


      發(fā)布時(shí)間:2016-12-15 10:42:02??|??來(lái)源:中國網(wǎng)??|??作者:??|??責任編輯:李瀟

      女士們、先生們,同志們、朋友們:Ladies and Gentlemen, Comrades and Friends,
      今天我們舉行中國收復西南沙群島70周年紀念活動(dòng),共同銘記歷史、啟迪現實(shí),珍惜和平、展望未來(lái)。Today we get together at the Commemoration of the 70th Anniversary of China's Recovery of the Xisha and Nansha Islands to review the history, enlighten the present, cherish peace, and look forward into the future.
      世界反法西斯戰爭和中國人民抗日戰爭取得偉大勝利后,根據《開(kāi)羅宣言》和《波茨坦公告》,1946年11-12月,中國派出“太平”“永興”“中建”“中業(yè)”4艘軍艦,在指揮官林遵海軍上校的率領(lǐng)下,與政府接收專(zhuān)員和相關(guān)專(zhuān)業(yè)人員,收復了被日本軍國主義侵占的西南沙群島并隆重舉行儀式,向全世界莊嚴宣告,中國對西南沙群島恢復行使主權。這一重大歷史事件,世界共同見(jiàn)證,國人永遠銘記。在這里,我代表中國人民解放軍海軍全體官兵,向為收復西南沙群島做出重大歷史貢獻的民族先輩表示崇高敬意!向長(cháng)期以來(lái)尊重中國政府主張、致力維護南海和平發(fā)展的國內外友人表示衷心感謝!向與會(huì )的各位來(lái)賓表示熱烈歡迎!After the great victory of the World Anti-Fascist War and the Chinese People's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, in accordance with the Cairo Declaration and the Potsdam Proclamation, from November to December 1946, China dispatched four warships, Taiping, Yongxing, Zhongjian and Zhongye, under the command of Capt. Lin Zun, with government representatives and specialists on board, recovered the Xisha and Nansha Islands, which had been invaded by Japanese militarists, and held a solemn ceremony to proclaim that China resumed sovereignty over the Xisha and Nansha Islands. This event of great historical significance was witnessed by the whole world and remembered by the Chinese people forever. Here, on behalf of all the officers and sailors of the PLA Navy, I would like to pay high tribute to our nation's forerunners who have made great historical contributions to the recovery of the Xisha and Nansha Islands, express our heartfelt gratitude to friends at home and overseas who always respect the claims of the Chinese government and concentrate their efforts on the peaceful development in the South China Sea, and extend our warm welcome to all the guests attending the commemoration.
      收復西南沙群島是中國對固有領(lǐng)土的有效規復。西南沙群島自古以來(lái)就是中國領(lǐng)土。早在公元前2世紀的漢代,中國人民就憑借先進(jìn)的造船和航海技術(shù)在南海航行,發(fā)現并命名了西沙、南沙群島。公元4-8世紀的隋唐時(shí)期,中國人民在西南沙群島捕魚(yú)采貝,大量歷史古籍詳細記載了南海島礁的地貌特征,生動(dòng)描述了他們的生產(chǎn)生活,考古也發(fā)現了他們的居住遺址和生活用具。1000多年前的宋代,中國就對西南沙群島設吏管轄,派遣水師巡視南海。600多年前的明代,中國將西南沙群島劃歸廣東省瓊州府管轄,海南漁民世代相傳的《更路簿》,記錄了他們在西南沙群島蓋房建廟、挖井汲水、墾荒種植、耕海牧漁。1868年英國海軍部出版的《中國海指南》,也細致描述了中國海南漁民在南沙群島的生產(chǎn)生活情況。直至清末的1909年,廣東水師提督李準還率艦巡海登島。歷史表明,中國開(kāi)發(fā)利用和管轄西南沙群島的脈絡(luò )清晰、鐵證如山,主權歸屬無(wú)可爭辯、毋庸置疑。The recovery of the Xisha and Nansha Islands is the effective restoration of China's inherent territory. The Xisha and Nansha Islands have been China's territory since ancient times. As early as in Han Dynasty, in the 2nd century B.C., depending on advanced shipbuilding and navigation technologies, Chinese people sailed in the South China Sea, discovered and named the Xisha and Nansha Islands. In Sui Dynasty and Tang Dynasty, from the 4th century to the 8th century A.D., the Chinese people went fishing around the Xisha and Nansha Islands. Large amount of historical documents record in details the topographical features of the islands and reefs in the South China Sea, and have vivid description of these people's production and living. Archaeological studies also have discovered inhabiting relics and living tools of them. In Song Dynasty, more than 1,000 years ago, China already established administration on the Xisha and Nansha Islands, sent officials to perform administrative duty, and dispatched naval ships to patrol the South China Sea. In Ming Dynasty, more than 600 years ago, China authorized Qiongzhou of Guangdong province to administrate the Xisha and Nansha Islands. The Geng Lu Bu (The Manual of Sea Routes), passed on by Chinese fishermen from generation to generation, records their activities on the Xisha and Nansha Islands, such as building houses and temples, digging wells, farming and fishing. The China Sea Directory, published by the British Admiralty in 1868 depicts in details the production and living of Chinese fishermen on Nansha Islands. Even in 1909 of late Qing Dynasty, Li Zhun, the Commander of the Guangdong Fleet, led naval vessels to patrol the sea and land the islands. The historical records give hard evidence of China's development and administration of the Xisha and Nansha Islands, and China's sovereignty over these islands is indisputable.
      收復西南沙群島是中國反侵略戰爭勝利的重要成果。近代中國積貧積弱、任人宰割。據統計,鴉片戰爭后的100多年間,列強先后從海上入侵多達480余次,規模較大的就有84次。國家有海無(wú)防,人民生靈涂炭,民族危在旦夕。在西南沙,1933年法國制造了“九小島事件”占我島礁(南沙太平、南威、中業(yè)、鴻麻、南鑰、南子、北子、西月島和安波沙洲);日本發(fā)動(dòng)全面侵華戰爭后,于1939年3月相繼侵占了西南沙部分島嶼。至今,西沙珊瑚島、永興島上仍存有法、日非法侵占時(shí)期修建的炮樓和房屋。收復西南沙群島,既是捍衛中華民族尊嚴、行使國家領(lǐng)土主權的勝利之舉,也是維護正義、保衛和平的勝利之舉;既是中國反侵略戰爭勝利的重要成果,也是世界反法西斯戰爭勝利的重要成果。自古以來(lái),和平穩定就是人類(lèi)的美好夙愿和共同追求。他人之財不可取、別國之地不可占,任何侵略行徑必定失敗。中國政府、人民和軍隊有決心有能力捍衛國家主權安全,維護南海和平穩定。The recovery of the Xisha and Nansha Islands is the major achievement during the anti-aggression war in China. China in modern history, as poor and weak, was bullied by big powers. Statistics show that, for over 100 years after the Opium War, the big powers had invaded China from the sea for more than 480 times, 84 of which were in large scale. As China lacked effective maritime defense, these invasions wreaked havoc on Chinese people and left the nation at stake. In 1933, France plotted the "Nine Isles Incident" and plundered these isles. Then Japan launched the full scale invasion of China and illegally seized some of the Xisha and Nansha Islands successively in March, 1939. Till now, on the Shanhu Island and Yongxing Island still stand blockhouses and buildings of the French and Japanese invaders. The recovery of the Xisha and Nansha Islands is a victorious act of China to defend national dignity, exercise territorial sovereignty, and uphold justice and peace. It is the major achievement of the victory of China's Anti-Aggression War and the World Anti-Fascist War. Since ancient times, peace and stability have been the long cherished wish and common goal of mankind. The wealth of others should not be coveted and the territory of other country should not be occupied. Any aggression is doomed to fail. The Chinese government, the Chinese people and the PLA are determined and capable to safeguard the national sovereignty and security and maintain peace and stability in the South China Sea.
      收復西南沙群島是中國對戰后國際秩序的堅定維護。《開(kāi)羅宣言》《波茨坦公告》和《聯(lián)合國憲章》,是戰后國際秩序的基石,是維護和平正義的準則。1943年12月中、美、英三國發(fā)表的《開(kāi)羅宣言》,明確要求日本必須將所竊取的一切中國領(lǐng)土歸還中國。1945年7月中、美、英三國發(fā)表的《波茨坦公告》,明確提出開(kāi)羅宣言之條件必須實(shí)施。1945年9月2日在美國“密蘇里”號戰列艦上,日本簽署了《無(wú)條件投降書(shū)》。隨后,中國在南京接受了侵華日軍投降,在海南島接受了侵占西南沙群島的日軍投降。這些都是中國按照戰后秩序收復西南沙群島主權的直接證據。戰后國際秩序是世界反法西斯力量共同構建的,是國際公平正義的體現、人類(lèi)文明進(jìn)步的象征。撫今追昔,任何國際組織、任何國家政府、任何人都有責任、有義務(wù)維護好戰后國際秩序,這也是對人類(lèi)社會(huì )和平發(fā)展的最大堅守。The recovery of the Xisha and Nansha Islands is China's firm maintenance of the postwar international order. The Cairo Declaration, the Potsdam Proclamation, and the UN Charters are the cornerstone of the postwar international order and the principles for maintaining peace and justice. The Cairo Declaration, issued by China, the United States, and the United Kingdom in December 1943, clearly demanded Japan to return all the territory illegally seized from China. The Potsdam Proclamation, issued by China, the United States, and the United Kingdom, prescribed that the terms of the Cairo Declaration must be implemented. On September 2, 1945, Japan signed the Japanese Instrument of Surrender onboard USS Missouri. Thereafter, China accepted the surrender of Japanese invasion forces in Nanjing, and the surrender of Japanese forces occupying the Xisha and Nansha Islands on Hainan Island. These are all direct proof of China's resumption of sovereignty over the Xisha and Nansha Islands by following the postwar order. The postwar international order was jointly established by the world anti-fascist forces, which demonstrated international justice and represented progress of human civilization. Whether in the past or at present, any international organization, government, or people, is obliged and responsible to maintain the postwar international order. It is also the utmost effort to safeguard the peace and development of human community.
      收復西南沙群島是中國捍衛南海主權權益的國家宣示。中國收復西南沙群島后,隨即派兵駐守、設立管理機構、開(kāi)展護漁護航,實(shí)施島礁精準測量和重新命名,在中國官方標準地圖上標注島礁位置,同步劃設南海斷續線(xiàn),通過(guò)政府文告向全世界公布。這些都是中國宣示主權、行使管轄的具體體現,得到了國際社會(huì )的廣泛承認,并體現在多國政府發(fā)表的相關(guān)文獻和出版物中。國家權利根植于國家實(shí)踐,在國家宣示中不斷確認和鞏固。中國收復西南沙群島后采取的一系列行動(dòng)和舉措,構成了中國南海領(lǐng)土主權和海洋權益的堅實(shí)法理基礎,必須得到切實(shí)尊重和有效維護。The recovery of Xisha and Nansha Islands is China's national declaration of safeguarding the sovereign rights and interests in the South China Sea. Soon after the recovery of Xisha and Nansha Islands, China sent troops to the islands, established administrative organizations, and started fishery and convoy protection. China also conducted precise survey and renaming of the islands and reefs, marked their locations on officially issued standard maps, meanwhile drew the dotted line in the South China Sea, and promulgated them through government documents to the whole world. These were the specific measures of China to claim sovereignty and exercise jurisdiction, which was widely recognized by the international community and can be found in relevant government documents and publications of multiple countries. National rights are rooted in national practice, and are constantly reaffirmed and reinforced through national declaration. The actions and measures taken by China after the recovery of the Xisha and Nansha Islands have laid a solid nomological foundation for her territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests in the South China Sea, which must be respected and safeguarded effectively.
      女士們、先生們,同志們、朋友們:Ladies and gentlemen, comrades and friends,
      南海是周邊國家社會(huì )發(fā)展的重要空間,南海的和平穩定與周邊國家的繁榮發(fā)展息息相關(guān)。中國政府始終秉持“主權屬我、擱置爭議、共同開(kāi)發(fā)”的原則,主張通過(guò)談判協(xié)商解決爭端、通過(guò)規則機制管控分歧、通過(guò)互利合作實(shí)現共贏(yíng)。特別是近年來(lái),中共中央總書(shū)記、國家主席、中央軍委主席習近平,倡導提出了共同、綜合、合作、可持續的新安全觀(guān),堅持與鄰為善、以鄰為伴,堅持睦鄰、安鄰、富鄰,堅持親、誠、惠、容的周邊外交政策,以最大誠意維護了南海的和平穩定。近年來(lái),中國在南沙進(jìn)行島礁建設,是在自己的領(lǐng)土上開(kāi)展的,完全合情合理合法,除了完善必要的防御設施外,更多的是建設民用設施,可以向包括周邊國家在內的國際社會(huì )提供更豐富的公共服務(wù)產(chǎn)品,更好地履行海上搜救、海洋科研、氣象預報、環(huán)境保護、航行安全等方面的國際責任和義務(wù)。The South China Sea is an important space for social development of surrounding countries. Its peace and stability are closely related with the development and prosperity of these countries. The Chinese government always upholds the principle of "shelving differences and seeking joint exploitation on the basis of acknowledging China's sovereignty", and advocates handling disputes via negotiation, controlling disputes with rule mechanism, and achieving win-win results through mutually beneficial cooperation. Particularly, in recent years, Xi Jinping, the General Secretary of the Communist Party of China, Chinese President, and Chairman of Central Military Commission, introduced a new security concept that emphasizes joint and comprehensive measures and cooperation in ensuring sustainable security, and adheres to a good-neighbor policy that advocates building relations with neighboring countries based on friendship, good faith, mutual benefit, and inclusiveness. China has maintained the peace and stability in the South China Sea with utmost sincerity. The construction in recent years on islands and reefs of the Nansha Islands is legitimate and justifiable as it is on China's own territory. Apart from necessary defense facilities, the construction is more for civilian purpose to provide better public service products for the international community, including the surrounding countries, and to better fulfill the international commitment and obligations in maritime search and rescue, oceanic scientific research, weather report, environment protection, navigation safety, etc.
      海軍是維護海洋安全、保護海上貿易、應對海難災害、促進(jìn)交流合作的重要力量。長(cháng)期以來(lái),中國海軍堅持開(kāi)放合作,加強與各國海軍的溝通交流,不斷深化高層互訪(fǎng)、艦艇訪(fǎng)問(wèn)、聯(lián)合巡邏、聯(lián)演聯(lián)訓和人員來(lái)往,為加深戰略互信、促進(jìn)友誼合作貢獻了中國力量;中國海軍積極履行大國義務(wù)責任,精心組織了亞丁灣反海盜護航、馬來(lái)西亞失事客機搜救、馬爾代夫緊急送水、菲律賓臺風(fēng)災害救助、敘利亞化武護航、利比亞和也門(mén)撤僑、海外醫療服務(wù)等人道主義救援行動(dòng),為維護世界海洋安全、履行國際義務(wù)展現了中國擔當;中國海軍倡導建立規則機制,在中越直接協(xié)商解決北部灣海域劃界的框架內,與越南海軍建立了北部灣聯(lián)合巡邏機制,積極推動(dòng)西太海軍論壇通過(guò)《海上意外相遇規則》,為管控海上危機、化解矛盾分歧提供了中國智慧。Navy is an important force in maintaining maritime security, protecting trade, responding to disasters at sea, and promoting exchanges and cooperation. The PLA Navy, in an open and cooperative manner, strengthens communication and exchanges with its counterparts and contributes continuous effort in enhancing strategic confidence and promoting friendship and cooperation by increasing high-level visits, port calls, joint patrol, joint exercises and training, and personnel exchange. The PLA Navy has been actively fulfilling China's obligations and responsibilities. We have demonstrated our commitment in maintaining maritime security and fulfilling international obligations in counter-piracy operations in the Gulf of Aden and HADR actions, such as the search for the missing airliner MH370 of Malaysia, the emergency supply of fresh water for Maldives, the disaster relief in Philippines after the typhoon, the escort of vessels carrying chemical weapons out of Syria, the evacuation of overseas Chinese from Libya and Yemen, and medical service abroad. Advocating setting up rule mechanisms, the PLA Navy established a combined patrol mechanism in the Beibu Gulf with the Vietnamese Navy under the framework of consultation on the demarcation of Beibu Gulf, and played an active role in the endorsement of CUES at WPNS, providing Chinese wisdom in managing crisis and handling disputes at sea.
      為保障南海周邊國家的和平發(fā)展和各國人民的福祉安康,著(zhù)眼充分發(fā)揮海軍的軍種作用,值此紀念中國收復西南沙群島70周年之際,我提出四點(diǎn)倡議:In order to ensure the peaceful development of countries surrounding the South China Sea, and give full play to the role of the navy, on the 70th anniversary of China's recovery of the Xisha and Nansha Islands, I would like to give 4 proposals:
      第一,以尊重歷史為先。這是維護和平穩定、解決分歧爭議的首要前提。尊重歷史,就是要還原歷史事實(shí),理清來(lái)龍去脈,辨析是非曲直。尊重歷史,就是要維護公平正義,遵守戰后秩序,避免重蹈戰爭覆轍。尊重歷史,就是要以史為據、以史為鑒,通過(guò)協(xié)商談判,推動(dòng)問(wèn)題解決,維護地區安寧環(huán)境。First, respecting history is the prerequisite to maintaining peace and stability and settling disagreement and disputes. To respect history, we must restore the historical facts, clarify the causes, and tell right from wrong. To respect history, we must uphold justice, observe the postwar order, and avoid repeating the disaster of war. To respect history, we must base on history, draw lessons from history, and find out solution to problems through consultation and negotiation, and maintain regional peace and stability.
      第二,以維護穩定為要。這是順應歷史潮流、促進(jìn)地區繁榮的關(guān)鍵所在。南海生亂生戰的最大受害者是周邊國家。要堅持對話(huà)協(xié)商,矛盾爭端由相關(guān)當事國直接對話(huà)解決,和平穩定由中國和南海地區國家共同維護,堅決反對域外國家插手南海問(wèn)題,避免矛盾爭端復雜化、擴大化、國際化。要堅持管控風(fēng)險,健全完善安全規則和磋商機制,有效執行《海上意外相遇規則》,堅決反對不專(zhuān)業(yè)、不安全的海空危險行為,防止誤解誤判、擦槍走火。要堅持尊重主權,沿海國家的領(lǐng)土主權不容侵犯,堅決反對以“航行和飛越自由”為借口,侵犯和挑釁他國主權安全,破壞南海和平穩定。Second, maintaining stability is the key to follow historical trends and boost regional prosperity. If any turbulence or war occurs in the South China Sea, the neighboring countries will be the victims who will suffer the most. We must insist on dialogues and consultations, and resolve conflicts and disputes through dialogue between countries directly involved. The peace and stability should be maintained with joint efforts of China and countries in the South China Sea. We strongly oppose any country out of the region to interfere in the issue of South China Sea, so as to prevent conflicts and disputes from becoming complicated, escalated, or internationalized. We must continue to control risks, improve and upgrade security rules and consultation mechanisms, execute CUES effectively, strongly oppose unprofessional and unsafe behaviors in the air and at sea, and avoid misunderstanding and misjudgment as well as accidental conflict. National sovereignty must be respected and the territorial sovereignty of littoral states is inviolable. We strongly oppose provoking and infringing upon the sovereign security of other countries and undermining the peace and stability of the South China Sea on the pretext of "freedom of navigation and over-flight".
      第三,以增進(jìn)互信為本。這是發(fā)展友好關(guān)系、實(shí)現和諧共處的核心基礎。要密切高層互訪(fǎng),不斷擴大海軍領(lǐng)導人之間的信任共識,提升互信層級。要加強對話(huà)磋商,建立海軍戰略政策部門(mén)交流機制,深入研究解決海上熱點(diǎn)問(wèn)題,探討危機管控和安全合作的方法舉措,提高互信水平。要強化官兵往來(lái),積極開(kāi)展艦艇互訪(fǎng)和一線(xiàn)部隊交流,在互動(dòng)中加深了解,在交往中培育友誼,厚植互信根基。Third, enhancing mutual trust is the foundation to develop friendly relations and realize harmonious coexistence. To upgrade mutual trust, we should conduct frequent high-level visits, and promote continuously the confidence and consensus between naval leaders. To improve mutual trust, we should also enhance dialogues and consultations, establish exchange mechanism between naval strategic policy departments, solve maritime hot issues through thorough study, and explore measures of crisis management and security cooperation. To consolidate basis for mutual trust, we should strengthen contacts among officers and sailors, actively conduct reciprocal ship visits and exchange between frontline forces, and deepen understanding and friendship through interaction.
      第四,以深化合作為衢。這是尋求互利共贏(yíng)、創(chuàng )造共同繁榮的重要途徑。要加強安全協(xié)作,強化情報信息交流共享,共同開(kāi)展打擊海盜和海上恐怖活動(dòng),維護地區海洋秩序和戰略通道安全。要加強聯(lián)演聯(lián)訓,拓展內容領(lǐng)域,創(chuàng )新方法手段,提升海上聯(lián)合行動(dòng)水平。要加強專(zhuān)業(yè)交流,豐富擴大援潛救生、海道測量、水文氣象、軍事醫學(xué)等領(lǐng)域合作,建立完善海上搜救、救援減災的應急響應機制,提高共同應對非傳統安全威脅的能力。Fourth, deepening cooperation is an important way to achieve mutual benefit, win-win results, and common prosperity. We should strengthen security cooperation, enhance intelligence and information exchange and sharing, and jointly fight against piracy and maritime terrorism in order to maintain a good regional maritime order and security of the strategic line of communication. We should also strengthen joint exercises and training, expand the content and fields, and innovate means and measures, in order to upgrade joint maritime operations. We should strengthen professional exchange, and expand cooperation in submarine rescue, hydrographic survey, hydrometeorology, and military medicine, etc. We should establish a perfect emergency response mechanism for maritime search and rescue and disaster relief in order to improve our capability to cope with non-traditional security threat.
      女士們、先生們,同志們、朋友們:Ladies and gentlemen, comrades and friends:
      習近平主席準確把握國內國際兩個(gè)大局,積極順應地區和世界發(fā)展合作潮流,創(chuàng )造性地提出了“一帶一路”建設倡議,符合沿線(xiàn)國家和地區的發(fā)展需要,得到了世界各國包括南海周邊國家的廣泛認同和響應支持。歷史是最好的教科書(shū),也是最好的啟示錄。讓我們銘記70年前中國收復西南沙群島這一莊嚴的歷史時(shí)刻,把握今天、開(kāi)創(chuàng )明天,共謀發(fā)展、攜手共進(jìn),將南海建設成為和平之海、友誼之海、合作之海。Precisely grasping the domestic and international situation and following the cooperative trends in regional and world development, President Xi Jinping proposed creatively the Belt and Road Initiative, which meets the needs of countries and regions along the route and is widely recognized and supported by countries in the world including those in the South China Sea. The history is the best textbook and the best revelation. Let's keep in mind this solemn historic moment when China recovered Xisha and Nansha Islands 70 years ago, seize the day and forge ahead, seek common development, and make progress together in order to build the South China Sea into a sea of peace, friendship and cooperation.
      二〇一六年十二月八日Dec. 8th, 2016?(Source: China.org.cn)