

      【中英文對照】全國人大常委會(huì )工作報告(2017)(全文)

      發(fā)布時(shí)間:2017-03-22 08:44:37??|??來(lái)源:中國網(wǎng)??|??作者:??|??責任編輯:李瀟

      五、支持和保障人大代表發(fā)揮主體作用5. We worked to see that deputies to the NPC fully played their principal role.
      常委會(huì )把充分發(fā)揮代表作用作為增強人大工作活力的重要抓手,不斷深化和拓展代表工作。We regarded giving full play to the role of deputies as an important measure for boosting the vitality of the NPC's work, and have continued to deepen and expand our work related to deputies.
      (一)密切常委會(huì )同代表、代表同人民群眾的聯(lián)系。貫徹落實(shí)委員長(cháng)會(huì )議組成人員、常委會(huì )委員聯(lián)系代表工作意見(jiàn),加強常委會(huì )同代表的聯(lián)系。實(shí)現代表列席常委會(huì )會(huì )議、參加執法檢查、參與專(zhuān)門(mén)委員會(huì )和工作委員會(huì )活動(dòng)常態(tài)化。4年來(lái),共邀請代表1270多人次列席常委會(huì )會(huì )議、1200多人次參加執法檢查等活動(dòng)。推動(dòng)“一府兩院”加強同代表的聯(lián)系,2016年國務(wù)院及其有關(guān)部門(mén)邀請代表1700余人次參加調研、座談,最高人民法院、最高人民檢察院組織600多名代表參加調研活動(dòng)。出臺《關(guān)于完善人大代表聯(lián)系人民群眾制度的實(shí)施意見(jiàn)》,推動(dòng)建立代表聯(lián)系人民群眾的工作平臺和網(wǎng)絡(luò )平臺,健全代表反映人民群眾意見(jiàn)和要求的處理反饋機制。

      1) We worked to see better communication between the Standing Committee and deputies and between deputies and the people.

      We implemented the guidelines for ensuring members of the Chairperson's Council and members of the Standing Committee maintain close contact with NPC deputies. This has helped us to strengthen our ties with deputies. We made it a regular practice for deputies to observe Standing Committee meetings, participate in law compliance inspections, and join the activities of special committees of the NPC and working committees of the Standing Committee. Over the past four years, we saw a cumulative deputy attendance of over 1,270 at Standing Committee meetings in a nonvoting capacity, as well as an attendance of over 1,200 in law compliance inspections and other activities. We urged the State Council, the Supreme People's Court, and the Supreme People's Procuratorate to strengthen their contact with deputies. In 2016, the State Council and its relevant departments invited over 1,700 deputy participants in their research activities and discussions, and the Supreme People's Court and the Supreme People's Procuratorate involved over 600 deputies in their research projects. We issued the guidelines on improving the system by which deputies to people's congresses maintain contact with the people. For this purpose, we advanced the development of venues and online platforms enabling deputies to develop closer ties with the public, and improved the mechanism for relevant government departments to process and give feedback on the proposals and requests of the public passed on to them by deputies.

      (二)增強代表議案審議和建議辦理實(shí)效。十二屆全國人大四次會(huì )議主席團交付有關(guān)專(zhuān)門(mén)委員會(huì )審議的462件代表議案,已全部完成審議工作。其中,32件議案涉及的10個(gè)立法項目,已經(jīng)常委會(huì )通過(guò);26件議案涉及的7個(gè)立法項目,已提請常委會(huì )審議;123件議案涉及的42個(gè)立法項目,已列入立法計劃或立法規劃。代表提出的8609件建議、批評和意見(jiàn)已全部辦理完畢,建議所提問(wèn)題得到解決或者計劃逐步解決的占80.6%。“一府兩院”和有關(guān)方面高度重視代表建議辦理工作,常委會(huì )辦公廳和有關(guān)專(zhuān)門(mén)委員會(huì )認真協(xié)調督辦。國務(wù)院常務(wù)會(huì )議多次聽(tīng)取辦理人大代表建議情況的匯報,要求把建議辦理作為常態(tài)化年度重點(diǎn)任務(wù),加強與代表溝通,及時(shí)回應關(guān)切,更好接受監督,推進(jìn)科學(xué)決策。代表提出的意見(jiàn)建議,在有關(guān)部門(mén)制定政策、開(kāi)展工作中得到認真研究和采納。

      2) We improved our efficiency in examining deputies' proposals and ensuring handling of their suggestions.

      Relevant special committees completed their examination of all 462 proposals referred to them by the Presidium of the Fourth Session of the 12th NPC. Of these, we have adopted 10 legislative items addressed in 32 of the submitted proposals; are deliberating 7 legislative items addressed in 26 of the proposals; and have included 42 legislative items discussed in 123 of the proposals in our annual legislative plan or five-year legislative program. All 8,609 suggestions, criticisms, and comments submitted by deputies have been handled, and 80.6% of the problems raised therein have been resolved or have been scheduled for gradual resolution.

      The State Council, the Supreme People's Court, the Supreme People's Procuratorate, and relevant government departments attached great significance to the handling of deputies' suggestions, and the General Office of the Standing Committee and relevant special committees of the NPC worked conscientiously to coordinate and oversee this work. The State Council convened multiple executive meetings to hear reports on the handling of deputies' suggestions, and put forth the requirement that relevant departments make the handling of deputies' suggestions a standard and high-priority annual task, strengthen their communication with deputies, promptly respond to deputies' concerns, and accept deputies' oversight so as to ensure sound decision-making. In short, the comments and suggestions of deputies were seriously considered and adopted by relevant government departments as they developed policies and carried out their work.

      (三)加強代表思想作風(fēng)和素質(zhì)能力建設。精心制定代表學(xué)習培訓計劃并認真組織實(shí)施,把學(xué)習貫徹黨的十八屆六中全會(huì )精神、加強代表思想作風(fēng)建設納入培訓內容。舉辦全國人大代表專(zhuān)題學(xué)習班3期、專(zhuān)題研討班1期,1000余名代表參加學(xué)習。組織代表專(zhuān)題調研和集中視察,取得一批重要調研成果,推動(dòng)了相關(guān)工作。

      3) We helped deputies improve their thinking, work style, and capabilities.

      We meticulously formulated and carried out study and training plans for deputies, helping them grasp and put into practice the guidelines of the Sixth Plenary Session of the 18th Party Central Committee and improve their thinking and work style. Last year we organized three study sessions and one seminar on special topics, which were attended by more than 1,000 deputies. We also organized research projects and inspection tours for deputies, which yielded a number of fruitful results and helped to move forward work in relevant fields.

      六、充分發(fā)揮人大對外交往服務(wù)國家大局的作用6. We gave full expression to the NPC's role in serving China's overall interests through its international exchanges.
      堅持服從服務(wù)于國家發(fā)展和外交工作大局,統籌謀劃和積極推進(jìn)人大對外交往工作。鞏固和完善與有關(guān)國家議會(huì )定期交流機制,中國全國人大已與俄羅斯、美國、英國、印度、巴西、南非等20個(gè)國家議會(huì )和歐洲議會(huì )建立定期交流機制或政治對話(huà),2016年同肯尼亞、以色列議會(huì )分別建立合作機制。委員長(cháng)會(huì )議組成人員率團訪(fǎng)問(wèn)贊比亞、法國、芬蘭、越南等19個(gè)國家,保持與往訪(fǎng)國高層交往良好勢頭。全國人大常委會(huì )委員長(cháng)首次出席各國議會(huì )聯(lián)盟大會(huì )并發(fā)表講話(huà),就促進(jìn)和平發(fā)展、國際關(guān)系民主化提出中國主張,提升了中國全國人大的國際影響力。拓展議會(huì )多邊外交形式,首次與各國議會(huì )聯(lián)盟共同在華舉辦亞非國家議員研討班。全面深化專(zhuān)門(mén)委員會(huì )、雙邊友好小組、工作機構以及地方人大等多層次對外交流合作。繼續組織全國人大西藏代表團主動(dòng)開(kāi)展對外交流。2016年,共接待55個(gè)外國議會(huì )代表團和其他來(lái)訪(fǎng)團。

      We remained committed to the principle of complying with and working for China's overall development interests and diplomatic work. We carried out overall planning for and greatly advanced the NPC's foreign relations work.

      We strengthened and improved the mechanism of regular exchanges with foreign parliaments. The NPC has a mechanism for regular exchanges or carries out political dialogue with the parliaments of 20 countries including Russia, the United States, the United Kingdom, India, Brazil, and South Africa, as well as with the European Parliament. Last year, we established mechanisms for cooperation with the parliaments of Kenya and Israel.

      Delegations headed by members of the Chairperson's Council visited 19 countries including Zambia, France, Finland, and Vietnam, helping maintain the positive momentum of high-level exchanges with these countries. As Chairman of the Standing Committee of the NPC, I attended the Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU), at which I delivered a speech presenting China's stand on promoting peaceful development of the world and greater democracy in international relations. The attendance of the Chairman of the NPC Standing Committee at the IPU Assembly for the first time in history has helped to greatly increase the international influence of the NPC.

      We explored new forms of multilateral parliamentary diplomatic activities, working together with the IPU to hold, in China for the first time, a seminar for members of parliaments of Asian and African countries. We stepped up foreign exchanges and cooperation at various other levels, such as those conducted by NPC special committees, bilateral friendship groups, working bodies of the Standing Committee, and local people's congresses. We continued to arrange for the NPC Tibetan Delegation to proactively conduct foreign exchanges. Over the past year, we received 55 parliamentary or other delegations.

      立足于人大自身特點(diǎn)和優(yōu)勢,不斷豐富對外交往的內涵,著(zhù)力拓展對外交往的深度。一是推動(dòng)落實(shí)國家領(lǐng)導人達成的重要共識,鞏固和增進(jìn)政治互信,相互尊重彼此核心利益和重大關(guān)切,不斷夯實(shí)國家關(guān)系發(fā)展的政治基礎。二是促進(jìn)以互利共贏(yíng)為基礎的各領(lǐng)域務(wù)實(shí)合作,推動(dòng)“一帶一路”建設與有關(guān)國家發(fā)展戰略對接,敦促有關(guān)國家議會(huì )為雙邊務(wù)實(shí)合作和人員往來(lái)提供良好法律保障和政策環(huán)境。三是服務(wù)國家發(fā)展戰略和民主法治建設需要,深化治國理政經(jīng)驗交流,借鑒外國有益立法經(jīng)驗,加強對我國重要立法項目的正面解讀。四是講好中國故事,傳播中國理念、中國經(jīng)驗和中國方案,增進(jìn)國際社會(huì )對中國發(fā)展道路和內外政策的理解和認同。五是針對個(gè)別國家在臺灣、涉藏、南海等問(wèn)題上的錯誤言行,通過(guò)發(fā)表聲明、談話(huà)等形式堅定維護國家主權、安全和發(fā)展利益。

      Based on the NPC's unique features and strengths, we put great effort into improving its foreign relations work in both scope and depth.

      First, we strived to ensure that the consensus achieved between Chinese and foreign leaders is upheld, and worked to consolidate and enhance mutual political trust and foster mutual respect of each other's core interests and major concerns, thus strengthening the political basis for the development of China's relations with these countries.

      Second, we worked to promote mutually beneficial practical cooperation with other countries across various fields. We helped increase the complementarity between the development strategies of China and other countries concerned in the Belt and Road Initiative, and urged the parliaments of these countries to provide legal guarantees and favorable policy environments for bilateral pragmatic cooperation and personnel exchange.

      Third, in working to serve China's development strategy and the development of its democracy and rule of law, we strengthened international exchanges on the topic of state governance, learned from other countries' legislative experiences, and stepped up our work of explaining China's major legislative items to the outside world.

      Fourth, by telling stories of China well and spreading Chinese visions, experience, and approaches, we have been able to see better understanding and wider recognition of China's development path and foreign and domestic policies in the international community.

      Fifth, in responding to false statements and inappropriate actions by certain countries regarding the Taiwan question and issues concerning Tibet and the South China Sea, we resolutely safeguarded China's sovereignty, security, and developmental interests by issuing statements, engaging talks, and taking other actions.

      決定條約和重要協(xié)定的批準,是全國人大常委會(huì )的一項法定職權。《巴黎協(xié)定》是近年來(lái)氣候變化多邊進(jìn)程的最重要成果。常委會(huì )審議批準該協(xié)定,彰顯我國作為發(fā)展中大國的責任擔當,有利于我國在氣候變化多邊進(jìn)程中發(fā)揮更重要的作用。Ratifying treaties and agreements concluded with foreign countries is a legally mandated duty of the NPC Standing Committee. The Paris Agreement has been the most important achievement of the multilateral efforts to address climate change in recent years. We deliberated and ratified this agreement, which demonstrates China's willingness to shoulder its responsibilities as a large developing country and enables China to play an even bigger role in multilateral initiatives on climate change.
      七、大力加強自身建設7. We intensified self-improvement efforts.
      常委會(huì )始終把思想政治建設擺在首位,堅定理想信念,堅定中國特色社會(huì )主義道路自信、理論自信、制度自信、文化自信,切實(shí)增強責任感和使命感。認真開(kāi)展“兩學(xué)一做”學(xué)習教育,自覺(jué)用馬克思主義中國化最新成果武裝頭腦、指導實(shí)踐、推動(dòng)工作。辦好常委會(huì )專(zhuān)題講座,努力提高依法履職能力和水平。貫徹落實(shí)全面從嚴治黨要求,扎實(shí)推進(jìn)黨風(fēng)廉政建設和反腐敗斗爭,嚴格執行中央八項規定精神,持續深入改進(jìn)作風(fēng)。完善出席會(huì )議情況通報制度,努力提高審議質(zhì)量。全國人大機關(guān)自覺(jué)接受中央專(zhuān)項巡視監督,嚴肅認真抓好巡視整改,全面加強機關(guān)建設和工作。

      We have continuously given top priority to improving our thinking and theoretical competence, held firm to ideals and convictions, stayed confident in the path, theory, system, and culture of Chinese socialism, and strengthened our sense of responsibility and mission. We threw ourselves into the Party-wide drive to help Party members better meet Party standards by studying the Party Constitution, Party regulations, and General Secretary Xi Jinping's policy addresses, and consciously equipped ourselves with the latest achievements in adapting Marxism to Chinese conditions and used them to guide our practice and advance our work.

      We successfully organized Standing Committee seminars and strived to improve our capability for better performing our duties in accordance with the law. We strived to meet the requirements related to ensuring strict Party self-governance in every respect; made solid progress in improving Party conduct, promoting integrity, and fighting corruption; strictly implemented the Party Central Committee's eight-point decision on improving Party and government conduct; and continued to improve our work style. We improved the system for reporting attendance of meetings, and worked hard to raise the quality of deliberation. Administrative bodies of the Standing Committee and special committees willingly accepted the special inspection and oversight by the central discipline inspection team and conscientiously worked to rectify problems identified in the inspection, thus improving themselves and their work in all respects.

      常委會(huì )加強對各專(zhuān)門(mén)委員會(huì )的領(lǐng)導,注重發(fā)揮專(zhuān)門(mén)委員會(huì )的重要作用。各專(zhuān)門(mén)委員會(huì )認真履行法定職責,牽頭組織起草一批重要法律草案,組織實(shí)施執法檢查,深入開(kāi)展調查研究,做了大量富有成效的工作。常委會(huì )黨組在全國人大各專(zhuān)門(mén)委員會(huì )設立分黨組,加強專(zhuān)門(mén)委員會(huì )黨的建設。We strengthened leadership over the work of special committees and stressed the need for them to fulfill their crucial role. Special committees earnestly carried out their legally mandated duties and did a great deal of productive work, such as taking the lead in organizing the drafting of major legislative items, organizing inspections of compliance with laws, and carrying out in-depth research and studies. The Leading Party Members' Group of the Standing Committee set up branch groups in special committees to strengthen their work in relation to Party building.
      各位代表!Fellow Deputies,
      全國人大常委會(huì )工作取得的成績(jì),是在以習近平同志為核心的黨中央正確領(lǐng)導下,全國人大代表、常委會(huì )組成人員、各專(zhuān)門(mén)委員會(huì )組成人員和全國人大機關(guān)工作人員兢兢業(yè)業(yè)、履職盡責、扎實(shí)工作的結果,是國務(wù)院、最高人民法院、最高人民檢察院和地方各級人大及其常委會(huì )密切配合、團結協(xié)作的結果,是全國各族人民充分信任、大力支持的結果。在此,我代表全國人大常委會(huì )表示崇高的敬意和衷心的感謝!The Standing Committee's achievements this past year have been made under the sound leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core. They are the result of the careful, diligent, and hard work of all NPC deputies, members of the NPC Standing Committee and special committees, and the staff of the administrative bodies of the Standing Committee and special committees; the close coordination and cooperation of the State Council, the Supreme People's Court, the Supreme People's Procuratorate, and local people's congresses at all levels and their standing committees; and the full trust and great support of the entire Chinese people. On behalf of the Standing Committee, I would like to express our highest respect for and sincere gratitude to them all.
      回顧過(guò)去一年的工作,我們清醒地認識到,常委會(huì )工作中還存在一些差距和不足。在立法任務(wù)越來(lái)越重、節奏越來(lái)越快、要求越來(lái)越高的新形勢下,立法的針對性和有效性需要進(jìn)一步增強;針對有法不依、執法不嚴、違法不究等突出問(wèn)題,監督的力度需要進(jìn)一步加大、方式有待進(jìn)一步完善;常委會(huì )聯(lián)系人大代表、代表聯(lián)系人民群眾的工作有待進(jìn)一步深化,委員和代表思想作風(fēng)建設需要進(jìn)一步加強。我們要高度重視這些問(wèn)題,虛心聽(tīng)取代表和各方面的意見(jiàn)建議,自覺(jué)接受監督,不斷加強和改進(jìn)各項工作。In reviewing what we achieved over the past year, we are keenly aware that the work of the Standing Committee still has room for improvement. We still need to make legislation more targeted and effective under the new circumstances, where legislation initiatives are growing in number and the pace of and requirements for legislation are increasing. We need to increase the intensity and improve the methods of our oversight work to address the prominent problems of non-compliance with laws, lax law enforcement, and failure to prosecute violations of the law. We need to see better communication between the Standing Committee and deputies and between deputies and the public, and improve the thinking and work style of deputies and members of the Standing Committee. We must take these problems seriously and strive to improve our work in all respects by listening to comments and suggestions from deputies and all sectors of society with an open mind and willingly accepting their oversight.

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