


      發(fā)布時(shí)間:2017-03-17 08:40:30??|??來(lái)源:中國網(wǎng)??|??作者:??|??責任編輯:李瀟

      3月5日,李克強總理代表國務(wù)院在十二屆全國人大五次會(huì )議上作《政府工作報告》。 [新華社]

      3月5日,李克強總理代表國務(wù)院在十二屆全國人大五次會(huì )議上作《政府工作報告》。 [新華社]
      Premier Li Keqiang delivers the annual government work report at the opening meeting of the fifth plenary session of the 12th National People's Congress at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, capital of China, March 5, 2017. [Photo/Xinhua]
      各位代表:Esteemed Deputies,
      現在,我代表國務(wù)院,向大會(huì )報告政府工作,請予審議,并請全國政協(xié)各位委員提出意見(jiàn)。On behalf of the State Council, I will now report to you on the work of the government and ask for your deliberation and approval. I also wish to have comments on my report from the members of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC).
      一、2016年工作回顧Let me begin with a review of our work in 2016.
      過(guò)去一年,我國發(fā)展面臨國內外諸多矛盾疊加、風(fēng)險隱患交匯的嚴峻挑戰。在以習近平同志為核心的黨中央堅強領(lǐng)導下,全國各族人民迎難而上,砥礪前行,推動(dòng)經(jīng)濟社會(huì )持續健康發(fā)展。黨的十八屆六中全會(huì )正式明確習近平總書(shū)記的核心地位,體現了黨和人民的根本利益,對保證黨和國家興旺發(fā)達、長(cháng)治久安,具有十分重大而深遠的意義。各地區、各部門(mén)不斷增強政治意識、大局意識、核心意識、看齊意識,推動(dòng)全面建成小康社會(huì )取得新的重要進(jìn)展,全面深化改革邁出重大步伐,全面依法治國深入實(shí)施,全面從嚴治黨縱深推進(jìn),全年經(jīng)濟社會(huì )發(fā)展主要目標任務(wù)圓滿(mǎn)完成,“十三五”實(shí)現了良好開(kāi)局。

      In the past year, China's development has faced grave challenges posed by a great many problems and interwoven risks and dangers both at home and abroad. However, under the strong leadership of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, we the Chinese people have risen to the challenge and worked hard to press ahead, driving forward sustained, healthy economic and social development.

      At the Sixth Plenary Session of the 18th Party Central Committee, the core position of General Secretary Xi Jinping was formally affirmed, which reflects the fundamental interests of the Party and the Chinese people, and is of crucial and far-reaching significance for ensuring the flourishing and long-term stability of the Party and the country. All regions and all government departments have steadily strengthened their consciousness of the need to maintain political integrity, think in big-picture terms, uphold the leadership core, and keep in alignment. Pushing ahead with all-around efforts, we have achieved major progress in finishing building a moderately prosperous society in all respects, made important strides in deepening reform, continued to exercise law-based governance, and made further progress in practicing strict Party self-governance; and we have accomplished the year's main tasks and targets for economic and social development, and got the 13th Five-Year Plan off to a great start.


      The economy has registered a slower but stable performance with good momentum for growth.

      GDP reached 74.4 trillion yuan, representing 6.7-percent growth, and seeing China outpace most other economies. China contributed more than 30 percent of global growth. The CPI rose by 2 percent. With an 8.5-percent increase in profits, industrial enterprises reversed the previous year's negative growth of 2.3 percent. Energy consumption per unit of GDP fell by 5 percent. Economic performance improved markedly in quality and returns.

      ——就業(yè)增長(cháng)超出預期。全年城鎮新增就業(yè)1314萬(wàn)人。高校畢業(yè)生就業(yè)創(chuàng )業(yè)人數再創(chuàng )新高。年末城鎮登記失業(yè)率4.02%,為多年來(lái)最低。13億多人口的發(fā)展中大國,就業(yè)比較充分,十分不易。

      Employment growth exceeded projections.

      A total of 13.14 million new urban jobs were added over the course of the year. The number of college graduates finding employment or starting businesses reached another record high. The registered urban unemployment rate stood at 4.02 percent at year-end 2016, the lowest level in years. For China, a large developing country with a population of over 1.3 billion, attaining this level of employment is no easy task.


      Continued advances were made in reform and opening up.

      Breakthroughs were made in reforms in major sectors and key links, and initial success was achieved in supply-side structural reform. New measures were introduced for opening China up, rapid progress was made in pursuing the Belt and Road Initiative, and a number of major projects and industrial-capacity cooperation projects with other countries were launched.


      Economic structural adjustment was stepped up.

      Consumption was the main driver of economic growth. The value created by the service sector rose to 51.6 percent of GDP. High-tech industries and equipment manufacturing grew rapidly. In agriculture, production was stable and structural adjustments were made, and we had continued good grain harvests.

      ——發(fā)展新動(dòng)能不斷增強。創(chuàng )新驅動(dòng)發(fā)展戰略深入實(shí)施。科技領(lǐng)域取得一批國際領(lǐng)先的重大成果。新興產(chǎn)業(yè)蓬勃興起,傳統產(chǎn)業(yè)加快轉型升級。大眾創(chuàng )業(yè)、萬(wàn)眾創(chuàng )新廣泛開(kāi)展,全年新登記企業(yè)增長(cháng)24.5%,平均每天新增1.5萬(wàn)戶(hù),加上個(gè)體工商戶(hù)等,各類(lèi)市場(chǎng)主體每天新增4.5萬(wàn)戶(hù)。新動(dòng)能正在撐起發(fā)展新天地。

      New drivers of growth gained strength.

      Further progress was made in pursuing the innovation-driven development strategy, and a number of world-leading achievements were made in science and technology. Emerging industries were thriving, and the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries accelerated. People were busy launching businesses or making innovations, with a 24.5-percent year-on-year increase in the number of new businesses registered-an average of 15,000 new businesses daily.

      With self-employed traders and other market entities included we had an average of 45,000 new market entities launched per day. New growth drivers are opening new prospects for China's development.


      Infrastructure became ever-better able to sustain development.

      Over 1,900 kilometers of new high-speed rail lines came into service, and more than 6,700 kilometers of expressways and 290,000 kilometers of rural roads were built or upgraded. Construction picked up pace on urban rail transit facilities and underground utility tunnels. Construction began on 21 major water conservancy projects. The number of 4G mobile communications subscribers grew by 340 million and over 5.5 million kilometers of optical fiber cables were added.


      Living standards were improved.

      Personal per capita disposable income increased by 6.3 percent in real terms. The number of people living in poverty in rural areas was reduced by 12.4 million, including more than 2.4 million people relocated from inhospitable areas. More than 6 million homes in rundown urban areas and over 3.8 million dilapidated rural houses were renovated. In tourism, domestic trips showed rapid growth, and overseas trips exceeded 120 million. People in both urban and rural areas saw arise in living standards.

      我國成功主辦二十國集團領(lǐng)導人杭州峰會(huì ),推動(dòng)取得一系列開(kāi)創(chuàng )性、引領(lǐng)性、機制性重要成果,在全球經(jīng)濟治理中留下深刻的中國印記。China successfully hosted the G20 2016 Hangzhou Summit, and helped to deliver a number of important pioneering, leading, and institutional outcomes, thus doing its part for global economic governance.
      回顧過(guò)去一年,走過(guò)的路很不尋常。我們面對的是世界經(jīng)濟和貿易增速7年來(lái)最低、國際金融市場(chǎng)波動(dòng)加劇、地區和全球性挑戰突發(fā)多發(fā)的外部環(huán)境,面對的是國內結構性問(wèn)題突出、風(fēng)險隱患顯現、經(jīng)濟下行壓力加大的多重困難,面對的是改革進(jìn)入攻堅期、利益關(guān)系深刻調整、影響社會(huì )穩定因素增多的復雜局面。在這種情況下,經(jīng)濟能夠穩住很不容易,出現諸多向好變化更為難得。這再次表明,中國人民有勇氣、有智慧、有能力戰勝任何艱難險阻,中國經(jīng)濟有潛力、有韌性、有優(yōu)勢,中國的發(fā)展前景一定會(huì )更好。

      2016 was an unusual year in our country's development. China was confronted with an external environment in which the world saw the lowest economic and trade growth in seven years, growing volatility in global financial markets, and sudden and frequent regional and global challenges. Domestically, China faced multiple difficulties: major structural problems, prominent risks and dangers, and mounting downward pressure on the economy. China found itself in a complex environment as reform entered a critical stage, profound changes took place affecting interests, and factors impacting social stability grew.

      Given all these factors, it was not easy for us to maintain stable economic performance. And yet we succeeded, and even managed to make progress on many fronts. Once again, this shows that we the Chinese people have the courage, ingenuity, and ability to overcome any difficulty or hardship. It also shows that the Chinese economy possesses potential, resilience, and strengths, so we can be sure there is even better development ahead for China.

      一年來(lái),我們主要做了以下工作。I will now move on to discuss our main work last year:
      一是繼續創(chuàng )新和加強宏觀(guān)調控,經(jīng)濟運行保持在合理區間。去年宏觀(guān)調控面臨多難抉擇,我們堅持不搞“大水漫灌”式強刺激,而是依靠改革創(chuàng )新來(lái)穩增長(cháng)、調結構、防風(fēng)險,在區間調控基礎上,加強定向調控、相機調控。積極的財政政策力度加大,增加的財政赤字主要用于減稅降費。全面推開(kāi)營(yíng)改增試點(diǎn),全年降低企業(yè)稅負5700多億元,所有行業(yè)實(shí)現稅負只減不增。制定實(shí)施中央與地方增值稅收入劃分過(guò)渡方案,確保地方既有財力不變。擴大地方政府存量債務(wù)置換規模,降低利息負擔約4000億元。穩健的貨幣政策靈活適度,廣義貨幣M2增長(cháng)11.3%,低于13%左右的預期目標。綜合運用多種貨幣政策工具,支持實(shí)體經(jīng)濟發(fā)展。實(shí)施促進(jìn)消費升級措施。出臺鼓勵民間投資等政策,投資出現企穩態(tài)勢。分類(lèi)調控房地產(chǎn)市場(chǎng)。加強金融風(fēng)險防控,人民幣匯率形成機制進(jìn)一步完善,保持了在合理均衡水平上的基本穩定,維護了國家經(jīng)濟金融安全。

      First, we continued to develop new and more effective ways of carrying out regulation at the macro level, thus keeping the economy performing within an appropriate range.

      Last year, we faced difficult choices in conducting macro-level regulation, but we stood firm in not adopting strong stimulus policies that would have had an economy-wide impact, and strived instead to maintain steady growth, adjust the structure, and guard against risks through reform and innovation. We strengthened targeted and well-timed regulation on the basis of range-based regulation.

      More proactive fiscal policy was pursued, and the increase in the fiscal deficit was used mainly to cover tax and fee cuts. The trial replacement of business tax with value added tax (VAT) was extended to cover all sectors, slashing the tax burden of businesses for the year by over 570 billion yuan and reducing tax burdens in every sector. A transitional plan for sharing VAT revenue between the central and local governments was formulated and implemented to ensure financial resources of local governments remained unchanged. More local government bonds were issued to replace outstanding debts, reducing interest payments by roughly 400 billion yuan.

      A prudent monetary policy was pursued in a flexible and appropriate manner. The M2 money supply increased by 11.3 percent, below our projected target of around 13 percent. We used a range of monetary policy tools to support the development of the real economy.

      Measures were taken to upgrade consumption. We unveiled policies to encourage private investment, and saw investment begin to stabilize. We exercised category-based regulation over the real estate market. We strengthened efforts to manage financial risks. The RMB exchange rate regime continued to improve, and the exchange rate remained generally stable at an adaptive and equilibrium level. With these measures, we have safeguarded China's economic and financial security.


      Second, we focused on five priority tasks -- cutting overcapacity, reducing excess inventory, deleveraging, lowering costs, and strengthening areas of weakness -- thereby improving the composition of supply.

      Particular priority was given to cutting overcapacity in the steel and coal sectors. Over the year, steel production capacity was cut by more than 65 million metric tons and coal by over 290 million metric tons, going beyond annual targets. Effective assistance was provided to laid-off employees.

      We supported migrant workers in buying urban homes; and we increased the proportion of people affected by rebuilding in rundown urban areas receiving monetary compensation, making good progress in reducing real estate inventory.

      Business acquisitions and reorganizations were encouraged, direct financing was promoted, and market- and law-based debt-to-equity swaps were carried out, lowering the debt-to-asset ratio of industrial enterprises.

      To help enterprises lower operating costs, we introduced measures to cut taxes and fees, lower the share paid by enterprises for social security contributions,(1) and cut the price of electricity.

      We boosted efforts to strengthen areas of weakness and undertook major initiatives that both help to meet urgent needs today and promise long-term benefits.

      Notes: (1) This includes old-age insurance, health insurance, unemployment insurance, workers' compensation, maternity insurance, and housing provident fund schemes.

      三是大力深化改革開(kāi)放,發(fā)展活力進(jìn)一步增強。全面深化改革,推出一批標志性、支柱性改革舉措。圍繞處理好政府和市場(chǎng)關(guān)系這一經(jīng)濟體制改革的核心問(wèn)題,持續推進(jìn)簡(jiǎn)政放權、放管結合、優(yōu)化服務(wù)改革。在提前完成本屆政府減少行政審批事項三分之一目標的基礎上,去年又取消165項國務(wù)院部門(mén)及其指定地方實(shí)施的審批事項,清理規范192項審批中介服務(wù)事項、220項職業(yè)資格許可認定事項。深化商事制度改革。全面推行“雙隨機、一公開(kāi)”,增強事中事后監管的有效性,推進(jìn)“互聯(lián)網(wǎng)+政務(wù)服務(wù)”。推動(dòng)國有企業(yè)調整重組和混合所有制改革。建立公平競爭審查制度。深化資源稅改革。完善農村土地“三權分置”辦法,建立貧困退出機制。推進(jìn)科技管理體制改革,擴大高校和科研院所自主權,出臺以增加知識價(jià)值為導向的分配政策。放開(kāi)養老服務(wù)市場(chǎng)。擴大公立醫院綜合改革試點(diǎn),深化藥品醫療器械審評審批制度改革。制定自然資源統一確權登記辦法,開(kāi)展省以下環(huán)保機構監測監察執法垂直管理、耕地輪作休耕改革等試點(diǎn),全面推行河長(cháng)制,健全生態(tài)保護補償機制。改革為經(jīng)濟社會(huì )發(fā)展增添了新動(dòng)力。

      Third, we worked hard to deepen reform and opening up, further strengthening the vitality of development.

      Reform was deepened across the board, and a good number of landmark and pillar reform initiatives were undertaken.

      To balance the government-market relationship -- the pivotal issue in economic structural reform -- we continued reforms to streamline administration, delegate powers, and improve regulation and services. My administration's goal of cutting the number of items requiring government review by a third had been achieved ahead of schedule. On that basis, last year we cancelled the requirement on a further 165 items for review by State Council departments and authorized local governments. We also overhauled and standardized 192 items of intermediary services for government review as well as 220 items of approvals and accreditations for professional qualifications. We deepened institutional reforms in the business sector. We introduced an oversight model of random inspection and public release across the board,(2) made operational and post-operational oversight more effective, and promoted the Internet Plus government services model.

      We pushed ahead with reforms to restructure and reorganize state-owned enterprises (SOEs) and introduce into them mixed ownership structures. We established a review system to ensure fair competition. We deepened resource tax reforms.

      We improved measures for separating rural land ownership rights, contract rights, and management rights, and established a mechanism for determining whether people have been lifted out of poverty. We made progress in reforming the science and technology management system, gave greater autonomy to colleges and research institutes, and adopted profit distribution policies oriented toward increasing the value of knowledge. We opened up the elderly services market. We expanded the trials of comprehensive reforms in public hospitals and deepened reform of the evaluation and approval systems for medicine and medical equipment.

      We formulated unified measures to determine and register natural resource rights. We piloted reforms for conducting direct oversight by provincial-level environmental protection agencies over the environmental monitoring and inspection work of environmental protection agencies below the provincial level, as well as crop rotation and fallow land reforms. The river chief system was introduced for all lakes and rivers across the country, and the mechanisms for compensating for ecological conservation efforts were improved. Reform has given new impetus to economic and social development.

      Note: (2) The model comprises inspections of randomly selected entities by randomly selected inspectors and the public release of inspection results.

      積極擴大對外開(kāi)放。推進(jìn)“一帶一路”建設,與沿線(xiàn)國家加強戰略對接、務(wù)實(shí)合作。人民幣正式納入國際貨幣基金組織特別提款權貨幣籃子。“深港通”開(kāi)啟。完善促進(jìn)外貿發(fā)展措施,新設12個(gè)跨境電子商務(wù)綜合試驗區,進(jìn)出口逐步回穩。推廣上海等自貿試驗區改革創(chuàng )新成果,新設7個(gè)自貿試驗區。除少數實(shí)行準入特別管理措施領(lǐng)域外,外資企業(yè)設立及變更一律由審批改為備案管理。實(shí)際使用外資1300多億美元,繼續位居發(fā)展中國家首位。

      We opened China wider to the rest of the world. As we pushed ahead with the Belt and Road Initiative, we worked to increase complementarity between the development strategies of, and practical cooperation between, China and other countries along the routes.

      The RMB was formally included in the IMF's Special Drawing Rights basket. The Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect was launched. We improved measures for promoting trade, and built 12 new integrated experimental zones for cross-border e-commerce, bringing about a steady recovery in the volume of import and export.

      The new practices of pilot free trade zones in Shanghai and elsewhere were used to establish another seven pilot zones. The requirement for review and approval for setting up and making significant adjustments to foreign enterprises was replaced by a simple filing process, with the exception of a few areas where special market access requirements apply. In 2016, China utilized more than US$130 billion of overseas investment, continuing to rank first among developing countries.

      四是強化創(chuàng )新引領(lǐng),新動(dòng)能快速成長(cháng)。深入推進(jìn)“互聯(lián)網(wǎng)+”行動(dòng)和國家大數據戰略,全面實(shí)施《中國制造2025》,落實(shí)和完善“雙創(chuàng )”政策措施。部署啟動(dòng)面向2030年的科技創(chuàng )新重大項目,支持北京、上海建設具有全球影響力的科技創(chuàng )新中心,新設6個(gè)國家自主創(chuàng )新示范區。全社會(huì )研發(fā)經(jīng)費支出與國內生產(chǎn)總值之比達到2.08%。國內有效發(fā)明專(zhuān)利擁有量突破100萬(wàn)件,技術(shù)交易額超過(guò)1萬(wàn)億元。科技進(jìn)步貢獻率上升到56.2%,創(chuàng )新對發(fā)展的支撐作用明顯增強。

      Fourth, we strengthened innovation's leading role, spurring the rapid development of new growth drivers.

      We took further steps to implement the Internet Plus action plan and the national big data strategy, fully implemented the Made in China 2025 initiative, and implemented and improved policies and measures to encourage people to launch businesses and innovate. We developed and launched a plan for completing major science and technology programs by 2030, supported Beijing and Shanghai in building themselves into global R&D centers, and established another six national innovation demonstration zones.

      China's R&D spending reached 2.08 percent of GDP. The number of in-force Chinese patents issued in China passed the million mark, and the value of technology transactions exceeded one trillion yuan. The contribution of scientific and technological progress to economic growth rose to 56.2 percent, and innovation's role in powering development grew markedly.


      Fifth, we promoted more balanced development between regions and between rural and urban areas, and saw faster emergence of new growth poles and growth belts.

      We stepped up work to implement the three strategic initiatives (the Belt and Road, Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei integration, and the Yangtze Economic Belt), and began construction on a number of key projects. We formulated the plan for the 13th Five-Year Plan period for large-scale development in the western region, launched a new round of initiatives as part of the Northeast revitalization strategy, drove progress in the rise of the central region, and supported the eastern region in leading the rest of the country in pursuing development. We sped up efforts to promote new types of urbanization, deepened reform of the household registration system, introduced the residence card system nationwide, and granted urban residency to another 16 million people from rural areas. The synergy building through coordinated development became more and more evident.


      Sixth, we strengthened ecological conservation and made fresh progress in pursuing green development.

      We formulated and introduced measures for assessing progress made in ecological improvement, and established national pilot zones for ecological conservation. We took stronger measures against air pollution and, as a result, saw a 5.6-percent decline in sulfur dioxide emissions, a 4-percent cut in nitrogen oxide emissions, and a 9.1-percent drop in the annual average density of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) in 74 key cities. We continued to improve the energy mix, increasing the share of clean energy consumption by 1.7 percentage points and cutting the share of coal consumption by 2 percentage points.

      We continued efforts to prevent and control water pollution, and adopted an action plan for preventing and controlling soil pollution. Central government inspections on environmental protection accountability were launched and violations of environmental protection laws were investigated and prosecuted, giving impetus to deeper efforts to protect the environment.

      七是注重保障和改善民生,人民群眾獲得感增強。在財政收支壓力加大情況下,民生投入繼續增加。出臺新的就業(yè)創(chuàng )業(yè)政策,扎實(shí)做好重點(diǎn)人群、重點(diǎn)地區就業(yè)工作。全面推進(jìn)脫貧攻堅,全國財政專(zhuān)項扶貧資金投入超過(guò)1000億元。提高低保、優(yōu)撫、退休人員基本養老金等標準,為1700多萬(wàn)困難和重度殘疾人發(fā)放生活或護理補貼。財政性教育經(jīng)費支出占國內生產(chǎn)總值比例繼續超過(guò)4%。重點(diǎn)高校招收貧困地區農村學(xué)生人數增長(cháng)21.3%。免除農村貧困家庭學(xué)生普通高中學(xué)雜費。全年資助各類(lèi)學(xué)校家庭困難學(xué)生8400多萬(wàn)人次。整合城鄉居民基本醫保制度,提高財政補助標準。增加基本公共衛生服務(wù)經(jīng)費。實(shí)現大病保險全覆蓋,符合規定的省內異地就醫住院費用可直接結算。加強基層公共文化服務(wù)。實(shí)施全民健身計劃,體育健兒在里約奧運會(huì )、殘奧會(huì )上再創(chuàng )佳績(jì)。去年部分地區特別是長(cháng)江流域發(fā)生嚴重洪澇等災害,通過(guò)及時(shí)有力開(kāi)展搶險救災,緊急轉移安置900多萬(wàn)人次,最大限度降低了災害損失,恢復重建有序進(jìn)行。

      Seventh, we gave particular attention to ensuring and improving living standards, helping Chinese people gain a stronger sense of benefit.

      Despite growing pressure from fiscal imbalance, we continued to increase inputs in areas related to living standards. We launched new policies on employment and business startups, and carried out solid work on increasing employment for key target groups and priority regions. We made all-around progress in key battles to eradicate poverty and earmarked over 100 billion yuan from government budgets for poverty relief. We increased subsistence allowances, benefits for entitled groups, basic pension payments, and other subsidies; and over 17 million people benefited through the provision of cost-of-living allowances for people with disabilities in financial difficulty and nursing care subsidies for people with severe disabilities.

      Fiscal spending on education continued to be over 4 percent of GDP. The number of students from poor rural areas enrolled in key universities grew by 21.3 percent. We waived tuition and miscellaneous fees for students from poor rural families at regular senior high schools. Over the course of the year, more than 84 million grants were given to students from poor families studying in all types of schools.

      The basic health insurance systems for rural and nonworking urban residents were merged and government subsidies for the system were increased. More funding was provided for basic public health services. Full coverage of the serious disease insurance scheme was achieved, and healthcare costs meeting relevant provisions can now be settled on the spot when incurred anywhere within the provincial-level administrative area where insurance is registered.

      We increased public cultural services at the community level. The Fitness for All initiative was launched, and Chinese athletes gave an excellent performance at the Olympic Games and Paralympic Games in Rio de Janeiro.

      Last year, parts of the country, especially the Yangtze basin, were hit by severe flooding and other disasters. We acted quickly to provide effective rescue and relief, swiftly relocated over 9 million people, minimized damage and loss, and made systematic progress with recovery and reconstruction efforts.

      八是推進(jìn)政府建設和治理創(chuàng )新,社會(huì )保持和諧穩定。國務(wù)院提請全國人大常委會(huì )審議法律議案13件,制定修訂行政法規8件。完善公共決策吸納民意機制,認真辦理人大代表建議和政協(xié)委員提案。推進(jìn)政務(wù)公開(kāi),省級政府部門(mén)權力和責任清單全面公布。加大督查問(wèn)責力度,組織開(kāi)展第三次國務(wù)院大督查,對去產(chǎn)能、民間投資等政策落實(shí)情況進(jìn)行專(zhuān)項督查和第三方評估,嚴肅查處一些地區違規新建鋼鐵項目、生產(chǎn)銷(xiāo)售“地條鋼”等行為。加強安全生產(chǎn)工作,事故總量和重特大事故數量繼續下降。強化社會(huì )治安綜合治理,依法打擊違法犯罪,有力維護了國家安全和公共安全。

      Eighth, we continued to enhance government performance and improve governance, thus ensuring social harmony and stability.

      The State Council submitted 13 legislative proposals to the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress (NPC) for approval and adopted or revised 8 sets of administrative regulations. We improved mechanisms for drawing on public opinions in decision making on public issues and worked with keen attention to handle the proposals and suggestions of NPC deputies and CPPCC National Committee members. We made progress in strengthening government transparency by releasing lists of the powers and responsibilities of all provincial-level government departments.

      We intensified accountability inspections. The third State Council accountability inspection was carried out; special inspections and third-party evaluations were conducted on the implementation of policies related to cutting overcapacity and encouraging private investment; and new steel projects launched in breach of regulations and the production and sale of substandard steel products were strictly investigated and dealt with.

      We strengthened workplace safety efforts and saw a continued decline in the total number of accidents and in the number of accidents of a serious nature.

      We took comprehensive measures to maintain law and order and, in accordance with law, cracked down on crime and other violations, effectively safeguarding national and public security.

      扎實(shí)開(kāi)展“兩學(xué)一做”學(xué)習教育,認真落實(shí)黨中央八項規定精神,堅決糾正“四風(fēng)”,嚴格執行國務(wù)院“約法三章”。依法懲處一批腐敗分子,反腐敗斗爭形成壓倒性態(tài)勢。We carried out in earnest activities to enable Party members to gain a good understanding of the Party Constitution, Party regulations, and General Secretary Xi Jinping's major policy addresses and to meet Party standards. We worked scrupulously to ensure compliance with the Party Central Committee's eight-point decision on improving Party and government conduct, took firm action to address formalism, bureaucratism, hedonism, and extravagance, and rigorously enforced the State Council's three-point decision on curbing government spending. We punished a number of corrupt officials in accordance with law, and the fight against corruption has built up irresistible momentum.
      過(guò)去一年,中國特色大國外交卓有成效。習近平主席等國家領(lǐng)導人出訪(fǎng)多國,出席亞太經(jīng)合組織領(lǐng)導人非正式會(huì )議、上海合作組織峰會(huì )、金磚國家領(lǐng)導人會(huì )晤、核安全峰會(huì )、聯(lián)大系列高級別會(huì )議、亞歐首腦會(huì )議、東亞合作領(lǐng)導人系列會(huì )議等重大活動(dòng)。成功舉辦瀾滄江-湄公河合作首次領(lǐng)導人會(huì )議。同主要大國協(xié)調合作得到加強,同周邊國家全面合作持續推進(jìn),同發(fā)展中國家友好合作不斷深化,同聯(lián)合國等國際組織聯(lián)系更加密切。積極促進(jìn)全球治理體系改革與完善。推動(dòng)《巴黎協(xié)定》生效。經(jīng)濟外交、人文交流成果豐碩。堅定維護國家領(lǐng)土主權和海洋權益。中國作為負責任大國,在國際和地區事務(wù)中發(fā)揮了建設性作用,為世界和平與發(fā)展作出了重要貢獻。

      As a major country, China has made outstanding achievements in its diplomacy with distinctive features over the past year. President Xi Jinping and other Chinese leaders visited many countries. They attended major international events, including the 24th APEC Economic Leaders Meeting, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Summit, the BRICS Leaders Meeting, the Nuclear Security Summit, high-level meetings of the 71st session of the UN General Assembly, the Asia-Europe Meeting, and the East Asian leaders meetings on cooperation. We hosted the first-ever Lancang-Mekong Cooperation Leaders Meeting.

      China's coordination and cooperation with other major countries were strengthened, its comprehensive cooperation with neighboring countries continued to be boosted, its friendship and cooperation with other developing countries were deepened, and its interactions with the UN and other international organizations became closer.

      China was actively involved in reforming and improving the global governance system. We played our part in ensuring that the Paris Agreement was put into force. Economic diplomacy and personal and cultural exchanges yielded notable outcomes. We were resolute in upholding China's sovereignty, territorial integrity, and maritime rights and interests. As a responsible major country, China has been playing a constructive role in international and regional issues and has made significant contributions to world peace and development.

      隆重慶祝中國共產(chǎn)黨成立95周年,隆重紀念中國工農紅軍長(cháng)征勝利80周年,宣示了我們不忘初心、繼續前進(jìn)、戰勝一切困難的堅強意志,彰顯了全國人民走好新的長(cháng)征路、不斷奪取新勝利的堅定決心!We celebrated the 95th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and the 80th anniversary of the victory of the Long March of the Chinese Workers and Peasants Red Army, demonstrating our unshakeable will to remain true to the founding mission of the Party, to keep pressing ahead, and to overcome all difficulties, and showing the firm determination of all Chinese people to keep up our stride on the new Long March and continue striving for new victories.
      各位代表!Esteemed Deputies,
      過(guò)去一年取得的成績(jì),是以習近平同志為核心的黨中央正確領(lǐng)導的結果,是全黨全軍全國各族人民團結奮斗的結果。我代表國務(wù)院,向全國各族人民,向各民主黨派、各人民團體和各界人士,表示誠摯感謝!向香港特別行政區同胞、澳門(mén)特別行政區同胞、臺灣同胞和海外僑胞,表示誠摯感謝!向關(guān)心和支持中國現代化建設事業(yè)的各國政府、國際組織和各國朋友,表示誠摯感謝!We owe all the achievements made over the past year to the sound leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core and the concerted efforts of the Party, the military, and the people of all our nation's ethnic groups. On behalf of the State Council, I wish to express our sincere gratitude to all our people, including public figures from all sectors of society, and to other parties and people's organizations. I express our sincere appreciation to our fellow countrymen and women in the Hong Kong and Macao special administrative regions and in Taiwan, and to Chinese nationals overseas. I also wish to express our heartfelt thanks to the governments of other countries, international organizations, and friends from all over the world who have shown understanding and support for China in its endeavor to modernize.
      我們也清醒看到,經(jīng)濟社會(huì )發(fā)展中還存在不少困難和問(wèn)題。經(jīng)濟增長(cháng)內生動(dòng)力仍需增強,部分行業(yè)產(chǎn)能過(guò)剩嚴重,一些企業(yè)生產(chǎn)經(jīng)營(yíng)困難較多,地區經(jīng)濟走勢分化,財政收支矛盾較大,經(jīng)濟金融風(fēng)險隱患不容忽視。環(huán)境污染形勢依然嚴峻,特別是一些地區嚴重霧霾頻發(fā),治理措施需要進(jìn)一步加強。在住房、教育、醫療、養老、食品藥品安全、收入分配等方面,人民群眾還有不少不滿(mǎn)意的地方。煤礦、建筑、交通等領(lǐng)域發(fā)生了一些重大安全事故,令人痛心。政府工作存在不足,有些改革舉措和政策落實(shí)不到位,涉企收費多、群眾辦事難等問(wèn)題仍較突出,行政執法中存在不規范不公正不文明現象,少數干部懶政怠政、推諉扯皮,一些領(lǐng)域腐敗問(wèn)題時(shí)有發(fā)生。我們一定要直面挑戰,敢于擔當,全力以赴做好政府工作,不辱歷史使命,不負人民重托。

      Yet we must not lose sight of the many problems and challenges China faces in pursuing economic and social development. The internal forces driving economic growth need to be strengthened. Overcapacity poses a serious challenge in some industries. Some enterprises face difficulties in their production and operations. Economic prospects for different regions are divergent. Fiscal imbalance is becoming great. And potential economic and financial risks cannot be overlooked.

      Environmental pollution remains grave, and in particular, some areas are frequently hit by heavy smog. We need to further strengthen our steps to combat pollution. There are also many problems causing public concern in housing, education, healthcare, elderly care, food and drug safety, and income distribution. It is distressing that there were some major accidents in the coal mining, construction, and transportation sectors.

      There is still room for improvement in government performance. Some reform policies and measures have not been fully implemented. Excess fees and charges being levied on businesses and difficulties facing individuals who want to access government services remain standout problems. We still see problems of laws and regulations being enforced in a non-standard, unfair, or uncivil way. A small number of government employees are lazy and neglectful of their duties or shirk responsibility. Corruption often occurs in some sectors.

      We must confront these challenges head-on, be ready to bear the weight of responsibility, and do our all to deliver. We must fulfill our historic mission and live up to the great trust placed in us by the Chinese people.

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