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      發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-11-07 16:08:07  | 來(lái)源:中國網(wǎng)  | 作者:  | 責任編輯:李瀟

      《中國保障宗教信仰自由的政策和實(shí)踐》白皮書(shū) [中國網(wǎng) 孫宇 攝]


      The Information Office of the State Council, or China's Cabinet, issued a white paper titled "China's Policies and Practices on Protecting Freedom of Religious Belief" on April 3. Following is the full text:






      I. Basic Policies in Protecting Freedom of Religious Belief


      II. Legal Guarantees for Freedom of Religious Belief


      III. Conducting Religious Activities in an Orderly Manner


      IV. The Role of Religious Groups Has Been Fully Developed


      V. Active and Healthy Religious Relations





      中國是共產(chǎn)黨領(lǐng)導的社會(huì )主義國家。中國始終堅持從本國國情和宗教實(shí)際出發(fā),實(shí)行宗教信仰自由政策,保障公民宗教信仰自由權利,構建積極健康的宗教關(guān)系,維護宗教和睦與社會(huì )和諧。中共十八大以來(lái),在以習近平同志為核心的黨中央堅強領(lǐng)導下,中國全面推進(jìn)依法治國,把宗教工作納入國家治理體系,用法律調節涉及宗教的各種社會(huì )關(guān)系,宗教工作法治化水平不斷提高。信教公民和不信教公民相互尊重、和睦相處,積極投身改革開(kāi)放和社會(huì )主義現代化建設,共同為實(shí)現中華民族偉大復興的中國夢(mèng)貢獻力量。

      As a socialist country under the leadership of the Communist Party of China (CPC), China adopts policies on freedom of religious belief based on national and religious conditions to protect citizens' right to freedom of religious belief, build active and healthy religious relationships, and maintain religious and social harmony. Since the 18th CPC National Congress in 2012, China, under the staunch leadership of the CPC Central Committee with Xi Jinping as the core, has advanced law-based governance in all respects, integrating religious work into the national governance system, employing laws to deal with all social relationships concerning religion, and improving the management of religious work under the rule of law. Religious believers and non-believers respect each other, and live in harmony, committing themselves to reform and opening-up and the socialist modernization, and contribute to the realization of the Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation.


      I. Basic Policies in Protecting Freedom of Religious Belief

      中國實(shí)行宗教信仰自由政策,依法管理宗教事務(wù),堅持獨立自主自辦原則,積極引導宗教與社會(huì )主義社會(huì )相適應,最大限度團結廣大信教公民和不信教公民。

      China adopts policies on freedom of religious belief, manages religious affairs in accordance with the law, adheres to the principle of independence and self-management, actively guides religions to adapt to the socialist society, and unites religious believers and nonbelievers to the greatest extent.

      實(shí)行宗教信仰自由政策。尊重和保護宗教信仰自由是中國共產(chǎn)黨和中國政府對待宗教的基本政策。每個(gè)公民既有信仰宗教的自由,也有不信仰宗教的自由;有信仰某一種宗教的自由,也有在同一宗教中信仰某個(gè)教派的自由;有過(guò)去不信教而現在信教的自由,也有過(guò)去信教而現在不信教的自由。信教公民同不信教公民一樣,享有同等政治及經(jīng)濟社會(huì )文化等方面的權利,不會(huì )因信仰不同造成權利上的不平等。國家尊重公民宗教信仰自由,保護正常宗教活動(dòng);公民行使宗教信仰自由權利,不得妨礙其他公民的合法權利,不得強制他人信仰宗教,不得歧視不信教或者信仰其他宗教的公民,不得利用宗教妨害公民合法權益。行使宗教信仰自由權利必須尊重公序良俗,尊重文化傳統和社會(huì )倫理道德。

      1. Adopting policies on freedom of religious belief.

      Respecting and protecting freedom of religious belief is a basic policy of the CPC and the Chinese government. Every citizen enjoys the freedom to choose whether to believe in a religion; to believe in a certain religion or a denomination of the same religion; to change from a non-believer to a believer and vice versa. Believers and non-believers enjoy the same political, economic, social and cultural rights, and must not be treated differently because of a difference in belief. The State respects citizens' freedom to religious belief and protects their normal religious activities. In exercising their right to free religious belief, believers should not interfere in the lawful rights of other people, or force others to believe in any religion. Believers should not discriminate against non-believers or believers of other religions. No one shall use religion to interfere in the lawful rights and interests of citizens. Believers should respect public order, customs, cultural traditions and social ethics in exercising their freedom of religious belief.

      依法管理宗教事務(wù)。國家對待各宗教一律平等,一視同仁,不以行政力量發(fā)展或禁止某個(gè)宗教,任何宗教都不能超越其他宗教在法律上享有特殊地位。國家依法對涉及國家利益和社會(huì )公共利益的宗教事務(wù)進(jìn)行管理,但不干涉宗教內部事務(wù)。國家依法保護公民宗教信仰自由權利,保護正常宗教活動(dòng)和宗教界合法權益,制止非法宗教活動(dòng),禁止利用宗教宣傳極端思想和從事極端活動(dòng),抵御境外勢力利用宗教進(jìn)行滲透,打擊利用宗教進(jìn)行的違法犯罪活動(dòng)。信教公民應當遵守憲法、法律、法規和規章。宗教在國家法律范圍內開(kāi)展活動(dòng),不得干預行政、司法、教育等國家職能的實(shí)施。不得恢復已經(jīng)被廢除的宗教封建特權,不得利用宗教從事危害社會(huì )穩定、民族團結和國家安全的活動(dòng)。

      2. Managing religious affairs in accordance with the law.

      The State treats all religions fairly and equally, and does not exercise administrative power to encourage or ban any religion. No religion is given preferential treatment above other religions to enjoy special legal privileges. The State manages religious affairs involving national and social public interests in accordance with the law but does not interfere in the internal affairs of religions. The State protects citizens' right to freedom of religious belief, normal religious activities and the lawful rights and interests of religious groups, bans illegal religious activities, prohibits the dissemination of extremist thought and engagement in extremist activities in the name of religion, resists the infiltration of hostile foreign forces taking advantage of religion, and fights against illegal and criminal activities under the guise of religion. Believers should abide by the Constitution, laws, rules and regulations of the country. Religious activities should be carried out within the bounds of the law. No religion should interfere in the implementation of administrative, judicial and educational functions of the State. No abolished religious and feudal privileges should be resumed. No activities which employ religion to endanger social stability, national unity and State security are allowed to be carried out.

      堅持獨立自主自辦原則。宗教團體和宗教事務(wù)不受外國勢力的支配,是中國憲法確定的原則。中國政府依照憲法和法律,支持各宗教堅持獨立自主自辦原則,各宗教團體、宗教教職人員和信教公民自主辦理宗教事業(yè)。獨立自主自辦原則是中國人民在民族獨立、社會(huì )進(jìn)步的斗爭中,基于天主教和基督教長(cháng)期被殖民主義、帝國主義所控制和利用,被稱(chēng)作“洋教”的屈辱歷史,由中國信教公民自主作出的歷史性選擇。這一原則,順應了中國人民謀求民族獨立、人民解放的歷史潮流,順應了實(shí)現中華民族偉大復興的中國夢(mèng)的時(shí)代要求,使中國宗教的面貌煥然一新,得到國際宗教友好人士的普遍理解、尊重和支持。堅持獨立自主自辦原則,不是要斷絕中國宗教組織同境外宗教組織的正常聯(lián)系。中國政府支持和鼓勵各宗教在獨立自主、平等友好、相互尊重的基礎上,開(kāi)展對外交流交往,建立、發(fā)展、鞏固同海外宗教界的友好關(guān)系,增信釋疑,展示良好形象。對境外組織和個(gè)人利用宗教從事各種違反中國憲法、法律、法規和政策的活動(dòng),控制中國宗教組織、干涉中國宗教事務(wù),甚至企圖顛覆中國政權和社會(huì )主義制度,中國政府堅決反對并將依法處置。

      3. Adhering to the principle of independence and self-management.

      Religious groups and religious affairs are not subject to control by foreign countries; this principle is enshrined in the Constitution of the People's Republic of China. The Chinese government supports all religions in upholding the principle of independence and self-management, allowing religious groups, clerical personnel and believers to manage religious affairs themselves in accordance with the Constitution and law. This principle is a historic choice made by Chinese religious believers in the Chinese people's struggle for national independence and social progress, as Catholicism and Protestantism, which were known as foreign religions in China, had long been controlled and utilized by colonialists and imperialists. The establishment of this principle conforms to the historical trend of the Chinese people's search for national independence and liberation, to the demands of the times to realize the Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation, and as a result religions in China have taken on an entirely new look, winning widespread understanding, respect and support of friendly religious believers around the world. Adhering to the principle of independence and self-management does not mean the severing of normal connections between religious organizations in China and their foreign counterparts. The Chinese government supports and encourages all its religions to conduct international exchanges, to build, develop and consolidate friendly relations with religious groups overseas, to enhance mutual trust and eliminate misgivings, and to present a positive image based on independence, equality and mutual respect. The Chinese government will resolutely oppose and deal with foreign organizations and individuals engaging in activities which violate China's Constitution, laws, regulations and policies, their attempts to control China's religious organizations, to interfere in China's religious affairs and to subvert the Chinese government and socialist system under the guise of religion.

      積極引導宗教與社會(huì )主義社會(huì )相適應。積極引導宗教與社會(huì )主義社會(huì )相適應,就是要引導信教公民熱愛(ài)祖國、熱愛(ài)人民,維護祖國統一,維護中華民族大團結,服從服務(wù)于國家最高利益和中華民族整體利益;就是要引導宗教界擁護中國共產(chǎn)黨領(lǐng)導、擁護社會(huì )主義制度,堅持走中國特色社會(huì )主義道路,堅持宗教中國化方向,積極踐行社會(huì )主義核心價(jià)值觀(guān),弘揚中華優(yōu)秀傳統文化,努力把宗教教義教規同中華優(yōu)秀傳統文化相融合,遵守國家法律法規,自覺(jué)接受?chē)乙婪ü芾怼?/p>

      4. Actively guiding religions in adapting to the socialist society.

      Actively guiding religions in adapting to the socialist society means guiding religious believers to love their country and compatriots, safeguard national unity, ethnic solidarity, be subordinate to and serve the overall interests of the nation and the Chinese people. It also means guiding religious groups to support the leadership of the CPC and the socialist system; uphold and follow the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics; develop religions in the Chinese context; embrace core socialist values; carry forward China's fine traditions; integrate religious teachings and rules with Chinese culture; abide by State laws and regulations, and accept State administration in accordance with the law.


      II. Legal Guarantees for Freedom of Religious Belief

      中國特色社會(huì )主義法律體系不斷完善,宗教信仰自由權利保障的法治化水平不斷提高,政府對宗教事務(wù)的管理更加規范,對廣大信教公民合法權益的保護更加全面有力。

      The socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics is continuously being improved, with enhanced implementation of the rule of law in protecting freedom of religious belief and increasingly standardized governance of religious affairs, providing stronger guarantees for the lawful rights and interests of its religious believers.

      宗教信仰自由權利受中國憲法保障?!吨腥A人民共和國憲法》第三十六條規定:“中華人民共和國公民有宗教信仰自由?!蓖瑫r(shí)規定:“國家保護正常的宗教活動(dòng)?!薄叭魏螄覚C關(guān)、社會(huì )團體和個(gè)人不得強制公民信仰宗教或者不信仰宗教,不得歧視信仰宗教的公民和不信仰宗教的公民?!薄叭魏稳瞬坏美米诮踢M(jìn)行破壞社會(huì )秩序、損害公民身體健康、妨礙國家教育制度的活動(dòng)?!薄白诮虉F體和宗教事務(wù)不受外國勢力的支配?!边@些規定為國家保障宗教信仰自由權利、依法管理宗教事務(wù)、構建積極健康的宗教關(guān)系提供了憲法依據。

      1. Freedom of religious belief is protected by the Constitution.

      According to Article 36 of the Constitution of the People's Republic of China, "Citizens of the People's Republic of China enjoy freedom of religious belief. No State organ, public organization or individual may compel citizens to believe in, or not to believe in, any religion; nor may they discriminate against citizens who believe in, or do not believe in, any religion." Article 36 also stipulates that "No one may make use of religion to engage in activities that disrupt public order, impair the health of citizens or interfere with the educational system of the State," and that "Religious bodies and religious affairs are not subject to any foreign control." These stipulations serve as the constitutional basis for the State in protecting citizens' freedom of religious belief, administering religious affairs in accordance with the law, and building positive relations with and among religions.

      宗教信仰自由權利保障體現于基本法律之中?!吨腥A人民共和國刑法》《中華人民共和國國家安全法》《中華人民共和國反恐怖主義法》等法律均有保護公民宗教信仰自由的相關(guān)規定?!吨腥A人民共和國全國人民代表大會(huì )和地方各級人民代表大會(huì )選舉法》《中華人民共和國人民法院組織法》《中華人民共和國人民檢察院組織法》《中華人民共和國城市居民委員會(huì )組織法》《中華人民共和國村民委員會(huì )組織法》《中華人民共和國刑事訴訟法》《中華人民共和國教育法》《中華人民共和國勞動(dòng)法》《中華人民共和國就業(yè)促進(jìn)法》《中華人民共和國工會(huì )法》等法律貫徹平等保護原則,規定公民在各級人民代表大會(huì )和基層群眾性自治組織中的選舉權和被選舉權、法律適用上的平等權、受教育權、平等就業(yè)權和自主擇業(yè)權、依法參加和組織工會(huì )的權利等不因宗教信仰而有區別,不因宗教信仰而受歧視?!吨腥A人民共和國民族區域自治法》規定,民族自治地方的自治機關(guān)保障各民族公民有宗教信仰自由?!吨腥A人民共和國未成年人保護法》規定,未成年人不分宗教信仰,依法平等享有生存權、發(fā)展權、受保護權、參與權、受教育權等權利?!吨腥A人民共和國廣告法》規定,廣告不得含有宗教歧視的內容?!吨腥A人民共和國刑法》規定,國家機關(guān)工作人員非法剝奪公民的宗教信仰自由,情節嚴重的,追究刑事責任?!吨腥A人民共和國民法總則》規定,依法設立的宗教活動(dòng)場(chǎng)所,具備法人條件的,可以申請法人登記,取得捐助法人資格。

      Freedom of religious belief is protected by basic laws. China's Criminal Law, National Security Law, and Counter-Terrorism Law provide for the protection of citizens' freedom of religious belief. The principle of equal protection for all Chinese citizens is enshrined in the Election Law of the National People's Congress and Local People's Congresses, Organic Law of the People's Courts, Organic Law of the People's Procuratorates, Organic Law of the Urban Residents Committees, Organic Law of the Villagers Committees, Criminal Procedure Law, Education Law, Labor Law, Employment Promotion Law, and Trade Union Law. These laws stipulate that all citizens enjoy equal rights to vote and stand for election to people's congresses at all levels and to community-level self-government organizations, the right to equality before the law, the right to education, the right to work and to free choice of employment, and the right to join or organize trade unions in accordance with the law, irrespective of religious belief. The Law on Regional Ethnic Autonomy states that organs of self-government in ethnic autonomous areas shall guarantee citizens of all ethnic groups the freedom of religious belief. According to the Law on the Protection of Minors, minors enjoy equal rights to life, development, protection, participation and education in accordance with the law, irrespective of their religious belief. The Advertisement Law prohibits any advertisements that contain any information that discriminates against religions. The Criminal Law stipulates that workers of State organs involved in serious cases, which illegally deprive citizens of their right to freedom of religious belief, shall be investigated for criminal responsibility. The General Provisions of the Civil Law states that a lawfully established place of worship qualifying as a legal person may register for the status of legal person to accept donations.

      宗教事務(wù)行政法規更加完善。2017年修訂公布的《宗教事務(wù)條例》,強化了對公民宗教信仰自由和宗教界合法權益的保障,依法規范政府管理宗教事務(wù)的行為,增加了維護國家安全和社會(huì )和諧的內容。條例規定了宗教團體、宗教活動(dòng)場(chǎng)所和信教公民在設立宗教活動(dòng)場(chǎng)所、舉行宗教活動(dòng)、開(kāi)辦宗教院校、申請法人資格、出版發(fā)行宗教書(shū)刊、接受宗教捐獻、管理宗教財產(chǎn)、開(kāi)展公益慈善和對外交流活動(dòng)等方面的權利和義務(wù)。條例明確了遏制宗教商業(yè)化,增加了關(guān)于互聯(lián)網(wǎng)宗教信息服務(wù)的內容,同時(shí)規定,各級地方人民政府應當為宗教團體、宗教院校和宗教活動(dòng)場(chǎng)所提供公共服務(wù);各級地方人民政府應當將宗教活動(dòng)場(chǎng)所建設納入土地利用總體規劃和城鄉規劃;任何組織或者個(gè)人不得在信教公民與不信教公民之間制造矛盾與沖突;出版物、互聯(lián)網(wǎng)不得發(fā)布歧視信教公民或不信教公民的言論。

      2. Administrative regulations regarding religious affairs are improving.

      The revised Regulations on Religious Affairs released in September 2017 strengthen the protection of Chinese citizens' freedom of religious belief and the lawful rights and interests of religious groups, bring government's management of religious affairs under due procedures in accordance with the law, and add provisions on safeguarding national security and maintaining social harmony. The Regulations prescribe the rights and responsibilities of religious organizations, places of worship, and religious believers when establishing places for and holding religious activities, setting up and running religious institutions, applying for legal person status, publishing and distributing religious books and periodicals, receiving donations, managing religious property, conducting charity activities, and carrying out exchanges with other countries. The Regulations prohibit the commercialization of religions, and include additions concerning religious information services on the internet. In addition, the Regulations also require local governments to provide public services to religious organizations, religious institutions, and places of worship, and incorporate such sites into the overall local plans for land use and urban and rural planning. The Regulations forbid any organization or individual from creating disputes and conflicts between believers and non-believers and prohibit print publications and the internet from disseminating information which discriminates against religious or non-religious citizens.

      外國人在中國境內的宗教活動(dòng)依法受到保護?!吨腥A人民共和國境內外國人宗教活動(dòng)管理規定》強調,中國政府尊重在中國境內外國人的宗教信仰自由,保護外國人在宗教方面同中國宗教界的友好交往和文化學(xué)術(shù)交流活動(dòng)。境內外國人可以在寺廟、宮觀(guān)、清真寺、教堂等宗教活動(dòng)場(chǎng)所參加宗教活動(dòng),經(jīng)省、自治區、直轄市以上的宗教團體邀請可以在宗教活動(dòng)場(chǎng)所講經(jīng)、講道,可以在縣級以上人民政府宗教事務(wù)部門(mén)認可的場(chǎng)所舉行外國人參加的宗教活動(dòng),可以邀請中國宗教教職人員為其舉行洗禮、婚禮、葬禮和道場(chǎng)法會(huì )等宗教儀式,可以攜帶符合規定的宗教印刷品、宗教音像制品和其他宗教用品入境。同時(shí)規定,外國人在中國境內進(jìn)行宗教活動(dòng),應當遵守中國法律、法規。外國人和外國組織不得在中國境內成立宗教組織、設立宗教辦事機構和宗教活動(dòng)場(chǎng)所、開(kāi)辦宗教院校、擅自招收留學(xué)生,不準在中國公民中發(fā)展教徒、委任宗教教職人員或進(jìn)行其他傳教活動(dòng)?!吨腥A人民共和國境外非政府組織境內活動(dòng)管理法》規定,境外非政府組織在中國境內不得非法從事或者資助宗教活動(dòng)。

      3. The religious activities of foreigners in China are protected in accordance with the law.

      The Rules on the Administration of Religious Activities of Foreigners in the People's Republic of China highlights China's respect for the freedom of religious belief of foreigners within the territory of the People's Republic of China, and its commitment to protecting the friendly relations, and cultural and academic exchanges with regards to religion between foreigners and Chinese religious groups. Foreigners may attend religious activities at temples, mosques, churches, and other sites for religious activities. They are also permitted to preach at places of worship when invited to do so by Chinese religious bodies at or above the provincial level. Foreigners may hold religious activities attended by foreigners at sites approved by government religious affairs departments at or above the county level. They may invite Chinese clerical personnel to perform baptisms, weddings, funerals, prayers, or other religious services. They are allowed to carry religious printed text, audio-video products, and other religious articles that conform to relevant regulations when entering Chinese territory. Foreigners who conduct religious activities within China shall abide by Chinese laws and regulations. They shall not establish religious organizations, set up religious offices and sites for religious activities, run religious institutions, or recruit foreign students studying in China without authorization; nor shall they recruit followers, appoint clerical personnel from among Chinese citizens or engage in other missionary activities. The Law of the People's Republic of China on the Administration of Activities of Overseas Non-Governmental Organizations Within China prohibits overseas NGOs from illegally engaging in or sponsoring religious activities.


      4. Religious extremism and violent terrorist activities are dealt with in accordance with the law.

      The Counter-Terrorism Law of the People's Republic of China states that China opposes all extremism that seeks to instigate hatred, incite discrimination and advocate violence by distorting religious doctrines or through other means, and forbids any discriminatory behavior on the grounds of region, ethnicity and religion. The Regulations on Religious Affairs prohibit any organization or individual from advocating, supporting or sponsoring religious extremism, or using religion to undermine ethnic unity, divide the country, or engage in terrorist activities. China takes measures against the propagation and spread of religious extremism, and at the same time, carefully avoids linking violent terrorism and religious extremism with any particular ethnic group or religion.


      III. Conducting Religious Activities in an Orderly Manner

      中國主要有佛教、道教、伊斯蘭教、天主教和基督教等宗教,信教公民近2億,宗教教職人員38萬(wàn)余人。佛教和道教信徒眾多,但普通信徒?jīng)]有嚴格的入教程序,人數難以精確統計。佛教教職人員約22.2萬(wàn)人。道教教職人員4萬(wàn)余人。10個(gè)多數人信仰伊斯蘭教的少數民族總人口2000多萬(wàn)人,伊斯蘭教教職人員5.7萬(wàn)余人。天主教信徒約600萬(wàn)人,宗教教職人員約0.8萬(wàn)人?;浇绦磐?800多萬(wàn)人,宗教教職人員約5.7萬(wàn)人。中國還存在多種民間信仰,與當地傳統文化和風(fēng)俗習慣結合在一起,參與民間信仰活動(dòng)的群眾較多。中國的宗教團體約5500個(gè),其中全國性宗教團體7個(gè),分別為中國佛教協(xié)會(huì )、中國道教協(xié)會(huì )、中國伊斯蘭教協(xié)會(huì )、中國天主教愛(ài)國會(huì )、中國天主教主教團、中國基督教三自愛(ài)國運動(dòng)委員會(huì )、中國基督教協(xié)會(huì )。

      The major religions practiced in China are Buddhism, Taoism, Islam, Catholicism, and Protestantism; with a total of nearly 200 million believers and more than 380,000 clerical personnel. China has numerous Buddhist and Taoist believers, but it is difficult to accurately estimate their numbers as there are no set registration procedures which ordinary believers must follow as part of their religion. There are around 222,000 Buddhist clerical personnel and over 40,000 Taoist clerical personnel. The 10 minority ethnic groups, the majority of whose population believe in Islam, total more than 20 million, with about 57,000 clerical personnel. Catholicism and Protestantism have 6 million and 38 million followers in China respectively, with 8,000 and 57,000 clerical personnel. China also has many folk beliefs which are closely linked to local cultures, traditions and customs, in which a large number of people participate. There are approximately 5,500 religious groups in China, including seven national organizations which are Buddhist Association of China, Chinese Taoist Association, China Islamic Association, Chinese Catholic Patriotic Association, Bishops' Conference of Catholic Church in China, National Committee of the Three-Self Patriotic Movement of the Protestant Churches in China, and China Christian Council.

      宗教活動(dòng)場(chǎng)所條件明顯改善。國家依法對信教公民開(kāi)展集體宗教活動(dòng)的場(chǎng)所進(jìn)行登記,將其納入法律保護范圍,確保宗教活動(dòng)規范有序進(jìn)行。目前依法登記的宗教活動(dòng)場(chǎng)所14.4萬(wàn)處。佛教寺院約3.35萬(wàn)座,其中漢傳佛教2.8萬(wàn)余座,藏傳佛教3800余座,南傳佛教1700余座。道教宮觀(guān)9000余座。伊斯蘭教清真寺3.5萬(wàn)余處。天主教教區98個(gè),教堂和活動(dòng)堂點(diǎn)6000余處?;浇探烫煤途蹠?huì )點(diǎn)約6萬(wàn)處。宗教團體、宗教活動(dòng)場(chǎng)所執行國家統一的稅收制度,按照國家有關(guān)規定繳納稅收和享受稅收優(yōu)惠;水、電、氣、暖、道路、通訊,以及廣播電視、醫療衛生等公共服務(wù)延伸和覆蓋到宗教活動(dòng)場(chǎng)所。

      1. Conditions of places of worship have been notably improved.

      The State requires the registration of places of worship for group religious activities in accordance with the law, so as to provide legal protection and ensure that all activities are carried out in an orderly manner. At present, there are about 144,000 places of worship registered for religious activities in China, among which are 33,500 Buddhist temples (including 28,000 Han Buddhist temples, 3,800 Tibetan Buddhist lamaseries, and 1,700 Theravada Buddhist temples), 9,000 Taoist temples, 35,000 Islamic mosques, 6,000 Catholic churches and places of assembly spread across 98 dioceses, and 60,000 Protestant churches and places of assembly. Religious groups and places of worship follow the unified tax regulations of the State, pay taxes and enjoy tax breaks accordingly. The government ensures that places of worship have access to public services such as running water, electricity, gas, heating, roads, communications, broadcast facilities, televisions, and medical services.

      宗教典籍文獻依法出版。多語(yǔ)種、多版本的宗教經(jīng)典以及記載、闡釋、注解宗教教義、教規的印刷品、音像制品和電子讀物的印制出版流通,滿(mǎn)足了各族信教公民的多樣化需求。整理出版《大藏經(jīng)》《中華道藏》《老子集成》等大型宗教古籍文獻。西藏寺廟的傳統印經(jīng)院得到保留和發(fā)展,現有布達拉宮印經(jīng)院等傳統印經(jīng)院60家,年印經(jīng)卷6.3萬(wàn)種。已翻譯出版發(fā)行漢、維吾爾、哈薩克、柯?tīng)柨俗蔚榷喾N文字版的《古蘭經(jīng)》等伊斯蘭教經(jīng)典,編輯發(fā)行《新編臥爾茲演講集》系列等讀物和雜志,總量達176萬(wàn)余冊。中國已為100多個(gè)國家和地區累計印刷超過(guò)100個(gè)語(yǔ)種、1.6億多冊《圣經(jīng)》,其中為中國教會(huì )印刷約8000萬(wàn)冊,包括漢語(yǔ)和11種少數民族文字以及盲文版。許多宗教團體和活動(dòng)場(chǎng)所開(kāi)設了網(wǎng)站,中國伊斯蘭教協(xié)會(huì )開(kāi)通中文版和維吾爾文版網(wǎng)站。

      2. Religious texts and literature are published as prescribed by the law.

      The printing, publication and circulation of religious text, in different languages and editions, and printed works, audio-visual products and e-books that record, explain and/or annotate religious doctrines and canons, have met the diverse demands of citizens with religious beliefs from the various ethnic groups. Several large collections of religious classics, including the Chinese Buddhist Canon, the Chinese Taoist Canon and A Collection of Editions and Commentaries for Laozi, have been compiled and published. Traditional sutra printing houses in Tibetan Buddhist temples have been well preserved and developed. There are now 60 such sutra printing houses, including the one in the Potala Palace, that can print 63,000 different sutras every year. Islamic classics, such as the Koran, have been translated and published in Chinese, Uygur, Kazakh, and Kyrgyz languages. The publication and circulation of the New Collection of Al-Wa'z Speeches series and other reading materials and magazines have exceeded 1.76 million copies. China has printed over 160 million copies of the Bible in more than 100 different languages for over 100 countries and regions, including 80 million copies printed in the Chinese language, 11 ethnic minority languages and braille for churches in China. A great many religious groups and places of worship have launched websites; and the Islamic Association of China has a website in both Chinese and Uygur languages.


      3. The religious education system has been further improved.

      By September 2017, there are 91 religious schools in China whose establishment was approved by the State Administration of Religious Affairs (SARA), including 41 Buddhist, 10 Taoist, 10 Islamic, 9 Catholic and 21 Protestant schools. There are six national level religious colleges, namely, the Buddhist Academy of China, High-level Tibetan Buddhism College of China, Chinese Taoist College, China Islamic Institute, National Seminary of the Catholic Church in China, and Nanjing Union Theological Seminary. At present, more than 10,000 students study in these religious schools whose graduates total more than 47,000.

      宗教教職人員社會(huì )保障更加有力。2010年有關(guān)部門(mén)聯(lián)合發(fā)布《關(guān)于妥善解決宗教教職人員社會(huì )保障問(wèn)題的意見(jiàn)》,2011年又聯(lián)合發(fā)布《關(guān)于進(jìn)一步解決宗教教職人員社會(huì )保障問(wèn)題的通知》,將宗教教職人員納入社會(huì )保障體系。截至2013年年底,宗教教職人員醫療保險參保率達到96.5%,養老保險參保率達到89.6%,符合條件的全部納入低保,基本實(shí)現了社保體系全覆蓋。

      4. Social security for religious clerical personnel has been enhanced.

      The SARA and other relevant departments jointly issued the "Directives on Solving the Social Security Problem for Religious Clerical Personnel" in 2010, and again the "Notice of Further Solving the Social Security Problem for Religious Clerical Personnel" in 2011, which brought clerical personnel into the social security system. At the end of 2013, 96.5 percent of clerical personnel were covered by medical insurance, 89.6 percent by the old-age insurance, and all qualified personnel by subsistence allowance welfare. Almost all clerical personnel were covered by the social security system in China.

      信教公民的宗教活動(dòng)有序進(jìn)行。公民在宗教活動(dòng)場(chǎng)所內以及按照宗教習慣在自己家里進(jìn)行的一切正常的宗教活動(dòng),如禮拜、封齋、拜佛、祈禱、講經(jīng)、講道、誦經(jīng)、燒香、彌撒、受洗、受戒、終傅、追思、過(guò)宗教節日等,受法律保護,任何組織和個(gè)人不得加以干涉。藏傳佛教寺廟學(xué)經(jīng)、辯經(jīng)、受戒、灌頂、修行等傳統宗教活動(dòng)和寺廟學(xué)經(jīng)考核晉升學(xué)位活動(dòng)正常進(jìn)行,每逢重大宗教節日都循例舉行各種宗教活動(dòng)。穆斯林在飲食、衣飾、年節、婚姻、喪葬等方面的風(fēng)俗習慣得到充分尊重。中國伊斯蘭教協(xié)會(huì )每年組織穆斯林赴沙特參加朝覲活動(dòng),從2007年起,每年人數均在1萬(wàn)人以上。

      5. The religious activities of believers are being conducted in an orderly manner.

      All normal religious activities, including attending religious services, fasting, worshipping Buddha, praying, preaching, reciting scriptures, burning incense, attending Mass, being baptized or ordained, observing extreme unction, holding memorial ceremonies, and celebrating religious festivals, which believers conduct at places of worship or in their own homes in accordance with customary religious practices, are protected by law, and no organization or individual may infringe on these rights. Traditional Tibetan Buddhist activities such as scripture study and debate, initiation into monkhood or nunhood, abhisheka (empowerment ceremony) and self-cultivation, and tests and degree promotions in lamaseries are held on a regular basis, while ceremonial activities are also held during important religious festivals. Muslim customs regarding food and drink, clothing, festivals, marriages and funerals are fully respected. The Islamic Association of China organizes for Muslims to go on pilgrimage to Saudi Arabia every year, with the number of participants exceeding 10,000 a year since 2007.


      6. Activities that disturb the normal order in places of worship have been rectified.

      In accordance with the "Directives on Some Issues Relating to the Management of Buddhist and Taoist Temples", the SARA and other relevant departments have been conducting joint investigations since 2012 into the problem of religious revenue being used by businesspeople or "go public". In 2017, the SARA and 11 related departments issued "Guidelines on Further Controlling the Commercialization of Buddhism and Taoism", which prohibits commercial capital from being invested in religious revenues, to prevent normal religious activities from being affected by money-grabbing behavior. Relevant departments have intensified the management of the internet regarding religious affairs, and swiftly dealt with the spread of illegal information concerning religions, effectively protecting the legal rights and interests of religious groups.


      IV. The Role of Religious Groups Has Been Fully Developed

      中國鼓勵各宗教與時(shí)俱進(jìn),與社會(huì )主義社會(huì )相適應,為促進(jìn)經(jīng)濟發(fā)展、社會(huì )和諧、文化繁榮、民族團結、祖國統一貢獻力量。

      China encourages all religions to keep pace with the times and adapt to the socialist society, and contribute to economic growth, social harmony, cultural prosperity, ethnic solidarity and national unification.

      努力對教義教規作出契合國情和時(shí)代要求的闡釋。中國各宗教在發(fā)展過(guò)程中歷來(lái)有與中國優(yōu)秀傳統文化相融合、與社會(huì )發(fā)展現實(shí)需求相適應的特點(diǎn)。中國宗教界堅持宗教中國化方向,踐行社會(huì )主義核心價(jià)值觀(guān),弘揚中華民族優(yōu)良傳統,積極探索符合中國國情的宗教思想。在保持基本信仰、核心教義、禮儀制度的同時(shí),佛教界和道教界開(kāi)展講經(jīng)交流活動(dòng),伊斯蘭教界開(kāi)展“解經(jīng)”工作,天主教界推進(jìn)民主辦教,基督教界開(kāi)展神學(xué)思想建設,努力對宗教教義教規作出契合國情和時(shí)代要求的闡釋。佛教界將愛(ài)國與愛(ài)教結合起來(lái),更多關(guān)注現世問(wèn)題,更加注重弘法利生、公益慈善、文化交流。道教界致力于尊道貴德、道法自然、清靜恬淡、抱樸守真等教理教義的轉化和發(fā)展,助力中華優(yōu)秀傳統文化的繼承與弘揚。伊斯蘭教界注重闡釋教義中愛(ài)國、和平、團結、寬容、中道等思想,起到了立正信、明是非、反分裂、抵制宗教極端主義的積極作用。天主教界積極推動(dòng)教會(huì )的本地化,在教會(huì )事務(wù)的管理及重大問(wèn)題的決策上實(shí)行“民主辦教”?;浇探缥≈袊鴥?yōu)秀文化的養分,促進(jìn)基督徒與不同信仰者之間的互相尊重、和睦相處,推動(dòng)基督教更好地融入當代中國社會(huì )。

      1. Making efforts to interpret religious teachings and rules which conform to the national conditions and demands of the times.

      In the course of their development, religions in China have blended with traditional Chinese culture and adapted to the actual needs of social development. Chinese religious groups must conduct religious activities in the Chinese context, practice core socialist values, carry forward the fine traditions of the Chinese nation, and actively explore religious thought which conforms to the reality in China. While maintaining their basic beliefs, core religious teachings and etiquette system, the Buddhist and Taoist communities hold sermons, the Islamic community carries out work interpreting the classics, the Catholic community encourages the running of its religious work in a democratic manner, and the Protestant community conducts theological construction, all in an attempt to interpret religious teachings and rules to conform to the national conditions and demands of the times. The Buddhist community integrates patriotism with love of religion, focusing more on worldly concerns, promoting Buddhism to benefit all living creatures, public charity, and cultural exchange. The Taoist community is committed to promoting its religious principles such as "respecting the Tao and valuing morality", "Tao follows nature", "being quiet and serene" and "embracing simplicity and wisdom", to help carry forward and promote traditional Chinese culture. The Islamic community focuses on interpreting the thoughts in its religious doctrine of patriotism, peace, unity, tolerance and the Middle Path, serving to form correct belief, discerning right from wrong, opposing secession, and resisting religious extremism. The Catholic community actively promotes the localization of churches, managing church activities and making decisions in a democratic manner. The Protestant community draws nourishment from traditional Chinese culture, helping to foster mutual respect and harmony between Protestants and believers of all faiths so as to allow Protestantism to better integrate into modern Chinese society.

      積極從事公益慈善活動(dòng)。從2012年起,宗教界依據《關(guān)于鼓勵和規范宗教界從事公益慈善活動(dòng)的意見(jiàn)》,每年開(kāi)展“宗教慈善周”活動(dòng),捐款數額累計超過(guò)10億元。為汶川地震等重大災難事故舉行各種賑災祈福祈禱活動(dòng);集中力量幫助貴州省三都水族自治縣脫貧;開(kāi)展多種形式的捐資助學(xué);資助專(zhuān)業(yè)醫療機構開(kāi)展便民義診,捐助困難群體的醫療救治;開(kāi)展多種形式的敬老助殘活動(dòng),創(chuàng )建養老機構,建立殘疾人康復站,初步統計,宗教界共開(kāi)辦了養老機構400多家,床位數總計約2.9萬(wàn)張;倡導綠色環(huán)保理念,佛教界和道教界開(kāi)展了“文明敬香”和“合理放生”活動(dòng),建設生態(tài)寺廟、生態(tài)宮觀(guān)。

      2. Actively engaging in public charity activities.

      Since 2012, based on "Opinions on Encouraging and Regulating Religious Circles' Participation in Public Welfare Charitable Activities", religious groups have carried out an annual "Religious Charity Week"; with total donations exceeding one billion yuan. They have also held prayer services following the Wenchuan earthquake and other major disasters and incidents, utilized available resources to help the Sandu Shui autonomous county, Guizhou province to eliminate poverty, made donations to education in various forms, funded professional medical institutions to provide free services, subsidized medical treatment for disadvantaged groups, and carried out a range of activities to help the elderly and disabled by establishing nursing homes for the elderly and rehabilitation centers for the disabled. According to preliminary statistics, religious groups have established more than 400 nursing homes offering approximately 29,000 beds. They also advocate a "green environment" philosophy. Buddhist and Taoist communities have called for environmentally friendly forms of burning incense and freeing captive animals, and have constructed eco-friendly temples.

      自覺(jué)抵制極端主義。面對宗教極端思想對人類(lèi)文明共同底線(xiàn)的挑戰,宗教界旗幟鮮明地同極端主義劃清界限,堅決反對冒用宗教名義從事暴力恐怖和民族分裂活動(dòng),大力倡導正信正行。2013年1月,漢傳、藏傳與南傳三大語(yǔ)系佛教的高僧大德和專(zhuān)家學(xué)者召開(kāi)會(huì )議,呼吁所有佛教界人士積極行動(dòng)起來(lái),向廣大信眾宣講正確的佛教生命觀(guān),反對違背佛教教義和戒律實(shí)施或煽動(dòng)他人實(shí)施自焚的極端行為。2014年5月,中國伊斯蘭教協(xié)會(huì )發(fā)出《堅守中道,遠離極端》倡議書(shū),全國伊斯蘭教界知名人士共同發(fā)聲,嚴厲譴責暴力恐怖活動(dòng)。2016年7月,中華宗教文化交流協(xié)會(huì )會(huì )同中國伊斯蘭教協(xié)會(huì )在烏魯木齊舉辦了伊斯蘭教中道思想國際研討會(huì ),倡導中道思想,共同反對極端主義。2017年12月,中國全國性宗教團體聯(lián)合發(fā)出倡議,號召宗教界增強鑒別能力,防范和抵制邪教侵害,維護社會(huì )和諧穩定。

      3. Conscientiously resisting extremism.

      Faced by the challenge of religious extremism to the bottom line of human civilization, religious groups have taken a clear stand and drawn a line against extremists, fully advocating correct belief and behavior, and fighting resolutely against the use of terrorist violence and instigation of separatism in the name of religion. In January 2013, eminent monks, experts and scholars of Buddhism of Chinese tradition, Tibetan tradition and Theravada tradition convened a meeting to call on all Buddhists to become more active in preaching to their believers about the correct outlook on life and opposing extremist behaviors such as self-immolation or the incitement of others to do so, which violate Buddhist teachings and discipline. In May 2014, the China Islamic Association released a proposal entitled "Keep to the Middle Path and Steer Clear of Extremism", whereby well-known Islamic figures across the country condemned violent terrorist activities. In July 2016, the China Religious Culture Communication Association and the China Islamic Association held the International Seminar on the Islamic Middle Path in Urumqi, advocating the role of the Middle Path in opposing extremism. In December 2017, national religious groups jointly issued a proposal calling for religious communities to enhance their abilities to distinguish, guard against and resist the encroachment of cults, and maintain social harmony and stability.


      V. Active and Healthy Religious Relations

      中國妥善處理黨和政府與宗教、社會(huì )與宗教、國內不同宗教、中國宗教與外國宗教、信教公民與不信教公民等多種關(guān)系,形成了積極健康的宗教關(guān)系。

      Relations between the Party/government and religious groups, society and religion, different religions within the country, religions of China and foreign countries, and religious believers and nonbelievers are properly handled in China. This has enabled active and healthy religious relations to take shape.

      黨和政府與宗教界的關(guān)系和諧融洽。中國共產(chǎn)黨堅持以“政治上團結合作、信仰上互相尊重”的原則處理同宗教界的關(guān)系,同宗教界的愛(ài)國統一戰線(xiàn)不斷鞏固。目前,中國約有2萬(wàn)名宗教界人士擔任了各級人民代表大會(huì )和政治協(xié)商會(huì )議的代表、委員,積極參政議政,實(shí)施民主監督。從1991年開(kāi)始,黨和國家領(lǐng)導人每年與全國性宗教團體負責人迎春座談,聽(tīng)取他們的意見(jiàn)建議。全國各地普遍建立了黨政領(lǐng)導干部與宗教界人士聯(lián)誼交友機制,加深了解,增進(jìn)友誼。

      1. Harmony between the Party/government and religious groups.

      The CPC adheres to the principle of "uniting and cooperating politically, and respecting each other's beliefs" in the handling of relations with religious groups, and maintains good relations with religious circles. They have formed a consolidated patriotic united front. At present, approximately 20,000 prominent figures from the religious circles serve as deputies and members at all levels of people's congresses and committees of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, and participate in the deliberation and administration of State affairs and exercising democratic oversight. Since 1991, Party and State leaders have held annual seminars before the Spring Festival with heads of national religious groups to listen to their opinions and suggestions. Mechanisms have been established between Party and government leaders and religious personages across the country to help enhance mutual understanding and friendship.

      社會(huì )對宗教持包容態(tài)度。兩千多年來(lái),佛教、伊斯蘭教、天主教、基督教等先后傳入中國,很少出現以宗教為背景的沖突和對抗,國家與社會(huì )對各種宗教和多樣的民間信仰持開(kāi)放態(tài)度,宗教信仰自由和民間信仰多樣性獲得尊重。各宗教繼承和發(fā)揚長(cháng)期以來(lái)中國化、本土化的傳統,主動(dòng)適應社會(huì ),發(fā)揚愛(ài)國愛(ài)教、團結進(jìn)步、服務(wù)社會(huì )、和諧包容的優(yōu)良傳統,自覺(jué)維護國家利益、社會(huì )公共利益和公序良俗,履行社會(huì )責任。2016年,全國宗教界在各地開(kāi)展了紀念抗日戰爭暨世界反法西斯戰爭勝利71周年和平祈禱活動(dòng),呼吁維護民族團結、國家穩定和世界和平。

      2. Social tolerance toward religions.

      Religious conflict and confrontation have rarely been seen in China since the introduction of Buddhism, Islam, Catholicism and Protestantism over the past 2,000 years. The State and the society have maintained an open mind toward diverse religions and folk beliefs, and respect both freedom of religious belief and diversity of folk beliefs. Religious groups carry on the long-standing tradition whereby religions in China must be Chinese in orientation, and actively adapt to society. They also carry on the fine traditions of patriotism, unity, progress, service to society, harmony, and inclusiveness. Religious groups conscientiously safeguard national and social public interests, public order and good customs, and fulfill social responsibility. In 2016, Chinese religious groups organized peaceful prayer services across the country to commemorate the 71st anniversary of victory in the Chinese People's War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression and the World War II, and call for the maintenance of ethnic solidarity, national stability and world peace.

      各宗教積極開(kāi)展交流對話(huà)。歷史上,各種宗教在中國交融共生、彼此借鑒,成為中國優(yōu)秀傳統文化的有機組成部分。在當代,不同宗教相互尊重、相互學(xué)習,開(kāi)展對話(huà)交流,開(kāi)創(chuàng )了“五教同光,共致和諧”的新境界。全國性和一些地方性宗教團體建立了聯(lián)席會(huì )議機制,對涉及宗教關(guān)系的問(wèn)題進(jìn)行協(xié)商溝通,創(chuàng )造了具有中國特色的宗教對話(huà)模式,增進(jìn)了相互之間的理解和友誼。

      3. Active exchanges and dialogues between different religions.

      Throughout history, different religions in China have blended together and drawn lessons from one another to become an integral part of traditional Chinese culture. In modern times, different religions respect and learn from each other, and take part in exchanges and dialogues, and a new realm of "five religions (Buddhism, Taoism, Islam, Catholicism and Protestantism) working together to achieve harmony" has taken shape. National and local religious groups have established a mechanism of joint conferences to discuss issues concerning religious relations, creating modes of religious dialogue with Chinese characteristics and enhancing mutual understanding and friendship.

      宗教領(lǐng)域國際交流廣泛開(kāi)展。在獨立自主、平等友好、相互尊重的基礎上,中國宗教界已經(jīng)與超過(guò)80個(gè)國家的宗教組織建立了友好關(guān)系,積極參加涉及不同文明、信仰與宗教的國際性會(huì )議,廣泛參與世界基督教教會(huì )聯(lián)合會(huì )、世界佛教徒聯(lián)誼會(huì )、伊斯蘭世界聯(lián)盟、世界宗教者和平會(huì )議等國際性組織的活動(dòng),參加聯(lián)合國人權理事會(huì )會(huì )議,參與多個(gè)雙邊和多邊人權對話(huà)。積極響應“一帶一路”倡議,促進(jìn)民心相通,文化交融。佛教界舉辦了4屆世界佛教論壇,道教界舉辦了4屆國際道教論壇,這兩個(gè)論壇已成為海內外佛教、道教重要的國際交流平臺。中國伊斯蘭教協(xié)會(huì )分別于2012年、2014年赴土耳其、馬來(lái)西亞舉辦伊斯蘭文化展演活動(dòng)。中美基督教會(huì )2013年在上海舉辦“第二屆中美基督教領(lǐng)袖論壇”,2017年在美國舉辦“中國教會(huì )事工”交流會(huì )。2016年,中國伊斯蘭教協(xié)會(huì )、中國基督教協(xié)會(huì )和中國天主教一會(huì )一團共同與德國新教聯(lián)盟在德國聯(lián)合舉辦“中德宗教對話(huà)——和平與共享”跨宗教對話(huà)。改革開(kāi)放以來(lái),各宗教團體選派出國留學(xué)人員超過(guò)千人。

      4. Extensive international religious exchanges.

      Chinese religious groups have established friendly relations with religious organizations in more than 80 countries based on the principles of independence, equality, friendship, and mutual respect, and played an active part in international conferences involving diverse cultures, beliefs and religions. Chinese religious groups participate extensively in activities run by international organizations including the World Council of Churches, World Fellowship of Buddhists, Muslim World League, and World Conference on Religion and Peace, as well as conferences set up by the United Nations Human Rights Council, and bilateral and multilateral dialogues on human rights. Chinese religious groups have responded actively to the Belt and Road Initiative, working to promote closer ties between people and the linking up of cultures. Chinese Buddhist and Taoist communities have held four World Buddhist Forums and four International Taoism Forums respectively, which have become important international platforms for the communication of Buddhism and Taoism both at home and abroad. The China Islamic Association organized the China Islamic Culture Expo & Art Show in Turkey and Malaysia in 2012 and 2014 respectively. Chinese and American Protestant organizations held the Second China-USA Protestant Church Leaders Forum in Shanghai in 2013, and the China-US Church Symposium in the US in 2017. In 2016, the China Islamic Association, China Christian Council, Chinese Catholic Patriotic Association, Bishops Conference of Catholic Church in China and Union Evangelical Churches in Germany jointly hosted the China-Germany Inter-religious Dialogue-Peace & Sharing in Germany. Since China's adoption of reform and opening up in 1978, Chinese religious groups have sent more than 1,000 people abroad to study.


      5. Harmony between religious believers and nonbelievers.

      Citizens who do not hold any religious belief respect the freedom of others to practice religion, and do not discriminate against them; religious believers respect those who do not believe in any religion. In regions where the majority of citizens are nonbelievers, the legitimate rights of minority religious believers are respected and protected; in regions where the majority of citizens are religious believers, the legitimate rights of the minority who are nonbelievers are equally respected and protected.



      宗教是人類(lèi)文明的有機組成部分。保障宗教信仰自由,妥善處理宗教關(guān)系,使之與時(shí)代相適應,遏制宗教極端主義,是世界各國面臨的共同課題。中國結合宗教發(fā)展變化和宗教工作實(shí)際,汲取國內外正反兩方面的經(jīng)驗,走出了一條依法保障宗教信仰自由、促進(jìn)宗教關(guān)系和諧、發(fā)揮宗教界積極作用的成功道路。中國共產(chǎn)黨第十九次全國代表大會(huì )報告明確指出,全面貫徹黨的宗教工作基本方針,堅持宗教的中國化方向,積極引導宗教與社會(huì )主義社會(huì )相適應。中國將一如既往地尊重和保障公民的宗教信仰自由,努力建設富強民主文明和諧美麗的社會(huì )主義現代化強國。

      Religion is an integral part of human civilization. Protecting freedom of religious belief, properly handling religious relations and adapting them to the times, and curbing religious extremism are common tasks facing all countries around the world. Considering the development of religions and changes in religious work, and learning from both positive and negative experiences at home and abroad, China has embarked on a road to success which enshrines freedom of religious belief in law, promotes harmonious religious relations, and encourages religious groups to play a positive role. According to General Secretary Xi Jinping's report at the 19th CPC National Congress held in 2017, China will fully implement the Party's basic policy on religious affairs, uphold the principle that religions in China must be Chinese in orientation and provide active guidance to religions so that they can adapt themselves to the socialist society. China will continue to respect and protect its citizens' freedom to religious beliefs, and strive to build the country into a modern socialist country that is prosperous, strong, democratic, culturally advanced, harmonious, and with a sound environment.


      (Source: China Daily)