


      發(fā)布時(shí)間:2017-01-10 14:29:29??|??來(lái)源:中國網(wǎng)??|??作者:??|??責任編輯:李瀟

      四、對外開(kāi)放與國際合作IV. Opening up and International Cooperation
      中國政府大力推進(jìn)與國際間的互聯(lián)互通,在擴大開(kāi)放的同時(shí),不斷深化與世界合作,構建了全方位、多層次、多渠道的交通運輸對外開(kāi)放和國際合作新格局。The Chinese government proactively enhances its connectivity with the world community, continuing to open up to and deepening its cooperation with the rest of the world. An all-dimensional, multi-layer and multi-channel framework has been formed in transport as regards opening up to the outside world and international cooperation.
      (一)國際客貨運輸1. International Passenger and Freight Transport
      加強國際互聯(lián)互通。截至2015年年底,中國與周邊14個(gè)國家中的5個(gè)國家有鐵路聯(lián)通,有11個(gè)鐵路口岸,開(kāi)行多條通往歐洲和亞洲國家的中歐、中亞鐵路集裝箱班列,常年開(kāi)通的邊境公路口岸基本通二級及以上公路,一批具有國際物流功能的物流園區和貨運場(chǎng)站建成運營(yíng)。積極推動(dòng)航運國際和區域合作,中老緬泰共同推進(jìn)瀾滄江-湄公河國際航運開(kāi)發(fā)。民航利用代碼共享、航空聯(lián)盟、航線(xiàn)聯(lián)營(yíng)、股權合作等方式,優(yōu)化國際航線(xiàn)網(wǎng)絡(luò ),不斷提升航班頻次和通達性。2015年國際及港澳臺快遞業(yè)務(wù)量達4.3億件,快遞企業(yè)服務(wù)網(wǎng)絡(luò )拓展至海外市場(chǎng)。加強與“一帶一路”沿線(xiàn)國家合作,積極推動(dòng)交通基礎設施互聯(lián)互通和運輸便利化。2015年,通過(guò)各種交通運輸方式出境旅游的人次達1.2億。Strengthening international connectivity. By the end of 2015 China had established railway connections with five of its 14 neighboring countries, with 11 railway crossing points. Multiple container trains operate on railways to Central Europe and Central Asia; highway crossing points in border areas, open around the year, are connected to roads at Grade II or above; and a group of logistics parks and cargo operation centers capable of handling international logistics have been put into use. China actively promotes international and regional cooperation in shipping, and is jointly pushing forward the navigation development of the Lancang-Mekong River with Laos, Myanmar and Thailand. Through code-sharing, airline alliance, joint operation of air routes and equity cooperation, China' s civil aviation is striving to improve its international flight network, increase the number of flights and expand its operational scope. In 2015 Chinese express delivery services extended their networks overseas, with 430 million items of mail delivered to international destinations as well as to Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. At the same time, China is strengthening cooperation with countries involved in the Belt and Road Initiative, actively pushing forward the interconnectivity of transport infrastructure and enhancing transport convenience. In 2015 Chinese citizens made some 120 million trips overseas via various means of transport.
      支撐對外貿易。中國是世界貿易大國,交通運輸加快發(fā)展為中國加快構建全方位開(kāi)放新格局、提升國家競爭力提供了重要保障。海上運輸承擔了90%以上的外貿貨物運輸量以及98%的進(jìn)口鐵礦石、91%的進(jìn)口原油、92%的進(jìn)口煤炭和99%的進(jìn)口糧食運輸量,成為加快發(fā)展外向型經(jīng)濟的重要支撐。中歐班列快速發(fā)展,已成為國際貨物聯(lián)運的重要組成部分。Supporting foreign trade. China is a major trading nation, and the quickened development of its transport provides a strong basis for building a new multi-dimensional structure of opening up and for enhancing China's competitiveness internationally. An important pillar for developing an export-oriented economy, China's maritime transport carries 90 percent of the country's foreign trade cargo, 98 percent of imported iron ore, 91 percent of imported crude oil, 92 percent of imported coal and 99 percent of imported grain. Trains between China and Europe have become an important component of international through freight traffic.
      (二)國際交流合作與對外開(kāi)放2. International Exchanges and Cooperation and Opening up
      積極參與國際事務(wù)。中國政府歷來(lái)重視并積極參與交通運輸國際組織事務(wù),認真履行各項國際義務(wù),在鐵路合作組織、國際海事組織、國際民用航空組織和萬(wàn)國郵政聯(lián)盟等重要交通運輸國際組織中發(fā)揮著(zhù)建設性作用。作為鐵路合作組織創(chuàng )始國之一,中國在各項標準和規范制訂中具有重要影響力;自1972年恢復在萬(wàn)國郵政聯(lián)盟合法席位以來(lái),一直連任郵政經(jīng)營(yíng)理事會(huì )理事國,并一直當選行政理事會(huì )理事國;自1989年起,已連續14次當選國際海事組織A類(lèi)理事國;自2004年起,已連續5次擔任國際民航組織一類(lèi)理事國;推進(jìn)多雙邊合作和區域合作,與100多個(gè)國家簽訂了鐵路、公路、海運、民用航空和郵政政府間協(xié)定及雙邊、區域合作文件;建立了中國-東盟交通部長(cháng)會(huì )議、上海合作組織交通部長(cháng)會(huì )議等多個(gè)交通運輸合作機制,倡議成立亞太經(jīng)濟合作組織港口服務(wù)組織。積極履行國際義務(wù),支持其他發(fā)展中國家交通發(fā)展,為亞洲、非洲多個(gè)國家援建了一批交通工程。Actively participating in international affairs. The Chinese government has always valued the role of and actively participated in the activities of international transport organizations. It takes measures to fulfill its obligations, and plays a constructive role in the Organization for Railway Cooperation (OSJD), International Maritime Organization (IMO), International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), Universal Postal Union (UPU) and other important international transport organizations. As a founder of the OSJD, China has made great contribution in formulating the organization's various standards and regulations. China has served as member of both the UPU's Postal Operations Council and Council of Administration since it resumed its legitimate seat at the organization in 1972. It has been elected 14 times as a category-A member of the IMO Council since 1989, and five times as a category-A member of the ICAO Council since 2004. China actively promotes bilateral and regional cooperation. It has signed intergovernmental agreements and bilateral and regional documents on railway, highway, maritime transport, civil aviation and postal service cooperation with more than 100 countries. Several transport cooperation mechanisms have been set up, such as the China-ASEAN and Shanghai Cooperation Organization transport ministers' meetings, and a proposal has been made by China to establish a seaport service organization for APEC. China actively fulfills its international obligations, supports the transport development of other developing countries, and has aided the construction of a series of transport projects in Asia and Africa.
      不斷擴大對外開(kāi)放。交通運輸業(yè)是中國最早對外開(kāi)放的行業(yè)之一。1979年,原交通部駐港企業(yè)招商局在深圳創(chuàng )辦蛇口工業(yè)區,在全國改革開(kāi)放的棋盤(pán)上先行一步。1984年國家設立14個(gè)沿海開(kāi)放城市,沿海港口成為對外開(kāi)放的“窗口”。目前在交通運輸基礎設施領(lǐng)域,除了鐵路干線(xiàn)和民用機場(chǎng)的建設經(jīng)營(yíng)要求中方控股外,所有公路橋梁、港口碼頭、其他鐵路和城市軌道對外資不設限。在運輸服務(wù)領(lǐng)域,公路貨運、國際集裝箱多式聯(lián)運、國際海運輔助服務(wù)完全放開(kāi)。Continuing to expand the scope of opening up. The transport industry was one of China' s first industries to open to the outside world. In 1979 the China Merchants Group, then under the administration of China's former Ministry of Transport, founded the Shekou Industrial Zone in Shenzhen, taking the first step in the country's opening-up initiative. In 1984 the Chinese government opened 14 coastal cities, and coastal ports became windows opened to the rest of the world. Today, in the area of transport infrastructure, except railway arteries and civil airports, all highways, bridges, ports, other types of railways and urban rail tracks are open to foreign capital as far as construction and operation is concerned. There is no limit on foreign capital for transport services such as highway freight, international container multimodal transport, and supporting services for international maritime transport.
      加快“走出去”步伐。中國鐵路、交通工程建設和港口運營(yíng)領(lǐng)域等向全世界展示了雄厚的產(chǎn)業(yè)競爭實(shí)力。中國的國際海運量占全世界海運量的三分之一。中國交通運輸企業(yè)不斷加快“走出去”步伐,正在從傳統勞務(wù)輸出和工程承包向資本輸出、技術(shù)輸出、管理輸出、標準輸出轉變,業(yè)務(wù)涉及交通運輸基礎設施建設、港口經(jīng)營(yíng)、遠洋運輸、交通運輸裝備、船舶檢驗、航海教育等眾多領(lǐng)域。Quickening the pace of Chinese enterprises' "going global." China has exhibited a strong competitive edge in the areas of railway building, transport projects and port operation. China transports one third of the total global maritime cargo. China's transport businesses are quickening their steps of "going global," and are transforming themselves from traditional labor export and project contracting entities to exporters of capital, technology, management and standards in the areas of transport infrastructure, port operation, ocean transport, transport equipment, ship inspection and maritime training.
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