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      習近平重要講話(huà)雙語(yǔ)實(shí)錄:在中法企業(yè)家委員會(huì )第六次會(huì )議閉幕式上的致辭(全文)

      發(fā)布時(shí)間:2024-05-13 16:38:26  | 來(lái)源:中國網(wǎng)  | 作者:  | 責任編輯:李瀟

      當地時(shí)間5月6日下午,國家主席習近平在巴黎同法國總統馬克龍共同出席中法企業(yè)家委員會(huì )第六次會(huì )議閉幕式,并發(fā)表題為《繼往開(kāi)來(lái),攜手開(kāi)創(chuàng )中法合作新時(shí)代》的重要致辭。[新華社記者 謝環(huán)馳 攝]

      Chinese President Xi Jinping attends the closing ceremony of the Sixth Meeting of the China-France Business Council together with French President Emmanuel Macron and delivers a speech titled "Building on Past Achievements to Jointly Usher in a New Era in China-France Cooperation" in Paris, France, May 6, 2024. (Xinhua/Xie Huanchi)

      繼往開(kāi)來(lái),攜手開(kāi)創(chuàng )中法合作新時(shí)代

      ——在中法企業(yè)家委員會(huì )第六次會(huì )議閉幕式上的致辭




      Building on Past Achievements to Jointly Usher in a New Era in China-France Cooperation

      Remarks by H.E. Xi Jinping

      President of the People's Republic of China

      At the Closing Ceremony of The Sixth Meeting of the China-France Business Council

      Paris, May 6, 2024




      Your Excellency President Emmanuel Macron,

      Representatives of the Chinese and French Business Communities,

      Ladies and Gentlemen,


      時(shí)隔一年,很高興和馬克龍總統再次共同出席中法企業(yè)家委員會(huì )會(huì )議,同兩國工商界的新老朋友們見(jiàn)面。這是我時(shí)隔5年再次來(lái)到巴黎。首先,我向雙方參會(huì )代表致以誠摯問(wèn)候!祝賀中法企業(yè)家委員會(huì )第六次會(huì )議取得圓滿(mǎn)成功!

      It gives me great pleasure to attend the China-France Business Council meeting with President Macron again in a little over a year and to meet friends, old and new, of the business communities of the two countries. It has been five years since I last visited Paris. I wish to start by extending my warm greetings to you all. I wish the Council's sixth meeting a full success.


      This year marks the 60th anniversary of China-France diplomatic relations. Sixty years complete one cycle in the traditional Chinese calendar, bridging the past and the future.


      For 60 years, China and France have remained devoted friends of each other. We both have always committed to the principles of independence, mutual understanding, strategic vision, and win-win cooperation which underpinned the establishment of our diplomatic relations. Together, we have traversed an extraordinary journey, and forged a close and lasting comprehensive strategic partnership. The China-France relationship has always been a pacesetter for the relations between China and Western countries. It shows how countries with different cultures, systems and development levels can help each other succeed and make progress together. China-France friendship is in the best interest of the Chinese and French peoples as well as the interest of the whole world.


      For 60 years, China and France have remained win-win partners of each other. Bilateral trade and investment have grown tremendously from negligible levels. Our trade has expanded by nearly 800 times since the establishment of diplomatic relations, reaching 78.9 billion U.S. dollars. Cumulative two-way investment has exceeded 26 billion U.S. dollars. More than 2,000 French companies have woven themselves into the fabric of the Chinese market. China is the largest trading partner of France outside the EU, and France is a major EU trading partner of China. Flagship projects such as the Daya Bay Nuclear Power Plant and Airbus A320 Family assembly facilities in Tianjin stand as vivid examples of our mutually beneficial cooperation. Our two countries are also engtaged in enthusiastic discussions on expanding cooperation in emerging fields such as green and low-carbon development, digital economy and cross-border e-commerce. Thanks to 60 years of growth, our economies are now closely intertwined and highly symbiotic.


      Ladies and Gentlemen,


      中法兩國同屬亞歐大陸,一個(gè)在東端,一個(gè)在西端;一個(gè)是東方文明的重要代表,一個(gè)是西方文明的重要代表。中法兩國沒(méi)有地緣政治矛盾,沒(méi)有根本利益沖突,有著(zhù)獨立自主的精神共鳴,有著(zhù)燦爛文化的彼此吸引,更有著(zhù)利益廣泛的務(wù)實(shí)合作。有歷史可鑒,有現實(shí)可依,中法兩國沒(méi)有理由不發(fā)展好雙邊關(guān)系。站在人類(lèi)發(fā)展新的十字路口,面對世界百年變局的風(fēng)云際會(huì ),中方愿同法方密切全方位交流合作,推動(dòng)中法關(guān)系邁上更高水平,取得更大成績(jì)。

      Both China and France are parts of the Eurasian continent, located at its east and west ends respectively. China is a typical Eastern civilization, and France showcases the Western. Our two countries do not have geopolitical conflicts, and we do not have clashes of fundamental interests. What we do have in common is we both think independently, both are fascinated by our splendid cultures, and we are engaged in result-oriented cooperation based on many shared interests. Our experiences in the past and at present both show that there is no reason for failures in bringing out the best in China-France relations. We have now reached a new crossroads in the development of mankind and face global changes unseen in a century. Against this backdrop, China is ready to enhance all-round exchanges and cooperation with France, bring the China-France relationship to a new stage and make it even more productive.

      ——面向未來(lái),我們愿同法方一道充實(shí)中法全面戰略伙伴關(guān)系的經(jīng)貿內涵。法國是最早參與中國改革開(kāi)放進(jìn)程的國家之一,為中國現代化建設作出了貢獻并從中受益。深化友誼就要經(jīng)常來(lái)往、加強合作。我們始終視法國為優(yōu)先和可信賴(lài)的合作伙伴,致力于拓展雙邊經(jīng)貿關(guān)系的廣度和深度,開(kāi)辟新領(lǐng)域、創(chuàng )造新模式、培育新增長(cháng)點(diǎn)。中方愿繼續積極利用“從法國農場(chǎng)到中國餐桌”全鏈條快速協(xié)同機制,讓奶酪、火腿、葡萄酒等更多法國優(yōu)質(zhì)農產(chǎn)品出現在中國老百姓餐桌上。中方?jīng)Q定,將對法國等12國公民短期來(lái)華的免簽政策延長(cháng)至2025年年底,這將有利于促進(jìn)兩國人員往來(lái)。

      -- Looking to the future, we will work with France to enrich the economic and trade dimensions of the China-France comprehensive strategic partnership. As one of the earliest participants in China's reform and opening up, France has contributed to China's modernization drive and benefited from it. Deeper friendship calls for frequent exchanges and closer cooperation. We always view France as a priority and trustworthy partner of cooperation. We are committed to expanding our business relations in both width and depth by opening up new areas, creating new models and fostering new growth areas. China will continue to make full use of the "French farm to Chinese dining table" whole-chain rapid coordination mechanism, and bring more cheese, ham, wine and other quality agricultural products from France to the dining tables of Chinese families. China has decided to extend visa exemption entry for citizens from 12 countries including France on short-term visits to China until the end of 2025, a step that will further boost people-to-people exchanges.

      ——面向未來(lái),我們愿和法方共同推動(dòng)中歐互利合作。中歐是推動(dòng)多極化的兩大力量、支持全球化的兩大市場(chǎng)、倡導多樣性的兩大文明,中歐關(guān)系關(guān)乎世界和平、穩定、繁榮。雙方要堅持全面戰略伙伴關(guān)系正確定位,不斷增強政治互信,排除各種干擾,共同反對經(jīng)貿問(wèn)題政治化、意識形態(tài)化、泛安全化。期待歐方同中方相向而行,以對話(huà)增進(jìn)理解,以合作化解分歧,以互信消除風(fēng)險,將中歐打造成為彼此經(jīng)貿合作的關(guān)鍵伙伴、科技合作的優(yōu)先伙伴、產(chǎn)業(yè)鏈供應鏈合作的可信伙伴。中方將自主擴大電信、醫療等服務(wù)業(yè)對外開(kāi)放,進(jìn)一步開(kāi)放市場(chǎng),為包括法國和歐洲企業(yè)在內的各國企業(yè)創(chuàng )造更多市場(chǎng)機遇。

      -- Looking to the future, we will work with France to deepen China-Europe mutually beneficial cooperation. China and Europe are two major forces in building a multipolar world, two big markets that promote globalization, and two great civilizations that advocate cultural diversity. China-Europe relations are crucial for peace, stability and prosperity of the world. The two sides should always define China-Europe relations as a comprehensive strategic partnership, continue to enhance political mutual trust, remove various distractions, and jointly oppose attempts to turn business relations into political, ideological or security issues. We hope that Europe will work together with us to increase understanding through dialogue, resolve differences through cooperation, and defuse risks with enhanced mutual trust. We should turn China and Europe into each other's key partners for business cooperation, priority partners for cooperation in science and technology, and trustworthy partners for cooperation in industrial and supply chains. China will, on its own initiative, further open up the service sector including telecommunication and medical services, and open its market wider to create more opportunities for companies of France, Europe and beyond.

      ——面向未來(lái),我們愿同法方攜手應對全球性挑戰。當今世界和平赤字、發(fā)展赤字、安全赤字、治理赤字有增無(wú)減。中法同為獨立自主大國和聯(lián)合國安理會(huì )常任理事國,理應擔負責任和使命,以中法關(guān)系穩定性應對世界不確定性,加強在聯(lián)合國的協(xié)調,為全球治理提供更多引領(lǐng)和支持,促進(jìn)平等有序的世界多極化。中法要踐行真正的多邊主義,全面深入推動(dòng)世界貿易組織改革,維護以世界貿易組織為核心的多邊貿易體制權威性和有效性,推動(dòng)建設開(kāi)放型世界經(jīng)濟,促進(jìn)普惠包容的經(jīng)濟全球化。中法應該推動(dòng)國際社會(huì )形成合力,堅持《聯(lián)合國氣候變化框架公約》及其《巴黎協(xié)定》確定的目標和原則框架,積極應對氣候變化,推進(jìn)生物多樣性保護全球進(jìn)程,共同保護我們的地球家園。

      -- Looking to the future, we are ready to join hands with France to tackle global challenges. The world today is facing growing peace deficit, development deficit, security deficit and governance deficit. Both China and France are independent major countries and permanent members of the U.N. Security Council. This means our two countries need to shoulder our responsibilities and missions to enhance stability in China-France relations to address uncertainties of the world. We need to step up coordination in the U.N. and provide more leadership and support for global governance so as to build an equal and orderly multipolar world. China and France need to practice true multilateralism, further promote all-round WTO reform, uphold the authority and performance of the multilateral trading regime with the WTO at its core, keep the global economy open, and promote a universally beneficial and inclusive economic globalization. China and France need to urge the international community to pool strengths, stand by the goals and principles of the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Paris Agreement, actively address climate change, advance the global process of biological diversity protection, and jointly protect the Earth, our common home.


      Ladies and Gentlemen,



      Reform and opening up, a truly remarkable endeavor, is the defining feature of China today. China is pursuing high-standard opening up to advance in-depth reform and high-quality development. We are upgrading traditional industries, fostering emerging industries, laying the groundwork for future industries, and moving faster to promote new quality productive forces. We are considering and taking major steps to further deepen reform across the board, steadily expand institutional opening up, further expand market access, and shorten the negative list for foreign investment. All this will create an even bigger market and present more opportunities for win-win cooperation for France and other countries. We welcome French entrepreneurs present today to play an active part in the Chinese modernization process and benefit from China's development opportunities.


      Ladies and Gentlemen,


      再過(guò)兩個(gè)多月,美麗的塞納河畔將迎來(lái)盛大的巴黎奧運會(huì )。奧運會(huì )是團結和友誼的象征,是文明互鑒的結晶。讓我們堅守建交初心,賡續傳統友誼,踐行“更快、更高、更強——更團結”的奧運格言,攜手開(kāi)創(chuàng )中法合作新時(shí)代,共同譜寫(xiě)人類(lèi)命運共同體新篇章!

      In more than two months, the Paris 2024 Olympic Games will open by the beautiful Seine River. The Olympic Games is a symbol of solidarity, friendship and mutual learning between civilizations. Let us stay committed to the goal set by our two countries when our diplomatic ties were forged, boost our traditional friendship, and practice the Olympic motto of "Faster, Higher, Stronger-Together." Let us join hands to open up a new era of China-France cooperation and write a new chapter in building a community with a shared future for mankind.


      Thank you.


      (Source: Xinhua)