


      發(fā)布時(shí)間: 2016-07-13 11:18:05??|??來(lái)源: 中國網(wǎng)??|??作者:??|??責任編輯: 李瀟

      四、菲律賓一再采取導致?tīng)幾h復雜化的行動(dòng) IV. The Philippines Has Repeatedly Taken Moves that Complicate the Relevant Disputes
      92. 自20世紀80年代以來(lái),菲律賓一再采取導致?tīng)幾h復雜化的行動(dòng)。 92. Since the 1980s, the Philippines has repeatedly taken moves that complicate the relevant disputes.
      (一)菲律賓企圖擴大對中國南沙群島部分島礁的侵占 i. The Philippines attempts to entrench its illegal occupation of some islands and reefs of China's Nansha Qundao
      93. 自20世紀80年代起,菲律賓就在非法侵占的中國南沙群島有關(guān)島礁上建設軍事設施。90年代,菲律賓繼續在非法侵占的中國南沙群島有關(guān)島礁修建機場(chǎng)和海空軍基地,以非法侵占的中國南沙群島中業(yè)島為重點(diǎn),持續在相關(guān)島礁建設和修整機場(chǎng)、兵營(yíng)、碼頭等設施,以方便起降重型運輸機、戰斗機及容納更多更大的艦船。菲律賓還蓄意挑釁,頻繁派出軍艦、飛機侵入中國南沙群島五方礁、仙娥礁、信義礁、半月礁和仁愛(ài)礁,肆意破壞中國設置的測量標志。 93. In China's Nansha Qundao, the Philippines started in the 1980s to build military facilities on some islands and reefs it has invaded and illegally occupied. In the 1990s, the Philippines continued to build airfields and naval and air force facilities on these illegally-occupied islands and reefs; centered on Zhongye Dao, the construction has extended to other islands and reefs, with runways, military barracks, docks and other facilities built and renovated, so as to accommodate heavy transport planes, fighter jets and more and larger vessels. Furthermore, the Philippines made deliberate provocations by frequently sending its military vessels and aircraft to intrude into Wufang Jiao, Xian'e Jiao, Xinyi Jiao, Banyue Jiao and Ren'ai Jiao of China's Nansha Qundao, and destroyed survey markers set up by China.
      94. 更有甚者,1999年5月9日,菲律賓派出57號坦克登陸艦入侵中國仁愛(ài)礁,并以“技術(shù)故障擱淺”為借口,在該礁非法“坐灘”。中國當即對菲律賓提出嚴正交涉,要求立即拖走該艦。而菲律賓卻稱(chēng)該艦“缺少零部件”無(wú)法拖走。 94. Still worse, on 9 May 1999, the Philippines sent BRP Sierra Madre (LT-57), a military vessel, to intrude into China's Ren'ai Jiao and illegally ran it aground on the pretext of "technical difficulties". China immediately made solemn representations to the Philippines, demanding the immediate removal of that vessel. But the Philippines claimed that the vessel could not be towed away for "lack of parts".
      95. 就此,中國持續對菲律賓進(jìn)行交涉,再三要求菲方拖走該艦。例如,1999年11月,中國駐菲律賓大使約見(jiàn)菲律賓外長(cháng)西亞松和總統辦公室主任來(lái)妮海索斯,再次就該艦非法“坐灘”仁愛(ài)礁事進(jìn)行交涉。菲律賓雖然再三承諾將把該艦從仁愛(ài)礁撤走,但一直拖延不動(dòng)。 95. Over this matter, China has repeatedly made representations to the Philippines and renewed the same demand. For instance, in November 1999, the Chinese Ambassador to the Philippines met with Secretary of Foreign Affairs Domingo Siazon and Chief of the Presidential Management Staff Leonora de Jesus to make another round of representations. Many times the Philippines promised to tow away the vessel, but it has taken no action.
      96. 2003年9月,得知菲律賓準備在仁愛(ài)礁非法“坐灘”的軍艦周?chē)藿ㄔO施后,中國當即提出嚴正交涉。菲律賓代理外長(cháng)埃卜達林表示,菲律賓無(wú)意在仁愛(ài)礁上修建設施,菲律賓是《宣言》的簽署者,不會(huì )也不愿成為第一個(gè)違反者。 96. In September 2003, upon the news that the Philippines was preparing to build facilities around that military vessel illegally run aground at Ren'ai Jiao, China lodged immediate representations. The Philippine Acting Secretary of Foreign Affairs Franklin Ebdalin responded that the Philippines had no intention to construct facilities on Ren'ai Jiao and that, as a signatory to the DOC, the Philippines had no desire to and would not be the first to violate the Declaration.
      97. 但是菲律賓拒不履行拖走該艦的承諾,反而變本加厲,采取進(jìn)一步挑釁行為。菲律賓于2013年2月在非法“坐灘”的該艦四周拉起固定纜繩,艦上人員頻繁活動(dòng),準備建設固定設施。在中國多次交涉下,菲律賓國防部長(cháng)加斯明聲稱(chēng),菲律賓只是在對該艦進(jìn)行補給和修補,承諾不會(huì )在仁愛(ài)礁上修建設施。 97. But the Philippines did not fulfill its undertaking to tow away that vessel. Instead, it made even worse provocations. In February 2013, cables were lined up around that grounded vessel and people on board bustled around, making preparations for the construction of permanent facilities. In response to China's repeated representations, the Philippine Secretary of National Defense Voltaire Gazmin claimed that the Philippines was simply resupplying and repairing the vessel, and promised that no facilities would be built on Ren'ai Jiao.
      98. 2014年3月14日,菲律賓外交部發(fā)表聲明,公然宣稱(chēng)菲律賓當年用57號坦克登陸艦在仁愛(ài)礁“坐灘”,就是為了“將該軍艦作為菲律賓政府的永久設施部署在仁愛(ài)礁”,企圖以此為借口,繼續拒不履行拖走該艦的承諾,進(jìn)而達到侵占仁愛(ài)礁的目的。中國當即對此表示震驚,并重申絕不允許菲方以任何形式侵占仁愛(ài)礁。 98. On 14 March 2014, the Philippine Department of Foreign Affairs issued a statement openly declaring that the vessel it ran aground at Ren'ai Jiao was placed there as a permanent Philippine government installation. This was an apparent attempt to provide an excuse for its continued refusal to fulfill its undertaking to tow away that vessel in order to illegally seize Ren'ai Jiao. China immediately responded that it was shocked by this statement and reiterated that it would never allow the Philippines to seize Ren'ai Jiao by any means.
      99. 2015年7月,菲律賓公開(kāi)聲明,菲方正對在仁愛(ài)礁“坐灘”的軍艦進(jìn)行內部整固。 99. In July 2015, the Philippines stated publicly that the so-called maintenance repair was being done to fortify the vessel.
      100. 菲律賓用軍艦“坐灘”仁愛(ài)礁,承諾拖走卻始終食言,直至采取加固措施,以自己的實(shí)際行動(dòng)證明菲律賓就是第一個(gè)公然違反《宣言》的國家。 100. To sum up, by running aground its military vessel at Ren'ai Jiao, then promising repeatedly to tow it away but breaking that promise repeatedly and even fortifying it, the Philippines has proven itself to be the first to openly violate the DOC.
      101. 長(cháng)期以來(lái),菲律賓非法侵占中國南沙群島有關(guān)島礁,并在島礁上修筑各種軍事設施,企圖制造既成事實(shí),長(cháng)期霸占。菲律賓的所作所為,嚴重侵犯中國對南沙群島有關(guān)島礁的主權,嚴重違反《憲章》和國際法基本準則。 101. Over the years, the Philippines has invaded and illegally occupied some islands and reefs of China's Nansha Qundao and constructed various military facilities thereupon in an attempt to establish a fait accompli of permanent occupation. These moves have grossly violated China's sovereignty over the relevant islands and reefs of Nansha Qundao and violated the Charter of the United Nations and basic norms of international law.
      (二)菲律賓一再擴大海上侵權 ii. The Philippines has increasingly intensified its infringement of China's maritime rights and interests
      102. 自20世紀70年代起,菲律賓依據其單方面主張,先后侵入中國南沙群島禮樂(lè )灘、忠孝灘等地進(jìn)行非法油氣鉆探,包括就有關(guān)區塊進(jìn)行對外招標。 102. Since the 1970s, the Philippines, asserting its unilateral claims, has intruded into, among others, the maritime areas of Liyue Tan and Zhongxiao Tan of China's Nansha Qundao to carry out illegal oil and gas exploratory drilling, including listing the relevant blocks for bidding.
      103. 進(jìn)入21世紀以來(lái),菲律賓擴大對外招標范圍,大面積侵入中國南沙群島有關(guān)海域。2003年,菲律賓將大片中國南沙群島相關(guān)海域劃為對外招標區塊。2014年5月,菲律賓進(jìn)行了第5輪油氣招標,其中4個(gè)招標區塊侵入中國南沙群島相關(guān)海域。 103. Since 2000, the Philippines has expanded the areas for bidding, intruding into larger sea areas of China's Nansha Qundao. A large span of sea areas of China's Nansha Qundao was designated as bidding blocks by the Philippines in 2003. During the fifth "Philippine Energy Contracting Round" launched in May 2014, four of the bidding blocks on offer reached into relevant sea areas of China's Nansha Qundao.
      104. 菲律賓還不斷侵入中國南沙群島有關(guān)海域,襲擾中國漁民和漁船正常生產(chǎn)作業(yè)。據不完全統計,1989年至2015年,在上述海域共發(fā)生菲律賓非法侵犯中國漁民生命和財產(chǎn)安全事件97件,其中槍擊8件,搶劫34件,抓扣40件,追趕15件;共涉及中國漁船近200艘,漁民上千人。菲律賓還野蠻、粗暴對待中國漁民,施以非人道待遇。 104. The Philippines has repeatedly intruded into relevant waters of China's Nansha Qundao, harassing and attacking Chinese fishermen and fishing boats conducting routine fishing operations. Currently available statistics show that from 1989 to 2015, 97 incidents occurred in which the Philippines infringed upon the safety, life and property of Chinese fishermen: 8 involving shooting, 34 assault and robbery, 40 capture and detention, and 15 chasing. These incidents brought adverse consequences to close to 200 Chinese fishing vessels and over 1,000 Chinese fishermen. In addition, the Philippines treated Chinese fishermen in a violent, cruel and inhumane manner.
      105. 菲律賓武裝人員經(jīng)常無(wú)視中國漁民的生命安全,濫用武力。例如,2006年4月27日,菲律賓武裝漁船侵入中國南沙群島南方淺灘海域,襲擊中國“瓊瓊海03012”號漁船,菲方一艘武裝小艇及4名持槍人員向中國漁船靠近,并直接向漁船駕駛臺連續開(kāi)槍射擊,造成陳奕超等4名漁民當場(chǎng)死亡、2人重傷、1人輕傷。隨后,13名持槍人員強行登上漁船進(jìn)行搶劫,劫走船上衛星導航、通訊設備、生產(chǎn)工具、漁獲等。 105. Philippine armed personnel often use excessive force against Chinese fishermen in utter disregard of the safety of their lives. For example, on 27 April 2006, one armed Philippine fishing vessel intruded into Nanfang Qiantan of China's Nansha Qundao and attacked Chinese fishing boat Qiongqionghai 03012. One Philippine armed motor boat carrying four gunmen approached that Chinese fishing boat. Immediately these gunmen fired several rounds of bullets at the driving panel, killing Chen Yichao and three other Chinese fishermen on the spot, severely wounding two others and causing minor injuries to another. Subsequently a total of 13 gunmen forced their way onboard the Chinese fishing boat and seized satellite navigation and communication equipment, fishing equipment and harvests and other items.
      106. 菲律賓一再采取各種海上侵權行動(dòng),企圖擴大其在南海的非法主張,嚴重侵犯中國在南海的主權及相關(guān)權益。菲律賓的侵權行為嚴重違背了其在《宣言》中關(guān)于保持自我克制,不采取使爭議復雜化、擴大化行動(dòng)的承諾。菲律賓槍擊、搶劫中國漁船和漁民,非法抓扣中國漁民并施以非人道待遇,嚴重侵犯中國漁民的人身和財產(chǎn)安全以及人格尊嚴,公然踐踏基本人權。 106. The Philippines has repeatedly infringed China's maritime rights and interests in an attempt to expand and entrench its illegal claims in the South China Sea. These actions have grossly violated China's sovereignty and rights and interests in the South China Sea. By doing so, the Philippines has seriously violated its own commitment made under the DOC to exercise self-restraint in the conduct of activities that would complicate or escalate disputes. By firing upon Chinese fishing boats and fishermen, illegally seizing and detaining Chinese fishermen, giving them inhumane treatment and robbing them of their property, the Philippines has gravely infringed upon the personal and property safety and the dignity of Chinese fishermen and blatantly trampled on their basic human rights.
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