


      發(fā)布時(shí)間:2016-12-05 10:00:33??|??來(lái)源:中國網(wǎng)??|??作者:??|??責任編輯:李瀟

      2016年11月24日,中國政府發(fā)布了《中國對拉美和加勒比政策文件》。全文如下:The Chinese government on Thursday released its policy paper on Latin America and the Caribbean. The full text of the English version of the policy paper is as follows:
      當今世界正處在前所未有的歷史性變革之中,多極化和全球化深入發(fā)展,新興市場(chǎng)國家和發(fā)展中國家的崛起成為不可阻擋的歷史潮流。同時(shí),世界經(jīng)濟復蘇進(jìn)程艱難曲折,國際和地區熱點(diǎn)問(wèn)題頻發(fā),傳統和非傳統安全威脅相互交織,維護世界和平、促進(jìn)共同發(fā)展仍然任重道遠。The world today is undergoing unprecedented historical changes, with multi-polarization and globalization gaining momentum. The rise of emerging markets and developing countries has become an irresistible historical trend. At the same time, the world economy is recovering amidst twists and turns. Global and regional hot-spot issues take place frequently. Traditional and non-traditional security threats are intertwined. Safeguarding world peace and promoting common development remains a daunting task.
      中國進(jìn)入實(shí)現中華民族偉大復興的關(guān)鍵階段,正圍繞到2020年全面建成小康社會(huì )、到本世紀中葉建成富強民主文明和諧的社會(huì )主義現代化國家的“兩個(gè)一百年”奮斗目標,積極推進(jìn)社會(huì )主義市場(chǎng)經(jīng)濟、民主政治、先進(jìn)文化、和諧社會(huì )、生態(tài)文明建設。中國堅持獨立自主的和平外交政策,堅定不移地實(shí)行對外開(kāi)放,愿擴大同各國利益交匯點(diǎn),推動(dòng)構建以合作共贏(yíng)為核心的新型國際關(guān)系,打造人類(lèi)命運共同體。China has entered a crucial stage in achieving the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. In order to fulfill the "two centenary goals" of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects by 2020 and turning the nation into a modern socialist country that is prosperous, strong, democratic, culturally advanced and harmonious by the mid-21st century, China has been actively promoting the construction of a socialist market economy, socialist democracy, advanced culture, a harmonious society, as well as ecological civilization. China adheres to the independent foreign policy of peace and is unswerving in its implementation of the opening-up policy. China stands ready to expand common interests with other countries, promote the construction of a new type of international relations with win-win cooperation at the core, and forge a community of shared future.
      中國的發(fā)展離不開(kāi)包括拉美和加勒比在內廣大發(fā)展中國家的共同發(fā)展。2013年以來(lái),中國領(lǐng)導人就加強中拉關(guān)系和各領(lǐng)域合作提出一系列重大倡議和舉措,賦予中拉關(guān)系新的發(fā)展目標和發(fā)展動(dòng)力。值此之際,中國政府發(fā)布第二份對拉政策文件,旨在總結經(jīng)驗,展望未來(lái),全面闡述新時(shí)期中國對拉政策的新理念、新主張、新舉措,推動(dòng)中拉各領(lǐng)域合作實(shí)現更大發(fā)展。The development of China cannot be possible without the development of other developing countries, including countries in Latin America and the Caribbean. Since 2013, the Chinese leadership has set forth a series of major initiatives and measures on strengthening China's relations and cooperation with Latin America and the Caribbean in a wide range of areas, which has provided new development goals and new driving forces for the relations. Building on the previous achievements, the Chinese government hereby releases its second policy paper on Latin America and the Caribbean, to summarize experience, draw a blueprint for the future, provide a comprehensive explanation of the new ideas, proposals and initiatives in China's Latin America and Caribbean policy for the new era, and promote China's cooperation with Latin America and the Caribbean in various areas.
      第一部分 拉丁美洲和加勒比——充滿(mǎn)活力與希望的熱土Part I Latin America and the Caribbean: A Land Full of Vitality and Hope
      拉美和加勒比地區是新興經(jīng)濟體和發(fā)展中國家的重要組成部分,是維護世界和平與發(fā)展的重要力量。新世紀以來(lái),拉美和加勒比國家積極探索符合自身實(shí)際的發(fā)展道路,取得舉世矚目的成就。As important members of emerging economies and the developing world, Latin American and Caribbean countries play a major role in safeguarding world peace and development. Since the dawn of the new century, Latin American and Caribbean countries have actively explored development paths suited to their own conditions and attained achievements that have attracted the world's attention.
      面對國際金融危機帶來(lái)的外部發(fā)展環(huán)境變化,各國都在積極采取措施應對挑戰,維護和推動(dòng)經(jīng)濟社會(huì )包容、可持續發(fā)展。拉美和加勒比作為一個(gè)整體,擁有巨大發(fā)展潛力和良好發(fā)展前景,是國際格局中不斷崛起的一支重要力量。Faced with changes in the external environment triggered by the global financial crisis, all countries are taking active steps to cope with the challenges and maintain and promote inclusive and sustainable economic and social development. Latin America and the Caribbean as a whole boasts huge development potentials and bright prospects, making it a rising force in the global landscape.
      第二部分 處于全面合作新階段的中拉關(guān)系Part II China's Relations with Latin America and the Caribbean in the New Stage of Comprehensive Cooperation
      中國同拉美和加勒比國家相距遙遠,但中拉人民友誼源遠流長(cháng)。1949年新中國成立后,在幾代人共同努力下,中拉關(guān)系扎實(shí)前行,走過(guò)了非凡歷程。Though far apart, China and Latin America and the Caribbean have a long history of people's friendship. After the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949, with the concerted efforts of several generations, the relations between China and Latin America and the Caribbean have gone through a remarkable journey.
      2008年中國政府發(fā)布首份對拉政策文件,提出建立平等互利、共同發(fā)展的中拉全面合作伙伴關(guān)系這一階段性目標。2014年,中拉領(lǐng)導人在巴西利亞舉行會(huì )晤,共同確立了上述關(guān)系定位,中拉關(guān)系由此進(jìn)入了全面合作的新階段。雙方高層交往和政治對話(huà)頻繁,貿易、投資、金融等領(lǐng)域合作全面快速發(fā)展,人文交流日益密切,在國際事務(wù)中相互支持、密切配合,中國-拉美和加勒比國家共同體論壇(以下簡(jiǎn)稱(chēng)“中拉論壇”)的成立為中拉合作提供了新的平臺,形成整體合作與雙邊合作并行發(fā)展、相互促進(jìn)的新局面。In 2008, the Chinese government issued its first policy paper on Latin America and the Caribbean, putting forward the goal of establishing a comprehensive and cooperative partnership featuring equality, mutual benefit and common development with Latin American and Caribbean countries. In 2014, leaders of the two sides held a meeting in Brasilia and jointly announced the establishment of the comprehensive and cooperative partnership of equality, mutual benefit and common development. Since then, the relations have entered a new stage of comprehensive cooperation. The two sides have witnessed frequent high-level exchanges and political dialogues, all-round and rapid development in trade, investment, finance and other areas, and increasingly close cultural and people-to-people exchanges. The two sides have also supported and closely coordinated with each other in international affairs. The establishment of the Forum of China and the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (China-CELAC Forum) has provided a new platform for cooperation between the two sides, setting the course for simultaneous and complementary development of bilateral and collective cooperation between China and Latin America and the Caribbean.
      中拉全面合作伙伴關(guān)系以平等互利為基礎,以共同發(fā)展為目標,不針對、不排斥任何第三方,符合中拉雙方的根本利益,也符合世界和平、發(fā)展、合作的時(shí)代潮流,是新時(shí)期發(fā)展中國家共謀發(fā)展、共擔責任、共迎挑戰的典范。Based on equality and mutual benefit, the comprehensive and cooperative partnership between China and Latin America and the Caribbean is oriented towards common development. It does not target or exclude any third party. It conforms to the fundamental interests of the two sides and the trends of our times featuring world peace, development and cooperation, and serves as a shining example of developing countries working together to seek common development, shoulder common responsibilities and cope with common challenges in the new era.
      第三部分 推動(dòng)中拉全面合作伙伴關(guān)系再上新臺階Part III Bringing the Comprehensive and Cooperative Partnership to New Heights
      中方致力于構建政治上真誠互信、經(jīng)貿上合作共贏(yíng)、人文上互學(xué)互鑒、國際事務(wù)中密切協(xié)作、整體合作和雙邊關(guān)系相互促進(jìn)的中拉關(guān)系“五位一體”新格局,推動(dòng)中拉全面合作伙伴關(guān)系再上新臺階,成為攜手發(fā)展的命運共同體:China is committed to building a new relationship with Latin America and the Caribbean with five salient features, namely, sincerity and mutual trust in the political field, win-win cooperation on the economic front, mutual learning in culture, close coordination in international affairs, as well as mutual reinforcement between China's cooperation with the region as a whole and its bilateral relations with individual countries in the region. We aim to bring the comprehensive and cooperative partnership to a new height by bringing the two sides into a community of shared future in which all countries join hands in development.
      ——堅持平等相待,始終真誠相助,是中拉關(guān)系發(fā)展的根本前提。中國堅持和平共處五項原則,堅持國家不分大小、強弱、貧富都是國際社會(huì )平等成員,尊重拉美和加勒比國家自主選擇發(fā)展道路的權利,愿同拉美和加勒比國家加強治國理政經(jīng)驗交流,深化戰略互信,并在涉及國家主權、領(lǐng)土完整、穩定發(fā)展等核心利益和重大關(guān)切的問(wèn)題上繼續相互理解、相互支持。-- Sticking to the principle of equality and sincere mutual support is the fundamental premise of the development of relations between China and Latin America and the Caribbean. China adheres to the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence and maintains that all countries, big or small, strong or weak, rich or poor, are equal members of the international community. China respects the right of Latin American and Caribbean countries to choose their own paths of development and is ready to work with Latin American and Caribbean countries to strengthen exchanges in governance experience, deepen strategic mutual trust and continue to understand and support each other on issues of core interests and major concerns, such as state sovereignty, territorial integrity, stability and development.
      一個(gè)中國原則是中國同世界各國發(fā)展關(guān)系的重要政治基礎。中國政府贊賞絕大多數拉美和加勒比國家恪守一個(gè)中國原則,支持中國統一大業(yè)。中方愿在一個(gè)中國原則基礎上同拉美和加勒比國家建立和發(fā)展國家關(guān)系。The one China principle is an important political foundation for China to develop its relations with other countries in the world. The Chinese government appreciates that the vast majority of Latin American and Caribbean countries abide by the one China principle and support China' s great cause of reunification. China is ready to establish and develop state-to-state relations with Latin American and Caribbean countries on the basis of the one China principle.
      ——堅持互利合作,促進(jìn)共同發(fā)展,是中拉關(guān)系發(fā)展的內生動(dòng)力。中方愿同拉方共同構建“1+3+6”務(wù)實(shí)合作新框架(即以《中國與拉美和加勒比國家合作規劃(2015-2019)》為指引,以貿易、投資、金融合作為動(dòng)力,以能源資源、基礎設施建設、農業(yè)、制造業(yè)、科技創(chuàng )新、信息技術(shù)為合作重點(diǎn)),積極探索“3×3”產(chǎn)能合作新模式(即共建拉美物流、電力、信息三大通道,實(shí)現企業(yè)、社會(huì )、政府三者良性互動(dòng),拓展基金、信貸、保險三條融資渠道),推動(dòng)中拉合作加快提質(zhì)升級。-- Seeking mutually beneficial cooperation and common development is the endogenous driving force for the development of the relations. China is ready to work with Latin American and Caribbean countries to build the new "1+3+6" framework for pragmatic cooperation (i.e. guided by the China-Latin American and Caribbean Countries Cooperation Plan (2015-2019), utilizing trade, investment and financial cooperation as driving forces, and identifying energy and resources, infrastructure construction, agriculture, manufacturing, scientific and technological innovation and information technology as cooperation priorities), actively explore the new "3x3" model for capacity cooperation (which refers to jointly building the three major passages of logistics, electricity and information in Latin America, enabling healthy interactions among the enterprise, society and government, and expanding the three financing channels of funds, credit loans and insurance), and speed up quality improvement and upgrading of the cooperation between China and Latin America and the Caribbean.
      ——堅持交流互鑒,鞏固世代友好,是中拉關(guān)系發(fā)展的堅實(shí)支撐。中方愿同拉美和加勒比國家加強政府、立法機關(guān)、司法機關(guān)、政黨、地方交往,加強教育、科技、文化、體育、衛生、新聞、旅游等領(lǐng)域交流合作,積極開(kāi)展文明對話(huà),增進(jìn)中拉人民心靈相親相近,為促進(jìn)世界不同文明和諧共存作出貢獻。-- Exchanges and mutual learning, as well as carrying forward the friendship from generation to generation, is the solid foundation of the relations. China stands ready to strengthen exchanges with Latin American and Caribbean governments, legislative bodies, political parties, and entities at the local level and cooperation in the fields of education, science and technology, culture, sports, health, journalism and tourism. China will actively hold dialogues between civilizations to bring the hearts of our peoples closer, and make contributions to promoting the harmonious coexistence of different civilizations in the world.
      ——堅持國際協(xié)作,促進(jìn)公平正義,是中拉關(guān)系發(fā)展的國際責任。中方愿同拉美和加勒比國家在國際多邊機制內加強溝通協(xié)作,共同維護以聯(lián)合國憲章宗旨和原則為核心的國際秩序和體系,推動(dòng)多極化和國際關(guān)系民主化、法治化進(jìn)程,增強發(fā)展中國家的代表性和發(fā)言權。中方愿同拉美和加勒比國家深化南南合作,鞏固多邊貿易體制,推動(dòng)全球治理改革,共建開(kāi)放型世界經(jīng)濟體系。-- China and Latin American and Caribbean countries share a global responsibility in promoting international cooperation, equity and justice. China is ready to strengthen communication and cooperation with Latin American and Caribbean countries within the international multilateral mechanisms, and jointly safeguard the international order and system with the purposes and principles of the UN Charter as its core. China will advance multi-polarization, promote democracy and the rule of law in international relations and enhance the representation and voice of developing countries. China is ready to deepen South-South cooperation with Latin American and Caribbean countries, consolidate multilateral trading systems, promote global governance reform and build an open world economic system.
      ——堅持整體合作與雙邊關(guān)系相互促進(jìn),是中拉關(guān)系發(fā)展的戰略路徑。中方贊賞并支持拉美和加勒比區域及次區域組織在地區和國際事務(wù)中發(fā)揮重要作用,將堅持平等相待的合作原則、互利共贏(yíng)的合作目標、靈活務(wù)實(shí)的合作方式、開(kāi)放包容的合作精神,以中拉論壇為主要平臺推進(jìn)中國與拉美和加勒比整體合作,并加強同地區有關(guān)次區域組織和多邊金融機構的對話(huà)合作,打造全面均衡的中拉整體合作網(wǎng)絡(luò )。-- To promote complementary development of collective and bilateral cooperation is the strategic path for developing China-Latin America and the Caribbean relations. China appreciates and supports the important role played by regional and sub-regional organizations of Latin America and the Caribbean in regional and international affairs. Upholding the principle of equality, seeking mutual benefit and "win-win" results with flexible and pragmatic ways of collaboration and in a spirit of openness and inclusiveness, China will promote collective cooperation with Latin America and the Caribbean mainly through the platform of China-CELAC Forum, and strengthen dialogue and cooperation with relevant sub-regional organizations and multilateral financial institutions, so as to create a balanced, all-round network of collective cooperation between China and Latin America and the Caribbean.

      第四部分 深入推進(jìn)中拉各領(lǐng)域合作Part IV Further Strengthening Cooperation in All Fields
      一、政治領(lǐng)域1. In the Political Field
      (一)高層交往(1) High-Level Exchanges
      充分發(fā)揮高層 交往的政治引領(lǐng)作用,保持中拉領(lǐng)導人互訪(fǎng)和在多邊國際場(chǎng)合的接觸,就雙邊關(guān)系和共同關(guān)心的重大問(wèn)題加強溝通。China wishes to give full play to the guiding role of high-level exchanges, maintain exchanges of visits and meetings at multilateral international events between leaders of China and Latin America and the Caribbean, and strengthen communication on bilateral relations and major issues of common concern.
      (二)治國理政經(jīng)驗交流(2) Exchanges of Experience on Governance
      從各自歷史傳統和發(fā)展實(shí)踐中汲取經(jīng)驗智慧,進(jìn)一步加強在治國理政和發(fā)展領(lǐng)域經(jīng)驗交流,助力雙方共同發(fā)展。歡迎拉美和加勒比國家積極參與中方設立的國際發(fā)展知識中心。The two sides should draw lessons and wisdom from their historical traditions and development practices, and further strengthen exchanges of experience on governance and development, so as to boost common development. Latin American and Caribbean countries are welcome to take an active part in the International Development Knowledge Center established by China.
      (三)政府間對話(huà)與磋商機制(3) Inter-governmental Dialogue and Consultation Mechanisms
      充分發(fā)揮雙方高層協(xié)調與合作委員會(huì )、高級混委會(huì )、政府間常設委員會(huì )、戰略對話(huà)、經(jīng)貿混委會(huì )、政治磋商等機制的作用,進(jìn)一步完善中拉政府間對話(huà)與磋商機制,促進(jìn)政府間對話(huà)與合作。Efforts will be made to give full play to the role of mechanisms such as the high-level coordination and cooperation committee, high-level mixed committee, inter-governmental standing committee, strategic dialogue, mixed committee on economy and trade, and political consultation, and further improve the relevant mechanisms to enhance inter-governmental dialogue and cooperation.
      (四)立法機關(guān)交往(4) Exchanges Between Legislatures
      中國全國人民代表大會(huì )愿在相互尊重、加深了解、發(fā)展合作的基礎上,充分發(fā)揮高層交往和專(zhuān)門(mén)委員會(huì )、友好小組、辦事機構等多層次交往的作用,加強同拉美和加勒比各國議會(huì )以及區域、次區域議會(huì )組織之間多層次、多渠道的友好往來(lái)。On the basis of respecting each other, deepening understanding and promoting cooperation, the National People' s Congress of China wishes to strengthen multi-level, multi-channel friendly exchanges with national parliaments and regional and sub-regional parliamentary organizations in Latin America and the Caribbean through high-level exchanges and exchanges at other levels such as special committees, friendship groups and offices.
      (五)政黨交往(5) Exchanges Between Political Parties
      中國共產(chǎn)黨將在獨立自主、完全平等、互相尊重、互不干涉內部事務(wù)原則的基礎上,同拉美和加勒比各國政黨和政治組織加強交流與合作,進(jìn)一步增進(jìn)了解和互信。On the basis of independence, full equality, mutual respect and non-interference in each other' s internal affairs, the Communist Party of China wishes to strengthen exchanges and cooperation with political parties and organizations of Latin American and Caribbean countries, so as to further enhance mutual understanding and trust.
      (六)地方交往(6) Local Exchanges
      積極支持雙方地方政府之間開(kāi)展友好交往與合作,分享地方發(fā)展和治理經(jīng)驗,推動(dòng)地方政府在有關(guān)國際組織中開(kāi)展合作。Active support will be given to local governments on both sides to conduct friendly exchanges and cooperation, share experience in local development and governance, and promote cooperation among local governments in relevant international organizations.
      二、經(jīng)貿領(lǐng)域2. In the Economic Field
      (一)貿易(1) Trade
      深挖雙邊貿易潛力,促進(jìn)中國與拉美和加勒比國家特色優(yōu)勢商品、高附加值產(chǎn)品和技術(shù)密集型產(chǎn)品等貿易,加強服務(wù)貿易和電子商務(wù)合作。本著(zhù)互惠互利的原則,同拉美和加勒比國家探討建立長(cháng)期穩定的貿易關(guān)系,商討包括自貿協(xié)定在內的各類(lèi)貿易便利化安排,妥善處理貿易摩擦,促進(jìn)中拉貿易健康平衡發(fā)展和結構多元化。Efforts will be made to tap into trade potentials between the two sides, promote the trade of specialty products, goods with competitive advantages or high added-value, and technology-intensive products, and strengthen trade in services and e-commerce cooperation between China and Latin American and Caribbean countries. Based on the principle of reciprocity and mutual benefit, China will discuss with Latin American and Caribbean countries the establishment of long-term and stable trade relations and various trade facilitation arrangements including the FTA. Trade frictions will be properly handled to promote sound and balanced development and structural diversification of trade between the two sides.
      (二)產(chǎn)業(yè)投資及產(chǎn)能合作(2) Industrial Investment and Capacity Cooperation
      鼓勵中國企業(yè)在平等互利基礎上擴大和優(yōu)化對拉美和加勒比國家投資,同拉美和加勒比國家商簽更多投資保護、避免雙重征稅、防止偷稅漏稅等協(xié)定,為企業(yè)間投資合作創(chuàng )造良好環(huán)境和有利條件。China will encourage its enterprises to expand and optimize investment in Latin American and Caribbean countries on the basis of equality and mutual benefit. China wishes to sign more agreements on investment protection, avoidance of double taxation and tax evasion with Latin American and Caribbean countries, so as to create favorable environment and conditions for investment cooperation between enterprises of both sides.
      堅持企業(yè)主導、市場(chǎng)運作、義利并舉、合作共贏(yíng)原則,支持中國企業(yè)赴拉美和加勒比國家投資興業(yè),推動(dòng)中國的優(yōu)質(zhì)產(chǎn)能和優(yōu)勢裝備對接拉美和加勒比國家的需求,幫助有需要的拉美和加勒比國家提高自主發(fā)展能力。Upholding the principle of business-led and market-oriented cooperation for mutual economic and social benefits, China will support the efforts of Chinese enterprises to invest and start business in Latin American and Caribbean countries, and align high-quality capacity and advantageous equipment of China with the needs of Latin American and Caribbean countries, in order to help the countries in need to enhance their capacity for independent development.
      (三)金融合作(3) Financial Cooperation
      支持中國金融機構與拉美和加勒比國家、地區以及國際金融機構加強業(yè)務(wù)交流與合作,進(jìn)一步完善在拉網(wǎng)點(diǎn)建設。加強中拉央行和金融監管部門(mén)間對話(huà)合作,擴大跨境本幣結算、商討人民幣清算安排,穩步推進(jìn)貨幣合作。在雙邊金融合作的基礎上,充分發(fā)揮中拉合作基金、優(yōu)惠性質(zhì)貸款、基礎設施專(zhuān)項貸款、中拉產(chǎn)能合作投資基金以及中國-加勒比相關(guān)融資安排的作用,積極探索保險、金融租賃等合作形式,不斷拓展同拉美和加勒比區域性金融機構合作,支持雙方重點(diǎn)領(lǐng)域和重大項目合作。China will support its financial institutions to strengthen business exchanges and cooperation with national, regional and international financial institutions in Latin American and Caribbean countries and further improve the construction of branch networks in the region. Efforts will be made to enhance dialogue and cooperation between the central banks and financial regulatory authorities of the two sides, expand cross-border local currency settlement, discuss RMB clearing arrangements, and steadily promote monetary cooperation. On the basis of bilateral financial cooperation, and giving full play to the role of China-Latin America Cooperation Fund, concessional loans, special loans for Chinese-Latin American infrastructure, China-Latin American Production Capacity Cooperation Investment Fund, and relevant financing arrangements between China and Caribbean countries, China will actively explore cooperation forms including insurance and financial lease, continuously expand cooperation with regional financial institutions in Latin America and the Caribbean, and support cooperation in key areas and major projects between the two sides.
      (四)能源資源合作(4) Energy and Resources Cooperation
      中方愿本著(zhù)合作共贏(yíng)、可持續發(fā)展原則,擴大和深化中拉能源資源領(lǐng)域合作,支持相關(guān)合作向勘探開(kāi)發(fā)等上游拓展,夯實(shí)合作基礎、擴大資源潛力,同時(shí)向冶煉加工、物流貿易、裝備制造、工程總承包等下游和配套產(chǎn)業(yè)延伸,提高產(chǎn)品附加值。中方愿同拉美和加勒比國家積極探討建立能源資源產(chǎn)品長(cháng)期供貨、本幣定價(jià)和結算等機制,減少外部經(jīng)濟金融風(fēng)險的影響。China wishes to expand and deepen cooperation in the fields of energy and resources with Latin American and Caribbean countries based on the principle of win-win cooperation and sustainable development. Efforts will be made to bring cooperation to upstream business such as exploration and development, so as to consolidate the foundation for cooperation and expand resources potentials; and at the same time, cooperation will be extended to downstream and supporting industries such as smelting, processing, logistics trade and equipment manufacturing, so as to improve added value of products. China is ready to actively explore with Latin American and Caribbean countries the establishment of mechanisms for long-term supply of energy and resources products and local currency pricing and settlement, to reduce the impact of external economic and financial risks.
      (五)基礎設施合作(5) Infrastructure Cooperation
      加強雙方在交通運輸、商貿物流、倉儲設施、信息通信技術(shù)、能源電力、水利工程、住房和城市建設等領(lǐng)域的技術(shù)咨詢(xún)、建設施工、裝備制造、運營(yíng)管理合作。鼓勵和支持有實(shí)力的中國企業(yè)、金融機構積極參與拉美國家物流、電力、信息三大通道規劃與建設,積極探索政府和社會(huì )資本合作(PPP)模式等新的合作方式,促進(jìn)拉美基礎設施互聯(lián)互通。China will strengthen cooperation on technical consultation, construction and engineering, equipment manufacturing and operation management in the fields of transportation, trade logistics, storage facilities, information and communication technology, energy and power, water conservancy, housing and urban construction. China will support and encourage competent enterprises and financial institutions to actively participate in the planning and construction of logistics, power and information passages in Latin American and Caribbean countries, and actively explore new ways of cooperation, such as the Public-Private Partnership (PPP) model, so as to promote the connectivity of infrastructure in Latin America and the Caribbean.
      (六)制造業(yè)合作(6) Manufacturing Cooperation
      支持有實(shí)力的中國企業(yè)參與拉美和加勒比國家重大資源能源開(kāi)發(fā)項目、基礎設施建設項目,并以此為依托,在當地建立建筑材料、有色金屬、工程機械、機車(chē)車(chē)輛、電力和通信設備等生產(chǎn)線(xiàn)和維修服務(wù)基地,幫助拉美和加勒比國家降低資源能源開(kāi)發(fā)和基礎設施建設成本。鼓勵企業(yè)赴拉美和加勒比國家開(kāi)展汽車(chē)、新能源裝備、摩托車(chē)、化工等領(lǐng)域全產(chǎn)業(yè)鏈合作,實(shí)現優(yōu)勢互補,增加本地就業(yè),提升工業(yè)化水平,促進(jìn)當地經(jīng)濟社會(huì )發(fā)展;以“企業(yè)主體、市場(chǎng)運作”為原則,探討合作共建工業(yè)園區、物流園區、高技術(shù)產(chǎn)業(yè)園、經(jīng)濟特區等各類(lèi)產(chǎn)業(yè)集聚區,助力拉美和加勒比國家產(chǎn)業(yè)升級。鼓勵雙方中小企業(yè)間的交流合作,積極搭建平臺,營(yíng)造良好環(huán)境。China will support its strong enterprises to participate in major resources and energy development projects and infrastructure construction projects in Latin American and Caribbean countries and, using these projects as the basis, to build production lines and maintenance service bases in the region for construction materials, non-ferrous metals, engineering machinery, locomotives and rolling stock, electric power and communication equipment, with the purpose of reducing costs for resources and energy development and infrastructure construction in Latin American and Caribbean countries. China will encourage its enterprises to go to Latin American and Caribbean countries to carry out cooperation in such fields as automobiles, new energy equipment, motorcycles and chemical industry, which will cover the whole industrial chain, so that the two sides can complement each other, increase local employment, upgrade the level of industrialization and promote local economic and social development. Based on the business-led and market-oriented principles, discussions will be held on the joint construction of industrial parks, logistics parks, high-tech industrial parks, special economic zones and other industrial agglomeration areas, so as to help Latin American and Caribbean countries in their industrial upgrading. Exchanges and cooperation between small and medium-sized enterprises of the two sides will be encouraged by building relevant platforms and creating good environment for them.
      (七)農業(yè)合作(7) Agricultural Cooperation
      鼓勵雙方企業(yè)積極開(kāi)展農產(chǎn)品貿易活動(dòng),推動(dòng)中拉進(jìn)一步加強農業(yè)科技、人員培訓等領(lǐng)域交流合作,深化雙方在家畜家禽養殖、林業(yè)、漁業(yè)和水產(chǎn)養殖等領(lǐng)域合作,共同促進(jìn)糧食安全。完善并繼續建設農業(yè)技術(shù)示范項目,推廣現代農業(yè)技術(shù)開(kāi)發(fā)和示范,提高雙方農業(yè)技術(shù)創(chuàng )新、農業(yè)生產(chǎn)加工能力和國際競爭力。完善雙邊農業(yè)信息交流與合作機制,充分發(fā)揮中拉農業(yè)合作專(zhuān)項資金作用,鼓勵開(kāi)展更多農業(yè)合作項目。Efforts will be made to encourage enterprises on both sides to actively engage in agricultural trade, push for further exchanges and cooperation in agricultural science and technology, personnel training and other fields, deepen cooperation in livestock and poultry breeding, forestry, fishery and aquaculture, and jointly promote food security. China will continue to set up and improve agricultural technology demonstration programs, promote the development and demonstration of modern agricultural technologies, and enhance agricultural technology innovation, agricultural production and processing capacity and international competitiveness on both sides. Bilateral mechanisms for agricultural information exchanges and cooperation will be improved while giving full play to the role of the special fund for China-Latin America agricultural cooperation, and more agricultural cooperation projects are encouraged.
      (八)科技創(chuàng )新(8) Scientific and Technological Innovation
      積極探討擴大中拉在信息產(chǎn)業(yè)、民用航空、民用核能、新能源等高技術(shù)領(lǐng)域合作。共建更多聯(lián)合實(shí)驗室、研發(fā)中心或高新科技園區,支持雙方創(chuàng )新型企業(yè)和研究機構開(kāi)展交流合作,促進(jìn)聯(lián)合研發(fā)。鼓勵雙方科技人才對話(huà)交流,支持更多拉美和加勒比國家杰出青年科學(xué)家來(lái)華開(kāi)展短期科研工作。China will actively explore the expansion of its cooperation with Latin American and Caribbean countries in high-tech fields such as information industry, civil aviation, civil nuclear energy and new energy, to build more joint laboratories, R&D centers and high-tech parks, support innovative enterprises and research institutions on both sides to carry out exchanges and cooperation, and promote joint research and development. China will encourage dialogue and exchanges between scientific and technological talents on both sides, and support more outstanding young scientists from Latin America and the Caribbean to come to China for short-term scientific research.
      (九)航天合作(9) Space Cooperation
      積極探討中拉在通信和遙感衛星、衛星數據應用、航天基礎設施、航天教育培訓等領(lǐng)域合作,共同推進(jìn)空間技術(shù)在防災減災、農林監測、氣候變化等領(lǐng)域的應用,充分發(fā)揮空間技術(shù)對拉美和加勒比各國科技和工業(yè)發(fā)展的帶動(dòng)作用,促進(jìn)科技、經(jīng)濟等領(lǐng)域持續發(fā)展。China will actively explore cooperation between the two sides in such fields as communication and remote sensing satellites, satellite data application, aerospace infrastructure, and space education and training, and promote space technology application in disaster prevention and mitigation, agricultural and forestry monitoring, climate change and other fields. China will pay full attention to the role of space technology as a driving force for the scientific, technological and industrial development of Latin American and Caribbean countries, and promote sustainable development in science and technology and the economic fields.
      (十)海洋合作(10) Maritime Cooperation
      積極探索中拉在海洋科技、海洋生態(tài)環(huán)境保護、海洋氣候變化、海洋防災減災等領(lǐng)域合作,因地制宜開(kāi)展海洋經(jīng)濟開(kāi)發(fā),促進(jìn)中拉海洋事業(yè)的發(fā)展。China will actively explore cooperation between the two sides in marine science and technology, marine ecological environment protection, marine climate change, marine disaster prevention and mitigation and other fields, and carry out marine economic development in accordance with local conditions, so as to promote the development of maritime affairs between the two sides.
      (十一)海關(guān)、質(zhì)檢合作(11) Cooperation on Customs and Quality Inspection
      加強雙方海關(guān)、質(zhì)檢部門(mén)交流與磋商,促進(jìn)貿易安全與便利,保證產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量和食品安全。推動(dòng)同拉美和加勒比國家執行或談簽海關(guān)行政互助、動(dòng)植物產(chǎn)品檢疫準入等合作文件,積極開(kāi)展海關(guān)執法、貿易便利化、能力建設、貨物貿易統計和動(dòng)植物檢驗檢疫、標準化領(lǐng)域的合作交流。Exchanges and consultations between customs and quality inspection departments from both sides will be strengthened, to promote trade security and facilitation, and ensure product quality and food safety. China will advance the implementation, negotiation, or signing of cooperation documents with Latin American and Caribbean countries regarding customs administrative assistance, animal and plant products quarantine access, etc. Active steps will be taken to carry out cooperation and exchanges on customs capacity building, trade facilitation, capacity building, goods trade statistics, and standardization.
      (十二)貿易投資促進(jìn)機構和商協(xié)會(huì )的合作(12) Cooperation Between Trade and Investment Promotion Institutions and Business Associations of the Two Sides
      中方將深化同拉美和加勒比國家貿易投資促進(jìn)機構和商協(xié)會(huì )的合作,利用有關(guān)雙邊和整體合作機制性平臺,推動(dòng)中拉企業(yè)界交流,實(shí)現合作共贏(yíng)。China will deepen its cooperation with trade and investment promotion institutions and business associations in Latin American and Caribbean countries, and facilitate, by making use of relevant mechanisms and platforms for bilateral and collective cooperation, exchanges between enterprises of the two sides, so as to achieve win-win cooperation.
      (十三)經(jīng)濟技術(shù)援助(13) Economic and Technical Assistance
      在充分尊重拉美和加勒比國家意愿基礎上,根據中國自身財力和經(jīng)濟社會(huì )發(fā)展狀況,繼續向拉美和加勒比國家提供不附加任何政治條件的經(jīng)濟技術(shù)援助,并根據拉美和加勒比國家需求,在力所能及的條件下逐步增加援助規模,創(chuàng )新援助模式,重點(diǎn)用于人力資源開(kāi)發(fā)、發(fā)展規劃、經(jīng)濟政策咨詢(xún)培訓、基礎設施建設、農業(yè)和糧食安全、減貧、氣候變化以及人道主義援助等領(lǐng)域。Based on full respect for the will of related countries in Latin America and the Caribbean, and in accordance with China's financial capacity and level of economic and social development, China will continue to provide economic and technical assistance to Latin American and Caribbean countries without attaching any political conditions and, in accordance with the needs of related countries, gradually increase the scale of assistance within its capacity. China will innovate the assistance model, giving priority to human resources development, development planning, economic policy consulting and training, infrastructure construction, agriculture and food security, poverty reduction, climate change and humanitarian assistance.
      三、社會(huì )領(lǐng)域3. In the Social Aspects
      (一)社會(huì )治理與社會(huì )發(fā)展(1) Social Governance and Social Development
      中方愿同拉美和加勒比國家就加強和創(chuàng )新社會(huì )治理開(kāi)展交流合作,分享、借鑒治理經(jīng)驗,共同推進(jìn)國家治理體系和治理能力現代化,不斷提升社會(huì )治理的社會(huì )化、法制化和精細化水平,維護社會(huì )安定有序和國家長(cháng)治久安。China is ready to conduct exchanges and cooperation with Latin American and Caribbean countries on strengthening and innovating social governance, to share and learn from each other' s experience in governance, jointly promote the modernization of governance system and governance capacity, continuously enhance the level of socialization, rule of law and refinement of social governance, and ensure social stability and order, as well as long-term national stability.
      進(jìn)一步推進(jìn)中拉在社會(huì )福利、社會(huì )救助等社會(huì )發(fā)展領(lǐng)域的交流與合作,加強政策分享,推動(dòng)和實(shí)現雙方在為老年人、殘疾人、兒童等特殊群體和城鄉困難群體提供服務(wù)和救助等領(lǐng)域的務(wù)實(shí)合作。Efforts will be made to promote further exchanges and cooperation in social development areas such as social welfare and social assistance, strengthen policy sharing, and promote and realize practical cooperation in providing services and assistance to special groups such as the elderly, the disabled, and children, as well as urban and rural disadvantaged groups.
      (二)環(huán)保、氣候變化與減災合作(2) Cooperation on Environmental Protection, Climate Change and Disaster Reduction
      進(jìn)一步發(fā)展和鞏固中拉在《聯(lián)合國氣候變化框架公約》和其他相關(guān)機制下的合作,積極推動(dòng)雙方開(kāi)展應對氣候變化磋商、交流和相關(guān)項目合作。深化雙方在水資源規劃與利用、生態(tài)系統保護、河湖治理、減災救災、沙棘種植等領(lǐng)域的政策對話(huà)、信息分享、經(jīng)驗交流、能力建設和技術(shù)合作,推動(dòng)雙方建立相關(guān)部門(mén)多邊和雙邊定期會(huì )晤機制。China will further develop and consolidate its cooperation with Latin America and the Caribbean under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and other relevant mechanisms, and actively promote consultation, exchanges and project cooperation to cope with the climate change. China will deepen policy dialogue, information sharing, experience exchange, capacity building and technical cooperation in the fields of water resources planning and utilization, ecosystem protection, river-lake management, disaster reduction and relief, and Hippophae rhamnoides cultivation. Efforts will be made to promote the establishment of regular multilateral and bilateral meeting mechanisms between relevant departments of the two sides.
      (三)減貧合作(3) Poverty Reduction Cooperation
      推動(dòng)中拉在減少貧困、消除饑餓、縮小貧富差距等領(lǐng)域開(kāi)展對話(huà)和交流,分享貧困識別等方面的信息,共享精準扶貧經(jīng)驗。開(kāi)展技術(shù)合作,加強減貧能力建設,促進(jìn)雙方制定有利于貧困人口和弱勢群體的經(jīng)濟和社會(huì )政策。鼓勵和支持雙方相關(guān)部門(mén)高層互訪(fǎng),適時(shí)舉辦中拉減貧和發(fā)展論壇。China will promote dialogue and exchanges in fields such as poverty reduction, hunger elimination, and narrowing the gap between the rich and the poor, by sharing information on poverty identification as well as experience concerning targeted poverty alleviation. China will engage in technical cooperation to enhance capacity building for poverty reduction, and promote the formulation of economic and social policies in favor of the poor and disadvantaged on both sides. Efforts will also be made to encourage and support high-level exchanges between relevant departments of the two sides, and hold the China-Latin America Poverty Reduction and Development Forum in a timely manner.
      (四)衛生合作(4) Health Cooperation
      在疾病控制、地區或全球流行性疾病、突發(fā)公共衛生事件應急處理等方面擴大交流與合作。中方將繼續幫助拉美和加勒比國家培訓醫療人員、改善醫療設施,向拉美和加勒比國家派遣醫療隊,愿在突發(fā)傳染病疫情防控方面向拉方提供力所能及的幫助。China will expand exchanges and cooperation in disease control, regional or global epidemic diseases, and response to public health emergencies. The Chinese side will continue to help Latin American and Caribbean countries train medical personnel and improve medical facilities, send medical teams to these countries, and stand ready to provide assistance within its capacity for the prevention and control of sudden outbreak of infectious diseases.

      四、人文領(lǐng)域4. In the Cultural and People-to-people Fields
      (一)文化、體育交流合作(1) Cultural and Sports Exchanges and Cooperation
      保持中拉文化主管部門(mén)經(jīng)常性對話(huà),推動(dòng)文化高層交往,實(shí)施雙方簽訂的文化合作協(xié)定和相關(guān)執行計劃。鼓勵并支持雙方選派高水平文化團組和藝術(shù)家作品參加各自舉辦的國際性藝術(shù)節和視覺(jué)藝術(shù)展覽。積極開(kāi)展中拉文明對話(huà),支持在中國和拉美和加勒比國家舉辦“文化交流年”活動(dòng)。鼓勵在保護文化遺產(chǎn)以及打擊盜竊、盜掘、文化財產(chǎn)非法出入境等方面開(kāi)展合作。Regular dialogue will be maintained between the cultural authorities of the two sides, to promote high-level cultural exchanges and implement the plans and the cultural cooperation agreements signed between the two sides. The two sides will support and encourage their high-profile cultural groups and artists to participate or show their works in international art festivals and visual art exhibitions hosted by China or Latin American and Caribbean countries. Efforts will be made to carry out dialogue among civilizations and support "Cultural Exchange Year" activities between China and Latin American and Caribbean countries. Cooperation will be encouraged in the protection of cultural heritage and the fight against theft, illegal excavation and illegal entry and exit of national borders of cultural properties.
      加強雙方體育交流和務(wù)實(shí)合作,鼓勵互派運動(dòng)員參加各類(lèi)體育賽事,建設更多高水平體育中心。在雙方優(yōu)勢項目上交流經(jīng)驗,共同提高運動(dòng)水平。The two sides will strengthen sports exchanges and practical cooperation, encourage their athletes to participate in various sports events held in each other's countries, and build more high-level sports centers. Exchange of experience on advantageous sports of each other will help enhance sports level of both sides.
      (二)教育和人力資源培訓(2) Education and Human Resources Training
      促進(jìn)中拉教育領(lǐng)域交流、流動(dòng)性研究項目以及教育部門(mén)和教育機構間合作。鼓勵和支持漢語(yǔ)、英語(yǔ)、西班牙語(yǔ)、葡萄牙語(yǔ)等語(yǔ)言人才培養,支持拉美和加勒比國家推廣漢語(yǔ)教學(xué),繼續推動(dòng)孔子學(xué)院、孔子課堂建設和發(fā)展。加強人力資源開(kāi)發(fā)、能力建設和各領(lǐng)域合作,增加向拉美和加勒比國家提供政府獎學(xué)金名額。積極開(kāi)展職業(yè)教育交流合作。China will promote educational exchanges, mobility research projects, as well as cooperation between educational departments and institutions. China will support and encourage the training of talents specialized in the Chinese, English, Spanish and Portuguese languages, support Latin American and Caribbean countries to promote Chinese language teaching, and continue to advance the construction and development of Confucius Institutes and Confucius Classrooms. China will strengthen human resources development, capacity-building and cooperation in various fields, and increase the government scholarships for students from Latin American and Caribbean countries. Exchanges and cooperation in vocational education will also be carried out in an active manner.
      (三)新聞出版廣播影視交流合作(3) Exchanges and Cooperation in Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television
      加強中拉新聞出版廣播影視對話(huà)與合作,鼓勵商簽廣播影視雙邊協(xié)議。鼓勵開(kāi)展節目交流與聯(lián)合制作、互相參加新聞出版廣播影視節展、加強人員交流、開(kāi)展媒體技術(shù)和產(chǎn)業(yè)合作。支持雙方互派常駐記者,開(kāi)展聯(lián)合采訪(fǎng)、互換新聞和人員培訓。鼓勵雙方有實(shí)力、有影響的網(wǎng)絡(luò )媒體在門(mén)戶(hù)網(wǎng)站開(kāi)發(fā)、新媒體能力建設等方面加強合作。鼓勵雙方出版界開(kāi)展合作,探索實(shí)施中拉思想文化經(jīng)典互譯工程,翻譯出版更多經(jīng)典作品。China will strengthen dialogue and cooperation in press, publication, radio, film and television, and encourage the signing of bilateral agreements on radio, film and television with Latin American and Caribbean Countries. The two sides will encourage the exchanges and co-production of programs and participation in festivals or exhibitions on press, publication, radio, film or television held in each other's countries, and strengthen personnel exchanges as well as media technology and industrial cooperation. The two sides will support the exchange of resident journalists and carry out joint interviews, exchange of news and personnel training. Strong and influential Internet media from both sides will be encouraged to enhance cooperation in portal development, new media capacity building and other aspects. The two sides will also encourage the publishing industry on both sides to engage in cooperation and explore the mutual translation of philosophical and cultural classics, so as to translate and publish more classic works.
      (四)旅游合作(4) Tourism Cooperation
      鼓勵中拉旅游部門(mén)和旅游企業(yè)相互推介旅游資源和產(chǎn)品,擴大旅游合作。探討出臺更多促進(jìn)雙向旅游的便利化政策,支持雙方航空主管部門(mén)探討更多直航。加強雙方消費者保護部門(mén)間對話(huà)與合作,重點(diǎn)保護國際旅客的消費者權利。China will encourage tourism authorities and enterprises on both sides to introduce tourism resources and products to each other and expand tourism cooperation. China will explore and issue more facilitation policies to promote two-way tourism, and support the negotiation for more direct flights between aviation authorities of the two sides. China will strengthen dialogue and cooperation with consumer protection departments of Latin American and Caribbean countries, with priority given to the protection of consumer rights of international travellers.
      (五)學(xué)術(shù)和智庫交流(5) Academic and Think Tank Exchanges
      積極支持中拉學(xué)術(shù)研究機構和智庫開(kāi)展課題研究、學(xué)術(shù)交流、研討會(huì )、著(zhù)作出版等多種形式的交流合作。鼓勵雙方高校開(kāi)展合作研究。China will actively support academic research institutions and think tanks on both sides to carry out subject research, academic exchanges, seminars, publications and other forms of communication and cooperation. Cooperative research between universities of both sides will also be encouraged.
      (六)民間交往(6) Non-governmental Exchanges
      鼓勵中拉民間交往,支持社會(huì )組織開(kāi)展形式多樣的友好交流和公益活動(dòng)。推動(dòng)雙方政府青年機構和青年組織交往,繼續實(shí)施“未來(lái)之橋”中拉青年領(lǐng)導人千人培訓計劃和拉美青年干部研修項目。深化雙方婦女組織間友好合作,共同促進(jìn)性別平等和增強婦女權能。鼓勵雙方社會(huì )力量在基層社區防災減災、健康促進(jìn)、生計發(fā)展等領(lǐng)域開(kāi)展合作,提升當地社區抵御災害和綜合發(fā)展的能力。在發(fā)生重大自然災害時(shí),支持國內人道救援組織開(kāi)展國際緊急救援行動(dòng)。China will encourage non-governmental exchanges and support social organizations to carry out various forms of friendly exchanges and public welfare activities. China will promote communication between government departments on youth affairs and youth organizations on both sides, and continue to support the "Future Bridge" Training Program for One Thousand Chinese and Latin American Youth Leaders and the Latin American Youth Cadres Training Program. The two sides will deepen friendly cooperation between women' s organizations and promote gender equality and women's empowerment. Non-governmental players of both sides will be encouraged to cooperate in areas such as disaster prevention and reduction, health promotion and livelihood development at the community level. In time of major natural disasters, domestic humanitarian assistance organizations will be supported in conducting international urgent humanitarian assistance.
      (七)領(lǐng)事合作(7) Consular Cooperation
      加強和擴大中拉領(lǐng)事部門(mén)交流合作,用好領(lǐng)事磋商機制,切實(shí)維護中拉在對方國家企業(yè)和公民的安全與合法權益。積極支持便利雙方人員往來(lái)的制度性安排。Efforts will be made to strengthen and expand exchanges and cooperation between the consular departments of the two sides, make good use of the consular consultation mechanism and earnestly safeguard the safety and legitimate rights and interests of their enterprises and citizens in each other's countries. Support will be given to institutional arrangements to facilitate personnel exchanges between the two sides.
      五、國際協(xié)作5. International Collaboration
      (一)國際政治事務(wù)(1) International Political Affairs
      推動(dòng)中拉深化在聯(lián)合國等國際機構和其他國際場(chǎng)合的交流合作,就重大國際和地區問(wèn)題保持溝通協(xié)調,推動(dòng)多極化和國際關(guān)系民主化,提高發(fā)展中國家在國際事務(wù)中的發(fā)言權,維護雙方和發(fā)展中國家的共同利益。Efforts will be made to deepen exchanges and cooperation between the two sides in the UN and other international organizations and on other international platforms, maintain communication and coordination on major international and regional issues, promote multi-polarization and democracy in international relations, enhance the voice of developing countries in international affairs, and safeguard common interests of both sides as well as other developing countries.
      (二)全球經(jīng)濟治理(2) Global Economic Governance
      加強中拉在二十國集團、亞太經(jīng)合組織、國際貨幣基金組織、世界銀行、國際清算銀行、金融穩定理事會(huì )和巴塞爾銀行監管委員會(huì )等國際經(jīng)濟金融組織和機制中的協(xié)調配合,推動(dòng)以世界貿易組織為核心的多邊貿易談判進(jìn)程,促進(jìn)建立均衡、共贏(yíng)、包容發(fā)展的多邊貿易體制,推動(dòng)亞太區域經(jīng)濟一體化。呼吁國際社會(huì )繼續推動(dòng)全球經(jīng)濟治理改革,健全和完善全球經(jīng)濟金融規則,進(jìn)一步推動(dòng)國際貨幣基金組織份額和治理結構改革,支持世界銀行按照各方達成一致的路線(xiàn)圖和時(shí)間表推進(jìn)股權審議,增加新興市場(chǎng)國家和發(fā)展中國家的代表性。推動(dòng)全球金融安全網(wǎng)建設,提升全球應對系統性沖擊的能力,加強對全球和區域系統性風(fēng)險的監測和預防。China will work to strengthen coordination and cooperation with Latin American and Caribbean countries in international economic and financial organizations and mechanisms such as the Group of 20, APEC, IMF, World Bank, Bank for International Settlements, Financial Stability Board and Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, advance multilateral trade negotiation processes with the WTO as the core, promote the establishment of a balanced, win-win and inclusive multilateral trading system, and promote economic integration in the Asia-Pacific region. China will call on the international community to continue to promote global economic governance reform, improve and perfect global economic and financial rules, further advance the IMF reforms on quotas and governance, support the World Bank to move forward with shareholding review in accordance with the roadmap and timetable agreed upon by all parties, and increase the representation of emerging markets and developing countries. China will also promote the construction of a global financial security network, to enhance the world's capabilities to respond to systemic shocks, and strengthen monitoring and prevention of global and regional systemic risks.
      (三)落實(shí)2030年可持續發(fā)展議程(3) Implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
      中方愿同拉美和加勒比國家一道,共同推動(dòng)國際社會(huì )同舟共濟、合作共贏(yíng),落實(shí)聯(lián)合國發(fā)展峰會(huì )通過(guò)的2030年可持續發(fā)展議程。推動(dòng)國際社會(huì )完善全球伙伴關(guān)系,加強南北合作的主渠道地位,敦促發(fā)達國家切實(shí)履行官方發(fā)展援助承諾,同時(shí)發(fā)揮南南合作和三方合作的重要作用。中方愿為拉美和加勒比國家推進(jìn)落實(shí)2030年可持續發(fā)展議程提供力所能及的支持和幫助。China is ready to work with Latin American and Caribbean countries to promote global, win-win cooperation in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development adopted by the United Nations Sustainable Development Summit. China will support the international community to improve global partnerships, strengthen the main channel status of North-South cooperation, and urge developed countries to fulfill their commitments on official development assistance, while placing importance on the role of South-South cooperation and trilateral cooperation. China stands ready to provide support and assistance within its capacity to Latin American and Caribbean countries in their efforts to implement the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
      (四)應對氣候變化(4) Response to Climate Change
      堅持《聯(lián)合國氣候變化框架公約》在國際應對氣候變化進(jìn)程中的主渠道地位,堅持《聯(lián)合國氣候變化框架公約》的原則和規定,特別是公平原則、共同但有區別的責任原則和各自能力原則,共同推動(dòng)落實(shí)《巴黎協(xié)定》。呼吁國際社會(huì )重視加勒比小島嶼發(fā)展中國家的特殊關(guān)切,推動(dòng)建立公平合理、合作共贏(yíng)的全球氣候治理體制,促進(jìn)公約的全面、有效和持續實(shí)施。China will support the main channel status of the UNFCCC in the international response to climate change. China will adhere to the principles and provisions of the UNFCCC, particularly the principles of equity, common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities, and promote the implementation of the Paris Agreement. China calls on the international community to pay close attention to the special concerns of small island developing states in the Caribbean, promote the establishment of a global climate governance system that is equitable and reasonable for win-win cooperation, and advance the comprehensive, effective and sustained implementation of the UNFCCC.
      (五)網(wǎng)絡(luò )安全(5) Cyber Security
      中國政府愿同拉美和加勒比國家一道,本著(zhù)和平、主權、共治、普惠原則,合作構建和平、安全、開(kāi)放、合作的網(wǎng)絡(luò )空間,建立多邊、民主、透明的互聯(lián)網(wǎng)治理體系,推動(dòng)在聯(lián)合國框架下制定各方普遍接受的網(wǎng)絡(luò )空間國際行為準則和打擊網(wǎng)絡(luò )犯罪的國際法律文書(shū)。反對利用網(wǎng)絡(luò )從事破壞一國政治、經(jīng)濟和社會(huì )穩定的行為。Based on the principles of peace, sovereignty, co-governance and universal benefits, the Chinese government is ready to work with Latin American and Caribbean countries to build a cyber space featuring peace, security, openness and cooperation, build a multilateral, democratic and transparent Internet governance system, and develop a code of conduct for international cyber space acceptable to all parties and international legal documents against cybercrimes under the UN framework. China opposes any engagement in the destruction of a country's political, economic or social stability by making use of the Internet.
      六、和平、安全、司法領(lǐng)域6. On Peace, Security and Judicial Affairs
      (一)軍事交流合作(1) Military Exchanges and Cooperation
      積極開(kāi)展同拉美和加勒比國家軍事交流與合作,擴大雙方防務(wù)和軍隊領(lǐng)導人友好交往,加強政策對話(huà)并建立工作會(huì )晤機制,開(kāi)展團組、艦艇互訪(fǎng),深化軍事訓練、人員培訓、聯(lián)合國維和等領(lǐng)域專(zhuān)業(yè)交流,拓展人道主義救援、反恐等非傳統安全領(lǐng)域務(wù)實(shí)合作,加強軍貿和軍工技術(shù)合作。China will actively carry out military exchanges and cooperation with Latin American and Caribbean countries, increase friendly exchanges between defense and military leaders from the two sides, strengthen policy dialogue and set up working meeting mechanisms, conduct exchanges of visits between delegations and vessels, deepen professional exchanges in such fields as military training, personnel training and UN peacekeeping, expand pragmatic cooperation in humanitarian relief, counter-terrorism and other non-traditional security fields, and enhance cooperation in military trade and military technology.
      (二)司法警務(wù)合作(2) Cooperation in Judicial and Police Affairs
      加快刑事司法協(xié)助類(lèi)條約簽署進(jìn)程,擴大打擊犯罪和追逃追贓等領(lǐng)域合作。積極開(kāi)展警務(wù)、檢務(wù)交流與合作,加強和拓展雙方在引渡、遣返犯罪嫌疑人和被判刑人移管以及違法所得查封、扣押、沒(méi)收、返還等領(lǐng)域合作,協(xié)調雙方在國際多邊司法合作領(lǐng)域的立場(chǎng),共同打擊包括腐敗犯罪、網(wǎng)絡(luò )犯罪、毒品犯罪、經(jīng)濟犯罪在內的跨國犯罪以及恐怖主義等非傳統安全威脅。加強民商事司法協(xié)助條約商簽。積極推動(dòng)中拉法院間開(kāi)展司法交流與合作。China will speed up the signing process of treaties concerning judicial assistance in criminal matters, and expand cooperation in such areas as fighting crimes, fugitive repatriation and asset recovery. China will actively carry out police and procuratorial exchanges and cooperation, strengthen and expand cooperation in the areas of extradition, repatriation of criminal suspects, transfer of sentenced persons, and criminal assets attachment, seizure, confiscation and return, coordinate both sides' positions in international multilateral judicial cooperation, and jointly combat non-traditional security threats such as terrorism and cross-border crimes, including corruption, cybercrimes, drug-related crimes and economic crimes. Efforts will also be made to negotiate and sign treaties on judicial assistance in civil and commercial matters and conduct judicial exchanges and cooperation between courts of the two sides.
      七、整體合作7. Collective Cooperation
      中方愿與拉方一道,根據《中拉論壇首屆部長(cháng)級會(huì )議北京宣言》、《中拉合作規劃(2015-2019)》、《中拉論壇的機制設置和運行規則》相關(guān)精神和主要目標,堅持尊重、平等、多元、互利、合作、開(kāi)放、包容和不設條件原則,積極推進(jìn)論壇框架下各領(lǐng)域合作。發(fā)揮好論壇部長(cháng)級會(huì )議、中國-拉共體“四駕馬車(chē)”外長(cháng)對話(huà)、國家協(xié)調員會(huì )議等機制作用,舉辦好政黨、法律、青年、智庫、基礎設施、科技創(chuàng )新、企業(yè)家、農業(yè)、民間和地方友好等領(lǐng)域分論壇活動(dòng),辦好中國——加勒比經(jīng)貿合作論壇,不斷完善中拉論壇機制建設,在條件成熟時(shí)舉行由中國和拉共體成員國領(lǐng)導人共同出席的峰會(huì )。Based on the spirit and main objectives of the Beijing Declaration of the First Ministerial Meeting of China-CELAC Forum, the China-Latin American and Caribbean Countries Cooperation Plan (2015-2019), and the Institutional Arrangements and Operating Rules of China-CELAC Forum, China is ready to work with Latin American and Caribbean countries to uphold the principles of respect, equality, diversity, mutual benefit, cooperation, openness, inclusiveness and unconditionality, and actively promote cooperation in various fields under the framework of the Forum. Efforts will be made to give full play to the role of such mechanisms as the ministerial meeting, the dialogue of foreign ministers of China and the "Quartet" of CELAC, and the meeting of national coordinators, hold successfully the sub-forums on political parties, law, youth, think tanks, infrastructure, innovation in science and technology, entrepreneurs, agriculture, non-governmental and local friendship, as well as China-Caribbean Economic and Trade Cooperation Forum, continuously improve the institution building of the China-CELAC Forum, and hold summits to be attended by state leaders of China and CELAC member states when conditions are ripe.
      中方歡迎拉美和加勒比有關(guān)地區組織和多邊機構積極參與中拉整體合作,將根據拉美和加勒比地區最不發(fā)達國家、內陸發(fā)展中國家和小島嶼發(fā)展中國家的需求,在整體合作中予以必要的照顧。China welcomes the active participation of regional organizations and multilateral institutions of Latin America and the Caribbean in the collective cooperation between the two sides, and will accommodate the needs of the least developed countries, landlocked developing countries and small island developing countries of the region in the collective cooperation.
      八、三方合作8. Trilateral Cooperation
      中方愿在拉美和加勒比國家提出、同意和主導的原則下同相關(guān)域外國家和國際組織在拉美和加勒比國家開(kāi)展三方發(fā)展合作。China is ready to carry out trilateral development cooperation in Latin American and Caribbean countries with relevant countries outside the region and international organizations under the premise that such cooperation is proposed, agreed upon and dominated by countries in the region.
      中方鼓勵中國企業(yè)與相關(guān)方基于商業(yè)原則在拉美和加勒比國家開(kāi)展經(jīng)濟、社會(huì )、人文等領(lǐng)域的三方合作。China encourages its enterprises to carry out trilateral cooperation in economic, social and cultural fields in Latin American and Caribbean countries with relevant parties on the basis of commercial principles.
      (Source: Xinhua)