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      發(fā)布時(shí)間:2017-01-20 15:49:02  | 來(lái)源:中國網(wǎng)  | 作者:  | 責任編輯:李瀟

      三、中國與地區其他主要國家的關(guān)系III. China's Relations with Other Major Asia-Pacific Countries
      (一)中美關(guān)系。2015年以來(lái),中美關(guān)系總體保持穩定并取得新的進(jìn)展。兩國高層和各級別交往密切。2015年9月,習近平主席應美國總統奧巴馬邀請對美國進(jìn)行國事訪(fǎng)問(wèn),并于11月出席聯(lián)合國氣候變化巴黎大會(huì )期間會(huì )見(jiàn)奧巴馬總統。2016年3月底,習近平主席與奧巴馬總統在華盛頓核安全峰會(huì )期間成功舉行會(huì )晤。9月,二十國集團領(lǐng)導人杭州峰會(huì )期間,中美元首再次舉行會(huì )晤,決定繼續共同致力于構建中美新型大國關(guān)系。李克強總理在紐約出席聯(lián)大系列高級別會(huì )議期間會(huì )見(jiàn)美國總統奧巴馬。2016年6月,第八輪中美戰略與經(jīng)濟對話(huà)、第七輪中美人文交流高層磋商和第二輪中美打擊網(wǎng)絡(luò )犯罪及相關(guān)事項高級別會(huì )議在北京成功舉行,取得豐碩成果。兩國各領(lǐng)域務(wù)實(shí)合作穩步推進(jìn),就氣候變化、朝核、伊朗核、敘利亞、阿富汗等重大國際地區和全球性問(wèn)題保持密切溝通與協(xié)調。

      1. China-US Relations

      Since 2015 the overall relationship between China and the United States has remained stable and even made new progress. The two countries have maintained close contacts at the leadership and other levels. President Xi Jinping paid a state visit to the US at the invitation of President Barack Obama in September 2015, and met him again during the UN Climate Change Conference in Paris in November of the same year. In late March 2016 the two presidents had a successful meeting during the Nuclear Security Summit in Washington. In September they met again during the G20 Hangzhou Summit, and committed themselves to building a new model of a major-country relationship. Premier Li Keqiang met President Obama when attending high-level meetings of the 71st Session of the UN General Assembly. In June the same year the Eighth Round of the China-US Strategic and Economic Dialogue, the Seventh China-US High-Level Consultation on People-to-People Exchanges, and the Second China-US High-Level Joint Dialogue on Cybercrime and Related Issues were held in Beijing, and achieved fruitful results. In addition, the two countries have made steady progress in practical cooperation in various fields, and maintained close communication and coordination on major regional and global issues like climate change, the Korean and Iranian nuclear issues, Syria, and Afghanistan.

      兩國繼續通過(guò)各層級雙邊交往及相關(guān)機制就亞太地區事務(wù)保持溝通與協(xié)調,同意努力構建雙方在亞太積極互動(dòng)、包容合作的關(guān)系。雙方在亞太經(jīng)合組織、東亞峰會(huì )、東盟地區論壇等多邊框架下,就應對氣候變化、反恐、海洋環(huán)境保護、打擊野生動(dòng)植物走私、防災減災等地區及全球性事務(wù)保持溝通與合作。雙方在阿富汗、東帝汶等國開(kāi)展的人員、農業(yè)培訓三方合作項目進(jìn)展順利。The two countries have maintained communication and coordination in the field of Asia-Pacific affairs through bilateral exchanges and relevant mechanisms at all levels, and agreed to build a bilateral relationship of positive interaction and inclusive cooperation in the region. The two countries have stayed in a state of communication and cooperation on regional and global affairs, including climate change, counter-terrorism, marine environmental protection, combating wild life smuggling, and disaster prevention and reduction within multilateral frameworks such as APEC, East Asia Summit (EAS), and ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF). Moreover, the two sides have smoothly carried out trilateral personnel and agriculture training cooperation projects in Afghanistan and Timor-Leste.
      兩軍關(guān)系總體保持穩定發(fā)展勢頭。2015年以來(lái),中美兩軍繼續深化“重大軍事行動(dòng)相互通報機制”和“海空相遇安全行為準則”兩大互信機制建設。2015年,兩軍分別在兩國舉行人道主義救災聯(lián)合研討交流和實(shí)兵演練,并共同參加“可汗探索-2015”多國維和軍演、“科瓦里-2015”中美澳陸軍技能演練等多邊演練。2016年1月,中美國防部工作會(huì )晤在北京舉行。5月,中央軍委聯(lián)合參謀部參謀長(cháng)同美軍參聯(lián)會(huì )主席舉行視頻通話(huà)。6月底至8月初,我海軍153編隊赴美夏威夷參加“環(huán)太平洋-2016”聯(lián)合軍演。7月和8月,美國海軍作戰部長(cháng)和陸軍參謀長(cháng)分別訪(fǎng)華。China-US military relations have generally maintained a momentum of steady progress. Since 2015 the two militaries have continued to improve their two mutual-confidence-building mechanisms: the Mutual Notification of Major Military Activities and the Rules of Behavior for the Safety of Air and Maritime Encounters. In 2015 they held their Joint Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster-Relief Field Exercise and Disaster Management Exchanges in China and the US, respectively, and participated in Khaan Quest 2015 multinational peacekeeping military exercise and Exercise Kowari, a China-US-Australia trilateral military exercise. In January 2016 a working meeting of officials from the two ministries of defence was held in Beijing, and in May a video conference was held between the Chinese Chief of the Department of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the Central Military Commission and the US Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. From late June to early August 2016, Chinese Navy Fleet 153 participated in RIMPAC 2016, a joint military exercise in Hawaii. In July and August the same year, the US Chief of Naval Operations and Chief of Staff of the Army each made a visit to China.
      中方愿繼續推動(dòng)中美關(guān)系持續健康穩定發(fā)展,并期待與美新一屆政府共同努力,秉持不沖突不對抗、相互尊重、合作共贏(yíng)的原則,拓展兩國在雙邊、地區、全球層面各領(lǐng)域合作,以建設性方式管控分歧,推動(dòng)中美關(guān)系在新的起點(diǎn)上取得更大進(jìn)展,更好造福兩國人民和各國人民。China is willing to promote the sustainable, sound and stable advance of bilateral relations, and work with the new US administration to follow the principles of no conflict, no confrontation, mutual respect and mutually beneficial cooperation, increase cooperation in bilateral, regional and global affairs, manage and control divergences in a constructive way, and further bilateral relations from a new starting point, so as to bring benefits to the two peoples and other peoples around the world.

      2. China-Russia Relations

      China and Russia are each other's biggest neighbor, and strategic partner of cooperation and priority in diplomacy. Over the years, China-Russia relations have gained healthy, stable and fast development, and made new achievements through joint efforts. In 2001 the two countries signed the Good-Neighborly Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation, which established the idea of a lasting friendship in legal form. In 2011 the bilateral relationship was upgraded to a comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination based on equality, mutual trust, mutual support, common prosperity and lasting friendship. In 2014 the China-Russia comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination entered a new stage.

      當前,中俄全面戰略協(xié)作伙伴關(guān)系在高水平上呈現更加積極的發(fā)展勢頭。習近平主席同俄羅斯總統普京多次會(huì )晤。2016年6月普京總統訪(fǎng)華期間,兩國元首共同簽署并發(fā)表《中華人民共和國和俄羅斯聯(lián)邦聯(lián)合聲明》《關(guān)于加強全球戰略穩定的聯(lián)合聲明》《關(guān)于協(xié)作推進(jìn)信息網(wǎng)絡(luò )空間發(fā)展的聯(lián)合聲明》。兩國元首在9月二十國集團領(lǐng)導人杭州峰會(huì )期間舉行年內第三次會(huì )晤,商定加大在涉及彼此核心利益的問(wèn)題上的相互堅定支持,大力弘揚《中俄睦鄰友好合作條約》確立的世代友好理念,積極開(kāi)展發(fā)展戰略對接和“一帶一路”建設與歐亞經(jīng)濟聯(lián)盟建設對接合作,辦好中俄媒體交流年活動(dòng),密切在國際和地區事務(wù)中的協(xié)調配合,為兩國關(guān)系發(fā)展注入新的強勁動(dòng)力。中俄在亞太事務(wù)中保持著(zhù)良好合作。雙方不斷加強在地區多邊框架內的合作,堅定維護《聯(lián)合國憲章》的宗旨、原則和公認的國際關(guān)系準則,維護二戰勝利成果和國際公平正義,推動(dòng)地區熱點(diǎn)問(wèn)題政治解決進(jìn)程,為促進(jìn)地區和平穩定和發(fā)展繁榮貢獻了正能量。

      This partnership has presented a more positive momentum of development at a high level. President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin have met frequently. During the latter's visit to China in June 2016 the two sides signed three joint statements: the Joint Statement by the People's Republic of China and the Russian Federation, Joint Statement by the People's Republic of China and the Russian Federation on Strengthening Global Strategic Stability, and Joint Statement by the People's Republic of China and the Russian Federation on Cooperation in Information Cyberspace Development. In September that year the two heads of state met for the third time, during the G20 Hangzhou Summit, and agreed to increase their firm mutual support on issues concerning each other's core interests, energetically promote the idea of a lasting friendship established in the Good-Neighborly Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation, actively promote their development strategies and their efforts to promote the Belt and Road Initiative and Eurasian Economic Union, hold a Year of Media Exchange, and maintain close coordination and cooperation in international and regional affairs, so as to inject strong vigor into bilateral relations.

      China and Russia have maintained good cooperation in Asia-Pacific affairs. The two sides continue to strengthen their cooperation within regional multilateral frameworks, safeguard the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations and universally recognized norms governing international relations, uphold the achievements of World War II and international justice, advance the process of a political solution to regional hotspot issues, and contribute more positive energy to regional peace, stability, development and prosperity.

      中俄兩軍關(guān)系進(jìn)一步發(fā)展。2015年,兩軍共同慶祝世界反法西斯戰爭勝利70周年,互派高層和方隊參加對方慶祝活動(dòng)和慶典閱兵,首次一年內舉行兩次海上聯(lián)合演習,中方參加俄主辦的國際軍事比賽全部項目,在俄成功舉行首屆“中國軍事文化周”。2016年以來(lái),兩軍繼續保持良性互動(dòng),首次成功舉行反導計算機模擬演習,中方赴俄、哈參加國際軍事比賽。雙方于9月舉行中俄“海上聯(lián)合-2016”軍事演習。兩軍在上海合作組織防務(wù)安全合作框架內保持密切配合。China-Russia military relations have made further progress. In 2015 the two militaries jointly commemorated the 70th anniversary of the victory of the World Anti-Fascist War, and sent high-ranking officers and teams to each other's commemoration activities and military parades. The two militaries successfully held joint maritime drills twice in a year for the first time. China participated in all events of the international military skill competition hosted by Russia, and the first Chinese Military Culture Week was held in Russia. In 2016 the two militaries maintained positive interaction. The First Joint Computer-Enabled Anti-Missile Defence Exercise was held. China participated in the international military games in Russia and Kazakhstan. In September China and Russia conducted the Maritime Joint Exercise 2016. The two militaries have also maintained close coordination within the defence and security cooperation framework of the SCO.

      3. China-India Relations

      Since 2015 the China-India strategic and cooperative partnership for peace and prosperity has been further deepened. The two countries have set the goal of forging a closer development partnership, made new progress in exchanges and cooperation in various areas and stayed in close communication and coordination on regional and international issues.

      兩國高層互動(dòng)頻繁,政治互信進(jìn)一步增強。2015年7月和2016年6月、9月、10月,習近平主席在烏法出席金磚國家領(lǐng)導人第七次會(huì )晤和出席上海合作組織塔什干峰會(huì )、二十國集團領(lǐng)導人杭州峰會(huì )、金磚國家領(lǐng)導人第八次會(huì )晤期間會(huì )見(jiàn)印度總理莫迪。2015年11月,李克強總理在馬來(lái)西亞出席東亞合作領(lǐng)導人系列會(huì )議期間與莫迪總理會(huì )見(jiàn)。2016年5月和2015年5月,印度總統慕克吉和總理莫迪分別訪(fǎng)華。兩國各領(lǐng)域務(wù)實(shí)合作扎實(shí)推進(jìn),在國際事務(wù)中保持溝通和協(xié)調,在聯(lián)合國、金磚國家、二十國集團和中俄印等機制中加強協(xié)調與配合,在氣候變化、世貿組織多哈回合談判、能源和糧食安全、國際金融貨幣體系改革和全球治理等領(lǐng)域攜手合作,維護了中印兩國和發(fā)展中國家的共同利益。The two countries have held frequent exchanges of high-level visits, and enhanced political mutual trust. President Xi Jinping met Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi on the sidelines of the Seventh BRICS Summit in Ufa in July 2015, the 16th SCO Summit in Tashkent in June 2016, the G20 Hangzhou Summit in September 2016, and the Eighth BRICS Summit in October 2016. In November 2015 Premier Li Keqiang met Indian Prime Minister Modi during the leaders' meetings for East Asia cooperation in Malaysia. Indian President Pranab Mukherjee visited China in May 2016, and Prime Minister Narendra Modi visited China in May 2015. Practical cooperation between the two countries has made solid progress in various areas. The two countries have maintained communication and coordination on international affairs and enhanced collaboration in the UN, BRICS, G20, China-India-Russia and other mechanisms. They have cooperated on climate change, the WTO Doha Round of negotiations, energy and food security, reform of international financial and monetary institutions, and global governance. Such cooperation has helped safeguard the common interests of China, India and other developing countries.
      中印兩軍關(guān)系總體健康、穩定發(fā)展,溝通交流日益密切,務(wù)實(shí)合作廣度、深度增加,迄今已舉行8屆防務(wù)與安全磋商和6次陸軍反恐聯(lián)合訓練,并在人員培訓、專(zhuān)業(yè)交流等領(lǐng)域開(kāi)展良好合作。雙方還開(kāi)展邊防合作,為維護中印邊境地區和平與安寧發(fā)揮了積極作用。兩軍高層于2015年和2016年互訪(fǎng),就加強兩軍務(wù)實(shí)合作、共同維護邊境地區和平穩定達成重要共識。The relations between the Chinese and Indian militaries remain healthy and stable in general, with increasingly close communication and exchanges, and pragmatic cooperation in greater breadth and depth. Eight rounds of defence and security consultation and six joint military anti-terrorism training exercises have been held so far. Sound cooperation in personnel training, professional exchanges and other fields is being carried out. The two sides have also conducted border defence cooperation, which plays a positive role in maintaining peace and tranquillity in the border areas between China and India. Military leaders of the two sides visited each other in 2015 and 2016, and reached an important consensus on strengthening pragmatic cooperation between the two militaries and working together to maintain peace and stability in the border areas.
      (四)中日關(guān)系。2015年以來(lái),中日關(guān)系總體延續2014年底形成的改善勢頭。習近平主席先后在亞太經(jīng)合組織(APEC)領(lǐng)導人非正式會(huì )議和亞非領(lǐng)導人會(huì )議期間應約會(huì )見(jiàn)日本首相安倍晉三,出席中日友好交流大會(huì )并發(fā)表重要講話(huà)。李克強總理在2015年中日韓領(lǐng)導人會(huì )議和2016年亞歐首腦會(huì )議期間,應約同安倍晉三首相舉行會(huì )晤。2016年9月二十國集團領(lǐng)導人杭州峰會(huì )期間,習近平主席再次與安倍晉三首相舉行會(huì )晤。雙方有序恢復政府、議會(huì )、政黨等不同層級接觸,舉行三輪高級別政治對話(huà),穩步推進(jìn)各領(lǐng)域交流合作。同時(shí),中日關(guān)系仍存在不少復雜敏感因素。圍繞日方在歷史、涉海等問(wèn)題上的消極動(dòng)向,中方敦促日方切實(shí)遵守中日四個(gè)政治文件和四點(diǎn)原則共識,妥善管控分歧矛盾,避免給中日關(guān)系改善進(jìn)程帶來(lái)干擾。

      4. China-Japan Relations

      Since 2015 China-Japan relations have maintained the momentum of improvement which started at the end of 2014. Upon invitation, President Xi Jinping met Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on the margins of the APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting and the Asian-African Summit. He attended and gave an important speech at the China-Japan Friendship Exchange Meeting. Premier Li Keqiang met Prime Minister Abe during the China-Japan-ROK Trilateral Summit Meeting in 2015 and during the Asia-Europe Meeting in 2016. During the G20 Hangzhou Summit in September 2016 President Xi Jinping had another meeting with Prime Minister Abe. The two sides resumed contacts at government, parliament and party levels in an orderly way. Three rounds of high-level political dialogue were held and exchanges and cooperation in various areas were steadily pushed forward. However, complex and sensitive factors still remain in bilateral relations. In response to Japan's negative moves concerning historical and maritime territory issues, China urges Japan to abide by the four political documents and the four-point principled agreement on bilateral relations, properly manage and control disputes and conflicts, and avoid creating obstacles to the improvement of bilateral relations.

      2014年年底以來(lái),兩國防務(wù)交流逐步恢復和發(fā)展。2015年11月,兩國防長(cháng)在東盟防長(cháng)擴大會(huì )期間會(huì )晤。兩國防務(wù)部門(mén)負責人在其他多邊場(chǎng)合也多次會(huì )面。2016年,兩國防務(wù)部門(mén)進(jìn)行了事務(wù)級交流。此外,2015年以來(lái),兩國防務(wù)部門(mén)就建立海空聯(lián)絡(luò )機制舉行兩次專(zhuān)家組磋商,就機制大部分事項達成共識。Since the end of 2014 defence exchanges between the two countries have gradually resumed and developed. In November 2015 the Chinese and Japanese defence ministers met during the ASEAN Defence Ministers' Meeting. The defence chiefs of the two countries have met several times on other multilateral occasions. In 2016 the defence ministries of the two countries conducted working-level exchanges. Since 2015, defence ministries of the two countries have held two expert panel consultations on the establishment of air and maritime contact mechanisms, with consensus reached on most matters.
      (五)中國積極發(fā)展與亞太其他國家的友好合作關(guān)系,不斷增進(jìn)政治互信,加強經(jīng)貿聯(lián)系,密切人文交往,擴大防務(wù)交流合作,共同促進(jìn)亞太地區和平穩定與繁榮發(fā)展。5. China has continued developing friendly and cooperative relations with other countries in the Asia-Pacific region, with enhanced political mutual trust, strengthened economic and trade relations, closer people-to-people and cultural exchanges, and enlarged defence cooperation, so as to jointly promote peace, stability, development and prosperity in the Asia-Pacific region.
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