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      發(fā)布時(shí)間:2016-07-13 18:02:31  | 來(lái)源:中國翻譯研究院  | 作者:  | 責任編輯:李瀟

      中菲南海有關(guān)爭議的由來(lái)Origin of the Relevant Disputes Between China and the Philippines in the South China Sea
      中菲南海有關(guān)爭議的核心是菲律賓非法侵占中國南沙群島部分島礁而產(chǎn)生的領(lǐng)土問(wèn)題。此外,隨著(zhù)國際海洋法制度的發(fā)展,中菲在南海部分海域還出現了海洋劃界爭議。The core of the relevant disputes between China and the Philippines in the South China Sea lies in the territorial issues caused by the Philippines' invasion and illegal occupation of some islands and reefs of China's Nansha Qundao. In addition, with the development of the international law of the sea, a maritime delimitation dispute also arose between the two states regarding certain maritime areas of the South China Sea.
      自20世紀70年代起,菲律賓先后以武力侵占中國南沙群島部分島礁,并提出非法領(lǐng)土要求。從歷史和國際法看,菲律賓對南沙群島部分島礁的領(lǐng)土主張毫無(wú)依據。Starting in the 1970s, the Philippines invaded and illegally occupied by force some islands and reefs of China's Nansha Qundao and raised illegal territorial claims. The Philippines' territorial claim over part of Nansha Qundao is groundless from the perspectives of either history or international law.
      第一,南沙群島從來(lái)不是菲律賓領(lǐng)土的組成部分。菲律賓的領(lǐng)土范圍是由包括1898年《美西和平條約》、1900年《美西關(guān)于菲律賓外圍島嶼割讓的條約》、1930年《關(guān)于劃定英屬北婆羅洲與美屬菲律賓之間的邊界條約》在內的一系列國際條約確定的。中國南海諸島在菲律賓領(lǐng)土范圍之外。First, Nansha Qundao has never been part of the Philippine territory. The territory of the Philippines is defined by a series of international treaties, including the 1898 Treaty of Peace between the United States of America and the Kingdom of Spain (the Treaty of Paris), the 1900 Treaty between the United States of America and the Kingdom of Spain for Cession of Outlying Islands of the Philippines (the Treaty of Washington), and the 1930 Convention between His Majesty in Respect of the United Kingdom and the President of the United States regarding the Boundary between the State of North Borneo and the Philippine Archipelago. The Philippines' territory so defined has nothing to do with China's Nanhai Zhudao.
      第二,“卡拉延島群”是菲律賓發(fā)現的“無(wú)主地”,這一說(shuō)法根本不成立。1978年,菲律賓將中國南沙群島部分島礁稱(chēng)為“卡拉延島群”,是企圖制造地理名稱(chēng)和概念上的混亂,并割裂南沙群島。Second, the claim that "Kalayaan Island Group" is "terra nullius" discovered by the Philippines is groundless. In 1978, the Philippines singles out some islands and reefs of China's Nansha Qundao and name them "Kalayaan Island Group". This is an attempt to create confusion over geographical names and concepts, and dismember China's Nansha Qundao.
      第三,南沙群島也不是所謂“托管地”。南沙群島從未出現在有關(guān)國際條約或聯(lián)合國托管理事會(huì )相關(guān)文件中。Third, Nansha Qundao is not "trust territory" either. Nansha Qundao was never included in any relevant international treaties or the documents of the United Nations Trusteeship Council.
      第四,菲律賓提出的“地理鄰近”和“國家安全”都不是領(lǐng)土取得的國際法依據。Fourth, neither "contiguity or proximity" nor national security is a basis under international law for acquiring territory.
      第五,菲律賓稱(chēng),中國南沙群島部分島礁位于其專(zhuān)屬經(jīng)濟區和大陸架范圍內,因此有關(guān)島礁屬于菲律賓或構成菲律賓大陸架組成部分。這一主張企圖以《聯(lián)合國海洋法公約》(以下簡(jiǎn)稱(chēng)《公約》)所賦予的海洋管轄權否定中國領(lǐng)土主權,與“陸地統治海洋”的國際法原則背道而馳,完全不符合《公約》的宗旨和目的。Fifth, the Philippines claims that some islands and reefs of China's Nansha Qundao are located within its exclusive economic zone and continental shelf and therefore should fall under its sovereignty or form part of its continental shelf. This is an attempt to use maritime jurisdiction provided for under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) to deny China's territorial sovereignty. This runs directly counter to the "land dominates the sea" principle, and goes against the purpose of UNCLOS.
      第六,菲律賓對中國南沙群島部分島礁所謂的“有效控制”是建立在非法侵占基礎上的,是非法無(wú)效的,為國際法所明確禁止。國際社會(huì )不承認武力侵占形成的所謂“有效控制”。Sixth, the Philippines' so-called "effective control" of some islands and reefs of China's Nansha Qundao on the basis of its illegal seizure is null and void, and is unequivocally prohibited by international law. The international community does not recognize "effective control" created through occupation by force.

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