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      【中英文對照】習近平在智利媒體發(fā)表署名文章《共同開(kāi)創(chuàng )中國和智利關(guān)系更加美好的未來(lái)》

      發(fā)布時(shí)間:2016-11-30 15:55:04  | 來(lái)源:中國網(wǎng)  | 作者:  | 責任編輯:李瀟


      11月22日,國家主席習近平在圣地亞哥同智利總統巴切萊特舉行會(huì )談。這是會(huì )談前,習近平出席巴切萊特在憲法廣場(chǎng)舉行的隆重歡迎儀式。[新華社 王曄 攝]
      Chinese President Xi Jinping(3rd L F) attends a welcoming ceremony held by Chilean President Michelle Bachelet (2nd L F) in Santiago, capital of Chile, Nov. 22, 2016. (Xinhua/Wang Ye)
      11月22日,在對智利共和國進(jìn)行國事訪(fǎng)問(wèn)之際,國家主席習近平在智利《信使報》發(fā)表題為《共同開(kāi)創(chuàng )中國和智利關(guān)系更加美好的未來(lái)》的署名文章。文章如下:Chinese President Xi Jinping published a signed article on Tuesday in the leading Chilean newspaper El Mercurio under the title "Work Together for a More Promising Future of China-Chile Relations," ahead of his state visit to the Latin American country. The English translated version of the article is as follows.

      共同開(kāi)創(chuàng )中國和智利關(guān)系更加美好的未來(lái)   

      Work Together for a More Promising Future of China-Chile Relations
      By H.E. Xi Jinping
      President of the People's Republic of China

      智利被譽(yù)為“天涯之國”,依山傍海,風(fēng)光壯美,物產(chǎn)富饒,文化燦爛。智利人民勤勞智慧,依靠自己的雙手,發(fā)揚堅韌不拔的民族精神,創(chuàng )造了發(fā)展奇跡。Chile, known as "the land where the earth ends," is situated between the sea and mountains and boasts beautiful landscape, rich resources and splendid culture. The industrious and ingenious people of Chile, with their strengths and perseverance, have created a development miracle.
      5年前,我到訪(fǎng)智利,留下美好印象。今天,再次踏上這片美麗的土地,備感親切,充滿(mǎn)期待。Five years ago, I visited Chile and was deeply impressed by the country. Today, as I set foot on this beautiful land again, I feel very much at home and begin my visit with great expectations.
      中智分處地球兩端,相距遙遠,但兩國人民交往源遠流長(cháng),結下了不解之緣。諾貝爾文學(xué)獎獲得者、智利大詩(shī)人聶魯達親切地把中國稱(chēng)為“偉大的兄弟”。中國(China)和智利(Chile)不僅有著(zhù)兄弟般的國名,兩國人民還擁有兄弟般的友情。China and Chile are far away from each other, but the two peoples enjoy a long history of interactions and profound friendship. Pablo Neruda, a Nobel Prize laureate in literature and a major poet in Chile, referred to China affectionately as a "great brother." Even the names of our two countries, China and Chile, resemble those of two brothers and our two peoples have indeed fostered a brotherly relationship.
      中智兩國人民素有相知相親的傳統。兩國人民隔海相望,彼此欣賞。聶魯達多次訪(fǎng)華,寫(xiě)下了《中國大地之歌》、《亞細亞之風(fēng)》等歌頌和祝福中國的詩(shī)篇。他的作品在中國廣為傳頌,影響了許多中國詩(shī)人。智利著(zhù)名畫(huà)家萬(wàn)徒勒里旅居中國多年,他借鑒中國水墨丹青技法,創(chuàng )作了《長(cháng)江》等作品,飽含著(zhù)對中國的深深眷戀。這些詩(shī)歌和畫(huà)作凝聚著(zhù)中智兩國人民深情厚誼。他們成立了拉美第一家民間對華友好組織——智中文化協(xié)會(huì ),帶動(dòng)一批批有識之士投身中智友好事業(yè)。在圣地亞哥有一所“長(cháng)江小學(xué)”,寓意中智友誼如同長(cháng)江一樣,后浪推前浪。The two peoples have the tradition of mutual understanding and affection. Though our two peoples are separated by the ocean, we admire each other. Neruda paid multiple visits to China and wrote poems such as Cancion de la tierra China and El Viento de la Asia, in which he expressed his love and best wishes for China. His works have been widely read in China with influence on many Chinese poets. Jose Venturelli, a famous artist of Chile, lived in China for years. He learned from the skills of Chinese ink painting and created works such as the Yangtze River, which demonstrated his strong attachment to China. These poems and paintings reflect the profound friendship between the two peoples. These Chilean friends established the Chile-China Cultural Association, the first non-governmental organization committed to developing friendly ties with China in Latin America, and encouraged a great number of visionary people to join in the cause of growing China-Chile friendship. In Santiago, there is a Yangtze River Primary School, whose name signifies that China-Chile friendship is as vibrant as the Yangtze River.
      中智兩國人民素有守望相助的傳統。在2010年那場(chǎng)舉世矚目的智利礦難救援行動(dòng)中,中國機械設備制造企業(yè)積極參與,為營(yíng)救33名礦工作出了貢獻。2015年智利北部發(fā)生嚴重洪災,中國第一時(shí)間向智方伸出援手,廣大旅居智利的華僑華人也紛紛解囊相助,智方積極營(yíng)救受困中國公民,體現了兩國人民患難與共的真摯情感。The two peoples have the tradition of helping and supporting each other. When the devastating mining accident occurred in Chile in 2010, a Chinese equipment-making company was actively involved in the rescue operation and contributed to the rescue of 33 miners. In 2015 when north Chile was hit by a massive flood, China lent its support immediately and the Chinese community in Chile also made generous donations. Relevant authorities in Chile offered timely help to the Chinese nationals stranded in the flood. All this has reflected the sincere friendship between our two peoples who share weal and woe.
      中智兩國人民素有敢為人先的傳統。兩國關(guān)系創(chuàng )造了多項“第一”。46年前,阿連德總統以他非凡的遠見(jiàn)卓識,在南美國家中第一個(gè)決定同新中國建立外交關(guān)系,開(kāi)啟了中智關(guān)系新篇章。智利是第一個(gè)就中國加入世界貿易組織同中方簽署雙邊協(xié)議、第一個(gè)承認中國完全市場(chǎng)經(jīng)濟地位、第一個(gè)同中國簽署雙邊自由貿易協(xié)定的拉美國家。在自由貿易協(xié)定帶動(dòng)下,2015年雙邊貿易額達到318億美元,是10年前的近5倍。中國成為智利第一大貿易伙伴和銅、車(chē)厘子、藍莓、海鮮、葡萄酒等產(chǎn)品的最大出口目的地,智利躍居中國在拉美的第三大貿易伙伴。不久前,中國建設銀行智利分行作為拉美首家人民幣清算行正式開(kāi)業(yè),為中智關(guān)系增添了新的“第一”。在兩國歷屆政府和社會(huì )各界共同努力下,中智關(guān)系枝繁葉茂、碩果累累。The two peoples have the tradition of making pioneering efforts. A number of "firsts" have been achieved in our bilateral ties. Former President Salvador Allende, with his extraordinary vision, decided to establish diplomatic ties with New China 46 years ago, making Chile the first country in South America to do so and opening a new chapter in China-Chile relations. Chile was the first Latin American country to sign a bilateral agreement with China on its WTO accession, to recognize China as a full market economy and to sign with China a bilateral Free Trade Agreement (FTA). Driven by the FTA, our bilateral trade volume reached 31.8 billion U.S. dollars in 2015, nearly five folds of that ten years ago. China has become Chile's largest trading partner and its largest export market of such products as copper, cherry, blueberry, sea food and wine. Chile has become China's third largest trading partner in Latin America. Not long ago, China Construction Bank opened its branch in Chile and became the first RMB settlement bank in Latin America, adding another "first" to our relations. Thanks to the concerted efforts of our two governments and people from all sectors, our bilateral ties have grown from strength to strength and yielded fruitful results.
      中國人將美好的姻緣稱(chēng)為“金玉良緣”。2008年北京奧運會(huì )金牌就是用智利金和中國玉制作而成。這一枚枚獎牌象征著(zhù)中智兩國人民情同手足的緣分。The Chinese people refer to a good relationship as "a bond of gold and jade." The gold medals for 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing were made of gold from Chile and jade from China. These medals are symbols of the brotherly relations between the Chinese and Chilean peoples.
      中智關(guān)系之所以能夠長(cháng)期穩定發(fā)展,是因為雙方堅持平等相待、互尊互信,是因為雙方堅持優(yōu)勢互補、互利共贏(yíng),更是因為雙方堅持與時(shí)俱進(jìn)、開(kāi)拓進(jìn)取,推動(dòng)兩國關(guān)系邁向一個(gè)又一個(gè)新高度。The China-Chile ties have enjoyed long-term stable growth because both sides are committed to treating each other as equals with mutual respect and trust and leveraging mutual complementarity for win-win outcomes. More importantly, both sides have kept up with the times and made pioneering efforts to push bilateral relations to new highs.
      當前,國際形勢正在發(fā)生深刻復雜變化,世界經(jīng)濟復蘇步履維艱,全球性挑戰不斷增多。中智兩國都處在發(fā)展的關(guān)鍵階段,面臨相似的機遇和挑戰。中國人民正在為實(shí)現“兩個(gè)一百年”奮斗目標、實(shí)現中華民族偉大復興的中國夢(mèng)而努力。智利也在改革發(fā)展的道路上奮力前行。共同的發(fā)展使命將我們更加緊密地聯(lián)系在一起。The international situation is now undergoing profound and complex changes. The world economic recovery is in difficulty and global challenges are on the rise. Both China and Chile are at a critical stage of development and face similar opportunities and challenges. The Chinese people are working hard for achieving the two centenary goals (i.e., to finish building a moderately prosperous society in all respects by the time the Communist Party of China celebrates its centenary in 2021 and to turn China into a modern socialist country that is prosperous, strong, democratic, culturally advanced and harmonious by the time the People's Republic of China celebrates its centenary in 2049) and realizing the great renewal of the Chinese nation. Chile is also making great efforts along its path of reform and development. Such a common mission of development has further strengthened our existing close ties.
      拉美朋友常說(shuō),“獨行快,眾行遠”。我期待通過(guò)這次訪(fǎng)問(wèn),同智利各界朋友深入交流,發(fā)揚中智關(guān)系優(yōu)良傳統,規劃兩國合作新藍圖,推動(dòng)中智兩國在共同發(fā)展的道路上攜手共進(jìn)。Friends in Latin America often say that one can walk fast when traveling alone and walk a long distance when traveling with friends. I look forward to in-depth exchanges with friends from various sectors of Chile during this visit so that we can carry forward the fine tradition of China-Chile relations and draw a new blueprint for bilateral cooperation to advance common development of our two countries.
      ——我們要堅持相互尊重,筑牢政治基礎。雙方要加強全方位交往,堅定支持對方走符合本國國情的發(fā)展道路,在涉及彼此核心利益和重大關(guān)切問(wèn)題上相互理解和支持。-- We should remain committed to mutual respect and consolidate political foundation for our relations. Our two countries should strengthen exchanges in all aspects, give each other firm support in our respective efforts to follow a development path suited to our national realities and render each other understanding and support on issues bearing on each other's core interests and major concerns.
      ——我們要加強戰略對接,促進(jìn)共同發(fā)展。雙方要完善自由貿易區建設,促進(jìn)貿易和投資便利化,提升相互投資水平,深化礦業(yè)、農業(yè)、基礎設施建設、通信、清潔能源、科技創(chuàng )新等領(lǐng)域合作,給兩國人民帶來(lái)更多福祉。-- We should enhance our complementarity and promote common development. Our two countries should improve the building of FTA, promote trade and investment facilitation and increase mutual investment. We should deepen cooperation in mining, agriculture, infrastructure, communications, clean energy and scientific innovation so as to bring more benefits to the two peoples.
      ——我們要擴大人文交流,鞏固傳統友誼。智利文學(xué)家米斯特拉爾說(shuō),“友誼是相互信任,是長(cháng)存于心”。雙方要常來(lái)常往,擴大文化、教育、體育、旅游等領(lǐng)域交流合作,讓兩國人民友誼薪火相傳。-- We should expand cultural and people-to-people exchanges and consolidate traditional friendship. Gabriela Mistral, a Chilean writer, said that friendship is mutual trust deeply rooted in heart. Our two sides should further facilitate people-to-people exchanges and expand cooperation in such areas as culture, education, sports and tourism so that the friendship between the two peoples will be carried forward from generation to generation.
      ——我們要加強戰略協(xié)作,維護共同利益。中智都是環(huán)太平洋重要國家,雙方要加強在聯(lián)合國、亞太經(jīng)合組織等多邊機制內的溝通和協(xié)調,加快推動(dòng)亞太自由貿易區建設,為世界經(jīng)濟發(fā)展增添新動(dòng)力。-- We should strengthen strategic coordination and uphold our common interest. China and Chile, as two important Pacific-rim countries, should enhance communication and coordination in the United Nations, APEC and other multilateral mechanisms and push for the building of the Asia-Pacific FTA so as to add new impetus to the world economic development.
      當前,拉美國家在發(fā)展道路上面臨的挑戰有所增多,但依然是充滿(mǎn)希望的熱土。正如聶魯達所說(shuō),“如果我們看一看美洲地圖,正視那偉大的萬(wàn)千氣象”,我們就會(huì )對拉美的未來(lái)信心倍增。智利是拉美的門(mén)戶(hù),目前擔任拉美太平洋聯(lián)盟輪值主席國,在地區事務(wù)中發(fā)揮著(zhù)重要作用。中方愿同智方一道,推動(dòng)中拉全面合作伙伴關(guān)系得到更大發(fā)展,構建攜手共進(jìn)的命運共同體。Although Latin American countries now face more challenges on their way to development, this land is still full of hope. As Neruda once said, if we look at the map of America, we will find a very promising vista. We will then have greater confidence in the future of Latin America. Chile, as the gateway to Latin America and the current rotating chair of the Pacific Alliance, plays an important role in regional affairs. China is ready to work with Chile to push China-Latin America Comprehensive Cooperative Partnership forward for greater development and build a community of shared future.
      “海內存知己,天涯若比鄰?!痹诮?jīng)濟全球化、社會(huì )信息化深入發(fā)展的今天,太平洋早已不再是將中國和智利分開(kāi)的屏障,而是聯(lián)系我們的紐帶和橋梁。讓我們一起努力,攜手開(kāi)創(chuàng )中智關(guān)系更加美好的未來(lái)。As a Chinese poem goes, "If you have a friend afar who knows your heart, distance can't keep you two apart." With the advancement of economic globalization and IT application, the Pacific Ocean can no longer keep China and Chile apart. Instead, it is a bond or a bridge linking our two countries. So let us work together for a more promising future of China-Chile relations.
      (Source: Xinhua)