


      發(fā)布時(shí)間:2016-03-25 16:39:07??|??來(lái)源:中國網(wǎng)??|??作者:??|??責任編輯:李瀟

      3月23日上午,國務(wù)院總理李克強在海南三亞國際會(huì )議中心主持瀾滄江——湄公河合作首次領(lǐng)導人會(huì )議。泰國總理巴育、柬埔寨首相洪森、老撾總理通邢、緬甸副總統賽茂康和越南副總理范平明出席。這是會(huì )議開(kāi)始前,李克強同與會(huì )領(lǐng)導人合影。 [新華社]

      3月23日上午,國務(wù)院總理李克強在海南三亞國際會(huì )議中心主持瀾滄江——湄公河合作首次領(lǐng)導人會(huì )議。泰國總理巴育、柬埔寨首相洪森、老撾總理通邢、緬甸副總統賽茂康和越南副總理范平明出席。這是會(huì )議開(kāi)始前,李克強同與會(huì )領(lǐng)導人合影。 [新華社]
      Chinese Premier Li Keqiang (3rd R) poses for a group photo with Thai Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha (3rd L), Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen (2nd R), Lao Prime Minister Thongsing Thammavong (2nd L), Vice President of Myanmar Sai Mauk Kham (1st R), and Vietnamese Deputy Prime Minister Pham Binh Minh (1st L) before the 1st Lancang-Mekong Cooperation Leaders' Meeting in Sanya, south China's Hainan Province, March 23, 2016. [Xinhua]
      一、我們,瀾滄江-湄公河國家的國家元首/政府首腦憶及瀾滄江-湄公河國家經(jīng)濟交往取得了迅速、長(cháng)足發(fā)展,各方已成為重要經(jīng)濟合作伙伴,同意進(jìn)一步促進(jìn)瀾滄江-湄公河國家間合作。1. We, the Heads of State/Government of the Lancang-Mekong Countries, recalling that the Lancang-Mekong countries have achieved rapid and significant progress in their economic relations and have become important partners for economic cooperation, agree to further promote cooperation among Lancang-Mekong countries.
      二、我們認識到,瀾滄江-湄公河國家在基礎設施建設、產(chǎn)業(yè)結構升級和經(jīng)濟社會(huì )可持續發(fā)展方面都面臨挑戰。同時(shí),當前各國工業(yè)化、城鎮化進(jìn)程不斷加速,產(chǎn)業(yè)結構調整不斷深化,基礎設施互聯(lián)互通不斷推進(jìn),為開(kāi)展國際產(chǎn)能合作提供了重要機遇。2. We are aware that the Lancang-Mekong countries all face challenges in infrastructure construction, industrial structure upgrading and sustainable economic and social development. In the meantime, countries are accelerating industrialization and urbanization, deepening industrial restructuring and enhancing infrastructure connectivity. This provides important opportunities for international production capacity cooperation.
      三、我們一致認為,產(chǎn)能合作旨在通過(guò)充分利用瀾滄江-湄公河國家競爭優(yōu)勢、制造能力和市場(chǎng)規模,采用直接投資、工程承包、技術(shù)合作和裝備進(jìn)出口等多種合作方式促進(jìn)地區貿易投資合作和所有合作伙伴的產(chǎn)業(yè)發(fā)展能力。3. We share the view that production capacity cooperation is to improve regional trade and investment cooperation, the industrial development ability of all cooperation partners by making full use of their competitive advantages, manufacturing capacity and market size and by adopting diversified cooperation forms such as direct investment, project contracting, technical cooperation and equipment import and export.
      四、我們同意,產(chǎn)能合作是促進(jìn)瀾湄合作的重要方式,有助于優(yōu)化地區產(chǎn)能分布,提升各國在全球價(jià)值鏈中的地位,提高各國可持續發(fā)展能力。4. We agree that production capacity cooperation is an important way to promote the Lancang-Mekong Cooperation, as it could help optimize regional productivity distribution, enhance the countries' standing in the global value chain and improve their ability of sustainable development.
      五、我們強調,產(chǎn)能合作應遵循互利、平等、共贏(yíng)的原則,遵守各國國內法律以及瀾滄江-湄公河國家均為締約方的國際條約和協(xié)定。5. We emphasize that production capacity cooperation will adhere to the principles of mutual benefit, equality, and win-win results, and abide by domestic laws of each country and international treaties and agreements to which Lancang-Mekong countries are State parties.
      六、我們強調,產(chǎn)能合作應通過(guò)保護環(huán)境和自然資源促進(jìn)可持續發(fā)展。6. We stress that production capacity cooperation will promote sustainable development through environmental protection, natural resources conservation.
      七、我們同意,產(chǎn)能合作應以共同促進(jìn)相關(guān)國家經(jīng)濟發(fā)展和產(chǎn)業(yè)轉型升級為重點(diǎn)。上述合作應增加企業(yè)員工和采購的本地化程度,加強本地員工培訓,促進(jìn)當地就業(yè),創(chuàng )造良好的經(jīng)濟和社會(huì )效益,為生產(chǎn)環(huán)節中中小企業(yè)的發(fā)展提供必要支持。7. We agree that production capacity cooperation will focus on jointly promoting economic development and industrial transformation and upgrading in relevant countries. Such cooperation should increase localization in enterprise employment and procurement, reinforce local staff training and enhance local employment to generate good economic and social results, and provide necessary support for SMEs' development in the production linkages.
      八、我們認為,各成員國應在制訂宏觀(guān)經(jīng)濟政策和產(chǎn)業(yè)發(fā)展戰略方面加強經(jīng)驗和專(zhuān)業(yè)知識交流,在建設人力資源、促進(jìn)創(chuàng )新以及先進(jìn)技術(shù)轉讓方面開(kāi)展合作,實(shí)現競爭優(yōu)勢互補和發(fā)展需要對接,將合作潛力轉化為持續的合作成果。8. We believe all member countries should strengthen exchanges of experience and expertise in developing macroeconomic policy and industrial development strategy, and cooperate in building human resources and promoting innovation and advanced technology transfer, align their respective competitive advantages and development needs and turn cooperation potentials into a steady flow of cooperation success.
      九、我們鼓勵成員國企業(yè)和金融機構根據市場(chǎng)需求,按照商業(yè)原則和國際慣例以雙贏(yíng)為目的推進(jìn)產(chǎn)能合作項目。同時(shí),政府層面需要維護穩定和可持續的宏觀(guān)經(jīng)濟環(huán)境,營(yíng)造良好的營(yíng)商環(huán)境,促進(jìn)經(jīng)濟要素自由有序流動(dòng)、資源高效配置、市場(chǎng)深度融合,加強政策溝通協(xié)調,為開(kāi)展產(chǎn)能合作創(chuàng )造有利條件。9. We encourage enterprises and financial organizations of member countries to implement production capacity cooperation projects for win-win results in response to the market demand and in accordance with business principles and international practices. Meanwhile, the governments need to create favorable conditions for production capacity cooperation by maintaining a stable and sustainable macroeconomic environment, fostering a sound business environment, promoting free and orderly flow of economic factors, efficient allocation of resources and integration of markets and strengthening policy communication and coordination.
      十、我們同意,依據相關(guān)國家法律框架和發(fā)展實(shí)際,依托交通互聯(lián)互通和產(chǎn)業(yè)集聚區平臺,優(yōu)先推進(jìn)電力、電網(wǎng)、汽車(chē)、冶金、建材、配套工業(yè)、輕工紡織、醫療設備、信息通信、軌道交通、水路交通、航空運輸、裝備制造、可再生能源、農業(yè)以及農產(chǎn)品和水產(chǎn)加工等領(lǐng)域的產(chǎn)能合作。各國將共同努力,推動(dòng)符合各國發(fā)展需要的重大項目合作取得進(jìn)展,不斷拓展合作領(lǐng)域,提高合作水平。10. We agree to prioritize in production capacity cooperation sectors such as electric power, power grid, automobile, metallurgy, production of building materials, supporting industries, light industry, textile, medical equipment, information, communications, rail transport, water transport, air transport, equipment manufacturing, renewable energy, agriculture and agricultural and aquacultural processing, in line with legal frameworks and development realities of relevant countries and relying on the development of transportation linkages and the platform of industry cluster districts. All member countries will work together to achieve progress in major projects that meet their development needs and expand the areas and enhance the level of such cooperation.
      十一、我們同意,充分利用現有雙邊和多邊金融資源,包括亞洲基礎設施投資銀行,用于支持瀾滄江-湄公河國家產(chǎn)能合作,并繼續探討其他可用的金融資源。11. We agree to make good use of the existing bilateral and multilateral financial resources, including the AIIB, to support production capacity cooperation among Lancang-Mekong member countries, and will continue to explore additional financial resources.
      十二、我們堅信,開(kāi)展產(chǎn)能合作將進(jìn)一步鞏固瀾滄江-湄公河國家業(yè)已緊密的經(jīng)濟紐帶。各成員國應通過(guò)開(kāi)展產(chǎn)能合作共享機遇、共迎挑戰,實(shí)現可持續發(fā)展和共同繁榮,讓產(chǎn)能合作成果惠及各國民眾。12. We firmly believe that production capacity cooperation will further strengthen the existing close economic ties among the Lancang-Mekong countries. Member countries will enhance production capacity cooperation to share the opportunities, meet common challenges, achieve sustainable development and common prosperity to the benefits of our people.