


      發(fā)布時(shí)間:2016-06-16 15:40:04??|??來(lái)源:中國網(wǎng)??|??作者:??|??責任編輯:李瀟

      五、積極促進(jìn)國際合作與交流V. International Cooperation and Exchanges
      中國將持續推動(dòng)北斗系統國際化發(fā)展,積極務(wù)實(shí)開(kāi)展國際合作與交流,服務(wù)“一帶一路”建設,促進(jìn)全球衛星導航事業(yè)發(fā)展,讓北斗系統更好地服務(wù)全球、造福人類(lèi)。China will push forward the international development of the BDS, actively carry out international cooperation and exchanges in this field, so as to serve the Belt and Road Initiative, promote the development of global satellite navigation, and enable the BDS to serve the world and benefit mankind better.
      (一)加強與其他衛星導航系統的兼容共用(I) Strengthening Compatibility and Joint Applications with Other Navigation Satellite Systems
      積極推動(dòng)北斗系統與其他衛星導航系統在系統建設、應用等各領(lǐng)域開(kāi)展全方位合作與交流,加強兼容與互操作,實(shí)現資源共享、優(yōu)勢互補、技術(shù)進(jìn)步,共同提高衛星導航系統服務(wù)水平,為用戶(hù)提供更加優(yōu)質(zhì)多樣、安全可靠的服務(wù)。China actively pushes forward the cooperation and exchanges between the BDS and other navigation satellite systems in the fields of system construction and application from all perspectives, strengthening compatibility and interoperability, achieving resource sharing, complementarity and technology advancement, improving the services of navigation satellite systems, and providing users with more qualified, diversified, safe and reliable services.
      (二)按照國際規則合法使用頻率軌位資源(II) Utilizing Frequency and Orbital Slot Resources According to International Rules
      頻率軌位資源是有限的、寶貴的自然資源,是衛星導航系統發(fā)展的重要基礎。中國按照國際電信聯(lián)盟規則,通過(guò)友好協(xié)商開(kāi)展北斗系統頻率軌位協(xié)調,積極參與國際電信聯(lián)盟規則的研究制定及有關(guān)活動(dòng),并與有關(guān)國家合作拓展衛星導航頻率資源。2000年以來(lái),先后與20余個(gè)國家、地區和國際組織,300余個(gè)衛星網(wǎng)絡(luò )進(jìn)行了有效協(xié)調。As limited and valuable natural resources, frequencies and orbital slots provide a critical foundation for the development of navigation satellite systems. Adhering to the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) rules, China works to facilitate coordination of BDS frequencies and orbital slots through negotiations, actively participates in the research and formulation of ITU rules and other relevant activities, and expands radio-navigation frequency resources through cooperation with other nations. Since 2000 China has held effective coordination activities on more than 300 satellite networks with more than 20 countries, regions and international organizations.
      (三)持續推動(dòng)北斗系統進(jìn)入國際標準(III) Promoting the Ratification of the BDS by International Standards
      進(jìn)入國際標準是北斗系統融入國際體系的重要標志。中國高度重視并持續推動(dòng)北斗系統進(jìn)入國際標準化組織、行業(yè)和專(zhuān)業(yè)應用等國際組織。目前,積極推動(dòng)北斗系統進(jìn)入國際民用航空組織、國際海事組織、移動(dòng)通信國際標準組織等,并鼓勵企業(yè)、科研院所和高校參與衛星導航終端和應用標準的制定。2014年11月,北斗系統獲得國際海事組織認可。The ratification of the BDS by international standards is a milestone for the integration of the BDS into international systems. China spares no effort to get the BDS ratified by the International Organization for Standardization and other international organizations in the industrial and professional application sectors. Currently, positive efforts are being made to advance the recognition of the BDS in the International Civil Aviation Organization, International Maritime Organization, Third-Generation Mobile Communication Standard Partnership Project, and other organizations. China advocates the involvement of enterprises, scientific research, colleges and universities in the formulation of satellite navigation terminals and application standards. In November 2014 the BDS gained recognition from the International Maritime Organization.
      (四)積極參與國際衛星導航領(lǐng)域多邊事務(wù)(IV) Participating in Multilateral Activities in the Field of International Satellite Navigation
      北斗系統作為全球衛星導航系統核心系統之一,中國積極參與衛星導航國際事務(wù),參加聯(lián)合國全球衛星導航系統國際委員會(huì )(ICG)以及有關(guān)國際組織活動(dòng),促進(jìn)學(xué)術(shù)交流與合作,貢獻北斗力量,推動(dòng)衛星導航應用。中國高度重視并積極參加聯(lián)合國工作,2012年成功主辦ICG第七屆大會(huì ),發(fā)起國際監測與評估、應用演示與用戶(hù)體驗活動(dòng)等倡議,促成各衛星導航系統聯(lián)合發(fā)布服務(wù)世界的共同宣言;每年舉辦中國衛星導航學(xué)術(shù)年會(huì ),為世界衛星導航技術(shù)與應用發(fā)展發(fā)揮積極作用。The BDS is one of the major GNSS providers, and China actively participates in international satellite navigation affairs, attends the activities held by the International Committee on Global Navigation Satellite Systems (ICG) and other relevant international organizations, supports academic exchanges and cooperation in this area, and promotes satellite navigation applications with the contribution of the BDS. China actively takes part in relevant tasks within the orbit of the United Nations, successfully held the Seventh Meeting of the ICG in 2012, when the proposals for the international GNSS Monitoring and Assessment and the BDS/GNSS Application Demonstration and Experience Campaign were initiated, and the Joint Statement of Global Navigation Satellite Systems for serving the whole was issued. The China Satellite Navigation Conference is held annually, and plays a positive role in the development of satellite navigation technologies and applications worldwide.
      (五)大力推動(dòng)衛星導航國際化應用(V) Promoting International Satellite Navigation Applications
      ——加強宣傳普及。持續開(kāi)展“北斗行”系列宣傳推廣活動(dòng),推動(dòng)建立北斗中心,讓用戶(hù)更好地了解北斗、感知北斗,已與多個(gè)國家合作建立北斗中心。成立北斗國際交流培訓中心,搭建衛星導航教育培訓演示平臺,持續開(kāi)展學(xué)歷教育、暑期學(xué)校、短期培訓班和研討會(huì )等國際教育培訓活動(dòng)。- To intensify publicity and popularization in this field, China has implemented the "BDS Tour" series of events, pushed forward the establishment of BDS Centers to enable better understanding of the BDS. BDS Centers have been jointly set up in a number of nations. The BeiDou International Exchange and Training Center has been opened, and a demonstration platform for education and training in the field of satellite navigation has been set up. In addition, academic education, summer schools, short-term training courses and symposiums, and other international education and training activities have been regularly held.
      ——推動(dòng)實(shí)施國際化工程。鼓勵開(kāi)展國際衛星導航應用的政策、市場(chǎng)、法律、金融等領(lǐng)域的研究和咨詢(xún)服務(wù),提升國際化綜合服務(wù)能力。服務(wù)“一帶一路”建設,與全球有意愿的國家一起,共同建設衛星導航增強系統,提供高精度衛星導航、定位、授時(shí)服務(wù),提升北斗系統海外服務(wù)性能,促進(jìn)導航技術(shù)的國際化應用。通過(guò)構建高精度衛星導航、定位、授時(shí)服務(wù)運營(yíng)服務(wù)平臺,開(kāi)展交通運輸、大眾旅游、海上應用、減災救災、精密農業(yè)等領(lǐng)域應用示范,帶動(dòng)大規模應用推廣。- To advance and implement internationalization projects, China is promoting research and consultancy services regarding the policies, markets, laws and finance related to international satellite navigation applications, and improving comprehensive international service capabilities. In line with the Belt and Road Initiative, China will jointly build satellite navigation augmentation systems with relevant nations, provide highly accurate satellite navigation, positioning and timing services, improve the overseas BDS service performances, and promote international applications of navigation technologies. China will also carry out application demonstrations in the fields of transportation, tourism, maritime application, disaster reduction and relief, and agriculture, and boost application on a large scale, through establishing an operation and service platform for highly accurate satellite navigation, positioning and timing services.
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