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      發(fā)布時(shí)間:2023-10-20 17:00:03  | 來(lái)源:中國網(wǎng)  | 作者:  | 責任編輯:李瀟



      一、2023年10月18日,第三屆“一帶一路”國際合作高峰論壇在北京舉行。中華人民共和國主席習近平,阿根廷總統費爾南德斯,智利總統博里奇,剛果共和國總統薩蘇,印度尼西亞總統佐科,哈薩克斯坦總統托卡耶夫,肯尼亞總統魯托,老撾國家主席通倫,蒙古國總統呼日勒蘇赫,俄羅斯總統普京,塞爾維亞總統武契奇,斯里蘭卡總統維克拉馬辛哈,土庫曼斯坦民族領(lǐng)袖、人民委員會(huì )主席庫·別爾德穆哈梅多夫,烏茲別克斯坦總統米爾濟約耶夫,越南國家主席武文賞,柬埔寨首相洪瑪奈,埃及總理馬德布利,埃塞俄比亞總理阿比,匈牙利總理歐爾班,莫桑比克總理馬萊阿內,巴基斯坦總理卡卡爾,巴布亞新幾內亞總理馬拉佩,泰國總理賽塔,尼日利亞副總統謝蒂馬,聯(lián)合國秘書(shū)長(cháng)古特雷斯與會(huì )。法國、阿聯(lián)酋、希臘等國領(lǐng)導人高級別代表與會(huì )。共150多個(gè)國家的代表參會(huì )。習近平主席在開(kāi)幕式發(fā)表主旨演講。

      1. The Third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation (BRF III) was convened on 18 October 2023, in Beijing. President Xi Jinping of the People's Republic of China, President Alberto Fernández of the Republic of Argentina, President Gabriel Boric Font of the Republic of Chile, President Denis Sassou-N'Guesso of the Republic of the Congo, President Joko Widodo of the Republic of Indonesia, President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev of the Republic of Kazakhstan, President William Samoei Ruto of the Republic of Kenya, President Thongloun Sisoulith of the Lao People's Democratic Republic, President Khurelsukh Ukhnaa of Mongolia, President Vladimir Putin of the Russian Federation, President Aleksandar Vu?i? of the Republic of Serbia, President Ranil Wickremesinghe of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, National Leader of the Turkmen People and Chairman of the Halk Maslakhaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov of Turkmenistan, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev of the Republic of Uzbekistan, President Vo Van Thuong of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam, Prime Minister Hun Manet of the Kingdom of Cambodia, Prime Minister Mostafa Madbouly of the Arab Republic of Egypt, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed Ali of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán of Hungary, Prime Minister Adriano Afonso Maleiane of the Republic of Mozambique, Prime Minister Anwaar-ul-Haq Kakar of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Prime Minister James Marape of the Independent State of Papua New Guinea, Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin of the Kingdom of Thailand, Vice President Kashim Shettima of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, and Secretary General of the United Nations Ant?nio Guterres attended the forum. High-level representatives of the leaders of the French Republic, the United Arab Emirates, and the Hellenic Republic as well as representatives from more than 150 countries attended the forum. President Xi Jinping made a keynote speech at the opening ceremony.

      二、高峰論壇主題是“高質(zhì)量共建‘一帶一路’,攜手實(shí)現共同發(fā)展繁榮”。論壇期間舉行三場(chǎng)高級別論壇,議題分別是:(一)深化互聯(lián)互通、建設開(kāi)放型世界經(jīng)濟;(二)共建綠色絲路、促進(jìn)人與自然和諧共生;(三)發(fā)展數字經(jīng)濟、挖掘經(jīng)濟增長(cháng)新動(dòng)能。論壇期間還舉行六場(chǎng)專(zhuān)題論壇,討論貿易暢通、海洋合作、廉潔絲路、智庫交流、民心相通、地方合作等。論壇開(kāi)幕前舉辦了“一帶一路”企業(yè)家大會(huì )。

      2. The BRF III is themed on "High-quality Belt and Road Cooperation: Together for Common Development and Prosperity". Three high-level forums were held under the topics of Connectivity in an Open World Economy, Green Silk Road for Harmony with Nature, and Digital Economy as a New Source of Growth, respectively. Six thematic forums with focuses on Trade Connectivity, Maritime Cooperation, Clean Silk Road, Think Tank Exchanges, People-to-People Bonds, and Subnational Cooperation were respectively convened. A CEO Conference was held on the eve of the BRF III.

      三、今年是“一帶一路”倡議提出10周年。10年來(lái),“一帶一路”合作網(wǎng)絡(luò )從亞歐大陸延伸到非洲和拉美,150多個(gè)國家、30多個(gè)國際組織和中國簽署“一帶一路”合作文件。中國舉辦了三屆“一帶一路”國際合作高峰論壇,與合作伙伴在鐵路、港口、金融、稅收、能源、綠色發(fā)展、綠色投資、減災、反腐敗、智庫、媒體、文化等20多個(gè)領(lǐng)域建立了多邊對話(huà)合作平臺。

      3. This year marks the 10th anniversary of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). Over the past ten years, the Belt and Road cooperation network has stretched from the Eurasian continent to Africa and Latin America. More than 150 countries and over 30 international organizations have signed Belt and Road cooperation documents with China. China hosted three BRFs, and launched together with its cooperation partners more than 20 multilateral dialogue and cooperation platforms in sectors of railway, port, finance, taxation, energy, green development, green investment, disaster risk reduction, anti-corruption, think tank, media, culture exchanges, etc.

      四、10年來(lái),“一帶一路”倡議以互聯(lián)互通為主線(xiàn),推動(dòng)構建以經(jīng)濟走廊為引領(lǐng),以大通道和信息高速公路為骨架,以鐵路、港口、管網(wǎng)為依托,涵蓋陸、海、天、網(wǎng)的互聯(lián)互通網(wǎng)絡(luò ),促進(jìn)了各國商品、資金、技術(shù)、人員的流通。中國與各方合作開(kāi)展了3000多個(gè)務(wù)實(shí)項目,拉動(dòng)近1萬(wàn)億美元投資。

      4. The BRI, focusing on connectivity, has promoted development of the connectivity networks led by economic corridors, with major transportation passages and information highways as backbone, underpinned by railway, ports and pipelines, and encompassing land, sea, air and internet, which facilitated the flow of commodities, capitals, technologies and personnel among partner countries in the past decade. China has conducted more than 3,000 cooperation projects with relevant parties, and catalyzed investment of nearly USD 1 trillion.


      5. The participants recognize that the BRI has rejuvenated the Silk Road spirit of peace and cooperation, openness and inclusiveness, mutual learning, and mutual benefit. The Belt and Road cooperation upholds the principle of extensive consultation, joint efforts and shared benefits, the approach of open, green and clean cooperation, and the pursuit of high-standard, people-centered and sustainable development. The BRI, featuring enhanced policy coordination, infrastructure connectivity, unimpeded trade, financial cooperation, and people-to-people bonds, has mobilized driving forces for world economic growth, built platforms for international economic cooperation, opened up vistas for global common development, and become a widely welcomed international public good as well as a practice for building a community with a shared future.


      6. The participants expect strengthened efforts to usher in a new stage of high-quality Belt and Road cooperation, aiming to better contribute to promoting international cooperation, boosting global economic growth, accelerating implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and shape a bright future of peace, development, and win-win cooperation.


      Outcomes of the BRF


      7. At the Opening Ceremony of the BRF III, President Xi Jinping announced the following major steps that will be taken by China to support high-quality Belt and Road cooperation:

      (一)構建“一帶一路”立體互聯(lián)互通網(wǎng)絡(luò )。中方將加快推進(jìn)中歐班列高質(zhì)量發(fā)展,參與跨里海國際運輸走廊建設,辦好中歐班列國際合作論壇,會(huì )同各方搭建以鐵路、公路直達運輸為支撐的亞歐大陸物流新通道。積極推進(jìn)“絲路海運”港航貿一體化發(fā)展,加快陸海新通道、空中絲綢之路建設。

      1) Building a multidimensional Belt and Road connectivity network. China will speed up high-quality development of the China-Europe Railway Express, participate in the trans-Caspian international transportation corridor, host the China-Europe Railway Express Cooperation Forum, and make joint efforts to build a new logistics corridor across the Eurasian continent linked by direct railway and road transportation. We will vigorously integrate ports, shipping and trading services under the "Silk Road Maritime Cooperation," and accelerate the building of the New International Land-Sea Trade Corridor and the Air Silk Road. 

      (二)支持建設開(kāi)放型世界經(jīng)濟。中方將創(chuàng )建“絲路電商”合作先行區,同更多國家商簽自由貿易協(xié)定、投資保護協(xié)定。全面取消制造業(yè)領(lǐng)域外資準入限制措施。主動(dòng)對照國際高標準經(jīng)貿規則,深入推進(jìn)跨境服務(wù)貿易和投資高水平開(kāi)放,擴大數字產(chǎn)品等市場(chǎng)準入,深化國有企業(yè)、數字經(jīng)濟、知識產(chǎn)權、政府采購等領(lǐng)域改革。中方將每年舉辦“全球數字貿易博覽會(huì )”。未來(lái)5年(2024-2028年),中國貨物貿易、服務(wù)貿易進(jìn)出口額有望累計超過(guò)32萬(wàn)億美元、5萬(wàn)億美元。

      2) Supporting an open world economy. China will establish pilot zones for Silk Road e-commerce cooperation, enter into free trade agreements and investment protection treaties with more countries. We will remove all restrictions on foreign investment access in the manufacturing sector. In light of international high-standard economic and trade rules, we will further advance high-standard opening up in cross-border service trade and investment, expand market access for digital and other products, and deepen reform in areas including the state-owned enterprises, digital economy, intellectual property and government procurement. China will hold the Global Digital Trade Expo annually. In the next five years (2024-2028), China's total trade in goods and services is expected to exceed USD 32 trillion and USD 5 trillion respectively.

      (三)開(kāi)展務(wù)實(shí)合作。中方將統籌推進(jìn)標志性工程和“小而美”民生項目。中國國家開(kāi)發(fā)銀行、中國進(jìn)出口銀行將各設立3500億元人民幣融資窗口,絲路基金新增資金800億元人民幣,以市場(chǎng)化、商業(yè)化方式支持共建“一帶一路”項目。本屆高峰論壇期間舉行的企業(yè)家大會(huì )達成了972億美元的項目合作協(xié)議。中方還將實(shí)施1000個(gè)小型民生援助項目,通過(guò)魯班工坊等推進(jìn)中外職業(yè)教育合作,并同各方加強對共建“一帶一路”項目和人員安全保障。

      3) Carrying out practical cooperation. China will promote both signature projects and "small yet smart" livelihood programs. The China Development Bank and the Export-Import Bank of China will each set up a RMB 350 billion financing window. An additional RMB 80 billion will be injected into the Silk Road Fund. Together, they will support BRI projects on the basis of market and business operation. Cooperation agreements worth USD 97.2 billion have been concluded at the CEO Conference held during this Forum. China will carry out 1,000 small-scale livelihood assistance projects, and enhance vocational education cooperation through Luban Workshops and other initiatives. We will also step up joint efforts to ensure the safety of BRI projects and personnel.

      (四)促進(jìn)綠色發(fā)展。中方將持續深化綠色基建、綠色能源、綠色交通等領(lǐng)域合作,加大對“一帶一路”綠色發(fā)展國際聯(lián)盟的支持,繼續舉辦“一帶一路”綠色創(chuàng )新大會(huì ),建設光伏產(chǎn)業(yè)對話(huà)交流機制和綠色低碳專(zhuān)家網(wǎng)絡(luò )。落實(shí)“一帶一路”綠色投資原則,到2030年為伙伴國開(kāi)展10萬(wàn)人次培訓。

      4) Promoting green development. China will continue to deepen cooperation in areas such as green infrastructure, green energy and green transportation, and step up support for the BRI International Green Development Coalition. China will continue to hold the BRI Green Innovation Conference, and establish dialogue and exchange mechanisms for the solar industry and a network of experts on green and low-carbon development. China will implement the Green Investment Principles for the Belt and Road, and provide 100,000 training opportunities for partner countries by 2030.

      (五)推動(dòng)科技創(chuàng )新。中方將繼續實(shí)施“一帶一路”科技創(chuàng )新行動(dòng)計劃,舉辦首屆“一帶一路”科技交流大會(huì ),未來(lái)5年把同各方共建的聯(lián)合實(shí)驗室擴大到100家,支持各國青年科學(xué)家來(lái)華短期工作。中方將在本屆論壇上提出全球人工智能治理倡議,愿同各國加強交流和對話(huà),共同促進(jìn)全球人工智能健康有序安全發(fā)展。

      5) Advancing scientific and technological innovation. China will continue to implement the Belt and Road Science, Technology and Innovation Cooperation Action Plan, hold the First Belt and Road Conference on Science and Technology Exchange, increase the number of joint laboratories built with other parties to 100 in the next five years, and support young scientists from other countries to work on short-term programs in China. At this Forum, China will put forward the Global Artificial Intelligence (AI) Governance Initiative. We stand ready to increase exchanges and dialogue with other countries and jointly promote the sound, orderly and secure AI development in the world.


      6) Supporting people-to-people exchanges. China will host the Liangzhu Forum to enhance dialogue on civilizations with BRI partner countries. In addition to the Silk Road International League of Theaters, the Network of Silk Road Arts Festivals, the International Alliance of Museums of the Silk Road, the Silk Road International Alliance of Art Museums and Galleries, and the Silk Road International Library Alliance that have been set up, China has also launched the International Tourism Alliance of Silk Road Cities. And we will continue with the Chinese government scholarship "Silk Road Program". 

      (七)建設廉潔之路。中方將會(huì )同合作伙伴發(fā)布《“一帶一路”廉潔建設成效與展望》,推出《“一帶一路”廉潔建設高級原則》,建立“一帶一路”企業(yè)廉潔合規評價(jià)體系,同國際組織合作開(kāi)展“一帶一路”廉潔研究和培訓。

      7) Promoting integrity-based Belt and Road cooperation. Together with its cooperation partners, China will release the Achievements and Prospects of Belt and Road Integrity Building and the High-Level Principles on Belt and Road Integrity Building, and establish the Corporate Integrity and Compliance Evaluation System for the Belt and Road Initiative. We will also work with international organizations to carry out research and training on promoting integrity in Belt and Road cooperation.


      8) Strengthening institutional building for Belt and Road international cooperation. China will work with Belt and Road partner countries to strengthen the building of multilateral cooperation platforms covering energy, taxation, finance, green development, disaster risk reduction, anti-corruption, think tank, media, culture and other fields. China will continue to host the BRF and establish a secretariat for the Forum.

      八、高峰論壇期間形成了458項成果,包括:(一)各方發(fā)起了一系列國際合作倡議、決定舉辦系列國際會(huì )議,主席國匯總形成了多邊合作成果文件清單(附件一)。(二)各國政府、金融機構、地方政府、企業(yè)商定一系列務(wù)實(shí)合作項目、雙邊合作協(xié)議等,主席國就此匯總后形成了務(wù)實(shí)合作項目清單(附件二)。

      8. A total of 458 outcomes were delivered during the BRF III, including: i) a series of international cooperation initiatives and international conferences jointly launched or agreed by relevant parties, which were compiled by the Chair as a list of multilateral cooperation deliverables (Annex I); ii) a number of pragmatic cooperation projects and bilateral cooperation agreements among relevant national governments, financial institutions, subnational governments and enterprises, which were compiled by the Chair as a list of practical cooperation deliverables (Annex II).


      Discussions of High-level Forums

      九、在高級別論壇上,與會(huì )各方就互聯(lián)互通、數字經(jīng)濟、綠色發(fā)展等領(lǐng)域的合作進(jìn)行了深入討論,主要觀(guān)點(diǎn)如下:

      9. At the high-level forums, the participants discussed the cooperation in areas of connectivity, digital economy and green development. The main points are as follows.


      i. Strengthen Connectivity in an Open World Economy


      Infrastructure is the bedrock of connectivity, and enhanced connectivity is conducive for countries to be integrated into global supply chains, industrial chains and value chains. In this regard, it is necessary for countries to build and maintain high-quality, reliable, sustainable and resilient infrastructure, while ensuring viability, affordability, inclusiveness, accessibility and broad benefit over entire life-cycle of the infrastructure. Multilateral development banks and financial institutions from all countries are welcome to provide more financial support for infrastructure projects through financial instruments including public-private partnership (PPP) and blended finance.

      加強交通、能源資源、水利、信息通訊設施等領(lǐng)域合作,有助于完善全方位、復合型的互聯(lián)互通網(wǎng)絡(luò ),發(fā)展相互兼容和多式聯(lián)運的交通,不斷提升國際運輸便利化水平和國際運輸大通道韌性。鼓勵開(kāi)展基礎設施規則、規制、標準等方面國際合作,推動(dòng)形成普遍認可的規則標準和最佳實(shí)踐,提升“軟聯(lián)通”水平。中國及相關(guān)參與方共同發(fā)布了《深化互聯(lián)互通合作北京倡議》。

      Strengthened cooperation in areas of transport, energy resources, water conservancy and information communication facilities is conducive to building comprehensive and multi-modal connectivity networks, developing interoperable and multi-modal transport, and continuously enhancing international transport facilitation and the resilience of international transportation corridors. The participants encourage conducting international cooperation on rules, regulations and standards of infrastructure, and fostering universally accepted rules, standards and best practices in this regard to enhance "soft connectivity". China and relevant partners jointly launched the Beijing Initiative for Deepening Cooperation on Connectivity.


      ii. Build Green Silk Road for Living in Harmony with Nature


      The participants recall the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and its Paris Agreement, as well as the Convention on Biological Diversity and its Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, and support building a green silk road together to realize harmony between humanity and nature.

      采取氣候行動(dòng)、應對氣候變化應遵循公平、共同但有區別的責任和各自能力原則?!耙粠б宦贰焙献骰锇橹С衷谏锒鄻有员Wo與污染治理、循環(huán)經(jīng)濟、綠色基礎設施、綠色交通、荒漠化和沙塵暴防治等領(lǐng)域加強合作,鼓勵開(kāi)發(fā)有效的綠色金融工具?!耙粠б宦贰本G色發(fā)展國際聯(lián)盟會(huì )同合作伙伴發(fā)起綠色發(fā)展投融資合作伙伴關(guān)系,為發(fā)展中國家綠色發(fā)展提供充足、可預測和可持續融資。中國及相關(guān)參與方共同發(fā)布了《“一帶一路”綠色發(fā)展北京倡議》。

      Climate actions should follow the principles of equity and common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities to tackle climate change. The Belt and Road cooperation partners support strengthening cooperation in areas of biodiversity conservation and pollution control, circular economy, green infrastructure, green transport, prevention and control of desertification and sandstorm, and encourage the development of effective green finance instruments. The BRI International Green Development Coalition and its cooperation partners launched the Green Investment and Finance Partnership, aiming to provide adequate, predictable and sustainable financing for green development in developing countries. China and relevant partners jointly launched the Beijing Initiative for Belt and Road Green Development.


      iii. Develop Digital Economy as a New Source of Growth


      Bridging the digital gap will facilitate an inclusive digital economy. In this regard, it is necessary to foster an open, fair, just and non-discriminatory environment for digital development, and build a digital silk road featuring joint contribution and sharing of digital resources, vibrant digital economy, well-targeted and efficient digital governance, better digital security, and mutually beneficial digital cooperation.

      “一帶一路”合作伙伴支持建設和完善區域通信、互聯(lián)網(wǎng)、衛星導航等信息基礎設施。支持推進(jìn)數字技術(shù)同實(shí)體經(jīng)濟深度融合,推動(dòng)制造業(yè)、農業(yè)、零售業(yè)、教育、醫療、保健、旅游和專(zhuān)業(yè)服務(wù)等領(lǐng)域數字化轉型實(shí)踐交流,深化區塊鏈、人工智能等技術(shù)在金融、航運、商貿、文化等領(lǐng)域的創(chuàng )新應用,努力實(shí)現更具包容性、賦能、可持續、有韌性和創(chuàng )新驅動(dòng)的數字化轉型。支持加強網(wǎng)絡(luò )空間國際治理和網(wǎng)絡(luò )法治領(lǐng)域交流合作。

      The Belt and Road cooperation partners support to build and improve information infrastructure, namely regional communications, internet, satellite navigation, etc. They support in-depth integration of digital technologies into real economy, facilitating exchange of digital transformation practices in areas of manufacturing, agriculture, retail, education, medical services, health care, tourism and professional services, and stepping up the application of blockchain and AI technology in an innovative manner in sectors of finance, shipping, commerce and culture, to achieve digital transformation which is more inclusive, enabling, sustainable, resilient and innovation-driven. They support strengthened exchanges and cooperation on international cyberspace governance and law-based cyberspace governance.


      China launched the Global AI Governance Initiative during the BRF III, calling for strengthening information exchanges and technological cooperation on the governance of AI, preventing risks, and developing AI governance frameworks, norms and standards based on broad consensus, so as to make AI technologies more secure, reliable, controllable, and equitable. China and relevant partners jointly launched the Beijing Initiative on the Belt and Road International Digital Economy Cooperation.


      Discussions of Thematic Forums

      十、在專(zhuān)題論壇上,與會(huì )各方表達了如下觀(guān)點(diǎn)。

      10. At the thematic forums, the participants elaborated on the following points.


      i. Promoting Unimpeded Trade


      The participants support the rules-based, non-discriminatory, open, fair, inclusive, just and transparent multilateral trading system with the WTO at its core, and oppose unilateral and protectionist measures. They support necessary WTO reform for multilateral trade rules to keep abreast with our times.

      “一帶一路”合作伙伴同意進(jìn)一步提升貿易和投資自由化便利化水平,支持開(kāi)展通關(guān)便利化和執法領(lǐng)域合作,特別是推進(jìn)“經(jīng)認證的經(jīng)營(yíng)者”國際互認、國際貿易“單一窗口”、國際貿易單據數字化、推進(jìn)航運貿易數字化、跨境電商監管創(chuàng )新等合作,并在農食產(chǎn)品檢驗檢疫領(lǐng)域開(kāi)展合作。支持優(yōu)化營(yíng)商環(huán)境,依法保護投資者權益,完善多雙邊經(jīng)貿合作機制,共同維護產(chǎn)業(yè)鏈供應鏈穩定,深化雙向投資,強化重點(diǎn)產(chǎn)業(yè)合作,支持世貿組織達成《投資便利化協(xié)定》。鼓勵三方或多方市場(chǎng)合作。認識到稅收對于跨境投資的影響,同意擴大稅收協(xié)定網(wǎng)絡(luò ),加強稅收合作,特別是“一帶一路”稅收征管合作機制框架下的合作。中國將支持在有條件的地方建設服務(wù)貿易國際合作區,高質(zhì)量建設自由貿易試驗區、海南自由貿易港。中國及相關(guān)參與方共同發(fā)布了《數字經(jīng)濟和綠色發(fā)展國際經(jīng)貿合作框架倡議》。

      The Belt and Road cooperation partners agree to further enhance trade and investment liberalization and facilitation, and support cooperation on customs clearance facilitation and law enforcement, especially mutual recognition of Authorized Economic Operators (AEOs), single window for international trade, international trade documents digitalization, shipping trade digitalization, innovation of trans-border e-commerce supervision, and cooperation on inspection and quarantine of agricultural and food products. They support improving business environment, protecting rights and interests of investors, improving multilateral and bilateral economic and trade cooperation mechanisms, safeguarding the stability of industrial chains and supply chains, increasing inflows and outflows of investment, and strengthening cooperation on key industries. They support the WTO to conclude the Investment Facilitation for Development Agreement, and encourage tripartite or plurilateral market cooperation. They acknowledge the impact of taxation on cross-border investment, and agree to expand the tax treaty networks, and strengthen international tax cooperation, especially through the Belt and Road Initiative Tax Administration Cooperation Mechanism. China will support to establish international cooperation zones for trade in services in places where conditions allow, and advance high-quality development of free trade pilot zones and Hainan Free Trade Port. China and relevant partners jointly launched the Initiative on International Trade and Economic Cooperation Framework for Digital Economy and Green Development.


      ii. Enhancing Maritime Cooperation

      海洋日益成為世界經(jīng)濟發(fā)展的“藍色引擎”,應支持以清潔生產(chǎn)、綠色技術(shù)、循環(huán)經(jīng)濟為基礎,促進(jìn)海洋產(chǎn)業(yè)發(fā)展和轉型升級,發(fā)展可持續、有韌性和包容性的藍色經(jīng)濟。鼓勵創(chuàng )新藍色經(jīng)濟金融平臺、產(chǎn)品、標準和服務(wù)體系,發(fā)揮藍色債券、保險、基金等工具的作用,改善藍色產(chǎn)業(yè)投融資環(huán)境。

      Ocean, as "the Blue Engine", is playing an increasingly important role in the world economic development. The participants support to promote the development, transformation and upgrade of marine industries, and develop a sustainable, resilient and inclusive blue economy based on clean production, green technologies and circular economy. They encourage innovations in blue economy finance platforms, products, standards and service systems, utilization of financial instruments, namely blue bonds, insurance and funds, and improvement of investment and financing environment for blue industries.


      The Belt and Road cooperation partners support the sustainable use of marine resources, and strengthening cooperation in areas of marine biodiversity protection, marine ecosystem conservation and restoration, as well as ocean-based climate actions. They agree to deepen marine science and technology cooperation, share knowledge and outcomes of marine sustainable development, and facilitate the harmonization of marine technological standards and marine technology transfer. They support efforts to provide maritime public services, promote the development of critical seabed infrastructure, establish a maritime disaster prevention and mitigation cooperation mechanism, and jointly develop a maritime disaster early warning system for key waters on the sea. China and relevant partners jointly launched the Belt and Road Blue Cooperation Initiative.


      iii. Promoting Clean Silk Road


      Integrity guarantees high-quality development of Belt and Road cooperation, and there shall be zero tolerance for corruption. The participants call for comprehensive and efficient international cooperation on fugitive repatriation, asset recovery, anti-bribery, and anti-money laundering in accordance with national laws and regulations as well as the obligations under international conventions such as the United Nations Convention Against Corruption and relevant bilateral treaties, aiming to deny safe havens for corrupt criminals and their assets.


      China and cooperation partners jointly issued the Achievements and Prospects of Belt and Road Integrity Building as well as the High-Level Principles on Belt and Road Integrity Building, acknowledged the significant progress made in promoting integrity in Belt and Road cooperation, and proposed cooperation principles in this regard, namely jointly establishing integrity partnerships, collectively promoting fair and transparent business environment, and sharing outcomes of integrity development. They will cultivate a culture of integrity, raise the awareness of enterprises for self-discipline, rule of law and accountability, and establish the Corporate Integrity and Compliance Evaluation System for the Belt and Road Initiative. They agree to strengthen academic exchanges and cooperation against corruption, step up training for personnel involved in Belt and Road integrity cooperation, and encourage signing extradition treaties, treaties on judicial assistance in criminal matters, and anti-corruption cooperation agreements. The thematic Forum on Clean Silk Road issued a chair's summary.


      iv. Strengthening Think Tank Exchanges

      學(xué)術(shù)界注意到中國發(fā)布的《共建“一帶一路”:構建人類(lèi)命運共同體的重大實(shí)踐》白皮書(shū)、新華社國家高端智庫在本屆高峰論壇期間發(fā)布的《“一帶一路”發(fā)展學(xué)》報告,以及世界銀行、聯(lián)合國經(jīng)社部、聯(lián)合國亞太經(jīng)社會(huì )、“一帶一路”國際合作高峰論壇咨詢(xún)委員會(huì )發(fā)布的“一帶一路”研究報告。上述報告指出,“一帶一路”將推動(dòng)降低全球貿易成本,助力全球減貧事業(yè),為落實(shí)聯(lián)合國2030年可持續發(fā)展議程作出貢獻。各國智庫為高質(zhì)量共建“一帶一路”提供了重要智力支持,應加強合作,推動(dòng)信息、資源、研究成果共享,形成更多客觀(guān)、公正的研究成果和具有操作性的政策建議。

      The academia recognize the white paper "The Belt and Road Initiative: A Key Pillar of the Global Community of Shared Future" issued by China, the report "The Belt and Road Development Studies" released during the BRF III by the New China Research, a think tank of Xinhua News Agency, as well as other studies on the BRI published by the World Bank, the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA), the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP), and the BRF Advisory Council. As indicated in these studies, the BRI is conducive to lowering global trade costs, alleviating global poverty, and thereby contributing to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Think tanks from different countries, while having provided important intellectual support for high-quality Belt and Road cooperation so far, are encouraged to strengthen cooperation to promote the sharing of information, resources and research outcomes, and deliver more objective and impartial research results and practical policy recommendations.

      各方支持智庫、專(zhuān)家、學(xué)者發(fā)揮各自專(zhuān)業(yè)優(yōu)勢,通過(guò)開(kāi)展聯(lián)合研究共同探索“一帶一路”實(shí)踐路徑和未來(lái)方向。鼓勵各國智庫開(kāi)展“一帶一路”主題活動(dòng),通過(guò)論壇、研討會(huì )、訪(fǎng)學(xué)等加強學(xué)術(shù)交流,拓展合作網(wǎng)絡(luò ),分享最新研究成果,不斷豐富“一帶一路”研究的內容和深度。支持智庫、媒體、社會(huì )組織進(jìn)一步加強關(guān)于“一帶一路”的公共溝通,有效應對關(guān)于“一帶一路”的虛假消息和誤讀,增進(jìn)各國民眾對“一帶一路”的理解認知。智庫交流專(zhuān)題論壇發(fā)布了《關(guān)于加強“一帶一路”國際智庫合作倡議》。

      The participants support think tanks, experts and scholars to conduct joint research by leveraging their respective professional advantages, and explore practical pathways and future directions of the BRI. They encourage think tanks to carry out the BRI-related thematic activities, enhance academic exchanges, expand collaboration networks and share up-to-date research outcomes through forums, symposiums and visiting scholar programs, and continuously enrich the substance and depth of BRI-related studies. They support think tanks, media, and civil societies to strengthen communication with the general public on the BRI, effectively address misinformation and misperceptions about the BRI, and enhance people's understanding and awareness in this regard. The Initiative of Promoting International Think Tank Cooperation for BRI was put forward at the Thematic Forum on Think Tank Exchanges.


      v. Enhancing People-to-People Exchanges

      民心相通是共建“一帶一路”的重要基礎,應秉持平等、互鑒、對話(huà)、包容的文明觀(guān),以文明交流超越文明隔閡,以文明互鑒超越文明沖突,以文明包容超越文明優(yōu)越,不斷增進(jìn)各國人民以及不同文化和文明間的相互理解、相互尊重、相互欣賞,共同搭建全球文明對話(huà)合作網(wǎng)絡(luò )。

      Strong people-to-people bonds serve as an important foundation of Belt and Road cooperation. In this regard, it is necessary to embrace the vision of equality, mutual learning, dialogue and inclusiveness among different civilizations, and enable cultural exchanges to transcend estrangement, mutual learning to transcend clashes, and coexistence to transcend feelings of superiority, thus to continuously promote mutual understanding, respect and appreciation among different peoples, cultures and civilizations, and jointly build global network for inter-civilization dialogue and cooperation.

      “一帶一路”合作伙伴鼓勵各國政黨、議會(huì )、民間組織、媒體、智庫、工商界等各界人士在民心相通建設上發(fā)揮更大作用,期待在藝術(shù)、文化、教育、科技、旅游、衛生、體育等領(lǐng)域進(jìn)一步開(kāi)展交流和合作。

      The Belt and Road cooperation partners encourage political parties, parliaments, civil societies, media, think tanks and business communities to play bigger roles in fostering people-to-people bonds, and expect further exchanges and cooperation in areas of art, culture, education, science and technology, tourism, health and sports.


      China launched the Joint Statement of Proposals on Strengthening Silk Road People-to-People Connectivity, and will implement the Belt and Road Future Leaders Program, set up a Belt and Road Fund for People-to-People Connectivity, and carry out Action on "Silk Road People-to-People Connectivity".


      vi. Strengthening Subnational Cooperation


      Non-governmental friendship is rooted in the local and derived from the people. Subnational governments, particularly governments of friendship cities, are important booster of people-to-people bonds among the Belt and Road partner countries. The participants encourage relevant parties to uphold a people-centered approach for development, strengthen exchanges among relevant subnational governments and friendship cities, deepen practical cooperation and work together to translate friendly relations into fruitful outcomes that benefit the people.

      “一帶一路”合作伙伴支持推進(jìn)地方合作平臺建設,積極推動(dòng)經(jīng)濟互補性強、產(chǎn)業(yè)銜接度高的地方政府締結更多友好伙伴關(guān)系,發(fā)揮各自產(chǎn)業(yè)結構和資源稟賦優(yōu)勢,著(zhù)力推動(dòng)減貧發(fā)展、城市治理、數字經(jīng)濟、綠色創(chuàng )新發(fā)展、能力建設等優(yōu)先領(lǐng)域互利合作,促進(jìn)共同發(fā)展。持續深化地方人文交流,不斷拓展和夯實(shí)友好關(guān)系的利益基礎和社會(huì )民意基礎。地方合作專(zhuān)題論壇發(fā)表了主席聲明。

      The Belt and Road cooperation partners support to advance the building of subnational cooperation platforms, and will work to foster more friendly partnerships among subnational governments in places with strong economic complementarity and industrial linkages, to better leverage respective advantages on industrial structures and resource endowment, promote mutually beneficial cooperation in priority areas of poverty reduction, urban governance, digital economy, green and innovative development, capacity building, and facilitate common development. They agree to continuously deepen subnational people-to-people exchanges, expand and consolidate the base of friendly relations in the regard of benefits and public support. The Thematic Forum on Subnational Cooperation issued a chair's statement.

      企業(yè)家大會(huì )情況

      CEO Conference

      十一、共建“一帶一路”堅持政府引導、企業(yè)主體、市場(chǎng)運作的原則。高峰論壇期間舉行的“一帶一路”企業(yè)家大會(huì )發(fā)布了《“一帶一路”企業(yè)家大會(huì )北京宣言》。各國工商界重申將堅持開(kāi)放合作,加強互聯(lián)互通、綠色發(fā)展、數字經(jīng)濟等各領(lǐng)域務(wù)實(shí)合作,堅持合規經(jīng)營(yíng),積極履行社會(huì )責任,為高質(zhì)量共建“一帶一路”貢獻更多工商界力量。

      11. The Belt and Road cooperation is based on market rules with enterprises as the main players and supported by inter-governmental cooperation. The Beijing Declaration of the Belt and Road CEO Conference was released during the BRF III as an outcome, in which business communities reaffirmed that openness and cooperation should be upheld, and pledged to enhance practical cooperation in areas of connectivity, green development and digital economy, fulfill corporate social responsibilities, thus to contribute to high-quality Belt and Road cooperation.


      The Way Forward


      12. The Belt and Road cooperation partners will jointly translate the above outcomes into actions, continue to promote high-quality Belt and Road cooperation, better synergize their respective development plans with the BRI, and further facilitate infrastructure "hard connectivity", rules and standards "soft connectivity", as well as people-to-people "heart connectivity", contributing to world economic recovery and the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.


      (Note: Annexes omitted)


      (Source: Xinhua)