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      發(fā)布時(shí)間:2017-05-11 16:13:06  | 來(lái)源:中國網(wǎng)  | 作者:  | 責任編輯:李瀟

      一、生命人身權利受到嚴重侵犯I. Serious Infringement on Right to Life, Personal Security
      2016年,美國政府槍支管控不力,執法部門(mén)濫用權力,犯罪得不到有效遏制,公民權利特別是生命權利受到嚴重威脅,人身權利持續受到侵犯。In 2016, the U.S. government exercised no effective control over guns, law enforcement departments abused their power, and crimes were not effectively contained. As a result, civil rights, especially the right to life, were seriously threatened and people's personal rights were continuously infringed upon.
      涉槍案件持續高發(fā)。美國聯(lián)邦調查局2016年9月26日發(fā)布的統計數據顯示,在2015年的暴力犯罪中,71.5%的謀殺案、40.8%的搶劫案和24.2%的嚴重暴力傷害案中使用了槍支。(注19)據美國槍支暴力檔案室發(fā)布的《2016年槍支暴力傷亡統計》,全年共發(fā)生槍擊事件58125起,其中大的槍擊事件385起,共造成15039人死亡,30589人受傷。(注20) 2016年6月12日,一名持槍者在奧蘭多一家夜總會(huì )內開(kāi)槍?zhuān)斐?0人死亡,53人受傷,這是美國歷史上發(fā)生的最嚴重的槍擊事件。(注21)Occurrence of gun-related crimes sustained a high level. According to data released by the FBI on September 26, 2016, firearms were used in 71.5 percent of the nation's murders, 40.8 percent of robberies, and 24.2 percent of aggravated assaults in 2015 (ucr.fbi.gov, September 26, 2016). According to a toll report by the Gun Violence Archive, there were a total of 58,125 gun violence incidents, including 385 mass shootings, in the United States in 2016, leaving 15,039 killed and 30,589 injured (www.gunviolencearchive.org, December 31, 2016). On June 12, 2016, a gunman opened fire inside a crowded nightclub in Orlando, killing 50 people and injuring 53 others in a rampage that was the deadliest mass shooting in the country's history (www.washingtonpost.com, June 12, 2016).
      犯罪率激增。據美國聯(lián)邦調查局2016年發(fā)布的《2015年美國犯罪報告》,2015年美國共發(fā)生1197704起暴力犯罪,較2014年增加3.9%;平均每十萬(wàn)居民中發(fā)生372.6起,較2014年增長(cháng)3.1%。在全部暴力犯罪案件中,嚴重暴力傷害案占63.8%,搶劫案占27.3%,強奸案占7.5%,謀殺案占1.3%。共發(fā)生7993631起財產(chǎn)犯罪,被害人因財產(chǎn)犯罪(不包括縱火)而遭受的損失合計143億美元。(注22)據美國市場(chǎng)研究公司網(wǎng)站發(fā)布的數據,2015年美國50個(gè)州被謀殺和非過(guò)失殺害的人數為15696人。(注23)英國《每日郵報》網(wǎng)站2016年7月26日報道,2016年上半年美國51個(gè)主要城市謀殺案數量同比增長(cháng)15%,其中芝加哥的謀殺案件同比增長(cháng)48%。(注24)時(shí)任白宮新聞秘書(shū)喬什·厄內斯特指出,一些城市“正在經(jīng)歷一波令人不安的暴力犯罪浪潮”,(注25)美國總統也曾表示“犯罪正在失控并且急速惡化”。(注26)仇恨犯罪增多。據美國聯(lián)邦調查局2016年公布的《2015年仇恨犯罪統計》,2015年執法部門(mén)共上報由種族、族群、血統、宗教、性取向、殘疾、性別和性別認同偏見(jiàn)導致的犯罪案件5850起,尚未定罪或不定罪的違法案件6885起。(注27)The crime rate shot up. According to the report "Crime in the United States" released by the FBI in 2016, there were an estimated 1,197,704 violent crimes committed around the nation in 2015, up 3.9 percent from the previous year. The estimated rate of violent crime was 372.6 offenses per 100,000 inhabitants, an increase of 3.1 percent compared with the 2014 rate. Among the 2015 violent crime total, 63.8 percent were aggravated assaults, 27.3 percent were robberies, 7.5 percent rapes and 1.3 percent murders. Nationwide, there were an estimated 7,993,631 property crimes, with the victims of such crimes suffering losses calculated at an estimated 14.3 billion U.S. dollars (ucr.fbi.gov). In 2015, an estimated 15,696 cases of murder and non-negligent manslaughter occurred nationwide, according to data released by Statista (www.statista.com). The United Kingdom's Daily Mail website reported on July 26, 2016 that homicides in 51 major U.S. cities in the first half of last year were up a startling 15 percent, and the homicide rate in Chicago was up 48 percent year on year (www.dailymail.co.uk, July 26, 2016). Josh Earnest, then the White House press secretary, pointed out that it was a problem that some cities "are experiencing a troubling surge in violent crime" (www.washingtonpost.com, May 14, 2016). The U.S. president also admitted that "crime is out of control, and rapidly getting worse" (www.dailymail.co.uk, July 26, 2016). Hate crime cases also surged. According to Hate Crime Statistics, 2015 released by the FBI, law enforcement agencies submitted incident reports involving 5,850 criminal incidents and 6,885 related offenses as being motivated by bias toward race, ethnicity, ancestry, religion, sexual orientation, disability, gender, and gender identity in 2015 (www.fbi.gov, November 14, 2016).
      警察濫用執法權力。美國聯(lián)邦調查局2015年犯罪報告數據顯示,當年美國執法部門(mén)共實(shí)施10797088次逮捕,逮捕率為每十萬(wàn)居民3363人。(注28)美國警察在執法中濫用槍支現象非常嚴重。2015年6月1日至2016年3月31日,共發(fā)生1348起因逮捕而造成的死亡,平均每月發(fā)生135起。(注29)2016年共有963人被警察槍殺。(注30)《華盛頓郵報》報道,截至2016年7月8日,被美國警方槍殺的509人中,至少有124人是精神疾病患者。(注31)警察濫用職權槍殺平民卻極少被追究刑事責任,每年有大約1000名平民被警察射殺,但2005年至2016年只有77名警察因此而被指控犯有過(guò)失殺人罪或謀殺罪。(注32)Police abused their law enforcement power. According to the crime data released by the FBI, law enforcement made an estimated 10,797,088 arrests in 2015 nationwide. The estimated arrest rate for the United States in 2015 was 3,363 arrests per 100,000 inhabitants (ucr.fbi.gov). Gun abuse was serious among the U.S. police during law enforcement. Media reviews identified 1,348 potential arrest-related deaths in the United States from June 1, 2015 through March 31, 2016, an average of 135 deaths per month (www.bjs.gov, December 22, 2016). A total of 963 people were shot and killed by police in 2016 (github.com/washingtonpost/data-police-shootings). According to a report by the Washington Post, as of July 8, 2016, of the 509 killed by U.S. police in that year at least 124 were thought to be suffering from mental illness (www.statista.com, July 8, 2016). Police officers who kill civilians rarely face criminal charges. About 1,000 civilians are killed by police each year, but only 77 officers have been charged with manslaughter or murder in connection with those deaths between 2005 and 2016 (www.washingtonpost.com, October 19, 2016).
      監禁率居高不下。據美國市場(chǎng)研究公司2016年4月發(fā)布的數據,美國是世界上監禁率第二高的國家,每十萬(wàn)居民中有693人被監禁,2014年美國的在押犯人約為220萬(wàn)人,(注33)美國全國受過(guò)監禁的人數達到7000萬(wàn)人,占成年人的三分之一。(注34)亞拉巴馬州監獄設計總容量為1.3萬(wàn)人,目前關(guān)押2.8萬(wàn)人,負載已超過(guò)一倍多。服刑者健康沒(méi)有保障,肺結核、皮膚病相互傳染。(注35)《華盛頓郵報》網(wǎng)站2016年11月28日報道,兩名洛杉磯警員因毆打一名精神病囚犯并偽造記錄掩蓋其虐囚行為而被判監禁。(注36)《華盛頓郵報》網(wǎng)站2016年12月19日報道,洛杉磯警察局警察毆打和虐待囚犯,該警察局局長(cháng)阻礙聯(lián)邦部門(mén)開(kāi)展調查,最終該警局20名成員被定罪。(注37)《華盛頓郵報》網(wǎng)站2016年12月2日報道,在紐約市賴(lài)克斯島監獄的一名警衛“野蠻地”將一名生病的犯人踢死。(注38)監獄內死亡事件不斷攀升。據美國聯(lián)邦司法統計局2016年12月公布的數據,2001年至2014年,共發(fā)生50785起囚犯死亡事件。2014年美國聯(lián)邦監獄和州監獄中共發(fā)生3927起囚犯死亡事件,是監獄死亡報告項目2001年實(shí)施以來(lái)報告的最大數值。自殺是地方監獄死亡的首要原因,2014年共發(fā)生372起,比2013年增加13%。在州監獄,自殺死亡人數呈現連續增長(cháng)之勢,2013-2014年間增長(cháng)了30%。(注39)The incarceration rate remained high. According to data released by a U.S. market research firm in April 2016, the United States had the second highest prisoner rate, with 693 prisoners per 100,000 of the national population. Roughly 2.2 million people were incarcerated in the United States in 2014. (www.statista.com, April 2016) There had been 70 million Americans incarcerated -- that's almost one in three adults -- with some form of criminal record (harvardlawreview.org, January 5, 2017). Only designed to hold about 13,000 people in total, the U.S. Alabama's prisons now housed 28,000 prisoners, more than doubling the designed capacity. The health of inmates cannot be safeguarded and infectious diseases including tuberculosis and dermatosis were easily transmitted from one to another. (apr.org, December 16, 2016) The website of Washington Post reported on November 28, 2016 that two policemen were imprisoned for beating a mentally-ill inmate and forging records to cover up their prisoner abuse (www.washingtonpost.com, November 28, 2016). According to a report of the Washington Post website on December 19, 2016, guards at the Los Angeles County Sherriff's Department had beaten and abused in mates. Its former head thwarted a federal investigation into the beatings and other abuses at the Los Angeles County jail system he ran. The probe led to convictions of 20 members of the Sheriff's department (www.washingtonpost.com, December 19, 2016). The Washington Post reported on its website on December 2, 2016 that a guard at New York City's jail complex Rikers Island "savagely" kicked an ailing inmate to death (www.washingtonpost.com, December 2, 2016). In-prison deaths continued to increase. According to data released by the Bureau of Justice Statistics in December 2016, between 2001 and 2014, there were 50,785 inmate deaths in the United States. In 2014, there were 3,927 inmate deaths in state and federal prisons. This is the largest number of inmate deaths reported since the Deaths in Custody Reporting Program (DCRP) began collecting data in 2001. Suicide was the leading cause of death in local jails. There were 372 suicides in 2014, up 13 percent from 2013. The number of suicides in state prisons increased by 30 percent from 2013 to 2014 (www.bjs.gov, December 2016).

      (注19) 美國聯(lián)邦調查局網(wǎng)站(https://ucr.fbi.gov),2016年9月26日。

      (注20) 美國槍支暴力檔案室網(wǎng)站(http://www.gunviolencearchive.org),2016年12月31日。

      (注21) 《華盛頓郵報》網(wǎng)站(https://www.washingtonpost.com),2016年6月12日。

      (注22) 《2015年美國犯罪報告》(https://ucr.fbi.gov)。

      (注23) 美國市場(chǎng)研究公司網(wǎng)站(https://www.statista.com)。

      (注24) 英國《每日郵報》網(wǎng)站(http://www.dailymail.co.uk),2016年7月26日。

      (注25) 《華盛頓郵報》網(wǎng)站(https://www.washingtonpost.com),2016年5月14日。

      (注26) 英國《每日郵報》網(wǎng)站(http://www.dailymail.co.uk),2016年7月26日。

      (注27) 美國聯(lián)邦調查局網(wǎng)站(https://www.fbi.gov),2016年11月14日。

      (注28) 美國聯(lián)邦調查局網(wǎng)站(https://ucr.fbi.gov)。

      (注29) 美國司法統計局網(wǎng)站(http://www.bjs.gov),2016年12月22日。

      (注30) 《華盛頓郵報》“警察槍殺數據”網(wǎng)站(https://github.com/washingtonpost/data-police-shootings)。

      (注31) 美國市場(chǎng)研究公司網(wǎng)站(https://www.statista.com),2016年7月8日。

      (注32) 《華盛頓郵報》網(wǎng)站(https://www.washingtonpost.com),2016年10月19日。

      (注33) 美國市場(chǎng)研究公司網(wǎng)站(https://www.statista.com),2016年4月。

      (注34) 《哈佛法律評論》網(wǎng)站(http://harvardlawreview.org),2017年1月5日。

      (注35) 亞拉巴馬公共電臺網(wǎng)站(http://apr.org),2016年12月16日。

      (注36) 《華盛頓郵報》網(wǎng)站(https://www.washingtonpost.com),2016年11月28日。

      (注37) 《華盛頓郵報》網(wǎng)站(https://www.washingtonpost.com),2016年12月19日。

      (注38) 《華盛頓郵報》網(wǎng)站(https://www.washingtonpost.com),2016年12月2日。

      (注39) 美國司法統計局網(wǎng)站(http://www.bjs.gov)2016年12月。

      二、政治權利遭到踐踏II. Political Rights Undermined
      2016年,金錢(qián)政治和權錢(qián)交易主導美國選舉,競選過(guò)程謊言充斥,鬧劇不斷,政治權利無(wú)法保障,民眾抵制和抗議活動(dòng)此起彼伏,充分暴露了美國民主的虛偽本質(zhì)。In 2016, money politics and power-for-money deals had controlled the presidential election, which was full of lies and farces. There were no guarantees of political rights, while the public responded with waves of boycott and protests, giving full exposure of the hypocritical nature of U.S. democracy.
      投票率迭創(chuàng )新低。2016年選舉投票率大約只有55%,為20年來(lái)最低。(注40)越來(lái)越多的美國民眾對總統選舉表示反感甚至憤怒。皮尤研究中心在選舉投票之前的調查顯示,很多曾準備參加投票的選民因為憤怒而放棄投票。他們不僅僅是不關(guān)心政治,而是對政治事務(wù)徹底厭惡和反感。(注41)Voter turnout and support rate reached new low. Only about 55 percent of voting age citizens cast ballots in the 2016 election, lowest in 20 years (edition.cnn.com, November 30, 2016). A growing number of Americans were disappointed or even angry about the election. Pew research conducted prior to the election showed that many of the voters who planned on coming to the polls were angry. Those who didn't vote this time went beyond alienation to antipathy -- a complete aversion and dislike for things political (www.huffingtonpost.com, December 6, 2016).
      史上最昂貴的大選。2016年美國聯(lián)邦職位的競選花費超過(guò)了以往任何一年,達到68億美元,比消費者在麥片上的花費(60億美元)還要多。在國會(huì )議員選舉中,候選人及其支持團體大約花費42.6億美元,比2012年超出4.1億美元。(注42)《華盛頓郵報》網(wǎng)站披露,截至2016年11月底,民主黨和共和黨提名的總統候選人的籌款分別達到14億和9.32億美元。(注43)美國有線(xiàn)電視新聞網(wǎng)認為,2016年的美國選舉是“金錢(qián)贏(yíng)得一切的一年”,是“有錢(qián)人的黃金時(shí)代”。(注44)金錢(qián)政治引發(fā)了全國范圍內的廣泛抗議,大量示威者被警察逮捕。Most Expensive Election Ever. Americans who are running for federal elective offices spent more than ever -- about 6.8 billion U.S. dollars. That's more than what consumers spend on cereal (6 billion U.S. dollars). Candidates seeking House and Senate and the independent groups supporting them are expected to shell out 410 million U.S. dollars more than during the 2012 presidential election (www.cbsnews.com, November 8, 2016). According to the website of the Washington Post, Clinton's campaign had raised 1.4 billion U.S. dollars by the end of November 2016, while Trump's had raised 932 million U.S. dollars (www.washingtonpost.com, December 9, 2016). CNN reported that 2016 was "the year when money won nobody nothing," and "a golden age to be a man of means" (us.cnn.com, November 12, 2016). Money politics had triggered nationwide protests, in which many were arrested by the police.
      主流媒體缺乏客觀(guān)中立。2016年選舉中美國主流媒體大量充滿(mǎn)偏見(jiàn)和特定立場(chǎng)的報道評論,充分暴露了其既不客觀(guān)又不中立的本質(zhì)。美國媒體對總統選舉的報道表現出鮮明的黨派政治立場(chǎng)。根據加州大學(xué)圣巴巴拉分校進(jìn)行的調查,全美100家報紙中有57家支持民主黨總統候選人,2家支持共和黨總統候選人。美國昆尼皮亞克大學(xué)10月19日的一個(gè)民調顯示,55%的選民認為媒體對總統選舉的報道存在偏見(jiàn),其中共和黨選民持此觀(guān)點(diǎn)的比例高達9成,中間選民持此觀(guān)點(diǎn)的比例為61%。(注45)Media failed to be objective and impartial. U.S. media published a lot of biased reports and commentaries during the 2016 election, fully demonstrating their failure in staying objective or impartial. The media clearly chose their side in covering the election. Among the top 100 newspapers based on daily circulation, 57 endorsed the Democratic nominee while 2 the Republican, according to data revealed by the media endorsements count conducted by University of California, Santa Barbara. A poll made by Quinnipiac University on October 19, 2016 also found that the news media was biased in its coverage of the presidential election, a feeling shared by 55 percent of American likely voters, including about 90 percent of Republicans and 61 percent of independent voters (poll.qu.edu, October 19, 2016).

      (注40) 美國有線(xiàn)電視新聞網(wǎng)(http://edition.cnn.com),2016年11月30日。

      (注41) 《赫芬頓郵報》網(wǎng)站(http://www.huffingtonpost.com),2016年12月6日。

      (注42) 哥倫比亞廣播公司新聞網(wǎng)(http://www.cbsnews.com),2016年11月8日。

      (注43) 《華盛頓郵報》網(wǎng)站(https://www.washingtonpost.com),2016年12月9日。

      (注44) 美國有線(xiàn)電視新聞網(wǎng)(http://us.cnn.com),2016年11月12日。

      (注45) 昆尼皮亞克大學(xué)網(wǎng)站(http://poll.qu.edu),2016年10月19日。

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