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      發(fā)布時(shí)間:2016-07-13 18:02:31  | 來(lái)源:中國翻譯研究院  | 作者:  | 責任編輯:李瀟

      中國處理南海問(wèn)題的政策China's Policy on the South China Sea Issue
      中國是維護南海和平穩定的重要力量。中國在堅定維護在南海的領(lǐng)土主權和海洋權益的同時(shí),堅持通過(guò)談判協(xié)商解決爭議,堅持通過(guò)規則機制管控分歧,堅持通過(guò)互利合作實(shí)現共贏(yíng),致力于把南海建設成和平之海、友誼之海和合作之海。China is an important force for maintaining peace and stability in the South China Sea. While firmly safeguarding its territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests, China adheres to the position of settling disputes through negotiation and consultation and managing differences through rules and mechanisms. China endeavors to achieve win-win outcomes through mutually beneficial cooperation, and is committed to making the South China Sea a sea of peace, cooperation and friendship.
      1. 關(guān)于南沙群島領(lǐng)土問(wèn)題1. On the territorial issues concerning Nansha Qundao
      中國堅定地維護對南海諸島及其附近海域的主權。部分國家對南沙群島部分島礁提出非法領(lǐng)土主張并實(shí)施武力侵占,嚴重違反《聯(lián)合國憲章》和國際關(guān)系基本準則,是非法的、無(wú)效的,對此,中國堅決反對,并要求有關(guān)國家停止對中國領(lǐng)土的侵犯。中國始終致力于與包括菲律賓在內的直接有關(guān)的當事國在尊重歷史事實(shí)的基礎上,根據國際法,通過(guò)談判解決有關(guān)爭議。China is firm in upholding its sovereignty over Nanhai Zhudao and their surrounding waters. Some countries have made illegal territorial claims over and occupied by force some islands and reefs of Nansha Qundao. These illegal claims and occupation constitute gross violations of the Charter of the United Nations and basic norms governing international relations. They are null and void. China consistently and resolutely opposes such actions and demands that relevant states stop their violation of China's territory. China has spared no efforts to settle, on the basis of respecting historical facts, relevant disputes with the Philippines and other countries directly concerned, through negotiation in accordance with international law.
      2. 關(guān)于南海海洋劃界問(wèn)題2. On maritime delimitation in the South China Sea
      中國主張,同直接有關(guān)的當事國依據包括《公約》在內的國際法,通過(guò)談判公平解決南海海洋劃界問(wèn)題。在劃界問(wèn)題最終解決前,各方應保持自我克制,不采取使爭議復雜化、擴大化和影響和平與穩定的行動(dòng)。China maintains that the issue of maritime delimitation in the South China Sea should be settled equitably through negotiation with countries directly concerned in accordance with international law, including UNCLOS. Pending the final settlement of this issue, all relevant parties must exercise self-restraint in the conduct of activities that may complicate or escalate disputes and affect peace and stability.
      中國不接受任何企圖通過(guò)單方面行動(dòng)把海洋管轄權強加于中國的做法,也不認可任何有損于中國在南海海洋權益的行動(dòng)。China does not accept any unilateral action attempting to enforce maritime claims against China. Nor does China recognize any action that may jeopardize its maritime rights and interests in the South China Sea.
      3. 關(guān)于爭端解決方式3. On the ways and means of dispute settlement
      中國堅信,要解決任何國家間爭議,無(wú)論選擇哪種機制和方式,都不能違背主權國家的意志,應以國家同意為基礎。只有當事方通過(guò)平等談判達成協(xié)議,有關(guān)爭議才能獲得根本長(cháng)久解決,有關(guān)協(xié)議才能得到全面有效貫徹實(shí)施。China firmly believes that no matter what mechanism or means is chosen for settling disputes between any countries, the consent of states concerned should be the basis of that choice, and the will of sovereign states should not be violated. Only when an agreement is reached by parties concerned through negotiation on an equal footing can a dispute be settled once and for all, and this will ensure the full and effective implementation of the agreement.
      在領(lǐng)土和海洋劃界問(wèn)題上,中國不接受任何強加于中國的爭端解決方案,不接受任何訴諸第三方的爭端解決方式。On issues concerning territory and maritime delimitation, China does not accept any means of dispute settlement imposed on it, nor does it accept any recourse to third-party settlement.
      4. 關(guān)于在南海管控分歧和開(kāi)展海上務(wù)實(shí)合作4. On managing differences and engaging in practical maritime cooperation in the South China Sea
      中國積極推動(dòng)與有關(guān)國家建立雙邊海上磋商機制,探討在漁業(yè)、油氣等領(lǐng)域的共同開(kāi)發(fā),倡議有關(guān)各國積極探討根據《公約》有關(guān)規定,建立南海沿岸國合作機制。China works actively to promote the establishment of bilateral maritime consultation mechanisms with relevant states, explores joint development in areas such as fishery, oil and gas, and champions the active exploration by relevant countries in establishing a cooperation mechanism among the South China Sea coastal states in accordance with relevant provisions of UNCLOS.
      中國始終致力于與東盟國家一道全面有效落實(shí)《宣言》,積極推動(dòng)海上務(wù)實(shí)合作。中國始終堅持倡導各方在全面有效落實(shí)《宣言》框架下,積極推進(jìn)“南海行為準則”磋商,爭取在協(xié)商一致基礎上早日達成“準則”。中國提議探討制定“海上風(fēng)險管控預防性措施”,并獲得東盟國家一致認同。China is always dedicated to working with ASEAN Member States to fully and effectively implement the DOC and actively promote practical maritime cooperation. China consistently maintains that the Parties should push forward consultations on a "Code of Conduct" (COC) under the framework of full and effective implementation of the DOC, with a view to achieving an early conclusion on the basis of consensus. China proposed the adoption of "Preventive Measures to Manage Risks at Sea". This proposal has been unanimously accepted by all ASEAN Member States.
      5. 關(guān)于南海航行自由和安全5. On freedom and safety of navigation in the South China Sea
      中國一貫致力于維護各國根據國際法所享有的航行和飛越自由,維護海上通道的安全。各國在南海依據國際法享有的航行和飛越自由不存在任何問(wèn)題。China is committed to upholding the freedom of navigation and overflight enjoyed by all states under international law, and ensuring the safety of sea lanes of communication. The freedom of navigation and overflight enjoyed by all states in the South China Sea under international law has never been a problem.
      中國積極提供國際公共產(chǎn)品,努力向國際社會(huì )提供包括導航助航、搜尋救助、海況和氣象預報等方面的服務(wù),以保障和促進(jìn)南海海上航行通道的安全。China has actively provided international public goods and made every effort to provide services, such as navigation and navigational aids, search and rescue, as well as sea conditions and meteorological forecast, so as to uphold and promote the safety of sea lanes in the South China Sea.
      中國主張,有關(guān)各方在南海行使航行和飛越自由時(shí),應充分尊重沿岸國的主權和安全利益,并遵守沿岸國按照《公約》規定和其他國際法規則制定的法律和規章。China maintains that, when exercising freedom of navigation and overflight in the South China Sea, relevant parties shall fully respect the sovereignty and security interests of coastal states and abide by the laws and regulations enacted by coastal states in accordance with UNCLOS and other rules of international law.
      6. 關(guān)于共同維護南海和平穩定6. On jointly upholding peace and stability in the South China Sea
      中國主張,南海和平穩定應由中國和東盟國家共同維護。China maintains that peace and stability in the South China Sea should be jointly upheld by China and ASEAN Member States.
      南海既是溝通中國與周邊國家的橋梁,也是中國與周邊國家和平、友好、合作和發(fā)展的紐帶。南海和平穩定與地區國家的安全、發(fā)展和繁榮息息相關(guān),與地區各國人民的福祉息息相關(guān)。實(shí)現南海地區的和平穩定和繁榮發(fā)展是中國和東盟國家的共同愿望和共同責任,符合各國的共同利益。The South China Sea is a bridge of communication and a bond of peace, friendship, cooperation and development between China and its neighbors. Peace and stability in the South China Sea is vital to the security, development and prosperity of the countries and the well-being of the people in the region. To realize peace, stability, prosperity and development in the South China Sea region is the shared aspiration and responsibility of China and ASEAN Member States, and serves the common interests of all countries.
      中國愿繼續為此作出不懈努力。China will continue to make unremitting efforts to achieve this goal.


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