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      發(fā)布時(shí)間:2024-06-25 16:29:42  | 來(lái)源:中國網(wǎng)  | 作者:  | 責任編輯:李瀟

      2024年6月22日至26日,波蘭共和國總統安杰伊·杜達對中華人民共和國進(jìn)行國事訪(fǎng)問(wèn)。訪(fǎng)問(wèn)期間,中華人民共和國主席習近平同杜達總統舉行會(huì )談。兩國元首就中波關(guān)系及共同關(guān)心的國際和地區問(wèn)題深入交換意見(jiàn),充分肯定中波關(guān)系積極發(fā)展勢頭,就一系列問(wèn)題達成廣泛共識。國務(wù)院總理李強、全國人民代表大會(huì )常務(wù)委員會(huì )委員長(cháng)趙樂(lè )際分別會(huì )見(jiàn)杜達總統。

      From 22 to 26 June, 2024, H.E. Andrzej Duda, President of the Republic of Poland, paid a state visit to the People's Republic of China. During the visit, H.E. Xi Jinping, President of the People's Republic of China held talks with President Andrzej Duda. They had an in-depth exchange of views on bilateral ties and international and regional issues of mutual interest, fully recognized the positive development momentum of bilateral relations, and reached broad consensus on a series of issues. H.E. Li Qiang, Premier of the State Council, and H.E. Zhao Leji, Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress met with President Andrzej Duda respectively.


      This year marks the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the People's Republic of China and the Republic of Poland. In order to carry forward the traditional friendship, deepen political mutual trust, expand exchanges and cooperation between the two countries in various fields at all levels, and advance the continuous development of bilateral relations to a higher level, the two sides agreed to formulate and actively implement an action plan on strengthening the China-Poland comprehensive strategic partnership for the 2024-2027 period.


      The two sides have identified the following areas as priorities for cooperation: economy, trade and investment;connectivity;science, technology and green development; and people-to-people exchanges.


      1. Economy, trade and investment

      (一)雙方認識到中波經(jīng)貿合作的巨大潛力,愿建立更加平衡的雙邊經(jīng)貿伙伴關(guān)系,鼓勵各部門(mén)和機構利用現有機制深化雙邊經(jīng)貿合作和擴大相互市場(chǎng)準入,包括加強企業(yè)對接及創(chuàng )造其他機遇。雙方將積極改善貿易平衡狀況,擴大波蘭產(chǎn)品進(jìn)入中國市場(chǎng)準入。

      1.1. The two sides recognized the potential of China-Poland economic and trade cooperation, and will work to promote a more balanced economic and trade partnership. The two sides encourage relevant authorities and organizations to take advantage of existing mechanisms to deepen bilateral economic and trade cooperation, as well as mutual market access. This includes intensifying business-to-business contacts and leveraging other opportunities. Both sides will actively counteract the growing trade disproportion by granting wider market access for Polish products to the Chinese market.

      (二)雙方于2024年6月5日召開(kāi)中波經(jīng)濟合作聯(lián)委會(huì )新一次例會(huì ),建立中波貿易暢通工作組、投資促進(jìn)常設工作組。

      1.2. The two sides held a Joint Economic Commission meeting on 5 June 2024 and established joint working groups respectively dedicated to promoting trade and investment cooperation.


      1.3. The two sides are ready to work together to promote and simplify the export of Polish products to China, facilitate inspection and quarantine of agricultural products, and expand the trade volume of food and agricultural products. The two sides are willing to further strengthen exchanges and cooperation in the fields of animal and plant quarantine and imported and exported food safety, and work together to expand the scale of agricultural and food product trade. The two sides will promote the early export of Polish poultry meat, fresh blueberries, beans, and wild aquatic products to China. The two sides will endeavor to reach the agreement on the protocol of cooperation on highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) zoning and regionalization management by the end of 2024 and to sign the protocol thereafter.


      1.4. The two sides are willing to collaborate in promoting and simplifying the export of Polish products to China. China is willing to actively explore ways and steps to expand imports from Poland through the newly established Standing Working Group on Promoting Trade Cooperation. The two sides are willing to work together to facilitate the flow of export of Polish goods into China.

      (五)雙方支持中國國際貿易促進(jìn)委員會(huì )、波蘭投資貿易局等兩國貿易和投資促進(jìn)機構加強合作。雙方支持在電動(dòng)汽車(chē)、綠色發(fā)展、物流等領(lǐng)域開(kāi)展雙向投資合作,改善投資環(huán)境,為兩國企業(yè)進(jìn)入對方市場(chǎng)提供機會(huì )平等、公平競爭營(yíng)商環(huán)境。

      1.5. The two sides support closer cooperation among trade and investment agencies, such as the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade and the Polish Investment and Trade Agency. Both sides will support the growth of two-way investments in electric vehicles, green development, logistic and other sectors, as well as the improvement of the investment environment that will create equal opportunities and a level playing field for enterprises from both countries in both markets.

      (六)雙方愿深化在知識產(chǎn)權政策法規、專(zhuān)利商標審查、知識產(chǎn)權運用轉化、知識產(chǎn)權保護、人員培訓和公共服務(wù)等領(lǐng)域交流與合作。雙方愿繼續用好專(zhuān)利審查高速路和中波聯(lián)絡(luò )員機制,彌合知識產(chǎn)權分歧,解決專(zhuān)利相關(guān)問(wèn)題,為兩國企業(yè)獲得有效的知識產(chǎn)權保護提供支持。雙方強調探索人工智能等新興技術(shù)與知識產(chǎn)權應用的重要性,致力于共同預防和有效打擊包括假冒和盜版、惡意注冊商標、專(zhuān)利和外觀(guān)設計等知識產(chǎn)權侵權行為。雙方主張加強協(xié)調配合,共同營(yíng)造良好的營(yíng)商和法治環(huán)境。

      1.6. The two sides will deepen exchanges and cooperation in the fields of intellectual property policies and regulations, patent and trademark review, intellectual property application and transformation, intellectual property protection, personnel training and IP services for the public and IP users, among others. The two sides will continue to make good use of the Patent Prosecution Highway and the China-Poland Liaison Mechanism to bridge the IP gap and address IP-related concerns as well as provide support for enterprises in both countries to obtain effective intellectual property protection. The two sides stressed the importance of exploring emerging technologies such as the Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the use of intellectual property, as well as the importance of preventing and effective combating intellectual property infringements including counterfeiting and piracy, as well as bad-faith registration of trademarks, patents, and designs. The two sides advocate the need to enhance collaboration in the area of enforcement and to foster a conducive and favorable business and legal environment.


      2. Connectivity


      2.1. The two sides agree to conclude an agreement on deepening bilateral cooperation in railway sector. The two sides will further strengthen cooperation and promote connectivity and interoperability between Asia and Europe via rails to create a stable, economical and efficient transport channel.


      2.2. The two sides believe that the Chinese-Polish Joint Stock Shipping Company sets a fine example for shipping cooperation between the two countries, and support its continued rapid development. Chinese-Polish Joint Stock Shipping Company will actively provide shipping services for the development of trade between China and Poland.


      2.3. The two sides are willing to continue efforts to further develop customs cooperation with a view to ensure the trade security and facilitation, to accelerating customs clearance processes, including "point-to-point" inter-customs cooperation, strengthening the effectiveness of the correct application of customs law, and facilitating the connectivity of China-EU and China-Poland supply and industrial chains.

      (四)雙方愿適時(shí)更新中波兩國民航運輸協(xié)定,為航線(xiàn)運營(yíng)提供更多機會(huì )。雙方贊賞兩國為保障航班運營(yíng)作出的各項努力,愿進(jìn)一步支持兩國航空公司逐步增開(kāi)直航班次和航線(xiàn),在保障公平競爭原則下為直航運營(yíng)提供便利。

      2.4. The two sides are willing to update the Agreement between the Government of the People's Republic of China and the Government of the People's Republic of Poland relating to Civil Air Transport in order to provide better opportunities for the airlines to operate scheduled air services at an appropriate time. The two sides appreciate efforts from both sides to ensure flight operations, will further support the airlines in gradually increasing the frequencies and points to be served in operating scheduled air services on the routes between China and Poland, and provide facilitation for direct flight operations while safeguarding fair competition.


      3. Science, technology and green development

      (一)雙方愿充分利用中波政府間科技合作委員會(huì )機制,支持兩國科研機構、高校、企業(yè)等深化科研合作。

      3.1. The two sides will make full use of the China-Poland intergovernmental committee for science and technology cooperation to support scientific research institutions, universities and enterprises of the two countries in deepening scientific research cooperation.


      3.2. The two sides will uphold the status of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change as the main channel for international climate governance. The two sides are ready to uphold the goals, principles and institutional frameworks of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and its Paris Agreement, and continue to have candid dialogue and exchanges on climate change. Both sides are willing to strengthen information exchange and practical cooperation on greenhouse gas emission reduction and climate change adaptation.


      3.3. The two sides are committed to strengthening exchanges in the field of science and research related to the environment and climate change, including environmental protection technology, biodiversity protection.

      (四)雙方注意到在綠色技術(shù)、循環(huán)利用、廢物處理等領(lǐng)域的合作機會(huì )及沼氣技術(shù)合作潛力。雙方將繼續努力提高經(jīng)濟、環(huán)境和社會(huì )應對氣候變化的韌性,努力應對和降低氣候變化風(fēng)險。雙方歡迎昆明生物多樣性基金對生物多樣性融資的積極貢獻。

      3.4. The two sides noted the possibilities in exploring opportunities in areas such as green technology, recycling and waste treatment, including the potential of biogas technology cooperation. Both sides will continue their efforts to increase the resilience of the economy, environment and society to climate change and to counter and minimize the effects of climate related risks. Both sides welcome the positive contribution of the Kunming Biodiversity Fund to biodiversity financing.


      3.5. The two sides will strengthen cooperation in green economic fields such as new materials, clean energy, sustainable development, and diversified energy resource supply, and promote the transition to sustainable low-carbon energy sources such as solar, geothermal, and wind energy, with economic sustainability and fair competition as the drivers of cooperation.


      4. People-to-people exchanges


      4.1. The two sides reiterated the will to strengthen exchanges between artists, experts, scholars and cultural institutions from both countries, and enhance exchanges and mutual learning between both societies. The two sides will further strengthen exchanges and cooperation in sports.


      4.2. Both signatories are committed to implement existing provisions of the current Protocol on Cultural Cooperation and to start friendly negotiations of a new Protocol for the following timespan.


      4.3. The two sides are willing to further strengthen cooperation in the field of higher education and encourage universities from both sides to jointly organize relevant activities.


      4.4. Both sides attach great importance to education and exchanges on language and culture, including strengthening exchanges among language teachers, creating the first comprehensive Polish-Chinese and Chinese-Polish dictionary, and promoting friendly exchanges between the youth.


      4.5. The two sides reaffirm the importance of tourism in enhancing mutual understanding between the two peoples and promoting economic recovery after COVID-19.


      4.6. The two sides agreed to actively promote high-quality and sustainable growth in mutual visits by tourists, and are willing to strengthen cooperation between tourism institutions and industries, and promote practical exchanges in tourism product development. Both sides will work to further promote visa facilitation within their respective legal frameworks.


      4.7. The two sides support deepening China-Poland subnational cooperation between regional and local governments of the Republic of Poland and the People's Republic of China and are ready to convene meeting of the China-Poland Regional Forum.


      (Source: Xinhua)