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      發(fā)布時(shí)間:2016-06-02 15:16:56  | 來(lái)源:中國網(wǎng)  | 作者:  | 責任編輯:李瀟

      二、保障公民宗教信仰自由權利II. Protecting Citizens' Freedom of Religious Belief
      尊重和保護宗教信仰自由是中國政府一項長(cháng)期的基本國策。《中華人民共和國憲法》明確規定:“中華人民共和國公民有宗教信仰自由”“任何國家機關(guān)、社會(huì )團體和個(gè)人不得強制公民信仰宗教或者不信仰宗教,不得歧視信仰宗教的公民和不信仰宗教的公民”“國家保護正常的宗教活動(dòng)。任何人不得利用宗教進(jìn)行破壞社會(huì )秩序、損害公民身體健康、妨礙國家教育制度的活動(dòng)”。Respect for and protection of freedom of religious belief is a long-term basic national policy of the Chinese government. The Constitution of the People's Republic of China clearly stipulates: "Citizens of the People's Republic of China enjoy freedom of religious belief." "No state organ, public organization or individual may compel citizens to believe in, or not believe in, any religion; nor may they discriminate against citizens who believe in, or do not believe in, any religion." "The state protects normal religious activities. No one may make use of religion to engage in activities that disrupt public order, impair the health of citizens or interfere with the educational system of the state."
      中華人民共和國國務(wù)院頒布的《宗教事務(wù)條例》和新疆制定的《新疆維吾爾自治區宗教事務(wù)條例》,體現了“公民有宗教信仰自由”“國家保護正常的宗教活動(dòng)”的憲法精神,信仰宗教或不信仰宗教,完全由公民自主選擇,任何組織和個(gè)人不得強制公民信仰宗教或不信仰宗教,不得歧視信仰宗教的公民或不信仰宗教的公民。沒(méi)有公民因信仰宗教或不信仰宗教而受到歧視和不公正待遇。新疆的相關(guān)法規規章,對宗教團體、宗教活動(dòng)場(chǎng)所、宗教教職人員、宗教活動(dòng)、宗教財產(chǎn)等作出了規定。公民宗教信仰自由權利與公民義務(wù)相統一,公民無(wú)論是否信仰宗教,都必須履行憲法和法律規定的義務(wù)。侵犯公民宗教信仰自由權利要承擔相應的法律責任。The Regulations on Religious Affairs promulgated by the State Council of the People's Republic of China, and the Regulations of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region on Religious Affairs promulgated by the local government of Xinjiang both reflect the above principles of the Constitution that "citizens enjoy freedom of religious belief" and that "the state protects normal religious activities." It is a completely independent choice of citizens to believe in, or not believe in, any religion. No organization or individual may compel citizens to believe in, or not believe in, any religion; nor may they discriminate against citizens who believe in, or do not believe in, any religion. No citizen suffers discrimination or unfair treatment for believing in, or not believing in, any religion. Relevant rules and regulations of Xinjiang also have provisions on religious groups, venues for religious activities, clerical personnel, religious activities, religious property and related matters. Citizens' freedom of religious belief and their obligations are unified; citizens who believe in or do not believe in any religion must fulfill the obligations prescribed by the Constitution and the law. Anyone who infringes upon citizens' freedom of religious belief shall bear the corresponding legal liability.
      法律保護正常的宗教活動(dòng)。公民在宗教活動(dòng)場(chǎng)所內以及按照宗教習慣在自己家里進(jìn)行的一切正常的宗教活動(dòng),如禮拜、封齋、拜佛、祈禱、講經(jīng)、講道、誦經(jīng)、燒香、彌撒、受洗、受戒、終傅、追思、過(guò)宗教節日等,都由宗教團體和公民自理,受法律保護,任何組織和個(gè)人不得加以干涉。為保障順利完成朝覲功課,新疆實(shí)行有組織、有計劃的朝覲政策。自1996年以來(lái),每年安排包機組織信教群眾前往沙特阿拉伯麥加朝覲,政府對朝覲人員的醫療、翻譯等給予資助,并做好隨團服務(wù)保障,確保朝覲活動(dòng)安全有序。The law protects normal religious activities. All normal religious activities, including attending religious services, fasting, worshiping Buddha, praying, preaching, reciting scriptures, burning incense, attending Mass, being baptized or ordained, observing extreme unction, holding memorial ceremonies, and celebrating religious festivals, that believers conduct at venues for religious activities or in their own homes in accordance with customary religious practices, are exclusive affairs of religious groups and the believers themselves. These activities are protected by law, and no organization or individual may interfere with them. To ensure successful pilgrimages for believers in Islam, Xinjiang adopts a policy of organized and planned pilgrimages. Since 1996 the Xinjiang government has arranged charter flights every year to take believers in Islam to Mecca in Saudi Arabia. The Xinjiang government funds medical care and interpretation for pilgrims, and offers other services to ensure safe and orderly pilgrimages.
      充分尊重信教公民的宗教感情、信仰需求。齋月期間,清真餐館歇業(yè)或開(kāi)業(yè)完全由業(yè)主自行決定,不受干涉。有吃齋飯傳統的清真寺和一些信教公民免費為封齋者提供開(kāi)齋飯。各地加強服務(wù)保障,確保齋月期間各項宗教活動(dòng)有序進(jìn)行。2015年7月3日正值齋月,和田地區發(fā)生6.5級地震,政府在積極做好救援安置工作的同時(shí),及時(shí)搭建臨時(shí)宗教活動(dòng)場(chǎng)所,保障災區信教公民禮拜、封齋等正常宗教生活。17日晚(開(kāi)齋節前夜),新疆主要領(lǐng)導與伊斯蘭教界人士、各族穆斯林群眾代表共進(jìn)開(kāi)齋飯,共迎開(kāi)齋節,受到社會(huì )各界廣泛關(guān)注和好評。Citizens' religious feelings and needs are fully respected. During the holy Islamic month of Ramadan whether to close or open halal (Muslim food) restaurants is completely determined by the owners themselves without interference. There are mosques with a tradition of having iftar (the evening meal when Muslims end their daily Ramadan fast at sunset) and a number of religious believers provide free iftar to fasting people. Local governments ensure that all religious activities during Ramadan go on in an orderly manner. On July 3, 2015, during Ramadan, a 6.5-magnitude earthquake occurred in Hotan Prefecture. The government carried out rescue work while at the same time promptly setting up temporary sites to ensure prayer, fasting and other normal religious life for religious believers in the disaster-hit areas. On the evening of July 17 (the eve of Eid al-Fitr, festival of breaking of the fast), principal Party and government leaders of Xinjiang had iftar with Islamic personages and Muslim representatives of all ethnic groups to welcome Eid al-Fitr, attracting wide attention and praise from all sectors of society.
      信教公民的習俗得到充分尊重。《中華人民共和國民族區域自治法》《中華人民共和國刑法》《中華人民共和國民法通則》《中華人民共和國教育法》《中華人民共和國勞動(dòng)法》《中華人民共和國廣告法》和《新疆維吾爾自治區清真食品管理條例》《新疆維吾爾自治區民族團結進(jìn)步工作條例》等一系列法律法規,對保護信教公民習俗作出了具體規定,如清真食品的生產(chǎn)、加工、儲運和銷(xiāo)售,特需食品供應,清真飯館、清真食堂開(kāi)設等。各族人民在春節、古爾邦節、肉孜節等重大傳統節日,都能享受到法定的節日假期和特需食品的供應。為有土葬習俗的少數民族劃撥公墓專(zhuān)用土地。對帶有宗教色彩的傳統習俗,如起名、站禮、送葬、過(guò)乃孜爾等,予以尊重。The customs of religious believers are fully respected. State laws, including the Law on Regional Ethnic Autonomy, Criminal Law, General Principles of the Civil Law, Education Law, Labor Law, and Advertising Law, and local regulations, including the Regulations of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region on Administration of Muslim Food and the Regulations of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region on the Work of Ethnic Unity and Progress contain specific provisions on the protection of religious customs, including production, processing, storage, distribution and selling of halal food, supply of special food, setting up of halal restaurants and halal canteens. During the Spring Festival, Eid al-Adha (Corban Festival), Eid al-Fitr and other major traditional festivals, all ethnic groups can enjoy statutory holidays and be supplied with special foodstuffs. Special cemetery areas are allocated for some ethnic-minority groups who traditionally bury their dead in the ground. Traditional practices of a religious nature, such as naming a child, funeral pray, burial, and holding Nazer (memorial activities), are respected.
      宗教文化遺產(chǎn)得到有效保護。新疆現有喀什艾提尕爾清真寺、昭蘇圣佑廟、克孜爾千佛洞等109處宗教文化古跡被列入自治區級以上文物保護單位,其中,全國重點(diǎn)文物保護單位46處,自治區級文物保護單位63處。中央政府撥專(zhuān)款對列入國家和新疆文物保護單位的喀什艾提尕爾清真寺、伊寧拜圖拉清真寺、和田加曼清真寺、烏魯木齊洋行清真寺和喀什香妃墓等進(jìn)行修繕。新疆出資維修吐魯番蘇公塔、昭蘇圣佑廟等28所寺廟。《先知傳》《金光明經(jīng)卷二》《彌勒會(huì )見(jiàn)記》等多部宗教類(lèi)古籍被列入《國家珍貴古籍名錄》。撥專(zhuān)款保護和整理歷史流傳下來(lái)的《古蘭經(jīng)》《穆圣傳》等古籍。涉及宗教的非物質(zhì)文化遺產(chǎn)也得到有效保護和傳承。Religious and cultural heritages are effectively protected. A total of 109 religious and cultural sites in Xinjiang, including Id Kah Mosque in Kashgar, Shengyou Lamasery in Zhaosu and the Kizil Grottoes, have been designated as cultural relics sites under the protection of the autonomous region and the state. Among the 109 sites, 46 are key cultural relics sites under the protection of the state, and 63 are under the protection of the autonomous region. The central government has allocated special funds to renovate cultural relic protection sites at the state and autonomous-region levels, including the Id Kah Mosque in Kashgar, Baytulla Mosque in Yining, Jiaman Mosque in Hotan, Yanghang Mosque in Urumqi and the Tomb of the Fragrant Imperial Concubine (Apak Hoja Mazzar) in Kashgar. The Xinjiang government has funded the renovation and repair of 28 temples, including Sulayman' s Minaret in Turpan and Shengyou Lamasery in Zhaosu. Many ancient religious books, including the Biography of the Prophet (Qissasul anbiya), Volume II of the Golden Light Sutra (Suvar aprabhasa Sutra), and Maitrisimit Nom Bitig, have been included in the Catalog of National Rare Books of China. Special funds have been allocated to protect and edit some books, such as the Koran and The Prophet Muhammad: A Biography, which have been passed down from history. Intangible cultural heritage items relating to religion are also under effective protection and inheritance.
      保障宗教界參政議政權利。各級人民代表大會(huì )和政治協(xié)商會(huì )議對宗教信仰自由政策和法律法規的貫徹執行情況實(shí)施監督檢查。在各級人民代表大會(huì )、政治協(xié)商會(huì )議中,新疆宗教界有1436人擔任代表、委員,通過(guò)人民代表大會(huì )、政治協(xié)商會(huì )議,履行參政議政權利,就政府相關(guān)工作特別是宗教方面的工作提出意見(jiàn)、建議或議案、提案。Religious personages' right to participate in the deliberation and administration of state affairs is protected. People's congresses and committees of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) at all levels supervise and inspect the implementation of the policy of religious freedom and the enforcement of pertinent laws and regulations. Among people's congresses and the CPPCC committees at all levels, 1,436 religious believers from Xinjiang serve as deputies and members to fulfill the right to participate in the deliberation and administration of state affairs through the two organs, raising views and recommendations or submitting proposals and motions on government work, especially religious work.
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