


      發(fā)布時(shí)間: 2016-01-27 13:35:56??|??來(lái)源: 中國網(wǎng)??|??作者:??|??責任編輯: 李瀟

      結束語(yǔ) Conclusion
      貫徹創(chuàng )新、協(xié)調、綠色、開(kāi)放、共享發(fā)展理念,堅定不移推進(jìn)核能事業(yè)發(fā)展,是中國的重要戰略選擇。發(fā)展核能事業(yè)的步伐不停止,加強核應急的步伐就不會(huì )停止。中國將不斷加強和改進(jìn)核應急工作,為核能事業(yè)安全高效、持續健康發(fā)展提供堅強保障。 China will continue to press forward with the development of nuclear energy as an important strategic choice for promoting economic and social development in line with the ideas of innovation, coordination, greening, openness and shared development. As long as China continues to develop nuclear energy, it will never relent in its efforts to further strengthen its nuclear emergency preparedness. China will spare no effort to improve this work on a continuing basis to provide a robust bulwark in support of the safe, efficient, sustainable and healthy development of the nuclear energy sector.
      在未來(lái),中國將堅持總體國家安全觀(guān)和理性、協(xié)調、并進(jìn)的核安全觀(guān),多措并舉,綜合施策,不斷增強核安全應急能力,扎實(shí)做好核應急工作。堅持發(fā)展與安全并重,以安全為前提發(fā)展核能事業(yè),使核應急與核能發(fā)展協(xié)調并進(jìn);堅持能力與需求匹配,適應核能事業(yè)發(fā)展要求,不斷提升核應急能力,確保核應急響應及時(shí)有效;堅持國內與國際交流,繼續深化核應急領(lǐng)域國際合作,推進(jìn)建立面向未來(lái)的國際核安全應急體系,國際社會(huì )共享和平利用核能事業(yè)成果;堅持當前與長(cháng)遠兼顧,著(zhù)眼中國和世界核能事業(yè)發(fā)展大勢,前瞻謀劃核應急工作,確保籌劃在先、準備在先、預防在先,增強主動(dòng)性、掌握主動(dòng)權。 In future, while adhering to the concept of overall national security and the nuclear safety concept of rational, coordinated and tandem development, China will take multiple and comprehensive measures to enhance its nuclear safety emergency capabilities and ensure its nuclear emergency preparedness at all times. China will continue to place equal emphasis on development and safety, and develop nuclear energy on the premise of safety, strengthen coordinated improvement in nuclear emergency preparedness and nuclear energy development to ensure that each and every action item of nuclear emergency preparedness is fully implemented. China will persist in matching capacity to demand, meet the requirements of nuclear energy development in terms of situation and tasks, continuously enhance its national nuclear emergency capabilities, and ensure that its nuclear emergency response is timely and effective. Meanwhile, China will persist in domestic and international exchange by continuing to deepen international cooperation in respect of nuclear emergency preparedness to promote the establishment of an international nuclear safety emergency preparedness system with an eye to the future, and share with the international community its achievements in the peaceful use of nuclear energy. China will persist in giving equal attention to present and long-term development, keep in perspective the megatrends of nuclear energy development at home and abroad, plan nuclear emergency preparedness in a forward-looking manner, and ensure that efforts in respect of planning, preparation and prevention are made in advance so that we can always take the initiative in case of any emergencies.
      中國的發(fā)展離不開(kāi)世界,世界的發(fā)展也離不開(kāi)中國。中國將積極參與構建國際核安全應急體系,與國際社會(huì )一道,共同解決核應急領(lǐng)域面臨的重大課題。中國有信心、有能力不斷提升核應急準備與響應水平,為實(shí)現持久核安全、實(shí)現核能事業(yè)造福人類(lèi)作出貢獻。 China cannot develop in isolation from the rest of the world, nor can the world enjoy prosperity without China. China will take an active part in constructing an international nuclear safety emergency system, and join hands with the nations of the rest of the world to tackle the important issues facing nuclear emergency preparedness. China has the confidence and ability to enhance its nuclear emergency preparedness and responses to realize permanent nuclear safety and achieve the goal of nuclear energy benefiting mankind.
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