


      發(fā)布時(shí)間: 2016-09-29 16:43:34??|??來(lái)源: 中國網(wǎng)??|??作者:??|??責任編輯: 李瀟
      三、特定群體權利 III. Rights of Specific Groups
      采取有針對性的措施,有效滿(mǎn)足各類(lèi)群體的特殊需求,切實(shí)保障少數民族、婦女、兒童、老年人和殘疾人的合法權益。 Targeted measures shall be taken to satisfy the special needs of various groups and to protect the lawful rights and interests of ethnic minorities, women, children, elderly people and the disabled.
      (一)少數民族權利 (1) Rights of ethnic minorities
      國家把加快少數民族和民族地區發(fā)展擺到更加突出的位置,尊重和保障少數民族權利。 The state will prioritize the development of ethnic minorities and ethnic-minority areas, respecting and protecting the rights of ethnic minorities.
      ——保障少數民族平等參與管理國家和社會(huì )事務(wù)的權利。提高少數民族參政議政能力。保證在中央和地方國家權力機關(guān)、行政機關(guān)、審判機關(guān)和檢察機關(guān)都有相應數量的少數民族成員。加強少數民族公務(wù)員隊伍建設,對少數民族公民報考公務(wù)員依法給予照顧。 -- The right of ethnic minorities to participate in the management of state and social affairs on an equal footing shall be guaranteed by the state. Their ability to participate in the deliberation and administration of state affairs shall be improved. The state will make sure that minority groups have a proportionate number of representatives in organs of state power and administrative, judicial and procuratorate organs at both the central and local levels. It will improve the work to build up the ranks of ethnic-minority civil servants, and ethnic-minority citizens shall enjoy favorable treatment in accordance with the law when they take the national civil service examination.
      ——保障少數民族經(jīng)濟發(fā)展權利。促進(jìn)少數民族事業(yè)發(fā)展,加大財政投入和金融支持,改善基礎設施條件,支持民族地區發(fā)展優(yōu)勢產(chǎn)業(yè)和特色經(jīng)濟,確保到2020年在民族地區基本消除絕對貧困現象,持續促進(jìn)民族地區經(jīng)濟發(fā)展主要指標增速高于全國平均水平。 -- The right of ethnic minorities to economic development shall be guaranteed. The state will continue to help boost the economy of ethnic-minority areas by increasing budgetary input and financial aid, improving infrastructure and supporting competitive industries and economic endeavors with distinctive features of minority areas, to see to it that absolute poverty in these areas shall be basically eliminated by 2020 and that the major indicators of economic development of these areas shall be higher than the national average.
      ——保障少數民族均等享有公共服務(wù)的權利。推動(dòng)國家公共服務(wù)資源向民族自治地方傾斜。加強跨省區對口支援和對口幫扶工作,進(jìn)一步縮小民族自治地方的城鄉居民收入、義務(wù)教育、醫療衛生、社會(huì )保障與全國平均水平的差距。 -- The right of ethnic minorities to enjoy equal access to public services shall be guaranteed. Efforts shall be made to channel public service resources to the ethnic autonomous areas, and strengthen trans-provincial/regional pair-up assistance to further narrow the gaps in the incomes of urban and rural residents, as well as in compulsory education, medical care, and social security between ethnic autonomous areas and the national average.
      ——保障少數民族受教育權利。繼續推動(dòng)公共教育資源向民族地區傾斜,深入推進(jìn)教育對口支援。支持民族地區義務(wù)教育學(xué)校標準化建設,到2020年基本實(shí)現縣域內義務(wù)教育均衡發(fā)展。為民族地區培養輸送農村教師。適當提高東中部省市職業(yè)院校招收民族地區學(xué)生的比例。繼續辦好內地民族班。重視培養和使用各類(lèi)少數民族人才。 -- The right of ethnic minorities to education shall be guaranteed. Efforts shall be made continuously to transfer more public education resources to ethnic-minority areas and strengthen pair-up assistance in education; to support ethnic-minority areas in standardized construction of compulsory-education schools, so as to realize the balanced development of compulsory education in each county by 2020; and to help ethnic-minority areas train teachers who will go and work in the rural areas. The proportion of students enrolled from ethnic-minority areas to vocational schools in central and eastern provinces and cities shall be raised appropriately. Renewed efforts shall be made to run well special classes for ethnic-minority students in hinterland areas. Importance shall be attached to the training and utilization of skilled people of ethnic minority origin in all professions.
      ——尊重和保障少數民族學(xué)習使用和發(fā)展本民族語(yǔ)言文字的權利。不斷提高少數民族語(yǔ)言文字教育水平,在民族地區加強雙語(yǔ)教學(xué)。保障少數民族公民使用本民族語(yǔ)言文字進(jìn)行訴訟的權利。 -- The right of ethnic minorities to learn, use and develop their own spoken and written languages shall be respected and guaranteed. The language education level of ethnic minorities is constantly being raised and bilingual teaching increased in ethnic-minority areas. Their right to litigate in their own languages is protected.
      ——保障少數民族的文化權利。保護和傳承少數民族傳統文化,做好少數民族古籍保護、搶救、整理、出版和研究工作。加強少數民族文藝作品創(chuàng )作生產(chǎn),鼓勵和扶持反映各民族文化交融、創(chuàng )新的現實(shí)題材作品。加大民族地區特色文化產(chǎn)業(yè)扶持力度。 -- The cultural rights of ethnic minorities shall be guaranteed. The state shall protect and pass on the traditional culture of ethnic minorities, and step up efforts to protect, rescue, sort out, publish and research ancient books of ethnic minorities. It shall encourage the creation of literary works of ethnic minorities, and support innovative realistic works featuring integration of ethnic cultures. It shall increase support for the ethnic-culture industry with distinctive features.
      ——修改城市民族工作條例,保障城市中少數民族合法權益。 -- Urban work regulations concerning ethnic minorities shall be revised to protect the legitimate rights and interests of ethnic minorities in urban areas.
      (二)婦女權利 (2) Rights of women
      貫徹落實(shí)男女平等基本國策,全面實(shí)現《中國婦女發(fā)展綱要(2011-2020年)》目標,消除性別歧視,改善婦女發(fā)展環(huán)境,保障婦女合法權益。 The basic state policy of equality of men and women shall be implemented. Objectives set in the National Program for Women's Development (2011-2020) shall be realized to eliminate gender discrimination, improve the environment for women's development and protect the legitimate rights and interests of women.
      ——繼續促進(jìn)婦女平等參與管理國家和社會(huì )事務(wù)。逐步提高女性在各級人大代表、政協(xié)委員中的比例,以及在各級人大、政府、政協(xié)領(lǐng)導成員中的比例。到2020年,村民委員會(huì )成員中女性比例達30%以上,村民委員會(huì )主任中女性比例達10%以上,居民委員會(huì )成員中女性比例保持在50%左右。 -- Efforts shall be carried on to promote equal participation of women in the management of state and social affairs. The proportion of women delegates to the people's congresses and CPPCC committees at all levels shall be gradually increased, so shall the proportion of women in the leadership of the people's congresses, governments and CPPCC committees at all levels. By 2020, women members shall make up over 30 percent of total members of villagers' committees, over 10 percent of the villagers' committee chairpersons, and about 50 percent of the members of urban residents' committees.
      ——努力消除在就業(yè)、薪酬、職業(yè)發(fā)展方面的性別歧視。將女職工特殊勞動(dòng)保護作為勞動(dòng)保障監察和勞動(dòng)安全監督的重要內容,實(shí)行年度考核。 -- Efforts shall be made to eliminate gender discrimination in employment, payment and career development. Special labor protection for women workers shall be made an important content in labor security and safety supervision. Annual assessment shall be conducted in this regard.
      ——保障婦女的健康權利。完善城鄉生育保障制度,向孕產(chǎn)婦提供生育全過(guò)程的基本醫療保健服務(wù)。到2020年,孕產(chǎn)婦死亡率降為18/10萬(wàn),新增產(chǎn)床8.9萬(wàn)張,力爭增加產(chǎn)科醫生和助產(chǎn)士14萬(wàn)名。提高婦女常見(jiàn)病篩查率,擴大農村婦女宮頸癌、乳腺癌免費檢查覆蓋范圍。加強流動(dòng)婦女衛生保健服務(wù)。 -- Women's right to health shall be protected. Efforts shall be made to improve the maternity service system in urban and rural areas, and provide basic medical and health services for pregnant and lying-in women. By 2020, the mortality rate of pregnant and lying-in women shall drop to 18 per 100,000; an additional 89,000 obstetric tables and 140,000 obstetricians and midwives be added. The screening of common gynecological diseases shall be raised, and the scope of free check-ups for cervical and breast cancers be expanded for rural women. Health-care services for migrant women shall be improved.
      ——保障婦女的婚姻家庭權利。設立男性職工帶薪陪護分娩妻子的假期制度。大力發(fā)展針對0-3歲幼兒的托幼機構,為婦女平衡工作與家庭提供支持。保障婦女在婚姻家庭中的財產(chǎn)權益。 -- Women's rights of marriage and the family shall be protected. A system of paid maternity leave for male workers to accompany and attend to puerperal wives shall be introduced. Great efforts shall be made to develop nurseries for kids under three years old to help women balance work and family duties. Women' s property rights and interests in marriage and the family shall be protected.
      ——貫徹落實(shí)反家庭暴力法。完善預防和制止家庭暴力多部門(mén)合作機制,以及預防、制止和救助一體化工作機制。鼓勵和扶持社會(huì )組織參與反家庭暴力工作。 -- The Anti-Domestic Violence Law shall be enforced. The multi-departmental cooperative mechanism for the prevention and prohibition of domestic violence shall be improved, so shall an integrated working mechanism that combines prevention, prohibition and assistance. Social organizations shall be encouraged and helped to take part in the work against domestic violence.
      ——落實(shí)《中國反對拐賣(mài)人口行動(dòng)計劃(2013-2020年)》,有效預防和依法打擊拐賣(mài)婦女犯罪行為。 -- China's Action Plan Against Human Abduction and Trafficking (2013-2020) shall be implemented and effective efforts shall be made to prevent and crack down on such crimes in accordance with the law.
      ——預防和制止針對婦女的性騷擾。 -- Steps shall be taken to prevent and stop sexual harassment of women.
      (三)兒童權利 (3) Rights of children
      堅持兒童優(yōu)先原則,強化政府和社會(huì )保障兒童權益的責任,全面實(shí)現《中國兒童發(fā)展綱要(2011-2020年)》目標。 The principle of "putting children first" shall be upheld, the responsibility of the government and the whole of society for the protection of children' s rights and interests shall be highlighted, and the goals set in the National Program for Children' s Development in China (2011-2020) shall be fully realized.
      ——修改未成年人保護法。 -- The Law on the Protection of Minors shall be amended.
      ——完善兒童監護制度。構建未成年人關(guān)愛(ài)社會(huì )網(wǎng)絡(luò )。逐步建立以家庭監護為主體,以社區、學(xué)校等有關(guān)單位和人員監督為保障,以國家監護為補充的監護制度。完善并落實(shí)不履行監護職責或嚴重侵害被監護兒童權益的父母或其他監護人資格撤銷(xiāo)的法律制度。 -- The children guardianship system shall be improved, and a social network for the care of minors shall be established. A guardianship system, which is based on family guardianship, guaranteed by supervision of relevant institutions and persons such as the neighborhood and school, and supplemented by state guardianship, shall be established in due course. The legal system shall be improved to remove the guardianship status of parents or other custodians who fail to perform their responsibilities or seriously infringe upon the rights and interests of children under their guardianship.
      ——保障兒童健康權。加強出生缺陷綜合防治,建立覆蓋城鄉居民,涵蓋孕前、孕期、新生兒各階段的出生缺陷防治服務(wù)制度。加強兒童疾病防治和預防傷害,到2020年,嬰兒死亡率、5歲以下兒童死亡率分別控制在7.5‰和9.5‰以?xún)取<{入國家免疫規劃的疫苗接種率以鄉(鎮)為單位保持在95%以上。繼續推行農村義務(wù)教育學(xué)生營(yíng)養改善計劃。強化學(xué)校體育工作,不斷提升學(xué)生體質(zhì)健康水平。加強未成年人心理健康引導。 -- Children's right to health shall be effectively protected. The state shall establish a service system to prevent and treat birth defects, covering the pre-pregnancy, pregnancy and neonatal stages, and accessible to both urban and rural residents. The state shall also enhance the prevention and treatment of childhood diseases and injuries. By 2020 the mortality rate of infants and kids under the age of five shall be no higher than 7.5 per 1,000 and 9.5 per 1,000, respectively. The vaccination rate under the national immunization program, calculated by taking the rural township as the basic unit, shall be kept above 95 percent. The nutrition-enhancement program for students receiving compulsory education in rural areas shall be carried on. Physical education in schools shall be given great priority in order to constantly improve the students' physical health. More guidance shall be given to improve the mental health of minors.
      ——加強兒童財產(chǎn)權益保護。依法保障兒童的財產(chǎn)收益權和獲贈權、知識產(chǎn)權、繼承權、一定權限內獨立的財產(chǎn)支配權。 -- Protection of children's rights and interests in property shall be improved. Protection shall be extended, in accordance with the law, to the children' s rights to proceeds generated by property, bequests, intellectual property right, right of inheritance, and independent right of property dominion within certain limits.
      ——加強校園及周邊社會(huì )治安綜合治理,加強校車(chē)安全管理,預防和制止校園暴力。 -- Comprehensive maintenance of public security on and around school premises shall be strengthened, school bus safety management shall be enhanced, and violence on campus shall be prevented and stopped.
      ——創(chuàng )造有利于兒童參與的社會(huì )環(huán)境。鼓勵并支持兒童參與家庭、學(xué)校和社會(huì )事務(wù),暢通兒童參與和表達渠道。 -- A social environment conducive to the involvement of children shall be created. Encouragement and support shall be given to children to participate in family, school and social affairs, and channels shall be opened up for children to get involved and express themselves.
      ——保障兒童享有閑暇和娛樂(lè )的權利。加強社區兒童活動(dòng)和服務(wù)場(chǎng)所建設,到2020年,“兒童之家”覆蓋90%以上的城鄉社區。確保街道和鄉鎮配備1名以上專(zhuān)職或者兼職兒童社會(huì )工作者。標本兼治減輕學(xué)生課業(yè)負擔。 -- Children's right to leisure and recreation shall be guaranteed. Efforts shall be enhanced in the construction of facilities for children's activities and services in communities. By 2020 there will be "children's homes" in over 90 percent of urban and rural communities. At least one full-time or part-time social worker in relation to children shall be employed in each urban sub-district and rural township. The schoolwork load shall be lessened by addressing both the root cause and symptoms.
      ——關(guān)愛(ài)困境兒童。全面構建覆蓋市、縣、鄉鎮(街道)、社區四級兒童福利保障和服務(wù)體系,實(shí)施縣級兒童福利機構和未成年人保護機構建設規劃。健全困境兒童保障制度。進(jìn)一步完善孤兒保障制度。提高受艾滋病影響兒童和服刑人員未滿(mǎn)18周歲子女的生活、受教育、醫療等權利保障水平。加大對農村留守兒童的關(guān)愛(ài)保護力度。 -- Deprived children shall be taken care of. Children's welfare and service systems at city, county, township (sub-district) and community levels shall be established, in addition to the implementation of a plan for the construction of children's welfare institutions and institutions for the protection of minors at the county level. The system of welfare for deprived children shall be improved. The security system for orphans shall be perfected. The level of guarantee for the rights to life, education, health care and other rights of AIDS-affected children and prisoners' children under 18 years old shall be improved. Greater protection and care shall be extended to children of migrant workers left behind in the countryside.
      ——建立兒童暴力傷害的監測預防、發(fā)現報告、調查評估、處置、救助工作運行機制。依法打擊拐賣(mài)、虐待、遺棄兒童,利用兒童進(jìn)行乞討,以及針對兒童的一切形式的性侵犯等違法犯罪行為。嚴厲懲處使用童工和對兒童進(jìn)行經(jīng)濟剝削的違法行為。 -- A working mechanism against violence to children shall be in place, which will prevent, monitor, report, investigate, evaluate, and handle cases of violence to children and provide necessary assistance. Great store shall be set on punishing the abduction, maltreatment and abandonment of children, forcing children into begging and other illegal criminal activities, including all forms of sexual abuse of children. Severe punishments shall be meted out to criminal activities, such as employment of child labor and exploitation of children.
      ——最大限度地降低未成年犯罪嫌疑人的批捕率、起訴率和監禁率。改革少年審判和家事審判工作制度,建立兒童司法保護和行政保護銜接機制。繼續做好犯罪未成年人社區矯正工作。 -- Every attention shall be paid to reducing the number of arrest, prosecution and imprisonment of juvenile suspects. Reform shall be made of the working mechanism in relation to the trial of minors and children-related family cases, and a mechanism shall be established to link up judicial and administrative protection of children. Efforts shall be made to do well in community-based correction of juvenile delinquents.
      (四)老年人權利 (4) Rights of the elderly
      弘揚敬老養老助老社會(huì )風(fēng)尚,實(shí)施老齡互助關(guān)愛(ài)工程,構建人口老齡化應對體系,切實(shí)維護老年人合法權益。 The social value to respect, provide for and help the elderly shall be carried forward, and mutual care projects for the elderly shall be undertaken. A mechanism to address population ageing shall be developed to effectively protect the legal rights and interests of elderly people.
      ——全面建成以居家為基礎、社區為依托、機構為補充,功能完善、規模適度、覆蓋城鄉、醫養結合的養老服務(wù)體系。全面放開(kāi)養老服務(wù)市場(chǎng),通過(guò)購買(mǎi)服務(wù)、股權合作等方式支持各類(lèi)市場(chǎng)主體增加養老服務(wù)和產(chǎn)品供給。到2020年,養老服務(wù)設施覆蓋90%以上城鎮社區和60%以上農村社區。 -- An old-age service system, which is based on individual families, backed by the communities, supplemented by different institutions, boasts a more complete range of functions, is of an appropriate scale, covers both urban and rural areas and combines medical treatment with endowment care, shall be established. The old-age service market shall be open fully, and various market players shall be encouraged to increase the provision of old-age services and products by multiple means such as buying services and equity cooperation. By 2020 the old-age service facilities shall appear in over 90 percent of urban communities and 60 percent of rural communities.
      ——健全防治結合、多元發(fā)展的老年醫療衛生服務(wù)體系,提高老年人健康服務(wù)可及性和老年人健康管理率。 -- A system of old-age medical care service combining prevention with treatment and boasting diversified development shall be improved. The accessibility of health care services to the elderly and their health management rate shall be improved.
      ——建立完善老年人監護制度。 -- A guardianship system for the elderly shall be set up and improved.
      ——加強老年人優(yōu)待工作,完善老年人社會(huì )福利制度和救助制度。全面建立針對經(jīng)濟困難高齡、失能老年人的補貼制度。 -- Preferential treatment for the elderly shall be strengthened, and the social welfare system and assistance system geared toward the elderly shall be improved. A subsidy system for the elderly advanced in age, in straitened circumstances, and incapacitated shall be put in full shape.
      ——建立健全老年宜居環(huán)境政策法規和標準規范體系。繼續提高新建公共設施和涉老設施無(wú)障礙率,推進(jìn)老年宜居環(huán)境建設。 -- Policies, regulations and normative standards in relation to livable environment for elderly people shall be established and improved. Continuous efforts shall be made to increase the barrier-free rate in newly-built public facilities and facilities geared toward elderly people, and press forward with the development of an environment friendly to the elderly people.
      ——推進(jìn)服務(wù)老年人的公共文化設施建設。繼續擴大公共文化機構向老年人免費開(kāi)放項目,增加老年人公共文化產(chǎn)品供給。 -- Efforts shall be made to forge ahead with the construction of public cultural facilities for the elderly, and encourage public cultural institutions to make more free programs available to elderly people and to increase the supply of public cultural products to this group.
      ——加強社區養老服務(wù)設施與社區體育設施的功能銜接。支持社區利用公共服務(wù)設施和社會(huì )場(chǎng)所組織開(kāi)展適合老年人的體育健身活動(dòng)。 -- Efforts shall be made to integrate the functions of community old-age service facilities with those of sports facilities, encouraging communities to organize physical activities appropriate for the elderly by using public service facilities and other venues.
      ——大力支持老年社會(huì )組織發(fā)展。進(jìn)一步擴大基層老年協(xié)會(huì )在城鄉社區的覆蓋率,提高老年人參與社會(huì )發(fā)展的意愿與程度。 -- Greater encouragement shall be given to the development of social organizations for elderly people, the coverage of grassroots elderly people' s associations shall be further expanded in urban and rural communities, and their will and level of participation in social development shall be enhanced.
      (五)殘疾人權利 (5) Rights of the disabled
      健全殘疾人權益保障制度,提高殘疾人社會(huì )保障和基本公共服務(wù)水平,促進(jìn)殘疾人平等參與社會(huì )生活,保障所有殘疾人的人權。 The system of the protection of the rights and interests of the disabled shall be improved, the level of social security and basic public services for the disabled shall be raised, and efforts shall be made to bring them more opportunities to participate in social life on an equal footing and protect their human rights.
      ——全面實(shí)施困難殘疾人生活補貼和重度殘疾人護理補貼制度。符合條件的殘疾人家庭以及生活困難靠家庭供養且無(wú)法單獨立戶(hù)的成年無(wú)業(yè)重度殘疾人按規定納入最低生活保障。逐步擴大基本醫療保險支付的醫療康復項目范圍。建立殘疾兒童康復救助制度。有條件的地方可以為貧困、重度殘疾人基本型輔助器具配置給予補貼。優(yōu)先保障殘疾人基本住房。實(shí)現殘疾人基本民生兜底保障。 -- A system shall be fully implemented to provide living allowances to financially-challenged disabled people and nursing allowances to the severely disabled population. Families with disabled members that meet certain requirements, and the jobless and severely disabled adults who rely on their families for support are eligible for subsistence allowances. More medical rehabilitation services shall be brought into the scope of basic medical insurance. A system shall be established to provide rehabilitation and assistance to disabled children. Places where the conditions permit shall subsidize the financially-challenged and severely disabled people in their purchase of basic assistance devices. The basic housing needs of the disabled shall be first guaranteed. Break-even security shall be offered for the basic livelihood of the disabled.
      ——開(kāi)展殘疾人康復服務(wù)。制定實(shí)施《殘疾預防和殘疾人康復條例》。為殘疾人提供基本康復服務(wù),以殘疾兒童和持證殘疾人為重點(diǎn),實(shí)施精準康復服務(wù)。加強省、市、縣級殘疾人專(zhuān)業(yè)康復機構建設,支持二級綜合醫院轉型建立以康復醫療為主的綜合醫院或康復醫院,建立醫療機構與殘疾人專(zhuān)業(yè)康復機構雙向轉診制度。廣泛開(kāi)展殘疾人社區康復。建設康復大學(xué),培養康復專(zhuān)業(yè)技術(shù)人才。 -- The state shall carry out rehabilitation services for the disabled. It shall promulgate and put into force the Regulations on Disability Prevention and Rehabilitation. Basic and targeted rehabilitation services shall be provided to the disabled, with the focus on disabled children and the identified disabled population. The development of professional rehabilitation institutions at provincial, city and county levels shall be improved. The state shall support second-grade general hospitals in their efforts to transform themselves into general hospitals mainly focusing on rehabilitation treatment or specialized rehabilitation hospitals. A two-way referral system shall be set up between medical institutions and specialized rehabilitation institutions for the disabled. Community-based rehabilitation services for the disabled shall be extensively carried out. The state shall build rehabilitation colleges to train professional rehabilitation personnel.
      ——推進(jìn)精神障礙患者社區康復服務(wù)。到2020年,基本實(shí)現每個(gè)地級市擁有1所精神衛生社會(huì )福利機構,70%以上的縣(市、區)設有精神障礙社區康復機構或通過(guò)政府購買(mǎi)服務(wù)等方式委托社會(huì )組織開(kāi)展康復工作。 -- Community-based rehabilitation services shall be promoted for mental patients. By 2020 there will be one mental health social welfare center at each prefecture-level city, over 70 percent of counties (cities and districts) will have a community-based rehabilitation institution for mental disorders or entrust social organizations to carry out rehabilitation services through services purchased by the government.
      ——提升殘疾人受教育水平。完善特殊教育學(xué)校布局,健全隨班就讀支持保障體系,努力為殘疾兒童提供全納教育,提供包括義務(wù)教育和高中階段教育在內的12年免費教育,建立為不能到校學(xué)習的重度殘疾兒童送教上門(mén)服務(wù)的制度。 -- The education level of the disabled shall be raised. Improvement shall be made of the planning and distribution of special education schools, as well as the support system that enables children with disabilities to study in regular classes, so as to provide inclusive education for them, i.e., 12-year free education covering nine-year compulsory education and three-year high-school education. A system shall be established in which home teaching is offered to severely disabled children.
      ——完善殘疾人就業(yè)創(chuàng )業(yè)扶持政策,健全公共機構為殘疾人提供就業(yè)崗位制度。加大對殘疾人自主創(chuàng )業(yè)、靈活就業(yè)、輔助性就業(yè)、網(wǎng)絡(luò )就業(yè)的政策扶持力度。加強殘疾人就業(yè)培訓與服務(wù),為中西部地區50萬(wàn)名農村貧困殘疾人提供實(shí)用技術(shù)培訓,實(shí)現城鎮新增50萬(wàn)殘疾人就業(yè)。 -- Policies to support the disabled to find jobs and start up businesses shall be improved, so shall the system of providing jobs for the disabled by public institutions. Policy support shall be strengthened to the disabled in starting up their own businesses, or getting jobs in flexible ways, getting supported employment or getting Internet-based employment. Efforts shall be intensified to strengthen employment training and services for the disabled, providing practical technical training to 500,000 impoverished disabled people in the rural areas of central and western China, and ensuring that an additional 500,000 disabled people get employed in the urban areas.
      ——加強殘疾人文化權益保障。增加在公共文化場(chǎng)所配備適合殘疾人使用的文化娛樂(lè )器材。有條件的公共圖書(shū)館全部設置盲人閱覽區域或閱覽室。鼓勵盲用讀物和殘疾人題材圖書(shū)出版。實(shí)施《國家手語(yǔ)和盲文規范化行動(dòng)計劃(2015-2020年)》。 -- Protection of cultural rights and interests of the disabled shall be strengthened. Efforts shall be made to beef up investment in cultural and entertainment equipment appropriate for the disabled in the public cultural centers. Public libraries where conditions permit shall all have reading areas or reading rooms for the disabled. The publication of reading materials for the visually handicapped and books about the disabled people shall be encouraged. The National Sign Language and Braille Standardization Action Plan (2015-2020) shall be implemented.
      ——全面推進(jìn)無(wú)障礙環(huán)境建設。確保新(改、擴)建道路、建筑物和居住區配套建設無(wú)障礙設施,推進(jìn)已建設施無(wú)障礙改造。加強政府和公共服務(wù)機構網(wǎng)站無(wú)障礙改造,推動(dòng)食品藥品信息識別無(wú)障礙和影視節目加配字幕、手語(yǔ),促進(jìn)電信業(yè)務(wù)經(jīng)營(yíng)者、電子商務(wù)企業(yè)等為殘疾人提供信息無(wú)障礙服務(wù)。進(jìn)一步完善殘疾人駕車(chē)服務(wù)措施。加大貧困重度殘疾人家庭無(wú)障礙改造工作力度。 -- All-round endeavor shall be made in the building of barrier-free environments for the disabled. Barrier-free facilities shall be constructed on newly-built (renovated or expanded) roads, and in buildings and residential districts, or be added to exiting facilities. Renovation shall be carried out to make barrier-free facilities available in the websites of government and public service agencies, make food and drug information identifiable without obstruction, add subtitles or sign language to movies and TV programs, and urge telecommunication service operators and e-commerce enterprises to provide barrier-free information to the disabled. Measures shall be taken to improve the driving experience of the disabled. In addition, efforts shall be stepped up to carry out renovation of barrier-free facilities for impoverished families with members suffering from severe disabilities.
      ——完善殘疾人獲得法律援助、法律服務(wù)和司法救助制度。嚴厲打擊侵犯殘疾人合法權益的違法犯罪行為。暢通殘疾人群體的利益表達渠道。 -- The system by which the disabled get legal aid and services and judicial relief shall be improved. Illegal or criminal activities encroaching upon their legitimate rights and interests shall be seriously dealt with. Channels through which the disabled make their voices heard about their rights and interests shall be smoothed out.
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