

      Experts have say at translators and interpreters forum

      China.org.cn, 12 18, 2015

      Nikolay Garbovskiy (C)

      Nikolay Garbovskiy

      Founder and Director of the Higher School of Translation and Interpretation at Lomonosov Moscow State University, Vice-President of International Conference of University Institutes of Translation and Interpreting Studies(CIUTI)

      We have realized during long-term education that foreign language and translation are totally different majors, featuring totally different teaching models and learning skills. The UN and the foreign ministry have different requirements for translators. Thus, we should guide our students to establish a career development direction as early as possible. I think the forum has significant value for translator cultivation and translation industry development. For translation institutions, a priority is to improve translators' quality. I'd like to cooperate with my Chinese peers in that particular cause.

      Wei Aoyu

      Wei Aoyu

      Professor at Ecole Superieure d'Interpretes et de Traducteurs (ESIT), Universite Sorbonne Nouvelle-Paris 3 and HEC Paris

      The cultivation of translation talents and improvement of translation quality are significant factors for the success of the "Belt and Road" Initiative, as well as powerful guarantee for internationalization and going-out for Chinese enterprises.

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