


      發(fā)布時(shí)間:2017-01-20 15:49:02??|??來(lái)源:中國網(wǎng)??|??作者:??|??責任編輯:李瀟

      四、中國在地區熱點(diǎn)問(wèn)題上的立場(chǎng)和主張IV. China's Positions and Views on Regional Hotspot Issues
      (一)朝鮮半島核問(wèn)題。中國在半島核問(wèn)題上的立場(chǎng)一貫而明確,堅持實(shí)現半島無(wú)核化,堅持維護半島和平穩定,堅持通過(guò)對話(huà)協(xié)商解決問(wèn)題。長(cháng)期以來(lái),中國為推進(jìn)半島無(wú)核化進(jìn)程、維護半島和平穩定大局、推動(dòng)盡早重啟六方會(huì )談作出不懈努力。朝鮮2016年1月和9月兩次核試并多次試射各種類(lèi)型彈道導彈,違反安理會(huì )決議,與國際社會(huì )的期待背道而馳。中國政府對此堅決反對,并支持安理會(huì )通過(guò)相關(guān)決議,以阻遏朝鮮在核武開(kāi)發(fā)的道路上越走越遠。中國將繼續與國際社會(huì )一道,為推進(jìn)半島無(wú)核化、實(shí)現半島及東北亞長(cháng)治久安作出不懈努力。同時(shí),其他各方不能放棄復談的努力,不能放棄對半島和平穩定承擔的責任。

      1. Nuclear Issue on the Korean Peninsula

      China's position on the Korean Peninsula nuclear issue is consistent and clear-cut. China is committed to the denuclearization of the peninsula, its peace and stability, and settlement of the issue through dialogue and consultation. Over the years, China has made tremendous efforts to facilitate the process of denuclearization of the peninsula, safeguard the overall peace and stability there, and realize an early resumption of the Six-Party Talks. In January and September this year the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) conducted two nuclear tests and launched missiles of various types, violating UN Security Council resolutions and running counter to the wishes of the international community. China has made clear its opposition to such actions and supported the relevant Security Council resolutions to prevent the DPRK's further pursuit of nuclear weapons. China will continue to work with the international community and strive for denuclearization and long-term peace and stability of the peninsula and of Northeast Asia as a whole. At the same time, other parties concerned should not give up the efforts to resume talks or their responsibilities to safeguard peace and stability on the peninsula.


      2. Anti-Ballistic Missile Issue

      The anti-ballistic missile issue concerns global strategic stability and mutual trust among major countries. China always holds the view that the anti-ballistic missile issue should be treated with discretion. Forming Cold War style military alliances and building global and regional anti-ballistic missile systems will be detrimental to strategic stability and mutual trust, as well as to the development of an inclusive global and regional security framework. Countries should respect other countries' security concerns while pursuing their own security interests, and follow the principle of maintaining global strategic stability without compromising the security of any country so as to jointly create a peaceful and stable international security environment featuring equality, mutual trust and mutually beneficial cooperation.

      美國和韓國不顧包括中國在內有關(guān)國家的明確反對立場(chǎng),宣布并推進(jìn)在韓國部署“薩德”反導系統。這種做法嚴重破壞地區戰略平衡,嚴重損害包括中國在內的本地區國家戰略安全利益,與維護半島和平穩定努力背道而馳。中國堅決反對美韓在韓國部署“薩德”反導系統,強烈敦促美韓停止有關(guān)進(jìn)程。Despite clear opposition from relevant countries including China, the US and the Republic of Korea (ROK) announced the decision to start and accelerate the deployment of the THAAD anti-ballistic missile system in the ROK. Such an act would seriously damage the regional strategic balance and the strategic security interests of China and other countries in the region, and run counter to the efforts for maintaining peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula. China firmly opposes the US and ROK deployment of the THAAD anti-ballistic missile system in the ROK, and strongly urges the US and the ROK to stop this process.

      3. Afghanistan Issue

      China supports peace and reconstruction in Afghanistan, and hopes to see an Afghanistan that is united, stable, prosperous and at peace with its neighboring countries. Since 2015 China has increased assistance to Afghanistan in support of that government's capacity building. In the wake of a 7.8-magnitude earthquake in northern Afghanistan in October 2015 China provided assistance for disaster-relief efforts. China believes that only an inclusive reconciliation process that is "Afghan-led and Afghan-owned" can provide the ultimate solution to the Afghanistan issue. China will continue to play a constructive role in advancing the reconciliation process in Afghanistan.

      (四)打擊恐怖主義問(wèn)題。當前,亞太地區反恐形勢正經(jīng)歷復雜深刻變化。暴力極端思想加速蔓延,恐怖極端勢力日益活躍,網(wǎng)絡(luò )恐怖主義危害上升,暴恐活動(dòng)多發(fā)頻發(fā),特別是國際恐怖組織滲透和境外恐怖作戰分子回流問(wèn)題日益突出,對地區安全穩定構成嚴重威脅。

      4. Counter-Terrorism Cooperation

      At present, the counter-terrorism situation in the Asia-Pacific region is undergoing complex and profound changes. The region faces severe security and stability challenges posed by violent and extremist ideologies spreading at an ever-faster pace, more active terrorist and extremist forces, rising threats from cyber terrorism, and frequent violent terrorist activities, in particular the infiltration of international terrorist organizations and the inflow of foreign terrorist fighters.

      恐怖主義是國際公害和人類(lèi)公敵。中國反對一切形式的恐怖主義,主張國際社會(huì )應按照《聯(lián)合國憲章》宗旨和原則以及其他公認的國際關(guān)系基本準則,廣泛開(kāi)展合作,形成合力。主張加強不同文明對話(huà),采取政治、經(jīng)濟、外交等手段綜合治理,標本兼治,消除恐怖主義滋生土壤。同時(shí),在反恐問(wèn)題上不能搞“雙重標準”,不能將恐怖主義與特定的國家、民族、宗教相聯(lián)系。Terrorism is a common scourge of the international community and humanity as a whole. The Chinese government opposes terrorism in all forms and calls on the international community to cooperate in fighting terrorism on the basis of the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations and other universally recognized norms governing international relations. China believes that dialogue among different civilizations should be enhanced and a holistic approach taken to eliminate the breeding grounds of terrorism by addressing both its symptoms and root causes by political, economic and diplomatic means. At the same time, there should be no double standard in fighting terrorism, which should not be associated with any particular country, ethnicity or religion.

      5. Maritime Cooperation

      The overall maritime situation remains stable in the region. It is all parties' common interest and consensus to maintain maritime peace, security and freedom of navigation and overflight. However, non-traditional maritime security threats are on the rise. The ecological environment in many marine areas has been damaged. Marine natural disasters occur frequently, and leaks of oil or hazardous chemicals happen from time to time. In addition, there are often cases of piracy, smuggling and drug trafficking. Misunderstandings and lack of mutual trust among some countries about traditional security issues also pose risks to maritime security.

      中國一貫提倡平等、務(wù)實(shí)、共贏(yíng)的海上安全合作,堅持以《聯(lián)合國憲章》的宗旨和原則,公認的國際法和現代海洋法,包括《聯(lián)合國海洋法公約》所確定的基本原則和法律制度以及和平共處五項原則為處理地區海上問(wèn)題的基本準則,堅持合作應對海上傳統安全威脅和非傳統安全威脅。維護海上和平安全是地區國家的共同責任,符合各方的共同利益。中國致力于與各方加強合作,共同應對挑戰,維護海上和平穩定。China has called for even-handed, practical and mutually beneficial maritime security cooperation. It adheres to the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations, the fundamental principles and legal system defined by universally recognized international laws and modern maritime laws, including the UNCLOS and the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, in dealing with regional maritime issues, and is committed to coping with traditional and non-traditional maritime security threats through cooperation. Maintaining maritime peace and security is the shared responsibility of all countries in the region, and serves the common interests of all parties. China is dedicated to strengthening cooperation and jointly tackling challenges with all relevant parties so as to maintain maritime peace and stability.
      中國對南沙群島及其附近海域擁有無(wú)可爭辯的主權。中國始終堅持通過(guò)談判協(xié)商和平解決爭議,堅持通過(guò)制定規則和建立機制管控爭議,堅持通過(guò)互利合作實(shí)現共贏(yíng),堅持維護南海和平穩定及南海航行和飛越自由。中國與東盟國家就南海問(wèn)題保持密切溝通對話(huà),在全面有效落實(shí)《南海各方行為宣言》框架下深化海上務(wù)實(shí)合作,穩步推進(jìn)“南海行為準則”磋商,不斷取得積極進(jìn)展。中國堅決反對個(gè)別國家為一己私利在本地區挑動(dòng)是非。對于侵犯中國領(lǐng)土主權和海洋權益、蓄意挑起事端破壞南海和平穩定的挑釁行動(dòng),中國將不得不作出必要反應。任何將南海問(wèn)題國際化、司法化的做法都無(wú)助于爭議的解決,相反只會(huì )增加解決問(wèn)題的難度,危害地區和平與穩定。China has indisputable sovereignty over the Nansha Islands and their adjacent waters. China has always been committed to resolving disputes peacefully through negotiation and consultation, managing disputes by setting rules and establishing mechanisms, realizing mutually beneficial outcomes through cooperation for mutual benefit, and upholding peace and stability as well as freedom of navigation and overflight in the South China Sea. China and the ASEAN countries stay in close communication and dialogue on the South China Sea issue. When fully and effectively implementing the DOC, the two sides have strengthened pragmatic maritime cooperation, steadily advanced the consultations on COC and made positive progress. China resolutely opposes certain countries' provocations of regional disputes for their selfish interests. China is forced to make necessary responses to the provocative actions which infringe on China's territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests, and undermine peace and stability in the South China Sea. No effort to internationalize and judicialize the South China Sea issue will be of any avail for its resolution; it will only make it harder to resolve the issue, and endanger regional peace and stability.
      中日在東海存在釣魚(yú)島問(wèn)題和海域劃界問(wèn)題。釣魚(yú)島及其附屬島嶼是中國的固有領(lǐng)土,中國對釣魚(yú)島的主權有著(zhù)充足的歷史和法理依據。中日就東海有關(guān)問(wèn)題保持對話(huà),舉行了多輪海洋事務(wù)高級別磋商,圍繞東海海空危機管控、海上執法、油氣、科考、漁業(yè)等問(wèn)題進(jìn)行溝通,達成多項共識。中方愿繼續通過(guò)對話(huà)磋商妥善管控和解決有關(guān)問(wèn)題。Issues concerning the Diaoyu Islands and maritime demarcation in the East China Sea exist between China and Japan. The Diaoyu Islands are an integral part of China's territory. China's sovereignty over the Diaoyu Islands has a sufficient historical and legal basis. China and Japan have maintained dialogues on issues related to the East China Sea and held several rounds of high-level consultations. They have had communication and reached consensus on crisis management and control in the air and waters of the East China Sea, maritime law enforcement, oil and gas exploration, scientific research, fisheries and other issues. China is willing to properly manage the situation and resolve related issues through continued dialogue and consultation.
      中韓就海域劃界有關(guān)問(wèn)題廣泛深入交換了意見(jiàn),并于2015年12月啟動(dòng)海域劃界談判。China and the ROK have extensive and in-depth exchanges of views on maritime demarcation, and launched relevant negotiations in December 2015.
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