年10余起下降到2012-2015年的平均每年不到3起。Heavy metal pollution has effectively been brought under control. Between 2010 and 2015, the central government appropriated 17.2 billion yuan to support control over heavy metal pollution. In 2014, the total pollutant discharge of 5 major heavy metals including lead, mercury, cadmium, chromium and the metalloid element - arsenic, decreased by 20 percent as compared with that in 2007. The number of heavy metal pollution incidents decreased from more than 10 annually on average between 2010 and 2011 to an annual average of less than 3 between 2012 and 2015.
      水污染治理能力得到提升。2015年4月,國務(wù)院發(fā)布《水污染防治行動(dòng)計劃》。全國地表水劣Ⅴ類(lèi)水質(zhì)比例自2001年的35.7%下降到2015年的8.8%。2011-2015年,新增城鎮污水處理能力4800萬(wàn)噸/日。2015年,338個(gè)地級及以上城市集中式飲用水水源取水量達標率為97.1%。The capability for water pollution treatment has increased. In April 2015, the State Council announced "action plan for water pollution prevention and control". The percentage of inferior class V surface water decreased from 35.7 percent in 2001 to 8.8 percent in 2015. During the 2011-2015 period, sewage treatment capacity increased by an additional 48 million tons per day. In 2015, 97.1 percent of the drinking water from centralized supply sources in 338 cities at the prefecture level and above met the quality standard.
      空氣污染治理力度加大。2015年8月修改大氣污染防治法,以改善大氣環(huán)境質(zhì)量為目標,強化政府責任,完善治理大氣污染的針對性措施。2011-2015年,化學(xué)需氧量、氨氮、二氧化硫、氮氧化物四項污染物排放量,分別下降12.9%、13.0%、18.0%和18.6%。2013年9月,國務(wù)院印發(fā)《大氣污染防治行動(dòng)計劃》,明確了10條35項綜合治理措施,重點(diǎn)治理細顆粒物(PM2.5)和可吸入顆粒物(PM10)。2015年,全國所有地級及以上城市已全部實(shí)施新環(huán)境空氣質(zhì)量標準。建成發(fā)展中國家最大的空氣質(zhì)量監測網(wǎng),全國338個(gè)地級及以上城市全部具備PM2.5等六項指標監測能力。加強節能低碳標準化工作。2011-2015年,實(shí)施百項能效標準推進(jìn)工程,批準發(fā)布205項節能?chē)覙藴省?015年,國務(wù)院辦公廳印發(fā)《關(guān)于加強節能標準化工作的意見(jiàn)》。批準發(fā)布鋼鐵、水泥等10個(gè)行業(yè)溫室氣體排放標準,發(fā)布第五階段車(chē)用油品國家標準。Efforts for air quality control have been boosted. In August 2015, China amended the law on air pollution prevention and control, made improving atmospheric quality as its goal, emphasized government responsibilities and improved measures targeted towards controlling air pollution. Between 2011 and 2015, the emissions of 4 major pollutants including chemical oxygen demand, ammonia nitrogen, sulfur dioxide and nitric oxide decreased 12.9 percent, 13.0 percent, 18.0 percent and 18.6 percent respectively. In September 2013, the State Council distributed the Action Plan on Air Pollution Prevention and Control, in which it clarified comprehensive treatment measures composed of 10 articles and 35 items, focusing on fine particulate matter (PM2.5) and inhalable particles (PM10). In 2015, all cities at the prefecture level and above adopted new environmental and air quality standards. China built the largest air quality monitoring network among all developing countries with 338 cities at the prefecture level and above across the country having the capability of monitoring 6 indices including PM2.5. Efforts were made to strengthen the standardization of energy conservation and low carbon. During the 2011-2015 period, the government implemented a project involving the formation and improvement of 100 important energy-saving standards and approved the release of 205 energy-saving state criteria. In 2015, the General Office of the State Council issued the guidelines on strengthening the standardization of energy conservation. The government approved the emissions standards for 10 industries that produce greenhouse gases including steel, iron and cement and issued the phase 5 national standards for automobile fuel.
      生態(tài)建設深入推進(jìn)。成立生物多樣性保護國家委員會(huì ),環(huán)境保護部發(fā)布《中國生物多樣性保護戰略與行動(dòng)計劃(2011-2030年)》,啟動(dòng)“聯(lián)合國生物多樣性十年中國行動(dòng)”。2011-2015年,天然林資源保護工程投資達898億元,約108萬(wàn)平方公里的天然林得到有效保護。持續推進(jìn)“三北”等重點(diǎn)防護林體系建設、京津風(fēng)沙源治理、巖溶地區石漠化綜合治理、退牧還草等重點(diǎn)生態(tài)工程,啟動(dòng)新一輪退耕還林還草。2011-2015年,已建成以自然保護區為骨干的生物多樣性就地保護網(wǎng)絡(luò )體系。建成自然保護區面積達147萬(wàn)平方公里,約占陸地國土面積14.84%。全國超過(guò)90%的陸地生態(tài)系統類(lèi)型、89%的國家重點(diǎn)保護野生動(dòng)物種類(lèi)和86%的國家重點(diǎn)保護野生植物種類(lèi)在自然保護區內得到保護。截至2015年年底,中國森林覆蓋率為21.66%。新增水土流失綜合治理面積26萬(wàn)余平方公里,超額完成計劃預期目標。截至2014年年底,全國城市綠化覆蓋率為40.22%,提前完成計劃預期目標。Ecosystem construction has been further pushed forward. With the establishment of the State Committee on Biodiversity Protection, the Ministry of Environmental Protection issued China's Biodiversity Conservation Strategy and Action Plan (2011-2030), and started China's Action for United Nations Decade on Biodiversity. Between 2011 and 2015, China invested 89.8 billion yuan in projects for the conservation of natural forest resources, and put 1.08 million square kilometers of natural forests under effective protection. Efforts were made to continually push forward the construction of key forest shelterbelts in northeast, north and northwest China, the control over the sources of sandstorms affecting Beijing and Tianjin, the comprehensive treatment of stony desertification in karst areas, the key ecological projects of pastureland rehabilitation and the launch of a new round of projects to return farmland back to forestry and pastureland. Between 2011 and 2015, China had already built a localized biodiversity protection network with nature reserves acting as the backbone. The area of established nature reserves reached 1.47 million square kilometers, accounting for 14.84 percent of the country's total land area. Over 90 percent of the country' s land ecosystems, 89 percent of wildlife species under state protection and 86 percent of wild plant species under state protection were conserved in nature reserves. By the end of 2015, China's forest coverage reached 21.66 percent. More than 260,000 square kilometers of land suffering from soil erosion had been treated, which was more than the projected figure. By the end of 2014, the national greenery coverage in urban areas was 40.22 percent, surpassing the planned goal ahead of schedule.
      環(huán)境執法和責任追究力度不斷加強。貫徹落實(shí)新修改的環(huán)境保護法和國務(wù)院辦公廳關(guān)于加強環(huán)境監管執法的通知,全國環(huán)保系統積極創(chuàng )新監管執法方式模式,相繼開(kāi)展環(huán)保專(zhuān)項行動(dòng)和環(huán)保大檢查,嚴懲環(huán)境違法和環(huán)境污染犯罪,有效維護了人民群眾的環(huán)境權益。進(jìn)一步健全了生態(tài)環(huán)境損害賠償制度。Efforts were made to continually strengthen the enforcement of environmental laws and an accountability system. To implement and put into effect the newly amended Law on Environmental Protection and a circular issued by the General Office of the State Council on strengthening environmental protection supervision, environment monitoring bodies across the country actively innovated with new methods and modes of supervision and law enforcement, and successively carried out targeted actions and inspections on environmental protection and cracked down severely on environmental law violations and environmental pollution crimes, and effectively safeguarded the environmental rights of the public. A compensation system for the damage to the ecosystem has been further improved.
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