


      發(fā)布時(shí)間: 2016-09-29 16:43:34??|??來(lái)源: 中國網(wǎng)??|??作者:??|??責任編輯: 李瀟
      二、公民權利和政治權利 II. Civil and Political Rights
      深入推進(jìn)依法行政,加強人權司法保障,擴大公民有序政治參與,切實(shí)保障公民權利和政治權利。 Law-based governance shall be advanced, judicial protection of human rights strengthened and orderly civil participation in political affairs expanded to effectively protect the people's civil and political rights.
      (一)人身權利 (1) Rights of the person
      規范涉及公民人身的執法行為和司法行為。采取措施防范刑訊逼供。規范監管場(chǎng)所,保障各類(lèi)被限制人身自由人員的權利。 Acts of law enforcement and judicature touching on the rights of the person shall be standardized. Measures shall be taken to prevent extorting confessions by torture. Places of surveillance shall be regularized to protect the rights of people whose personal freedom is subject to restriction.
      ——完善行政組織和行政程序法律制度。行政機關(guān)不得法外設定權力,沒(méi)有憲法法律依據不得作出限制公民人身自由的強制措施和處罰。 -- Improving laws and regulations concerning administrative bodies and procedures. Administrative bodies shall not extend their power beyond the law, and not impose any coercive measure or punishment that restrict personal freedom in the absence of Constitutional basis or legal basis.
      ——完善執法程序。建立執法全過(guò)程記錄制度,完善對涉及公民人身權利的行政強制措施實(shí)行司法監督的制度。 -- Improving law enforcement procedures. A system of archiving shall be established of the entire law-enforcement process, and the system of judicial supervision shall be improved over coercive administrative measures involving rights of the person.
      ——完善對限制人身自由司法措施和偵查手段的司法監督。加強對刑訊逼供和非法取證的源頭預防,健全冤假錯案的有效防范、及時(shí)糾正機制。落實(shí)訊問(wèn)犯罪嫌疑人全程同步錄音錄像制度,并逐步擴大其適用的案件范圍,試行重大案件全程同步錄音錄像隨案移送制度。 -- Improving judicial oversight over judicial and investigation means that restrict personal freedom. Efforts shall be strengthened to prevent at source interrogation by torture and illegal collection of evidence, and improve the mechanism for preventing and redressing unjust, false and erroneous cases in a timely manner. The system of synchronous video and audio recording shall be implemented for the entire process of questioning criminal suspects, while the scope of its application being gradually expanded. Trial implementation shall be made of the system of transferring major cases together with the relevant synchronous video and audio recordings.
      ——完善偵查階段聽(tīng)取律師意見(jiàn)的相關(guān)機制。犯罪嫌疑人委托的律師提出不構成犯罪、無(wú)逮捕必要、不適宜羈押、偵查活動(dòng)有違法犯罪情形等書(shū)面意見(jiàn)以及相關(guān)證據材料的,檢察人員應當在審查逮捕意見(jiàn)書(shū)中說(shuō)明是否采納律師意見(jiàn)的情況和理由。 -- Improving the mechanism of consulting lawyers at the stage of investigation. Where the defense lawyer entrusted by a criminal suspect provides written opinions, materials and evidence that prove the suspect's acts do not constitute a crime, arrest is unnecessary, detention is unsuitable or investigation is illegal, the procurator shall state clearly in the relevant written report on investigation and arrest the conditions and reasons for whether or not adopting the lawyer's opinions.
      ——嚴格執行指定居所監視居住制度。嚴格把握適用標準、適用期限,規范執行場(chǎng)所、執行方式,健全適用審批制度。 -- Seriously implementing the system of residential surveillance at designated places. Tight control shall be enforced on the conditions and duration of residential surveillance, as well as the places and means of enforcement, in addition to improvement of the pertinent review and approval system.
      ——強化對公安執法辦案活動(dòng)的剛性約束。改革完善受立案制度、執法質(zhì)量考評制度和執法過(guò)錯責任追究制度。加強執法辦案場(chǎng)所辦案區使用管理,深化公安執法信息化建設。 -- Imposing rigid constraints on law-enforcing and case-handling activities of public security organs. Efforts shall be made to reform and improve the systems of acceptance and hearing of cases, appraisal of law-enforcement effectiveness, and accountability for mistakes in law-enforcement. Management shall be strengthened of the use of case-handling sites and areas for law enforcement, and improvement shall be made of the IT application in law enforcement for public security bodies.
      ——加大力度查處國家機關(guān)工作人員利用職權實(shí)施非法拘禁等侵犯公民人身權利的犯罪。 -- Making greater efforts to investigate and punish government functionaries abusing power to illegally detain people or commit other crimes that infringe upon the rights of the person.
      ——嚴格把握死刑適用條件。強化死刑復核程序,進(jìn)一步規范死刑復核監督程序。 -- Strictly observing the conditions applicable to death penalty. The procedure of checking and verification shall be strengthened for death sentence, and the procedure of oversight over death sentence checking and verification shall be further regularized.
      ——制定看守所法,提升被羈押人權利保障的立法層級,完善配套法律法規和規章制度。 -- Formulating the Law on Detention Houses. The level of legislation for protecting the rights of detainees shall be raised, in addition to enacting related supporting laws, regulations, provisions and rules.
      ——健全刑事羈押必要性審查制度。發(fā)現不需要繼續羈押或患有嚴重疾病不適宜羈押的,應當釋放犯罪嫌疑人、被告人或變更強制措施。 -- Improving the system of examining and approving the necessity of criminal custody. Where custody is deemed unnecessary or unsuitable due to severe illness, the criminal suspects or defendants shall be released or the coercive measures be changed.
      ——加強刑事羈押期限監督。預防和清理久押不決案件,嚴格落實(shí)換押制度、超期羈押報告制度及責任追究制度。 -- Enhancing supervision over the duration of criminal custody. Efforts shall be made to prevent and settle prolonged detention of suspects without concluding the case, and strictly implement the systems of changing custody, reporting overdue custody and accountability for detention beyond the legally prescribed time limit.
      ——嚴格落實(shí)監管場(chǎng)所的各項規章制度。完善被羈押人投訴處理機制,暢通被羈押人權利救濟渠道。加強監管場(chǎng)所檢察信息化建設,實(shí)現對監管場(chǎng)所的動(dòng)態(tài)監督。 -- Strictly implementing the rules and regulations on places of surveillance. The mechanism to handle detainees' complaints shall be improved, and channels of right relief be unblocked for them. IT application in relation to procuratorial work shall be strengthened for places of surveillance, and dynamic oversight be realized in such places.
      ——規范強制醫療的執行、治療、管理和監督,保障被強制醫療人員的權利。 -- Promoting procedure-based enforcement, medical care, management and supervision of compulsory medical treatment, and protecting the rights of those receiving compulsory medical treatment.
      ——落實(shí)禁毒法和戒毒條例。依法規范強制隔離戒毒決定、提前解除強制隔離戒毒決定、延長(cháng)戒毒期限決定的作出。提升戒毒醫療、康復水平,保障戒毒人員合法權利。 -- Implementing the Anti-Drug Law and the Regulations on Drug Rehabilitation. Standard rules shall be implemented for decision-making on compulsory isolation for drug rehabilitation, early termination or extension of the terms of such drug rehabilitation. The effectiveness of medical treatment and rehabilitation in relation to drug addiction shall be improved, and the lawful rights of drug addicts undergoing rehabilitation shall be protected.
      (二)獲得公正審判的權利 (2) Right to fair trial
      尊重司法運行規律,建立以審判為中心的訴訟制度,提高司法公信力。 Following the rule of judicial operation, an adjudication-centered litigation system shall be established, and judicial credibility shall be enhanced.
      ——確保法院依法獨立行使審判權。完善對領(lǐng)導干部干預司法活動(dòng)、插手具體案件處理的記錄、通報和責任追究制度。明確司法機關(guān)內部各層級權限,健全內部監督制約機制,完善對司法機關(guān)內部人員過(guò)問(wèn)案件的記錄制度和責任追究制度。 -- Ensuring the people's courts exercise adjudicative power independently and in accordance with the law. The system that archives leading officials' intervention in judicial activities and in the handling of particular cases shall be improved, making them known to the public, and holding them accountable. The limits of authority at all levels within the judicial bodies shall be clearly defined. The mechanism of internal checks and oversight shall be improved, so shall the recording and accountability systems regarding judicial personnel who intervene in case handling.
      ——規范司法解釋和案例指導,統一法律適用標準。 -- Standardizing judicial interpretation and case guidance, and unifying the criteria for the application of the law.
      ——全面貫徹證據裁判原則。落實(shí)直接言詞原則,嚴格落實(shí)證人、鑒定人出庭制度。 -- Implementing the principle of evidentiary adjudication. The principles of testimony and trial in court shall be implemented, so shall the system of court appearance of witnesses and authenticators.
      ——貫徹疑罪從無(wú)原則,嚴格實(shí)行非法證據排除規則,進(jìn)一步明確非法證據的范圍和排除程序。 -- Implementing the principle of presumption of innocence, and the rule of exclusion of illegally obtained evidence, and specifying the scope and exclusion procedures of illegal evidence.
      ——加強訴訟過(guò)程中律師的知情權、申請權、申訴權等各項權利的制度保障,落實(shí)相關(guān)法律賦予律師在訴訟中會(huì )見(jiàn)、閱卷、收集證據和發(fā)問(wèn)、質(zhì)證、辯論等方面的執業(yè)權利,保障律師依法行使辯護權、代理權。健全完善偵查、起訴、審判各環(huán)節重視律師辯護代理意見(jiàn)的工作機制,落實(shí)聽(tīng)取律師意見(jiàn)制度。禁止對律師進(jìn)行歧視性安檢,為律師依法履職提供便利。 -- Enhancing institutional guarantee for lawyers' rights to know, apply and appeal throughout the course of litigation, ensuring their access to criminal suspects or defendants, and rights to review files, collect evidence, raise questions, conduct cross-examinations and debate, and ensuring lawyers exercise their rights of defense and procuration in accordance with the law. The mechanism of valuing lawyers' defense and procuration opinions in investigation, prosecution and trial shall be improved, and the system of listening to their opinions shall be observed. Discriminatory security checks of lawyers are prohibited, in order to provide convenience for them to perform their duties in accordance with the law.
      ——強化訴訟過(guò)程中當事人和其他訴訟參與人的知情權、陳述權、辯論辯護權、申請權、申訴權的制度保障,落實(shí)刑事訴訟法及相關(guān)配套法規制度關(guān)于法律援助的規定。 -- Enhancing institutional guarantee for the rights of litigants and other parties involved in the lawsuit to know, present views, debate and defense, apply and appeal, and implementing regulations on legal aid prescribed in the Criminal Procedure Law and related rules and regulations.
      ——完善刑事訴訟中認罪認罰從寬制度。明確被告人自愿認罪、自愿接受處罰、積極退贓退賠案件的訴訟程序、處罰標準和處理方式。 -- Improving the practice of leniency to those who confess their crimes and submit to punishment in criminal proceedings. The judicial proceedings, penalty standards and handling means shall be clarified for cases where defendants plead guilty, accept punishment, surrender ill-gotten gains or pay compensation, all of their own accord.
      ——繼續推進(jìn)量刑規范化,規范法官的量刑裁量權,完善量刑程序,促進(jìn)量刑公開(kāi)、公正。 -- Pressing further forward with standardization in meting out punishment, regularizing the judges' sentencing discretion, improving sentencing procedures, and enhancing openness and impartiality in sentencing.
      ——禁止讓刑事在押被告人或上訴人穿著(zhù)具有監管機構標識的服裝出庭受審。 -- Prohibiting defendants who are held in custody or appellants from appearing in court wearing clothing that bear the logo of their organs of custody.
      ——健全輕微刑事案件快速辦理機制,有序推進(jìn)刑事案件速裁程序改革。 -- Improving the mechanism for fast-track handling of minor criminal cases, and reforming fast-track trial procedures for criminal cases in an orderly manner.
      ——制定刑事被害人救助法,建立統一、規范的刑事被害人救助制度。 -- Formulating the Law on Assistance for Victims of Crime, and establishing a unified, procedure-based relief system for victims of crime.
      (三)宗教信仰自由 (3) Freedom of religious belief
      提高宗教工作法治化水平,落實(shí)宗教信仰自由的憲法規定。 Rule of law shall be enhanced in addressing religious affairs, and the stipulation in the Constitution concerning freedom of religious belief shall be implemented.
      ——修改宗教事務(wù)條例,依法規范政府管理宗教事務(wù)的行為,保護廣大信教群眾合法權益。 -- Amending the Regulations on Religious Affairs, regularizing in accordance with the law the conduct of the government in managing religious affairs, and protecting the lawful rights and interests of religious believers.
      ——支持宗教界加強自身建設,提高自我約束、自我規范、自我管理能力。為宗教團體開(kāi)展工作提供必要的支持和幫助。 -- Supporting the efforts of the religious circles for self-improvement to enhance their capabilities for self-regulation, self-discipline and self-management. Necessary support and assistance shall be provided for religious groups to hold activities.
      ——鼓勵宗教界依法開(kāi)展公益慈善活動(dòng)。 -- Encouraging religious circles to organize charity activities in accordance with the law.
      ——辦好宗教院校,加強宗教人才培養,提高宗教教職人員素質(zhì)。 -- Making efforts to run the religious institutes well, improving the training of religious professionals, and improving the qualities of faculty and staff of the religious institutes.
      ——遏制投資經(jīng)營(yíng)宗教活動(dòng)場(chǎng)所行為,制止和糾正寺廟、道觀(guān)“被承包”現象。 -- Halting investments in and commercial use of venues for religious activities, and prohibiting the "contracting" of Buddhist monasteries and Taoist temples.
      ——改進(jìn)伊斯蘭教朝覲組織服務(wù)工作,保障穆斯林群眾順利完成朝覲功課。 -- Improving organization and services for the Islamic Hajj.
      ——積極開(kāi)展對外宗教交流活動(dòng)。 -- Actively engaging in religious exchanges with the outside world.
      (四)知情權和參與權 (4) Rights to know and to participate
      多渠道多領(lǐng)域拓寬公民知情權的范圍,擴展有序參與社會(huì )治理的途徑和方式。 Expanding the citizens' right to know through various channels and in various fields, and increasing the means and forms of their orderly participation in social governance.
      ——進(jìn)一步推進(jìn)權力清單和責任清單公開(kāi),方便公眾獲取和監督。各級政府及其工作部門(mén)依據權力清單向社會(huì )全面公開(kāi)政府職能、職責權限、管理流程、監督方式。 -- Further pressing forward with making public the lists of powers and responsibilities for easier supervision by the public. The people's governments at all levels and their subordinate departments shall make public their functions, responsibilities, powers, administrative procedures and means of accepting public supervision.
      ——推行行政執法公示制度。 -- Introducing the system of publicity for administrative law enforcement.
      ——加強互聯(lián)網(wǎng)政務(wù)信息數據服務(wù)平臺和便民服務(wù)平臺建設,提高政務(wù)公開(kāi)信息化、集中化水平。 -- Improving the construction of online administrative information data platform and public service platform, and promoting IT application to make governmental affairs more open and easier to access.
      ——完善突發(fā)事件信息發(fā)布制度。 -- Improving the information disclosure system for emergencies.
      ——推進(jìn)警務(wù)、獄務(wù)、審判、檢務(wù)公開(kāi)。依法及時(shí)公開(kāi)執法司法依據、程序、流程、結果,建立生效法律文書(shū)統一上網(wǎng)和公開(kāi)查詢(xún)制度。 -- Disclosing information about police, prison, adjudicative and procuratorial affairs. Information shall be released in time about the basis, procedures, processes and results of judicature and law enforcement in accordance with the law, and a system of unified online announcement and open inquiry shall be established for effective legal documents.
      ——提高立法公眾參與度。探索建立有關(guān)國家機關(guān)、社會(huì )團體、專(zhuān)家學(xué)者等對立法中涉及的重大利益調整論證咨詢(xún)機制,拓寬公民有序參與立法途徑,健全法律法規規章草案公開(kāi)征求意見(jiàn)和公眾意見(jiàn)采納情況反饋機制。 -- Enlarging public involvement in legislation. Exploration shall be made for the establishment of a mechanism in which the state organs, social groups, specialists and scholars provide argument and consultation for the adjustment of major interests in the process of legislation, thus expanding the channels for the public's orderly participation in legislation, and improving the mechanisms of soliciting public opinion for the drafting of laws, regulations and provisions, and giving feedbacks to the public.
      ——落實(shí)人民陪審員“倍增計劃”,拓寬選任渠道和范圍,明確參審案件職權。 -- Implementing the plan of doubling the number of people's jurors, expanding the channels and scope of their selection and appointment, and specifying their functions and powers.
      ——進(jìn)一步完善特約檢察員機制,切實(shí)采取措施保障特約檢察員依法履行職責,參與檢察,謀議檢務(wù)。 -- Improving the mechanism of having specially-invited procurators, and taking effective measures to ensure they perform their duties in accordance with the law and involve in the deliberation of procuratorial affairs.
      ——完善人民監督員制度。改革選任和管理方式,充分保障人民監督員的各項權利,進(jìn)一步拓寬人民群眾有序參與司法渠道。 -- Improving the people's supervisor system. The selection, appointment and management of people's supervisors shall be improved, their rights be fully protected, and the channels be expanded for the public's orderly participation in judicial affairs.
      ——在司法調解、司法聽(tīng)證、涉訴信訪(fǎng)等活動(dòng)中保障人民群眾參與。 -- Ensuring public participation in judicial mediation and hearing, and addressing petition letters and visits in relation to legal proceedings.
      ——發(fā)揮市民公約、鄉規民約、行業(yè)規章、團體章程等社會(huì )規范在社會(huì )治理中的積極作用,推進(jìn)社會(huì )自治。 -- Bringing into play the positive role of citizens' code of conduct, village regulations and folk conventions, and statutes of trades and social groups in social governance, and advancing self-governance of society.
      ——支持社會(huì )組織參與社會(huì )服務(wù)。發(fā)展社會(huì )工作服務(wù)機構和志愿服務(wù)組織,推進(jìn)行業(yè)協(xié)會(huì )與行政機關(guān)脫鉤,支持慈善組織有序發(fā)展,完善社會(huì )組織登記管理制度及政府向社會(huì )組織購買(mǎi)服務(wù)制度。 -- Supporting social organizations to participate in the provision of social services. Efforts shall be made to develop social work service agencies and voluntary service associations, promote the separation of trade associations from administrative bodies, facilitate the orderly development of charity organizations, and improve the systems of registration and management of social organizations and of government buying services from them.
      ——修改城市居民委員會(huì )組織法,加快制定或修改村委會(huì )組織法配套法規。推進(jìn)居務(wù)、村務(wù)公開(kāi)建設,促進(jìn)居民、村民民主參與。 -- Revising the Organic Law on Urban Residents' Committees, and accelerating the pace of formulating or amending supporting laws and regulations of the Organic Law on Villagers' Committees. Efforts shall be made to forge ahead with transparency of the work of urban residents' and villagers' committees, and encourage democratic participation by urban and rural residents.
      ——健全以職工代表大會(huì )為基本形式的企事業(yè)單位民主管理制度。推進(jìn)企事業(yè)單位信息公開(kāi)制度化、規范化建設,保障職工的知情權,有效參與民主管理。 -- Improving the system of democratic management of enterprises and public institutions in the form of employees' congresses. Efforts shall be made to press forward with institutionalization and normalization of information disclosure in enterprises and public institutions, and ensure employees' right to know and to participate in democratic management.
      (五)表達權和監督權 (5) Rights of expression and supervision
      擴展表達空間,豐富表達手段和渠道,健全權力運行制約和監督體系,依法保障公民的表達自由和民主監督權利。 Giving more space to public opinion, increasing the means and channels of expression, improving the check and supervision system for the operation of power, and protecting in accordance with the law the citizens' rights of free expression and democratic supervision.
      ——依法保障公民互聯(lián)網(wǎng)言論自由。繼續完善為網(wǎng)民發(fā)表言論的服務(wù),重視互聯(lián)網(wǎng)反映的社情民意。 -- Protecting the citizens' freedom of speech on the Internet in accordance with the law. Services shall be further improved for netizens to express their opinions, and great store shall be set on social sentiments and public opinions as expressed on the Internet.
      ——建立對各級國家機關(guān)違法行為投訴舉報登記制度。暢通舉報箱、電子信箱、熱線(xiàn)電話(huà)等監督渠道,發(fā)揮社會(huì )監督的作用。 -- Establishing a registration system for complaints about and reports of unlawful acts by state organs at all levels, smoothing out such supervisory channels as informants' letterbox, complaint e-mail and hotline, so as to give full play to public supervision.
      ——完善信訪(fǎng)工作制度,推進(jìn)信訪(fǎng)法治化。健全訴訪(fǎng)分離工作機制和涉訴信訪(fǎng)終結機制。推進(jìn)集控告、舉報、申訴、投訴、咨詢(xún)、查詢(xún)于一體的綜合性受理平臺建設,實(shí)行網(wǎng)上信訪(fǎng),依法分類(lèi)處理信訪(fǎng)訴求,保障公民合理、合法訴求依照法律規定和程序就能得到合理合法的結果。 -- Improving the regulations regarding the people's complaints and promoting law-based handling of such complaints. Mechanisms shall be improved to separate litigations from complaints, and bring to conclusion all petitions relating to legal proceedings lodged by way of letters or personal visits to relevant government departments. A platform integrating accusation, offence reporting, appeal, complaint, consultation and search shall be built, online processing of complaints shall be encouraged, and complaints shall be classified and handled in accordance with the law. Citizens' rational and lawful appeals shall be resolved in accordance with legal provisions and procedures.
      ——修改行政復議法,保障公民和社會(huì )組織通過(guò)申請行政復議對行政機關(guān)依法行政進(jìn)行監督的權利。加大對公務(wù)員違法違紀行為的監察力度。 -- Amending the Administrative Reconsideration Law, and protecting citizens' and social organizations' rights to supervise administrative bodies by applying for administrative reconsideration. Oversight shall be strengthened on civil servants' violations of law and discipline.
      ——發(fā)揮報刊、廣播、電視等傳統媒體監督作用,加強傳統媒體與互聯(lián)網(wǎng)等新興媒體的互動(dòng),重視運用和規范網(wǎng)絡(luò )監督。依法保障新聞機構和從業(yè)人員的知情權、采訪(fǎng)權、發(fā)表權、批評權、監督權。 -- Giving full play to supervision by newspapers, magazines, radio, television and other types of traditional media, increasing the interaction between traditional media and new media like the Internet, and highlighting law-based online supervision. Protection in accordance with the law shall be extended to the rights of news agencies and their staff to information, interview, publication, criticism and supervision.
      ——完善全國人大及其常委會(huì )憲法監督制度,健全憲法解釋程序機制。加強備案審查制度和能力建設,把所有規范性文件納入備案審查范圍,依法撤銷(xiāo)和糾正違憲違法的規范性文件。健全人大討論、決定重大事項制度,各級政府重大決策出臺前需向本級人大報告。 -- Improving the system of constitutional supervision by the National People's Congress (NPC) and its Standing Committee, and the mechanism of procedures for the interpretation of the Constitution. The legislative recording and review system and capability building shall be improved, and all normative documents shall be brought into the scope of such recording and review. All normative documents that violate the Constitution or laws shall be abrogated or corrected. Systems shall be improved by which the people's congresses discuss and decide on major issues, and governments at all levels report to the people's congresses at the same level before making major policy decisions.
      ——搭建政協(xié)協(xié)商平臺,豐富協(xié)商內容和形式。以事關(guān)經(jīng)濟社會(huì )發(fā)展全局和涉及群眾切身利益的實(shí)際問(wèn)題為內容,開(kāi)展廣泛協(xié)商,完善民主監督的組織領(lǐng)導、權益保障、知情反饋、溝通協(xié)調機制。 -- Building a platform of consultation for the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), and enriching the contents and forms of consultation. Targeting issues bearing on overall social and economic development and the people's immediate interests, CPPCC will conduct extensive consultation. The mechanisms of organizing democratic supervision, safeguarding related rights and interests, providing feedbacks, and facilitating communication and coordination shall be improved.
      ——完善審計監督。健全有利于依法獨立行使審計監督權的審計管理體制,建立具有審計職業(yè)特點(diǎn)的審計人員管理制度,基本形成與國家治理體系和治理能力現代化相適應的審計監督機制。對公共資金、國有資產(chǎn)、國有資源和領(lǐng)導干部履行經(jīng)濟責任情況實(shí)行審計全覆蓋。 -- Improving auditing supervision. The auditing management system conducive to exercising the right of auditing supervision independently and in accordance with the law shall be improved, and an auditing personnel management system with distinctive professional features shall be established, so as to form a system of auditing supervision commensurate to the modernization of a national governance system and capacity. Full coverage of auditing shall be endeavored over public funds, state-owned assets and resources, as well as leading officials' performance of economic duties.
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