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      發(fā)布時(shí)間:2017-01-10 16:13:42  | 來(lái)源:中國網(wǎng)  | 作者:  | 責任編輯:李瀟

      四、發(fā)展政策與措施IV. Policies and Measures for Development
      中國政府積極制定實(shí)施發(fā)展航天事業(yè)的政策與措施,提供有力政策保障,營(yíng)造良好發(fā)展環(huán)境,推動(dòng)航天事業(yè)持續健康快速發(fā)展。The Chinese government has formulated policies and measures to support the space industry and create favorable conditions for its sustainable, sound and rapid development.
      中國國家航天局是中華人民共和國負責民用航天管理及國際空間合作的政府機構,履行政府相應的管理職責。The China National Space Administration is the government agency in charge of China's civil space activities and international space cooperation, and performs corresponding functions of administration.
      (一)科學(xué)部署各項航天活動(dòng)1. Space activities rationally arranged
      優(yōu)先安排空間基礎設施建設及應用,積極支持空間探索和空間科學(xué)研究,持續提升進(jìn)入和利用空間能力,不斷增強空間安全保障能力。Priority is given to the construction and application of space infrastructure, alongside support for space exploration and space science research, in China's ongoing efforts to expand its capacity to enter and utilize space and enhance guarantee for space security.
      (二)大幅提升航天創(chuàng )新能力2. Space innovation greatly enhanced
      實(shí)施一批航天重大工程和重大科技項目,推動(dòng)航天科技跨越發(fā)展,帶動(dòng)國家科技整體躍升。A number of major projects and scientific and technological programs have been implemented to promote significant progress of space science and technology, and enhance the overall level of China's science and technology.
      明確各類(lèi)創(chuàng )新主體功能定位,建立政產(chǎn)學(xué)研用一體的航天協(xié)同創(chuàng )新體系,構建航天技術(shù)創(chuàng )新聯(lián)盟和產(chǎn)業(yè)創(chuàng )新聯(lián)盟,圍繞產(chǎn)業(yè)鏈打造創(chuàng )新鏈。The roles of various players are clearly defined in the formation of a framework of innovation featuring the coordinated efforts of the government, enterprises, universities, research institutions and consumers, and the creation of technical and industrial innovation partnerships, so as to shape a chain of innovation to match the overall industrial chain.
      推動(dòng)建設航天領(lǐng)域研究基地(平臺),超前部署戰略性、基礎性、前瞻性科學(xué)研究和技術(shù)攻關(guān),大幅提升原始創(chuàng )新能力,打造國家科技創(chuàng )新高地。Efforts are being made to build a space research base and plan in advance strategic, fundamental and forward-looking research projects to tackle key technical problems, so as to substantially increase China's capacity for original innovation and create a state-of-art platform in this field.
      加強航天技術(shù)二次開(kāi)發(fā),推動(dòng)航天科技成果轉化應用,輻射帶動(dòng)國民經(jīng)濟發(fā)展。The customization development of space technologies has been enhanced to put research findings into industrial production and lead national economic development.
      (三)全面推動(dòng)航天工業(yè)能力轉型升級3. Space industry capacity transformed and upgraded
      構建基于系統集成商、專(zhuān)業(yè)承包商、市場(chǎng)供應商和公共服務(wù)機構,根植于國民經(jīng)濟、融合開(kāi)放的航天科研生產(chǎn)組織體系。Efforts are constantly being made to build an integrated and open system comprising system integrators, specialized contractors, market suppliers and public service providers, based on the national economy and covering all links from scientific research to production.
      實(shí)施強基工程,突破關(guān)鍵材料、核心零部件、先進(jìn)工藝等基礎瓶頸,強化標準、計量等體系建設。A project to reinforce space science infrastructure has got off the ground with the goal of removing the basic bottlenecks and obstacles concerning key materials, core spare parts and advanced technology, and improving such systems as standards and measurements.
      加快推進(jìn)工業(yè)化與信息化的深度融合,實(shí)現航天工業(yè)能力向數字化、網(wǎng)絡(luò )化、智能化轉型。Information technology has been further applied to make space industry capacity more digitalized, Internet- and artificial intelligence-based.
      (四)加快發(fā)展衛星應用產(chǎn)業(yè)4. Satellite application industry accelerated
      完善衛星應用產(chǎn)業(yè)發(fā)展政策,健全國家標準與質(zhì)量體系,建立健全衛星數據共享等配套機制,完善衛星數據和資源共享平臺,實(shí)現衛星數據和資源共享共用,形成衛星應用產(chǎn)業(yè)發(fā)展的良好環(huán)境,提升衛星應用整體效益。Industrial policies related to satellite application, and national standards and quality systems have been improved. Supportive mechanisms for satellite data sharing have been established and improved, and platforms for sharing satellite data and resources upgraded to create a satisfactory environment for the satellite application industry and boost the overall performance of satellite application.
      培育衛星應用產(chǎn)業(yè)集群和應用市場(chǎng),完善衛星應用產(chǎn)業(yè)鏈。加強衛星融合應用技術(shù)開(kāi)發(fā),推動(dòng)衛星應用與互聯(lián)網(wǎng)、大數據、物聯(lián)網(wǎng)等新興產(chǎn)業(yè)融合發(fā)展,打造新產(chǎn)品、新技術(shù)、新業(yè)態(tài),培育新的經(jīng)濟增長(cháng)點(diǎn),助力“大眾創(chuàng )業(yè)、萬(wàn)眾創(chuàng )新”。Industrial clusters and markets for satellite application are being cultivated to improve the industrial chain. Development for integration application of satellite technologies is being encouraged to promote the integrated development of satellite application with the Internet, big data, Internet of Things and other emerging industries, so as to create new products, new technologies, new modes of business and new points of growth, and give impetus to the mass entrepreneurship and innovation.
      (五)著(zhù)力加強法律法規體系建設5. Relevant legislative work strengthened
      加快推進(jìn)以航天法立法為核心的法制航天建設,研究制定空間數據與應用管理條例、宇航產(chǎn)品與技術(shù)出口管理條例等法規,完善航天發(fā)射項目許可管理、空間物體登記管理、科研生產(chǎn)許可管理等法規,依法指導和規范各類(lèi)航天活動(dòng),為航天強國建設提供有力法制保障。Efforts have been made to accelerate the formation of a legal system centering on the legislation of a national law to govern the space industry, including studying and formulating regulations on space data and their application management, the management of the export of astronautic products and technologies. The regulations in force on permits for space launch projects, registration of space-related items, and permits for scientific and technological research and production have been improved to guide and regulate various space-related activities in accordance with the law, which provides legal guarantee for building China's space industry.
      加強國際空間法研究,積極參與外空國際規則制定。China has undertaken studies of international space law, and actively participated in the formulation of international rules regarding outer space.
      (六)健全完善航天多元化投入體系6. System of diverse funding improved
      進(jìn)一步明確政府投資范圍,優(yōu)化政府投資安排方式,規范政府投資管理,保持政府對航天活動(dòng)經(jīng)費支持的持續穩定。The scope of government investment is being clearly specified, the way in which such investment is arranged is optimized and investment management is regulated, and sustainable and steady government financial support for space activities is guaranteed.
      進(jìn)一步完善準入和退出機制,建立航天投資項目清單管理制度,鼓勵引導民間資本和社會(huì )力量有序參與航天科研生產(chǎn)、空間基礎設施建設、空間信息產(chǎn)品服務(wù)、衛星運營(yíng)等航天活動(dòng),大力發(fā)展商業(yè)航天。The mechanism for market access and withdrawal has been improved. A list of investment projects in the space industry has been introduced for better management in this regard. Non-governmental capital and other social sectors are encouraged to participate in space-related activities, including scientific research and production, space infrastructure, space information products and services, and use of satellites to increase the level of commercialization of the space industry.
      推動(dòng)政府與社會(huì )資本合作,完善政府購買(mǎi)航天產(chǎn)品與服務(wù)機制。The government has increased its cooperation with private investors, and the mechanism for government procurement of astronautic products and services has been improved.
      (七)加快建設高水平航天人才隊伍7. Training of professionals for the space industry strengthened
      完善人才培養、評價(jià)、流動(dòng)、激勵等機制,依托重大工程和重大項目,加強戰略科學(xué)家、科技領(lǐng)軍人才、企業(yè)家人才和高技能人才隊伍建設,培養國際合作專(zhuān)業(yè)人才,形成一支結構合理、素質(zhì)優(yōu)良的航天人才隊伍。The mechanisms related to the training, assessment, flow of and incentives for professional personnel are being improved in an effort to form a well-structured contingent of highly qualified personnel in the course of construction of important projects and major programs, which consists of strategic scientists, leading researchers and technicians, entrepreneurs and high-caliber professionals, as well as experts in international cooperation.
      (八)大力開(kāi)展航天科普教育8. Knowledge about space science disseminated
      積極組織開(kāi)展“中國航天日”系列活動(dòng),并充分利用“世界空間周”“全國科技活動(dòng)周”等平臺,大力開(kāi)展航天科普教育,普及航天知識,宣傳航天文化,弘揚航天精神,激發(fā)全民尤其是青少年崇尚科學(xué)、探索未知、敢于創(chuàng )新的熱情,吸引更多的優(yōu)秀人才投身航天事業(yè)。Events have been organized around "China Space Day," "World Space Week" and "Science and Technology Week" to disseminate knowledge and culture about space, promote the "Spirit of the Manned Space Program," inspire the nation, especially its young people, to develop an interest in science, explore the unknown and make innovations, and attract more people into China's space industry.
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