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      發(fā)布時(shí)間:2017-01-10 14:29:29  | 來(lái)源:中國網(wǎng)  | 作者:  | 責任編輯:李瀟

      三、發(fā)揮基礎性先導性服務(wù)性作用III. Playing a Basic, Pioneering and Serving Role
      著(zhù)眼全面建成小康社會(huì ),中國政府堅持把交通運輸擺在先行發(fā)展的重要位置,交通運輸在推動(dòng)經(jīng)濟社會(huì )發(fā)展、服務(wù)和改善民生以及促進(jìn)生態(tài)文明建設方面,發(fā)揮了基礎性先導性服務(wù)性作用。To complete the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects, the Chinese government gives priority to transport, which plays a basic, pioneering and serving role in promoting economic and social development, in serving the people and improving their living standards, and in enhancing ecological progress.
      (一)推動(dòng)經(jīng)濟社會(huì )發(fā)展1. Promoting Economic and Social Development
      支撐經(jīng)濟增長(cháng)。交通運輸基礎設施投資是經(jīng)濟穩定增長(cháng)的助推器,“十二五”期間,中國交通運輸基礎設施完成投資12.5萬(wàn)億元。交通運輸網(wǎng)絡(luò )的完善和服務(wù)水平的提高,推動(dòng)了經(jīng)濟運行效率提升,降低了物流成本,帶動(dòng)了汽車(chē)、船舶、冶金、物流、電商、旅游、房地產(chǎn)等相關(guān)產(chǎn)業(yè)發(fā)展,創(chuàng )造了大量就業(yè)崗位。2015年,郵政業(yè)支撐的國內網(wǎng)購交易額突破3萬(wàn)億元。Supporting economic growth. Investment in transport infrastructure is the engine of stable economic growth. During the 12th Five-Year Plan period (2011-2015), a total of RMB12.5 trillion was invested in China's transport infrastructure. The improvement in the transport network and relevant services has increased the efficiency of economic operation, reduced logistics cost, boosted the development of relevant industries such as automobiles, shipping, metallurgy, logistics, e-commerce, tourism and real estate, and created many jobs. In 2015 China's total online purchasing transactions, supported by the postal industry, surpassed RMB3 trillion.
      保障物資運輸。便捷高效的物流基礎設施網(wǎng)絡(luò ),促進(jìn)了多種運輸方式順暢銜接和高效中轉,提升了物流體系綜合服務(wù)水平,有力保障了煤炭、原油、鐵礦石、糧食等重點(diǎn)物資運輸,2015年中國港口完成煤炭一次下水量6.7億噸、外貿原油接卸量3.2億噸、外貿鐵礦石接卸量10億噸。開(kāi)辟鮮活農產(chǎn)品“綠色通道”,有效保障和滿(mǎn)足了人民群眾的生產(chǎn)生活需求。Ensuring cargo transport. China's convenient and efficient logistics network has ensured the smooth and efficient transition between different means of transport, enhanced the efficiency of the logistics system, and guaranteed the transport of coal, crude oil, iron ore, grain, and other key items of cargo. In 2015 some 670 million tons of coal were shipped at Chinese ports, which also unloaded 320 million tons of crude oil and 1 billion tons of iron ore. Express lines were made available for fresh farm produce, effectively meeting the needs of the people.
      促進(jìn)區域和城鄉協(xié)調發(fā)展。中國政府把推進(jìn)交通運輸先行發(fā)展作為支撐“四大板塊”“三大戰略”等國家區域發(fā)展總體戰略的重點(diǎn)任務(wù),積極打通發(fā)達地區、中等發(fā)達地區、欠發(fā)達地區之間的聯(lián)系通道。依托京滬、京廣、沿海、沿江等綜合運輸大通道以及長(cháng)三角、珠三角、環(huán)渤海等港口群形成的經(jīng)濟帶、城市群,成為中國經(jīng)濟最具活力、人口最為密集的區域。城際公路客運普及和城際軌道加快建設促進(jìn)了城市群一體化發(fā)展,城鄉交通一體化讓城鄉經(jīng)濟融合更緊密。Facilitating the coordinated development between regions and between urban and rural areas. The Chinese government gives priority to the development of transport and enables the transport industry to play a pioneering role in supporting the regional development of eastern, central, western and northeastern China and the Three Initiatives, in an effort to connect China's developed, moderately developed and underdeveloped areas. China is building economic belts and urban agglomerations along the railway lines from Beijing to Shanghai and Guangzhou, along the coastline and the Yangtze River, near the ports in the Yangtze River and Pearl River deltas and along the Bohai Sea Rim, striving to make these areas the most economically viable and populous in the country. The growth of intercity highway transport and the development of intercity rails have facilitated the integrated development of urban agglomerations, and the integration of urban and rural transport is bringing the urban and rural areas closer economically.
      (二)服務(wù)和改善民生2. Serving the People and Improving Their Living Standards
      服務(wù)群眾安全便捷出行。推動(dòng)“平安交通”建設,著(zhù)力構建科學(xué)完善的交通運輸安全體系,運輸結構不斷優(yōu)化,服務(wù)水平不斷提升,人民群眾出行由“走得了”向“走得好”升級發(fā)展。“春運”等節假日綜合運輸服務(wù)保障能力顯著(zhù)提升。城市公交出行分擔率穩步提高,舒適度不斷提升。“互聯(lián)網(wǎng)+交通運輸”快速發(fā)展,提供實(shí)時(shí)交通運行狀態(tài)查詢(xún)、出行路線(xiàn)規劃、線(xiàn)(網(wǎng))上購票、智能停車(chē)等“一站式”服務(wù)。12328交通運輸服務(wù)監督電話(huà)全面開(kāi)通。Providing transport services to the people and making their travel safe and convenient. China is striving to build a sound system to improve transport safety, upgrade the transport structure and improve transport services, in an effort to provide better services to people. The transport capacity and service during the Spring Festival (i.e., Chinese New Year) and other travel peaks have been significantly enhanced. In cities the percentage of people taking public transit is on the rise, and comfort level of such transport means has been greatly enhanced. With the rapid growth of the "Internet+transport," passengers can now check the real-time status of traffic, plan their trips ahead of time, purchase tickets online, and enjoy "smart" parking and other one-stop services. The transport service and complaints hotline 12328 has been put into use.
      助力扶貧脫貧。進(jìn)入21世紀以來(lái),先后實(shí)施鄉鎮和建制村通達通暢工程、集中連片特困地區交通扶貧等10多個(gè)專(zhuān)項建設計劃,加大對農村地區、貧困地區交通建設的支持力度。“十二五”期間,投入車(chē)購稅資金超過(guò)5500億元支持交通扶貧建設,集中連片特困地區83.8%的縣城通二級及以上公路,86.2%的建制村實(shí)現通硬化路。提高貧困地區農村客運車(chē)輛通達率,逐步解決了溜索等特殊問(wèn)題。Supporting the poverty reduction and eradication effort. Entering the 21st century, China has initiated a dozen projects to connect townships, towns and administrative villages to the road grid, and built transport infrastructure in contiguous impoverished areas, with increased support for transport development in rural and impoverished areas. During the 12th Five-Year Plan period, over RMB550 billion of vehicle purchase tax was allocated to support transport development in poor areas. In contiguous impoverished areas, 83.8 percent of county seats now have roads of Grade II or above, and 86.2 percent of administrative villages have tarmac and cement roads. More buses now operate on routes linking poverty-stricken areas, and ropeways are being replaced by bridges.
      有效應對突發(fā)事件。交通運輸應急體系在重大自然災害、安全事故等突發(fā)事件應急救援中發(fā)揮重要作用。在汶川、玉樹(shù)等地震災害和南方雨雪冰凍災害中,交通運輸救援隊伍第一時(shí)間搶通救災“生命線(xiàn)”,為搶救生命贏(yíng)得寶貴時(shí)間。海上搜救力量妥善完成多起海上重大突發(fā)事件應急處置工作,積極參與馬航MH370失事客機搜尋等工作。2010年至2015年,組織協(xié)調海上搜救行動(dòng)12411次,搜救遇險人員108464人,其中外籍人員8070人。Effectively addressing emergencies. The transport emergency response system plays a key role in the rescue and relief work following natural disasters, accidents and similar contingencies. In the wake of the Wenchuan earthquake in 2008, Yushu earthquake in 2010 and the devastating snowstorms in southern China in 2008, emergency transport response teams were among the first to arrive at the scene and open up "lifelines" for relief. China' s marine search and rescue teams have been engaged in rescue work connected with many emergencies at sea, and actively took part in the search for the Malaysian Airline flight MH370. In the period 2010-2015 China organized and coordinated 12,411 marine search and rescue missions, saving 108,464 lives, including 8,070 foreigners.
      (三)促進(jìn)生態(tài)文明建設3. Enhancing Ecological Progress
      促進(jìn)節能減排。大力推進(jìn)綠色交通建設,與2010年相比,2015年國家鐵路單位運輸工作量綜合能耗下降6%,營(yíng)運車(chē)輛單位運輸周轉量能耗下降6.5%,營(yíng)運船舶單位運輸周轉量能耗下降10.5%,民航噸公里油耗下降近5%。實(shí)施“公交優(yōu)先”戰略,新能源和清潔能源運輸工具不斷增加,公共自行車(chē)系統快速興起。在珠三角、長(cháng)三角、環(huán)渤海(京津冀)水域設立了船舶排放控制區。長(cháng)江干線(xiàn)、京杭運河、部分沿海地區開(kāi)展水運行業(yè)應用液化天然氣(LNG)試點(diǎn)示范,部分港口安裝了碼頭油氣回收裝置,實(shí)施了船舶岸電工程。Promoting energy-saving and emission-reduction. China has been vigorously promoting the green development of transport. Compared to the 2010 levels, in 2015 the comprehensive energy consumption per unit railway transport dropped by six percent, the energy consumption per unit transport turnover of operating vehicles and ships went down by 6.5 percent and 10.5 percent respectively, and the ton/km fuel consumption of civil aviation decreased by almost five percent. The strategy of "public transit priority" has been implemented, supported by growing new- and clean-energy means of transport and a rapidly developing public bicycle rental system. In the Pearl River and Yangtze River deltas, and Bohai Sea Rim (Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei) area, restriction zones have been set up to curb emissions from ships. Along the arteries of the Yangtze River and the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, and in some coastal regions, pilot and demonstration projects of LNG use have been launched for water-borne transport, oil vapor recovery units installed at some ports and shore power provided to ships.
      保護生態(tài)環(huán)境。在交通運輸規劃、設計、建設、運營(yíng)等環(huán)節貫徹生態(tài)保護理念,逐步建設了一批示范性綠色鐵路、公路、港口和航道,探索創(chuàng )新荒漠區、高寒區、圍填海區域交通運輸基礎設施生態(tài)修復技術(shù)。“十二五”期間,完成交通運輸基礎設施生態(tài)修復總里程近1300公里,修復總面積超過(guò)5000萬(wàn)平方米。公路路面廢舊料循環(huán)利用率達到40%。全國煤炭運輸港口、重點(diǎn)礦石運輸港口開(kāi)展粉塵污染控制措施,沿海地區、長(cháng)江干線(xiàn)布設了溢油應急設備庫和配置點(diǎn)。高速鐵路采用“以橋代路”,有效節約了耕地,減少了對沿線(xiàn)城鎮的切割。Protecting the ecological environment. China is promoting ecological conservation in the planning, designing, construction, and operation of transport projects, and has built a number of railways, highways, ports and sea routes for demonstration purposes. It is also experimenting with ecological restoration technologies in transport infrastructure in deserts, alpine regions, and reclamation areas. During the 12th Five-Year Plan period China restored the ecology along 1,300 km of transport lines, with a total area of 50 million sq m. The recycling rate of road-surface materials reached 40 percent. Measures have been adopted to control dust pollution at coal and other minerals transport ports, and equipment storages and installation venues have been set up in coastal areas and along the Yangtze River in case of oil spills. Instead of tracks laid on the ground, many of China's high-speed trains run on elevated rails to spare farmlands and keep the towns along the routes intact.
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