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      【中英文對照】2017年國民經(jīng)濟和社會(huì )發(fā)展計劃報告(全文)

      發(fā)布時(shí)間:2017-03-20 09:05:35  | 來(lái)源:中國網(wǎng)  | 作者:  | 責任編輯:李瀟

      三、2017年經(jīng)濟社會(huì )發(fā)展的主要任務(wù)III. Major Tasks for Economic and Social Development in 2017?
      2017年,將堅持穩中求進(jìn)工作總基調,緊緊圍繞供給側結構性改革這條主線(xiàn),貫徹新發(fā)展理念,引領(lǐng)經(jīng)濟新常態(tài),著(zhù)力抓好9方面工作。In 2017, we will continue to uphold the general principle of seeking progress while keeping performance stable, take supply-side structural reform as our main task, and apply the new development philosophy, so as to steer the new normal in the economy. Our efforts will focus on the following nine areas.

      1. Promoting substantive progress in the priority tasks of cutting overcapacity, reducing excess inventory, deleveraging, lowering costs, and strengthening points of weakness.

      In line with the CPC Central Committee and the State Council's overall arrangements for supply-side structural reform, we will intensify efforts to fulfill the five priority tasks, reduce ineffective and inefficient supply while increasing effective supply, and improve the profit-making ability of enterprises.

      一是扎扎實(shí)實(shí)化解過(guò)剩產(chǎn)能。今年再壓減鋼鐵產(chǎn)能5000萬(wàn)噸左右,退出煤炭產(chǎn)能1.5億噸以上。同時(shí),淘汰、停建、緩建煤電產(chǎn)能5000萬(wàn)千瓦以上,以防范化解煤電產(chǎn)能過(guò)剩風(fēng)險,提高煤電行業(yè)效率,優(yōu)化能源結構,為清潔能源發(fā)展騰空間。充分運用市場(chǎng)化法治化手段,統籌處理好去產(chǎn)能與穩定供應、優(yōu)化結構、轉型升級的關(guān)系。將處置“僵尸企業(yè)”作為化解過(guò)剩產(chǎn)能的“牛鼻子”,嚴格執行環(huán)保、能耗、質(zhì)量、安全等法律法規和標準,更加嚴格控制新增產(chǎn)能,更加堅決淘汰落后產(chǎn)能,更加嚴厲打擊違法違規行為。創(chuàng )造條件推動(dòng)企業(yè)兼并重組,妥善處置企業(yè)債務(wù),做好人員安置工作。對符合條件的職工分流安置繼續給予財政獎補資金支持。

      1) We will make concrete efforts to scale down overcapacity.

      This year, we will cut production capacity by around 50 million metric tons of steel and over 150 million metric tons of coal. At the same, we will shut down, stop, or suspend the construction of coal-fired power plants with a capacity of more than 50 million kilowatts, so as to guard against and defuse overcapacity risks in the coal-fired power industry and enhance its efficiency, while also improving the energy mix and creating space for the development of clean energy. Making full use of market-oriented and law-based means, we will work to strike an overall balance between the efforts to scale down overcapacity, ensure stable supply, improve the industrial structure, and transform and upgrade industries.

      Our efforts to address the issue of "zombie enterprises" will constitute a key approach in cutting overcapacity. By strictly enforcing laws, regulations, and standards with regard to environmental protection, energy consumption, quality, and safety, we will intensify efforts to control the expansion of production capacity, shut down outdated production facilities, and crack down on violations of laws and regulations in this regard. Proper conditions will be created for promoting the merging and restructuring of enterprises, and proper arrangements will be put in place to handle debts and resettle laid-off workers. We will continue to make government funds available for rewards and subsidies in this regard.


      2) We will continue to cut excess inventory by implementing policies tailored to local conditions.

      We will take multiple, locally practicable measures to grant direct monetary housing compensation rather than housing to more people displaced by the redevelopment of run-down urban areas, move faster to implement the plan for granting urban residency to 100 million people without urban household registration living in urban areas, support the demand of urban residents for buying a second home if their first homes are inadequate, and ensure well-regulated development of the housing rental market.

      In line with the principle that "houses are for habitation not speculation," we will exercise regulation on a per-category basis, implement place-based policies in different cities, and fully utilize financial, land, fiscal, tax, and investment policies as well as legislation, so as to accelerate efforts to establish a sound permanent mechanism for ensuring the steady and healthy development of the real estate industry and keep housing prices from rising too quickly in popular cities. In working toward establishing policy-backed financial institutions specializing in housing, we will carry out research on reforming the housing provident fund system; and we will support people's demand for housing for personal use.


      3) We will lower leverage ratios of enterprises in a proactive yet prudent manner.

      By means of merger, restructuring, and bankruptcy, we will promote a clearing out of zombie enterprises. We will encourage banks, relevant institutions, and enterprises to carry out market-based debt-to-equity swaps on the basis of negotiations between themselves. We will develop equity financing, broaden its financing channels, and place tighter constraints on the leveraging activities of enterprises.

      四是持續綜合施策降低實(shí)體經(jīng)濟成本。進(jìn)一步減少審批環(huán)節,清理取消行政審批中介服務(wù)違規收費,降低不合理中介評估費用,降低企業(yè)制度性交易成本。在減稅、降費、降低要素成本上加大工作力度,大幅降低非稅負擔,降低融資成本,降低企業(yè)用能用地成本,降低物流成本,提高勞動(dòng)力市場(chǎng)靈活性,支持企業(yè)內部挖潛、降本增效。深入開(kāi)展涉企收費清理規范工作,落實(shí)好減稅降費等各項惠企政策,減少政府定價(jià)的涉企經(jīng)營(yíng)性收費,進(jìn)一步清理規范政府性基金、行政事業(yè)性收費和經(jīng)營(yíng)服務(wù)性收費,推動(dòng)降低金融、鐵路貨運等領(lǐng)域涉企經(jīng)營(yíng)性收費,創(chuàng )新涉企收費監管制度,加強對市場(chǎng)調節類(lèi)經(jīng)營(yíng)性收費的監管。繼續加大工程建設領(lǐng)域保證金清理力度。

      4) We will continue to implement a full range of measures for reducing costs in the real economy.

      We will further simplify approval procedures, overhaul or abolish irregular fees charged by administrative review intermediaries, and reduce unreasonably high intermediary and evaluation fees so as to lower the transaction costs of enterprises imposed by the government. Efforts will be enhanced to cut taxes, fees, and the costs of factors of production;greatly reduce non-tax burdens; lower financing costs, enterprise energy and land-use costs, and logistics costs; increase the flexibility of the labor market; and encourage enterprises to tap internal potential for reducing costs and increasing efficiency.

      We will intensify efforts to review and regulate fees and charges related to enterprises; implement preferential policies to reduce taxes and fees levied on them; cut the number of service fees for which pricing is set by the government; further review and regulate government-managed funds, administrative charges, and business service fees; and work to lower fees and charges related to financial and railway freight services levied on enterprises. In addition, we will create new oversight systems for fees and charges related to enterprises and tighten oversight over those business service fees for which pricing is market-based. We will redouble efforts to review security deposits in the construction industry.

      五是提高補短板的精準性和有效性。適當增加中央預算內投資,調整優(yōu)化投資結構,集中用于脫貧攻堅、農業(yè)、災后水利薄弱環(huán)節、軟硬基礎設施、創(chuàng )新能力建設等補短板重點(diǎn)領(lǐng)域。全面推進(jìn)“十三五”規劃《綱要》明確的165項重大工程項目。

      5) We will bolster points of weakness in a more targeted and effective fashion.

      We will moderately increase investment from the central government budget and improve its structure, channeling it toward key areas such as poverty alleviation, agriculture, weak links in post-disaster water conservancy recovery and reconstruction, hard and soft infrastructure, and the enhancement of innovation capacity. We will comprehensively advance the 165 major projects set out in the 13th Five-Year Plan.

      (二)深入推進(jìn)農業(yè)供給側結構性改革。優(yōu)化農業(yè)產(chǎn)業(yè)體系、生產(chǎn)體系和經(jīng)營(yíng)體系,加快培育農業(yè)農村發(fā)展新動(dòng)能,狠抓農產(chǎn)品標準化生產(chǎn)、品牌創(chuàng )建、質(zhì)量安全監管,促進(jìn)農業(yè)提質(zhì)增效、可持續發(fā)展。2017年糧食總產(chǎn)量穩定在5.5億噸以上。

      2. We will intensify supply-side structural reform in the agricultural sector.

      We will improve the industrial, production, and operational systems in the agricultural sector, step up efforts to foster new drivers for agricultural and rural development, and take serious measures to facilitate standardized production, brand building, and supervision over the quality and safety of agricultural products, with a view to raising the quality and performance of the agricultural sector and to ensuring its sustainable development. In 2017, total grain output will stand at over 550 million metric tons.

      一是調好調順調優(yōu)農業(yè)結構。支持糧食、棉花、油料、糖料、天然橡膠等重要農產(chǎn)品生產(chǎn)基地建設和畜牧水產(chǎn)標準化規模養殖,加快國家級育制種基地和種養業(yè)良種工程建設。全面落實(shí)永久基本農田特殊保護政策,劃定并建設糧食生產(chǎn)功能區、重要農產(chǎn)品生產(chǎn)保護區,制定特色農產(chǎn)品優(yōu)勢區建設規劃,繼續開(kāi)展糧改飼、糧改豆試點(diǎn),繼續調減非優(yōu)勢產(chǎn)區籽粒玉米,擴大青貯玉米、苜蓿等優(yōu)質(zhì)牧草生產(chǎn)。穩定生豬生產(chǎn)并推動(dòng)布局優(yōu)化,提高乳制品質(zhì)量。推進(jìn)水產(chǎn)養殖減量增效,養護長(cháng)江等重點(diǎn)水域水生生物資源。大力推進(jìn)農產(chǎn)品標準化生產(chǎn)、品牌創(chuàng )建和保護,實(shí)施農產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量安全工程。推進(jìn)耕地輪作休耕制度試點(diǎn),促進(jìn)耕地草原河湖休養生息。深入實(shí)施化肥農藥使用量零增長(cháng)行動(dòng),推進(jìn)畜禽養殖廢棄物無(wú)害化處理和資源化利用。開(kāi)展農業(yè)循環(huán)經(jīng)濟試點(diǎn)和工農復合型循環(huán)經(jīng)濟示范區(基地)建設,推進(jìn)農業(yè)可持續發(fā)展試驗示范區創(chuàng )建。

      1) We will work toward a sound, smooth, and optimal agricultural structure.

      We will facilitate the development of production centers for major agricultural products such as grain, cotton, oilseed, sugar crops, and natural rubber, support standardized, large-scale livestock and aquaculture farming, and step up the construction of national seed cultivation and production centers and the development of projects for breeding superior varieties within crop, livestock, and aquaculture farming.

      In addition to comprehensively implementing policies for providing special protection to permanent basic cropland, we will establish and develop functional zones for grain production and protective areas for the production of major agricultural products. We will formulate the plan for boosting the production of local agricultural products in areas with unique advantages, and continue with the trials to replace grain crop cultivation with feed crop cultivation and soybean cultivation. The production of corn kernel in inferior production areas will continue to be reduced and the production of high-quality forage crops, such as corn silage and alfalfa, will be expanded. We will stabilize the production of hogs and push for an optimal layout in this regard, and will increase the quality of dairy products. Production for aquaculture products will be reduced while the efficiency will be increased, and conservation efforts will be made on the Yangtze River and other key water bodies to protect aquatic organism resources.

      For agricultural products, we will promote standardized production and brand development and protection, and will work to ensure quality and safety. We will carry forward crop-rotation and fallow-land trials, and promote the adoption of fallow periods for cropland and grassland and fishing moratoriums for rivers and lakes. We will carry out the initiative to achieve zero growth in the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, and advance safe disposal and recycling of waste from livestock and poultry farming. We will undertake trials for creating a circular economy in the agricultural sector, develop hybrid industry-agriculture circular economy demonstration zones and centers, and establish pilot and demonstration zones for sustainable agricultural development.

      二是持續加強農業(yè)農村基礎設施建設。繼續推進(jìn)172項重大水利工程建設,力爭再新開(kāi)工15項。加快高標準農田、農田水利、農村飲水安全鞏固提升、現代種業(yè)、規模化養殖場(chǎng)、糧油倉儲物流設施、公益性農產(chǎn)品批發(fā)市場(chǎng)等建設。啟動(dòng)農業(yè)、林業(yè)領(lǐng)域政府和社會(huì )資本合作(PPP)試點(diǎn)。實(shí)施農村新能源行動(dòng),支持中西部農村等基礎薄弱區域信息基礎設施和高效節水灌溉設施建設,加快完善縣鄉村物流網(wǎng)絡(luò )。

      2) We will continue to enhance agricultural and rural infrastructure.

      We will move ahead with the development of 172 major water conservancy projects, and work to make a start on 15 more. Accelerated efforts will be made to develop high-grade cropland, farmland irrigation and water conservancy, and the modern seed industry, as well as large-scale livestock farms, storage and logistics facilities for grain and edible oil, and public-welfare wholesale markets for agricultural products. We will also work faster to consolidate and build on the achievements made in ensuring safe drinking water in rural areas.

      Trials will be launched to apply the PPP model to the farming and forestry industries. We will carry out initiatives to promote the use of new energy in rural areas, support the development of information infrastructure and efficient water-saving irrigation facilities in rural areas with weak infrastructure in the central and western regions, and accelerate efforts to improve logistics networks for counties, townships, and villages.

      三是加快農業(yè)科技創(chuàng )新。培育改良優(yōu)質(zhì)專(zhuān)用營(yíng)養農畜品種,大力開(kāi)發(fā)推廣綠色高效種養技術(shù),支持食品等加工業(yè)技術(shù)改造。建設一批農業(yè)重點(diǎn)實(shí)驗室和國家農業(yè)科學(xué)實(shí)驗站。完善農業(yè)科技創(chuàng )新激勵機制,深入推進(jìn)科研成果權益改革試點(diǎn)。推進(jìn)基層農技推廣體系改革,探索公益性機構和農技人員參與經(jīng)營(yíng)性服務(wù)的新機制,推動(dòng)節本降耗、效益強農。啟動(dòng)智慧農業(yè)引領(lǐng)工程,全面實(shí)施信息進(jìn)村入戶(hù)工程,擴大農業(yè)物聯(lián)網(wǎng)試驗示范范圍。

      3) We will step up innovations in agricultural science and technology.

      We will promote the raising of better quality, specific, and healthy crop varieties and livestock breeds, strive to develop and apply green and efficient technologies for farming and breeding, and support technological transformation of the food and other processing industries. A number of major agricultural laboratories and national agricultural science research stations will be developed. We will improve incentive mechanisms for innovations in agricultural science and technology, and move ahead with trial reforms for allowing agricultural scientists to receive greater benefits for their scientific achievements. We will further reform the system for applying agricultural technology in villages, explore new mechanisms for allowing public institutions and agricultural technicians to engage in for-profit services, and facilitate the reduction of costs and energy consumption and the enhancement of efficiency to bolster agricultural growth.

      We will launch initiatives that ensure intelligent agriculture leads China's agricultural modernization, fully implement the project to bring information technology to villages and rural households, and expand trials and demonstrations for the application of the Internet of Things in the agricultural sector.


      4) We will develop new industries and new forms of business in rural areas.

      We will advance pilot and demonstration projects for integrating rural industries, channel secondary and tertiary industries toward county seats, key towns and townships, and industrial parks, and begin building modern agricultural industrial parks that integrate production, processing, and science and technology. We will support eligible agricultural enterprises in issuing corporate bonds and launching projects for integrated development of rural industries.

      We will implement the three-year action plan for Internet Plus modern agriculture, and establish comprehensive demonstrations for introducing e-commerce into rural areas. We will promote in-depth integration of agriculture with the tourism, cultural, fitness, and elderly-care industries. Development will be pursued in a host of towns and villages that brings together industry, culture, and tourism, secures simultaneous improvements in working, living, and ecological conditions, and fully integrates the primary, secondary, and tertiary industries.


      5) We will press ahead with agricultural and rural reform.

      A proactive yet prudent approach will be adopted in promoting reforms of the price-setting mechanism for grain and other important agricultural products as well as the system for their purchase and storage. We will continue to implement and improve the policy for setting minimum state-purchase prices for rice and wheat, and make appropriate adjustments to minimum purchase prices, so as to ensure a rational ratio of minimum purchase prices to market prices. We will enhance the price-setting mechanism for corn in the northeast that combines market-based purchase prices and supplementary government subsidies, and reduce excess stockpiles of policy-supported grain in a steady and orderly manner. We will improve the policy for guaranteeing base prices for cotton and adjust the pricing policy for soybeans. Improvements will be made to the system of agricultural subsidies, ensuring that relevant reforms are oriented toward green development and ecological progress. Comprehensive reform of pricing for water used in agriculture will be advanced across the board.

      Reform of the rural collective property-rights system will be deepened to clearly identify rural collective property rights and to grant rural residents more adequate property rights. We will reform the mechanism for ensuring budgetary support for agriculture and work to merge rural-development funds. We will implement measures for separating land ownership rights, contract rights, and management rights for contracted rural land. We will make overall arrangements to carry out trial reforms with regard to rural land requisition, the marketization of rural collective land designated for commercial construction, and the system for rural residential land. We will cultivate new types of agribusiness and agricultural service providers, and promote the development of suitably scaled-up operations of land in diversified forms.

      A catastrophe insurance scheme will be introduced in some regions for farmers whose operations are suitably scaled-up. We will improve the agricultural reinsurance system and ensure sustainable and sound agricultural insurance schemes provide strong support for the development of modern agriculture.

      (三)進(jìn)一步釋放國內需求潛力。注重創(chuàng )新供給激活需求,夯實(shí)內需基礎。

      3. We will continue to tap the potential of domestic demand.

      We will lay emphasis on tapping demand through innovative forms of supply and consolidating the foundation of domestic demand.

      一方面,促進(jìn)居民消費擴大和升級。持續推進(jìn)“十大擴消費行動(dòng)”,順應消費需求變化新趨勢,以改革創(chuàng )新增加消費領(lǐng)域特別是服務(wù)消費和綠色消費有效供給,保持消費平穩增長(cháng)。2017年社會(huì )消費品零售總額預期增長(cháng)10%左右。放寬服務(wù)業(yè)準入限制和社會(huì )領(lǐng)域投資管理。積極發(fā)展醫養結合、文化創(chuàng )意、全域旅游等新興消費,支持社會(huì )力量提供教育、文化、養老、醫療等服務(wù)。促進(jìn)數字家庭、在線(xiàn)教育、虛擬現實(shí)等信息消費。開(kāi)展加快內貿流通創(chuàng )新推動(dòng)供給側結構性改革擴大消費專(zhuān)項行動(dòng),推動(dòng)實(shí)體店銷(xiāo)售和網(wǎng)購融合發(fā)展。保護和傳承中華老字號。擴大內外銷(xiāo)產(chǎn)品“同線(xiàn)同標同質(zhì)”實(shí)施范圍。大力發(fā)展冷鏈物流。建立健全食品藥品等的質(zhì)量安全標準和追溯體系。加大價(jià)格監管和反壟斷執法力度,保護消費者合法權益。強化收入分配改革激勵導向,實(shí)施重點(diǎn)群體激勵計劃,開(kāi)展城鄉居民增收綜合配套政策試點(diǎn)。

      On the one hand, we will work to expand and upgrade consumer spending.

      We will continue to advance the Ten Initiatives for Boosting Consumer Spending; respond to new trends in consumer demand; promote reform and innovation so as to increase effective supply to consumers, especially in service and green industries; and keep consumption growing steadily. Total retail sales of consumer goods are expected to increase by around 10% in 2017.

      Restrictions on entry into service industries will be loosened and regulation over investment in the social domain will be relaxed. We will work to develop emerging areas of consumption such as combined medical and care services for the elderly, cultural & creative industries, and all-for-one tourism, and support nongovernmental participants in providing educational,cultural, elderly care, and medical services. Efforts will be made to promote consumption of information goods and services in areas such as digital homes, online education, and virtual reality. We will launch campaigns to speed up innovations in domestic commodity distribution, promote supply-side structural reform, and boost consumer spending. We will promote the integrated development of brick-and-mortar stores and online shopping.

      China time-honored brands will be protected and carried forward. We will ensure that more domestically sold products come off the same production lines, meet the same standards, and are of the same quality as export products. We will work to achieve robust development in cold-chain logistics. Sound systems will be established to ensure the quality and safety standards of food and medicine and to allow for product traceability. Pricing oversight will be intensified and law enforcement will be stepped up to tackle monopolistic pricing so as to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of consumers.

      We will enhance incentive-based income distribution reform, implement incentive plans for key groups, and carry out trials for comprehensive and coordinated policies on increasing urban and rural incomes.

      專(zhuān)欄14:促進(jìn)居民消費升級 新華社發(fā)

      Box 14: Upgrading Consumer Spending
      另一方面,精準擴大有效投資。加大關(guān)鍵領(lǐng)域和薄弱環(huán)節補短板工作力度,帶動(dòng)有效投資的擴大,增加有效供給。2017年全社會(huì )固定資產(chǎn)投資預期增長(cháng)9.0%左右。擬安排中央預算內投資5076億元,集中用于重大戰略、重大工程和重點(diǎn)建設任務(wù)。著(zhù)力激發(fā)民間投資活力,認真落實(shí)有關(guān)鼓勵支持政策,向民間資本進(jìn)一步放開(kāi)基礎電信領(lǐng)域競爭性業(yè)務(wù)、油氣勘探開(kāi)發(fā)、國防科技等領(lǐng)域的市場(chǎng)準入。創(chuàng )新投融資方式,繼續規范推廣政府和社會(huì )資本合作,篩選和推介一批有較好現金流、有穩定回報預期的項目。強化投資監管,創(chuàng )新稽察監管方式,實(shí)行網(wǎng)上全面監測,深化現場(chǎng)稽察。

      On the other hand, we will make targeted efforts to increase effective investment.

      We will enhance efforts to bolster weaknesses in key areas and links in need of attention, so as to increase effective investment and effective supply. Total fixed-asset investment is projected to increase by around 9.0% in 2017. Investment from the central government budget is expected to be 507.6 billion yuan for the year; these funds will be channeled toward major strategic initiatives, major projects, and key construction tasks.

      We will also work to stimulate private investment, earnestly implementing policies to provide encouragement and support, and further relaxing restrictions on the entry of private capital into competitive operations of basic telecommunications, exploration and exploitation of oil and gas, and defense-related science and technology. New modes of investment and financing will be created. In addition, we will continue to standardize and apply the PPP model, selecting and going ahead with projects that have adequate cash flow and expectations of steady returns. With a view to enhancing regulation over investment, we will develop new inspection and regulation methods, carry out comprehensive online monitoring, and intensify field inspections.


      4. Continuing to deepen reforms in major areas and key sectors

      We will work to ensure that reform measures which have been already issued are fully implemented so as to give better expression to the leading role of reform.


      1) We will press ahead with reforms to streamline administration, delegate more powers, improve regulation, and provide better services.

      We will cancel the requirement for government review for another group of matters, and thoroughly review and accordingly adjust manufacturing and operating permits. We will target related or similar matters and simultaneously delegate the power or cancel the government-review requirement for all of them. We will draw up a pre-business registration list for items requiring government approval and a post-business registration list for permitted operations, roll all licenses and certificates which must not be cancelled into one unified business license, and expand trial reforms to separate operating permits and business licenses.

      The oversight model drawing on inspections of randomly selected entities by randomly selected inspectors and the public release of inspection results will be implemented across the board, and the reform for coordinated law enforcement will be advanced. We will strive to implement the Internet Plus government services model, and carry out a campaign to cut down on requirements for administrative certification so as to ensure greater convenience for the people. In line with the requirements for unified registration agencies, register books, bases for registration, and information platforms, we will expand the scope of the unified system for determining and registering immovable property rights, and will work to put in place a corresponding nationwide information platform.


      2) We will deepen reform of SOEs, state capital, and key industries.

      The reform to introduce corporate system in SOEs will be basically completed. A corporate governance structure that ensures effective checks and balances and a market operation mechanism that is highly efficient and flexible will be put in place. We will quicken the pace of trials to establish state capital investment and management companies, advance the pilot reforms to introduce a mixed ownership structure in electricity, petroleum, natural gas, railway, civil aviation, telecommunications, defense, and other sectors, and support private enterprises in participating in the reform of SOEs.

      We will step up efforts to advance structural reforms in the electricity, petroleum,and natural gas sectors, adopting a methodical approach to lifting restrictions on the generation and industrial consumption of electricity and increasing the level of market-based transactions. We will proceed in an orderly manner with appropriately relaxing controls over competitive operations such as petroleum and natural-gas exploration and exploitation, and improve the petroleum and natural-gas import and export management system. Mechanisms regarding the reserve and oversight of salt will be improved.


      3) We will deepen reform of the investment and financing systems.

      We will implement the guidelines on deepening reform of the investment and financing systems, the regulations for managing the approval and recording of enterprise-funded projects, and the catalog of investment projects requiring government review (2016). The regulations on government investment and the measures for managing the approval and recording of enterprise-funded projects will be issued.

      We will support certain localities and sectors in piloting mechanisms which allow investment projects to proceed on the basis of an undertaking submitted by enterprises to government. We will carry out trials for financial institutions to become enterprise shareholders, and improve the mechanisms whereby institutional funds, such as insurance funds, invest in projects.


      4) We will deepen price reform.

      We will basically complete nationwide reform of electricity-transmission and -distribution prices on provincial-level grids, with all prices being made available to the public. We will initiate trial price reforms for electricity transmission and distribution through regional power grids in the northeast and northwest, set prices for electricity distribution through local and newly-built power grids, and promote market-based pricing for the generation and supply of electricity where conditions allow. Improvements will be made to the pricing mechanisms and subsidy measures for new energy. We will set prices for natural gas transmission through trans-provincial pipelines. We will press ahead with price reform of medical services, advancing across the board price reforms of medical care and medicine in urban public hospitals and charging for medical treatment according to illness type.

      五是營(yíng)造公平競爭市場(chǎng)環(huán)境。落實(shí)完善產(chǎn)權保護制度依法保護產(chǎn)權的意見(jiàn),加強產(chǎn)權保護制度建設。激發(fā)非公有制經(jīng)濟活力,積極構建新型政商關(guān)系。出臺實(shí)施激發(fā)和保護企業(yè)家精神的意見(jiàn)。全面實(shí)施公平競爭審查制度,堅決遏制出臺新的排除限制競爭的政策措施。嚴厲查處重大典型壟斷案件,預防和制止壟斷行為。推進(jìn)社會(huì )信用體系建設。建立全國一體化的信用信息共享體系,擴大守信聯(lián)合激勵和失信聯(lián)合懲戒領(lǐng)域。

      5) We will develop a market based on fair competition.

      In implementing the guidelines on improving the property rights protection system and ensuring law-based protection of property rights, we will redouble efforts to strengthen systems in this regard. We will enhance the vitality of the private sector, and work to develop a new relationship between government and business. We will issue and implement guidelines on nurturing and protecting entrepreneurialism. We will fully implement the review system to ensure fair competition, and resolutely prevent the promulgation of any policies and measures that eliminate or stifle competition. We will strictly investigate and prosecute major and typical antitrust cases, and work to prevent and curb monopolistic practices. Work on establishing the social credit system will be moved forward. We will put in place a nationally unified system for sharing information on credit, and extend to more areas the mechanism to provide joint incentives to those who act in good faith and to take joint punitive actions against those who act in bad faith.

      專(zhuān)欄15:產(chǎn)權保護與企業(yè)家精神 新華社發(fā)

      Box 15: Protection of Property Rights and Entrepreneurialism

      6) We will steadily advance reform of the fiscal, tax, and financial systems.

      We will work faster to carry forward the reform to appropriately divide fiscal authority and spending responsibilities between the central and local governments. We will also draw up an overall plan for revenue sharing between the central and local governments. We will improve local tax systems and regulate the debt financing activities of local governments.

      We will prudently advance reform of the financial oversight system, and improve the macro-prudential regulation system for the financial sector. The market-based mechanism for setting the RMB exchange rate will be further improved. We will refine the governance structure of state-owned commercial banks, deepen reform of the multilevel capital market system, move ahead with revising the Securities Law, and improve reform of the stock issuance system. We will accelerate development of modern insurance services.

      (五)著(zhù)力振興實(shí)體經(jīng)濟。堅持創(chuàng )新驅動(dòng)發(fā)展,以提高質(zhì)量和核心競爭力為中心,堅持品牌引領(lǐng)升級,全面提高創(chuàng )新供給能力,促進(jìn)新動(dòng)能更快發(fā)展、新產(chǎn)業(yè)更快成長(cháng)、傳統產(chǎn)業(yè)更快改造提升、新舊動(dòng)能加快接續轉換。

      5. Focusing on revitalizing the real economy

      We will remain committed to ensuring innovation drives development forward, prioritize improving quality and core competitiveness, and ensure brand development leads the way in industrial upgrading. We will enhance overall capacity for making innovations and accelerate the development of new drivers of growth, the growth of new industries, the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries, and the replacement of old drivers of growth with new ones.

      一是加快培育壯大經(jīng)濟發(fā)展新動(dòng)能。推動(dòng)8個(gè)區域全面創(chuàng )新改革試驗取得決定性進(jìn)展,出臺培育壯大新動(dòng)能、互聯(lián)網(wǎng)市場(chǎng)準入等政策文件。支持和引導分享經(jīng)濟發(fā)展,提高社會(huì )資源利用效率。建立國家科技決策咨詢(xún)制度,改革科技評價(jià)制度,統籌推進(jìn)中央財政科技計劃和資金管理改革,開(kāi)展以知識價(jià)值為導向的分配政策試點(diǎn)。加大對信息、民用空間、重大科技基礎設施建設投入,支持北京懷柔、上海張江、安徽合肥綜合性國家科學(xué)中心建設,建成一批產(chǎn)業(yè)創(chuàng )新中心,構建全國一體化的國家大數據中心體系。繼續布局建設國家自主創(chuàng )新示范區。深入推進(jìn)協(xié)同創(chuàng )新。擴大區域性成果轉移轉化試點(diǎn)示范,創(chuàng )建國家可持續發(fā)展議程創(chuàng )新示范區。繼續實(shí)施國家科技重大專(zhuān)項,啟動(dòng)實(shí)施科技創(chuàng )新2030-重大項目。在重大創(chuàng )新領(lǐng)域啟動(dòng)組建國家實(shí)驗室,建設一批國家技術(shù)創(chuàng )新中心。支持北京、上海建設科技創(chuàng )新中心。新建一批雙創(chuàng )示范基地和專(zhuān)業(yè)化眾創(chuàng )空間。實(shí)施院所、企業(yè)和社團三大創(chuàng )新創(chuàng )業(yè)活動(dòng),圍繞創(chuàng )新創(chuàng )業(yè)平臺市場(chǎng)化運行、創(chuàng )業(yè)人才培養等瓶頸制約,出臺一批硬措施。發(fā)揮好創(chuàng )業(yè)投資引導基金作用,促進(jìn)創(chuàng )業(yè)投資持續健康發(fā)展。打造全國雙創(chuàng )活動(dòng)周和“創(chuàng )響中國”品牌,持續營(yíng)造良好氛圍。

      1) We will work faster to foster and develop new drivers for economic growth.

      We will work to deliver decisive progress in pilot reforms for all-around innovation in eight areas. Policies will be introduced to foster and develop new drivers of growth and regulate internet market access. We will support and guide the development of the sharing economy to enable greater efficiency in the use of resources. We will establish a consultation system for national decisions on science and technology, reform the evaluation systems for science and technology, coordinate efforts to advance reform of the management of central government-funded science and technology initiatives and their funding, and pilot profit distribution policies oriented toward strengthening the value ascribed to knowledge.

      We will increase investment for the construction of information, civil-space, and major science-and-technology infrastructure; support the establishment of comprehensive national science centers in Huairou in Beijing, Zhangjiang in Shanghai, and Hefei in Anhui; finish building a group of industrial innovation centers; and promote the establishment of a nationally unified system of big data centers. We will continue developing national innovation demonstration areas, intensify efforts to promote collaborative innovation, expand regional trials and demonstrations for the commercialization and application of scientific and technological advances, and build innovation demonstration zones for the National Agenda for Sustainable Development.

      Major national science and technology projects will continue, and major projects of the Sci-Tech Innovation 2030 Agenda will be launched. National laboratories for major fields of innovation and a group of national technological innovation centers will be built. We will support the establishment of science and technology innovation centers in Beijing and Shanghai. Additional demonstration centers for entrepreneurship and innovation as well as maker spaces for specialized crowd innovation will also be opened.

      We will undertake activities to encourage entrepreneurship and innovation among research institutes, enterprises, and social organizations, and will roll out a range of strong measures that focus on tackling those bottlenecks that are stifling the market-based operation of platforms for entrepreneurship and innovation and that are hindering the cultivation of entrepreneurial personnel. We will make good use of government funds for guiding venture capital to promote its sustained and sound development. We will work to further strengthen the brands of the National Week for Entrepreneurship and Innovation and the Innovating China Tour so as to build a sustainable, positive environment for entrepreneurship and innovation.

      二是推動(dòng)新興產(chǎn)業(yè)持續健康發(fā)展。壯大戰略性新興產(chǎn)業(yè),設立國家戰略性產(chǎn)業(yè)發(fā)展基金,在新材料、新能源、人工智能、集成電路、生物制藥、第五代移動(dòng)通信等前沿戰略性領(lǐng)域,發(fā)揮企業(yè)主體作用,以市場(chǎng)化方式布局一批系統性工程。推進(jìn)“互聯(lián)網(wǎng)+”和大數據重大工程,促進(jìn)互聯(lián)網(wǎng)、物聯(lián)網(wǎng)、云計算與經(jīng)濟社會(huì )融合發(fā)展。進(jìn)一步加大網(wǎng)絡(luò )提速降費力度,降低創(chuàng )業(yè)創(chuàng )新成本促進(jìn)產(chǎn)業(yè)升級。加強軍民融合創(chuàng )新發(fā)展,推動(dòng)太空、海洋和網(wǎng)絡(luò )空間等領(lǐng)域軍民融合重大示范項目建設。

      2) We will work to promote the continued and sound development of emerging industries.

      In order to strengthen strategic emerging industries, we will set up the National Strategic Industry Development Fund, and utilize market-based means to carry out a group of systemic projects that give full play to the principal role of enterprises in cutting-edge and strategically important fields, such as new materials, new energy, artificial intelligence, integrated circuits, biomedicine, and 5G mobile networks. We will press ahead with the "Internet Plus" and big data initiatives, and integrate the development of the internet, the Internet of Things, and cloud computing with economic and social development. We will further boost broadband speeds and lower rates for internet services so as to reduce the costs of innovation and business startup and support industrial upgrading. We will strengthen the innovation-driven, integrated development of the military and civilian sectors by advancing the development of major demonstration programs for military-civilian integration in space, marine, cyberspace, and other fields.

      三是促進(jìn)傳統產(chǎn)業(yè)加快改造提升。深入實(shí)施《中國制造2025》。落實(shí)裝備制造業(yè)質(zhì)量品牌提升專(zhuān)項行動(dòng)、消費品工業(yè)“三品”專(zhuān)項行動(dòng)、服務(wù)型制造專(zhuān)項行動(dòng)和制造業(yè)與互聯(lián)網(wǎng)融合發(fā)展專(zhuān)項行動(dòng)。提高質(zhì)量標準,廣泛開(kāi)展質(zhì)量提升行動(dòng),加強全面質(zhì)量管理,夯實(shí)質(zhì)量技術(shù)基礎,強化質(zhì)量監督。弘揚工匠精神,厚植工匠文化,完善激勵機制,培育“中國工匠”,打造“中國品牌”。推進(jìn)國家智能制造示范區、制造業(yè)創(chuàng )新中心建設,繼續實(shí)施綠色制造工程、工業(yè)強基工程和高端裝備創(chuàng )新工程。夯實(shí)工業(yè)基礎,持續實(shí)施制造業(yè)升級改造重大工程包,重點(diǎn)支持企業(yè)智能化改造、基礎能力提升、綠色制造推廣、高端裝備發(fā)展等10大工程。推動(dòng)汽車(chē)產(chǎn)業(yè)轉型升級。實(shí)施國家新型工業(yè)化產(chǎn)業(yè)示范基地卓越提升計劃。推動(dòng)原材料、交通、能源等基礎產(chǎn)業(yè)轉型升級,加快建設現代綜合交通運輸體系,全面實(shí)施能源生產(chǎn)和消費革命戰略。

      3) We will help accelerate the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries.

      The Made in China 2025 initiative will be further implemented. We will launch campaigns to improve product quality and branding within the equipment manufacturing industry, to enhance product variety and quality and create name brands in the consumer goods industry, to strengthen service-embedded manufacturing, and to further integrate the internet into the manufacturing industry. We will work to ensure quality standards for manufacturing improve, carrying out extensive quality improvement activities and ensuring stronger all-around quality management.

      We will consolidate the technological foundations for ensuring product quality and tighten quality supervision. We will promote workmanship, foster a culture of workmanship, and refine related incentive mechanisms. We will strive to see Chinese workers exemplify workmanship and Chinese brands enjoy international recognition.

      We will press ahead with development of national demonstration zones for smart manufacturing as well as manufacturing innovation centers. We will continue to implement projects to promote green manufacturing, strengthen the foundations of industry, and spur innovation in high-end equipment manufacturing. We will strengthen the foundations of industry and continue to help implement the packages of major projects aimed at promoting transformation and upgrading of the manufacturing industry, with a focus on supporting 10 major projects, including those to promote smart-technology upgrades by enterprises, improve basic capacity, advance green manufacturing, and develop high-end equipment. We will work to promote transformation and upgrading of the automobile industry. The plan to upgrade national demonstration centers for new industrialization will be put into action. We will promote the transformation and upgrading of raw materials, transportation, energy, and other basic industries with a view to expediting the development of modern comprehensive transportation systems, and implementing the strategy for revolutionizing energy generation and consumption.

      四是推進(jìn)服務(wù)經(jīng)濟創(chuàng )新發(fā)展。研究出臺服務(wù)經(jīng)濟創(chuàng )新發(fā)展大綱,深入實(shí)施新一輪服務(wù)業(yè)綜合改革試點(diǎn),加快培育服務(wù)業(yè)新業(yè)態(tài)新模式。開(kāi)展服務(wù)業(yè)補短板專(zhuān)項行動(dòng),提升服務(wù)質(zhì)量,推進(jìn)標準化發(fā)展,強化知識產(chǎn)權服務(wù)。推進(jìn)高技術(shù)服務(wù)業(yè)創(chuàng )新工程。

      4) We will advance innovation-driven development of the service economy.

      Guidelines on the innovation-driven development of the service economy will be worked out, and a new round of comprehensive trial reforms will be undertaken to accelerate the development of new types and models of business in the service sector. We will carry out dedicated campaigns to bolster points of weakness in the service sector with a focus on improving quality, promoting standardized development, and providing better IPR services. We will continue to implement projects to promote innovation in high-tech services.


      6. Utilizing the Three Initiatives to pursue coordinated and integrated development between regions.

      Making full use of the comparative strengths of each region, we will adopt differentiated policies to promote their development, and accelerate efforts to cultivate new growth axes and growth belts.

      一是扎實(shí)推進(jìn)三大戰略。貫徹落實(shí)習近平總書(shū)記在推進(jìn)“一帶一路”建設工作座談會(huì )上的重要講話(huà)精神,聚焦重點(diǎn)地區、重點(diǎn)國家、重大標志性項目,積極開(kāi)展務(wù)實(shí)合作,推動(dòng)合作協(xié)議和合作規劃實(shí)施。疏控結合推進(jìn)北京非首都功能有序疏解,協(xié)調加快北京城市副中心等功能承接平臺規劃建設,持續推進(jìn)交通、生態(tài)、產(chǎn)業(yè)三個(gè)重點(diǎn)領(lǐng)域率先突破,強化創(chuàng )新、改革、試點(diǎn)三個(gè)關(guān)鍵支撐,推進(jìn)基本公共服務(wù)共建共享,支持北京服務(wù)業(yè)深化改革擴大開(kāi)放綜合試點(diǎn)。堅持生態(tài)優(yōu)先、綠色發(fā)展,實(shí)施長(cháng)江經(jīng)濟帶建設水環(huán)境治理、水生態(tài)修復、水資源保護工程,推動(dòng)航道暢通、樞紐互通、江海聯(lián)通、關(guān)檢直通,推進(jìn)黃金水道重大項目,建立負面清單管理制度。

      1) We will effectively carry out the Three Initiatives.

      We will put into practice the guiding principles from General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the conference on developing the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road. Focusing on key areas, pivotal countries, and signature projects, we will proactively engage in practical collaboration and implement cooperation agreements and plans.

      A combination of relocations and restrictions will be used in working to relieve Beijing of functions non-essential to its role as capital. We will work to coordinate and accelerate the planning and building of Beijing's sub-administrative center as well as other platforms for accommodating relocated functions. We will continue to strive for breakthroughs in the three key areas of transportation, ecological conservation, and industry, while also strengthening the three key pillars of innovation, reform, and pilot projects. We will promote the joint development and sharing of basic public services, and support comprehensive trials for deeper reform and greater opening up of Beijing's service sector.

      With a continued focus on ecological conservation and green development, we will move ahead with projects to improve the water environment, restore water ecosystems, and conserve water resources in building the Yangtze Economic Belt. We will work to ensure ease of navigation on waterways, connectivity between transportation hubs, integrated river-ocean transportation, and simplified customs clearance procedures. We will advance major projects for the Yangtze golden watercourse initiative and establish a negative-list management system.

      二是優(yōu)化區域發(fā)展格局。全面實(shí)施西部大開(kāi)發(fā)“十三五”規劃,加強基礎設施薄弱環(huán)節建設和生態(tài)環(huán)境保護,加快特色優(yōu)勢產(chǎn)業(yè)轉型升級發(fā)展。全面實(shí)施新一輪?wèn)|北地區等老工業(yè)基地振興重大政策和重點(diǎn)任務(wù),推動(dòng)實(shí)施東北振興“十三五”規劃,組織東北地區和東部地區部分省市開(kāi)展對口合作,加大對城區老工業(yè)區、獨立工礦區改造和采煤沉陷區綜合治理支持力度。全面實(shí)施促進(jìn)中部地區崛起“十三五”規劃,支持漢江、淮河生態(tài)經(jīng)濟帶加快發(fā)展,辦好山西可持續發(fā)展綜改試驗區。支持東部地區加快率先轉型發(fā)展,進(jìn)一步發(fā)揮改革創(chuàng )新示范引領(lǐng)作用。統籌加強國內國際區域合作,支持重要功能平臺建設。大力推進(jìn)陸海統籌發(fā)展。加快推進(jìn)革命老區、民族地區、邊疆地區和集中連片特困地區基礎設施和公共服務(wù)設施建設,推動(dòng)融入國家重大發(fā)展戰略。加大中央支持和對口支援力度,繼續支持新疆、西藏和四省藏區發(fā)展。

      2) We will work to improve the layout of regional development.

      We will fully carry out the plan for the large-scale development of the western region during the 13th Five-Year Plan period, shoring up weak links in infrastructure, promoting ecological conservation, and accelerating the transformation and upgrading of competitive industries that draw on local strengths.

      We will fully implement a new round of major policies and plans aimed at revitalizing the northeast and other old industrial bases. We will also put into action the plan for the revitalization of the northeast during the 13th Five-Year Plan period, establish cooperative partnerships between provinces and municipalities in the northeast and in the eastern region, and step up support for the relocation or rebuilding of old industrial areas within cities and independent industrial and mining areas as well as for comprehensive efforts to improve the conditions of areas affected by mining-induced subsidence.

      We will ensure full implementation of the plan for the rise of the central region during the 13th Five-Year Plan period, accelerate the development of the eco-economic belts along the Han and Huai rivers, and ensure smooth operation of the experimental zone for comprehensive reform to promote sustainable development in Shanxi.

      We will support the eastern region in increasing the pace as it spearheads economic transformation and development, and work to further leverage its role as a model and leader of reform and innovation.

      We will enhance domestic and international regional cooperation in a coordinated way, support the development of major function platforms, and work hard to coordinate land and marine development.

      We will accelerate the building of infrastructure and public service facilities in old revolutionary base areas, ethnic minority areas, border areas, and contiguous poor areas; all these efforts will be incorporated into major national development strategies. We will continue to support the development of Tibet and Xinjiang, and the Tibetan ethnic areas in the provinces of Sichuan, Yunnan, Gansu, and Qinghai, providing greater central government support as well as paired assistance.

      專(zhuān)欄16:優(yōu)化區域發(fā)展格局 新華社發(fā)

      Box 16: Better Layout of Regional Development

      3) We will steadily drive forward New Urbanization.

      With a focus on increasing the number of urban residents, we will deepen reform of the household registration system, work to achieve full coverage of the residence certification system, and bring people with rural household registration living in cities under the housing provident scheme in a well-ordered way, so as to raise the overall quality of urbanization. We will move faster to formulate city-cluster development plans for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao greater bay area, the western shore of the Taiwan Straits, the Guanzhong Plains region, and the Hohhot-Baotou-Ordos-Yulin region. In addition, we will launch the national initiative to develop principal cities and elevate eligible counties and very large towns into cities in an orderly manner. Efforts will be made to integrate various types of local urban plans into a single master plan to ensure better urban planning and design. We will accelerate the upgrading and building of municipal infrastructure, step up work relating to urban geological surveys, steadily move ahead with the construction of urban utility tunnels and the comprehensive management of underground pipelines and cables, and take effective measures to deal with traffic congestion and other urban maladies.

      We will do more to see that beautiful small towns and cities with unique features and beautiful villages are developed. We will leverage the leading role of New Urbanization to spur on the building of a new countryside and the integrated development of the primary, secondary, and tertiary industries in rural areas and will coordinate efforts to relocate people from inhospitable areas with the advancement of New Urbanization.

      圖表12:常住人口城鎮化率 新華社發(fā)

      Figure 12. Permanent Urban Residents as a Percentage of Total Population

      7. Promoting deeper, higher-level bidirectional opening up

      We will enhance overall coordination and planning, particularly between efforts at home and abroad; integrate efforts to further open up, improve services, and enhance regulation; and strive to carve out new competitive edges in international markets.


      1) We will deliver more concrete results in developing the Belt and Road.

      We will accelerate the development of the six major international economic cooperation corridors, ensure the smooth construction and operation of important ports such as Gwadar, Piraeus, and Hambantota, steadily push ahead with the high-speed railway projects to connect Jakarta and Bandung in Indonesia and Moscow and Kazan in Russia, as well as the railway projects to connect China and Laos, China and Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore, and Hungary and Serbia, and further strengthen the brand of China-Europe freight train services. We will strive to make a great success of the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation.

      We will actively advance concrete international cooperation on industrial capacity, build up a reserve of projects, and establish demonstration zones, so as to promote Chinese equipment, technology, standards, and services in going global. Efforts will be stepped up to develop the China-Belarus Industrial Park, the China-Egypt Suez Economic and Trade Cooperation Zone, Malaysia-China Kuantan Industrial Park, and other overseas economic-trade and industrial parks. We will continue to build cross-border (border-area) economic cooperation zones and promote cooperation on developing the Online Silk Road. We will increase personal and cultural exchange and cooperation in education, science and technology, culture, health, and tourism.

      二是推動(dòng)對外貿易繼續回穩向好。落實(shí)和完善促進(jìn)外貿發(fā)展政策,充分發(fā)揮出口信用保險作用,對成套設備出口融資應保盡保。設立服務(wù)貿易創(chuàng )新發(fā)展引導基金。繼續開(kāi)展市場(chǎng)采購貿易、外貿綜合服務(wù)企業(yè)等試點(diǎn),推進(jìn)優(yōu)勢農產(chǎn)品走出去。加快外貿轉型升級示范基地建設。支持加工貿易向產(chǎn)業(yè)鏈高端延伸、向中西部地區梯度轉移。提升貿易便利化水平,在全國范圍內推廣國際貿易單一窗口建設,實(shí)現全國通關(guān)一體化。增加先進(jìn)技術(shù)設備和關(guān)鍵零部件進(jìn)口。推進(jìn)區域全面經(jīng)濟伙伴關(guān)系協(xié)定談判,繼續推進(jìn)亞太自貿區建設。妥善應對貿易摩擦,維護我國合法權益。

      2) We will work to sustain the steady recovery and growth of foreign trade.

      We will implement and improve policies for promoting foreign trade, give full play to the role of export-credit insurance, and ensure export financing insurance is provided for all complete sets of equipment that are insurable. A seed fund will be set up to encourage innovation in the development of services trade. We will proceed with trials in market purchases trade and in the development of enterprises that provide comprehensive foreign trade services, and promote the export of competitive agricultural products. We will work faster to build demonstration centers for transformation and upgrading of foreign trade. We will encourage the processing trade to extend toward the high end of the industrial chain and to gradually relocate to the central and western regions.

      We will increase trade facilitation by ensuring that both the Single Window System for international trade is implemented and customs clearance procedures are integrated nationwide. The import of advanced technology and equipment and key spare parts and components will be increased. We will advance negotiations on establishing the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership and continue to advance the building of the Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific. We will properly handle trade frictions and safeguard China's legitimate rights and interests.

      三是進(jìn)一步優(yōu)化外資營(yíng)商環(huán)境。出臺實(shí)施擴大開(kāi)放積極利用外資若干措施、新版外商投資產(chǎn)業(yè)指導目錄、中西部地區外商投資優(yōu)勢產(chǎn)業(yè)目錄,進(jìn)一步擴大開(kāi)放領(lǐng)域,簡(jiǎn)化管理程序。更加積極推進(jìn)自由貿易試驗區建設,圍繞重點(diǎn)任務(wù)和薄弱環(huán)節繼續深化改革探索,力爭取得更多可復制推廣的制度創(chuàng )新成果。完善外商投資企業(yè)外債管理制度。2017年非金融類(lèi)外商直接投資預期與2016年持平。

      3) We will further improve the business environment for foreign investment.

      We will issue and implement the measures for greater opening up to and dynamic use of foreign capital, the revised Catalog of Industries for Foreign Investment, and the Catalog of Industries with Local Strengths in the Central and Western Regions for Foreign Investment, so as to ensure more areas are opened up and procedures are streamlined. We will take a more proactive approach to building pilot free trade zones; focusing on priority tasks and weak links, we will continue to explore ways to deepen reform and work to produce more institutional innovations that can be replicated. We will improve the system for managing the foreign debt of foreign-funded enterprises. China's non-financial foreign direct investment for 2017 is projected to be similar to that of last year.


      4) We will guide healthy and orderly development of outbound investment.

      We will make the reviews for verifying the authenticity of outbound investment more stringent, draw up a blacklist in this regard, introduce a system of capital contribution requirements for SOEs' outward investment, and work to prevent outward investment from rising excessively fast. We will refine the service system and policies for promoting outward investment, and provide guidance to ensure Chinese businesses go global in a well-regulated and orderly manner. China's non-financial outward direct investment in 2017 is projected to be roughly the same as last year.

      圖表13:非金融類(lèi)外商直接投資和境外直接投資 新華社發(fā)

      Figure 13. Non-Financial Inward and Outward Foreign Direct Investment

      8. Working faster to advance green development

      We will intensify efforts to deliver ecological progress, take comprehensive measures to promote resource conservation, increase the supply of green products, and bring about an all-around improvement in the quality of the environment, so as to ensure the building of a Beautiful China proceeds at a faster pace.


      1) We will deepen structural reform for promoting ecological progress.

      We will work proactively to establish national pilot zones for ecological progress. Trials will be carried out to improve the national natural resource asset management system. All-around efforts will be made to establish and strictly enforce red lines for ecological conservation. We will push ahead with reform of the system for payment-based use of state-owned natural resource assets, and formulate provisional measures for auditing outgoing officials' management of these assets.

      Evaluations will be conducted to assess performance in relation to ecological conservation targets, and provincial-level green growth indicators for 2016 will be published. We will strive to achieve nationwide coverage of central government environmental inspections, and advance trials for reforming the system that places the monitoring, supervision, and law enforcement activities of environmental bodies below the provincial level directly under the leadership of provincial-level environmental bodies. We will move forward with the efforts to reform the compensation system for ecological and environmental damage, improve the green finance system, and issue more bonds for launching eco-friendly initiatives.


      2) We will improve the functional zoning system.

      Guidelines will be formulated to improve the functional zoning strategy and system. Work will begin on revising both the national plan for functional zoning and the corresponding plans of provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the central government. We will move faster to promote trials on provincial-level spatial planning, and also issue guidelines on the formulation of prefecture- and county-level spatial plans. We will draw up technical standards for enforcing red lines for ecological conservation, setting the threshold for environmental quality, imposing a ceiling on resource utilization, and implementing a negative list of environmental standards for market access, and will see that environmental impact assessments for strategies and plans are put in place.

      We will draw up an overall plan for establishing a national park system. We will work out guidelines on creating long-term monitoring and early-warning mechanisms for environmental and resource carrying capacity, and begin monitoring and early-warning work along the Yangtze Economic Belt. Negative lists of industries will be strictly implemented for key ecosystem service zones. Supporting policies for establishing marine functional zones will be produced. We will also begin work on formulating provincial-level land plans.


      3) We will ensure more effective use of resources.

      The overall work plan for energy conservation and emissions reduction during the 13th Five-Year Plan period will be put into effect. We will work to curb the total amount and intensity of energy, water, and land consumption; launch the Nation of Energy Savers Initiative, the "100-1,000-10,000" energy conservation program*, and the Frontrunner Program for Energy Conservation; drive forward trials on paying for and trading energy-use rights; and implement the project to promote the integration and optimization of the energy mix, so as to ensure less water, wind, and solar power lies idle.

      We will get everyone saving water, put in place a water efficiency labeling scheme, and redouble our efforts to utilize alternative water resources. We will launch an initiative to guide circular development, formulate the Internet Plus Resource Recycling Action Plan, promote circular operations within industrial parks, and support the establishment of demonstration centers for the resource recycling industry and centers for the comprehensive use of waste.

      * The 100-1,000-10,000 energy conservation program aims to put the top 100 energy consuming enterprises in China under regulation of the central government, the top 1,000 energy consuming enterprises under the regulation of their respective provincial-level governments, and a further 10,000 plus high-energy consuming enterprises under the regulation of lower-level governments.

      四是強化環(huán)境治理和生態(tài)保護。深入實(shí)施大氣、水、土壤污染治理“三大行動(dòng)計劃”。大力推進(jìn)大氣污染治理,完善重污染天氣預警機制,實(shí)施京津冀地區大氣污染防治強化措施,開(kāi)展京津冀及周邊、長(cháng)三角、珠三角等重點(diǎn)地區和重點(diǎn)城市煤炭消費減量替代和污染防治,推進(jìn)北方地區冬季清潔取暖,全面實(shí)施散煤綜合治理,完成以電代煤、以氣代煤300萬(wàn)戶(hù)以上。建立水污染防治預警和綜合督導機制,制定實(shí)施重點(diǎn)流域水污染防治“十三五”規劃、長(cháng)江經(jīng)濟帶生態(tài)環(huán)境保護規劃。創(chuàng )新河湖管護體制機制,全面推行河長(cháng)制。開(kāi)展城市生態(tài)修復試點(diǎn)示范,全面推進(jìn)城市生態(tài)修復。加大城市黑臭水體治理力度,提升城鎮污水處理再生利用設施系統整體效能。推進(jìn)重點(diǎn)城市實(shí)施生活垃圾強制分類(lèi)制度,加快建設垃圾分類(lèi)投放、收運和處理設施。穩步推進(jìn)控制污染物排放許可制,開(kāi)展農村生活垃圾分類(lèi)和資源化利用百縣示范。建立以排污許可證管理為核心的固定污染源環(huán)境管理制度體系,嚴控入河排污總量。積極開(kāi)展環(huán)境污染第三方治理。全面開(kāi)展全國土壤污染狀況詳查,加快推動(dòng)土壤污染防治法立法,制定或修訂農用地、建設用地土壤環(huán)境質(zhì)量等標準。實(shí)施工業(yè)污染源全面達標排放計劃。全面開(kāi)展國家生態(tài)安全屏障建設,積極推進(jìn)大規模國土綠化行動(dòng),實(shí)施山水林田湖生態(tài)保護和修復工程、生物多樣性保護重大工程。繼續實(shí)施退耕還林還草、退牧還草、重點(diǎn)防護林體系、天然林資源保護、水土流失綜合治理等工程,開(kāi)展流域水環(huán)境綜合治理與可持續發(fā)展試點(diǎn)示范,推進(jìn)退耕還濕、退養還灘。嚴格管控圍填海。建立自然保護區遙感監測體系,強化自然保護區監管。

      4) We will strengthen environmental governance and ecological conservation.

      We will fully implement the major action plans for addressing air, water, and soil pollution. Every effort will be made to tackle air pollution; we will strengthen early-warning mechanisms for severe air pollution and ensure that tougher measures are implemented to prevent and control air pollution in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, that efforts to cut coal consumption, replace it with alternative energy, and prevent and control its pollution are made in key areas and cities - including in and around the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, the Yangtze River Delta, and the Pearl River Delta - that more clean energy sources are used for winter heating across northern China, and that comprehensive measures are taken to ensure cleaner use of coal in non-industrial sectors and to substitute coal with electricity or natural gas in more than 3 million households.

      We will put in place an early-warning and integrated-oversight system for the prevention and control of water pollution, formulate the plan for the prevention and control of water pollution in key water basins during the 13th Five-Year Plan period, and implement the program to advance ecological conservation and environmental protection along the Yangtze Economic Belt. New systems and mechanisms to manage and protect rivers and lakes will be established and the river chief system will be implemented across the board.

      Pilot and demonstration projects will be carried out to move ahead with all-around ecological restoration in cities. We will make greater efforts to improve black, malodorous water bodies in cities, and increase the overall effectiveness of urban sewage treatment and recycling facilities. We will encourage key cities to carry out mandatory household waste classification and to move faster in building facilities for sorting, collecting, transporting, and disposing of waste. We will steadily advance the emissions permit system, and carry out demonstrations for sorting and recycling rural household waste in about 100 counties. We will establish an environmental management system for fixed pollution sources which is based on emissions permits, and strictly control the total amount of sewage dumped into rivers.

      We will actively promote third-party participation in pollution control. An in-depth survey will be carried out throughout the country to assess the situation in relation to soil contamination, legislative work on the Law on Prevention and Control of Soil Pollution will be sped up, and standards for the quality of soil environments on agricultural land and construction land will be formulated or revised. We will ensure that emissions of all industrial polluters stay within emissions standards.

      We will build national ecological security shields, push ahead with large-scale afforestation, and implement projects for ecological conservation and restoration in mountains, water bodies, and forests, and on farmland as well as major biodiversity protection projects. We will move ahead with the projects to return marginal farmland to forest or grassland and return grazing land to grassland, develop forest shelterbelts, protect natural forests, and comprehensively tackle soil erosion.

      We will put in place pilot and demonstration programs to advance the comprehensive governance and sustainable development of the water environment in water basins, and will promote the return of cultivated land to wetland and the reduction of mudflat aquaculture so as to restore mudflat ecosystems. Strict control and oversight will be imposed over coastal reclamation activities. Remote sensing systems will be established in nature reserves to strengthen oversight.


      5) We will proactively respond to climate change.

      A national market for carbon emissions rights will be put into operation. We will move quicker to carry out the low-carbon pilot and demonstration programs as well as the trials for developing climate resilient cities. We will actively participate and play a guiding role in the follow-up negotiations of the Paris Agreement, make every effort to promote climate diplomacy, and ensure efforts are carried out at home to fulfill our promises in the Agreement. We will continue to promote international dialogue and effective cooperation, and strengthen South-South cooperation on climate change.


      9. Doing more to safeguard and improve people's wellbeing

      Better coordination will be achieved between the efforts to improve people's wellbeing and those to develop the economy. We will strive to make the social safety net tighter and sturdier, and to improve the standard and quality of public services, so that our people's sense of benefit continues to grow.

      一是全力推進(jìn)脫貧攻堅。鞏固深化脫貧攻堅成果,加快實(shí)施易地扶貧搬遷、產(chǎn)業(yè)扶貧、轉移就業(yè)扶貧等脫貧攻堅重點(diǎn)工程,大力實(shí)施以工代賑,支持貧困地區交通、水利、教育、衛生計生、文化、社會(huì )保障等基礎設施和基本公共服務(wù)建設。研究支持邊境居民脫貧奔小康、穩邊固邊政策措施。支持川陜等革命老區、贛南和閩粵原中央蘇區開(kāi)發(fā)建設與脫貧攻堅。穩妥推進(jìn)貧困地區水電礦產(chǎn)資源開(kāi)發(fā)資產(chǎn)收益扶貧改革試點(diǎn)。深入開(kāi)展金融扶貧、健康扶貧、教育扶貧、交通扶貧、旅游扶貧、電商扶貧,做好因病等致貧返貧群眾幫扶。推動(dòng)網(wǎng)絡(luò )扶貧試點(diǎn)省建設。

      1) We will put every effort into fighting poverty.

      We will consolidate and build on our achievements made in the fight against poverty so far and speed up implementation of key poverty alleviation projects, such as relocating people from inhospitable areas, supporting the development of local industries, and providing job-seeking assistance. We will boost efforts to carry out work-relief programs, and will support the development in poor areas of infrastructure and basic public services, such as transportation, water conservancy, education, health care and family planning, cultural services, and social security.

      We will work on policies and measures to help people in border regions eliminate poverty and achieve moderate prosperity with a view to stabilizing and consolidating our frontier. We will support development and poverty relief work in old revolutionary base areas, such as the Sichuan-Shaanxi region and the former Central Soviet areas in southern Jiangxi, Fujian, and Guangdong. We will prudently carry out the pilot poverty-relief reform which enables people in poor areas to share in the proceeds from the exploitation of local hydropower and mineral resources. We will make further efforts to fight poverty by providing access to and improving financial services, health care, education, transportation, and e-commerce, and by developing the tourism industry in local areas; in addition, we will provide support and assistance to people who have been driven into, or have fallen back into, poverty because of medical expenses. Provincial-level trials to use internet-based initiatives to alleviate poverty will be carried out.

      二是深入實(shí)施就業(yè)優(yōu)先戰略。持續推進(jìn)重點(diǎn)群體就業(yè)創(chuàng )業(yè)。實(shí)施好高校畢業(yè)生就業(yè)促進(jìn)、創(chuàng )業(yè)引領(lǐng)、基層成長(cháng)等計劃,切實(shí)做好退役軍人安置工作。圍繞培育返鄉創(chuàng )業(yè)產(chǎn)業(yè)集群、發(fā)展農村電商、化解過(guò)剩產(chǎn)能發(fā)展接續產(chǎn)業(yè)等重點(diǎn),繼續擴大支持農民工等人員返鄉創(chuàng )業(yè)試點(diǎn)覆蓋范圍。妥善做好煤炭、鋼鐵行業(yè)化解過(guò)剩產(chǎn)能過(guò)程中職工分流安置工作。加強基層就業(yè)服務(wù)設施和公共實(shí)訓基地建設,強化就業(yè)援助,提高公共就業(yè)服務(wù)能力。

      2) We will fully implement the strategy of prioritizing employment.

      Priority groups will continue to receive support in starting businesses and finding jobs. Initiatives will be implemented to promote employment for college graduates, to guide them in starting businesses, and to encourage them to work at community level; and efforts will be made to see that demobilized military personnel are resettled in new jobs. We will further expand trials to provide support for migrant workers and others who return to their hometown to set up businesses, with a focus on creating industrial clusters in local areas for these returnees, promoting rural e-commerce, and reducing overcapacity and developing alternative industries. We will properly resettle and provide reemployment services for people laid off due to the scaling down of overcapacity in the coal and steel industries. We will develop and improve community-based employment service facilities and public vocational training centers, and strengthen employment assistance, thereby boosting the capacity of public employment services.

      三是強化社保兜底。推動(dòng)基本養老保險制度改革和完善工作。加快城鄉居民醫療保險制度整合。開(kāi)展長(cháng)期護理保險試點(diǎn)、生育保險和職工基本醫療保險合并實(shí)施試點(diǎn)。統籌推進(jìn)社會(huì )救助體系建設。健全購租并舉的住房制度,持續改善中低收入群眾和困難群眾住房條件。2017年,棚戶(hù)區住房改造新開(kāi)工600萬(wàn)套。繼續推進(jìn)農村危房改造,重點(diǎn)支持低保戶(hù)、農村分散供養特困人員、貧困殘疾人家庭和建檔立卡貧困戶(hù)。繼續推進(jìn)公租房等保障房建設。

      3) We will strengthen social security so as to better meet people's basic needs.

      We will work to reform and improve the basic old-age insurance system. Integration of the medical insurance schemes for rural and non-working urban residents will be stepped up. Pilot programs on long-term care insurance and the integration of maternity insurance with the basic medical insurance for urban workers will come into operation. We will coordinate the development of social assistance systems.

      The housing system will be improved to encourage both buying and renting and to ensure the continuous improvement of housing conditions for both low- and middle-income groups and people facing difficulties. In 2017, we will begin renovations on six million units of housing in run-down urban areas and continue to rebuild dilapidated houses in rural areas, with a focus on supporting subsistence allowance beneficiaries; rural residents who receive assistance because of extreme poverty and do not live in a nursing home; families of people with disabilities living in poverty; and registered poor households. We will continue to develop government-subsidized housing including public rental housing.

      四是健全基本公共服務(wù)體系。實(shí)施“十三五”推進(jìn)基本公共服務(wù)均等化規劃,建立基本公共服務(wù)清單制。改革高等教育招生計劃管理,2017年,普通高等教育本專(zhuān)科招生735萬(wàn)人,研究生招生84.4萬(wàn)人。推進(jìn)世界一流大學(xué)和一流學(xué)科建設。全面推開(kāi)公立醫院綜合改革,全面啟動(dòng)多種形式的醫療聯(lián)合體建設試點(diǎn),建立促進(jìn)優(yōu)質(zhì)醫療資源上下貫通的考核和激勵機制。落實(shí)政府辦醫責任,實(shí)施全民健康保障工程,提升中西部縣域內醫療衛生綜合服務(wù)能力,加強疾病防控、婦幼保健機構能力建設。適應實(shí)施全面兩孩政策,加強生育醫療保健服務(wù)。依法支持中醫藥事業(yè)發(fā)展。出臺實(shí)施“十三五”國家老齡事業(yè)發(fā)展和養老體系建設規劃。健全養老服務(wù)體系,實(shí)施養老護理人員培訓計劃。出臺實(shí)施國家人口發(fā)展規劃,推進(jìn)落實(shí)全面兩孩配套政策。切實(shí)加強婦女、未成年人、殘疾人等社會(huì )群體權益保護。提高基本公共文化服務(wù)均等化水平,推動(dòng)地方落實(shí)國家基本公共文化服務(wù)指導標準。推動(dòng)創(chuàng )新公共文化服務(wù)供給方式,鼓勵社會(huì )力量參與公共文化服務(wù)體系建設。繁榮發(fā)展哲學(xué)社會(huì )科學(xué)。實(shí)施全民健身計劃,推進(jìn)公共體育普及,推動(dòng)實(shí)施足球中長(cháng)期發(fā)展規劃和足球場(chǎng)地設施建設規劃。

      4) We will improve the system of basic public services.

      We will implement the plan for ensuring equitable access to basic public services during the 13th Five-Year Plan period. The system for a list of basic public services will be established. We will reform the management of the higher education admission scheme. In 2017, regular institutions of higher learning are projected to enroll 7.35 million undergraduate students and 844,000 graduate students. We will strengthen efforts to develop more world-class universities and first-class fields of discipline.

      We will press ahead with the comprehensive reform of public hospitals nationwide, fully launch the trials to establish diverse forms of medical consortiums, and set up assessment and incentive mechanisms for ensuring quality medical resources are shared between different levels of medical institutions. We will ensure governments' responsibility of ensuring basic health care is fulfilled. We will implement the program to ensure a healthy population, and boost the capacity of counties in the central and western regions to offer comprehensive medical and health care services, as well as the capacity of institutions for disease prevention and control and for maternal and child care. As the policy of allowing couples to have two children has come into effect, we will provide better medical and health services related to childbirth. We will support the law-based development of traditional Chinese medicine.

      We will introduce and implement the plan for developing elderly services and building the elderly care system during the 13th Five-Year Plan period. We will improve the system for elderly services, and implement the plan to train elderly-care workers. We will introduce and carry out the national population development plan, and work to ensure the implementation of the policy of allowing couples to have two children. We will, more effectively, safeguard the rights and interests of women, minors, people with disabilities, and other social groups.

      We will ensure more equitable access to basic public cultural services and help localities to implement the national standards for guiding the provision of basic public cultural services. We will encourage innovation in the ways of delivering public cultural services as well as private-sector participation in developing the system of public cultural services. We will ensure that philosophy and the social sciences flourish.

      We will promote public fitness programs, and boost the popularity of community sports. We will move ahead with the plan for the long- and medium-term development of soccer in China as well as the plan for the construction of soccer fields and facilities.

      深化內地與香港、澳門(mén)的投資經(jīng)貿合作,推動(dòng)內地與港澳關(guān)于建立更緊密經(jīng)貿關(guān)系安排(CEPA)升級。支持港澳參與和助力“一帶一路”建設、區域經(jīng)濟合作,落實(shí)“十三五”規劃《綱要》涉港澳工作。積極推進(jìn)港珠澳大橋建設,促進(jìn)粵港澳三地加快基礎設施互聯(lián)互通。加快前海、南沙、橫琴等粵港澳合作平臺建設,推動(dòng)泛珠三角區域合作向更高層次、更深領(lǐng)域發(fā)展。支持香港發(fā)展創(chuàng )新和科技事業(yè),鞏固提升國際金融、航運、貿易三大中心地位,培育發(fā)展新優(yōu)勢。進(jìn)一步支持澳門(mén)建設世界旅游休閑中心、中國與葡語(yǔ)國家商貿合作服務(wù)平臺,支持澳門(mén)發(fā)展會(huì )展、特色金融、文化創(chuàng )意等產(chǎn)業(yè)和跨境電子商務(wù),促進(jìn)澳門(mén)經(jīng)濟適度多元發(fā)展。建設好平潭綜合實(shí)驗區、福州新區、中國(福建)自由貿易試驗區等合作平臺,深化海峽兩岸經(jīng)濟交流合作。We will deepen cooperation with Hong Kong and Macao in the areas of investment, the economy, and trade, and work to upgrade the Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement (CEPA) between the mainland and the two regions. We will support Hong Kong and Macao in participating in and contributing to the Belt and Road Initiative as well as regional economic cooperation. We will carry out work involving Hong Kong and Macao as part of the 13th Five-Year Plan. We will press ahead with the construction of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge so as to more quickly achieve a greater level of interconnectivity in infrastructure between Guangdong Province, Hong Kong, and Macao. Development of the Qianhai, Nansha, and Hengqin platforms for cooperation between Guangdong, Hong Kong, and Macao will be accelerated, and regional cooperation in the pan-Pearl River Delta will be pushed to a higher level and made more substantive. We will support Hong Kong in its efforts to pursue innovation and develop science and technology, to consolidate and elevate its position as an international financial, shipping, and trade center, and to cultivate new strengths. We will provide further support for Macao in becoming a world tourism and leisure center and in building a platform to facilitate business and trade cooperation between China and Portuguese-speaking countries. We will also support Macao in developing industries such as convention and exhibition, specialized financial services, cultural & creative industries as well as cross-border e-commerce, so as to promote an appropriate level of diversity in its economy. We will ensure platforms for cooperation with Taiwan are successfully established, including the Pingtan Comprehensive Experimental Area, Fuzhou New Area, and the China (Fujian) Pilot Free Trade Zone, so as to deepen cross-Straits economic exchange and cooperation.
      各位代表,做好2017年經(jīng)濟社會(huì )發(fā)展各項工作,任務(wù)艱巨,意義重大。我們要更加緊密地團結在以習近平同志為核心的黨中央周?chē)吲e中國特色社會(huì )主義偉大旗幟,以鄧小平理論、“三個(gè)代表”重要思想、科學(xué)發(fā)展觀(guān)為指導,深入貫徹習近平總書(shū)記系列重要講話(huà)精神和治國理政新理念新思想新戰略,自覺(jué)接受全國人大監督,虛心聽(tīng)取全國政協(xié)意見(jiàn)建議,凝心聚力、改革創(chuàng )新,奮發(fā)有為、攻堅克難,促進(jìn)經(jīng)濟社會(huì )平穩健康發(fā)展,以?xún)?yōu)異成績(jì)迎接黨的十九大勝利召開(kāi)!

      Esteemed Deputies,

      Accomplishing the work for economic and social development in 2017 is both a demanding and important task. We will unite even closer around the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, hold high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics, take Deng Xiaoping Theory, the Theory of Three Represents, and the Scientific Outlook on Development as our guide, and fully implement the guidelines from General Secretary Xi Jinping's major political addresses as well as his new concepts, thoughts, and strategies on the governance of China. We will willingly accept the oversight of the NPC, and seek comments and suggestions from the CPPCC National Committee with an open mind. Let us pool our will and strength to promote reform and innovation, work hard to deliver a sound performance to overcome the difficulties ahead, and foster steady and sound economic and social development, so as to welcome the convocation of the 19th CPC National Congress with outstanding achievements.


      1. The 2016 Plan for National Economic and Social Development deliberated and passed at the Fourth Session of the Twelfth National People's Congress lists a total of 62 targets, of which 43 are anticipatory and 19 are obligatory. The 15 targets marked with a star mark are obligatory targets set forth in the Thirteenth Five-year Plan for National Economic and Social Development of the People's Republic of China.

      2. Anticipatory targets are development objectives that the government hopes to achieve and figures it expects to reach; however they are not compulsory targets, nor are they predicted figures. The actual figures may be higher or lower than projected. Obligatory targets are mandatory and binding; they represent the government's macro regulatory intentions, and must be achieved.

      3. The performance of obligatory targets is assessed on the basis of whether or not they have been accomplished. A deviation of 10% from the projected figure is the standard used to assess the performance of anticipatory targets: if the actual figure exceeds the anticipatory figure by 10% or more, it is assessed as better than projected; if the actual figure falls short of the anticipatory figure by 10% or more, it is assessed as lower than projected; if the actual figure is higher or lower than the anticipatory figure by less than 10%, it is deemed to be as projected. However, these assessment standards are not applicable to targets that have a minimum or maximum limit. For example, the actual registered urban unemployment rate in 2016 was 4.02%, which falls short of the anticipatory target by more than 10%, but the assessment is still deemed to be as projected.

      4. The figures marked with # are estimated figures for 2016; the actual figures will be confirmed following the final review and adjustments by relevant departments. Influenced by the adjustment of the base figures for 2015, the actual performance of some targets in 2016 may change somewhat.

      (Source: Xinhua)

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