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      發(fā)布時(shí)間:2023-10-19 14:03:36  | 來(lái)源:中國網(wǎng)  | 作者:  | 責任編輯:李瀟

      10月18日,國家主席習近平在北京人民大會(huì )堂出席第三屆“一帶一路”國際合作高峰論壇開(kāi)幕式并發(fā)表主旨演講。[新華社記者 王曄 攝]

      Chinese President Xi Jinping attends the opening ceremony of the third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation and delivers a keynote speech at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, capital of China, Oct. 18, 2023. (Xinhua/Wang Ye)




      中華人民共和國主席 習近平

      Building an Open, Inclusive and Interconnected World For Common Development 

      Keynote Speech by H.E. Xi Jinping 

      President of the People's Republic of China 

      At the Opening Ceremony of the Third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation 

      October 18, 2023






      Your Excellencies Heads of State and Government,

      Heads of International Organizations,

      Representatives of Various Countries,

      Distinguished Guests,

      Ladies and Gentlemen,



      Today, we are meeting here for the opening ceremony of the Third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation (BRF). On behalf of the Chinese government and Chinese people and in my own name, I wish to extend a very warm welcome to you all!


      This year marks the 10th anniversary of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) I proposed. The BRI, drawing inspiration from the ancient Silk Road and focusing on enhancing connectivity, aims to enhance policy, infrastructure, trade, financial and people-to-people connectivity, inject new impetus into the global economy, create new opportunities for global development, and build a new platform for international economic cooperation.


      Over these 10 years, we have stayed committed to this founding mission. Thanks to our joint efforts, Belt and Road international cooperation has gotten off the ground, grown rapidly and produced fruitful outcomes.


      Belt and Road cooperation has extended from the Eurasian continent to Africa and Latin America. More than 150 countries and over 30 international organizations have signed Belt and Road cooperation documents. We have held two sessions of the BRF before, and have established over 20 specialized multilateral cooperation platforms under the BRI.


      Belt and Road cooperation has progressed from "sketching the outline" to "filling in the details," and blueprints have been turned into real projects. A large number of signature projects and "small yet smart" people-centered programs have been launched.


      Belt and Road cooperation has expanded from physical connectivity to institutional connectivity. Important guiding principles for high-quality Belt and Road cooperation have been laid down, which include the principle of "planning together, building together, and benefiting together," the philosophy of open, green and clean cooperation, and the goal of pursuing high-standard, people-centered and sustainable cooperation.

      10年來(lái),我們致力于構建以經(jīng)濟走廊為引領(lǐng),以大通道和信息高速公路為骨架,以鐵路、公路、機場(chǎng)、港口、管網(wǎng)為依托,涵蓋陸、海、天、網(wǎng)的全球互聯(lián)互通網(wǎng)絡(luò ),有效促進(jìn)了各國商品、資金、技術(shù)、人員的大流通,推動(dòng)綿亙千年的古絲綢之路在新時(shí)代煥發(fā)新活力。

      Over these 10 years, we have endeavored to build a global network of connectivity consisting of economic corridors, international transportation routes and information highway as well as railways, roads, airports, ports, pipelines and power grids. Covering the land, the ocean, the sky and the Internet, this network has boosted the flow of goods, capital, technologies and human resources among countries involved and injected fresh vitality into the millennia-old Silk Road in the new era.


      Trains speeding along rail tracks, automobiles running on roads, flights connecting different countries, cargo ships breaking waves, and e-commerce bringing so much convenience to people -- they have all become symbols of international trade in the new era, just like camel caravans and the sailing ships were for the past age.

      一座座水電站、風(fēng)電站、光伏電站,一條條輸油、輸氣管道,越來(lái)越智能通達的輸電網(wǎng)絡(luò ),讓能源短缺不再是發(fā)展的瓶頸,讓發(fā)展中國家綠色低碳發(fā)展的夢(mèng)想得以點(diǎn)亮,成為新時(shí)代可持續發(fā)展的綠洲、燈塔。

      Hydro, wind and solar energy based power plants, oil and gas pipelines, and the increasingly smart and interconnected power transmission networks are removing the development bottleneck caused by energy shortage and fulfilling the dream of developing countries to achieve green and low-carbon development. These energy projects have become the oasis and lighthouse for sustainable development in the new era.


      Brand new airports and harbors, smooth roads, and newly built industrial parks for business cooperation have created new economic corridors and new growth drivers, and have become the trading routes and staging posts of the new era.

      精彩紛呈的文化年、藝術(shù)節、博覽會(huì )、展覽會(huì ),獨具特色的魯班工坊、“絲路一家親”、“光明行”等人文交流項目,不斷深化的民間組織、智庫、媒體、青年交流,奏響新時(shí)代的絲路樂(lè )章。

      Rich and colorful cultural years, art festivals, expos and exhibitions, Luban Workshops, people-to-people exchange programs like the Silk Road Community Building Initiative and the Brightness Action program, and deepening exchanges between non-governmental organizations, think tanks, media organizations, and the youth -- all these flourishing activities have composed a symphony of friendship in the new era.


      When COVID-19 struck, the Belt and Road became a life-saving road. China provided more than 10 billion masks and 2.3 billion doses of vaccines to other countries and jointly produced vaccines with over 20 countries, making a special contribution to BRI partners' efforts in fighting COVID-19. And China also received valuable support from more than 70 countries when it was hit hard by the pandemic.

      共建“一帶一路”堅持共商共建共享,跨越不同文明、文化、社會(huì )制度、發(fā)展階段差異,開(kāi)辟了各國交往的新路徑,搭建起國際合作的新框架,匯集著(zhù)人類(lèi)共同發(fā)展的最大公約數。

      Belt and Road cooperation is based on the principle of "planning together, building together, and benefiting together." It transcends differences between civilizations, cultures, social systems, and stages of development. It has opened up a new path for exchanges among countries, and established a new framework for international cooperation. Indeed, the BRI represents humanity's joint pursuit of development for all.


      Ladies and Gentlemen,



      Our achievements in the past decade are truly remarkable, and there is so much we can draw from them.

      我們深刻認識到,人類(lèi)是相互依存的命運共同體。世界好,中國才會(huì )好;中國好,世界會(huì )更好。通過(guò)共建“一帶一路”,中國對外開(kāi)放的大門(mén)越開(kāi)越大,內陸地區從“后衛”變成“前鋒”,沿海地區開(kāi)放發(fā)展更上一層樓,中國市場(chǎng)同世界市場(chǎng)的聯(lián)系更加緊密。中國已經(jīng)是140多個(gè)國家和地區的主要貿易伙伴,是越來(lái)越多國家的主要投資來(lái)源國。無(wú)論是中國對外投資,還是外國對華投資,都彰顯了友誼和合作,體現著(zhù)信心和希望。

      We have learned that humankind is a community with a shared future. China can only do well when the world is doing well. When China does well, the world will get even better. Through Belt and Road cooperation, China is opening its door even wider to the world, with its inland regions turning from "fullbacks" into "forwards," and coastal regions scaling new heights in their opening-up. China's market has become even more closely integrated with the global market. China has become a main trading partner of more than 140 countries and territories and a primary source of investment for more countries. Both Chinese investment overseas and foreign investment in China have boosted friendship, cooperation, confidence and hope.

      我們深刻認識到,只有合作共贏(yíng)才能辦成事、辦好事、辦大事。只要各國有合作的愿望、協(xié)調的行動(dòng),天塹可以變通途,“陸鎖國”可以變成“陸聯(lián)國”,發(fā)展的洼地可以變成繁榮的高地。經(jīng)濟發(fā)展快一些的國家,要拉一把暫時(shí)走在后面的伙伴。只要大家把彼此視為朋友和伙伴,相互尊重、相互支持、相互成就,贈人玫瑰則手有余香,成就別人也是幫助自己。把別人的發(fā)展視為威脅,把經(jīng)濟相互依存視為風(fēng)險,不會(huì )讓自己生活得更好、發(fā)展得更快。

      We have learned that win-win cooperation is the sure way to success in launching major initiatives that benefit all. When countries embrace cooperation and act in concert, a deep chasm can be turned into a thoroughfare, land-locked countries can become land-linked, and a place of underdevelopment can be transformed into a land of prosperity. Countries taking the lead in economic development should give a hand to their partners who are yet to catch up. We should all treat each other as friends and partners, respect and support each other, and help each other succeed. As the saying goes, when you give roses to others, their fragrance lingers on your hand. In other words, helping others is also helping oneself. Viewing others' development as a threat or taking economic interdependence as a risk will not make one's own life better or speed up one's development.


      We have learned that the Silk Road spirit of peace and cooperation, openness and inclusiveness, mutual learning and mutual benefit is the most important source of strength for Belt and Road cooperation. I once said that the pioneers of the ancient silk routes won their place in history not as conquerors with warships, guns, horses or swords. Rather, they are remembered as friendly emissaries leading camel caravans and sailing ships loaded with goods. Belt and Road cooperation is based on the belief that flame runs high when everyone adds wood to the fire and that mutual support can get us far. Such cooperation seeks to deliver a good life not only to people of just one country, but to people in other countries as well. It promotes connectivity, mutual benefit, common development, cooperation and win-win outcomes. Ideological confrontation, geopolitical rivalry and bloc politics are not a choice for us. What we stand against are unilateral sanctions, economic coercion and decoupling and supply chain disruption.

      10年的歷程證明,共建“一帶一路”站在了歷史正確一邊,符合時(shí)代進(jìn)步的邏輯,走的是人間正道。我們要有亂云飛渡仍從容的定力,本著(zhù)對歷史、對人民、對世界負責的態(tài)度,攜手應對各種全球性風(fēng)險和挑戰,為子孫后代創(chuàng )造和平、發(fā)展、合作、共贏(yíng)的美好未來(lái)。

      What has been achieved in the past 10 years demonstrates that Belt and Road cooperation is on the right side of history. It represents the advancing of our times, and it is the right path forward. We need to remain clear-eyed and undisturbed in a volatile world, and we need to be keenly aware of our responsibility for history, for the people and for the world. We should jointly address various global risks and challenges, and deliver a bright future of peace, development, cooperation and mutual benefit for future generations.


      Ladies and Gentlemen,


      當前,世界之變、時(shí)代之變、歷史之變正以前所未有的方式展開(kāi)。中國正在以中國式現代化全面推進(jìn)強國建設、民族復興偉業(yè)。我們追求的不是中國獨善其身的現代化,而是期待同廣大發(fā)展中國家在內的各國一道,共同實(shí)現現代化。世界現代化應該是和平發(fā)展的現代化、互利合作的現代化、共同繁榮的現代化。前行道路上,有順境也會(huì )有逆流。我們要堅持目標導向、行動(dòng)導向,咬定青山不放松,一張藍圖繪到底。中方愿同各方深化“一帶一路”合作伙伴關(guān)系,推動(dòng)共建“一帶一路”進(jìn)入高質(zhì)量發(fā)展的新階段,為實(shí)現世界各國的現代化作出不懈努力。

      Changes of the world, of our times, and of historical significance are unfolding like never before. China is endeavoring to build itself into a stronger country and rejuvenate the Chinese nation on all fronts by pursuing Chinese modernization. The modernization we are pursuing is not for China alone, but for all developing countries through our joint efforts. Global modernization should be pursued to enhance peaceful development and mutually beneficial cooperation and bring prosperity to all. On our way forward, we will encounter both headwinds and tailwinds. We need to stay focused on our goal, take results-oriented actions, persevere, and keep moving forward until our goal is met. China will work with all parties involved to deepen Belt and Road partnerships of cooperation, usher this cooperation into a new stage of high-quality development, and make relentless efforts to achieve modernization for all countries.


      Now, I wish to announce eight major steps China will take to support our joint pursuit of high-quality Belt and Road cooperation.

      一、構建“一帶一路”立體互聯(lián)互通網(wǎng)絡(luò )。中方將加快推進(jìn)中歐班列高質(zhì)量發(fā)展,參與跨里海國際運輸走廊建設,辦好中歐班列國際合作論壇,會(huì )同各方搭建以鐵路、公路直達運輸為支撐的亞歐大陸物流新通道。積極推進(jìn)“絲路海運”港航貿一體化發(fā)展,加快陸海新通道、空中絲綢之路建設。

      First, building a multidimensional Belt and Road connectivity network. China will speed up high-quality development of the China-Europe Railway Express, participate in the trans-Caspian international transportation corridor, host the China-Europe Railway Express Cooperation Forum, and make joint efforts to build a new logistics corridor across the Eurasian continent linked by direct railway and road transportation. We will vigorously integrate ports, shipping and trading services under the "Silk Road Maritime," and accelerate the building of the New International Land-Sea Trade Corridor and the Air Silk Road.

      二、支持建設開(kāi)放型世界經(jīng)濟。中方將創(chuàng )建“絲路電商”合作先行區,同更多國家商簽自由貿易協(xié)定、投資保護協(xié)定。全面取消制造業(yè)領(lǐng)域外資準入限制措施。主動(dòng)對照國際高標準經(jīng)貿規則,深入推進(jìn)跨境服務(wù)貿易和投資高水平開(kāi)放,擴大數字產(chǎn)品等市場(chǎng)準入,深化國有企業(yè)、數字經(jīng)濟、知識產(chǎn)權、政府采購等領(lǐng)域改革。中方將每年舉辦“全球數字貿易博覽會(huì )”。未來(lái)5年(2024-2028年),中國貨物貿易、服務(wù)貿易進(jìn)出口額有望累計超過(guò)32萬(wàn)億美元、5萬(wàn)億美元。

      Second, supporting an open world economy. China will establish pilot zones for Silk Road e-commerce cooperation, enter into free trade agreements and investment protection treaties with more countries. We will remove all restrictions on foreign investment access in the manufacturing sector. In light of international high-standard economic and trade rules, we will further advance high-standard opening up in cross-border service trade and investment, expand market access for digital and other products, and deepen reform in areas including the state-owned enterprises, digital economy, intellectual property and government procurement. China will hold the Global Digital Trade Expo annually. In the next five years (2024-2028), China's total trade in goods and services is expected to exceed USD 32 trillion and USD 5 trillion respectively.

      三、開(kāi)展務(wù)實(shí)合作。中方將統籌推進(jìn)標志性工程和“小而美”民生項目。中國國家開(kāi)發(fā)銀行、中國進(jìn)出口銀行將各設立3500億元人民幣融資窗口,絲路基金新增資金800億元人民幣,以市場(chǎng)化、商業(yè)化方式支持共建“一帶一路”項目。本屆高峰論壇期間舉行的企業(yè)家大會(huì )達成了972億美元的項目合作協(xié)議。中方還將實(shí)施1000個(gè)小型民生援助項目,通過(guò)魯班工坊等推進(jìn)中外職業(yè)教育合作,并同各方加強對共建“一帶一路”項目和人員安全保障。

      Third, carrying out practical cooperation. China will promote both signature projects and "small yet smart" livelihood programs. The China Development Bank and the Export-Import Bank of China will each set up a RMB 350 billion financing window. An additional RMB 80 billion will be injected into the Silk Road Fund. Together, they will support BRI projects on the basis of market and business operation. Cooperation agreements worth USD 97.2 billion have been concluded at the CEO Conference held during this Forum. China will carry out 1,000 small-scale livelihood assistance projects, and enhance vocational education cooperation through Luban Workshops and other initiatives. We will also step up joint efforts to ensure the safety of BRI projects and personnel.

      四、促進(jìn)綠色發(fā)展。中方將持續深化綠色基建、綠色能源、綠色交通等領(lǐng)域合作,加大對“一帶一路”綠色發(fā)展國際聯(lián)盟的支持,繼續舉辦“一帶一路”綠色創(chuàng )新大會(huì ),建設光伏產(chǎn)業(yè)對話(huà)交流機制和綠色低碳專(zhuān)家網(wǎng)絡(luò )。落實(shí)“一帶一路”綠色投資原則,到2030年為伙伴國開(kāi)展10萬(wàn)人次培訓。

      Fourth, promoting green development. China will continue to deepen cooperation in areas such as green infrastructure, green energy and green transportation, and step up support for the BRI International Green Development Coalition. China will continue to hold the BRI Green Innovation Conference, and establish dialogue and exchange mechanisms for the solar industry and a network of experts on green and low-carbon development. China will implement the Green Investment Principles for the Belt and Road, and provide 100,000 training opportunities for partner countries by 2030.

      五、推動(dòng)科技創(chuàng )新。中方將繼續實(shí)施“一帶一路”科技創(chuàng )新行動(dòng)計劃,舉辦首屆“一帶一路”科技交流大會(huì ),未來(lái)5年把同各方共建的聯(lián)合實(shí)驗室擴大到100家,支持各國青年科學(xué)家來(lái)華短期工作。中方將在本屆論壇上提出全球人工智能治理倡議,愿同各國加強交流和對話(huà),共同促進(jìn)全球人工智能健康有序安全發(fā)展。

      Fifth, advancing scientific and technological innovation. China will continue to implement the Belt and Road Science, Technology and Innovation Cooperation Action Plan, hold the first Belt and Road Conference on Science and Technology Exchange, increase the number of joint laboratories built with other parties to 100 in the next five years, and support young scientists from other countries to work on short-term programs in China. At this Forum, China will put forward the Global Initiative for Artificial Intelligence (AI) Governance. We stand ready to increase exchanges and dialogue with other countries and jointly promote the sound, orderly and secure AI development in the world.


      Sixth, supporting people-to-people exchanges. China will host the Liangzhu Forum to enhance dialogue on civilizations with BRI partner countries. In addition to the Silk Road International League of Theaters, the Silk Road International Arts Festival, the International Alliance of Museums of the Silk Road, the Silk Road International Alliance of Art Museums, and the Silk Road International Library Alliance that have been set up, China has also launched the International Tourism Alliance of Silk Road Cities. And we will continue with the Chinese government scholarship Silk Road Program.

      七、建設廉潔之路。中方將會(huì )同合作伙伴發(fā)布《“一帶一路”廉潔建設成效與展望》,推出《“一帶一路”廉潔建設高級原則》,建立“一帶一路”企業(yè)廉潔合規評價(jià)體系,同國際組織合作開(kāi)展“一帶一路”廉潔研究和培訓。

      Seventh, promoting integrity-based Belt and Road cooperation. Together with its cooperation partners, China will release the Achievements and Prospects of Belt and Road Integrity Building and the High-Level Principles on Belt and Road Integrity Building, and establish the Integrity and Compliance Evaluation System for Companies Involved in Belt and Road Cooperation. We will also work with international organizations to carry out research and training on promoting integrity in Belt and Road cooperation.


      Eighth, strengthening institutional building for international Belt and Road cooperation. China will work with its BRI partner countries to strengthen the building of multilateral cooperation platforms covering energy, taxation, finance, green development, disaster reduction, anti-corruption, think tank, media, culture and other fields. China will continue to host the BRF and establish a secretariat for the Forum.


      Ladies and Gentlemen,



      The past decade has been a journey of dedicated cooperation and fruitful outcomes. Belt and Road cooperation was proposed by China, but its benefits and opportunities are for the world to share. Let us meet the expectations of the people, assume responsibilities entrusted on us by history, closely follow the trend of the times, and press ahead with energy and enterprise. Let us deepen Belt and Road international cooperation, and bring Belt and Road cooperation to a new stage of higher-quality and higher-level development. Let us advance modernization of all countries, build an open, inclusive and interconnected world for common development, and jointly build a community with a shared future for mankind.


      I wish the Third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation a full success!


      Thank you.


      (Source: Xinhua)