


      發(fā)布時(shí)間:2016-09-13 15:22:58??|??來(lái)源:中國網(wǎng)??|??作者:??|??責任編輯:李瀟

      國務(wù)院新聞辦公室12日發(fā)表了《中國司法領(lǐng)域人權保障的新進(jìn)展》白皮書(shū)。全文如下:The State Council Information Office of the People's Republic of China on Monday issued a white paper on new progress in the judicial protection of human rights in China. Following is the full text of the document.


      New Progress in the Judicial Protection of Human Rights in China
      The State Council Information Office
      of the People's Republic of China
      September 2016

      一、不斷健全人權司法保障機制I. Strengthen the Mechanism of Judicial Protection of Human Rights
      二、進(jìn)一步完善人權司法保障程序II. Further Improve the Legal Guarantee Procedure of Human Rights
      三、努力提高人權司法保障執行力III. Enhance Judicial Protection of Human Rights
      四、切實(shí)保障被羈押人合法權利IV. Safeguard the Legitimate Rights and Interests of Detainees
      尊重和保障人權,是中國的憲法原則,也是中國共產(chǎn)黨、中國政府和中國人民的堅定意志與不懈追求。司法是維護社會(huì )公平正義的最后一道防線(xiàn),司法領(lǐng)域的人權保障是人權事業(yè)發(fā)展的重要方面。多年來(lái),特別是中共十八大以來(lái),中國堅持人民主體地位,恪守以民為本理念,保證和發(fā)展人民當家作主,充分實(shí)現人民權利、充分保障人民權益,推動(dòng)科學(xué)立法、嚴格執法、公正司法、全民守法,促進(jìn)國家治理體系和治理能力現代化,有效保障了人民依法享有廣泛的權利和自由、履行應盡的義務(wù)。Respecting and protecting human rights is a constitutional principle in China. It also reflects the will and pursuit of the Communist Party of China (CPC), the Chinese government and the Chinese people. The judiciary is the last line of defense to safeguard social fairness and justice, and judicial protection of human rights is an important part of human rights progress in a country. In recent years, especially since the 18th National Congress of the CPC, China has upheld the dominant position of the people, taking a people-first approach and ensuring that the people are the masters of the nation. The state strives to ensure the rights of the people, fully protects their interests, and promotes legislature based on rational analysis, strict law enforcement, judicial justice, and observance of the law by all citizens. Progress has been made in modernizing the system and capacity of state governance. China has effectively protected the people's rights and freedoms in an extensive array of fields in accordance with the law, while its people duly fulfill their obligations.
      隨著(zhù)法治中國建設的全面推進(jìn),中國司法領(lǐng)域人權保障不斷取得新進(jìn)展:司法體制改革全面深化,司法職權配置進(jìn)一步優(yōu)化,司法責任制不斷完善,司法公開(kāi)大力推進(jìn),律師執業(yè)權利保障得到加強,公民參與司法的渠道繼續拓寬,人權司法保障機制更加健全;實(shí)行立案登記制,修改完善訴訟制度,嚴格落實(shí)罪刑法定、疑罪從無(wú)、非法證據排除等法律原則,堅決防止和糾正冤假錯案,人權司法保障程序更加規范;司法機關(guān)依法獨立公正行使職權,司法公信力不斷提高,國家賠償、法律援助工作力度加大,司法的公平正義得到捍衛,公民權利得到有力保障;對待犯罪嫌疑人、被告人和罪犯更加文明,刑罰執行更加規范,被羈押人的人格尊嚴、人身安全、合法財產(chǎn)和申訴、控告、檢舉等合法權利得到有效保障。As China enhances the rule of law in all respects, new progress has been made in human rights protection in the field of justice. The reform of the judiciary has been driven to a deeper level, with improvements in the allocation of judicial powers and responsibilities, judicial accountability and opening-up, and the protection of lawyers' right to practice their profession. Channels of public participation in justice have been expanded, and the judicial protection of human rights has been improved. China has implemented a case-filing register system, revamped and improved its litigation system, and strictly enforced principles of legality, in dubio pro reo, exclusion of unlawful evidence. The state is resolute in preventing and correcting miscarriages of justice, and the procedures for protecting human rights in judicial practice have been raised to higher standards. The judiciary exercises its power independently and impartially in accordance with the law, leading to strengthened public credibility. Further efforts have been made in terms of state compensation and legal aid. Judicial fairness and justice is safeguarded, and citizens' rights are effectively protected. Crime suspects, defendants and criminals are treated in a more civilized manner, punishments are meted out in a more standardized way, and the personal dignity, safety, and legal property of detainees are all well protected, as are their rights of appeal, accusation, and impeachment.
      人類(lèi)追求文明進(jìn)步永無(wú)止境,中國的法治文明建設依然在路上。不斷改進(jìn)和完善中國司法領(lǐng)域的人權保障,仍將是中國全面推進(jìn)依法治國的重要內容。中國將堅持立足本國國情,積極借鑒人類(lèi)法治文明優(yōu)秀成果,不斷提升人權司法保障水平,努力維護社會(huì )公平正義,全面建設社會(huì )主義法治國家。There is no end to mankind's pursuit of progress. There is still much room for improvement for the rule of law in China. Strengthening judicial protection of human rights will continue to be a major task in implementing the rule of law. China will proceed from its prevailing reality, learn from the achievements of other countries regarding the rule of law, enhance judicial protection of human rights, safeguard social fairness and justice, and implement the rule of law in all respects.

      一、不斷健全人權司法保障機制I. Strengthen the Mechanism of Judicial Protection of Human Rights
      全面深化司法體制改革,合理配置司法職權,完善司法責任制,大力推進(jìn)司法公開(kāi),建立健全國家司法救助制度,保障律師執業(yè)權利和公民陪審監督權利。China is striving to drive reform of the judiciary to a deeper level, allocate judicial powers and responsibilities in a more rational way, improve the judicial accountability system, promote judicial transparency, establish a national judicial assistance system, and ensure the right of lawyers to practice their profession and the rights of citizens to act as assessors and overseers.
      進(jìn)一步優(yōu)化司法職權配置,確保審判權和檢察權依法獨立公正行使。中共十八大和十八屆三中、四中全會(huì )對深化司法體制改革作出重大部署。2014年至2015年,中央全面深化改革領(lǐng)導小組召開(kāi)了19次全體會(huì )議,其中13次涉及司法體制改革議題,審議通過(guò)了27個(gè)司法體制改革文件。公安機關(guān)完善執法權力運行機制,推進(jìn)受案立案制度改革,加大對受案立案的審核監督。最高人民檢察院制定《關(guān)于深化檢察改革的意見(jiàn)(2013-2017年工作規劃)》。最高人民法院發(fā)布《關(guān)于全面深化人民法院改革的意見(jiàn)——人民法院第四個(gè)五年改革綱要(2014-2018)》。2014年以來(lái),完善司法責任制、完善司法人員分類(lèi)管理制度、健全司法職業(yè)保障制度、推進(jìn)省以下地方法院檢察院人財物省級統一管理四項改革逐步在全國推開(kāi)試點(diǎn)。以審判為中心的訴訟制度改革正在穩步推進(jìn)。Further improve the allocation of judicial powers and responsibilities, and ensure the independent and impartial exercise of the judicial and procuratorial power. Major plans for deeper reform of the judiciary were made at the 18th National Congress of the CPC and the third and fourth plenary sessions of the 18th Central Committee of the CPC. In 2014-2015, the Central Leading Group for Deepening Overall Reform held 19 meetings, 13 of which involved reform of the judiciary. The Group examined and approved 27 judiciary reform documents in total. Public security organs have improved the mechanism of law enforcement, changed the case-filing review system to case-filing register system, and strengthened examination and supervision of case admitting work. The Supreme People's Procuratorate has issued the "Opinions on Deepening Procuratorial Reform (Work Plan for 2013-2017)," and the Supreme People's Court has released the "Opinions on Deepening the Reform of People's Courts in All Respects - the Fourth Five-Year Reform Plan of the People's Courts (2014-2018)." Since 2014, pilot programs have been promoted nationwide to improve performance in the following areas: judicial accountability, category-based management of judicial personnel, job security for the judicial profession, and unified management of the personnel, finance and property of people's courts and procuratorates below the provincial level. The reform of trial-centered litigation is making headway.
      2014年,北京、上海組建跨行政區劃人民法院和人民檢察院,辦理跨地區重大刑事、民事、行政案件,解決一些當事人“爭管轄”和訴訟“主客場(chǎng)”問(wèn)題,促進(jìn)法律統一正確實(shí)施。2015年,最高人民法院在深圳、沈陽(yáng)分別設立最高人民法院第一、第二巡回法庭,審理跨行政區域重大行政和民商事案件,全年共收案1774件,審結1653件,審限內結案率為100%。In 2014, people's courts and people's procuratorates transcending administrative boundaries were established in Beijing and Shanghai, to handle major cross-regional criminal, civil and administrative cases. This was to address certain parties' concerns over the authority of the jurisdiction in charge of their cases, and to promote the unified and correct application of laws. In 2015, the Supreme People's Court set up its first and second circuit courts in Shenzhen and Shenyang for major cross-regional administrative, civil and commercial cases. In 2015 the circuit courts handled 1,774 cases and concluded 1,653 of them, concluding all cases within the time limit.
      逐步建立健全司法責任制,法官檢察官辦案主體地位更加凸顯。逐步完善主審法官責任制、合議庭辦案責任制和檢察官辦案責任制,明確法官、檢察官辦案的權力和責任,對所辦案件質(zhì)量終身負責,嚴格錯案責任追究,形成權責明晰、權責統一、管理有序的司法權力運行機制。改革裁判文書(shū)簽署機制,明確除審判委員會(huì )討論決定的案件以外,法院院長(cháng)、副院長(cháng)、庭長(cháng)對其未直接參加審理案件的裁判文書(shū)不再進(jìn)行審核簽發(fā)。明確法院院長(cháng)、庭長(cháng)除參加審判委員會(huì )、專(zhuān)業(yè)法官會(huì )議外,不得對其沒(méi)有參加審理的案件發(fā)表傾向性意見(jiàn),不得直接否定獨任法官、合議庭意見(jiàn)。改革審判委員會(huì )制度,審判委員會(huì )評議實(shí)行錄音、錄像,全程留痕,所有參加討論和表決的委員應當在審判委員會(huì )會(huì )議記錄上簽名,并建立審判委員會(huì )履職考評和內部公示機制。上海市試點(diǎn)法院直接由獨任法官、合議庭裁判的案件比例達99.9%,提交審判委員會(huì )討論的案件只有0.1%。

      Improve the judicial accountability system, and enhance the central role of judges and prosecutors in case handling. We will improve the accountability systems of presiding judges, collegial benches, and prosecutors for the cases they handle. The powers and responsibilities of judges and prosecutors have been made clear, and they have lifelong accountability for the cases they adjudicate. A strict accountability system for misjudgments has been implemented. Thus a judiciary operation mechanism with clear distinction between and unification of powers and responsibilities, and well management has taken shape. The judiciary has reformed the signing of written judgments, with a clear provision that other than in cases decided by a judicial committee, the presidents, vice presidents and divisional chief judges will not review and sign the written judgments of cases they did not participate in. It has been made clear that presidents and divisional chief judges of people's courts are not allowed to air judgmental opinions on cases they did not hear, or negate the opinion of trial judges and collegial benches, unless they attended deliberations, on such cases at the judicial committees or meetings of judges with specialized knowledge.

      Reform has been carried out in judicial committees. The deliberation sessions of judicial committees are recorded with audio-visual devices from beginning to end, and all committee members who have participated in the discussion and cast their votes must sign their names in the meeting minutes. A performance appraisal and internal public evaluation system has also been established for judicial committees. In pilot courts of Shanghai, the rate of cases handled independently by trial judges and collegial benches reached 99.9 percent of all cases, with only 0.1 percent of cases submitted to judicial committees for discussion.

      公安部修訂《公安機關(guān)執法質(zhì)量考核評議規定》和《公安機關(guān)人民警察執法過(guò)錯責任追究規定》,建立完善科學(xué)合理的執法質(zhì)量考評機制,健全執法過(guò)錯糾正和責任追究制度,對實(shí)施刑訊逼供、違法使用警械武器等行為的人員嚴格追究執法責任。國家有關(guān)部門(mén)發(fā)布《領(lǐng)導干部干預司法活動(dòng)、插手具體案件處理的記錄、通報和責任追究規定》和《司法機關(guān)內部人員過(guò)問(wèn)案件的記錄和責任追究規定》。各級法院的案件信息管理系統設立內外部人員過(guò)問(wèn)案件信息錄入專(zhuān)庫,對領(lǐng)導干部干預司法活動(dòng)和司法機關(guān)內部人員過(guò)問(wèn)案件的情況,全面、如實(shí)、及時(shí)進(jìn)行記錄。2015年11月6日和2016年2月1日,12起領(lǐng)導干部干預司法活動(dòng)、插手具體案件和司法機關(guān)內部人員違反規定過(guò)問(wèn)案件的典型案例被先后公開(kāi)通報,相關(guān)責任人被依法依規處理。The Ministry of Public Security amended the Regulations on the Appraisal of Law Enforcement by Public Security Organs, and the Regulations on Law Enforcement Accountability of People's Police of Public Security Organs, establishing a complete and effective appraisal system for monitoring the quality of law enforcement and for improving accountability in the investigation of misconduct during law enforcement. Forced confessions and illegal employment of police instruments or weapons are subject to strict investigation for their responsibility. The Chinese authorities issued the Regulations on the Recording, Notification, and Accountability Investigation of Leading Officials for Interventions in Judicial Activities and Handling of Specific Cases, and the Regulations on the Recording and Accountability Investigation of Staff Members of Judicial Organs for Their Intervention in Case Handling. People's courts at all levels have set up special archives in their case information management systems for recording internal and external interest and intervention in case-handling, so as to record in a complete, strict, and timely fashion any intervention in judicial activities by leading officials and any interest in cases expressed by staff members. On November 6, 2015 and February 1, 2016, 12 such cases were made public, and those adjudged to have transgressed received punishments pursuant to the law.
      大力推進(jìn)司法公開(kāi),當事人和公眾的知情權、監督權得到有效保障。最高人民法院建立審判流程公開(kāi)、裁判文書(shū)公開(kāi)、執行信息公開(kāi)三大平臺。截至2015年年底,中國審判流程信息公開(kāi)網(wǎng)總訪(fǎng)問(wèn)量達87.85萬(wàn)人次;中國裁判文書(shū)網(wǎng)共公布裁判文書(shū)1448萬(wàn)份,總訪(fǎng)問(wèn)量達4.1億人次;執行信息公開(kāi)網(wǎng)共發(fā)布被執行人信息3434.7萬(wàn)條,提供執行案件信息查詢(xún)3685萬(wàn)人次。中國法院庭審直播網(wǎng)2015年共視頻直播庭審3795次。2016年1月,“快播案”庭審在互聯(lián)網(wǎng)視頻直播,累計100余萬(wàn)人在線(xiàn)觀(guān)看。人民檢察院案件信息公開(kāi)系統自2014年10月正式運行,截至2015年,共發(fā)布案件程序性信息254萬(wàn)余件、重要案件信息102萬(wàn)余條、生效法律文書(shū)76萬(wàn)余份。Promote judicial transparency, and ensure the right to know and the right to supervise for concerned parties and the public. The Supreme People's Court has established three platforms for releasing information on judicial process, written judgments, and the execution of judgments. By the end of 2015 China Judicial Process Information Online had had a total of 878,500 visits, China Judgments Online had released 14,480,000 copies of written judgments and garnered 410 million visits, and China Law Enforcement Information Online had publicized 34,347,000 information entries about persons subject to judgment execution, and offered information services to 36,850,000 visitors. In 2015, Chinacourt.org broadcasted 3,795 live trials online. The January 2016 online broadcast of the Qvod Player (Kuaibo) case attracted more than one million viewers. The case information disclosure system of the people's procuratorates was officially launched in October 2014, and by 2015 it had released 2,540,000 pieces of information about the judicial process, 1,020,000 entries providing information on key cases, and 760,000 copies of effective legal documents.
      司法機關(guān)通過(guò)新聞發(fā)布會(huì )、政務(wù)網(wǎng)站、微博、微信、新聞客戶(hù)端等,創(chuàng )新司法公開(kāi)的形式和內容。2015年,最高人民法院召開(kāi)新聞發(fā)布會(huì )26場(chǎng),最高人民檢察院召開(kāi)新聞發(fā)布會(huì )14場(chǎng),公安部召開(kāi)新聞發(fā)布會(huì )12場(chǎng)。截至2015年,全國各級法院共開(kāi)通微博賬號3980個(gè)、微信公眾號1447個(gè)、新聞客戶(hù)端1468個(gè),全國檢察機關(guān)共開(kāi)通微博賬號4085個(gè)、微信公眾號3186個(gè)、新聞客戶(hù)端2550個(gè),全國公安機關(guān)共開(kāi)通微博賬戶(hù)、微信公眾號2.6萬(wàn)余個(gè),各級司法行政機關(guān)共開(kāi)通微博賬戶(hù)、微信公眾號、法治宣傳客戶(hù)端和普法網(wǎng)站8000多個(gè)。最高人民法院推出中國法院手機電視應用程序軟件,截至2015年共發(fā)布視頻2862條,內容更新量22245分鐘,用戶(hù)達65.18萬(wàn)人。Judicial organs have innovated the form of releasing judicial information, such as press conferences, websites, Weibo (microblog), WeChat, and news apps. In 2015, the Supreme People's Court held 26 press conferences. The Supreme People's Procuratorate held 14, and the Ministry of Public Security held 12. By 2015, people's courts at all levels nationwide had opened 3,980 Weibo and 1,447 WeChat accounts, and created 1,468 news apps. People's procuratorates at all levels nationwide had opened 4,085 Weibo and 3,186 WeChat accounts, and launched 2,550 news apps. Public security organs had opened 26,000 Weibo and WeChat accounts, and administrative organs of justice at all levels had opened a total of 8,000 Weibo and WeChat accounts and legal education apps and websites. The Supreme People's Court launched a mobile TV app, releasing 2,862 videos by 2015, with 22,245 minutes of updated content and 651,800 users.
      不斷完善律師執業(yè)權利保障制度,律師維護當事人合法權益的作用得到更好發(fā)揮。2015年,最高人民法院、最高人民檢察院、公安部、國家安全部、司法部聯(lián)合發(fā)布《關(guān)于依法保障律師執業(yè)權利的規定》,進(jìn)一步落實(shí)相關(guān)法律規定,明確律師執業(yè)權利保障的各項措施,便利律師參與訴訟,完善律師執業(yè)權利保障的救濟機制和責任追究機制。司法機關(guān)在各自職責范圍內依法保障律師知情權、申請權、申訴權,以及會(huì )見(jiàn)、閱卷、收集證據和發(fā)問(wèn)、質(zhì)證、辯論等方面的執業(yè)權利,確保律師依法履行辯護、代理職責不受阻礙,當事人合法權利不受侵害。Ensure lawyers' right of practice, so that lawyers are playing a bigger role in safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of parties concerned. In 2015, the Supreme People's Court, the Supreme People's Procuratorate, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of State Security, and the Ministry of Justice jointly issued the Regulations on Protecting Lawyers' Right of Practice in Accordance with the Law, which further implements relevant legal provisions, makes clear various measures to protect lawyers' right of practice, makes it more convenient for lawyers to participate in litigation, and improves the remedy and accountability mechanisms for ensuring lawyers' right to practice. Within the scope of their functions and duties and as prescribed by the law, judicial organs have protected lawyers' rights to know, their rights of application and appeal, and the rights to meet their clients, to read case files, to collect evidence and ask questions, to cross-examine, and to debate in court. Judicial organs have ensured that lawyers are not deterred from defending and representing the parties concerned, whose legitimate rights are protected in accordance with the law.
      各級公安機關(guān)加快推進(jìn)律師會(huì )見(jiàn)室建設,建立網(wǎng)上預約平臺或者公布預約電話(huà),為律師會(huì )見(jiàn)提供便利,并確保律師會(huì )見(jiàn)不被監聽(tīng)。檢察機關(guān)切實(shí)履行對妨礙律師依法執業(yè)的法律監督職責。2015年,各級檢察機關(guān)共監督糾正阻礙律師依法行使訴訟權利案件1093件。2015年12月,最高人民法院律師服務(wù)平臺正式上線(xiàn),共收集律師事務(wù)所信息21707家,錄入律師信息81476條,為律師參加訴訟活動(dòng)提供網(wǎng)上立案、網(wǎng)上閱卷、案件查詢(xún)、電子送達、聯(lián)系法官等更加便捷的法律服務(wù)。截至2015年,全國共有1734家法院開(kāi)通12368訴訟服務(wù)熱線(xiàn),為當事人及律師提供自助或人工查詢(xún)咨詢(xún),共接聽(tīng)來(lái)電76270件。2016年1月,最高人民法院發(fā)布《關(guān)于依法切實(shí)保障律師訴訟權利的規定》,進(jìn)一步明確了人民法院對律師訴訟權利和人身安全的保障,并規定有條件的法院要為參加庭審的律師提供休息場(chǎng)所,配備桌椅、飲水及其他必要設施。北京、四川等地法院開(kāi)辟了律師更衣室、休息室等,律師參加訴訟活動(dòng)更有尊榮感。

      Public security organs at all levels have accelerated the provision of lawyers' meeting rooms, and opened online platform for lawyers to make appointments to visit their clients and made known to the public such appointment phone numbers, providing convenience to meetings between lawyers and their clients and ensuring their conversations are not monitored. Procuratorial organs have effectively fulfilled their role of supervision over the obstruction of lawyers' right to practice.

      In 2015, procuratorial organs at all levels resolved 1,093 cases involving infringement of lawyers' procedural rights pursuant to the law. In December 2015, the Supreme People's Court launched a lawyers service platform, collating 21,707 entries concerning law firms and 81,476 entries concerning lawyers. The platform offers convenient legal services to lawyers, including online case register, online access to case files, case information inquiry, electronic service of legal documents, and judges' contact details.

      By 2015, 1,734 courts had opened the "12368" litigation service hotline, providing self- or staff-service information for parties concerned and lawyers, and handled a total of 76,270 inquiry calls.

      In January 2016, the Supreme People's Court issued the Regulations on Effectively Protecting Lawyers' Procedural Rights in Accordance with the Law, which further clarifies the protection of lawyers' procedural rights and personal safety by people's courts, and stipulates that courts should, if conditions allow, provide lounges with desks, chairs, drinking water and other necessities for lawyers participating in court trials. Some courts in Beijing and Sichuan have provided changing rooms and waiting rooms for lawyers, protecting their dignity in litigious activities.

      試點(diǎn)改革人民陪審員和人民監督員制度,公民陪審和監督權利得到進(jìn)一步保障。2015年4月,全國人大常委會(huì )通過(guò)《關(guān)于授權在部分地區開(kāi)展人民陪審員制度改革試點(diǎn)工作的決定》。2015年5月,最高人民法院、司法部聯(lián)合發(fā)布《人民陪審員制度改革試點(diǎn)工作實(shí)施辦法》,在10個(gè)省(自治區、直轄市)50個(gè)法院實(shí)行人民陪審員制度改革試點(diǎn)。截至2015年,試點(diǎn)法院新增選人民陪審員7800多人,人民陪審員總數增至法官總數的約4倍。2015年,全國人民陪審員共參審案件284.6萬(wàn)件。山東省東營(yíng)市中級人民法院吸收人民陪審員參與審理倪發(fā)科受賄、巨額財產(chǎn)來(lái)源不明案,是人民陪審員首次參審重大職務(wù)犯罪案件。2014年9月,最高人民檢察院、司法部在北京等10個(gè)省(自治區、直轄市)聯(lián)合開(kāi)展人民監督員制度改革試點(diǎn),按照新的改革要求組織監督案件1505件。全國各級檢察機關(guān)目前共有人民監督員1.5萬(wàn)多人。2012年至2015年,人民監督員共監督檢察機關(guān)查辦職務(wù)犯罪案件中“擬撤銷(xiāo)案件”和“擬不起訴”兩類(lèi)案件8161件。其中,對216件案件提出不同意檢察機關(guān)擬處理決定的意見(jiàn),檢察機關(guān)采納109件,采納率達50.5%。對屬于人民監督員監督范圍的其他9種情形提出監督糾正意見(jiàn)1040件。Conduct pilot programs to reform the system of people's assessors and supervisors, and ensure citizens' right to act as assessors and supervisors. In April 2015, the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress (NPC) issued the Decision on Authorizing the Implementation of the Pilot Program to Reform the System of People's Assessors in Certain Areas. In May 2015, the Supreme People's Court and the Ministry of Justice jointly issued the Measures on Implementing the Pilot Program to Reform the System of People's Assessors, rolling out reform at 50 courts in 10 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government). By 2015, these courts had welcomed 7,800 new people's assessors, four times the number of judges. In 2015, people's assessors took part in the trial of 2,846,000 cases. At the Dongying Intermediate People's Court of Shandong Province, people's assessors participated in a major work-related crime for the first time when hearing the trial of Ni Fake for accepting bribery and obtaining significant revenues from unclear sources. In September 2014, the Supreme People's Procuratorate and the Ministry of Justice jointly launched a pilot program to reform the system of people's supervisors in Beijing and nine other provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government), supervising the handling of 1,505 cases according to the new reform requirements. Currently there are 15,000 people's supervisors at all levels of procuratorial organs. In 2012-2015, people's supervisors participated in 8,161 cases of work-related crimes, which are under the categories of "might be revoked" and "might not be prosecuted." Of the 216 cases in which people's supervisors gave opinions different from the preliminary decisions of procuratorial organs, 109 cases, or 50.5 percent, were ruled in favor of the people's supervisors. People's supervisors also presented 1,040 opinions regarding the nine situations within their supervisory scope.
      進(jìn)一步推進(jìn)涉訴信訪(fǎng)法治化,權利救濟途徑更加完善。建立健全涉法涉訴信訪(fǎng)工作機制,按照“訴訪(fǎng)分離、有序分流、依法解決”的原則,規范涉法涉訴信訪(fǎng)工作的受理范圍、標準、程序和工作職責,整合來(lái)信、來(lái)訪(fǎng)、電話(huà)、網(wǎng)絡(luò )、視頻等訴求表達渠道,推進(jìn)綜合性受理平臺建設,保障人民群眾依法表達訴求權利。組織律師參與信訪(fǎng)接待、代理信訪(fǎng)案件,增強化解信訪(fǎng)問(wèn)題的公信力。2014年2月,最高人民法院開(kāi)通網(wǎng)上申訴信訪(fǎng)平臺。2014年5月,最高人民法院開(kāi)通遠程視頻接訪(fǎng)系統,截至2015年完成接談8200余件。2015年,最高人民法院接待群眾來(lái)訪(fǎng)人數同比下降12%。最高人民檢察院建成全國四級檢察機關(guān)全聯(lián)通的遠程視頻接訪(fǎng)系統。2015年,各級檢察機關(guān)共接收、辦理群眾信訪(fǎng)114.8萬(wàn)件次。2012年至2015年,司法部共接待來(lái)訪(fǎng)群眾19788人次,登記來(lái)訪(fǎng)6537件(次),收到群眾來(lái)信73843件,涉及司法行政系統的群眾來(lái)信10337件。

      Appropriately handle letters and visits involving lawsuits in accordance with the law, and improve the channels of rights relief. A working mechanism of handling letters and visits involving lawsuits has been established, which runs according to the principles that litigation and letters and visits are separated, that letters and visits are divided in an orderly manner, and that letters and visits are handled in accordance with the law. There has been greater standardization in the scope, procedure, and responsibilities involving letters and visits concerning lawsuits. More channels are now available for people to air their grievances, including letters, visits, telephone calls, the internet, and videos, and integrated online platforms have been introduced for this purpose, ensuring that the people have access to claim their rights in accordance with the law. Lawyers have been invited to participate in activities of receiving letters and visits, and act as agents to handle them, in a way that strengthens public faith in the letters and visits system.

      The Supreme People's Court opened an online platform for complaints and appeals in February 2014, and an online video system to receive complaints and appeals in May of that year, which handled a total of 8,200 cases by 2015. In 2015, visits to the Supreme People's Court of those who were seeking legal justice to their own case dropped by 12 percent on a year-on-year basis. The Supreme People's Procuratorate established an online video system to receive appeals, which connects procuratorial organs at all four levels. In 2015, procuratorial organs at all levels received and handled 1,148,000 letters and visits. In 2012-2015, the Ministry of Justice received 19,788 people, registered 6,537 visits, and received 73,843 letters, including 10,337 letters on matters relating to the administrative organs of justice.

      廢止勞動(dòng)教養制度,強化以法治思維和法治方式管理社會(huì )。實(shí)行了50多年的勞動(dòng)教養制度在特定條件下為維護社會(huì )治安秩序、確保社會(huì )穩定、教育挽救違法人員發(fā)揮了積極作用。隨著(zhù)治安管理處罰法、禁毒法等法律的施行和刑法的不斷完善,以及相關(guān)法律的有機銜接,勞動(dòng)教養制度的作用逐漸被取代,勞動(dòng)教養措施的使用逐漸減少。2013年12月,全國人大常委會(huì )通過(guò)《關(guān)于廢止有關(guān)勞動(dòng)教養法律規定的決定》,廢止了勞動(dòng)教養制度;并規定對正在被依法執行勞動(dòng)教養的人員,解除勞動(dòng)教養,剩余期限不再執行。Abolish the system of reeducation through labor, and strengthen social governance with the rule of law. For more than 50 years, the system of reeducation through labor played a positive role in China, appropriate to the historical circumstances, in protecting public security, maintaining social order, ensuring social stability, and educating and rehabilitating lawbreakers. But over time its functions were gradually replaced with the implementation of laws such as the Law on Penalties for Administration of Public Security and the Law on Narcotics Control, and also through improvements in the Criminal Law. Over the years, as the relevant laws became increasingly applicable in cases of reeducation through labor, the correction system played a lesser role. In December 2013, the Standing Committee of the NPC passed the Decision on Annulment of the Regulations on Reeducation Through Labor, putting an end to the system. It was also decided that persons who were receiving reeducation through labor as prescribed by law should be released and exempted from their remaining terms.
      建立完善國家司法救助制度,加大受害人保護力度。2014年,最高人民法院、最高人民檢察院、公安部等6部門(mén)聯(lián)合發(fā)布文件,建立完善國家司法救助制度。國家對受到侵害但無(wú)法獲得有效賠償的刑事被害人等給予經(jīng)濟資助,幫助其擺脫生活困境。司法機關(guān)嚴格遵守司法救助申請告知義務(wù),對符合條件的救助對象,及時(shí)發(fā)放救助資金。2015年,全國共發(fā)放司法救助資金16.69億元,71700個(gè)司法救助案件的當事人及其家庭得到救助。截至2015年年底,公安機關(guān)累計對6338人發(fā)放司法救助資金約1.4億元。2014年1月至2015年10月,各級檢察機關(guān)共受理1.3萬(wàn)多人國家司法救助申請,發(fā)放救助金1.2億元。各級法院2013年至2015年共為有困難的訴訟當事人減免訴訟費6.25億元。Establish a national judicial assistance system, and strengthen the protection of victims. In 2014, six state organs, including the Supreme People's Court, the Supreme People's Procuratorate, and the Ministry of Public Security, jointly issued a document for establishing the national judicial assistance system. Under the framework, the state provides economic assistance to victims of crime who are unable to obtain financial compensation, to help them through difficulties. Judicial organs strictly perform their duty of notifying such victims of their right to apply for judicial assistance, and ensuring that eligible applicants receive timely relief. In 2015, 1.67 billion yuan went to 71,700 victims and their families. By the end of 2015, public security organs had given 140 million yuan in judicial assistance to 6,338 persons. From January 2014 to October 2015, procuratorial organs at all levels received 13,000 applications for judicial assistance, and granted 120 million yuan of relief. From 2013 to 2015, people's courts at all levels allowed 625 million yuan in reduction or exemption of litigation fees for parties in economic difficulty.
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      二、進(jìn)一步完善人權司法保障程序II. Further Improve the Legal Guarantee Procedure of Human Rights
      改革法院案件受理制度,變立案審查制為立案登記制;修改刑事訴訟法,落實(shí)罪刑法定、疑罪從無(wú)、非法證據排除等法律原則;修改民事訴訟法,促進(jìn)糾紛有效解決;修改行政訴訟法,強化行政相對人合法權益保護;制定實(shí)施首部反家庭暴力法,加強對家庭暴力受害人人身權利的法律保障。We have reformed the case admitting system by converting the case-filing review system into a case-filing register system. We have revised the Criminal Procedure Law, and implemented principles of legality, presumption of innocence, exclusion of unlawful evidence. We have revised the Civil Procedure Law to effectively settle disputes. We have also revised the Administrative Procedure Law to strengthen the protection of legitimate rights and interests of private parties in administrative lawsuits. We have enacted the first Anti-Domestic Violence Law to strengthen legal protection of the personal rights of victims of domestic violence.
      人民法院改立案審查制為立案登記制,當事人訴權得到更好保障。2015年5月1日,人民法院立案登記制開(kāi)始實(shí)施。對當事人提交的訴狀,人民法院一律予以接收、登記,符合法律規定的起訴和受理條件的,一律予以立案受理,切實(shí)做到有案必立、有訴必理,當事人依法“無(wú)障礙”行使訴權。2015年5月至12月,各級法院共登記立案初審案件994.4萬(wàn)件,同比增長(cháng)29.54%,當場(chǎng)登記立案率達95%,其中民事案件同比增長(cháng)26.45%,行政案件同比增長(cháng)66.51%,刑事自訴案件同比增長(cháng)58.66%。房屋拆遷、土地征用、政府信息公開(kāi)等行政訴訟“立案難”問(wèn)題得到切實(shí)解決。People's courts change the case-filing review system into a case-filing register system to better protect litigants' right of appeal. On May 1, 2015, a case-filing register system came into operation. People's courts should accept and register all cases of litigation, handle all those that meet the conditions of admissibility and prosecution, and ensure that all cases are entered and properly handled, and that litigious right is exercised without obstruction. From May to December in 2015, 9.94 million first trial cases were registered at courts across the country, a year-on-year increase of 29.54 percent; the on-the-spot case registration rate was 95 percent, among which civil cases increased by 26.45 percent, administrative cases 66.51 percent and criminal cases 58.66 percent. Difficulties in filing administrative lawsuits concerning housing demolition, land acquisition, and government information disclosure were significantly eased.
      確立非法證據排除制度,保障犯罪嫌疑人合法權利。2012年修改的刑事訴訟法明確規定尊重和保障人權,并通過(guò)完善證據制度、強制措施、辯護制度、偵查措施、審判程序、執行程序及增加規定特別程序予以落實(shí)。刑事訴訟法明確規定辦案機關(guān)實(shí)施拘留、逮捕后,應當將被拘留人、被逮捕人立即送看守所羈押,并確立訊問(wèn)犯罪嫌疑人、被告人全程錄音錄像制度。2014年,公安部發(fā)布文件,對需要進(jìn)行訊問(wèn)錄音錄像的案件范圍、錄制要求等進(jìn)一步作出明確規定。公安機關(guān)辦案區訊問(wèn)室和看守所訊問(wèn)室普遍安裝錄音錄像設施,開(kāi)展訊問(wèn)犯罪嫌疑人錄音錄像工作,有效預防刑訊逼供、違法取證等執法不規范問(wèn)題。最高人民檢察院發(fā)布《人民檢察院訊問(wèn)職務(wù)犯罪嫌疑人實(shí)行全程同步錄音錄像的規定》,進(jìn)一步規范偵查訊問(wèn)活動(dòng),強化對犯罪嫌疑人合法權利的保障。刑事訴訟法明確規定了非法證據的范圍及排除非法證據的具體程序。司法機關(guān)在偵查、審查起訴和審判階段發(fā)現有應當排除的非法證據的,都應當予以排除。2015年,各級檢察機關(guān)對偵查機關(guān)不應當立案而立案的,督促撤案10384件;監督糾正濫用強制措施、違法取證等偵查活動(dòng)違法情形31874件次。2014年,河北省順平縣檢察院在審查辦理王某某涉嫌故意殺人案時(shí),針對多處疑點(diǎn),堅決排除非法證據,作出不批捕決定,提出補充偵查意見(jiàn),公安機關(guān)最終抓獲真兇。Put in place a system to exclude unlawful evidence and protect the legitimate rights and interests of criminal suspects. The Criminal Procedure Law revised in 2012 has specific provisions on respecting and protecting human rights, and their implementation has been guaranteed through improving the evidence system, compulsory measures, defense system, investigation methods, trial procedure, and enforcement procedures, and by adding special procedures. The Criminal Procedure Law stipulates that after detaining and arresting suspects, the law enforcement agencies should immediately commit detainees and arrestees to custody in detention houses and ensure the interrogations of suspects and defendants are audio- and video-recorded. In 2014, the Ministry of Public Security issued more explicit regulations concerning the scope of and interrogation recording requirements for cases subject to audio and video recording. The interrogation rooms of public security organs and detention houses are all equipped with audio and video recording facilities to prevent misconduct in law enforcement such as extorting confessions by torture and obtaining evidence through illegal means. The Supreme People's Procuratorate issued the Provisions on Making Synchronous Audio and Video Recordings Throughout the Entire Process of Interrogation of Suspects in Work-Related Offences by People's Procuratorates to further regulate investigation and interrogation activities and strengthen protection of the legitimate rights and interests of criminal suspects. The Criminal Procedure Law outlines the scope of unlawfully-obtained evidence and procedures for excluding such evidence. The judicial organs should exclude such unlawful evidence if they find any during the criminal investigation, examination and prosecution, or trial of a case. In 2015, the procuratorial organs at all levels demanded the withdrawal of 10,384 cases wrongly filed by investigation organs, and regulated 31,874 cases of illegal conduct involving abuse of compulsory measures and unlawfully obtaining evidence. In 2014, the procuratorate of Shunping County, Hebei Province resolutely excluded illegally-obtained evidence in reviewing a murder case and decided not to approve arrest, and demanded provision of more evidence. The real murderer was later caught by a public security organ.

      Implement the principle of presumption of innocence to prevent and correct miscarriages of justice. In 2013, the Ministry of Public Security issued the Notice on Further Strengthening and Improving Law Enforcement to Prevent Miscarriages of Justice and some other documents to prevent cases of misjudgment and to strengthen comprehensive, complete and real-time scrutiny of law enforcement to prevent miscarriages of justice at source. The Ministry of Justice issued the Opinions on Maximizing the Functions of the Forensic Assessment System to Prevent Miscarriages of Justice to strengthen forensic assessment management and further regulate such activities. The Supreme People's Procuratorate released Several Opinions on Effectively Performing Procuratorial Functions to Prevent and Correct Miscarriages of Justice, scrutinizing all activities concerning evidence, procedures and application of laws and to improve the system of discovery, correction, and prevention of cases of misjudgment, and to hold to account those responsible. In 2015, the procuratorial organs at all levels decided not to arrest 131,675 people and not to prosecute 25,778 in cases involving lack of evidence or actions that do not constitute a crime. In addition, they appealed against 6,591 judgments of criminal cases that they deemed wrong judgments. The Supreme People's Court issued the Opinions on Establishing and Improving the Working Mechanisms for the Prevention of Miscarriages of Justice in Criminal Cases, stipulating that the defendants should be acquitted for lack of evidence and no one should be prosecuted without criminal evidence. From 2012 to 2015, people's courts at all levels acquitted 3,369 defendants. A number of wrongful convictions were overturned in accordance with the law. These included the following cases:

      . rape and murder by Zhang Hui and Zhang Gaoping, nephew and uncle

      . poisoning by Nian Bin

      . rape and murder by Hugjiltu

      . rape and murder by Xu Hui

      . murder by Huang Jiaguang

      . rape and murder by Wang Benyu

      . murder by Yu Yingsheng

      . murder and arson by Chen Man

      . poisoning by Qian Renfeng

      . murder by Xu Jinlong

      . murder by Yang Ming

      開(kāi)展刑事案件速裁程序試點(diǎn),保障被告人獲得快速審判。2014年6月,全國人大常委會(huì )通過(guò)《關(guān)于授權最高人民法院、最高人民檢察院在部分地區開(kāi)展刑事案件速裁程序試點(diǎn)工作的決定》。2014年8月,最高人民法院、最高人民檢察院在北京、天津、上海、重慶等18個(gè)城市開(kāi)展刑事案件速裁程序試點(diǎn)工作,對事實(shí)清楚、證據充分,被告人自愿認罪,當事人對適用法律沒(méi)有爭議的危險駕駛、交通肇事、盜竊、詐騙、搶奪、傷害、尋釁滋事等情節較輕,依法可能判處一年以下有期徒刑、拘役、管制的案件,或者依法單處罰金的案件,在遵循刑事訴訟法的基本原則、充分保障當事人的訴訟權利的前提下,進(jìn)一步簡(jiǎn)化相關(guān)訴訟程序。截至2015年,全國212個(gè)試點(diǎn)基層人民法院適用速裁程序共審結刑事案件31086件,占試點(diǎn)法院同期判處一年以下有期徒刑以下刑罰案件的33.13%,占同期全部刑事案件的15.48%。其中,10日內審結的占92.77%,當庭宣判率達95.94%;附帶民事訴訟原告人上訴率為零,被告人上訴率僅為2.13%。

      Carry out the pilot program of fast-track sentencing procedure for criminal cases to ensure defendants get speedy trials. In June, 2014, the Decision on Authorizing the Supreme People's Court and the Supreme People's Procuratorate to Launch the Pilot Program of Fast-Track Sentencing Procedure for Criminal Cases in Certain Areas was issued by the Standing Committee of the NPC. In August, 2014, the Supreme People's Court and the Supreme People's Procuratorate were authorized to launch a pilot program of fast-track sentencing for criminal cases in 18 cities including Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, and Chongqing. It concerns cases involving dangerous driving, traffic offenses, theft, fraud, forcible seizure, personal injury, picking quarrels and making trouble, or any other violation where the circumstances are minor and the accused may be sentenced to imprisonment of not more than one year, criminal detention, control, or a fine. If the facts are clear, the evidence is sufficient, the defendant voluntarily confesses to the crime, and the parties do not dispute the application of law, the relevant procedure shall be simplified, provided that it is in conformity with the basic principles of the Criminal Procedure Law, and the litigation rights of the parties concerned are fully protected.

      By 2015, 31,086 criminal cases suitable for the fast-track sentencing procedure were concluded in 212 pilot courts at the primary level nationwide, 33.13 percent of all cases involving imprisonment of not more than one year in the same period in pilot courts at the primary level, representing 15.48 percent of all criminal cases in all courts nationwide. 92.77 percent of these were concluded within 10 days, and the pronouncement rate in court was 95.94 percent; the appeal rate of the plaintiffs with incidental civil action was zero and that of defendants was only 2.13 percent.

      規范強制措施,減少羈押性強制措施的適用。刑事訴訟法對羈押性強制措施作出進(jìn)一步完善,細化了逮捕的條件,明確了作為逮捕條件的社會(huì )危險性的具體標準,減少羈押性強制措施的適用,刑事強制措施的適用更加規范,公民人身自由權利保護更加有力。2014年,最高人民法院、最高人民檢察院、公安部聯(lián)合下發(fā)文件,明確了換押和羈押期限變更通知的范圍、換押程序、通知程序、送達方式等,進(jìn)一步預防和糾正超期羈押。檢察機關(guān)嚴格執行法定逮捕條件和審查逮捕程序,堅持少捕、慎捕。2015年,各級檢察機關(guān)對涉嫌犯罪但無(wú)社會(huì )危險性的決定不批捕90086人,對犯罪情節輕微、依法不需要判處刑罰的決定不起訴50787人。建立在押人員羈押必要性審查制度。犯罪嫌疑人、被告人被逮捕后,人民檢察院仍對被羈押人的羈押必要性進(jìn)行審查。發(fā)現不需要繼續羈押的,建議有關(guān)司法機關(guān)予以釋放或者變更強制措施。2015年,全國檢察機關(guān)對不需要繼續羈押的29211名犯罪嫌疑人建議釋放或變更強制措施。Regulate compulsory measures and reduce application of compulsory custodial measures. The Criminal Procedure Law further improved compulsory custodial measures, refined conditions for arrest, defined the social risk criteria of offences and reduced the application of compulsory custodial measures to standardize the application of criminal coercive measures and better protect citizens' rights of personal freedom. In 2014, the Supreme People's Court, the Supreme People's Procuratorate, and the Ministry of Public Security jointly issued documents to specify who should be notified when there are any changes in the place or time of custody, procedure of custody change, notification procedure and form of delivery, etc. as another attempt to prevent and correct extended custody. The procuratorial organs strictly abide by arrest conditions and procedures prescribed by law, with a view to being prudent when making arrest decisions and reducing the numbers of arrests. In 2015, the procuratorial organs at all levels decided not to arrest 90,086 people suspected of crimes but posing no social danger, and decided not to prosecute 50,787 people accused of minor offenses but not subject to punishment according to law. A review system on the need for custody has been established. After the arrest of criminal suspects and defendants, the people's procuratorate still conducts a review on the necessity of keeping them in custody. If this is not necessary, it would suggest the relevant judicial organs release them or modify the compulsory measures. In 2015, procuratorate organs nationwide advised the release of 29,211 criminal suspects who needed no continued custody or whose compulsory measures be changed.
      完善未成年人刑事案件訴訟程序,促進(jìn)犯罪未成年人回歸社會(huì )。2012年修改的刑事訴訟法,在特別程序中增加了未成年人刑事案件訴訟程序一章,規定對犯罪的未成年人實(shí)行教育、感化、挽救的方針,堅持教育為主、懲罰為輔的原則,由熟悉未成年人身心特點(diǎn)的審判人員、檢察人員和偵查人員承辦未成年人刑事案件。公安部修訂《公安機關(guān)辦理刑事案件程序規定》,最高人民檢察院修訂《人民檢察院辦理未成年人刑事案件的規定》,最高人民法院發(fā)布關(guān)于適用刑事訴訟法的司法解釋?zhuān)瑢π淌略V訟法關(guān)于涉罪未成年人的特殊保護制度進(jìn)一步細化。各級公安機關(guān)設立專(zhuān)門(mén)機構或指定專(zhuān)職人員,按照有關(guān)專(zhuān)門(mén)要求辦理未成年人違法犯罪案件。最高人民檢察院2015年成立了獨立的未成年人檢察工作辦公室。截至2016年3月,全國有12個(gè)省級檢察院、123個(gè)市級檢察院、893個(gè)基層檢察院成立了有獨立編制的未成年人檢察專(zhuān)門(mén)機構。人民法院穩步推進(jìn)少年法庭建設。截至2015年,全國共有少年法庭2253個(gè),有少年法庭法官7200多名。Improve procedures for juvenile criminal cases to help underage offenders better reintegrate into the society. The Criminal Procedure Law amended in 2012 added a chapter of procedures for juvenile criminal cases in the special procedures section, specifying the principle of "education, persuasion and rehabilitation" for juvenile offenders, sticking to the principle of applying primarily educational measures, and taking punitive sanctions as ancillary means. Judicial organs assign officials who have a good knowledge of the physical and psychological characteristics of minors to handle juvenile cases. The Ministry of Public Security revised the Provisions on the Procedures for Handling Criminal Cases by Public Security Organs, the Supreme People's Procuratorate amended the Rules for the People's Procuratorate's Handling of Criminal Cases Involving Minors, and the Supreme People's Court released a judicial interpretation applicable to the Criminal Procedure Law, further detailing the special protection measures for juvenile offenders. Public security organs at all levels set up special agencies or designated full-time staff to deal with juvenile delinquency in line with special requirements. In 2015 the Supreme People's Procuratorate set up the Procuratorial Office for Juvenile Delinquency. By March, 2016, 12 procuratorates at provincial level, 123 at city level and 893 at primary level had established special independent procuratorial agencies for juvenile delinquency. People's courts are pressing ahead with the building of juvenile courts. By 2015, there were 2,253 juvenile courts and over 7,200 judges of juvenile court nationwide.
      公安機關(guān)、人民檢察院和人民法院在辦理未成年人刑事案件過(guò)程中,嚴格落實(shí)年齡審查、指定辯護、慎用羈押措施等工作要求,依法通知法定代理人、合適成年人到場(chǎng);對未成年犯罪嫌疑人、被告人的成長(cháng)經(jīng)歷、犯罪原因、監護教育等情況進(jìn)行調查并作為辦案的參考;審判時(shí)被告人不滿(mǎn)十八周歲的案件,不公開(kāi)審理;對犯罪時(shí)不滿(mǎn)十八周歲,被判處五年有期徒刑以下刑罰的,實(shí)行犯罪記錄封存;積極開(kāi)展對違法犯罪及有不良行為未成年人的幫教轉化工作。自2002年以來(lái),未成年人重新犯罪率基本控制在2%左右,未成年人犯罪案件數整體呈現下降趨勢,未成年罪犯占全部罪犯的比例逐漸下降,2015年下降到3.56%。The public security organs, people's procuratorates and people's courts strictly implement requirements such as reviewing age, designating lawyers for defendants, and prudently applying custody measures in handling juvenile criminal cases, and notifying legal representatives and appropriate adults to be present. The judicial organs may take into consideration the family and school background, cause of crime, guardianship and education of a juvenile offender and use these as references when handling a case. Trials of cases in which the offenders are under the age of 18 will not be open to the public. If the offender is under 18 at the time of the crime and sentenced to less than five years of imprisonment, the records of the crime will be sealed. Efforts are made to educate and transform juvenile delinquents and minors involved in misbehavior. Since 2002, the juvenile relapse rate has been brought below 2 percent, and juvenile delinquency cases have decreased gradually to a ratio of 3.56 percent of all crimes in 2015.
      健全民事訴訟制度,加強對社會(huì )公共利益的保護。2012年修改的民事訴訟法,建立了公益訴訟制度。對污染環(huán)境、侵害眾多消費者合法權益等損害社會(huì )公共利益的行為,法律規定的機關(guān)和有關(guān)組織可以依法向人民法院提起訴訟。2015年,最高人民法院發(fā)布司法解釋?zhuān)瑢Νh(huán)境民事公益訴訟案件的起訴主體、管轄法院、審理程序等作出了規定。2015年,最高人民檢察院根據全國人大常委會(huì )的授權,在生態(tài)環(huán)境和資源保護、國有資產(chǎn)保護、國有土地使用權出讓、食品藥品安全等領(lǐng)域開(kāi)展提起公益訴訟試點(diǎn)。試點(diǎn)檢察機關(guān)共對325起案件啟動(dòng)訴前程序,提出檢察建議,督促相關(guān)行政機關(guān)已履行職責或糾正違法224件、相關(guān)社會(huì )組織提起公益訴訟6件。對仍不履行職責或沒(méi)有社會(huì )組織提起公益訴訟、公共利益繼續受到侵害的,檢察機關(guān)提起公益訴訟12件。Improve civil procedure system to strengthen protection of social and public interests. The Civil Procedure Law revised in 2012 set up a public interest litigation system. For conduct which damages public interests such as environmental pollution, or infringement of consumers' legitimate rights and interests, the relevant units and organizations prescribed by law may bring a lawsuit to the people's court. In 2015, the Supreme People's Court released a judicial interpretation to specify the prosecutor, court of jurisdiction, and trial procedure in environmental civil public interest litigation. In 2015, with the authorization of the Standing Committee of the NPC, the Supreme People's Procuratorate launched a pilot program for public interest litigation in the fields of ecological and resource protection, state assets protection, assignment of land use right of state-owned land, food and drug safety, etc. The pilot procuratorates launched pre-trial procedure in 325 cases, gave suggestions and urged relevant administrative organs to take action or correct 224 violations and some social organizations to institute six public interest litigations. In cases of non-performance of duties, or in absence of social organizations taking any action, while public interests are being continually damaged, the procuratorial organs may institute public interest litigations. In 2015, there were 12 such cases.
      制定實(shí)施反家庭暴力法,加強對家庭暴力受害人人身權利的法律保障。修改后的民事訴訟法對行為保全作出規定,為人身保護裁定提供了明確的法律依據。2015年12月,全國人大常委會(huì )通過(guò)反家庭暴力法,規定對家庭暴力行為根據情節輕重對加害人出具告誡書(shū)、給予治安管理處罰或追究刑事責任等,并首次設立人身安全保護令制度,切實(shí)保障家庭暴力受害人特別是未成年人、老年人、殘疾人、孕期和哺乳期婦女的合法權益。最高人民法院、最高人民檢察院、公安部、司法部聯(lián)合發(fā)布《關(guān)于依法辦理家庭暴力犯罪案件的意見(jiàn)》,加強司法對家庭暴力的及時(shí)干預。2014年至2015年,最高人民法院先后公布15起涉家庭暴力典型案例,為進(jìn)一步保障婦女、未成年人、老年人合法權益提供司法指導。廣州市越秀區人民法院審理林某某申請人身安全保護案,依法出具人身安全保護令,禁止被申請人余某對妻子林某某及其家人施暴,禁止余某利用騷擾、跟蹤等手段妨礙林某某及其家人的正常生活,禁止余某在林某某居住區200米范圍內活動(dòng),有效保障了申請人的人身安全。Formulate and implement Anti-Domestic Violence Law to strengthen legal protection of the personal right of victims. The revised Civil Procedure Law stipulates provisions for behavior regulation and defines the legal basis for rulings on personal protection. In December 2015, the Standing Committee of the NPC adopted the Anti-Domestic Violence Law, which stipulates that the offender should be given a written admonition, or subject to public security punishment or criminal sanctions based on the seriousness of the case. A personal safety protection writ system was set up for the first time to effectively protect the legitimate rights and interests of victims of domestic violence, particularly minors, the elderly, the disabled, and pregnant and lactating women. The Supreme People's Court, the Supreme People's Procuratorate, the Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry of Justice jointly released the Opinions on Handling Domestic Violence Cases in Accordance with Law to strengthen timely judicial intervention in cases of domestic violence. From 2014 to 2015, the Supreme People's Court released 15 typical cases involving domestic violence, providing judicial guidance to further protect the legitimate rights and interests of women, minors, and the elderly. The people's court of Yuexiu District, Guangzhou City accepted an application for personal safety protection from a woman named Lin, and issued a Personal Safety Protection Writ, forbidding respondent Xu, her husband, from inflicting violence on her and her family, and from interfering with the normal life of her and her family by harassing or tracking, and prohibiting his presence within 200 meters of her residence to effectively protect the personal safety of the applicant.
      改革行政訴訟制度,保障行政相對人的合法權益。2014年修改的行政訴訟法著(zhù)力解決實(shí)踐中“立案難、審理難、執行難”問(wèn)題。明確規定人民法院依法受理行政案件,行政機關(guān)不得干預、阻礙。人民法院在審理行政案件中,可以對國務(wù)院部門(mén)和地方人民政府及其部門(mén)制定的規范性文件進(jìn)行審查,經(jīng)審查認為規范性文件不合法的,不作為認定行政行為合法性的依據,并向制定機關(guān)提出處理建議。明確規定復議機關(guān)決定維持原行政行為的,復議機關(guān)和作出原行政行為的機關(guān)是共同被告。明確規定行政機關(guān)負責人應當出庭應訴。完善促進(jìn)行政機關(guān)履行生效判決的措施,對于行政機關(guān)拒絕履行判決、裁定、調解書(shū)的,人民法院可以對行政機關(guān)負責人、直接負責的主管人員和其他直接責任人員依法采取罰款、拘留等措施。Reform the administrative litigation system to protect the legitimate rights and interests of private parties to administrative lawsuits. The revised Administrative Procedure Law in 2014 aimed to resolve difficulties in filing, adjudication, and execution of court rulings. It specifies that administrative agencies are not allowed to interfere with or impede the admission of administrative cases by the people's courts. In handling administrative cases, the people's courts can review regulatory documents formulated by ministries under the State Council, local people's governments and their departments, and if they find them unlawful, such documents cannot be used as references of legality in administrative cases and people's courts should offer suggestions to the enactment bodies. It also stipulates that if the reconsideration organ's decision sustains the original administrative action, the administrative organ taking the original administrative action and the reconsideration organ shall be co-defendants. The individual in charge of an administrative organ against which a complaint is filed shall appear in court to respond to the complaint. Measures should be improved to motivate administrative organs to implement effective judgments, and if they refuse to implement such judgments, convictions or mediation papers, people's courts may impose fines on or arrest leading members of administrative organs, persons in direct charge and others held accountable.
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      三、努力提高人權司法保障執行力III. Enhance Judicial Protection of Human Rights
      依法懲治違法犯罪,公正審理民事、行政案件,強化生效裁判執行,完善社區矯正、國家賠償和法律援助制度,切實(shí)保障公民生命財產(chǎn)權利、民生權利等合法權益。China punishes crimes by law, tries civil and administrative cases fairly, and strengthens the execution of effective judgments. It endeavors to improve institutions of community correction, state compensation and legal aid, and diligently safeguard citizens' right of life, property right, right of livelihood and other legitimate rights and interests.
      依法辦理各類(lèi)刑事案件,保障人民群眾生命財產(chǎn)權利。重點(diǎn)懲治暴力恐怖、嚴重暴力、黑惡勢力、涉槍涉爆、食藥安全、制販毒品等犯罪。公安機關(guān)先后開(kāi)展打擊暴力恐怖活動(dòng)、打黑除惡、打擊整治非法調查和非法買(mǎi)賣(mài)公民信息、打擊電信詐騙犯罪和利用“偽基站”違法犯罪等專(zhuān)項行動(dòng)。最高人民檢察院與公安部、國家食品藥品監督管理總局共同制定食品藥品行政執法與刑事司法銜接工作辦法,2015年各級檢察機關(guān)共建議食品藥品監管部門(mén)移送涉嫌犯罪案件1646件,監督公安機關(guān)立案877件。完善檢察機關(guān)同步介入生產(chǎn)安全事故調查處理機制,2015年共起訴重大責任事故犯罪2199人,查處事故所涉職務(wù)犯罪823人。天津港“8·12”特別重大火災爆炸事故發(fā)生后,檢察機關(guān)迅速介入調查,分別以涉嫌玩忽職守罪、濫用職權罪、受賄罪,對25人立案偵查。2012年至2015年,各級法院審結各類(lèi)一審刑事案件406.26萬(wàn)件。依法審理云南昆明“3·01”暴恐案、北京 “10·28”暴恐案等暴力恐怖犯罪案件,審結黑社會(huì )性質(zhì)組織犯罪案件2070件,審結殺人、搶劫、綁架、強奸等犯罪案件105.05萬(wàn)件,審結毒品犯罪案件41.73萬(wàn)件。

      Handle all kinds of criminal cases by law to protect people's right of life and property right. The state focuses on punishing violent terrorist crimes, serious crimes of violence, gangland crimes, crimes involving guns and explosives, crimes endangering food and medicine safety, crimes related to drug production and trafficking, and some other crimes. Public security organs have launched a series of special actions to fight against violent terrorist activities, combat organized criminal gangs, crack down on illegal gathering and trading of citizens' information, and combat telecommunication fraud and the use of pseudo base stations.

      Together with the Ministry of Public Security and the China Food and Drug Administration, the Supreme People's Procuratorate has formulated working methods connecting administrative law enforcement on food and medicine crimes with criminal justice. In 2015, procuratorial organs at all levels recommended to food and drug regulatory authorities to bring 1,646 suspected criminal cases to lawsuit, and supervised and urged public security organs to file 877 cases. The mechanism enabling procuratorial organs to synchronously engage in investigating and handling industrial accidents has been improved. In 2015 procuratorial organs prosecuted 2,199 people for being liable for serious accidents, and investigated and dealt with 823 involved in these accidents for work-related crimes. After the Tianjin Port fire and explosion incident on August 12, 2015, procuratorial organs quickly launched an investigation, and then placed on file 25 cases of criminals suspected of dereliction of duty, abuse of power, and bribery. From 2012 to 2015, courts at all levels concluded 4,062,600 criminal cases of first instance. Related courts tried, according to the law, the case of the Kunming terrorist attack on March 1, 2014, that of Beijing terrorist attack on October 28, 2013, and other cases of violent terrorist crimes. Courts concluded 2,070 cases of gangland crimes, 1,050,500 cases of murder, robbery, kidnapping, rape and other crimes, and 417,300 cases of drug-related crimes.

      依法懲處腐敗犯罪和職務(wù)犯罪,為人權保障創(chuàng )造良好的政治和法治環(huán)境。2015年,各級檢察機關(guān)共立案偵查職務(wù)犯罪案件40834件54249人。其中,查辦貪污賄賂、挪用公款100萬(wàn)元以上的案件4490件,同比上升22.5%;查辦受賄犯罪13210人、行賄犯罪8217人;查辦國家機關(guān)工作人員瀆職侵權犯罪13040人;查辦事關(guān)群眾切身利益的征地拆遷、社會(huì )保障、教育、醫療、“三農”等民生領(lǐng)域的職務(wù)犯罪20538人。2012年至2015年,各級法院共審結貪污賄賂犯罪案件9.49萬(wàn)件,判處罪犯10.02萬(wàn)人;審結行賄案件1.03萬(wàn)件,判處罪犯9219人;審結瀆職犯罪案件2.13萬(wàn)件,判處罪犯2.35萬(wàn)人。其中被告人原為廳局級以上的381人,原為縣處級以上的2269人。依法判處周永康無(wú)期徒刑,剝奪政治權利終身,并處沒(méi)收個(gè)人財產(chǎn);判處薄熙來(lái)無(wú)期徒刑,剝奪政治權利終身,并處沒(méi)收個(gè)人財產(chǎn)。Punish by law crimes of corruption and work-related crimes to create a favorable political and legal environment for the protection of human rights. In 2015, procuratorial organs at all levels placed on file and investigated 40,834 cases of work-related crimes involving 54,249 people. Specifically, they investigated and dealt with 4,490 cases of embezzlement, bribery, and defalcation of more than one million yuan each, a year-on-year increase of 22.5 percent; 13,210 people for taking bribes and 8,217 for offering bribes; 13,040 civil servants for dereliction and malfeasance; and 20,538 people for work related crimes in land requisition and demolition, social security, education, health care, the Three Rural (agriculture, rural areas and farmers) issues and other livelihood fields concerning immediate interests of the people. From 2012 to 2015, courts at all levels concluded 94,900 cases of corruption and bribery and sentenced 100,200 criminals; concluded 10,300 cases of offering bribes and sentenced 9,219 criminals; and concluded 21,300 cases of dereliction of duty, and sentenced 23,500 criminals. Among the defendants, 381 were formerly at/above the department or bureau level, and 2,269 were at/above the county or division level. Zhou Yongkang was sentenced to life imprisonment and deprived of political rights for life, and his personal assets were confiscated. Bo Xilai was sentenced to life imprisonment and deprived of political rights for life, and his personal assets were confiscated.
      打拐專(zhuān)項行動(dòng)深入推進(jìn),反對拐賣(mài)婦女兒童工作取得重要進(jìn)展。堅持不懈預防、打擊拐賣(mài)婦女和兒童犯罪,落實(shí)《中國反對拐賣(mài)人口行動(dòng)計劃(2013-2020年)》,解救拐賣(mài)犯罪被害人。刑法修正案(九)對收買(mǎi)被拐賣(mài)婦女和兒童的行為,加大了處罰力度。公安機關(guān)深入推進(jìn)打拐專(zhuān)項行動(dòng),完善工作機制,縣(市、區)公安機關(guān)主要領(lǐng)導或主管領(lǐng)導擔任拐賣(mài)兒童案件專(zhuān)案組長(cháng),全程負責;在全國實(shí)行兒童失蹤快速查找機制,充分調動(dòng)警務(wù)資源快速查找失蹤兒童;開(kāi)展全國來(lái)歷不明兒童集中摸排行動(dòng),對疑似被拐賣(mài)兒童采集DNA信息后,錄入全國打拐DNA信息庫比對。截至2015年,全國打拐DNA信息庫已為4100多名被拐賣(mài)兒童找到親生父母。公安部打拐辦開(kāi)通微博,普及防拐知識,推動(dòng)全社會(huì )提高防拐反拐意識,支持參與打拐工作。拐賣(mài)婦女兒童犯罪得到有效遏制,案件數量自2013年起逐年下降。各級法院2015年審結的拐賣(mài)婦女兒童犯罪案件數量比2010年下降了55.55%。Advance special actions against human trafficking, and make important progress in combating trafficking in women and children. China has made unremitting efforts to prevent and crack down on the abduction and trafficking of women and children. It has worked to implement China's National Plan of Action on Combating Trafficking in Women and Children (2013-2020) and to rescue abducted victims. Amendment (IX) to the Criminal Law increases penalties for whoever buys an abducted woman or child. Public security organs have launched special actions against human trafficking, and improved their working mechanisms. The principal leader or a leader in direct charge of a public security organ at the county (city or district) level should take charge of a special group for the examination of child trafficking cases, and take responsibility throughout the whole process. A mechanism for quickly searching for missing children has been put in place around the country, under which police resources are fully mobilized to quickly find missing children. A uniform operation of thorough search and investigation for children of unknown origin has been carried out nationwide, in which DNA information of children suspected of being the victims of abduction is collected and recorded into a national DNA database for comparison. As of 2015, the national DNA database against trafficking had helped more than 4,100 abducted children find their birth parents. The Anti-Trafficking Office of the Ministry of Public Security opened a Weibo to popularize information on anti-trafficking, promote public awareness in preventing and combating trafficking, and encourage people to support and participate in anti-trafficking work. Through these efforts, crimes of trafficking in women and children have been effectively curbed, and the number of such cases has decreased year by year since 2013. The number of cases of trafficking in women and children that courts at all levels concluded in 2015 fell by 55.55 percent compared to 2010.
      依法懲處侵犯未成年人違法犯罪,強化未成年人權利保障。2013年,最高人民法院、最高人民檢察院、公安部、司法部聯(lián)合發(fā)布《關(guān)于依法懲治性侵害未成年人犯罪的意見(jiàn)》,突出了對未成年被害人的權益保護和對性侵害犯罪分子的依法嚴懲。2014年10月,最高人民法院、最高人民檢察院、公安部、民政部聯(lián)合發(fā)布《關(guān)于依法處理監護人侵害未成年人權益行為若干問(wèn)題的意見(jiàn)》,對實(shí)施性侵害、暴力、虐待、遺棄未成年人的父母或其他監護人,依法撤銷(xiāo)其監護人資格。刑法修正案(九)取消了嫖宿幼女罪名,對此類(lèi)行為適用刑法關(guān)于奸淫幼女的,以強奸論、從重處罰的規定;規定對未成年人、老年人等負有監護、看護職責的人虐待被監護、看護的人,情節惡劣的,處三年以下有期徒刑或者拘役。2013年至2015年,各級人民法院共審結猥褻兒童犯罪案件7610件,判處6620人;審結虐待罪刑事案件224件。2015年,江蘇省徐州市銅山區人民法院審結首例撤銷(xiāo)未成年人父母監護人資格案件。公安機關(guān)加強校園及周邊治安環(huán)境整治,有效維護校園安全。全國共設立校園周邊警務(wù)室和治安崗亭17萬(wàn)個(gè),設立“護學(xué)崗”26萬(wàn)個(gè),每日巡邏力量達30萬(wàn)人次。各地校園配備保安員70萬(wàn)名、防護裝備120萬(wàn)件,安裝技防設備68萬(wàn)套。Bring to justice criminals who infringe the rights of minors, and strengthen the protection of minors' rights. In 2013, the Supreme People's Court, the Supreme People's Procuratorate, the Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry of Justice jointly issued the Opinions on Legally Punishing the Crime of Sexual Assault Against Minors, highlighting protection of minor victims' rights and severe punishment of criminals engaging in sexual assault against minors. In October 2014, the Supreme People's Court, the Supreme People's Procuratorate, the Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry of Civil Affairs issued the Opinions on Several Issues Concerning Law-based Handling of the Infringement of the Rights and Interests of Minors by Their Guardians, deciding that guardianship of parents or other guardians who sexually assault, treat with violence, abuse and abandon minors will be revoked according to law. Amendment (IX) to the Criminal Law abolishes the crime of sex with a girl under the age of 14, and stipulates that whoever has sexual relations with a girl under the age of 14, as applicable to the Criminal Law, shall be deemed to have committed rape and shall be given a heavier punishment. It also stipulates that anyone who maltreats a minor or an elderly person whom they are responsible for guarding and nursing, if the case is serious, shall be sentenced to imprisonment or criminal detention of not more than three years. From 2013 to 2015, people's courts at all levels concluded 7,610 cases involving child molestation, and sentenced 6,620 criminals; and concluded 224 criminal cases of maltreatment. In 2015, the People's Court of Tongshan District, Xuzhou City, Jiangsu Province concluded the first case of revoking the guardianship of a minor's parents. Public security organs have strengthened police on campus and in surrounding areas, and effectively maintained campus safety. Around the country, 170,000 police offices and security sentry boxes have been set up in surrounding areas of schools, and 260,000 posts for protecting students have been set up, representing a daily patrol force of 300,000. Schools have employed 700,000 security guards and provided them with 1.2 million items of protective equipment, and installed 680,000 sets of equipment for technical defense.
      嚴格控制和慎用死刑,確保死刑只適用于極少數罪行極其嚴重的犯罪分子。繼2011年刑法修正案(八)取消13個(gè)經(jīng)濟性非暴力犯罪的死刑后,2015年通過(guò)的刑法修正案(九)再次減少適用死刑的罪名,取消走私武器、彈藥罪,走私核材料罪,走私假幣罪,偽造貨幣罪,集資詐騙罪,組織賣(mài)淫罪,強迫賣(mài)淫罪,阻礙執行軍事職務(wù)罪,戰時(shí)造謠惑眾罪9個(gè)罪的死刑,并進(jìn)一步提高對判處死刑緩期執行的罪犯執行死刑的門(mén)檻。在死刑案件中充分保障被告人的辯護權和其他合法權益,實(shí)行死刑第二審案件全部開(kāi)庭審理。最高人民法院復核死刑案件注重依法訊問(wèn)被告人,聽(tīng)取辯護律師的意見(jiàn)。Strictly control the death penalty and employ it with prudence to ensure that it applies only to a very small number of extremely serious criminal offenders. Following the Amendment (VIII) to the Criminal Law in 2011 which abolishes the death penalty for 13 economy-related, non-violent offenses, Amendment (IX) to the Criminal Law, adopted in 2015, again reduces the number of crimes for capital punishment, abolishing the death penalty for nine areas of crime: smuggling arms and ammunitions, smuggling nuclear materials, smuggling counterfeit currency notes, counterfeiting currency, illegally raising funds, organizing others for prostitution, forcing others into prostitution, obstructing commanders or personnel in the performance of their military duties, and creating rumors and misleading the people during time of war. Amendment (IX) to the Criminal Law also extends the possibility of reprieve in cases of capital sentence. In death penalty cases, the defendant's right to defense and other legitimate rights and interests are fully protected, as hearings are held for all death penalty cases of second instance. When the Supreme People's Court reviews a death penalty case, it focuses on interrogating the defendant in accordance with the law, and listening to opinions of the defense counsel.
      依法審理民商事案件,切實(shí)保障民生權利。2012年至2015年,各級法院審結民商事案件3230.24萬(wàn)件。其中,審結農村承包合同糾紛案件9.01萬(wàn)件、宅基地糾紛案件1萬(wàn)件,審結婚姻家庭、撫養繼承等案件661.16萬(wàn)件。妥善處理人身傷害、勞動(dòng)就業(yè)、教育、醫療、住房等與人民生產(chǎn)生活密切相關(guān)的案件,依法保障民生。2012年至2015年,各級人民法院共審結涉民生案件233.43萬(wàn)件。Try civil and commercial cases by law to effectively protect people's right of livelihood. From 2012 to 2015, courts at all levels concluded 32,302,400 civil and commercial cases. Among these, 90,100 involved rural contract disputes, 10,000 involved homestead disputes, and 6,611,600 cases involved marriage and family, upbringing and inheritance. The courts properly handled cases relating to personal injury, employment, education, health care, housing, and other areas closely related to people's daily and working life, protecting people's livelihood according to the law. From 2012 to 2015, people's courts at all levels concluded a total of 2,334,300 such cases.
      依法審理環(huán)境資源案件,保護公民環(huán)境權益。2014年6月,最高人民法院設立環(huán)境資源審判庭。截至2015年,全國共有24個(gè)省(自治區、直轄市)的法院設立環(huán)境資源審判庭、合議庭、巡回法庭,共計456個(gè)。2012年至2015年,各級法院共審結各類(lèi)涉及資源、環(huán)境案件49.55萬(wàn)件。2013年至2015年,最高人民法院先后4次共計發(fā)布33起環(huán)境資源典型案例,保障環(huán)境資源法律的全面、正確、統一施行,推動(dòng)生態(tài)環(huán)境司法治理。Hear cases involving the environment or resource use to protect citizens' environmental rights. In June 2014, the Supreme People's Court established a tribunal for lawsuits involving the environment and resource use. As of 2015, courts of 24 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government) had established 456 tribunals, collegial benches and circuit courts for environment cases. From 2012 to 2015, courts at all levels concluded a total of 495,500 such cases. From 2013 to 2015, the Supreme People's Court notified the public of 33 typical environment cases on four occasions, trying to ensure environment and resource laws are properly applied in a comprehensive, correct, and consistent way, and to promote environmental protection on the basis of the law.
      依法審理行政訴訟案件,維護行政相對人合法權益。2012年至2015年,各級法院共審結各類(lèi)行政案件57.9萬(wàn)件。妥善審理社會(huì )關(guān)注的房屋拆遷行政訴訟案件,依法保護被拆遷人合法權益,審結房屋拆遷行政訴訟案件3.28萬(wàn)件。健全行政機關(guān)負責人依法出庭應訴制度。江蘇省行政機關(guān)負責人行政訴訟出庭應訴率2014年至2015年均在90%以上,其中海安縣人民政府連續3任縣長(cháng)親自出庭應訴,連續6年行政機關(guān)負責人出庭應訴率達100%。加強行政案件協(xié)調和非訴行政案件執行等工作,促進(jìn)化解行政糾紛。及時(shí)向行政機關(guān)反饋審判工作中發(fā)現的行政執法突出問(wèn)題,促進(jìn)依法行政。2014年至2015年,最高人民法院先后發(fā)布“征收拆遷十大案例”“信息公開(kāi)十大案例”“環(huán)境保護十大案例”“行政不作為十大案例”和“經(jīng)濟行政十大案例”,規范行政執法,統一裁判尺度。Hear administrative cases to safeguard legitimate rights and interests of private parties. From 2012 to 2015, courts at all levels concluded 579,000 administrative cases of various types. The courts properly heard administrative proceedings involving house demolitions of high social concern, protecting the legitimate rights and interests of displaced people in accordance with the law. They concluded 32,800 administrative cases involving house demolitions. The system whereby the individual in charge of an administrative agency appears and defends the organ in court in accordance with the law has been improved. In 2014 and 2015, among Jiangsu administrative agencies involved in administrative proceedings, more than 90 percent of those in charge appeared in court. Three consecutive magistrates of Hai'an County People's Government personally appeared in court. For six years, all heads of various administrative organs of this county, when involved in administrative proceedings, appeared in court. Coordination of administrative cases and enforcement of non-litigation administrative cases have been strengthened, helping resolve administrative disputes. Timely feedback on prominent law enforcement problems found in court trials has been provided to administrative agencies to promote law-based administration. From 2014 to 2015, the Supreme People's Court made known to the public ten cases concerning land acquisition, house demolition and relocation, ten information disclosure cases, ten cases concerning environmental protection, ten cases concerning administrative nonfeasance, and ten administrative cases concerning commercial interests. In so doing, it has regulated administrative law enforcement, and provided uniform criteria for judgment.
      依法審理國家賠償案件,保障賠償請求人合法權益。2015年,最高人民法院、最高人民檢察院聯(lián)合制定《關(guān)于辦理刑事賠償案件適用法律若干問(wèn)題的解釋》,明確細化了終止追究刑事責任的情形,解決了實(shí)踐中因刑事案件久拖不決公民無(wú)法申請國家賠償的問(wèn)題,對促進(jìn)辦案機關(guān)依法行使職權、保障公民取得國家賠償的權利,發(fā)揮了重要作用。2012年至2015年,各級法院共審結國家賠償案件1.23萬(wàn)件。2016年1月7日,最高人民法院、最高人民檢察院聯(lián)合公布8起刑事賠償典型案例。Safeguard legitimate rights and interests of applicants in state compensation cases. In 2015, the Supreme People's Court and the Supreme People's Procuratorate jointly issued the Interpretation on Several Issues Concerning the Application of Law in the Handling of Criminal Cases Regarding Compensation, elaborating on the circumstances under which investigation of criminal liabilities is terminated. The document has helped solve problems for citizens who cannot apply for state compensation due to protracted criminal cases, and played an important role in urging case handling organs to exercise functions according to the law and in protecting the right to state compensation. From 2012 to 2015, courts at all levels concluded a total of 12,300 cases on state compensation. On January 7, 2016, the Supreme People's Court and the Supreme People's Procuratorate brought the public's attention to eight typical criminal cases on state compensation.
      強化生效裁判執行工作,保護執行案件當事人合法權益。最高人民法院修改《關(guān)于限制被執行人高消費的若干規定》,全面限制失信被執行人非生活或經(jīng)營(yíng)必須的消費,建立全社會(huì )失信懲戒聯(lián)動(dòng)機制。截至2015年,全國共有308萬(wàn)名被執行人被納入失信名單,累計攔截357.7萬(wàn)人次購買(mǎi)飛機票,59.88萬(wàn)人次購買(mǎi)列車(chē)軟臥、高鐵和動(dòng)車(chē)一等座以上車(chē)票。2012年至2015年,各級法院共新收申請執行案件1259.14萬(wàn)件,執結1190.6萬(wàn)件。加強涉民生案件執行。2015年12月1日至2016年2月15日,最高人民法院開(kāi)展涉民生案件集中執行,著(zhù)重執行涉及人民群眾生存生活的追索勞動(dòng)報酬、農民工工資、贍養費、撫養費等9類(lèi)案件,截至2016年1月15日,全國共執結約6萬(wàn)件,執行到位約20億元。Reinforce enforcement of effective judgment to protect legitimate rights and interests of relevant parties. The Supreme People's Court revised Several Provisions on Restricting Extravagant Spending of the Persons Subject to Enforcement, restricting expenditure not necessary for life or business operation by the persons who are included in the list of dishonest persons subject to enforcement. This effort helped set up a public mechanism for penalizing dishonest people. As of 2015, 3.08 million people subject to enforcement had been included in the list of dishonest persons, 3,577,000 attempts by these people to buy airline tickets had been intercepted, as well as 598,800 attempts to buy soft sleeper tickets and first-class tickets on high-speed trains. From 2012 to 2015, courts at all levels received 12,591,400 new cases of application for enforcement, of which 11,906,000 were enforced and concluded. Enforcement of cases relating to essential requirements of daily life has been reinforced. From December 1, 2015 to February 15, 2016, the Supreme People's Court enforced such cases in a centralized way, with focus on nine categories, including recovering payment for labor, migrant workers' wages, alimony, and payment for children's upbringing. As of January 15, 2016, about 60,000 cases had been enforced and concluded, involving sums of about two billion yuan.
      完善社區矯正工作,有效保障社區矯正對象的合法權益。各級司法行政機關(guān)認真落實(shí)《關(guān)于組織社會(huì )力量參與社區矯正工作的意見(jiàn)》,將社區矯正經(jīng)費納入各級財政預算,鼓勵引導社會(huì )力量參與社區矯正工作,解決好社區矯正對象就業(yè)就學(xué)和社會(huì )救助、社會(huì )保險等問(wèn)題,通過(guò)各種渠道加強對社區矯正對象的教育幫扶,重視社區矯正對象心理矯治,促進(jìn)其更好地融入社會(huì )。截至2015年,各地累計接收社區矯正對象270.2萬(wàn)人,累計解除矯正200.4萬(wàn)人,現有社區矯正對象69.8萬(wàn)人。社區矯正對象在矯正期間的重新違法犯罪率為0.2%。全國累計建立縣(區)社區矯正中心1339個(gè)。現有社區服務(wù)基地24787個(gè),教育基地9218個(gè),就業(yè)基地8165個(gè),社區矯正小組67.2萬(wàn)個(gè)。全國從事社區矯正工作的社會(huì )工作者8.3萬(wàn)人,社會(huì )志愿者69萬(wàn)人。北京市海淀區社區矯正中心聯(lián)合5所高校創(chuàng )辦中途學(xué)院,由高校教師為社區矯正對象提供針對性分類(lèi)教育。安徽省巢湖市社區矯正中心為社區矯正對象建立心理健康檔案,開(kāi)展咨詢(xún)服務(wù)活動(dòng)。Improve community correction work to effectively protect correction subjects' legitimate rights and interests. Administrative organs of justice at all levels have implemented the Opinions on Organizing Social Forces to Participate in Community Correction. They have covered community correction funds in financial budgets at all levels; encouraged and guided social forces to participate in community correction; tried to solve employment, schooling, social assistance, social security and other issues for correction subjects; strengthened education for and assistance to them through various channels; and directed attention to their psychological treatment. In so doing they have helped them better reintegrate into society. As of 2015, administrative organs of justice around the country had received a total of 2,702,000 offenders for community correction, among whom 2,004,000 were discharged from correction and 698,000 remained for correction. Only 0.2 percent of offenders committed crimes during the correction period. Altogether 1,339 community correction centers have been established nationwide in counties or districts. There are 24,787 bases for community service, 9,218 bases for education, 8,165 bases for employment, and 672,000 community correction groups. Around the country, 83,000 social workers and 690,000 volunteers are engaged in community correction. Haidian District Community Correction Center of Beijing founded the Zhongtu (Midway) College with five universities. In the college, university teachers provide targeted, classified education for correction subjects. Chaohu Community Correction Center, Anhui Province, has established mental health records for correction subjects, and provides consulting services.
      加大法律援助力度,公民獲得法律援助的權利進(jìn)一步落實(shí)。加強法律援助基層服務(wù)網(wǎng)絡(luò )建設。全國共建成法律援助便民服務(wù)窗口3500余個(gè)、法律援助工作站7萬(wàn)余個(gè),基層基礎建設得到改善。推廣使用全國法律援助信息管理系統,簡(jiǎn)化受理審查程序,公民獲得法律援助更加便捷。進(jìn)一步擴大法律援助補充事項范圍,放寬適用法律援助的經(jīng)濟困難標準,加大法律援助經(jīng)費保障。2012年至2015年,中央財政撥付法律援助經(jīng)費總額15.2億元。積極推動(dòng)地方政府將法律援助經(jīng)費納入財政預算。截至2015年,全國已有24個(gè)省(自治區、直轄市)建立省級法律援助專(zhuān)項資金,91.4%的地方將法律援助業(yè)務(wù)經(jīng)費納入財政預算。2012年至2015年,全國共辦理法律援助案件470萬(wàn)件,年均增長(cháng)7.4%,受援群眾超過(guò)526萬(wàn),提供法律咨詢(xún)2587萬(wàn)人次。Adjust font size: Increase legal aid to enable citizens to better enjoy the right to legal aid. A framework of grassroots legal aid has been put in place. More than 3,500 offices have been opened to provide convenient legal aid to the public, and more than 70,000 legal aid work stations have been set up, improving grassroots infrastructure. Judicial organs have worked to spread the national legal aid information management system, which helps to simplify the process of acceptance and review, and thus make it easier for citizens to receive legal aid. They have expanded the scope of supplementary items for legal aid, relaxed criteria for economic difficulty applying to legal aid, and increased fund guarantee for legal aid. From 2012 to 2015, the central government allocated 1.52 billion yuan to legal aid. The Central Authorities have urged local governments to include a legal aid fund in their budgets. As of 2015, 24 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government) had established a provincial-level specialized fund for legal aid, and 91.4 percent of all local governments had covered the legal aid fund in their budgets. From 2012 to 2015, 4.7 million legal aid cases were handled around the country. This represents an average annual increase of 7.4 percent, benefiting more than 5.26 million people and providing legal advice to 25.87 million.
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      四、切實(shí)保障被羈押人合法權利IV. Safeguard the Legitimate Rights and Interests of Detainees
      進(jìn)一步改善監獄、看守所監管條件,強化對監管活動(dòng)和刑罰執行的監督,嚴格規范減刑、假釋和暫予監外執行,規定刑事被告人或上訴人出庭受審不再穿著(zhù)監管機構的識別服,切實(shí)保障被羈押人的人格尊嚴、人身安全、合法財產(chǎn)和辯護、申訴、控告、檢舉等合法權利。We should further improve the conditions of prisons and detention houses, enhance scrutiny of supervisory activities and the execution of punishment, standardize commutation, parole, and execution of sentence outside prison, and stipulate that criminal defendants and appellants no longer need to wear clothing bearing the name of the detention house, so as to safeguard the detainees' personal dignity, safety, legal property, and legitimate rights including the rights to defense, to appeal, to complain, and to report violations of law.
      加強看守所建設和管理,保障被羈押人的人身安全。實(shí)施新的《看守所建設標準》,全面推行床位制,對看守所的建筑標準和人均最低使用面積作出規定。嚴格落實(shí)入所身體檢查制度,建立預防和打擊牢頭獄霸的長(cháng)效機制,對新收押人員實(shí)行過(guò)渡管理,嚴禁使用在押人員管理監室。嚴格提訊、提解制度。辦案機關(guān)因偵查需要提解犯罪嫌疑人出所辨認或者追繳犯罪有關(guān)財物的,必須持有縣級以上辦案機關(guān)主要領(lǐng)導批示并標明法定原因,由兩名以上辦案人員提解。截至2015年,全國有2169個(gè)看守所建立被羈押人心理咨詢(xún)室,有2207個(gè)看守所實(shí)現留所服刑罪犯互聯(lián)網(wǎng)雙向視頻會(huì )見(jiàn)。大力推進(jìn)法律援助中心駐看守所工作站建設,全國已有2500多個(gè)看守所建立了工作站,為在押人員及其家屬提供法律援助、法律咨詢(xún)等服務(wù)。

      Strengthen the construction and management of detention houses to safeguard detainees' personal safety. We must implement the new "Construction Standards for Detention Houses," replace shared beds with single beds, and define the construction standards and minimal per capita floor space in detention houses. We must strictly implement the system of physical examination upon admission, establish a long-term mechanism for preventing and combating prison bullies, adopt transition management over new detainees, and strictly forbid detainees from managing cells. We should strengthen the arraignment and interrogation system. When taking out a suspect from the detention house for identification - which must be done by no fewer than two investigators at a time - or recovering property related to a case, the case handling organs should hold a written instruction signed by the leading official of the organ above the county level which bears the legal causes for the investigation.

      By the end of 2015, psychological counseling rooms had been built in 2,169 detention houses in China, and 2,207 detention houses had provided two-way video via the internet for those who serve their term of imprisonment in the detention houses. We should urge legal aid centers to locate in detention houses. More than 2,500 detention houses have set up offices for providing legal aid and consultation services to detainees and their families.


      Standardize medical services and life management in prisons and detention houses to safeguard detainees' right to health. Detention houses should strictly follow the food supply quantity standard for detainees, which has been approved by local financial authorities. Meal standards, weekly menus and accounts should be posted in cells for supervision. Prisons should strictly follow the Regulations on Strengthening Management of Daily Life and Hygiene Work of Prisons, implement the prisoners' food supply quantity standard which was adjusted in 2013, practice food sampling and sample reservation, and implement the system of invitation for bidding for and procurement of daily necessities. We should strengthen management of daily life and hygiene work of prisons, and guarantee a scientific diet which is reasonably adjusted with fine management for prisoners while eliminating waste. We should take into consideration the special customs of ethnic minority prisoners, and provide special meals for those who are subject to dietary restrictions.

      Prisons and detention houses should improve medical services for detainees, create medical records for them, staff them with stationed doctors, who make rounds of the cells every day, and transfer those who need to be treated in hospitals outside in a timely manner. Regulations on purchase, storage and use of medicines in prisons should be strictly followed. We should improve medical facilities, strengthen disease prevention and control, provide timely treatment to sick detainees, and guarantee their rights to life and health in accordance with the law.

      The Supreme People's Court, the Supreme People's Procuratorate, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Justice and the National Health and Family Planning Commission jointly formulated the Regulations on Execution of Sentence Outside Prison, which came into effect on December 1, 2014. If persons serving sentences are injured or maimed while working during imprisonment, and are allowed to enjoy execution of sentence outside prison, the fees including their medical subsidies and living allowances outside the prison will be reimbursed in accordance with the relevant regulations of the state. Pregnant or lactating women, those who suffer severe illnesses and need to be released on bail for medical treatment, and those who cannot take care of themselves are also allowed to enjoy execution of sentence outside prison.

      加強對監獄、看守所的監督,保障被羈押人合法權利不受侵犯。看守所提高執法工作透明度,定期向社會(huì )開(kāi)放。截至2015年,全國有2610個(gè)看守所建立在押人員投訴處理機制,有2558個(gè)看守所聘請了特邀監督員。檢察機關(guān)監督看守所對犯罪嫌疑人、被告人入所健康體檢活動(dòng)和臨時(shí)出所管理活動(dòng),防止和糾正偵查人員將犯罪嫌疑人提出看守所外進(jìn)行非法訊問(wèn)或刑訊逼供。強化刑事羈押期限監管,監督各有關(guān)部門(mén)清理久押不決案件。2013年核查出的羈押3年以上未結案的4459人,2015年下降到6人。Enhance supervision over prisons and detention houses to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of detainees. To increase the transparency of their law enforcement, detention houses should open to the public on a regular basis. By 2015, a complaint handling mechanism for detainees had been installed in 2,610 detention houses, and 2,558 had employed special supervisors. Procuratorial organs supervise activities in detention houses such as health examinations upon entrance and temporary removal of detainees, with a view to preventing and rectifying illegal interrogation and forced confessions outside detention houses. We should strengthen supervision over the term of criminal detention and urge relevant departments to settle outstanding cases. In 2013, 4,459 detainees involved in outstanding cases had been in detention for more than three years, but the figure fell to six in 2015.
      規范減刑、假釋、暫予監外執行工作,保障服刑罪犯刑罰變更執行的權利。深化獄務(wù)公開(kāi),依法向社會(huì )公開(kāi)減刑、假釋、暫予監外執行的法定條件、程序和結果。人民法院強化網(wǎng)上公示、開(kāi)庭審理等措施,開(kāi)通全國法院減刑、假釋、暫予監外執行信息網(wǎng)。2012年至2015年,各級法院共裁定減刑案件240.61萬(wàn)件、假釋案件16.01萬(wàn)件。監獄、看守所嚴格按照法律規定,對符合減刑、假釋、暫予監外執行的留所服刑罪犯及時(shí)辦理相關(guān)手續。檢察機關(guān)嚴格履行監督職責,確保刑罰變更的公平公正。Standardize commutation, parole and execution of sentence outside prison and safeguard detainees' rights to implementation of penalty change. We must open prison affairs wider to the public, including the legal conditions, procedures and results of commutation, parole and execution of sentence outside prison. People's courts should improve online public notification and hearings, and open a national information network on commutation, parole and execution of sentence outside prison. From 2012 to 2015 people's courts adjudicated 2,406,100 commutation cases and 160,100 parole cases. Prisons and detention houses should carry out relevant procedures in a timely manner for those who are qualified to enjoy commutation, parole or execution of sentence outside prison in accordance with the law. People's procuratorates should strictly perform their supervisory duties so as to ensure the justice and fairness of penalty changes.
      實(shí)施國家特赦,彰顯人道精神。2015年8月29日,第十二屆全國人大常委會(huì )第十六次會(huì )議通過(guò)關(guān)于特赦部分服刑罪犯的決定,國家主席習近平簽署主席特赦令,對依據2015年1月1日前人民法院作出的生效判決正在服刑,釋放后不具有現實(shí)社會(huì )危險性的四類(lèi)罪犯實(shí)行特赦。這是新中國成立以來(lái)第八次,也是改革開(kāi)放以來(lái)第一次實(shí)行特赦,是實(shí)施憲法規定的特赦制度、貫徹全面依法治國和體現人道主義精神的新實(shí)踐,具有重大政治意義和法治意義。經(jīng)人民法院依法裁定,全國共特赦服刑罪犯31527人。對無(wú)工作單位、無(wú)勞動(dòng)能力、無(wú)生活來(lái)源、無(wú)法定贍養人的被特赦人員,依法按政策落實(shí)最低生活保障等措施,幫助被特赦人員順利融入社會(huì )。

      Implement national amnesty to highlight humanitarianism. On August 29, 2015, the 16th session of the 12th Standing Committee of the NPC approved the decision on amnesty for prisoners, and Chinese President Xi Jinping signed an amnesty decree, granting amnesty for four types of criminals who had been serving sentences according to effective judgments made by people's courts before January 1, 2015 and were no longer considered to be a danger to society on release. This was the eighth national amnesty since the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949 and the first time since the adoption of reform and opening-up in 1978. It was a new approach to implementing the amnesty system stipulated in the Constitution, to implementing rule of law and highlighting humanitarianism, so it was of great political and legal significance. According to judgments made by people's courts, 31,527 prisoners were granted amnesty across the country. Those who were incapable of work, or had no job, no source of income, and no legal supporters were granted subsistence allowances so that they could better reintegrate into society.

      (Source: China.org.cn)

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