


      發(fā)布時(shí)間: 2016-09-29 16:43:34??|??來(lái)源: 中國網(wǎng)??|??作者:??|??責任編輯: 李瀟

      四、人權教育和研究 IV. Human Rights Education and Research
      加大人權教育與培訓力度,提高全社會(huì )人權意識;搭建人權研究平臺,為人權事業(yè)發(fā)展提供智力支持。 China shall intensify its efforts to promote human rights education and training, and to enhance the public's awareness of the importance of human rights. It shall set up a human rights research platform to provide intellectual support for the cause of human rights.
      ——落實(shí)《關(guān)于完善國家工作人員學(xué)法用法制度的意見(jiàn)》,把人權教育作為加強國家工作人員學(xué)法用法工作重要內容。將人權知識納入黨委(黨組)的學(xué)習內容,列入各級黨校、干部學(xué)院、行政學(xué)院的課程體系,列為法官、檢察官、警察等公職人員入職、培訓必修課。 -- China shall implement the Opinions on Improving the System of Study and Use of the Law of State Functionaries, and make human rights education a key part of the work of enhancing the performance of state functionaries in this regard. The state shall include human rights knowledge in the education of Party committees (leading Party groups). It shall make human rights part of the curricula of Party schools, cadre colleges and administration institutes at all levels, and a required course for government employees, including judges, prosecutors and police officers, at the beginning of their careers or during training.
      ——把人權知識納入國民教育內容。以靈活多樣的形式將人權知識融入中小學(xué)教育教學(xué)活動(dòng)中。面向幼兒教師、中小學(xué)教師開(kāi)展人權知識培訓。 -- China shall include human rights knowledge in the content of national education. The state shall make sure that human rights knowledge is integrated into the teaching activities of elementary and middle schools in flexible and diverse ways. It shall also provide human rights training for preschool, and elementary and secondary school teachers.
      ——繼續支持高校開(kāi)展人權通識教育,進(jìn)一步加強人權方面的學(xué)科和方向研究生的招生和培養。提升高校、科研院所開(kāi)展人權重大理論與實(shí)踐問(wèn)題研究的能力,設立人權理論研究國家科研專(zhuān)項。 -- China shall continue to support education in human rights in institutions of higher learning. The state shall further strengthen the development of human rights-related disciplines, and postgraduate enrollment and training. It shall improve the abilities of institutions of higher learning and research institutes to carry out studies on important theories and practical problems concerning human rights, and establish a national scientific research project on human rights theories.
      ——支持和鼓勵企事業(yè)單位加強人權教育、培訓,培育人權文化,在境內外投資中將尊重和保障人權作為決策的重要考慮因素。 -- China shall support and encourage the enhancement of human rights education and training in enterprises and public institutions. The state shall develop a human rights culture, and take respecting and guaranteeing human rights as an important factor in decisions concerning both domestic and foreign investment.
      ——規范國家人權教育與培訓基地工作。到2020年,再增加5家人權教育與培訓基地。規范基地管理,創(chuàng )新基地運作模式,加強人才隊伍建設,加大資金投入,建設中國特色新型高端人權智庫。 -- China shall standardize the work of national human rights education and training bases. It plans to add five bases to the current ones by 2020. The state shall standardize management and make innovations in the operation mode of these bases. It shall train more personnel and invest more money in building a new-type and high-end human rights think tank with Chinese characteristics.
      ——開(kāi)展設立國家人權機構必要性與可行性研究。 -- China shall study the necessity and feasibility of establishing a national human rights institution.
      ——支持新聞和網(wǎng)絡(luò )媒體設立人權專(zhuān)題頻道或欄目,普及人權知識,傳播人權理念。 -- China shall support the opening of special channels or columns on human rights by news media to publicize human rights knowledge and raise awareness.
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