


      發(fā)布時(shí)間: 2016-09-13 15:22:58??|??來(lái)源: 中國網(wǎng)??|??作者:??|??責任編輯: 李瀟
      四、切實(shí)保障被羈押人合法權利 IV. Safeguard the Legitimate Rights and Interests of Detainees
      進(jìn)一步改善監獄、看守所監管條件,強化對監管活動(dòng)和刑罰執行的監督,嚴格規范減刑、假釋和暫予監外執行,規定刑事被告人或上訴人出庭受審不再穿著(zhù)監管機構的識別服,切實(shí)保障被羈押人的人格尊嚴、人身安全、合法財產(chǎn)和辯護、申訴、控告、檢舉等合法權利。 We should further improve the conditions of prisons and detention houses, enhance scrutiny of supervisory activities and the execution of punishment, standardize commutation, parole, and execution of sentence outside prison, and stipulate that criminal defendants and appellants no longer need to wear clothing bearing the name of the detention house, so as to safeguard the detainees' personal dignity, safety, legal property, and legitimate rights including the rights to defense, to appeal, to complain, and to report violations of law.
      加強看守所建設和管理,保障被羈押人的人身安全。實(shí)施新的《看守所建設標準》,全面推行床位制,對看守所的建筑標準和人均最低使用面積作出規定。嚴格落實(shí)入所身體檢查制度,建立預防和打擊牢頭獄霸的長(cháng)效機制,對新收押人員實(shí)行過(guò)渡管理,嚴禁使用在押人員管理監室。嚴格提訊、提解制度。辦案機關(guān)因偵查需要提解犯罪嫌疑人出所辨認或者追繳犯罪有關(guān)財物的,必須持有縣級以上辦案機關(guān)主要領(lǐng)導批示并標明法定原因,由兩名以上辦案人員提解。截至2015年,全國有2169個(gè)看守所建立被羈押人心理咨詢(xún)室,有2207個(gè)看守所實(shí)現留所服刑罪犯互聯(lián)網(wǎng)雙向視頻會(huì )見(jiàn)。大力推進(jìn)法律援助中心駐看守所工作站建設,全國已有2500多個(gè)看守所建立了工作站,為在押人員及其家屬提供法律援助、法律咨詢(xún)等服務(wù)。

      Strengthen the construction and management of detention houses to safeguard detainees' personal safety. We must implement the new "Construction Standards for Detention Houses," replace shared beds with single beds, and define the construction standards and minimal per capita floor space in detention houses. We must strictly implement the system of physical examination upon admission, establish a long-term mechanism for preventing and combating prison bullies, adopt transition management over new detainees, and strictly forbid detainees from managing cells. We should strengthen the arraignment and interrogation system. When taking out a suspect from the detention house for identification - which must be done by no fewer than two investigators at a time - or recovering property related to a case, the case handling organs should hold a written instruction signed by the leading official of the organ above the county level which bears the legal causes for the investigation.

      By the end of 2015, psychological counseling rooms had been built in 2,169 detention houses in China, and 2,207 detention houses had provided two-way video via the internet for those who serve their term of imprisonment in the detention houses. We should urge legal aid centers to locate in detention houses. More than 2,500 detention houses have set up offices for providing legal aid and consultation services to detainees and their families.


      Standardize medical services and life management in prisons and detention houses to safeguard detainees' right to health. Detention houses should strictly follow the food supply quantity standard for detainees, which has been approved by local financial authorities. Meal standards, weekly menus and accounts should be posted in cells for supervision. Prisons should strictly follow the Regulations on Strengthening Management of Daily Life and Hygiene Work of Prisons, implement the prisoners' food supply quantity standard which was adjusted in 2013, practice food sampling and sample reservation, and implement the system of invitation for bidding for and procurement of daily necessities. We should strengthen management of daily life and hygiene work of prisons, and guarantee a scientific diet which is reasonably adjusted with fine management for prisoners while eliminating waste. We should take into consideration the special customs of ethnic minority prisoners, and provide special meals for those who are subject to dietary restrictions.

      Prisons and detention houses should improve medical services for detainees, create medical records for them, staff them with stationed doctors, who make rounds of the cells every day, and transfer those who need to be treated in hospitals outside in a timely manner. Regulations on purchase, storage and use of medicines in prisons should be strictly followed. We should improve medical facilities, strengthen disease prevention and control, provide timely treatment to sick detainees, and guarantee their rights to life and health in accordance with the law.

      The Supreme People's Court, the Supreme People's Procuratorate, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Justice and the National Health and Family Planning Commission jointly formulated the Regulations on Execution of Sentence Outside Prison, which came into effect on December 1, 2014. If persons serving sentences are injured or maimed while working during imprisonment, and are allowed to enjoy execution of sentence outside prison, the fees including their medical subsidies and living allowances outside the prison will be reimbursed in accordance with the relevant regulations of the state. Pregnant or lactating women, those who suffer severe illnesses and need to be released on bail for medical treatment, and those who cannot take care of themselves are also allowed to enjoy execution of sentence outside prison.

      加強對監獄、看守所的監督,保障被羈押人合法權利不受侵犯。看守所提高執法工作透明度,定期向社會(huì )開(kāi)放。截至2015年,全國有2610個(gè)看守所建立在押人員投訴處理機制,有2558個(gè)看守所聘請了特邀監督員。檢察機關(guān)監督看守所對犯罪嫌疑人、被告人入所健康體檢活動(dòng)和臨時(shí)出所管理活動(dòng),防止和糾正偵查人員將犯罪嫌疑人提出看守所外進(jìn)行非法訊問(wèn)或刑訊逼供。強化刑事羈押期限監管,監督各有關(guān)部門(mén)清理久押不決案件。2013年核查出的羈押3年以上未結案的4459人,2015年下降到6人。 Enhance supervision over prisons and detention houses to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of detainees. To increase the transparency of their law enforcement, detention houses should open to the public on a regular basis. By 2015, a complaint handling mechanism for detainees had been installed in 2,610 detention houses, and 2,558 had employed special supervisors. Procuratorial organs supervise activities in detention houses such as health examinations upon entrance and temporary removal of detainees, with a view to preventing and rectifying illegal interrogation and forced confessions outside detention houses. We should strengthen supervision over the term of criminal detention and urge relevant departments to settle outstanding cases. In 2013, 4,459 detainees involved in outstanding cases had been in detention for more than three years, but the figure fell to six in 2015.
      規范減刑、假釋、暫予監外執行工作,保障服刑罪犯刑罰變更執行的權利。深化獄務(wù)公開(kāi),依法向社會(huì )公開(kāi)減刑、假釋、暫予監外執行的法定條件、程序和結果。人民法院強化網(wǎng)上公示、開(kāi)庭審理等措施,開(kāi)通全國法院減刑、假釋、暫予監外執行信息網(wǎng)。2012年至2015年,各級法院共裁定減刑案件240.61萬(wàn)件、假釋案件16.01萬(wàn)件。監獄、看守所嚴格按照法律規定,對符合減刑、假釋、暫予監外執行的留所服刑罪犯及時(shí)辦理相關(guān)手續。檢察機關(guān)嚴格履行監督職責,確保刑罰變更的公平公正。 Standardize commutation, parole and execution of sentence outside prison and safeguard detainees' rights to implementation of penalty change. We must open prison affairs wider to the public, including the legal conditions, procedures and results of commutation, parole and execution of sentence outside prison. People's courts should improve online public notification and hearings, and open a national information network on commutation, parole and execution of sentence outside prison. From 2012 to 2015 people's courts adjudicated 2,406,100 commutation cases and 160,100 parole cases. Prisons and detention houses should carry out relevant procedures in a timely manner for those who are qualified to enjoy commutation, parole or execution of sentence outside prison in accordance with the law. People's procuratorates should strictly perform their supervisory duties so as to ensure the justice and fairness of penalty changes.
      實(shí)施國家特赦,彰顯人道精神。2015年8月29日,第十二屆全國人大常委會(huì )第十六次會(huì )議通過(guò)關(guān)于特赦部分服刑罪犯的決定,國家主席習近平簽署主席特赦令,對依據2015年1月1日前人民法院作出的生效判決正在服刑,釋放后不具有現實(shí)社會(huì )危險性的四類(lèi)罪犯實(shí)行特赦。這是新中國成立以來(lái)第八次,也是改革開(kāi)放以來(lái)第一次實(shí)行特赦,是實(shí)施憲法規定的特赦制度、貫徹全面依法治國和體現人道主義精神的新實(shí)踐,具有重大政治意義和法治意義。經(jīng)人民法院依法裁定,全國共特赦服刑罪犯31527人。對無(wú)工作單位、無(wú)勞動(dòng)能力、無(wú)生活來(lái)源、無(wú)法定贍養人的被特赦人員,依法按政策落實(shí)最低生活保障等措施,幫助被特赦人員順利融入社會(huì )。

      Implement national amnesty to highlight humanitarianism. On August 29, 2015, the 16th session of the 12th Standing Committee of the NPC approved the decision on amnesty for prisoners, and Chinese President Xi Jinping signed an amnesty decree, granting amnesty for four types of criminals who had been serving sentences according to effective judgments made by people's courts before January 1, 2015 and were no longer considered to be a danger to society on release. This was the eighth national amnesty since the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949 and the first time since the adoption of reform and opening-up in 1978. It was a new approach to implementing the amnesty system stipulated in the Constitution, to implementing rule of law and highlighting humanitarianism, so it was of great political and legal significance. According to judgments made by people's courts, 31,527 prisoners were granted amnesty across the country. Those who were incapable of work, or had no job, no source of income, and no legal supporters were granted subsistence allowances so that they could better reintegrate into society.

      (Source: China.org.cn)

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