

      【中英文對照】李克強總理會(huì )見(jiàn)采訪(fǎng)兩會(huì )的中外記者并回答提問(wèn)

      發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-11-07 16:08:07??|??來(lái)源:中國網(wǎng)??|??作者:??|??責任編輯:李瀟

      3月20日,十三屆全國人大一次會(huì )議在北京人民大會(huì )堂舉行記者會(huì ),國務(wù)院總理李克強應大會(huì )發(fā)言人張業(yè)遂的邀請會(huì )見(jiàn)中外記者,并回答記者提問(wèn)。國務(wù)院副總理韓正、孫春蘭、胡春華、劉鶴參加。這是李克強回答記者提問(wèn)。[新華社 邢廣利 攝]

      Chinese Premier Li Keqiang answers questions at a press conference after the conclusion of the first session of the 13th National People's Congress (NPC) at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, capital of China, March 20, 2018. (Xinhua/Xing Guangli)

      十三屆全國人大一次會(huì )議20日上午在人民大會(huì )堂舉行記者會(huì ),國務(wù)院總理李克強應大會(huì )發(fā)言人張業(yè)遂的邀請會(huì )見(jiàn)中外記者,并回答記者提問(wèn)。國務(wù)院副總理韓正、孫春蘭、胡春華、劉鶴參加。

      The First Session of the 13th National People's Congress held a press conference on 20 March 2018. Premier Li Keqiang met with Chinese and foreign reporters and answered their questions at the invitation of Spokesperson Mr Zhang Yesui. The press conference was also attended by Vice-Premiers Han Zheng, Sun Chunlan, Hu Chunhua and Liu He.


      Premier Li Keqiang presented the newly-appointed vice-premiers and thanked members of the media. He then opened the floor to questions. The following is a transcript of the press conference.

      彭博社記者:今年是中國改革開(kāi)放40周年。在過(guò)去的40年中,中國取得了巨大的經(jīng)濟發(fā)展成就,成功使數億人脫貧。在中國進(jìn)入新時(shí)代以后,面臨的問(wèn)題將更加復雜,我們認為中國改革開(kāi)放的模式也會(huì )經(jīng)歷一些變化,這集中體現在這次兩會(huì )期間通過(guò)了政府機構改革方案以及進(jìn)行修憲等。請問(wèn)中國特別是在吸引外資和促進(jìn)外貿方面,奉行的改革開(kāi)放模式會(huì )跟過(guò)去40年有什么不同?

      Bloomberg: This year is the 40th anniversary of China's reform and opening. Over those 40 years, China has enjoyed unprecedented economic growth and hundreds of millions of people have been pulled out of poverty. But it's becoming increasingly clear that China is entering a new era, where problems are going to become more complicated and the model of reform and opening is also changing, highlighted by the restructuring of the government departments and the revisions of the Constitution that were passed by the National People's Congress this year. I wanted to ask you what will the biggest difference be between reform and opening in this new era versus the past, especially when it comes to foreign investment and trade?

      李克強:中國40年來(lái)有目共睹的經(jīng)濟社會(huì )發(fā)展成就和開(kāi)放是密不可分的。開(kāi)放推動(dòng)了改革,促進(jìn)了發(fā)展。可以說(shuō)中國人民從開(kāi)放中嘗到了甜頭。去年年初,習近平主席在達沃斯世界經(jīng)濟論壇發(fā)表演講時(shí)明確表示,中國將繼續維護自由貿易,開(kāi)放是中國的基本國策。如果說(shuō)中國的開(kāi)放有新變化的話(huà),那就是門(mén)會(huì )越開(kāi)越大。中國經(jīng)濟已經(jīng)深度融入世界經(jīng)濟,關(guān)上門(mén)等于擋住了我們自己的路。

      Premier Li: Opening-up has been instrumental to China's economic and social transformation in the past 40 years. It has driven China's reform agenda, promoted its development and delivered real benefits to the Chinese people. In his speech at the World Economic Forum annual meeting in Davos last year, President Xi Jinping reaffirmed China's commitment to uphold free trade and pursue opening-up as a fundamental policy. If there's anything that's going to be different from the past, it will be that China will open even wider to the world. With its economy so integrated into the global economy, closing China's door will only hinder our own progress.

      新的變化意味著(zhù)進(jìn)一步擴大開(kāi)放,我們在開(kāi)放方面還有較大的空間和潛力。比如貨物貿易,我們商品進(jìn)口稅率水平在世界上處于中等水平,我們愿意以更開(kāi)放的姿態(tài)進(jìn)一步降低商品進(jìn)口的總體稅率水平。一些市場(chǎng)熱銷(xiāo)的消費品,包括藥品,特別是群眾、患者急需的抗癌藥品,我們要較大幅度地降低進(jìn)口稅率,對抗癌藥品力爭降到零稅率。對于服務(wù)貿易,我們現在是逆差,進(jìn)一步開(kāi)放服務(wù)業(yè)會(huì )付出一些代價(jià),但可以促進(jìn)提高我們產(chǎn)業(yè)的競爭力。下一步重點(diǎn)要放寬服務(wù)業(yè)的準入,比如在養老、醫療、教育、金融等領(lǐng)域,我們會(huì )加大放寬準入力度,在一些領(lǐng)域逐步放寬甚至取消股比限制。我們還會(huì )全面放開(kāi)制造業(yè),在這方面不允許強制轉讓技術(shù),我們將保護知識產(chǎn)權。

      China will continue to open up; indeed, there is still broad space to do so. China's import tariffs are at the medium level internationally. We are committed to bringing them down still further, particularly for high-demand consumer goods. For instance, we aim to adopt zero tariff for the much needed anti-cancer drugs.

      On the other hand, China runs a deficit in trade in services. Further opening of the services sector will entail a cost, but it will make the sector more competitive. We plan to widen access to elderly care, health care, education and financial services. We will ease or lift the cap on foreign ownership in some sectors. We will also make the manufacturing sector fully open. There will be no mandatory requirement for technology transfer, and intellectual property rights will be better protected.

      我們的外商投資負面清單會(huì )進(jìn)一步調整縮減。今年及今后幾年會(huì )逐步放寬準入。而且我們還要加快推進(jìn)涉及外商投資的三個(gè)法律合并成一個(gè)基礎性法律,以實(shí)現給外商準入前國民待遇的承諾。至于你提到的修憲、機構改革與開(kāi)放的關(guān)系,這次全國人民代表大會(huì )已經(jīng)批準了憲法修正案和政府機構改革方案,我們會(huì )遵循憲法,推進(jìn)機構改革,這將更有利于堅持我們對外開(kāi)放的基本國策。

      The negative list for inbound investment will be shortened and access continuously widened this year and in the coming years. We aim to merge the three laws governing foreign investment into one law, and fully honor our commitment to foreign investors of pre-establishment national treatment.

      As for your question about how the constitutional amendment and institutional reform is going to impact China's opening-up, now that both proposals have been adopted at the NPC session, we will faithfully observe the amended Constitution and follow through on institutional reform. This will only reinforce our commitment to the fundamental policy of opening-up.


      I can see from some media reports that opinions are divided on market openness in China. Let me make this clear. Our goal is to gradually create a level playing field in a market of 1.3 billion consumers for both Chinese and foreign-invested enterprises of all types of ownership. This will provide Chinese consumers with more options and stimulate the upgrading of Chinese products and services and that of the overall economy.


      This said, China's opening-up will be an incremental process. In retrospect, a modest step of opening-up may sometimes yield enormous benefits. For example, five years ago we simplified the procedure for getting passports and traveling overseas. As a result, the number of outbound trips made by Chinese citizens surged from 70 million to 130 million last year, most of them being visits for tourism and shopping. In making sense of China's opening-up, one needs to pay attention to the concrete steps in specific areas, but more importantly take a panoramic and long-term view. I also want to emphasize that opening needs to work both ways. It's like rowing a boat: if only one of the two oars people is giving it their best, the boat will just keep turning on the spot. They'll only move forward if both are working in the same direction.

      中國日報社記者:總理您好,今年兩會(huì )期間,有代表委員提出要像當年抓GDP一樣,抓“放管服”改革,同時(shí)也有人說(shuō),中國目前的制度性成本還是很高,辦事還是比較難。請問(wèn)總理,“放管服”改革要放多少?放了以后該怎么管?是否有一個(gè)明確的目標?

      China Daily: During this year's "Two Sessions", some delegates expressed the view that the Chinese government should pursue the reform of its own functions with the same determination as in pursuing GDP growth in the past. At the same time, we have also heard some complaints suggesting that the government-imposed transaction cost in China remains high, and it is still difficult for the people to get things done. So I would like to ask you, Mr. Premier, what more steps will the new government take to streamline administration and delegate powers? And what will the government do to enhance compliance oversight? Are there any specific goals in this area?

      李克強:這是一個(gè)很重要的問(wèn)題。上屆政府伊始,我們抓住轉變政府職能這個(gè)“牛鼻子”,推動(dòng)簡(jiǎn)政放權、放管結合、優(yōu)化服務(wù)改革,就是要理順政府和市場(chǎng)的關(guān)系,激發(fā)市場(chǎng)的活力和社會(huì )創(chuàng )造力。可以說(shuō)這方面已經(jīng)取得了階段性成果,成為政府持續推進(jìn)自身改革、解放和發(fā)展生產(chǎn)力的一個(gè)利器。

      Premier Li: You asked a very important question. The transformation of government functions was high on the agenda during our first term. We saw the effort to streamline administration, delegate powers, and improve compliance oversight and government services as pivotal to getting the relationship between the government and the market right, which will further stimulate market vitality and public creativity. I'm happy to say that our efforts have paid off, and these measures have become an effective means for further reforming government functions and for unleashing and developing the productive forces.

      這次兩會(huì )期間,我到代表團、聯(lián)組會(huì )參加審議和討論,不少代表委員都提出,在推進(jìn)供給側結構性改革的時(shí)候,政府要著(zhù)力推動(dòng)優(yōu)化營(yíng)商環(huán)境,提供辦事便利,這可以說(shuō)是市場(chǎng)主體和人民群眾對改革比較迫切的愿望,他們提的有很多看似小問(wèn)題,實(shí)際上連著(zhù)大政策。我們要見(jiàn)端知本,改革就是要把突破點(diǎn)推向離市場(chǎng)、群眾最近的地方,把民之所望作為改革所向。

      In my discussions with them during this year's "Two Sessions", many delegates raised the hope that in pursuing supply-side structural reforms, the government will focus more on improving the business environment and making it easier for people to get things done. These voices represent the high expectation of market entities and our people for further actions. The issues they raise may seem small, yet they bear on major policy decisions. We must heed this call by tackling the root of the problems and pushing for breakthroughs in areas most closely related to the market and to the lives of our citizens to better respond to their needs.


      As we say in Chinese, every single detail counts in the accomplishment of big tasks. Going forward, these are the 6 things we plan to do. We'll cut the time it takes for opening a business by another half; we will reduce the time required for reviewing a project application by another half; we will put in place, at the national level, an e-platform for accessing government services; we will work to see that our people can get things done in one office, without the need for a second trip; and we will ensure that any requirement for certification that has no basis in law or regulations will be abolished.

      Thanks to efforts in recent years, we have significantly cut the time required for opening a business in our country. But it still takes 22 days on national average, whereas it takes maybe less than a day in a developed country. And it takes even longer for one to get a construction permit in China. So with regulatory streamlining and further tax and fee cuts, we are making profound adjustments to government functions. This is like moving the government's own cheese.

      當然,要放得開(kāi),還必須管得住、管得好。我們要加強事中事后監管,就是要管住市場(chǎng)秩序,對那些假冒偽劣、坑蒙拐騙、欺行霸市,乃至搞不正當壟斷的,就要把它驅逐出市場(chǎng),甚至嚴加懲罰,因為它妨礙公平、阻礙創(chuàng )新,也有悖社會(huì )道德。市場(chǎng)活力和人文精神是相輔相成的。當然,我們加強監管,也要注意防止擾民。比如這次機構改革,我們就把涉及市場(chǎng)監管的一些部門(mén)合并了,推進(jìn)綜合執法,避免多個(gè)“大蓋帽”去管一個(gè)小商販。

      Any regulatory streamlining can only serve its purpose when supported with enhanced compliance oversight, which helps to enforce market order. All acts of malpractice involving cheating in the marketplace, making or selling fake or substandard goods, or running unlawful monopolies, will be dealt with in strict accordance with the law and banned from the market, as they are the enemy of fairness and innovation and go against social ethics.

      We believe that a vibrant market and care for the people should go hand in hand. Compliance oversight should not cause undue inconveniences to average citizens. In this round of government institutional reform, for example, we have decided to merge the various market regulatory bodies in order to slim down the bloated ranks of officials who deal with market entities on a daily basis and exercise unified law enforcement.

      剛才第一位記者講到兩會(huì )的時(shí)候提到機構改革,這次國務(wù)院機構改革還包括了國稅和地稅的合并,這令我想起了一件事。我參加一次座談會(huì ),有專(zhuān)家跟我說(shuō)他去調研時(shí)發(fā)現,在餐館里邊吃飯是由地稅向餐館收營(yíng)業(yè)稅,而要打包帶走就由國稅來(lái)收增值稅。他問(wèn)當地有關(guān)方面,要是站在餐館門(mén)檻上吃該由哪個(gè)部門(mén)來(lái)收稅啊?當時(shí)對方給他的回答是“你這是抬杠”。但在現實(shí)當中的確有這樣的事情。我們這幾年通過(guò)推動(dòng)營(yíng)改增、取消營(yíng)業(yè)稅,實(shí)現了稅收以共享稅為主,這樣國稅、地稅合并就有了基礎,可以避免多頭收稅、干擾企業(yè)的行為。所以放要放出活力,管要管出公平。管也是要觸動(dòng)利益的。

      The first reporter who asked a question mentioned this round of government institutional reform. One part of it is to combine the state and local tax offices at and below the provincial-level. This actually reminds me of a recent discussion I had with a group of scholars. One of these experts had been doing some local research, and discovered that if you sit and eat in a restaurant, the local tax office collects business tax. But if you order takeaway, the state tax office collects VAT. So he asked a tax officer: what if I stand and eat in the doorway of the restaurant? Who collects the tax then? The officer replied, "That's just nitpicking for the sake of it." But actually it's true that this kind of problem exists.

      In recent years as you may know, we have introduced the reform to replace business tax with value added tax. This has enabled the sharing of tax revenues and provided the foundation for the merging of tax authorities at the central and local levels to avoid duplications that burden businesses. So all in all, our regulatory rollback and compliance oversight will contribute to a more energized market and the creation of a level playing field. I should also add that vested interests will be dealt with in the enhanced compliance oversight process.


      Nothing is too small for us to do if it delivers concrete benefits to our people. The ultimate purpose of all reform measures and endeavors of the government is to serve the common good, be results-oriented, and benefit the people. In this regard, the government will further reform itself to foster a better business environment for market players, and make it easier for our people to access government services. In so doing, this government will rise up to all challenges and press ahead against all odds.

      韓聯(lián)社記者:隨著(zhù)韓朝雙方商定下月舉行首腦會(huì )談,朝鮮表明無(wú)核化意愿,美國總統特朗普同意同朝鮮領(lǐng)導人會(huì )晤,近來(lái)朝鮮半島局勢出現較大變化。在此情況下,中方對解決半島問(wèn)題有何期待?將為此發(fā)揮何種作用?中方是否還會(huì )繼續推進(jìn)六方會(huì )談以解決半島問(wèn)題?

      Yonhap News: There have been significant developments on the Korean Peninsula recently, with an inter-Korean summit planned for next month, the DPRK indicating willingness to denuclearize, and the US President agreeing to meet with the North Korean leader. Under such circumstances, I would like to ask, Mr. Premier, what does China expect from the settlement of the Korean nuclear issue and what role is China prepared to play to this end? Will China push forward the Six-Party Talks to resolve the nuclear issue?

      李克強:我們樂(lè )見(jiàn)半島出現緩和的趨勢,也支持一切有利于通過(guò)對話(huà)談判解決半島核問(wèn)題的努力,中方會(huì )盡最大努力來(lái)推動(dòng)和實(shí)現半島無(wú)核化、維護和保持半島和平穩定。我們希望看到各方拿出誠意,付諸行動(dòng),盡快把半島核問(wèn)題拉回到談判桌上來(lái),使半島無(wú)核化與半島和平穩定能有新的進(jìn)展,這對有關(guān)各方、對世界都是好事。半島是我們的近鄰,直接和中國的利益攸關(guān),我們的關(guān)注度是可想而知的。

      Premier Li: We welcome the recent deescalation of tensions on the Korean Peninsula. China supports all efforts that are conducive to the resolution of the Korean nuclear issue through dialogue and negotiation. China will continue to do all it can to take forward the denuclearization process and uphold peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula. We hope that all parties will show sincerity and take concrete actions to get the nuclear issue back to the track of negotiation and strive for new progress towards denuclearization and peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula. We believe this serves the interests of all parties and the world at large.

      The Korean Peninsula is in China's close neighborhood. China's own interests are at stake. So you can well imagine how concerned we are with the situation there.


      CCTV: Concerned about the safety of their property, some private business people are reluctant to make new investments. Some are even trying to transfer their assets overseas. We have also heard complaints from private businesses about the inaction or arbitrary behaviors on the part of some government officials. Premier Li, what will your government do to resolve this problem?


      Premier Li: Since reform and opening-up, we have remained committed to unswervingly consolidating and developing the public sector and unswervingly supporting and developing the non-public sector. It is fair to say that businesses of all types of ownership, private as well as state-owned, have made important contributions to the historic progress of the Chinese economy in the past few decades. Nowadays, private businesses account for about half of the tax revenues. They also contribute 80% to employment and create 90% of new urban jobs. It's true that private investment has been less than robust due to factors such as the weak protection of property rights. We are paying high attention to addressing this problem.

      保護產(chǎn)權就是保護社會(huì )主義市場(chǎng)經(jīng)濟的基石,就是保護生產(chǎn)力,我們一直把各類(lèi)合法產(chǎn)權的保護是放在心上的,而且逢難必解。記得去年在記者會(huì )上,有人擔心住宅土地使用權到期后會(huì )不會(huì )有問(wèn)題,我們明確表示可以延期、不影響交易,而且這方面要抓緊修法。對農民土地承包第二輪到期,我們也明確提出繼續延長(cháng)30年。我們還在多方面采取措施,維護合法產(chǎn)權,運用法律加強保護,這也是弘揚法治精神。

      Protecting property rights is the cornerstone of our socialist market economy and is crucial to the nurturing of the productive forces. Hence it has been a high-priority item on the government agenda, and every effort has been made to tackle the problems our people have encountered in this area. For example, at last year's press conference I was asked about the potential effect of the expiration of land use rights for residential homes. I responded by pledging automatic renewal of the rights and the protection of all such transactions. I also called for amending the relevant law to reflect this policy. Since then, we have also reaffirmed the extension of the current rural land contracts by another 30 years. These are examples of our efforts to protect property rights through means of law, which is a good indication of our commitment to the rule of law.

      保護產(chǎn)權必須要尊重合同,弘揚契約精神,不能把合同當做廢紙。的確,有些地方的某些行為不好,新官不理舊賬,換了一個(gè)官員,過(guò)去的合同就不算了。政貴有恒,不能把合同當廢紙。對此我們是堅決制止的,而且要予以處罰。去年我們有關(guān)部門(mén)抓住幾個(gè)典型案件,把涉產(chǎn)權的錯案糾正過(guò)來(lái),這也表明了我們的決心,就是要持續向社會(huì )發(fā)出信號:讓恒產(chǎn)者有恒心,讓投資者有信心,讓各類(lèi)產(chǎn)權的所有者安心,給所有合法產(chǎn)權所有者都吃上長(cháng)效的定心丸。

      Let me emphasize that contracts must be honored and not treated as scrap paper. Continuity is essential to good governance. New officials must not be allowed to disavow obligations undertaken by their predecessors; those who have done so will be duly punished. Last year, some property rights cases which were poorly adjudicated were redressed. These actions are meant to send a signal to the society of our resolve to ensure that all property owners and investors, regardless of the type of ownership, will have peace of mind as long as they operate within the confines of the law.


      Lianhe Zaobao of Singapore: With China's economic rise, some critics have been saying that China is increasingly using its money and market as political tools to try to influence other countries' foreign policies or make some sort of political infiltration. How would you respond to that? Should the world feel worried about China's rise and its strategic expansion?

      李克強:中國這些年對世界經(jīng)濟增長(cháng)的貢獻率超過(guò)30%,這不僅有利于促進(jìn)世界經(jīng)濟復蘇,而且對世界和平也是貢獻。因為擴大了合作和貿易,就有了更多協(xié)商和談判,從而避免沖突。中國文化歷來(lái)主張“己所不欲、勿施于人”,我們希望的是和為貴。我們要維護國家的領(lǐng)土完整,絕不會(huì )也不能丟失自己的一寸土地,也不會(huì )侵占別人的一寸土地,這是同理,我們走的是和平發(fā)展道路。

      Premier Li: In recent years, China's economic growth has contributed some thirty percent to global growth. This has been conducive not only to global economic recovery but also to world peace. More trade and more cooperation mean more negotiations, and that helps to keep conflicts away. The Chinese believe that one must not do to others what one does not like to be done to himself. We always value peace. We are resolute in upholding China's territorial integrity and will never give up a single inch of our own territory. In a similar vein, we will not take or occupy an inch of others' land. What we pursue is a road of peaceful development.


      Our development so far has been achieved in a peaceful international environment. Going forward, a peaceful international environment remains what China needs for attaining modernization. Let me emphasize two points:

      第一,中國永遠不會(huì )搞擴張。中國是發(fā)展中國家,我們無(wú)意搞擴張,即使將來(lái)強大了,也不會(huì )走國強必霸的道路。我們愿意和各國在相互尊重、平等互利的基礎上發(fā)展關(guān)系,共同構建人類(lèi)命運共同體。我們和其他國家的經(jīng)貿合作都是按照市場(chǎng)規則、商業(yè)原則去推進(jìn)的。我們倡導“一帶一路”,也是要共商共建共享。我們對于發(fā)展中國家特別是欠發(fā)達國家的援助是力所能及的,不附加任何政治條件,談不上政治滲透。至于國際社會(huì )在有些方面希望中國承擔更多國際責任,我們能承擔的是與發(fā)展中國家地位相當的國際責任。如果把這些看成是戰略擴張的話(huà),那就是誤讀或者是誤解。

      One, as a developing country, China has no intention of pursuing expansion. Even if it grows stronger in the future, its development will continue to defy the logic which predestines a rising country to hegemony. What China wants is to develop relations with all other countries and regions on the basis of mutual respect, equality and mutual benefit. Together, we can build a community with a shared future for mankind.

      China's business cooperation with other countries follows market principles and business rules. In pursuing the Belt and Road Initiative, we have sought shared benefits through consultation and collaboration. China's assistance within its capacity to some other developing countries, especially underdeveloped countries, has never come with political strings. It has nothing to do with political influence. In some areas, the international community may want China to assume a greater role. Well, China is ready to fulfill its due international responsibilities commensurate with its status as a major developing country. It would be a misunderstanding to see China playing such a role as seeking strategic expansion.

      第二,我們會(huì )集中精力做好自己的事。這些年來(lái),作為總理,我深知中國發(fā)展中還有諸多困難和挑戰,在民生方面還有諸多難題和痛點(diǎn),政府每天要應對的是大量這類(lèi)難題。我們出訪(fǎng)和國際交往都是為了贏(yíng)得和平穩定的國際與周邊環(huán)境,為中國發(fā)展贏(yíng)得更多的共贏(yíng)機遇,這一點(diǎn)我們是清醒的。

      My second point is that we will continue to focus on managing China's own affairs well. As Chinese Premier, I am fully aware that my country is still confronted with many difficulties and challenges, including many pressing livelihood issues. We in the government must deal with these challenges on a daily basis. We travel and make friends around the world in order to foster a peaceful and stable environment, internationally and in our neighborhood, and create more win-win opportunities for China's development. We know clearly that this is what we should continue to do.


      People's Daily: Mr. Premier, in your government work report you said that fairer and fuller employment should always be a highlight of high quality development in China. At the same time, however, college graduates, laid-off workers from cutting overcapacity and demobilized military personnel continue to face difficulty in getting jobs, which means daunting challenges in ensuring employment. What do you plan to do to tackle this problem?

      李克強:就業(yè)成效是要由人民群眾來(lái)評判的,如果有失業(yè)也是掩蓋不住的,所以我先回答你今年的問(wèn)題,未來(lái)5年會(huì )怎么樣,要看今年做得怎么樣。

      Premier Li: Whether the government is doing a good job in employment is best judged by our people. I don't think anyone would be able to cover it up if we fall short on job creation. Let me first address what we plan to do on the employment front this year, as this year's performance will be a good indicator of what is to come in the next five years.


      In recent years, with the Chinese economy operating within its proper range, some 60 million new urban jobs have been generated, ensuring relatively full employment in China. This has been a big achievement. Employment is of paramount importance for each and every family, and nothing is more depressing for it than zero employment of its members. A college graduate would not have a future if graduation means joblessness. We must put ourselves in their shoes. Governments at all levels must always put job creation high on their priority list. In this year's government work report, for the first time, we incorporated surveyed urban unemployment as a projected target, to better reflect the employment situation in both urban and rural areas. This is the government putting pressure on itself.

      這里我想報個(gè)大賬,我們今年城鎮實(shí)際新成長(cháng)勞動(dòng)力有1500萬(wàn)到1600萬(wàn),我們定的目標是至少要保證新增1100萬(wàn)人就業(yè),但方向是1300萬(wàn)人以上,前幾年我們都做到了,今年也沒(méi)有理由不做到。與此同時(shí),我們還有2.8億農民工,他們在城市化進(jìn)程中蓋起大樓、鋪通大道,為中國發(fā)展立下了汗馬功勞。促進(jìn)農民工就業(yè)也是新型城鎮化的重要內容,進(jìn)城務(wù)工農民都是通過(guò)打工來(lái)增加他們的收入,今年至少還要新增三、四百萬(wàn)農村轉移勞動(dòng)力,對此,我們要責無(wú)旁貸地為農民工創(chuàng )造穩定的就業(yè)機會(huì )。

      In urban areas, we expect to see some 15 to 16 million new entrants to the job market this year. Our minimum target is to generate another 11 million new jobs and we will work towards the goal of 13 million in actual practice. We have been able to do that in the past several years and there's no reason for us not to hit that mark this year. Moreover, we have some 280 million rural migrant workers. They have worked hard to pave roads and build skyscrapers in the cities, making great contribution to China's development. Getting migrant workers employed is an important part of China's urbanization process and a big source of their income. This year, we expect to see some three to four million rural migrant workers coming to the cities, the government must endeavor to fulfill its responsibility in providing job opportunities for these people.

      今年的高校畢業(yè)生達820萬(wàn),是歷史新高,還有近500萬(wàn)中專(zhuān)畢業(yè)生,加上近百萬(wàn)復轉軍人和去產(chǎn)能轉崗職工,必須努力保障他們的就業(yè),絕不允許有零就業(yè)家庭出現。這就需要我們進(jìn)一步拓展就業(yè)崗位,特別是培育新動(dòng)能。過(guò)去幾年,新動(dòng)能在增加就業(yè)崗位當中可以說(shuō)做出了重要貢獻。我們要通過(guò)多方面的努力,保障比較充分的就業(yè),這實(shí)際上也能夠更多地創(chuàng )造財富。大家想想看,13億多人口,8億多勞動(dòng)力,如果能夠實(shí)現比較充分的就業(yè),創(chuàng )造的財富是不可估量的,也會(huì )給世界市場(chǎng)帶來(lái)驚喜。

      This year, there will be 8.2 million college graduates, another record high number, and five million graduates from secondary vocational schools. In addition, there will be some one million demobilized military personnel and workers laid off in the cutting of overcapacity. We must make every effort to ensure their employment. In particular, there should be no zero employment families. We must also explore new channels for creating jobs, not least by fostering new growth drivers, which have a proven track record of job creation in the past few years. Fairly full employment will also be a major wealth generator. Just imagine, how much wealth will be created by China's 800 million-strong labor force out of its 1.3 billion population. This will also offer a huge opportunity for international markets.

      美國全國廣播公司記者:最近越來(lái)越多的人擔心中國會(huì )取代美國的全球領(lǐng)導地位。因此有不少人認為,應該對華打貿易戰,來(lái)懲戒中國在國家主導模式下采取的不公平貿易和產(chǎn)業(yè)政策。您認為應該采取什么措施來(lái)解決美方關(guān)切,防止貿易戰?您是否還認為對話(huà)可以解決迫在眉睫的威脅?如果打貿易戰,中國能做什么?比如中國是否會(huì )考慮動(dòng)用巨額外匯儲備和持有的美國國債?

      NBC News: Premier Li, there is increasing concern that China will displace the United States as the world's leader and a lot of talk about a trade war as punishment for what critics describe as unfair trading, industrial policies over an authoritarian, state-led economic model of China. So Mr. Premier, in your view, what measures can be taken to address America's concerns and prevent a trade war? Do you still believe that dialogue can resolve what looks like an imminent threat? And what can China do in the event of a trade war? Would you, for example, use China's vast foreign exchange reserves and massive holding of American debt? Thank you.


      Premier Li: Indeed, there has been much talk about an emerging trade war between China and the United States recently. We believe a trade war does nobody any good. No one will emerge a winner from a trade war. War is essentially the antithesis of trade, and trade disputes should be resolved through negotiation, consultation and dialogue. What we hope is that cool heads and rational actions will prevail instead of emotions or impulses holding sway. A trade war should best be avoided.


      Last year, China-US trade reached $580 billion. This is achieved through observing business rules and market principles. Otherwise, such a big volume of trade would be unthinkable. A large trade deficit, either with the United States or any other country, is not what China goes after. We want to see a basically balanced trade. Otherwise, it would not be sustainable.

      剛才我已經(jīng)講了一些中國繼續推進(jìn)擴大開(kāi)放的具體措施,包括在服務(wù)業(yè)、制造業(yè)、商品等領(lǐng)域。美方企業(yè)是可以抓住機遇的。但同時(shí)我們也希望美方能夠放寬對華高技術(shù)、高附加值產(chǎn)品的出口。我們會(huì )嚴格保護知識產(chǎn)權。希望美方不要丟了這個(gè)平衡中美貿易的重器,否則就是丟了賺錢(qián)的機會(huì )。

      Just now I listed some further steps of opening-up China is going to take covering services, manufacturing and products. US businesses may well seize these opportunities. At the same time, we hope the United States will ease restrictions on exporting high-tech and high value-added goods to China. The associated intellectual property rights will be fully protected. We hope this important measure for balancing China-US trade will not be passed over. Otherwise a good opportunity would be missed.


      China has vast foreign exchange reserves. We have been making diversified investments of these reserves on the basis of market principles, and China will remain a responsible long-term investor. The relationship between China and the United States is one between the world's largest developing country and largest developed country. Our economies are highly complementary. A stable China-US relationship is in the interest of both countries and the whole world. Any worry about China's greater development is unnecessary.

      中國新聞社記者:我們注意到前陣子中國有關(guān)部門(mén)對一些保險類(lèi)、金融類(lèi)企業(yè)采取了強制性措施。請問(wèn)下一步這樣的做法是否會(huì )繼續?以及這是否表明了中國新一輪風(fēng)險點(diǎn)正在繼續,中國是否有可能發(fā)生系統性金融風(fēng)險?

      China News Service: Mr. Premier, we have noticed that recently some mandatory steps have been taken against certain Chinese insurance and financial companies. Will this happen again in the future? Does this mean that new risks are building in China? And will they set off systemic financial risks?

      李克強:我要負責任地說(shuō),中國有能力防范、也不會(huì )出現系統性金融風(fēng)險。因為中國經(jīng)濟的基本面是好的,金融運行也是穩健的。當然了,中國經(jīng)濟總量已達80多萬(wàn)億元,銀行資產(chǎn)有250多萬(wàn)億元,你說(shuō)沒(méi)有點(diǎn)風(fēng)險,那是不可能的。常言道:云多易生雨,樹(shù)大常招風(fēng)。我記得我在這里曾經(jīng)說(shuō)過(guò),我們銀行的資本充足率和撥備覆蓋率是比較高的,高于國際標準。我在這里還想說(shuō),目前我們商業(yè)銀行法定存款準備金率在15%左右,這也相當于存了20多萬(wàn)億的準備金,或者叫做風(fēng)險準備金。

      Premier Li: Let me make it very clear as a person who holds responsibility in this area: China has the capability to forestall systemic financial risks and I do not foresee such risks. This is because the fundamentals of China's economy remain strong, and its financial system is in good shape. That said, as China's GDP exceeds 80 trillion yuan with 250 trillion yuan of assets in the banking sector, our financial system is not risk free.

      Just as a proverb goes, gathering clouds may bring rain and tall trees catch the wind. I recall that at the press conference a couple of years ago, I pointed out that both the capital adequacy ratio and provision coverage ratio of Chinese commercial banks are fairly high and above international standards. Let me add here that the required reserve ratio stands at about 15 percent, which is equivalent to us having some 20 trillion yuan stashed away against risks.

      今年我們還主動(dòng)調低了赤字率,這是因為去年中國經(jīng)濟穩中向好,財政超收超出了預期。僅中央財政就超收了2500多億元,我們沒(méi)有用,放到今年。而且今年前兩個(gè)月財政收入又達到兩位數增長(cháng),我們對實(shí)現今年全年經(jīng)濟社會(huì )發(fā)展的主要目標和未來(lái)發(fā)展的預期是充滿(mǎn)信心的,所以我們還會(huì )努力按這個(gè)方向持續降低赤字率。當然,調低赤字率并不意味著(zhù)要改變積極財政政策的取向。我們今年的財政支出超過(guò)去年財政支出,增加的量是不小的。我們降低赤字率既是有信心的表現,也是為應對如果國際不確定因素增多、國內一些新的風(fēng)險點(diǎn)出現而備足工具。

      This year, we have taken the initiative to cut the budget deficit to GDP ratio, supported by the sustained momentum of steady growth and higher than expected tax revenues. Last year, the central government had a surplus revenue of 250 billion yuan, and we have yet to dig into that amount of money. The first two months of this year saw a double digit increase in China's fiscal revenues. So we are confident about meeting all the major economic and social development targets this year.

      Going forward, we plan to further cut the deficit ratio. But this does not mean we will change our proactive fiscal policy, for this year will see considerable increase in the fiscal spending relative to last year. Our ability to cut the deficit ratio shows our confidence in the health of our economy and is also meant to make provisions for guarding against global uncertainties and emerging risks at home.

      當然,金融領(lǐng)域也有一些違法違規行為或者規避監管的行為在興風(fēng)作浪。最近我們監管部門(mén)主動(dòng)出手、果斷處理,就是要讓這些點(diǎn)狀的風(fēng)險不擴散,該戳的“膿包”還是要戳,否則也有道德風(fēng)險。在處理的過(guò)程中,我們也注意保護消費者的合法權益,積累了經(jīng)驗。未來(lái)有類(lèi)似的問(wèn)題出現,我們還會(huì )堅決地處置。

      True, some irregularities and evasion of regulation in the financial sector have occurred. The relevant authorities have taken resolute measures to deal with the pockets of risks to prevent them from further spreading. When a blister needs bursting, it should be burst. Otherwise, a small problem may escalate and entail moral hazards. In dealing with these cases, we have taken care to protect the lawful rights and interests of our consumers, and have gained further experience in this area. We will continue to resolutely tackle such cases should they arise in the future.

      我們這次機構改革把銀監會(huì )和保監會(huì )合并,也是要防止規避監管的行為發(fā)生。當然,還有一個(gè)老問(wèn)題就是非法集資,政府會(huì )保持打擊的力度。這里我也想說(shuō)一句話(huà),投資者千萬(wàn)不要聽(tīng)信那些非法集資者編造的“竹籃子也可以打水”的神話(huà)。

      In this round of institutional reform, we have decided to merge the insurance and banking regulatory bodies to plug possible loopholes. At the same time we do face another old problem of illegal fund raising. The government will keep up the fight against such illegal activities. I would also like to advise all investors not to buy into the lies of those illegal fundraisers who'd have you believe a bamboo basket will hold a gallon of water.

      今日俄羅斯國際通訊社記者:兩年前,我曾經(jīng)向您提過(guò)關(guān)于中俄經(jīng)貿合作的問(wèn)題。兩年過(guò)去了,仍然有人說(shuō)中俄關(guān)系政治熱、經(jīng)濟冷。俄羅斯剛剛進(jìn)行總統大選,將組建新政府。作為同樣新上任的中國總理,您希望新一屆俄羅斯政府實(shí)施哪些行動(dòng)來(lái)改善中俄經(jīng)貿合作?同時(shí),中國政府又將會(huì )采取哪些措施?另外,您想向俄羅斯釋放怎樣的政治信號?

      RIA Novosti: Mr. Premier, two years ago I asked you at the press conference about the China-Russia relationship being close politically but lukewarm economically. It seems that this is still how some people would describe the China-Russia relationship today. Russia just held its presidential election and will soon form a new government. As Chinese Premier at the start of a new term, what actions do you hope the new Russian government will take to enhance the business ties between the two countries, and what will the Chinese government do? What political message would you like to convey to Russia?


      Premier Li: On the evening of the 19th, President Xi Jinping and President Putin had a telephone conversation and President Xi congratulated his Russian counterpart on his re-election. 

      你剛才提到的中俄經(jīng)貿關(guān)系,前幾年走了一個(gè)“馬鞍形”,這是世界貿易形勢變化、國際大宗產(chǎn)品價(jià)格下跌等客觀(guān)原因造成的。去年中俄經(jīng)貿關(guān)系有了新的發(fā)展,貿易規模增加了20%以上。現在中俄兩大經(jīng)濟體的年貿易規模是800多億美元,我覺(jué)得還有很大潛力。我們完全可以通過(guò)創(chuàng )新機制,挖掘潛力,朝1000億美元的目標邁進(jìn)。如果說(shuō)要向俄羅斯人民發(fā)出什么樣的信號,那就是:中俄互為最大的鄰國,中俄全面戰略協(xié)作伙伴關(guān)系穩定發(fā)展對雙方、對世界都有利。

      Recent years did see a slide in China-Russia trade because of the changing landscape of global trade and the downturn in commodity prices. However, that slide was reversed last year and our trade registered an over 20% growth year on year. Between our two large economies, trade now exceeds $80 billion. I believe there is still much untapped potential in China-Russia trade. We can work together to bump it up to, say, $100 billion, by exploring new mechanisms and unlocking potential. What I would like to say to the Russian people is that China and Russia are each other's biggest neighbors. The steady growth of the comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination between China and Russia serves the interests of both countries and the world at large.


      EBC of Taiwan: In recent years, due to various reasons, cross-Strait relations have encountered some serious challenges with uncertain prospects. My question is, under such circumstances, what will the mainland do to uphold the peaceful development of cross-Strait relations and promote the well-being of people on both sides?

      李克強:保持兩岸和平發(fā)展,這是兩岸民眾的福祉所在,我們會(huì )堅定按這條路走下去。我們一直在考慮怎樣為臺灣同胞來(lái)大陸工作、學(xué)習、生活,提供同等的待遇,因為我們是一家人。正因為我們同屬于一個(gè)中國,那就不能容忍任何“臺獨”的企圖、主張和行徑,也不能允許外國勢力打“臺灣牌”,這會(huì )給兩岸同胞、給兩岸關(guān)系都帶來(lái)困難。我們愿意和認同體現一個(gè)中國原則的“九二共識”的臺灣政黨、團體開(kāi)展對話(huà)、協(xié)商,共同商談解決兩岸同胞關(guān)心的問(wèn)題,維護兩岸關(guān)系和平發(fā)展,最終實(shí)現祖國和平統一。這是民族大義所在。

      Premier Li: The peaceful development of cross-Strait relations serves the well-being of people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, and we will continue to go down this path. We have been working on ways to ensure that our fellow countrymen and women from Taiwan will enjoy the same treatment as mainlanders when they come to work, live or study on the mainland, because we are members of the same family, and we both belong to one and the same China. That said, any attempt, proposition or activity for "Taiwan independence" must not be tolerated, and we must not allow any external forces to play "the Taiwan card" to cause difficulties for people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait and for cross-Strait relations. We are willing to have dialogue and consultation with all political parties and groups on Taiwan which subscribe to the one-China principle to discuss all issues that concern people on both sides. We should work together to uphold the peaceful development of cross-Strait relations and eventually achieve China's peaceful reunification. We believe herein lies the fundamental interests of our nation.

      光明日報社記者:近年來(lái),我國的醫藥衛生體制改革雖然已取得了一些新的進(jìn)展,但一場(chǎng)大病就讓一個(gè)家庭陷入困境的現象還是屢有發(fā)生。請問(wèn)總理,新一屆政府在解決老百姓因病致貧問(wèn)題上將會(huì )采取哪些新的舉措?

      Guangming Daily: Mr. Premier, the reform of China's healthcare system has made good strides in recent years, but often a major illness can still land a family in severe difficulty. What steps will the new government take to address the problem of illness-induced poverty?


      Premier Li: In the past few years, we have made enormous efforts to improve the basic health insurance system. A medical insurance safety net, the largest of its kind in the world, has been put in place to treat both minor and serious illnesses. This being said, some families living in poverty or those who have difficulty accessing quality medical resources do face the kind of problems that you mentioned. A lot of such cases are reported in the new media.

      中國太大,我們還有三千多萬(wàn)貧困人口。以習近平同志為核心的黨中央對脫貧攻堅高度重視,對打贏(yíng)這場(chǎng)攻堅戰向全社會(huì )作出承諾。在貧困人口當中,很多是因為大病致貧,或大病返貧。所以我們要在鞏固基本醫保的基礎上,把治大病的問(wèn)題作為重點(diǎn)來(lái)抓。這幾年我們創(chuàng )新體制,把基本醫保和商業(yè)保險結合起來(lái),運用“大數法則”,放大資金效應,使更多的人享受大病醫保,去年就有1700多萬(wàn)人受益。

      China is a vast country; we still have some thirty million people living in poverty. The Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core gives high priority to poverty eradication and has made the pledge of winning the fight against poverty. Among the impoverished population, many are pushed or have fallen back into poverty because of a serious disease. The government, while improving the basic healthcare system, has given greater attention to the treatment of serious diseases. We have adopted some innovative measures; for example, we have complemented basic health insurance with commercial insurance schemes. By harnessing the law of large numbers, such an arrangement has produced an amplifying effect of the insurance funds and extended the coverage of serious disease insurance to 17 million people last year.


      This year, we plan to do more. We will raise central government subsidies for basic medical insurance schemes, and half of the increase will go to serious disease insurance. Our aim is to cover at least 20 million people and more types of serious diseases in the insurance program. What's more, we will encourage the development of telemedicine and healthcare consortiums to make quality medical resources more accessible at the community level.


      During my inspection trip on the eve of this past Spring Festival, I dropped in on a poor family and met an elderly woman there who was seriously ill. Although she had insurance coverage, the family still found the treatment unaffordable. Their plight is still vivid in my memory. A Chinese saying compares a major illness to a mountain falling down. When such an illness strikes, it is our hope that the family will still find protection. That's the very purpose of us having major illness insurance program and other similar mechanisms.

      日本東京廣播公司記者:今年是《中日和平友好條約》締結40周年。您在1月會(huì )見(jiàn)到訪(fǎng)的日本外相河野太郎時(shí)曾經(jīng)表示,中日關(guān)系可謂“乍暖還寒”。您認為雙方還應該采取哪些措施,使兩國關(guān)系真正復蘇?您是否考慮接受日方邀請,結合出席今年中日韓領(lǐng)導人會(huì )議,對日本進(jìn)行首次正式訪(fǎng)問(wèn),開(kāi)啟中日兩國領(lǐng)導人互訪(fǎng)?

      TBS: This year marks the 40th anniversary of the China-Japan Peace and Friendship Treaty. Mr. Premier, when you met Foreign Minister Kōno in January, you have said the relationship is warming up but there are still some cold parts left. If so, what more should both sides do for the relationship to fully recover? And in the upcoming occasion of trilateral summit including South Korea, would you intend to accept the invitation for your first official visit to Japan and will that be the start of the reciprocal visits by the two countries' leaders?

      李克強:一段時(shí)間以來(lái),中日關(guān)系確實(shí)出現了改善的勢頭,安倍首相多次邀請我訪(fǎng)問(wèn)日本。我愿意在中日關(guān)系保持持續改善勢頭的氛圍中,積極考慮今年上半年結合出席中日韓領(lǐng)導人會(huì )議正式訪(fǎng)問(wèn)日本。

      Premier Li: We have seen signs of improvement in China-Japan relations lately. Prime Minister Abe has invited me on several occasions to visit Japan. In an atmosphere of continuously improving ties, I would be ready to positively consider paying an official visit to Japan while attending the China-Japan-ROK Leaders' Meeting there in the first half of this year.


      Improvement of China-Japan relations requires not just the right atmosphere, but also vision and commitment. Exchange of visits at the leadership level will help get this relationship back on the track of steady development, but we must look to consolidate the foundation of China-Japan relations rather than just make a one-time deal. There needs to be sustained, steady progress of this relationship. This year marks the 40th anniversary of the China-Japan Treaty of Peace and Friendship. It's important to honor the spirit and the consensus reached in the four Sino-Japanese political documents including the Treaty of Peace and Friendship. If we have seen a spring in China-Japan relationship, we must also watch out for any possible return of chills. We need to work together for the sustained, steady development of this relationship. That is what is expected of Japan.


      Xinhua News Agency: The Internet Plus model has been widely used in recent years and there is a boom in the sharing economy. Meanwhile, in this process some problems have cropped up, and their development may face some hurdles in the future. How do you see the situation, Mr. Premier? And what will the government do to promote further development of the Internet Plus model?


      Premier Li: In recent years the Internet Plus model has played an important role in promoting the steady growth of China's economy, like a new sail being installed on the big ship riding the wave of a new round of global technological revolution. Transformed government functions have helped to energize the market. Consumption has become the biggest driver of China's development, and there has been a fundamental change in China's economic structure. All this interconnected progress, together with the new drivers, has enabled the Chinese economy to defy repeated predictions of a hard landing and sustain a sound momentum of economic growth.

      “互聯(lián)網(wǎng)+”不僅加出了新動(dòng)能,而且它是最大的共享經(jīng)濟平臺,為大眾創(chuàng )業(yè)、萬(wàn)眾創(chuàng )新提供了廣闊的舞臺,推動(dòng)經(jīng)濟社會(huì )發(fā)展和人民生活發(fā)生著(zhù)深刻的變化,讓科技精英、企業(yè)家都有更多展現能力的機會(huì ),更讓億萬(wàn)草根能夠發(fā)揮聰明才智,表現他們獨特的價(jià)值。

      The Internet Plus model has not just fostered new drivers of growth, but also provided the largest platform for the sharing economy, giving opportunity for our people to pursue their own entrepreneurship and make innovations. It has made a big difference in China's economic and social development and profoundly changed the way we work and live. In this context, technological professionals, business people or the average people can all tap into their unique potential and have the opportunities to prove their talents.

      當然,“互聯(lián)網(wǎng)+”作為新事物,也有這樣那樣的問(wèn)題,關(guān)鍵是要趨利避害,采取包容審慎的監管方式。對于“互聯(lián)網(wǎng)+”,不能怕惹事、圖省事,出現一些問(wèn)題就一巴掌打死;也不允許利用“互聯(lián)網(wǎng)+”搞坑蒙拐騙,敗壞“互聯(lián)網(wǎng)+”的聲譽(yù),抹黑“互聯(lián)網(wǎng)+”。我們應該從兩個(gè)方面悉心呵護。下一步我們還要采取推動(dòng)“互聯(lián)網(wǎng)+”的許多新舉措,比如說(shuō)過(guò)去一些“互聯(lián)網(wǎng)+”的企業(yè)總是到海外上市,現在我們已經(jīng)要求有關(guān)部門(mén)完善境內上市制度,歡迎他們回歸A股,同時(shí)要為境內的創(chuàng )新創(chuàng )業(yè)企業(yè)上市創(chuàng )造更加有利的、符合法律規定的條件。我們還要推進(jìn)“互聯(lián)網(wǎng)+”來(lái)拓展“智能+”,把它和醫療、教育、政務(wù)服務(wù)等結合起來(lái),推動(dòng)數字經(jīng)濟、共享經(jīng)濟向前發(fā)展,既快又健康。當然,對如何推動(dòng)發(fā)展,既要符合發(fā)展規律,又盡量不要讓傳統思維限制了我們的想象力。

      As a new phenomenon, the Internet Plus may also have its own problems. In this process, we need to maximize its benefits while taking care to address its possible downsides. In exercising regulation over new things, we believe the government needs to adopt a prudent yet accommodative approach. We should neither shut them down once problems occur, which would be the easier thing to do, nor allow the Internet Plus model to become a hotbed for cheating and manipulation. We should guard against both of these risks.

      As the next step, we will adopt more measures to encourage the growth of this model. For example, Chinese internet companies tend to get listed overseas. What we plan to do is to improve the conditions for them to return to the mainland markets. We will also create conditions in keeping with the law for our mainland high-tech or innovation companies to get listed on the mainland markets. We need to further develop the Internet Plus model by applying smart technologies to education, health care, government services and other services sectors to promote fast and sound growth of the digital economy and the sharing economy. We need to both follow existing patterns and think out of the box in developing these models.

      香港鳳凰衛視記者:我們注意到在您今年所作的政府工作報告中提到建設粵港澳大灣區,支持香港和澳門(mén)融入國家發(fā)展大局,全面推進(jìn)內地和港澳的互利合作。但是在香港也有擔憂(yōu),擔心這一做法是否會(huì )讓香港失去自身的特色和定位,會(huì )不會(huì )影響到“一國兩制”的落實(shí),甚至模糊“兩制”的界線(xiàn)。您怎樣看?

      Phoenix TV of Hong Kong: Mr. Premier, in your government work report this year, you said efforts will be made to develop the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, support Hong Kong and Macao in integrating their own development into overall national development and further enhance the mutually beneficial cooperation between the mainland and these two regions. But some people in Hong Kong feel somewhat worried whether this will undercut Hong Kong's unique role, or affect the implementation of "one country, two systems", or even blur the line between the two systems. How would you respond to that?

      李克強:我們要建設粵港澳大灣區,把它建成世界級的大灣區,重要原因就是三地有各自獨特的優(yōu)勢,能夠形成互補,否則就談不上建設一個(gè)有世界競爭力的大灣區了。現在大灣區的規劃綱要正在制定過(guò)程當中,很快會(huì )出臺實(shí)施,港澳居民到內地來(lái),特別是到廣東來(lái)工作、生活,在住房、教育、交通等諸多方面將逐步享受同等的待遇。我們愿意和港澳同胞一起共享國家發(fā)展的機遇。就是對臺灣同胞,我們也希望他們能分享大陸的發(fā)展機遇。

      Premier Li: We want to build the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area into a world-class city cluster with the three places drawing upon each other's comparative strengths; otherwise this Greater Bay Area would not be competitive internationally. The outline for the development program is being formulated and will be adopted for implementation. For people from Hong Kong and Macao who come to work or live on the mainland, especially in Guangdong, we will gradually introduce the same treatment for them as mainlanders in terms of housing, education and transportation, among others. We would also like to share such opportunities with people from Taiwan.

      至于說(shuō)香港、澳門(mén)融入國家發(fā)展大局,我們當然會(huì )堅持“一國兩制”、“港人治港”、“澳人治澳”、高度自治的方針,我們和其他國家都可以共同發(fā)展、互利共贏(yíng),更何況內地和港澳同屬一個(gè)國家,在“一國兩制”下,會(huì )更好發(fā)揮各自的優(yōu)勢,形成互補,打造新的增長(cháng)極。

      We encourage Hong Kong and Macao to integrate their own development into overall national development. In this process, we will continue to observe the principle of "one country, two systems" under which the people of Hong Kong administer Hong Kong, the people of Macao administer Macao, and both regions enjoy a high degree of autonomy. As there can be mutually beneficial cooperation and common development between different countries, there is even more reason for the three places which belong to one and the same country to do so. Under the guidance of the "one country, two systems" principle, we are confident that these three areas will draw upon each other's strengths and work together in building a new and strong region of vibrant growth.

      中國國際廣播電臺記者:我們知道,中國目前已經(jīng)進(jìn)入到了老齡化社會(huì ),但是養老供給不足、質(zhì)量不高,而且還面臨著(zhù)很多人養不起老的問(wèn)題。此外,我們也注意到,在某個(gè)省份,去年已經(jīng)出現了養老金被“擊穿”的現象,不少人也在擔心,會(huì )不會(huì )有其他省份步其后塵?請問(wèn)這個(gè)問(wèn)題如何應對?將怎么解決兩億多人的養老問(wèn)題?

      China Radio International: Mr. Premier, given the aging of the Chinese population, quality and inexpensive old-age care is woefully lacking. It was also reported last year that a Chinese province ran behind its pension payouts, raising concerns about similar problem in other provinces. How should this problem be addressed and what will the government do to ensure adequate old-age support for the over 200 million senior citizens in China?

      李克強:我們已經(jīng)到吃飯時(shí)間了,你問(wèn)了一個(gè)和吃飯相關(guān)的問(wèn)題。保證養老金足額發(fā)放、按時(shí)領(lǐng)取,這是我們必須做到的。的確,有個(gè)別省份去年養老金收不抵支。我到一些老工業(yè)基地去調研,特別是今年兩會(huì )下團,我首先問(wèn)的是養老金能不能夠及時(shí)足額發(fā)放。個(gè)別省份發(fā)放養老金之所以有困難,和當地經(jīng)濟下行壓力較大、財政減收有關(guān),他們已經(jīng)采取盤(pán)活處置國有資產(chǎn)、調整財政支出結構等來(lái)保證及時(shí)足額發(fā)放。當然,中央財政也給了一定的幫助。

      Premier Li: It's already lunch time, and your question is also about a livelihood issue. We must ensure that old-age pensions will be paid in full and on time. The problem that you described did happen in certain provinces last year. I made a point of raising the issue of pension payouts each time I visit old industrial bases or hold discussions with the delegates during this year's Two Sessions. The difficulties that some provinces face are mainly due to the decline in their fiscal revenues at the time of local economic downturn. But they have taken multiple steps to address the issue, such as putting to better use state-owned assets or adjusting the structure of government expenditure. The central government has also provided some funding support for this.

      不可否認,可能還會(huì )有一些省份養老金在總體上會(huì )出現一些困難,但從全國范圍來(lái)講,我們保證養老金按時(shí)足額發(fā)放是有能力的。去年末企業(yè)職工養老保險基金的結余是4.1萬(wàn)億元,當年也是收大于支。我們還有養老金的戰略?xún)洌褪巧鐣?huì )保障基金擁有的資金在增加,去年達1.8萬(wàn)億元,完全可以保證全國范圍內養老金按時(shí)足額發(fā)放。

      Despite the difficulties faced by some provinces, at the national level, we are capable of making pension payment in full and on time. As of the end of last year, the balance of China's pension insurance funds for urban workers stood at over 4.1 trillion yuan, and we had more revenues than expenditures. We also have 1.8 trillion yuan in social security fund as a strategic reserve, which is still increasing. So we are fully capable of ensuring full and timely payment of pension benefits nationwide.

      當然,我們還要推進(jìn)這個(gè)領(lǐng)域的相關(guān)改革,像今年我們將實(shí)施養老金基金調劑制度,中央收取3%進(jìn)行統籌調劑,以后比例還會(huì )有所提高,以彌補有些省養老金可能會(huì )發(fā)生的不足。同時(shí),我們還會(huì )通過(guò)劃撥?chē)匈Y產(chǎn)收益來(lái)增加社保基金的總量,不僅使它安全,而且要拓展盈利空間,這些都是保證老有所養的“定盤(pán)星”,大家對未來(lái)應該充滿(mǎn)信心。為什么這么說(shuō)?因為如果我們不能做到這一點(diǎn),老人辛苦了一輩子還不能老有所養,那后來(lái)人就會(huì )失去信心。

      We will continue to pursue reform in this area. This year, we plan to establish a central system of pension fund provisions that can be transferred to provinces in case of need. The initial contribution rate for all provinces will be three percent, which means each province will contribute three percent of their funds to the central provision to be used to fill the shortfalls that some provinces may face. In addition, we will use some of the state-owned asset proceeds to replenish the national social security fund to make it safer and more profitable. These measures will help to deliver stronger old-age support to the senior people in China. We should give people confidence in the future. Think about it, if decades of hard work cannot earn one a decent retirement life, our future generations will lose faith in us.


      We should never see senior people as a liability, though. There are still so many things that they can do and a retired life can also offer tremendous business opportunities and turn out to be an important industry. That said, we will never shirk the government's due responsibility in extending adequate old-age support.

      剛才主持人說(shuō)這是最后一個(gè)問(wèn)題,你問(wèn)的是民生問(wèn)題,前面記者也問(wèn)到了幾個(gè)民生的問(wèn)題。這一點(diǎn)請大家相信,我們以習近平新時(shí)代中國特色社會(huì )主義思想為指導,很重要的就是要貫徹以人民為中心的發(fā)展思想,人民政府工作的出發(fā)點(diǎn)和落腳點(diǎn)就是保障和改善民生,我們就是要保障基本民生,破除民生痛點(diǎn),增加優(yōu)質(zhì)資源,惠及更多人民群眾。

      Just now the moderator said this is going to be the last question. I recall that previously we also addressed several questions related to people's livelihood. Under the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, we will continue to put people first. The efforts made by a people's government boils down to the purpose of serving our people's well-being and improving their lives. We will continue to take strong measures to ensure people's basic living needs, address their pressing concerns, make more quality resources available, and deliver more concrete benefits to our people.

      記者會(huì )結束時(shí),楚天都市報記者問(wèn):個(gè)稅起征點(diǎn)會(huì )提高多少?

      Chutian Metropolis Daily: Mr. Premier, how much will the personal income tax threshold be raised?

      李克強答:我們會(huì )抓緊啟動(dòng),按法律程序辦理。

      Premier Li: We will start the relevant process expeditiously and the procedures will be handled in accordance with law.


      (Source: China Daily)