


      發(fā)布時(shí)間:2017-08-04 08:43:17??|??來(lái)源:中國網(wǎng)??|??作者:??|??責任編輯:李瀟

      附件2Appendix II



      WHEREAS Her Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Empress of India, and His Majesty the Emperor of China, are sincerely desirous to maintain and perpetuate the relations of friendship and good understanding which now exist between their respective Empires; and whereas recent occurrences have tended towards a disturbance of the said relations, and it is desirable to clearly define and permanently settle certain matters connected with the boundary between Sikkim and Tibet, Her Britannic Majesty and His Majesty the Emperor of China have resolved to conclude a Convention on this subject, and have, for this purpose, named Plenipotentiaries, that is to say:

      Her Majesty the Queen of Great Britain and Ireland, his Excellency the Most Honourable Henry Charles Keith Petty Fitzmaurice, G.M.S.I., G.C.M.G., G.M.I.E., Marquess of Lansdowne, Viceroy and Governor-General of India;

      And His Majesty the Emperor of China, his Excellency Shêng Tai, Imperial Associate Resident in Tibet, Military Deputy Lieutenant-Governor;

      Who, having met and communicated to each other their full powers, and finding these to be in proper form, have agreed upon the following Convention in eight Articles:—

      第一款 藏、哲之界,以自布坦交界之支莫摯山起,至廓爾喀邊界止,分哲屬梯斯塔及近山南流諸小河,藏屬莫竹及近山北流諸小河,分水流之一帶山頂為界。

      ARTICLE I.

      The boundary of Sikkim and Tibet shall be the crest of the mountain range separating the waters flowing into the Sikkim Teesta and its affluents from the waters flowing into the Tibetan Mochu and northwards into other Rivers of Tibet. The line commences at Mount Gipmochi on the Bhutan frontier, and follows the above-mentioned water-parting to the point where it meets Nipal territory.

      第二款 哲孟雄由英國一國保護督理,即為依認其內政外交均應專(zhuān)由英國一國徑辦;該部長(cháng)暨官員等,除由英國經(jīng)理準行之事外,概不得與無(wú)論何國交涉來(lái)往。


      It is admitted that the British Government, whose Protectorate over the Sikkim State is hereby recognized, has direct and exclusive control over the internal administration and foreign relations of that State, and except through and with the permission of the British Government, neither the Ruler of the State nor any of its officers shall have official relations of any kind, formal or informal, with any other country.

      第三款 中、英兩國互允以第一款所定之界限為準,由兩國遵守,并使兩邊各無(wú)犯越之事。


      The Government of Great Britain and Ireland and the Government of China engage reciprocally to respect the boundary as defined in Article I, and to prevent acts of aggression from their respective sides of the frontier.

      第四款 藏、哲通商,應如何增益便利一事,容后再議,務(wù)期彼此均受其益。


      The question of providing increased facilities for trade across the Sikkim-Tibet frontier will hereafter be discussed with a view to a mutually satisfactory arrangement by the High Contracting Powers.

      第五款 哲孟雄界內游牧一事,彼此言明,俟查明情形后,再為議訂。

      ARTICLE V.

      The question of pasturage on the Sikkim side of the frontier is reserved for further examination and future adjustment.

      第六款 印、藏官員因公交涉,如何文移往來(lái),一切彼此言明,俟后再商另訂。


      The High Contracting Powers reserve for discussion and arrangement the method in which official communications between the British authorities in India and the authorities in Tibet shall be conducted.

      第七款 自此條款批準互換之日為始,限以六個(gè)月,由中國駐藏大臣、英國印度執政大臣各派委員一人,將第四、第五、第六三款言明隨后議訂各節,兼同會(huì )商,以期妥協(xié)。


      Two joint Commissioners shall, within six months from the ratification of this Convention, be appointed, one by the British Government in India, the other by the Chinese Resident in Tibet. The said Commissioners shall meet and discuss the questions which, by the last three preceding Articles, have been reserved.

      第八款 以上條款既定后,應送呈兩國批準,隨將條款原本在倫敦互換,彼此各執,以昭信守。


      The present Convention shall be ratified, and the ratifications shall be exchanged in London as soon as possible after the date of the signature thereof.

      In witness whereof the respective negotiators have signed the same, and affixed thereunto the seals of their arms.

      光緒十六年二月二十七日,即西歷一千八百九十年三月十七日,在孟臘城繕就華、英文各四份,蓋印畫(huà)押。Done in quadruplicate at Calcutta, this 17th day of March, in the year of our Lord 1890, corresponding with the Chinese date, the 27th day of the 2nd moon of the 16th year of Kuang Hsü.
      附件3Appendix III
      一、1959年3月22日印度總理尼赫魯給中國總理周恩來(lái)的信A. Letter from Indian Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru to Chinese Premier Chou En-lai dated 22 March 1959:
      “印度的保護國錫金同中國西藏地方的邊界,是由1890年的英中專(zhuān)約所確定,1895年共同在地面上標定。”"The boundary of Sikkim, a protectorate of India, with the Tibet Region of China was defined in the Anglo-Chinese Convention 1890 and jointly demarcated on the ground in 1895."
      二、1959年9月26日印度總理尼赫魯給中國總理周恩來(lái)的信B. Letter from Indian Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru to Chinese Premier Chou En-lai dated 26 September 1959:
      “1890年的這個(gè)條約也確定了錫金和西藏之間的邊界;這條線(xiàn)后來(lái)在1895年加以標定。因此,關(guān)于錫金同西藏地方的邊界,不存在任何糾紛。”"This Convention of 1890 also defined the boundary between Sikkim and Tibet; and the boundary was later, in 1895, demarcated. There is thus no dispute regarding the boundary of Sikkim with the Tibet region."
      三、1960年2月12日印度駐華使館給中國外交部的照會(huì )C. Note of the Indian Embassy in China to the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs dated 12 February 1960:
      “中國政府知道印度政府同不丹和錫金所有的特殊的條約關(guān)系。因此印度政府歡迎中國照會(huì )中對于錫金和不丹為一方和西藏為另一方之間的邊界的解釋。照會(huì )說(shuō),錫金和中國西藏地方之間的邊界早經(jīng)正式劃定,在地圖上既沒(méi)有任何分歧,在實(shí)踐中也沒(méi)有任何爭論。印度政府愿意補充說(shuō)明,這條邊界在地面上也已標定了。”"The Chinese Government are aware of the special treaty relations which the Government of India have with Bhutan and Sikkim. In view of this the Government of India welcome the explanations given in the Chinese note relating to the boundaries between Sikkim and Bhutan on the one hand and Tibet on the other. The note states that the boundary between Sikkim and the Tibet region of China has long been formally delimited, and that there is neither any discrepancy on the maps nor any dispute in practice. The Government of India would like to add that this boundary has also been demarcated on the ground."
      四、2006年5月10日印方在中印邊界問(wèn)題特別代表工作組會(huì )議上提交的非文件D. Non-paper provided by the Indian side during the Meeting of the Working Teams of the Special Representatives on China-India Boundary Question on 10 May 2006:
      “五、雙方同意錫金段的邊界走向。”"(e) Both sides agree on the boundary alignment in the Sikkim Sector."
      (Source: Xinhua)

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