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      發(fā)布時(shí)間:2017-01-20 15:49:02  | 來(lái)源:中國網(wǎng)  | 作者:  | 責任編輯:李瀟

      前 言Preface
      亞洲和太平洋地區地域廣闊,國家眾多,擁有全世界60%的人口,經(jīng)濟和貿易總量分別占全球總額的近六成和一半,在世界格局中具有重要戰略地位。近年來(lái),亞太地區的發(fā)展日益引人注目,成為全球最具發(fā)展活力和潛力的地區,地區國家進(jìn)一步加大對亞太地區的重視和投入。隨著(zhù)國際關(guān)系格局的深刻調整,亞太地區格局也在發(fā)生重要深刻變化。The Asia-Pacific region covers a vast area with numerous countries and 60 percent of the world's population. Its economic and trade volumes take up nearly 60 percent and half of the world's total, respectively. It has an important strategic position in the world. In recent years, the development of the Asia-Pacific region has increasingly caught people's attention. It has become the most dynamic region with the strongest potential in the world. All parties are attaching greater importance to and investing more in this region. With the profound adjustment of the pattern of international relations, the regional situation of the Asia-Pacific area is also undergoing profound changes.
      中國一直致力于維護亞太地區的和平與穩定,堅持走和平發(fā)展道路,堅持互利共贏(yíng)的開(kāi)放戰略,堅持在和平共處五項原則基礎上同所有國家發(fā)展友好合作,全面參與區域合作,積極應對傳統安全和非傳統安全挑戰,為推動(dòng)建設持久和平、共同繁榮的亞太不懈努力。China is committed to promoting peace and stability in this region. It follows the path of peaceful development and the mutually beneficial strategy of opening up, and pursues friendly cooperation with all countries on the basis of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence. It has participated in regional cooperation in an all-round way and taken active steps in response to both traditional and non-traditional security challenges, contributing to lasting peace and common prosperity in the Asia-Pacific region.
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