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      發(fā)布時(shí)間:2017-01-10 14:29:29  | 來(lái)源:中國網(wǎng)  | 作者:  | 責任編輯:李瀟

      五、未來(lái)五年的發(fā)展目標V. Development Goals for the Next Five Years
      “十三五”時(shí)期,中國交通運輸發(fā)展將按照統籌推進(jìn)“五位一體”總體布局和協(xié)調推進(jìn)“四個(gè)全面”戰略布局,牢固樹(shù)立和貫徹落實(shí)創(chuàng )新、協(xié)調、綠色、開(kāi)放、共享的發(fā)展理念,堅持以人民為中心,提高發(fā)展質(zhì)量和綜合效率,積極發(fā)揮不同運輸方式的比較優(yōu)勢,堅持網(wǎng)絡(luò )化布局、智能化管理、一體化服務(wù)、綠色化發(fā)展,建設國內國際通道聯(lián)通、區域城鄉覆蓋廣泛、樞紐節點(diǎn)功能完善、運輸服務(wù)一體高效的綜合交通運輸體系,為全面建成小康社會(huì )提供交通運輸保障,更好地服務(wù)中國經(jīng)濟發(fā)展,更好地連通中國與世界。During the 13th Five-Year Plan period (2016-2020), China will continue to develop its transport industry in accordance with the overall plan to seek economic, political, cultural, social, and ecological progress and the Four-pronged Strategy. It will implement the guideline of innovation, coordination, green development, opening up, and sharing of benefits, continue to center on the people's needs, improve the quality and efficiency of development, and fully utilize the comparative advantages of different means of transport. China will continue to develop its transport grid characterized by intelligent management, integrated services and green development, and build a comprehensive transport system with functional "nodes" that connect domestic and international transport channels, cover urban and rural areas, and provide integrated and efficient transport services. All this will contribute to the completion of the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects, to the growth of the Chinese economy, and to connecting China more closely with the rest of the world.
      ——全面深化交通運輸改革。深入推進(jìn)綜合交通運輸改革發(fā)展,促進(jìn)各種運輸方式深度融合,加快構建安全、便捷、高效、綠色、經(jīng)濟的現代綜合交通運輸體系。推進(jìn)鐵路市場(chǎng)化改革,深化投融資體制和財政事權與支出責任改革,加快推進(jìn)空域管理體制改革。加快政府職能轉變,持續推進(jìn)簡(jiǎn)政放權、放管結合、優(yōu)化服務(wù),提高行政效能。Driving the reform of transport to a deeper level. China will promote the further integration of different means of transport, and build a safe, convenient, efficient, green, and economical modern transport system. It will push ahead the market-oriented reform of its railways, deepen reforms of the investment and financing system, financial powers and expenditure responsibilities, and reform its airspace management system. At the same time, it will further promote the transformation of government functions, continue to streamline administration and delegate powers to lower levels, strengthen regulations, improve government services and enhance administrative efficiency.
      ——構建內通外聯(lián)的運輸通道網(wǎng)絡(luò )。構建橫貫東西、縱貫南北、內暢外通的綜合運輸大通道,推進(jìn)對外交通走廊和海上絲綢之路走廊建設。打造高品質(zhì)的快速網(wǎng)絡(luò ),加快推進(jìn)高速鐵路成網(wǎng),完善國家高速公路網(wǎng)絡(luò ),適度建設地方高速公路,增強樞紐機場(chǎng)和干支線(xiàn)機場(chǎng)功能。完善廣覆蓋的基礎網(wǎng)絡(luò ),加快中西部鐵路建設,推進(jìn)普通國省道提質(zhì)改造和瓶頸路段建設,提升沿海和內河水運設施專(zhuān)業(yè)化水平,加強農村公路、通用機場(chǎng)建設,推進(jìn)油氣管道區域互聯(lián)。提升郵政網(wǎng)絡(luò )服務(wù)水平,加強快遞基礎設施建設。到2020年,高速鐵路營(yíng)業(yè)里程達到3萬(wàn)公里,覆蓋80%以上的大城市。新改建高速公路通車(chē)里程約3萬(wàn)公里。具備條件的建制村通硬化路和班車(chē)。村村直接通郵。Building a transport network that covers the whole of China and extends beyond its borders. China will build a comprehensive transport network that spreads from east to west and south to north, construct passageways that extend beyond its borders, and develop sea routes for the Maritime Silk Road. China will develop a high-quality fast-transit grid, form a high-speed rail network, improve the national expressway network, build an appropriate number of expressways at the local level, and enhance the functions of airline hubs and national and regional airports. China will improve its basic road network to cover more areas, speed up the construction of railways in the central and western areas, upgrade national and provincial highways and construction of congested sections, improve coastal and inland river transport facilities, strengthen the construction of roads and airports in rural areas, and connect the oil and gas pipelines in different areas. China will improve its postal services and network, and strengthen the infrastructure for express mail delivery. By 2020 China will have 30,000 km of high-speed railways, covering 80 percent of big cities, and 30,000 km of newly renovated expressways. Administrative villages with the necessary conditions will have tarmac and cement roads and shuttle bus services, and all villages will have access to mail service.
      ——建設現代高效的城際城市交通。建設城市群中心城市間、中心城市與周邊節點(diǎn)城市間1-2小時(shí)交通圈,打造城市群中心城市與周邊重要城鎮間1小時(shí)通勤都市圈。在城鎮化地區大力發(fā)展城際鐵路、市域(郊)鐵路,形成多層次軌道交通骨干網(wǎng)絡(luò )。實(shí)行公共交通優(yōu)先,加快發(fā)展城市軌道交通、快速公交等大容量公共交通。到2020年,基本建成京津冀、長(cháng)三角、珠三角、長(cháng)江中游、中原、成渝、山東半島城市群城際鐵路網(wǎng)。加快300萬(wàn)以上人口城市軌道交通成網(wǎng),新增城市軌道交通運營(yíng)里程約3000公里。加強郵政、快遞網(wǎng)絡(luò )終端建設。Developing modern and efficient intercity transport. In urban agglomerations, China will build commuting circles of 1-2 hours between the central cities and between central and peripheral cities, and one-hour commuting circles between central cities and key peripheral towns. In urban areas it will vigorously develop intercity high-speed and suburban railways, and form a multi-level rail transit network. With priority focused on public transit, China will speed up the development of its urban rail and bus rapid transit, and other means of high-capacity public transport. By 2020 intercity railway networks will be completed in the urban agglomerations of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta, middle reaches of the Yangtze River, Central Plains, Chengdu-Chongqing, and Shandong Peninsula areas. More efforts will be made in cities with three million or more residents to form urban rail transport networks, and about 3,000 km of new tracks will be added to the urban rail transit system. China will also strengthen the development of terminals for postal and express delivery services.
      ——打造一體銜接的綜合交通樞紐。優(yōu)化樞紐空間布局,建設北京、上海、廣州等國際性綜合交通樞紐,提升全國性、區域性和地區性綜合交通樞紐水平,加強中西部重要樞紐建設,推進(jìn)沿邊重要口岸樞紐建設,提升樞紐內外輻射能力。完善樞紐綜合服務(wù)功能,優(yōu)化中轉設施和集疏運網(wǎng)絡(luò ),強化客運零距離換乘和貨運無(wú)縫化銜接,實(shí)現不同運輸方式協(xié)調高效,發(fā)揮綜合優(yōu)勢,提升交通物流整體效率。Building integrated transport hubs. China will enhance the layout of its transport hubs, build international transport hubs in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, and improve the services and functions of national, regional and local transport hubs. It will strengthen the construction of key transport centers in central and western China and key ports in border regions, and increase their impacts over a wider area. China will improve the services of its transport hubs, improve the transfer facilities and the collecting and distributing networks, enable seamless passenger and freight transfer, and coordinate different means of transport, so as to increase the efficiency of transport and logistics.
      ——推動(dòng)運輸服務(wù)綠色智能發(fā)展。推進(jìn)交通運輸綠色發(fā)展,集約節約利用資源,加強標準化、低碳化、現代化運輸裝備和節能環(huán)保運輸工具推廣應用。實(shí)施“互聯(lián)網(wǎng)+交通運輸”行動(dòng)計劃,加快智能交通發(fā)展,推廣先進(jìn)信息技術(shù)和智能技術(shù)裝備應用,加強聯(lián)程聯(lián)運系統、智能管理系統、公共信息系統建設,加快發(fā)展多式聯(lián)運,提高交通運輸服務(wù)質(zhì)量和效益。Promoting the green and intelligent development of transport services. China is striving to push forward the green development of transport through conservation and intensive use of resources and promoting the use of standardized, low-carbon, and modern equipment and energy-saving means in the transport sector. With the implementation of the "Internet+transport" action plan, China is encouraging the development of intelligent transport, and the application of advanced information technology and smart appliances. More efforts will be made in the development of through-transport, smart management and public information systems, in strengthening multimodal transport, and in enhancing the quality and profit of transport services.
      ——提升交通運輸安全管理水平。完善安全生產(chǎn)法規制度體系,有效落實(shí)企業(yè)主體責任和管理部門(mén)監管責任。加強應急能力建設,全面提升應急處置和救援水平。強化事前預防,開(kāi)展平安交通專(zhuān)項行動(dòng),加大隱患排查治理和風(fēng)險管控力度,突出重點(diǎn)領(lǐng)域安全監管,全面實(shí)施安全生產(chǎn)風(fēng)險管理,堅決遏制重特大事故多發(fā)頻發(fā)。Improving safety in the transport industry. China will improve the regulations and system for transport safety control, and see to it that the responsibilities of transport businesses and those of the supervising organs are thoroughly implemented. China will strengthen its capacity for emergency response and rescue, emphasizing precautionary measures, carrying out special actions to ensure transport safety and strengthening the screening of potential safety hazards and security risks. It will also focus on key areas, fully implement safety control in the transport industry, and resolutely strive to reduce the occurrence of serious accidents.
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