


      發(fā)布時(shí)間:2017-01-10 16:13:42??|??來(lái)源:中國網(wǎng)??|??作者:??|??責任編輯:李瀟

      二、2011年以來(lái)的主要進(jìn)展II. Major Developments Since 2011
      2011年以來(lái),中國航天事業(yè)持續快速發(fā)展,自主創(chuàng )新能力顯著(zhù)增強,進(jìn)入空間能力大幅提升,空間基礎設施不斷完善,載人航天、月球探測、北斗衛星導航系統、高分辨率對地觀(guān)測系統等重大工程建設順利推進(jìn),空間科學(xué)、空間技術(shù)、空間應用取得豐碩成果。Since 2011 China's space industry has witnessed rapid progress manifested by markedly enhanced capacity in independent innovation and access to outer space, constant improvement in space infrastructure, smooth implementation of major projects such as manned spaceflight, lunar exploration, the Beidou Navigation System and high-resolution earth observation system, and substantial achievements in space science, technology and applications.
      (一)航天運輸系統1.Space transportation system
      2011年以來(lái),截至2016年11月,長(cháng)征系列運載火箭共完成86次發(fā)射任務(wù),將100多個(gè)航天器成功送入預定軌道,發(fā)射成功率達到97.67%,運載火箭的可靠性和高密度發(fā)射能力持續增強。中國最大運載能力新一代運載火箭“長(cháng)征五號”成功首飛,實(shí)現中國液體運載火箭直徑從3.35米到5米的跨越,大幅提升“長(cháng)征”系列運載火箭運載能力,低軌運載能力達到25噸級,高軌運載能力達到14噸級,成為中國運載火箭升級換代的重要標志。120噸級液氧煤油發(fā)動(dòng)機完成研制,應用該型發(fā)動(dòng)機的“長(cháng)征六號”“長(cháng)征七號”新型運載火箭實(shí)現首飛,“長(cháng)征十一號”固體運載火箭成功發(fā)射,運載火箭型譜進(jìn)一步完善。From 2011 to November 2016 the Long March carrier rocket series completed 86 launch missions, sending over 100 spacecraft into target orbit with a success rate of 97.67 percent, indication of increasing effectiveness and high-density launching capability of carrier rockets. The Long March 5 (CZ-5), China's newest generation of carrier rockets with a maximum carrying capacity, made its maiden flight, and increased the diameter of liquid fuel rocket from 3.35 m to 5 m, with a maximum payload capacity of about 25 tons to low earth orbit and about 14 tons to geostationary transfer orbit, significantly improving the carrying capacity of the Long March rocket family and becoming a symbol of the upgrading of China's carrier rockets. The development of the 120-ton liquid oxygen and kerosene engine was test fired, which powered Long March 6 and Long March 7 on their maiden flights. The Long March 11, a solid-fuel carrier rocket, also made a successful maiden launch, further enriching the Long March rocket family.
      (二)人造地球衛星2. Man-made satellites
      1.對地觀(guān)測衛星。“風(fēng)云”“海洋”“資源”“高分”“遙感”“天繪”等衛星系列和“環(huán)境與災害監測預報小衛星星座”進(jìn)一步完善。“風(fēng)云”系列氣象衛星已形成極軌衛星上、下午星組網(wǎng)觀(guān)測,靜止衛星“多星在軌、統籌運行、互為備份、適時(shí)加密”的業(yè)務(wù)格局。“海洋二號”衛星實(shí)現對海面高度、海浪和海面風(fēng)場(chǎng)等海洋動(dòng)力參數的全天時(shí)、全天候、高精度綜合觀(guān)測。“資源一號”02C星成功發(fā)射、“資源三號”01、02立體測繪衛星實(shí)現雙星組網(wǎng)和業(yè)務(wù)化運行。高分辨率對地觀(guān)測系統建設全面推進(jìn),“高分二號”衛星實(shí)現亞米級光學(xué)遙感探測,“高分三號”合成孔徑雷達衛星分辨率達到1米,“高分四號”衛星是中國首顆地球同步軌道高分辨率對地觀(guān)測衛星。“環(huán)境與災害監測預報小衛星星座”C星投入運行。采用星箭一體化設計的“快舟一號”“快舟二號”成功發(fā)射,提升了空間應急響應能力。“吉林一號”高分辨率商業(yè)遙感衛星成功發(fā)射并投入商業(yè)運營(yíng)。(1) Earth observation satellites. The function of the Fengyun (Wind and Cloud), Haiyang (Ocean), Ziyuan (Resources), Gaofen (High Resolution), Yaogan (Remote-Sensing) and Tianhui (Space Mapping) satellite series and constellation of small satellites for environment and disaster monitoring and forecasting has been improved. The Fengyun polar orbit meteorological satellite has succeeded in networking observation by morning and afternoon satellites, while its geostationary earth orbit (GEO) meteorological satellite has formed a business mode of "multi-satellites in orbit, coordinated operation, mutual backup and encryption at the appropriate time." The Haiyang-2 satellite is capable of all-weather, full-time and high-accuracy observation of marine dynamic parameters such as sea height, sea wave and sea surface wind. The Ziyuan-1 02C satellite was launched, the Ziyuan-3 01 and 02 stereo mapping satellites have achieved double star networking and operating. The China High-resolution Earth Observation System program has been fully implemented; the Gaofen-2 is capable of sub-meter optical remote-sensing observation, the Gaofen-3 has a Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imaging instrument that is accurate to one meter and the Gaofen-4 is China's first geosynchronous orbit high-resolution earth observation satellite. Satellite C of the environment and disaster monitoring and forecasting small satellite constellation has been put into use. The successful launching of the Kuaizhou-1 and Kuaizhou-2, which adopted integrated design of the satellite and the launch vehicle, has improved China's emergency response capability in space. The Jilin-1, a high-resolution remote-sensing satellite for commercial use has been launched and put into service.
      2.通信廣播衛星。全面推進(jìn)固定通信、移動(dòng)通信、數據中繼衛星系統建設。“亞太”“中星”等系列通信衛星成功發(fā)射,固定業(yè)務(wù)衛星通信保障體系基本建成,覆蓋中國國土及全球重點(diǎn)地區。首顆移動(dòng)通信衛星“天通一號”成功發(fā)射。建成由三顆“天鏈一號”衛星組成的第一代數據中繼衛星系統。星地激光鏈路高速通信試驗取得圓滿(mǎn)成功。“東方紅五號”超大型通信衛星平臺研制進(jìn)展順利。(2) Communications and broadcasting satellites. China has comprehensively advanced the construction of fixed, mobile and data relay satellite systems. The successful launch of communications satellites such as Yatai and Zhongxing represented the completion of a fixed communications satellite support system whose communications services cover all of China's territory as well as major areas of the world. The Tiantong-1, China's first mobile communications satellite, has been successfully launched. The first-generation data relay satellite system composed of three Tianlian-1 satellites has been completed, and high-speed communication test of satellite-ground laser link has been crowned with success. In addition, the development of the DFH-5 super communications satellite platform is going smoothly.
      3.導航衛星。北斗二號系統全面建成,完成14顆北斗導航衛星發(fā)射組網(wǎng),正式向亞太地區用戶(hù)提供定位、測速、授時(shí)、廣域差分和短報文通信服務(wù)。北斗全球系統建設正在順利推進(jìn)。(3) Navigation and positioning satellites. The Beidou Navigation Satellite System (Beidou-2) has been completed, with the networking of 14 Beidou navigation satellites, officially offering positioning, velocity measurement, timing, wide area difference and short-message communication service to customers in the Asia-Pacific region. Beidou's global satellite navigation system is undergoing smooth construction.
      4.新技術(shù)試驗衛星。成功發(fā)射“實(shí)踐九號”系列衛星等技術(shù)試驗衛星,為新技術(shù)驗證提供了重要手段。(4) New technological test satellites. China has launched the Shijian-9 satellite series for technological experiments, providing an important way to test new technologies.
      (三)載人航天3. Manned spaceflight
      2012年6月和2013年6月,“神舟九號”和“神舟十號”載人飛船先后成功發(fā)射,與“天宮一號”目標飛行器分別實(shí)施自動(dòng)和手控交會(huì )對接,標志著(zhù)中國全面突破了空間交會(huì )對接技術(shù),載人天地往返運輸系統首次應用性飛行取得圓滿(mǎn)成功。2016年9月和10月,“天宮二號”空間實(shí)驗室和“神舟十一號”載人飛船先后成功發(fā)射,形成組合體并穩定運行,開(kāi)展了較大規模的空間科學(xué)實(shí)驗與技術(shù)試驗,突破掌握了航天員中期駐留、地面長(cháng)時(shí)間任務(wù)支持和保障等技術(shù)。目前,中國已突破掌握載人天地往返、空間出艙、空間交會(huì )對接、組合體運行、航天員中期駐留等載人航天領(lǐng)域重大技術(shù)。In June 2012 and June 2013, the Shenzhou-9 and Shenzhou-10 manned spacecraft were launched to dock with the target spacecraft Tiangong-1. They used manual and automatic operations respectively, symbolizing breakthroughs for China in spacecraft rendezvous and docking technology and full success in its first operation of a manned space transportation system. In September and October 2016 the Tiangong-2 space laboratory and Shenzhou-11 manned spacecraft were launched and formed an assembly that operates steadily, with the mission of carrying out science and technology experiments in space, indicating that China has mastered technologies concerning astronauts' mid-term stay in orbit, and long-term ground mission support. Currently, China has mastered major space technologies such as manned space transportation, space extravehicular activity, space docking, operating in assembly and astronauts' mid-term stay in orbit.
      (四)深空探測4. Deep space exploration
      2012年12月,“嫦娥二號”月球探測器成功實(shí)施圖塔蒂斯小行星飛越探測。2013年12月,“嫦娥三號”月球探測器首次實(shí)現中國航天器在地外天體軟著(zhù)陸,完成月球表面巡視探測。2014年11月,月球探測工程三期再入返回飛行試驗圓滿(mǎn)成功,標志著(zhù)中國完全掌握航天器以接近第二宇宙速度再入返回的關(guān)鍵技術(shù)。In December 2012 the Chang'e-2 lunar probe made a successful observation trip over asteroid 4179 (Toutatis). In December 2013 the Chang'e-3 realized the first soft landing on the surface of an extraterrestrial body by a Chinese spacecraft and completed patrol and exploration on the surface of the moon. In November 2014 China achieved success in the reentry and return flight test of the third-phase lunar exploration engineering, indicating that China has mastered the key technology of spacecraft reentry and return flight in a speed close to second cosmic velocity.
      通過(guò)月球探測工程任務(wù)的實(shí)施,獲取了高分辨率全月球影像圖和虹灣區域高清晰影像,開(kāi)展了月球形貌、月球結構構造、月面物質(zhì)成分、月表環(huán)境和近月空間環(huán)境等研究以及月基天文觀(guān)測等。The Lunar Exploration Program helped mankind to acquire a high-resolution map of the moon and a high-definition image of Sinus Iridum, and conducted research of lunar surface morphology, lunar structure, elemental composition of the lunar surface, lunar surface environment, lunar space environment and moon-based astronomical observation.
      (五)航天發(fā)射場(chǎng)5. Space launch sites
      2016年6月,文昌航天發(fā)射場(chǎng)首次執行航天發(fā)射任務(wù),標志著(zhù)中國自主設計建造、綠色生態(tài)環(huán)保、技術(shù)創(chuàng )新跨越的新一代航天發(fā)射場(chǎng)正式投入使用。開(kāi)展酒泉、太原、西昌三個(gè)發(fā)射場(chǎng)適應性改造,基本形成沿海內陸相結合、高低緯度相結合、各種射向范圍相結合的航天發(fā)射場(chǎng)布局,能夠滿(mǎn)足載人飛船、空間站核心艙、深空探測器以及各類(lèi)衛星的發(fā)射需求。In June 2016 the Wenchang Launch Site held its first launch, marking a new-generation launch site designed and built by China. The site is environmentally friendly and made breakthroughs in innovation. Renovations have also been accomplished in the Jiuquan, Taiyuan and Xichang launch sites, forming a launch site network covering both coastal and inland areas, high and low altitudes, and various trajectories to satisfy the launch needs of manned spaceships, space laboratory core modules, deep space probes and all kinds of satellites.
      (六)航天測控6. Space Telemetry, Tracking and Command (TT&C)
      “天鏈一號”數據中繼衛星系列實(shí)現全球組網(wǎng)運行,“遠望七號”航天遠洋測量船成功首航,深空測控站建成使用,中國航天測控布局不斷優(yōu)化,形成陸海天基一體、功能多樣、規模適度的航天測控網(wǎng),航天器飛行控制綜合能力不斷提升,圓滿(mǎn)完成“神舟”系列飛船、“天宮一號”目標飛行器、“嫦娥”系列月球探測器以及地球軌道衛星等為代表的各項航天測控任務(wù)。The Tianlian-1 data relay satellite series have achieved global networking and operating. The Yuanwang-7, a spacecraft tracking ship has made its maiden voyage. Deep space TT&C stations have been built and put into use. China is constantly improving its space telemetry, tracking and command setups, and established a multi-functioning TT&C network featuring space, marine and ground integration with a proper scale. The flight control ability of spacecraft has been gradually improved, completing the TT&C missions of the Shenzhou spacecraft series, Tiangong-1 target spacecraft, Chang'e lunar probe series and earth orbit satellites.
      (七)空間應用7. Space applications
      1.對地觀(guān)測衛星應用。對地觀(guān)測衛星地面系統和應用體系不斷完善,應用領(lǐng)域深化拓展,應用水平日益提升,應用效益持續提高。陸地、海洋、大氣衛星數據地面接收站基本實(shí)現統籌建設與運行,形成高低軌道相結合、國內外合理布局的衛星數據地面接收能力;統籌建設地面數據處理系統、共性應用支撐平臺、多層次網(wǎng)絡(luò )相結合的數據分發(fā)體系,數據處理、存檔、分發(fā)、服務(wù)和定量化應用能力大幅提升。行業(yè)應用系統建設全面推進(jìn),基本建成18個(gè)行業(yè)和2個(gè)區域應用示范系統,設立26個(gè)省級數據與應用中心。建立高分辨率對地觀(guān)測系統應用綜合信息服務(wù)共享平臺,對地觀(guān)測衛星數據已廣泛應用于行業(yè)、區域、公眾服務(wù)等領(lǐng)域,為經(jīng)濟社會(huì )發(fā)展提供重要支撐。(1) Application of earth observation satellites. The ground system and applications of earth observation satellites are improving, the fields and levels in which these satellites are used are expanding and the application benefits are growing. The ground stations receiving data from land, ocean and meteorological observation satellites are operating based on comprehensive planning, a satellite data ground network with the capacity of receiving data from high- and low-orbit satellites and reasonable arrangement at home and abroad. China has also established, based on comprehensive planning, a ground data processing system for earth observation satellites, common application supporting platform, and multi-level network data distribution system, greatly increasing its ability in data processing, archiving, distribution, services provision and quantitative applications. Industrial application system building is in full swing, having completed 18 industrial and two regional application demonstration systems, and set up 26 provincial-level data and application centers. An integrated information service sharing platform for a high-resolution earth observation system has been built. Earth observation satellite data is now widely used in industrial, regional and public services for economic and social development.
      2.通信廣播衛星應用。通信衛星測控站、信關(guān)站、上行站、標校場(chǎng)等地面設施不斷完善,建成一定規模、能夠滿(mǎn)足相關(guān)業(yè)務(wù)需要的衛星通信網(wǎng)和衛星廣播電視傳輸網(wǎng),衛星通信服務(wù)能力進(jìn)一步增強,在廣播電視、遠程教育、遠程醫療等領(lǐng)域發(fā)揮重大作用,衛星應急通信為防汛抗旱、搶險救災、重大突發(fā)事件處置提供重要支撐。(2) Application of communications and broadcasting satellites. The ground facilities such as TT&C station, gateway station, uplink station and calibration field of communications satellites have been improved. A satellite communications network and satellite radio and TV network of adequate scale to meet the needs of certain services have been built, further improving the communications service ability. These applications play an important role in radio and television services, distance education and telemedicine. The emergency satellite communications system has provided important support for the fight against flood and drought, for rescue and relief work, and for handling major emergencies.
      3.導航衛星應用。北斗系統服務(wù)精度和可靠性大幅提高,構建形成自主可控、完整成熟的北斗產(chǎn)業(yè)鏈以及北斗產(chǎn)業(yè)保障、應用推進(jìn)和創(chuàng )新三大體系,廣泛應用于交通運輸、海洋漁業(yè)、水文監測、氣象預報、測繪地理信息、森林防火、通信時(shí)統、電力調度、救災減災、應急搜救等領(lǐng)域,逐步滲透到人類(lèi)社會(huì )生產(chǎn)和人們生活的方方面面,為全球經(jīng)濟和社會(huì )發(fā)展注入新的活力。(3) Application of navigation and positioning satellites. The Beidou Navigation Satellite System has significantly improved its accuracy and reliability, bringing into play an independent, controllable, complete and mature Beidou industrial chain and the three systems of Beidou industrial guarantee, application promotion and innovation. The Beidou Navigation System is widely used in transportation, maritime fisheries, hydrological monitoring, weather forecasting, surveying and mapping, forest fire prevention, time synchronization of communication, power dispatching, disaster reduction and relief and emergency rescue, influencing all aspects of people's life and production, and injecting new vitality into global economic and social development.
      4.航天技術(shù)成果轉化應用。“互聯(lián)網(wǎng)+衛星應用”新業(yè)態(tài)孕育發(fā)展,為大眾生活提供更加優(yōu)質(zhì)便利的服務(wù)。通過(guò)航天技術(shù)成果的二次開(kāi)發(fā)和轉化應用,為國民經(jīng)濟相關(guān)行業(yè)提供優(yōu)質(zhì)產(chǎn)品和服務(wù),支撐和帶動(dòng)新材料、智能制造、電子信息等相關(guān)領(lǐng)域發(fā)展。(4) Transformation and application of space technology. A new business model featuring the Internet plus satellite applications is coming into being, providing more convenient and high-quality services to the public. Secondary development, transformation and applications of space technology make possible the provision of high-quality products and services to relevant industries, and help to support and propel the development of new materials, intelligent manufacturing and electronic information, among others.
      (八)空間科學(xué)8. Space science
      1.空間科學(xué)衛星。成功發(fā)射暗物質(zhì)粒子探測、“實(shí)踐十號”、量子科學(xué)實(shí)驗等空間科學(xué)衛星,為前沿科學(xué)研究提供重要手段。(1) Space science satellites. China has successfully launched the Dark Matter Particle Explorer, Shijian-10 and Quantum Science Experiment Satellite, offering important means for frontier scientific research.
      2.空間環(huán)境下的科學(xué)實(shí)驗。利用空間科學(xué)衛星、“嫦娥”探測器、“神舟”系列飛船和“天宮一號”目標飛行器等,開(kāi)展一系列空間科學(xué)實(shí)驗研究,深化了空間微重力和強輻射條件下生物生長(cháng)、材料制備等機理的認識,取得了一批有影響力的研究成果。(2) Space environment scientific experiments. China has carried out a series of space science experiments using space science satellites, Chang'e lunar probe, Shenzhou spacecraft series and Tiangong-1 target aircraft, deepening the understanding of the mechanism of biological growth and materials preparation under the conditions of space microgravity and intense radiation, and achieving some influential research findings.
      3.空間環(huán)境探測與預報。利用空間科學(xué)衛星、“神舟”系列飛船等,積累空間環(huán)境主要參數及其效應數據,為航天器安全運行提供空間環(huán)境監測與預報服務(wù)。(3) Space environment detection and forecast. China has identified the space environment's major parameters and effects using space science satellites and the Shenzhou spacecraft series to provide space environmental monitoring and forecasting services for the safe operation of spacecraft.
      (九)空間碎片9. Space debris
      空間碎片監測、預警、減緩及防護技術(shù)體系逐步完善,標準規范體系不斷健全。空間碎片監測預警實(shí)現業(yè)務(wù)化運行,為在軌航天器安全運行提供有力保障;防護設計技術(shù)取得突破,開(kāi)展航天器空間碎片防護工程應用;全面實(shí)施“長(cháng)征”系列運載火箭末級鈍化,對廢棄航天器采取有效離軌處置措施,切實(shí)保護空間環(huán)境。China has improved the monitoring and mitigation of and early warning and protection against space debris. It has also enhanced standards and regulations in this regard. The monitoring of and early warning against space debris have been put into regular operation, ensuring the safe operation of spacecraft in orbit. China has also made breakthroughs in protection design technologies, applying them to the protection projects of spacecraft against space debris. In addition, all Long March carrier rockets have upper stage passivation, and discarded spacecraft are moved out of orbit to protect the space environment.
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