


      發(fā)布時(shí)間:2016-06-14 16:33:43??|??來(lái)源:中國網(wǎng)??|??作者:??|??責任編輯:李瀟

      五、人權教育V. Human Rights Education
      2012-2015年,國家大力傳播人權理念,普及人權知識,開(kāi)展人權教育,努力提升全社會(huì )尊重和保障人權意識。From 2012 to 2015, China redoubled its efforts in promoting human rights concepts; publicizing human rights knowledge; carrying out human rights education; and going all out to raise the awareness of honoring and safeguarding human rights throughout Chinese society.
      國務(wù)院新聞辦公室與8家人權教育和培訓基地共舉辦了144期人權知識培訓班,對各級黨政干部、司法系統干警和媒體從業(yè)人員進(jìn)行人權知識培訓;各級行政學(xué)院普遍把人權納入教學(xué)內容,對各級領(lǐng)導干部進(jìn)行人權知識教育。The State Council Information Office and another eight human rights education and training bases jointly held a total of 144 training sessions about human rights for Party cadres and government employees at various levels, judiciary and media personnel. Administrative institutes at various levels conducted courses in human rights, providing human rights knowledge education among cadres at various levels.
      2012年開(kāi)始,各中小學(xué)根據新修訂的義務(wù)教育各學(xué)科課程標準,結合學(xué)生年齡特點(diǎn),在課程教材中融入人身權利、受教育權利、經(jīng)濟權利等學(xué)習內容,讓學(xué)生了解公民依法享有的基本權利和應承擔的義務(wù),增強學(xué)生的權利意識。Starting from 2012, the state made sure that knowledge about personal rights, economic rights and the right to receive education was included in courses and textbooks in all primary and secondary schools in accordance with both the newly-revised course standard for every subject of nine-year compulsory education and the characteristics of students'age. It also made sure that students were aware of citizens' legitimate rights and duties, in an effort to enhance the awareness of rights among students.
      高等院校根據《行動(dòng)計劃》的要求,加強人權相關(guān)專(zhuān)業(yè)建設,在法學(xué)等專(zhuān)業(yè)本科人才培養方案中增加人權相關(guān)課程,編寫(xiě)人權教材,加快人權方面的特色人才培養。自主開(kāi)設《人權概論》通識課,《人權法學(xué)》《國際人權法學(xué)》《人權法專(zhuān)題》等公選課程,人權教育課程得到充實(shí)。招收培養人權法學(xué)、人權政治學(xué)、人權哲學(xué)等研究方向的碩士、博士研究生。設置人權研究方向博士后科研流動(dòng)站。中國政法大學(xué)、西南政法大學(xué)自主設置了人權法學(xué)二級學(xué)科。In accordance with the requirements in the Action Plan, institutions of higher learning strengthened the development of human rights related majors, offered related courses for four-year college students majoring in law, compiled human rights teaching materials and accelerated the education for special talents on human rights. They enriched courses on human rights education by independently offering the general course "Introduction to Human Rights" and some selective courses including "Human Rights Law", "International Human Rights Law" and "Special Features on Human Rights Law". Institutions of higher learning enrolled masters and Ph.D. candidates in disciplines including human rights law, politics and philosophy of human rights, and set up post-doctoral research centers in human rights. The China University of Political Science and Law and the Southwest University of Political Science and Law independently offered secondary disciplines on human rights law.
      電視臺、廣播電臺、報刊、網(wǎng)絡(luò )媒體等以播發(fā)消息、評論、連線(xiàn)、解讀、訪(fǎng)談、微博、微信互動(dòng)等多種形式,積極傳播人權知識,依法保障人權觀(guān)念深入人心,形成了國家尊重和保障人權、公民尊法守法的良好社會(huì )環(huán)境。The media including TV and radio stations, newspapers and periodicals and online media, through news broadcasts, commentary, call-ins, interpretation, interviews, Weibo and WeChat interaction, energetically spread human rights knowledge, made the awareness of guaranteeing human rights according to law deeply rooted in people's mind and created a good social environment where the state honors and guarantees human rights and citizens obey laws.
      2014年4月,中國人民大學(xué)人權研究中心、復旦大學(xué)人權研究中心、山東大學(xué)人權研究中心、武漢大學(xué)人權研究院和西南政法大學(xué)人權教育與研究中心新增為國家人權教育和培訓基地,提前完成計劃預期目標。In April 2014, five new national-level human rights education and training centers were opened, including human rights research centers at Renmin University of China, Fudan University, Shandong University, Wuhan University and Southwest University of Political Science and Law, which achieved planned goals in advance.
      中國人權研究會(huì )、中國人權發(fā)展基金會(huì )、國家人權教育與培訓基地開(kāi)展人權理論研究。編輯出版《中國人權在行動(dòng)》《中國人權事業(yè)發(fā)展報告》等人權書(shū)籍。搭建人權學(xué)術(shù)交流平臺,編輯出版《人權》《人權研究》《中國人權評論》《殘障權利研究》等學(xué)術(shù)刊物。編寫(xiě)《人權知識讀本叢書(shū)》等人權培訓教材,面向社會(huì )大眾普及人權知識。舉辦或參與國際學(xué)術(shù)會(huì )議,大力開(kāi)展與國內外同行的學(xué)術(shù)交流。Theoretical research on human rights was carried out by the China Society for Human Rights Studies, China Human Rights Development Foundation and National Human Rights Education and Training Base. They edited and published a series of books on human rights, including China's Human Rights in Action and Report on the Development of Human Rights in China. They also set up an academic exchange platform for human rights, and started to publish academic periodicals including Human Rights, Human Rights Studies, China Human Rights Review and the Research on the Rights of the Disabled. They developed human rights training materials including Series on Human Rights Knowledge and publicized human rights knowledge throughout the Chinese society. They made efforts to conduct academic exchanges with domestic and foreign counterparts by holding and attending international academic meetings.
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