

      【中英文對照】習近平在G20領(lǐng)導人杭州峰會(huì )上的開(kāi)幕辭摘編

      發(fā)布時(shí)間:2016-11-04 15:19:38??|??來(lái)源:中國翻譯研究院??|??作者:??|??責任編輯:李瀟

      習近平在G20領(lǐng)導人杭州峰會(huì )上的開(kāi)幕辭摘編

      An Excerpt From President Xi Jinping's Opening Speech at the G20 Hangzhou Summit

      編者按:二十國集團領(lǐng)導人第十一次峰會(huì )于9月4日至5日在浙江杭州舉行。中國國家主席習近平出席并致開(kāi)幕辭。Editor's Note: The 11th G20 Summit was held in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, from September 4 to 5. President Xi Jinping delivered the opening speech, and the following is an edited excerpt of that speech:
      二十國集團聚集了世界主要經(jīng)濟體,國際社會(huì )對我們充滿(mǎn)期待,對這次峰會(huì )寄予厚望。希望杭州峰會(huì )能夠為世界經(jīng)濟開(kāi)出一劑標本兼治、綜合施策的“藥方”,讓世界經(jīng)濟走上強勁、可持續、平衡、包容增長(cháng)之路。The G20 has gathered together the world's major economies. The international community has great expectations for the G20 and places high hopes on this summit. I hope that the Hangzhou summit will provide a holistic solution that addresses both the symptoms and root causes of global economic problems and helps achieve strong, sustainable, balanced and inclusive global growth.
      我們應該加強宏觀(guān)經(jīng)濟政策協(xié)調,合力促進(jìn)全球經(jīng)濟增長(cháng)、維護金融穩定。We should strengthen macroeconomic policy coordination, jointly promote global growth and maintain financial stability.
      我們應該創(chuàng )新發(fā)展方式,挖掘增長(cháng)動(dòng)能。We should break a new path for growth and generate new growth momentum.
      我們應該完善全球經(jīng)濟治理,夯實(shí)機制保障。We should improve global economic governance and strengthen institutional safeguards.
      我們應該建設開(kāi)放型世界經(jīng)濟,繼續推動(dòng)貿易和投資自由化便利化。We should build an open global economy and continue to promote the facilitation and liberalization of trade and investment.
      我們應該落實(shí)2030年可持續發(fā)展議程,促進(jìn)包容性發(fā)展。We should implement the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and promote inclusive development.
      二十國集團承載著(zhù)世界各國期待,我們要努力把它建設好,為世界經(jīng)濟繁榮穩定把握好大方向。The G20 carries the expectations of the international community. We must ensure that the G20 fully plays its role by keeping the world economy on a track of prosperity and stability.
      與時(shí)俱進(jìn),發(fā)揮引領(lǐng)作用。二十國集團應該根據世界經(jīng)濟需要,進(jìn)一步從危機應對向長(cháng)效治理機制轉型。The G20 must keep up with the changing times and lead the way forward. It should adapt itself to the needs of the global economy and further transform itself from a mechanism of crisis response to one of long-term governance.
      知行合一,采取務(wù)實(shí)行動(dòng)。我們應該讓二十國集團成為行動(dòng)隊,而不是清談館。今年,我們在可持續發(fā)展、綠色金融、提高能效、反腐敗等諸多領(lǐng)域制定了行動(dòng)計劃,要把每一項行動(dòng)落到實(shí)處。The G20 should fully honor its commitments. We should make the G20 an action team instead of a talk shop. This year, we have formulated action plans in areas such as sustainable development, green finance, energy efficiency and anti-corruption. Each and every plan should be implemented.
      共建共享,打造合作平臺。我們應該繼續加強二十國集團機制建設,確保合作延續和深入。廣納良言,充分傾聽(tīng)世界各國特別是發(fā)展中國家聲音,使二十國集團工作更具包容性,更好回應各國人民訴求。The G20 should become a platform of cooperation, built through joint efforts that deliver benefits to all. We should continue to strengthen the institutional aspect of the G20 to sustain and deepen our cooperation. We should solicit proposals for improvement and heed the views of all countries, especially developing countries, so that the work of the G20 is more inclusive and responsive to the demands of all people.
      同舟共濟,發(fā)揚伙伴精神。我們雖然國情不同、發(fā)展階段不同、面臨的現實(shí)挑戰不同,但推動(dòng)經(jīng)濟增長(cháng)的愿望相同,應對危機挑戰的利益相同,實(shí)現共同發(fā)展的憧憬相同。The G20 should stick together as partners in meeting challenges. Although members differ in national conditions and stages of development, and face different challenges, all members share the same wish to promote economic growth, the same interest in responding to crises and the same vision for achieving common development.